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Accused: Formation of a criminal organization
Accused: Formation of a criminal organization
21 Maj 2024 Justice, Criminal organization, News

In March, Mirjam Herrmann and Henning Jeschke handed over over 2000 statements from companies, organizations and



Fair exit from oil, gas and coal by 2030 at the latest

The climate catastrophe is already leading to droughts, floods, displacement and deaths. With every additional ton of CO2 we emit, the risk of the climate system collapsing increases. That's why we must immediately reduce all emissions that are not absolutely necessary and have managed to phase out oil, gas and coal by 2030 at the latest.

For this we need a political change. This must be socially fair!

It is time to address this major societal challenge.

Societal Council

If the federal government does not have the confidence to tackle this challenge, it should get a helping hand from the population and one Societal Council convened to develop measures on how we can become fossil-free in a socially just manner by 2030.

This is how a fair exit plan, developed by citizens, by the society carried and from the Politics realized is.


1. Disobedient gatherings

2. Confrontation of those responsible

3. Visit places of destruction

4. Appeal of honesty

Why civil resistance
can work!

Curious? - Get to know us

Feel free to come to one of our lectures or directly to the introductory training without obligation - there you can find out more and find out whether and, if so, how you want to get involved yourself or whether you don't (yet).

Why are others joining in?

Ob help in cooking, involvement in the Resistance group or a Working group, whether disobedient assembly, confrontation of politics or something else entirely. – Any form of support is valuable.

Listen to why other people are joining the Last Generation 👇

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