
We have a plan - listen to it!

Instead of against Famine, desertification and flood disasters To proceed, those responsible are adding fuel to the fire while covering up the actual extent of the climate catastrophe. We have a planHow we can shake up society and prevent the worst from happening! 

Online lecture & discussion

Everyone Thursday at 20:00 p.m auf Zoom!

We talk about the climate catastrophe, the denial of reality and the possibility of taking responsibility at this unique time in human history. Everyone is WELCOME here. 


Here you will find a list of dates for all lectures. The list is constantly being updated. If you would like to organize a lecture in your city, please contact us by email at: [email protected]

Lectures across Germany

24.7.202419:00DresdenSLUB Central Library, Room 0.47, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 DresdenSteffenLecture - You can either come directly into the room or meet Steffen in front of the entrance and go in together[email protected]
24.7.202419:00KarlsruheZ10, 2nd floor, Zähringer Straße 10, 76131 KarlsruheJustusLecture[email protected]
24.7.202418:00BerlinTU Berlin (EB 104, Room: EB 226, 2nd floor), Straße des 17. Juni 145, 10623 BerlinNeeltjeLecture - Discussion[email protected]
25.7.202420:00MannheimCultural Bridges, Böckstr.21Raul, JoelLecture[email protected]
25.7.202419:00Biberachabseitz, Breslaustr. 19, 88400 BiberachFlorianLecture[email protected]
25.7.202419:00HamburgAStA Infocafé Uni Hamburg, von-Melle-Park 5
25.7.202419:00MünsterBarracks, Scharnhorststrasse 106, 48151 MünsterHannesLecture[email protected]
25.7.202418:30ErfurtNordpark, near NordbadRoyGet-to-know-you picnic[email protected]
25.7.202418:00PassauTheresienstrasse 36, Brooo RecordsKrissiLecture exchange[email protected]
26.07.202419:00CologneDemocracy Space, Kalker Hauptstr. 170, 51103 CologneSibylLecture - Discussion[email protected]
26.7.202419:00Mainzin front of the GFG, Uni Mainz, Jakob-Welder-Weg 16, 55128 MainzLecture[email protected]
27.7.202418:00MünsterIn front of the castle, you can recognize us by the bannersHannesExchange and lecture[email protected]
29.7.202419:00BremenZion ChurchJacobLecture[email protected]
31.7.202419:00DresdenSLUB Central Library, Room 0.47, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 DresdenSteffenLecture - You can either come directly into the room or meet Steffen in front of the entrance and go in together[email protected]
31.7.202419:00UlmMeeting point: Entrance to the Ulm City LibraryLecture[email protected]
31.07.202418:30NurembergHeating house, Wandererstraße 89, 90431 NurembergBettiLecture[email protected]
01.08.202418:00MunichCatholic University Community, Leopoldstraße 11, 80802 Munich (meeting point)Sam, JuliaGet-to-know-you picnic[email protected]
14.8.202419:00DresdenSLUB Central Library, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 DresdenSteffenLecture[email protected]
23.8.202419:30DresdenChurch of the White Deer, Stangestrasse 1, 01324 DresdenChristian & MaryPolitical night prayer - panel discussion with the pastor and the audience[email protected]
28.8.202419:00DresdenSLUB Central Library, Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 DresdenSteffenLecture[email protected]
28.8.202419:00UlmMeeting point: Entrance to the Ulm City LibraryLecture[email protected]
25.9.202419:00UlmMeeting point: Entrance to the Ulm City LibraryLeaLecture[email protected]
26.9.202418:30NurembergLuise - The Cultfactory, Scharrerstraße 15, 90478 NurembergLecture[email protected]

If you would like to get involved with the Last Generation yourself, visit one of ours Introductory training.

Talk of the Last Generation on February 16th XNUMX with Henning