Karl's imprisonment on December 16, 2024. Left half of the picture: Karl runs towards the prison. Right half of the picture: Karl's supporters at a vigil in front of the Kempten prison when Karl left prison […]
Christian BergemannPhoto: (c) Marlene Charlotte Limburg Dear people from the Passau resistance group, dear people who sympathize with us and our protests (or with our goals*1), dear passively interested people! Since […]
Regina Stephan Photo: (c) Marlene Charlotte Limburg I am writing this letter from the Stadelheim prison with a view from my barred window of the barred windows opposite. Yesterday evening, September 01.09st. […]
Lennart WenzelPhoto: (c) Marlene Charlotte Limburg Dear ones, love and anger, these are the two big drivers that have already brought me into preventative custody again. (Actually these were […]
August 31.08.2023, 1.9.2023 - The scientists taking part in the rally shake hands with the protesters in the police cauldron. | Photo: (c) Jonas Ertle Munich, September 8st, 30, 60:XNUMX a.m. – Almost XNUMX constitutional and international law experts emphasize in a […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S8yUQGU-rk 31.07.2023, 10:00 – Heute endet der heißeste Monat auf dem Planeten seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen. Kevin Hecht (31) wird den nächsten Monat eingesperrt im Gefängnis verbringen, weil er gegen […]