
With a realistic classification: In the Last Generation Daily Topics (LG Tagesthemen) you will find the most important news about the Last Generation summarized in writing every day:

Here is the (incomplete) overview of the reporting on the Last Generation:

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pressenza: Last generation publishes book on strategic fundamentals

02.11.2024 Does radical climate activism increase the acceptance of moderate climate protection?
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Last Generation in the Dock
L’essentiel: «Did I invite you?» – Lecturer lets climate activist down
Lüne-Blog: “Anger – Courage – Hope in the Climate Crisis”: Political Night Prayer on November 8, 2024
Nachrichten Österreich: Westphalia Day in Osnabrück: Protests and many shoppers on the streets! Chaos in Osnabrück: Thousands of visitors and climate protest on Westfalentag! Oldenburg: Activists of the last generation in court – prison sentence threatened! Westphalia Day in Osnabrück: Protests and many shoppers on the streets!
NDR: “Last Generation”: Activists in Oldenburg in court again
NDR: “Westphalia Day” with climate protest: Full streets in Osnabrück
NDR: “Westfalentag” ensures full shops in Osnabrück
NDR: “Westfalentag”: Traders and police satisfied despite protest action
OS-Radio: “Last Generation Osnabrück” wants to disrupt traffic on Osnabrück’s Wallring with protests this afternoon
taz: Pain Grips Under Lock

Hasepost: Climate protest in front of the Old Town train station: Activists block Hasetor intersection in Osnabrück
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Protest only when the vote is green? Action of the last generation at the Westphalia Day in Osnabrück

Gießener Allgemeine: After blockades in the city center: “Last generation” in the dock in Giessen
Gießener Anzeiger: "Last Generation" sentenced in Giessen

Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Climate stickers will have to pay up to 3900 euros for removal
ka-news: People on the roof, banners at the cafeteria – police on site
licher wochenblatt: "Last Generation" sentenced in Giessen
LOGISTIK HEUTE: Last Generation: Climate activists fined for blockade in Stralsund
Mannheimer Morgen: Mannheim climate activist Raúl Semmler interrupts lectures in Heidelberg
msn: Video of the scene goes viral – climate activist disrupts university lecture in Heidelberg – lecturer lets him down
Oberhessische Presse: Marburg “climate stickers” have to pay a fine
Radio FFH: Fines for activists in Giessen
SALTO: Strength in Activism

B.Z.: “Climate criminals” can now also be studied
Berliner Morgenpost: Berlin police now want to make climate stickers pay
NDR: Roadblock: Fines for members of the "Last Generation"

Nordwest-Zeitung: Climate protest of the “Last Generation” ends in the detention cell for 20 people
Piratensender Powerplay: E188: Climate Brainwashing in Various Degrees of Severity 27.10.2024 – Climate protest in Oldenburg
taz: The Convicted Generation

Stuttgarter Zeitung: Pyjama flash mob demonstrates in Stuttgart for more night trains

25.10.2024 Trial against Marburg climate activists: coercion or legitimate protest?
Schwäbische: How to demonstrate in a sympathetic way How much protest should a democratic state accept?
Sylt TV: Sylt News: Climate activists in court – sensational actions lead to court proceedings
Tag24: “I’m ready to go to prison!” The harsh fate of a disobedient climate activist

AD HOC NEWS: Between a New Beginning and Imprisonment: Last Generation – My Exit
Antenne Sylt: Schleswig-Holstein: Trial against climate glue
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit" Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit"
Kurier: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit"
Mittelbayerische: climate adhesive on the male
News Reader: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit" “Last Generation – My Exit” on Wednesday on ARD: Repeat of the documentary on TV and online
Presseportal: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit"
prisma: “Last Generation – My Exit”: Moritz has had enough of saving the world
SWR Aktuell: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit"

123people: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit" Climate glue must not stick to art
Das Erste: Last Generation – My Exit
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Bläul promises in Dresden: “I will not get stuck on paintings”
Head Topics: Climate protest: Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections
Head Topics: Trial in Dresden: Judge decides – climate glue must not stick to art
Kulturigo: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit"
n-TV: Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections
nachrichten-heute: Between a new beginning and imprisonment: "Last Generation - My Exit"
Stern: Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections
Sä Climate sticker from Dresden accepts cease and desist order
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections
Tag24: Climate rebel in court: Injunction due to sticker threat!
Volksstimme: Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections
Zeit Online: Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections

22.10.2024 Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections
Hamburger Abendblatt: Prison, citizen's allowance, hate: Miriam Meyer risks everything for the climate
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Trial against climate activists in Halle begins
monopol Magazin: Climate activist makes promises to State Art Collections
Sachsen Fernsehen: Climate glue to pay 1.135 euros for not sticking in Dresden art collections

Berliner Zeitung: Whether Greta Thunberg or Last Generation: Why the panic about climate tipping points is wrong
Deutschlandfunk: Philosopher: “Civil disobedience is productive for democracies”
Du bist Halle: One year after the paint attack by the Last Generation at the Uniplatz in Halle (Saale): Court case begins
Head Topics: Whether Greta Thunberg or Last Generation: Why the panic about climate tipping points is wrong Sylt: Memories of crazy action – they are now in court

Berliner Morgenpost: Demo day ends in violence: Left-wing extremists beat up man

Cellesche Zeitung: Mini-fines for Celle climate stickers
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation in court for paint attacks on Sylt
Head Topics: Hamburg & Schleswig-Holstein: Last generation in court for paint attacks on Sylt
n-TV: Last generation in court for paint attacks on Sylt
Nordkurier: Climate sticker must pay a fine for almost a year
SAT1: Last generation in court for paint attacks on Sylt
sh:z: Actions of “Last Generation” on Sylt: Now the trial starts
Stern: Last generation in court for paint attacks on Sylt
Zeit Online: Last generation in court for paint attacks on Sylt

18.10.2024 No punishment for climate idiots
Cellesche Zeitung: Celle District Court shows leniency: mini-fines for climate smearers and gluers
Cuxhavener Nachrichten: What the climate protection manager of the Samtgemeinde Land Hadeln thinks about the “climate stickers”
Der Nordschleswiger: Last generation in court for paint attacks on Sylt
hessenschau: "Protest movements need advocates in the government"
hessenschau: What remains of the protests of the last generation in Kassel?
SWYRL: The suffering of a former climate gluer
Sylt 1: Sylt News: Paint sprayer in court.
Tagesschau: Interview on protest culture: “Protest movements need advocates in the government”

Frankfurter Allgemeine: Arne Semsrott wants to know
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation and politicians in debate: Can the climate crisis in Calden be solved at all?
Nordwest-Zeitung: “A court hearing is like a play” – Oldenburger uses trials as a stage
Salzburger Nachrichten: Court documents concerning “Last Generation” online: Journalist to pay fine
t-online: Climate activist sentenced – to this fine

B.Z.: Again just a fine for Germany's worst climate radicals!
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
Berliner Kurier: Penalty for climate sticker Lilli: This is how much the activist has to pay!
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activist Lilli Gomez sentenced again: 4200 Euro fine
DasKlima (auf podigee): DK123 – From Ski Pro to Climate Activist
Dr. Mark Benecke: Caroline (Last Generation): No Jail
Dr. Mark Benecke’s Official Youtube Channel (auf youtube): Time is up: Fall/Winter 2024
Focus: Street blocked, Christmas tree sprayedFine of 4.200 euros! Climate sticker of the "Last Generation" sentenced again
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
Hamburg1: Last generation protests in front of Shell headquarters
Hamburger Abendblatt: Demonstration in front of Shell headquarters at Suhrenkamp: “Grotesque concealment”
Head Topics: Protest actions: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
Nordkurier: Climate sticker has to pay a fine for almost a whole year
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
Stern: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
Stern: Road blocked, Christmas tree sprayed: Climate activist sentenced
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
t-online: “Last Generation”: Action on the premises of an oil giant
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Christmas tree chaos sentenced to hefty punishment
Tag24: Because of “Shell Youth Study”: “Last Generation” interrupts session in NRW state parliament
Tagesschau: Tiergarten District Court: Activist of the “Last Generation” sentenced to fine again
Tagesschau: What remains of the protests of the last generation in Kassel?
Undisciplined Environments: A Climate of Fear! An Overview of the Criminalization of Climate Justice Activism in Germany (Part II)
untergrundblättle: Shell confronted with deadly truth
Volksstimme: The youth is not yet lost
Wissenschaftskommunikation: How we imagine the future of the climate
Zeit Online: Climate activist sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine

15.10.2024 “Last Generation” continues to protest against Kassel Airport
beck-aktuell: Climate activist of the last generation sentenced again: 4.200 Euro fine
Berliner Tageszeitung: Climate activist fined for paint attack on Christmas tree in Berlin Survey: Young and old divided on climate protests and sustainability
Evangelische Zeitung: Survey: Young and old divided on climate protests Survey: Young and old deeply divided on climate protests and sustainability
Head Topics: Survey: Young and old deeply divided on climate protests and sustainability
hessenschau: Discussion Event: Last Generation at Kassel Airport
hessenschau: Battle of Opinions Instead of Dialogue – Democracy in Danger
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation and SPD politicians visit for HNA debate
Poetry Slam TV (auf youtube): I hate leftists | Jean-Philippe Kindler
Tagesspiegel: 24-year-old has to pay a fine of 4200 euros: Leading climate activist sentenced again in Berlin

Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue, no thanks! This is how divided Berliners are
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate glue, no thanks! The generations are so divided
in Südthüringen: Of Black Holes and Climate Glue
nh24: Protest against Kassel-Calden Airport: Last generation demands closure
Thüringer Allgemeine: Climate glue, no thanks! The generations are so divided If we stop, we are all dead – Democracy needs protest! – Last generation needs your help
WAZ: Climate glue, no thanks! The generations are so divided

Head Topics: Debate about airport: renewed turmoil over Kassel-Calden airport
Head Topics: New fuss about Kassel-Calden Airport
hessenschau: protest at Calden Airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation demonstrates at Kassel Airport and plans further actions
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: protest action at Kassel-Calden Airport
mittelhessen: protest action at Kassel-Calden Airport
Stern: protest action at Kassel-Calden Airport
taz: He wants a ban on the ban
Zeit Online: protest action at Kassel-Calden Airport

Berlin Live: Deutsche Bank in Berlin: Activists attack branch – “Plans of destruction”
bpb: Civil Disobedience – Irritation and Impulse for the Democratic Constitutional State
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists plan to protest in Kassel, Oct. 12
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last Generation: Activist criticizes "absurd accusation"
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Business owners contradict Schoeller: Airport as a “job engine” and location advantage
mdr: 38 proceedings for climate protests
mdr: Because of climate protests: 38 investigations in Saxony-Anhalt
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: 38 investigations into climate protests
n-TV: 38 investigations into climate protests
NDR: Flensburg: “Climate stickers” sentenced to fines
reisetopia: Last generation again blocks runway at Kassel Airport
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: 38 investigations into climate protests
Stern: 38 investigations into climate protests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: 38 investigations into climate protests
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” smears buildings in Berlin with “fake oil”
Volksstimme: 38 investigations into climate protests
Zeit Online: 38 investigations into climate protests

B.Z.: Paint attack by climate radicals on bank branch in Friedrichstraße
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation suddenly active again in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin-Mitte: Climate activists shower bank branch with black paint
BUND Kreisgruppe Kassel: BUND on Kassel-Calden: Use Mayor Schoeller's proposal to start an honest discussion about the airport
Counter vor 9: Climate glue plants trees at the airport
DIE LINKE. Kreisverband Kassel-Stadt: Kassel-Calden Airport: Reason instead of profit lobbying!
Head Topics: Facade of Deutsche Bank defaced: “Last Generation” smears building in Berlin with “fake oil”
Head Topics: Last generation defaces facade of Deutsche Bank in Berlin-Mitte
Head Topics: Last generation suddenly active again in Berlin
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Activists protest with four trees against tax waste at the airport
Mallorca Magazin: Just before the Mallorca flight: Activists plant trees on the runway of Germany's loneliest airport
Neue Westfälische: “Last Generation”: Protest at Kassel-Calden Airport
Nordkurier: Suspected climate activists attack bank branch
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: “Last Generation” climate activists don’t have to go to prison after all
t-online: Climate activists smear Deutsche Bank with “fake oil”
Tag24: “Climate killer Exxon”: Last generation defaces Deutsche Bank in Berlin

aeroTELEGRAPH: Climate activists plant trees on the taxiway of Kassel Airport Another climate protest at Kassel Airport disrupts air traffic Another climate protest at Kassel Airport disrupts air traffic
Augsburger Allgemeine: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Berliner Tagesblatt: Climate fight on the streets Deutsche Bank in the sights of the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation defaces facade of Deutsche Bank
Focus: “Climate glue” protests again against several months in prison
Head Topics: Appeal process in Heilbronn: “Climate glue” once again defends itself against several months’ prison sentence
Head Topics: Climate protest: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Head Topics: Verdict: Germany's most annoying climate glue does not have to go to prison
Hessen Today: Last Generation: New Climate Protests at Kassel-Calden Airport
hessenschau: Last generation plants trees on runway of Kassel Airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Protest of the “Last Generation” in Kassel causes 75.000 police hours of deployment
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” at Kassel Airport: Protest and support for Schoeller from the Taxpayers’ Association
Hochheimer Zeitung: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Kettner Edelmetalle: Activists of the “Last Generation” disrupt flight operations at Kassel-Calden Airport
Kettner Edelmetalle: Suspended sentences and fines for activists after road blockade in Heilbronn
Luxemburger Wort: No sticking in the car country of Luxembourg?
msn: Trees on the runway: Climate protest at Kassel Airport
n-TV: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Stern: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: If you don’t stick anymore, you don’t have to sit
Stuttgarter Zeitung: If you don’t stick anymore, you don’t have to sit
SWR Aktuell: BW news ticker in the morning: Sentences against climate activists weakened
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Trees on the runway: Climate protest at Kassel Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists fined after action at airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport
Tagesschau: Protest at Kassel Airport: Last generation plants trees on runway
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: If you don’t stick anymore, you don’t have to sit Trees on the runway: Climate protest at Kassel Airport
yahoo!nachrichten: Operations at Kassel-Calden Airport disrupted due to action by Last Generation
Zeit Online: Climate protest against Kassel-Calden Airport

beck-aktuell: Activism as constitutional interpretation? On civil disobedience in the service of the rule of law Judge overturns prison sentence against permanent climate stickers
Frontiers: Radical climate movements—is the hype about “eco-terrorism” analogy, warning or propaganda?
Heilbronner Stimme: “Last generation” before the Heilbronn district court: Nobody wants to stick themselves to the streets anymore
Heilbronner Stimme: Heilbronn Regional Court lifts prison sentences without parole against climate activists
Heilbronner Stimme: Vigil of the “Last Generation” in front of Heilbronn District Court
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Debate about Kassel Airport: Mayor Schoeller is under pressure and surprises with proposal
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Demos again: Last generation paralyzes traffic in Kassel
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” protests on the taxiway of Kassel Airport – activists face prison sentence
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: “Climate glue” refuses to serve prison sentence and goes to court again
Nachrichten Österreich: Appeal process against Last Generation: Tension at the Heilbronn Regional Court Climate activist sentenced for street blockades in Berlin
Radio FFH: Activists "plant" trees on runway
Stern: Climate activist fined for blocking streets in Berlin
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: “Climate glue” refuses to serve prison sentence and goes to court again
Stuttgarter Zeitung: “Climate glue” refuses to serve prison sentence and goes to court again
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists back in court after “harsh” verdict in Heilbronn
Tagesschau: Climate activists: Appeal hearing begins
Tagesschau: Milder sentence for climate activists
Umwelt Panorama: Climate activist fined for blocking streets in Berlin
Undisciplined Environments: A Climate of Fear! An Overview of the Criminalization of Climate Justice Activism in Germany (Part I)
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: “Climate glue” doesn’t want to sit
W&V: Lufthansa offends with climate sticker slogan

08.10.2024 Last Generation: Another demonstration against Kassel Airport
Berliner Tageszeitung: Climate activist fined for blocking streets in Berlin
Head Topics: Last Generation: Another demonstration against Kassel Airport
Heilbronner Stimme: Appeal proceedings against climate activists of the “Last Generation” before the Heilbronn Regional Court
nd: Tadzio Müller: "Collapse is not the end of the world"
OVERTON: The Last Generation in Kassel: in the Spirit of Totalitarianism
Radio FFH: Land irritated by Kassel's mayor Schoeller
verfassungsblog: Participation and freedom of the press in state surveillance measures
xity online: Climate activist fined for blocking streets in Berlin

BayRVR: Civil Disobedience from the Perspective of Criminal and Administrative Law
Behörden Spiegel: tighten aviation security law
Frankfurter Allgemeine: What is the Hessian police allowed to do?
Nachrichten Österreich: Kassel in chaos: Last generation blocks roads and public transport!

Hessen Today: New demonstrations against Kassel Airport
hessenschau: New demonstrations against the airport in Kassel
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: demonstration against Kassel Airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate protests in Kassel continue: Demonstrators paralyze bridge – police draw conclusions
Radio FFH: Demand for the end of Kassel Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: demonstration against Kassel Airport
Tag24: Climate activists demonstrate against Germany's "most senseless" airport

Head Topics: Last generation blocks streets in Kassel
hessenschau: Kassel's Mayor Schoeller discusses with "Last Generation"
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Kassel's mayor distances himself from flight operations in Calden to "Last Generation"
nh24: Demos and criticism against the airport
Offenbach-Post: Kassel's mayor distances himself from flight operations in Calden to "Last Generation"
Radio FFH: There may be traffic jams here due to the demonstrations
taz: protest stronghold Kassel

03.10.2024 ADV meets Last Generation
B.Z.: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
Der Standard: What do you think about the methods of the last generation?
DW Doku (auf youtube): Climate change or climate lie? From skeptics and activists
hessenschau: Last generation seeks dialogue with Kassel's mayor
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: A49 free again – 40 demonstrators of the “Last Generation” released
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: After blockade of the “Last Generation”: Traffic in Kassel starts up again
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
Nachrichten Österreich: Kassel paralyzed: “Last Generation” massively blocks Lutherplatz!
nh24: Police break up unannounced blockades: 50 proceedings initiated
Nordkurier: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
Radio FFH: Activists blocked tram tracks
rbb24: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
sh:z: Glue action on the Schiffbrücke: Last Generation activists in court again
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
Tag24: Convicted of sit-in: Climate activist goes to the highest constitutional court!
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
Tagesschau: Last generation seeks dialogue with Kassel's mayor
Volksstimme: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling
Zeit Online: Climate activist files constitutional complaint after ruling

Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists plan protests in Kassel Oct. 2 and 5 /update 1
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Pipeline sabotage – climate activists file legal action
Nordkurier: “Last generation” seniors don’t want to go to prison
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Pipeline sabotage – climate activists file legal action
Stern: Pipeline sabotage – climate activists file legal action
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Pipeline sabotage – climate activists file legal action
Tag24: Climate activists do not want to go to jail after pipeline sabotage and appeal against verdict
Tagesspiegel: After ruling on street blockades in Berlin: Another activist of the Last Generation files constitutional complaint
Zeit Online: Pipeline sabotage – climate activists file legal action

01.10.2024 Climate chaos paralyzes highway
Frankfurt Live: Those who dance with water cannons
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Protest action by climate activists on Autobahn 49 near Kassel
Hessen Today: Protest action: Climate activists block A49 near Kassel
hessenschau: Last generation blocks A49 near Kassel
Offenbach-Post: Protest action by climate activists on Autobahn 49 near Kassel
Radio FFH: Climate activists block A49 near Kassel
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Protest action by climate activists on Autobahn 49 near Kassel
Stern: Protest action by climate activists on Autobahn 49 near Kassel
Tagesspiegel: PCK Schwedt oil pipeline manipulated: Climate activists of the “Last Generation” appeal against prison sentence
Zeit Online: Protest action by climate activists on Autobahn 49 near Kassel

Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: A49 free again – 40 demonstrators of the “Last Generation” in custody
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Protest camp of the “Last Generation” in the Goetheanlage: Residents worried – “Oh, no, not again”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Wave of protests continues: Last generation paralyzes traffic in Kassel city center
msn: Germany: Climate activists protest on the A49 in Kassel, demanding that federal and regional politicians stop investing in fossil fuels
Pravda: Climate activists block a central square in the German city of Kassel
Radio FFH: Last generation demonstrates in Kassel
t-online: “Last generation” paralyzes highway
TU Dresden: New text published: “The Last Generation in the Museum” by Kerstin Schankweiler

Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation blocks crossing
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation throws tomato soup at embassy – this is the reason
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation blocks crossing
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last generation blocks crossing
Head Topics: Demonstrations: Last generation blocks intersection
Hessen Today: “Disobedient Assembly”: Last generation blocks intersection
hessenschau: 82 arrests after blockades in Kassel city center
hessenschau: Last generation protests again in Kassel
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last generation” blocks Altmarkt intersection – diversions for buses and trams lifted
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” demonstrates again in Kassel: Eleven people in police custody
Hochheimer Zeitung: Last generation blocks crossing
Lampertheimer Zeitung: Last generation blocks crossing
mittelhessen: Last generation blocks crossing
n-TV: Last generation blocks crossing
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Last generation blocks crossing
Stern: Last generation blocks crossing
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks crossing
Tag24: Last generation blocks intersection in Kassel: Police intervene!
Tagesschau: Last generation protests again in Kassel
Tagesschau: Protest by climate activists: 82 arrests after blockades in Kassel city centre
Vodafone live: Last generation blocks crossing
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: Last generation blocks crossing
Zeit Online: Last generation blocks crossing

112-Magazin: Last generation causes traffic disruption
Augsburger Allgemeine: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Badische Zeitung: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Bietigheimer Zeitung: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Die Oberbadische: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Eßlinger Zeitung: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Frankenpost: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
idowa: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Kreiszeitung: Collective retreat in the Green Youth – “Last Generation” reacts
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
monopol Magazin: New soup attack on Van Gogh painting in London
Nachrichten Österreich: Environmental protest with tomato soup: attackers arrested!
Neue Presse: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
nh24: Once again disruptions caused by climate activists of the last generation
Radio Köln: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
rbb24: “Last Generation” pours tomato soup at the British Embassy
Schwarzwälder Bote: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Stern: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Stuttgarter Zeitung: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Süddeutsche Zeitung: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Tag24: Fighting repression with tomato soup: Last generation targets British Embassy Collective retreat in the Green Youth – “Last Generation” reacts

27.09.2024 Airport Association meets with climate activists Protest lasting several weeks: Last generation demands closure of Kassel Airport
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Berliner Morgenpost: How much the climate stickers have already cost the districts
Berliner Tagesblatt: The Cost of Climate Glue and its Impact on Cities With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Dagens: Düsseldorf Airport tightens security measures after climate protests Protest lasting several weeks: Last generation demands closure of Kassel Airport
Frankfurter Rundschau: Collective retreat in the Green Youth – “Last Generation” reacts
Frankfurter Rundschau: Minister sharply criticizes climate group after action in Kassel
Freie Presse: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Head Topics: Kassel Airport: Criticism, hope and now a climate camp
Head Topics: Hesse: Minister criticizes climate group after action in Kassel
Head Topics: Protest lasting several weeks: Last generation demands closure of Kassel Airport
Hessen Today: Climate protest in Kassel: Minister criticizes last generation
hessenschau: Hessian Interior Minister sharply criticizes climate group
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Collective retreat in the Green Youth – “Last Generation” reacts
Kieler Nachrichten: Trial against Miriam Meyer: “Last Generation” accuses the judiciary of “deterrence and intimidation”
Mannheimer Morgen: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Merkur: First airport sticker in court
Merkur: “Last Generation” praises mass resignation from Green Youth: “Worthless compromises”
mittelhessen: Minister sharply criticizes climate group after action in Kassel
n-TV: Minister sharply criticizes climate group after action in Kassel
nh24: KS: Last generation "dissolved"
Pforzheimer Zeitung: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Radio FFH: Climate activists protest in Kassel
Saarbrücker Zeitung: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Stern: Minister sharply criticizes climate group after action in Kassel
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Minister sharply criticizes climate group after action in Kassel
Tagesanzeiger: Another soup thrown at Van Gogh painting after prison sentence for activists
Tagesspiegel: Climate protest: Soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Tagesspiegel: Because of prison sentences in Great Britain: “Last Generation” smears British Embassy in Berlin with tomato soup
volksfreund: With soup against paintings: Climate activists defiant after verdict
Zeit Online: Minister sharply criticizes climate group after action in Kassel

26.09.2024 ADV meets the last generation for a discussion Controversy over Kassel Airport continues
ARIVA.DE: Climate activists speak with airport association
Augsburger Allgemeine: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
Bürstädter Zeitung: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
fvw: Climate activists speak with airport association
Head Topics: High deficit: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
Hessen Today: New protests: Climate activists against Kassel Airport Interior Minister warns last generation against breaking the law
hessenschau: Climate activists block traffic in Kassel
hessenschau: Last generation in Kassel with a new strategy | hessenschau from 25.09.2024
hessenschau: Last generation in Kassel with a new strategy | hessenschau from 25.09.2024
hessenschau: Police carry climate activists off the street in Kassel
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” demonstrates again in Kassel: Eleven people in police custody
Hessisches Ministerium des Innern: Interior Minister warns last generation against breaking the law
hr: Last generation blocks car traffic in Kassel
Main-Echo: Criticism of Kassel Airport continues
msn: Climate criminals deface British embassy with tomato soup!
n-TV: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate crisis: Last generation blocks Kassel city centre – chaos threatens!
Presseportal: POL-KS: Police break up unregistered gathering in the area of ​​Kassel's Friedrichsplatz Last generation: “We have achieved a lot”
Spiegel: Talking instead of sticking
Stern: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
Süddeutsche Zeitung: trial against climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
t-online: Soup Attack on British Embassy
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” pours tomato soup at the British Embassy
Tagesschau: Blockade in Kassel: Police carry “Last Generation” activists off the street
Tagesschau: Last generation blocks car traffic in Kassel
Theaterbremen: From the Glue Blockade to the Disobedient Assembly
Verbraucherschutzforum: Climate activists sentenced in Dresden: Glue attack on Sistine Madonna leads to legal consequences
Vodafone live: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest
Welt: “Complete madness,” say climate activists after meeting with airport association
Zeit Online: Strong criticism of Kassel Airport – climate activists protest

Der Westen: Düsseldorf Airport knows absolutely no mercy anymore – THIS is now obvious to travelers
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Dresden agrees with climate stickers on compensation
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Most insane airport in Germany”: Last generation before several weeks of protests at Kassel Airport
Göttinger Tageblatt: “Germany’s craziest airport”: Climate activists announce protests at Kassel Airport
Neue Presse: University sprayed with paint – verdict against climate activists
nh24: KS: Protest week of the “Last Generation”; accident with fatal outcome
Presseportal: POL-KS: Announced protest weeks in Kassel and surroundings: Police will inform about the operation and current disruptions
RP Online: Düsseldorf Airport: How the airport wants to protect itself against climate glue
Solarenergie-Förderverein: The Last Generation on the Street and in Court
Tag24: Glued to the Sistine Madonna in Dresden: This is how much climate gluers have to pay now Court ruling against Last Generation

Augsburger Allgemeine: Activists of the “Last Generation” sentenced after paint attack on university building
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Attack on Dresden art: 5.500 euros in damages State signs deal with climate stickers
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists plan protest campaign in Kassel from Sept. 25
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last generation announces a “wave of protests” against Kassel-Calden Airport lasting several weeks
Hamburger Abendblatt: Why climate activists are targeting Hamburg statues
Head Topics: Grandpa and granddaughter argue about climate crisis: “Peaceful protest is more effective”
Head Topics: Saxony closes deal with these climate stickers
Head Topics: Debate about climate debt: “Peaceful protest is more effective”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “How dare you?”: “Last generation” defaces Kassel Airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Most insane airport in Germany”: Last generation before several weeks of protests at Kassel Airport
mdr: Adhesive attack on Sistine Madonna: Climate activists must pay 5.500 euros
msn: Court ruling against Last Generation
Nachrichten Österreich: Kassel in focus: Creative protest strategies against fossil subsidies!
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Attack on Dresden art: 5.500 euros in damages
Stern: Attack on Dresden art: 5.500 euros in damages
Sä Dresden: Klimakleber and the Old Masters reach a surprising agreement
t-online: Activists of the “Last Generation” reach agreement with Old Masters
Tagesschau: Adhesive attack on Sistine Madonna: Climate activists must pay 5.500 euros
Vodafone live: Attack on Dresden art: 5.500 euros in damages

Al Jazeera: Climate Protest Crackdown
Deutschlandfunk: Climate Crisis – Does the Last Generation Have a Future?
Head Topics: Greta
Head Topics: Climate stickers protest with Greta Thunberg slogan at mini airport in Kassel
Head Topics: Only six planes: Germany's loneliest airport occupied
hessenschau: Last generation plans further protests in and around Kassel
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Attack on Dresden art: 5.500 euros in damages
Rocketnews: Climate Protest Crackdown
Stern: Legal philosopher: “Migration can be an act of civil disobedience”
Tagesspiegel: Climate activism: Attack on Dresden art: 5.500 euros in damages
Thüringen24: Only six planes: Germany's loneliest airport occupied
Welt: Where the “Last Generation” is testing its new disruptive strategy

B.Z.: Climate anarchists occupy airport, but nobody notices
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Color attack at Kassel Airport Imagine you occupy an airport, but nobody notices
General Anzeiger: “We are sticking here because we want everyone to do something for the climate”
Head Topics: Last generation: Paint attack at Kassel-Calden Airport
hessenschau: Climate protest at Kassel-Calden Airport
hessenschau: Last generation plans further protests in and around Kassel
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “How dare you?”: “Last generation” defaces Kassel Airport
msn: Kassel – Four planes take off here every day: Climate stickers are now protesting at the mini airport
msn: Last generation: Paint attack at Kassel-Calden Airport
msn: “How dare you?”: “Last generation” defaces Kassel Airport
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate activists mark Kassel-Calden: Government should stop subsidies!
Social Europe: Criminalizing climate protest while ignoring the crisis
Tag24: Airport campaign of the “Last Generation” seems pointless – This is what is behind it
Tagesschau: Against saving Kassel Airport: Last generation plans further protests in and around Kassel
Vodafone live: Protest at Kassel Airport: Climate activists deface facade
Zeit Online: Protest at Kassel Airport: Climate activists deface facade

B.Z.: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipeline
InvestmentWeek: Prison sentences for climate activists of the last generation: Court waives probation Prison sentences for climate activists of the last generation: Court waives probation
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipeline
NDR: Representatives of the “Last Generation” must be imprisoned
NGL News: 2 elderly climate activists sentenced to imprisonment in Germany
Nordkurier: Attacks on PCK oil pipeline: Senior citizens of the last generation must be imprisoned
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipeline
Stern: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipeline
Stern: Damages lawsuit for attack on Dresden's Sistine Chapel
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Damages lawsuit for attack on Dresden's Sistine Chapel
t-online: Seniors must be put behind bars for protest action
Tag24: Glued to “Sistine Madonna”: Free State sues climate sticker for damages
Thüringen24: Thuringia: Trial against climate glue collapses – but the next action follows immediately in court
Vodafone live: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipeline
Volksstimme: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipeline
Wikipedia: The elephant in the room
Zeit Online: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipeline
Zeit Online: Climate activists sentenced to prison after sabotage of oil pipelines

B.Z.: Demo with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate
B.Z.: Climate radicals stack sandbags at the Brandenburg Gate
beck-aktuell: Oil pipeline manipulated: prison sentence for two climate activists
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation at the Brandenburg Gate: Protest with sandbags on Thursday
Deutschlandfunk: Prison sentences for climate activists for sabotage of oil pipelines
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Demonstration with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Nordkurier: Attacks on oil pipeline: verdict expected for senior citizens of the last generation
Stern: Demonstration with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate
t-online: “Last Generation” protests in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Tag24: Last generation stacks sandbags in front of Brandenburg Gate
Tagesspiegel: Last generation climate activists sentenced to prison for oil pipeline sabotage
Welt25: From the adhesive blockade to a walk — Friday
Zeit Online: Demonstration with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate

der Freitag: Restart of the last generation: From the adhesive blockade to a walk
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Climate stickers accept fine after traffic blockade in Jena
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Raúl Semmler sees protests in line with Gandhi, Mandela, Luther King
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists climb the LBBW headquarters building
Table.Media: Climate strike: How activism is increasingly sanctioned TZevener gets stuck at airports – “I’m really exhausted”
Tagesspiegel: Due to flood situation in Germany and Europe: “Last Generation” demonstrates with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate

Berliner Kurier: Does Berlin have to pay because police removed climate stickers from the street?
Main-Echo: Last generation: Aschaffenburg is “climate loser of the week”
Oberhessische Presse: Marburg: Climate activist of the last generation takes action before the Constitutional Court

HL-live: Last generation informs about their goals
Mä ViralSenior glue convicted: Environmental activist (65) receives long prison sentence!
taz: forbidden – …don’t stick activists on the streets.
Vorablesen: Coming to terms with the past with climate glue
wiesbadenaktuell: Would Jesus be a climate activist? Last generation to dialogue in the Ringkirche
Zeit Online: Great silence

Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists block the Elsen Bridge – arrests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: At the pain threshold
Vorablesen: Hafenstrasse and Last Generation

Focus: Berlin’s Interior Senator fails with tough approach against “Last Generation”
Head Topics: Fees against climate stickers illegal: Berlin’s Interior Senator fails with tough stance against “Last Generation”
Kieler Nachrichten: What do you think about climate stickers, Mr. Wilken?
Nachrichten Österreich: Leipzig Airport sounds the alarm: Chaos prevented by climate stickers!

B.Z.: That’s why this climate-glue calculation is nonsense
Berlin Review: Is sitting violence?
Berliner Boersenzeitung: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Fines unlawful – 300.000 euros back?
Berliner Tagesblatt: Court overturns charges against climate stickers in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Court confirms: Berlin must pay back Last Generation fees Climate stickers only get 241 euros back for now
Deutsche Tageszeitung: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
Focus: Precedent for thousands of notices?Berlin has to pay back the fine to Klima-Kleber – now it could be really expensive
Hamburger Morgenpost: How a former activist of the “Last Generation” distances herself from the adhesive protest
Head Topics: Berlin must pay back fine to climate sticker
Head Topics: Berlin has to pay back the fine to Klima-Kleber – that could be very expensive
Head Topics: Climate activist wins in court: Police must pay for eviction themselves
Krapuul: German climate activist wins right-wing politics
n-TV: Court: State of Berlin may have to withdraw fee notices against activists of the Last Generation
nd: Fees for adhesive protest: Last generation wins legal battle
Radio Dreyeckland: Can surveillance of a press hotline be proportionate to criminal prosecution?
Radio Dreyeckland: Berlin Higher Administrative Court confirms illegality of Berlin police fines against “climate stickers”
rbb24: Berlin fee notice against “Last Generation” unlawful
Stern: Berlin police must repay climate activists hundreds of thousands of euros
Stern: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
t-online: Alleged repayment to climate activists – authority restricts
Tag24: Last generation triumphs: Does Berlin have to pay back 300.000 euros to the activists?
The Berliner: Berlin police must reimburse Last Generation activists for glue-removal service fees
Umwelt Panorama: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
Unternehmen-heute: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
UPDATE: Berlin must pay back money to activists – climate activists speak of 300.000 euros
yahoo!nachrichten: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
yahoo!nachrichten: Precedent for thousands of notices? – Berlin has to pay back the fine to climate glue – now it could be really expensive
Zeit Online: Berlin police have to withdraw fee notice after sticky note campaign

Berliner Tageszeitung: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Journalists file constitutional complaint
Legal Tribune online: Lawsuit over press surveillance
Merkurist: Last generation climbs on construction crane in Mainz
Tagesspiegel: Fees against climate stickers illegal: Berlin’s Interior Senator fails with tough stance against “Last Generation”
xity online: Berlin ruling: Fee notice following climate activist’s sticker campaign inadmissible
Zevener Zeitung: That’s why a man from Zeven stuck himself to the “Last Generation” at the airport
Zevener Zeitung: Why climate activists are stuck between courage, fear and frustration

20 Report denounces: Dealing with climate protests is too harsh
Dirk Bachhausen: Last generation: Constitutional complaint against wiretapping of the press telephone
euronews: European governments are using 'harsh, overly broad' laws to silence climate protesters
Evangelische Zeitung: Constitutional complaint against surveillance of the “last generation”
idowa: Constitutional complaints by journalists against wiretapping
mein leipzig: Red alert: Leipzig Airport prepares for climate chaos!
Nachrichten Österreich: Red alert: Leipzig Airport prepares for climate chaos! Constitutional complaint against wiretapping of the press telephone
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Constitutional complaint against surveillance of “Last Generation”
Passauer Neue Presse: Constitutional complaints by journalists against wiretapping
Presse Augsburg: Constitutional complaint against surveillance of “Last Generation”
Spiegel: Wiretapped phones – why do journalists’ associations file constitutional complaints?
Spiegel: Wiretapping operation against Last Generation – journalists file constitutional complaint
Süddeutsche Zeitung: When the police listen in
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Who will take to the streets for me?
Tagesschau: Journalists file constitutional complaint
WDR: Constitutional complaint against surveillance of “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Constitutional complaints by journalists against wiretapping
ZNet: Oil Kills: Inside the International Uprising Disrupting the Aviation Industry

AllSides: Study: Rich nations stifling climate protest while shaming others for the same
Bayerischer – Journalisten-Verband e.V.: Press phone tapped – BJV files constitutional complaint
Circular Technology: Climate repression in constitutional states: double standards
der Freitag: Non-violent climate protests: draconian punishments condemned elsewhere
Deutschlandfunk: Wiretapped press phone: Journalists’ associations file constitutional complaint
Frankfurter Rundschau: Human rights activists raise the alarm – fundamental rights of climate activists in danger
Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte: Society for Civil Rights and Reporters Without Borders file a constitutional complaint against the wiretapping of the 'Last Generation' press hotline
Hamburger Abendblatt: Paint attacks on hotel and private yacht – climate activist charged
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Over 10.000 people at the Museum Night in Kassel: The frog was the star
HORIZONT Online: Journalists file constitutional complaint over wiretapping
iNSnet: Report: Rich countries suppress climate protesters, violate rights
IT Fachportal: Constitutional complaint against surveillance of “Last Generation”
Kulturlotse Hamburg: taz Salon: How Greta overtook Rudi — Women in protest
Legal Tribune online: Will the Federal Constitutional Court rule on the “Last Generation”?
MOSAIK: Last generation: Just sitting down is not enough
report-K: Constitutional complaint against surveillance of “Last Generation”
SWR Aktuell: Talking about the climate correctly – motivating instead of alarming

10.09.2024 Climate protest at BER: Demonstration by "Last Generation" Climate protest at BER: Demonstration by "Last Generation"
B.Z.: Climate radical (20) rioted on Sylt: 345.000 euros in damage!
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin climate activist charged with property damage on Sylt
Focus: Berlin District CourtClimate activist charged with serious property damage
independent: Rich countries cracking down on climate protests while advocating for rights abroad, new study says
rbb24: Berlin climate activist charged with paint attacks in northern Germany
sh:z: After paint attacks on Sylt: Climate activist in court in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Dear generation
Tag24: Climate activist charged in Berlin with serious property damage
Tageskarte: Climate activists on Sylt and in Neustadt: property damage in six-figure sum
Zeit Online: Climate activist charged with serious property damage

ClimaTalk: Criminalizing Climate Activism: Recent Trends
Climate Rights International: Governments in Western democracies are cracking down harder on climate protesters
Climate Rights International: Western Democracies: Stop Crackdowns on Climate Protesters
t-online: Over 300.000 euros in damage – climate activist charged

Berliner Abendblatt: Peaceful climate protest at the capital airport
buten un binnen: buten un binnen from 07 September
buten un binnen: Traffic disruptions in Bremen city centre due to climate protest
buten un binnen: Climate protest in Bremen city: Police take 31 activists into custody
buten un binnen: Climate protest in Bremen city centre paralyzes traffic
buten un binnen: regional magazine from September 7, 2024
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Last generation” protests at Frankfurt Airport: “The problem is not the vacation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last generation” protests at Frankfurt Airport: “The problem is not the vacation”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last generation” protests at Frankfurt Airport: “The problem is not the vacation”
Merkur: Peaceful climate protest at the capital airport
Mittelbayerische: Last generation blocked central square in Regensburg – parking garage also affected
Mittelbayerische: Protest in Regensburg: Last generation criticizes parking garage plans and wants to promote cycling
Mittelbayerische: Regensburg BMW plant blocked: Climate glue must be arrested
Nachrichten Österreich: 24-hour fight for climate protection: Last generation occupies Prielmayerstrasse
nd: »Oil kills«: Climate protest at Berlin Airport
Nordkurier: Attacks on oil pipeline: Climate protesters also agitate in court
pressenza: Almost two years in prison – Longest prison sentence for sit-in blockade to date –
Salzburger Nachrichten: After protest action in Vienna: Last Generation banned from the premises
Schwäbische: Disobedience instead of blockade: These are the new plans of the “Last Generation”
t-online: “Last Generation” blocks intersection in Bremen
Tag24: Last generation: Climate rebels pollute ground at BER airport with fake oil
Tagesspiegel: Demonstrations: Peaceful climate protest at the capital airport Back on the streets: Last generation announces 24-hour blockade
Welt: Peaceful climate protest at the capital airport
Weser Kurier: Police break up climate protest in Bremen city centre

Friedliche Sabotage: #9 WANTED: fossil CEOs
idowa: “Must be disruptive”: Last generation does not let up in Regensburg
mdr: “Last Generation” demonstrates in Weimar for climate protection

BADEN ONLINE: What the “Last Generation” learned from Kohl and Merkel
hessenschau: Peaceful climate protest at the airport
idowa: Last generation blocks parking garage at Regensburg’s Dachauplatz
Merkur: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Mittelbayerische: Last generation blocks the parking garage at Regensburg's Dachauplatz this weekend
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists in court for attacks on oil pipeline
t-online: “Last Generation” wants to paralyze Bremen again
Vodafone live: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport

05.09.2024 Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport This time without gluing: Another climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Augsburger Allgemeine: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Aussiedlerbote: Oil Pipeline Assault Trials: Legal Proceedings for Environmental Protesters
Crisis24: Germany: Environmental activists plan protests in Bremen and Regensburg, Sept. 7
Deutschlandfunk: The day with Maja Göpel: No attention without radicalism
Hessen Today: Everything peaceful: climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
hessenschau: Last generation plans new protest at Frankfurt Airport
Hochheimer Zeitung: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists in court for attacks on oil pipeline
n-TV: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Stern: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Protest with guitar music: Last generation at Frankfurt Airport
t-online: “Last Generation” plans another protest at Frankfurt Airport
t-online: Climate protest of the “Last Generation” in the departure hall
Tag24: Without any glue: “Last Generation” hits Frankfurt Airport again
Tagesschau: Hessen am Morgen: Last generation plans new protest at Frankfurt Airport
Zeit Online: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Zeit Online: Climate activists in court for attacks on oil pipeline

Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Action of the last generation in Karlsruhe: abseiling from the EnBW building
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: News at noon: Rastatt innkeeper is desperate – last action abseils in Karlsruhe
Der Vorreiter: Climate protection: Peaceful climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung: “Last Generation” is said to have announced protest action at Frankfurt Airport
idowa: After blockades in Regensburg: Three months in prison for climate activists
ka-news: Last generation triggers fire alarm – EnBW considers legal action against the movement
msn: Action of the last generation in Karlsruhe: Abseiling from the EnBW building
msn: Protest with guitar music: Last generation at Frankfurt Airport
Nachrichten Österreich: Sylt draws consequences: activists of the last generation locked out
Nordkurier: After attacks on oil pipeline in MV: Trial against “Last Generation”
Primavera24: “Last Generation” announces action at Frankfurt Airport
Radio FFH: Last generation at Frankfurt Airport
Tagesspiegel: Last generation: Climate activists in court for attacks on oil pipeline
untergrundblättle: Last generation: Protest at Frankfurt Airport

mein leipzig: Leipzig Airport: Alert against climate sticker attacks
Nachrichten Österreich: Leipzig Airport: Alert against climate sticker attacks Back on the streets: Last generation announces 24-hour blockade

Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protest in Munich: Last generation announces 24-hour action
Nachrichten Österreich: Last generation announces 24-hour street blockade in Munich Last generation announces 24-hour street blockade in Munich
Regio TV: Last generation demonstrates at Memmingen Airport
Südwest Presse: Three people were injured during the protest at Allgäu Airport Last generation blocks Prielmayerstraße at Stachus for 24 hours

Allgäuer Zeitung: Several cases: Last generation continues to keep police and university busy
Augsburger Allgemeine: Several cases: Last generation continues to keep police and university busy
Head Topics: Fear of climate crisis in Munich: 'Last Generation' blocks Prielmayerstraße at Stachus
Mä Environmental activist sentenced: prison sentence for German senior citizen gluer (65)!
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protection at Stachus: Activists show their flag against the crisis
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Flashmob at Osnabrück market: What the “Last Generation” demands from Mayor Pötter
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” pitches tents at Stachus
t-online: “Last generation” paralyzes traffic in the city center Back on the streets: Last generation announces 24-hour blockade

Abendzeitung München: “Last Generation” starts 24-hour protest in Munich
Abendzeitung München: “Last Generation”: 24-hour protest announced for Munich Berlin-Brandenburg Airport sues "Last Generation" Last generation climate activists demonstrate at Memmingen Airport
aviation direct: BER sues Klimakleber for damages
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Critical Mass joins forces with Fridays For Future and Last Generation in Karlsruhe
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate activists launch loud protest at Hamburg Airport
Hamburger Morgenpost: Climate activists cause a stir at Hamburg Airport
Hasepost: “Last generation” smears itself on the historic market square in Osnabrück [Video]
Head Topics: Berlin-Brandenburg Airport sues 'Last Generation'
Nachrichten Österreich: Last generation plans 24-hour street blockade in Munich
ProSieben: Is the chapter of road blockades not over after all? This is what the Last Generation is planning for Munich
ProSieben: Last generation announces 24-hour blockade in Munich
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The verdict against the climate glue seems to be excessively harsh
t-online: “Last Generation” plans action in Braunschweig
t-online: Climate activists on the streets for 24 hours
taz: Legal, climate neutral, doesn't matter Large demonstrations in Munich this weekend: Reich Citizens, Lateral Thinkers, Last Generation and Trade Unionists

30.08.2024 BER sues Last Generation for damages Berlin-Brandenburg Airport sues "Last Generation"
Allgäuer Zeitung: “Stop the expansion of Allgäu Airport” – Last generation protests at Memmingen Airport
Allgäuer Zeitung: Allgäu Airport: Climate protest
Anwaltsregister: BER Airport sues members of the “Last Generation” for damages due to disruption of flight operations
ARD Audiothek: What I live for: Climate rescue
ARIVA.DE: BER sues 'Last Generation' for damages
Aussiedlerbote: The regulatory authority BER is filing a lawsuit against Last Generation to demand compensation.
B.Z.: BER sues Klimakleber for damages
B.Z.: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
Berliner Morgenpost: BER sues activists of the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: After blockade by Last Generation: BER Airport demands compensation
br24: What I live for: Climate rescue
börsenNEWS: BER sues 'Last Generation' for damages Berlin Airport wants 33.000 euros in damages from Letzte Generation
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activist from the “Last Generation” sentenced to almost two years in prison without parole
Frankfurter Allgemeine: BER files lawsuit against activists
Frankfurter Rundschau: Witch hunt against climate activists: Who are the “terrorists” here?
fvw: BER sues for damages against “Last Generation”
Head Topics: 'Last generation': BER airport sues for damages
Head Topics: BER sues 'Last Generation' for damages
Head Topics: Berlin & Brandenburg: BER sues 'Last Generation' for damages
Head Topics: BER Airport demands compensation from climate activists
Head Topics: Protests at the airport: BER sues 'Last Generation' for damages
Head Topics: Repairs and lost revenue: BER sues Letzte Generation for damages
Head Topics: “Last generation” blocked BER: Berlin airport sues climate activists for 33.000 euros in damages
idowa: Regensburg public prosecutor demands imprisonment for prominent climate activist BER sues 'Last Generation' for damages
Karlsruhe Insider: After blockades: Climate activists face prison sentence
Kronen Zeitung: Berlin Airport sues Last Generation
MarketScreener (CH): Berlin-Brandenburg Airport sues 'Last Generation' for damages
Merkur: Large demonstrations in Munich this weekend: Reich Citizens, Lateral Thinkers, Last Generation and Trade Unionists
Merkur: Police officer on climate stickers: “In no way disrespectful” – process takes longer than planned
Merkur: Back on the streets: Last generation announces 24-hour blockade in Munich
mittendrin kassel: How can social transformation succeed?
msn: Last generation announces 24-hour blockade in Munich
Mä Environmental activist sentenced: prison sentence for German senior citizen gluer (65)!
n-TV: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
news38: Braunschweig: “Last Generation” calls for “Disobedient Assembly” – “On the sidewalk and street”
rbb24: +++ BER Airport sues “Last Generation” +++
rbb24: BER sues for damages against members of the “Last Generation”
RP Online: Sticking to the Kö costs only 100 euros
RP Online: BER Airport demands compensation from climate activists
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
Schwäbische: Protest at Memmingen Airport: Activists target airport
Spiegel: BER sues Last Generation for damages
Stern: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
Süddeutsche Zeitung: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate, peace and “Reichsbürger”: Hot weekend for Munich’s police
t-online: “Last Generation” wants to paralyze Bremen again
t-online: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
Tag24: This can be expensive: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
TRT Deutsch: BER sues “Last Generation” for 33.000 euros in damages New protest announced: “Last Generation” plans another street blockade in Munich’s city centre Back on the streets: Last generation announces 24-hour blockade
Vodafone live: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
Volksstimme: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
ZDF: BER sues "Last Generation"
Zeit Online: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages

beck-aktuell: BER sues Last Generation for damages
beck-aktuell: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Activists announce “disobedient assembly” in Braunschweig
Clean Energy Wire: German court imposes almost two years jailtime for climate protester participating in road block
Good Impact: “It is not enough just to talk about climate protection”
Head Topics: Climate glue has to serve almost two years in prison
Kettner Edelmetalle: Berlin court imposes harsh punishment on climate activists
LOGISTIK HEUTE: Verdict: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
MMnews: BER has filed a lawsuit against Last Generation
msn: “Last Generation” had blocked BER: Berlin Airport sues climate activists for 33.000 euros in damages
Ostsee Zeitung:  Judge on acquittal of “Last Generation” in Rostock: “Drivers must live with protest”
RTL News: Harsh punishment for senior citizens’ climate stickers (65)
RTL News: Last generation activist receives highest sentence yet
Salzburg24: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison in Berlin
Staseve: “Last Generation” – Climate activist from “Last Generation” sentenced to almost two years in prison without parole
Südwest Presse: Activists protest against flying at Allgäu Airport
t-online: Record fine imposed for climate stickers
Tagesspiegel: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
Tagesspiegel: Protests at the airport: BER sues “Last Generation” for damages
Tagesspiegel: Update “Last generation” had blocked BER: Berlin Airport sues climate activists for 33.000 euros in damages
TKKG – TurboKlimaKampfGruppe Kiel: Once again: Solidarity with the Last Generation

ABC Color: I liked this nota at calles-en-alemania/
Aussiedlerbote: Nearly two years of imprisonment for an environmental protester due to participate in demonstrations.
B.Z.: Almost two years in prison for Berlin climate anarchist (65) – without parole!
Berliner Kurier: Court sentences climate glue to 22 months in prison
Berliner Zeitung: Almost two years in prison without parole: Last Generation activist from Berlin sentenced Almost two years in prison for climate chaos (65)
Der Standard: Climate and climate movement in crisis: What’s next for environmental activism? German climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison Climate and climate movement in crisis: What’s next for environmental activism?
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activist from the “Last Generation” sentenced to almost two years in prison without parole
Die Presse: German climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison in Berlin Climate glue issues mega sentence: two years’ unconditional imprisonment
Focus: Almost two years in prisonClimate activist furious after prison sentence: “It completely ignores reality”
Head Topics: Climate activist (65) sentenced to almost two years in prison without parole
Kronen Zeitung: Climate activist (65) sentenced to long prison term
Kronen Zeitung: Climate glue (65) sentenced to long prison term
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
n-TV: Last generation climate activist sentenced to longest prison term yet
Nachrichten Österreich: Activist of climate group Last Generation sentenced to prison in Berlin
Nachrichten Österreich: Rostock court acquits climate activists after sticky note campaign
Nachrichten Österreich: “Longest prison sentence for climate activists in Berlin: verdict causes a stir”
nampa: German Last Generation activist gets 22 months for street blockade
Nordkurier: Last generation climate activists acquitted in Rostock
Nordkurier: Climate glue faces trial in Rostock
oe24: Almost two years in prison for climate chaos
Ostsee Zeitung: “Last Generation” goes on trial in Rostock: Climate activists are acquitted
OÖNachrichten: German climate activist (65) sentenced to almost 2 years in prison in Berlin
Radio Okerwelle: Last generation local group Braunschweig
rbb24: +++ 65-year-old climate protester sentenced to 22 months in prison +++
rbb24: Almost two-year prison sentence for "Last Generation" sit-ins
RP Online: Climate activist sentenced to one year and ten months in prison
RTL News: Glue action in Rostock – acquittal for climate activists
Salzburger Nachrichten: Almost two years in prison for climate activists in Germany
Stern: Glue action in Rostock – acquittal for climate activists
Stern: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Almost two years in prison without parole for climate activist after sit-in
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Glue action in Rostock – acquittal for climate activists
Tag24: Dresden statues suddenly blind: This is what is behind the protest action!
Tag24: Longest prison sentence for climate glue in the history of the "Last Generation"
taz: Conversations instead of blockades
Vodafone live: Glue action in Rostock – acquittal for climate activists
Vodafone live: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
yahoo!: German Last Generation activist gets 22 months for street blockade
yahoo!nachrichten: Almost two years in prison – climate activist furious after prison sentence: “It completely ignores reality”
Zeit Online: Almost two years in prison for climate activists

Breaking Lab (auf youtube): Last generation: What do the protests really achieve?
aviation direct: Sylt incident: Climate glue must answer in court
aviation direct: Sylt incident: Climate glue must answer in court
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Climate activist to go to prison
Brights: A member of the Last Generation was sentenced to one year and 10 months in prison. This is the longest prison sentence ever for a sit-in.
Du bist Halle: “OIL KILLS”: Rally of the Last Generation at Leipzig-Halle Airport
Gazet van Antwerpen: German climate activist (65) died 22 months ago before blockade
Junge Welt: Long prison sentence for climate activist for road blockade
Kosmo: Shocking verdict: Climate activist receives record fine
Lübecker Nachrichten: Accused: Is climate activist from Nehms a member of a criminal organization?
Merkur: “I am desperate and afraid”: 35-year-old activist had herself sterilized because of climate change
msn: 65-year-old climate activist receives record prison sentence
msn: “Airlines are starting to calculate whether it makes sense to fly to Germany”
NDR: Rostock: Acquittal for activists of the "Last Generation"
nordbayern: Alleged chokeholds at climate rally in Nuremberg – did the police go too far?
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Chokeholds at climate protest in Nuremberg? Activists make allegations – the police contradict them
Radio Bonn / Rhein-Sieg: Coercion: Activists of the Last Generation Bonn and Cologne in court Almost 2 years in prison for climate activists in Germany
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Complaining instead of sticking – what a climate activist is planning
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Complaining instead of sticking – what a climate activist is planning
t-online: Climate glue apparently sentenced to long prison term
Tag24: Dresden Statues Suddenly Blind: This Is What’s Behind The Protest!
Tagesschau: Almost two years in prison for climate activists
Tagesspiegel: 22 months imprisonment without parole: District court imposes highest sentence to date against climate activists in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Verdict: Climate activist sentenced to almost two years in prison after sit-ins
Tagesspiegel: Twenty-two months in prison: verdict against climate activists in Berlin
taz: One year and 10 months in prison
Welt: Climate extremist sentenced to prison for sit-in
Wismar.FM: Glue action in Rostock – acquittal for climate activists

Aussiedlerbote: Initiative of the last generation that carries out actions in Sanssouci Park
Aussiedlerbote: Initiative of the Last Generation bringing actions to Sanssouci Park
Hessen Today: Airport chaos caused by climate activists: Rights in case of delays The Last Generation Advocates for Climate Action in Sanssouci Park
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last Generation Initiative with action in Sanssouci Park
RTL News: Last Generation Initiative with action in Sanssouci Park
Vodafone live: Last Generation Initiative with action in Sanssouci Park
Volksstimme: Last Generation Initiative with action in Sanssouci Park
Wildwechsel: »On civil resistance in the climate catastrophe«
Zeit Online: Last Generation Initiative with action in Sanssouci Park

Berliner Abendblatt: Last Generation Initiative with action in Sanssouci Park
Bund: “The house search last year traumatized me”
Burgas Gazette: German climate activists stop air traffic after breaking into four airport sites
Cityreport24: Climate protest in Nuremberg city centre
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists to demonstrate in Nuremberg, Aug. 24
Head Topics: Climate activists in Nuremberg city centre: Traffic problems may arise here
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne activist of the “Last Generation” is relieved after the verdict
M A K : PROTEST/ARCHITECTURE – Barricades, camps, superglue
nordbayern: Climate activists protested in Nuremberg city centre: Police cleared the scene
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Almost 30 climate activists from the “Last Generation” blocked the road in Nuremberg
Stiftung Demokratie Saarland (auf youtube): The political philosophy of civil disobedience – Prof. Dr. phil. Armin Pfahl-Traughber, 11.09.24
Tag24: Climate protest in front of Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam: Activists play dead
Tag24: Last generation: This Munich street will be blocked for 24 hours this weekend
Tagesspiegel: Climate Change Exhibition: Last generation protests in Potsdam's Sanssouci Park

Deutschlandfunk: Last generation: “Giving up is not an option”
Deutschlandfunk: Don’t look at sacrifice, but at gain
hessenschau: Green Party leader Wagner: “We want to get back to 20 percent plus x” Nuremberg: Climate protest in Nuremberg city centre
mdr: Judgment on reporting obligation: Administrative court rules in favor of climate activists of the "last generation"
mdr: Why are airports in Germany not better secured?
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protest in Nuremberg: Police break up controversial gathering
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protection protest in Nuremberg: Unexpected blockade causes diversions
neumarkt aktuell: Climate protest in Nuremberg city centre Blue light report for Nuremberg, 24.08.2024: (900) Climate protest in Nuremberg city center
Newsflash24: Climate protest in Nuremberg city centre
Nürnberger Nachrichten: “Disobedient” statues call for climate demonstration in Nuremberg
Presseportal: POL-MFR: (900) Climate protest in Nuremberg city centre
Rockland Radio: Schleswig-Holstein: Trial against climate glue
t-online: Report: Climate activist avoids prison sentence
Tagesanzeiger: “The house search last year traumatized me”
Tagesschau: Judgment on reporting obligation: Administrative court rules in favor of climate activists of the "last generation"
volksfreund: When the climate sticker rings – This is what is behind the mysterious calls
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate activists bring traffic to a standstill

23.08.2024 Court proceedings after plane attack on Sylt against "Last Generation"
ARD Audiothek: What I live for: Climate rescue
Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation protests in Ulm: Police have to carry activists away
BUSINESS PANORAMA: Leipzig Administrative Court suspends reporting requirement for climate stickers
buten un binnen: Protest by climate activists is much more expensive for Bremen than expected
Deutschlandfunk: Climate Economy Foundation calls for more support
Head Topics: Court proceedings after plane attack on Sylt against 'Last Generation'
Kirche+Leben: Only ridicule and malice for the “Last Generation”?
Kreiszeitung: Popular tourist island in the north bans visitors from staying
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne climate activist of the “Last Generation” does not have to go to prison after all
Nachrichten Österreich: Court proceedings against climate activists: property damage on Sylt
nordbayern: All-You-Can-Fly also from Nuremberg: Climate activists criticise “brazen” offer
radio WAF: Last generation temporarily blocks Weststrasse in Ahlen
Recht & Politik: Leipzig Administrative Court again suspends reporting requirement for climate stickers Administrative court again overrides reporting requirement for climate stickers
sh:z: After actions on Sylt: Members of the Last Generation now in court
Sä Climate activists win court case against Saxony police
Südwest Presse: Police take activists of the “Last Generation” off the streets
Tag24: After paint attacks on Sylt: Climate chaos of the “last generation” stand trial
yahoo!nachrichten: Leipzig Administrative Court suspends reporting requirement for climate stickers

Ahram Online: Climate activists stop traffic in two German airports Court proceedings after plane attack on Sylt against "Last Generation"
Berliner Tageszeitung: Leipzig Administrative Court Overrides Reporting Obligation for Climate Stickers
Hamburger Abendblatt: Sylt: Climate stickers banned from island after airport action
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last generation” banned from island of Sylt
Leipziger Zeitung: Administrative court overturns reporting requirement: Members of the “last generation” do not have to appear at the police station twice a day Sylt locks out visitors – they are now banned from the island
SWR Aktuell: Airport security: Why climate activists can repeatedly paralyze airports
t-online: Failed cleaning campaign of the “Last Generation”: What now?
Tag24: Climate activists of the last generation are being asked to pay: This is how expensive a hole in the asphalt is
Tagesspiegel: “Last generation” accepts airports’ offer of talks
TRT Deutsch: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
wmn: Chaos at the airport: Your rights when climate activists paralyze everything
xity online: Leipzig Administrative Court suspends reporting requirement for climate stickers

21.08.2024 Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Allgäuer Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
antenne nrw: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Augsburger Allgemeine: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Aussiedlerbote: Current Era Activists Prohibited from Accessing the Island
Aussiedlerbote: Environmental activists have enacted a prohibition on the island of Sylt.
Berliner Zeitung: After protest: Last Generation activists are no longer allowed to enter Sylt
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Die Rheinpfalz: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Frankenpost: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
General Anzeiger: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Haller Kreisblatt: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Head Topics: Last generation: How dangerous are climate stickers for security at Berlin Airport BER?
Head Topics: After sticking stickers at the airport: Sylt bans three climate activists of the last generation for 14 days
Hellweg Radio: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
idowa: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Karlsruhe Insider: Climate activists block airport in Baden-Württemberg
Main-Echo: Last generation: Activists spray paint in Aschaffenburg’s Erthalstrasse
Marktspiegel: Climate stickers are banned from the island of Sylt
Merkur: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Mindener Tageblatt: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
n-TV: Last generation activists banned from island
n-TV: Airport Association ADV seeks appointment for talks with the last generation
n-TV: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
n-TV: Last generation calls for dialogue
Nachrichten Österreich: After protest on Sylt: Climate activists banned from staying
Nachrichten Österreich: Public prosecutor investigates: Last generation imposes island ban on Sylt
nd: Last generation wants to talk to airport association
nd: Last generation: off course
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: After climate protest at airports: Activists propose ADV meeting dates
Neue Westfälische: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
oberpfalz medien: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
onvista: Airport Association: Seek appointment with climate activists
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Passauer Neue Presse: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Radio FFH: Climate activists offer talks
Radio Leverkusen: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Radio Regenbogen: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Radio RSG: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Radio Siegen: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Radio WMW: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Radio Wuppertal: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
SAT1: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
sh:z: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
sh:z: After action at the airport: Activists of the last generation are not allowed to go to Sylt
sh:z: After climate protest at airports: Activists propose ADV meeting dates
Spiegel: Environmental activists block ship entering Amsterdam
Stern: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
SWR Aktuell: That's why climate activists can repeatedly paralyze airports
Sylt 1: 14-day Sylt ban by police for climate stickers
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist demands access to files
t-online: “Last Generation”: Island ban on Sylt
Tag24: Climate adhesives are being asked to pay: This is how much a hole in the asphalt costs
Vodafone live: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
volksfreund: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Volksstimme: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Welle-Niederrhein: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
yahoo!: German airport group looking for date to meet with climate activists
Zeit Online: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt

AD HOC NEWS: Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has once again strongly condemned blockades by radical climate demonstrators. ADV and “Last Generation” in dialogue – Chancellor Scholz criticizes group Airports and airlines demand compensation from climate activists
antenne bayern: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Berliner Zeitung: Expert on climate stickers at Berlin Airport: Secret Service may shoot Interview with Dunja Hayali: “Unfortunately, gaining knowledge and context are becoming a bothersome side issue” Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks Scholz: Radical climate protection actions are 'crazy'
börsenNEWS: Radical climate protection actions are 'crazy'
Der Nordschleswiger: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks Press voice: 'Märkische Oderzeitung' on climate stickers and flies Scholz: Radical climate protection actions are 'crazy'
Focus: Planned tightening of the lawChancellor Scholz: Radical climate protection actions are “crazy”
Freie Presse: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
fvw: Climate activists want to talk to airport association
global°: Last generation speaks with airport association
Hamburger Abendblatt: As bad as neo-Nazis? What threatens Miriam Meyer in Flensburg
Head Topics: Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks
Head Topics: Scholz Radical Climate Protection Actions Are Crazy News
Hessen Today: Climate activist sentenced after paint attack on Chancellery
Heute – Österreich: Climate activists announce protest in front of the Chancellery Planned tightening of laws – Chancellor Scholz: Radical climate protection actions are “crazy”
International Airport Review: Climate activists disrupt traffic at four German airports
kulthit RADIO: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
LOGISTIK HEUTE: Airports: Last generation proposes meeting dates for airport association
manager magazin: Stop excluding climate activists!
Mannheimer Morgen: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
MarketScreener (DE): Scholz: Radical climate protection actions are 'crazy'
Mein Stuttgart: Climate protection protests at Stuttgart Airport: Activists glued
Mein Stuttgart: After airport protest on Sylt: Activists banned from staying
n-TV: Sylt temporarily bans three climate activists
NDR: “Last Generation” protests at Lübeck Airport
News Deutschland: Climate protests: Last generation wants to accept airport association’s offer of talks Olaf Scholz News: Scholz: Radical climate protection actions are "crazy"
nordbayern: After disruptive actions: “Last Generation” accepts offer from airport association
nordbayern: “Definitely life-threatening”: Nuremberg Airport spokesman comments on adhesive campaign
Nordsee Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
onvista: Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
ProSieben: "Crazy": Scholz condemns radical climate protection actions
Radio Hochstift: Tinnum/Flensburg | Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
radio Bielefeld: Tinnum/Flensburg | Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
radio Gütersloh: Tinnum/Flensburg | Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
radio Herford: Tinnum/Flensburg | Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
radio WAF: Tinnum/Flensburg | Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
radio Westfalica: Tinnum/Flensburg | Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
RP Online: Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks
SageJournals: Radical Climate Movements: Associations Between Government Response and Public Support
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks
Tag24: Climate Stickers Search Discussion: End of the blockades at airports?
Tagesschau: That's why climate activists can repeatedly paralyze airports
Tagesspiegel: Last generation: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
Tagesspiegel: After sticking stickers on runways: Last Generation climate activists agree to talks with airports
Tagesspiegel: Runway blockers face imprisonment soon: Scholz describes radical climate protection actions as “crazy”
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks
wallstreet online: Radical climate protection actions are 'crazy'
WirtschaftsWoche: Climate protesters banned from island of Sylt
yahoo finanzen: Climate activists suggest airport association to hold talks
yahoo finanzen: Scholz: Radical climate protection actions are 'crazy'
ZDF: Luisa Neubauer: Change can be overwhelming
Zeit Online: Last generation wants to accept offer of talks from airport association
ПолитАналитика – – Источник: Шольц считает акции радикнутыми

19.08.2024 Six-figure money demand from climate criminals
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Oioioi, we really have to do a lot” – three weeks of climate sit-in in front of the ECB “Life-threatening”: Climate protest at Nuremberg Airport – spokesman warns of underestimated danger
New York Times: Europe's Crackdown on Environmental Dissent Is Silencing Voices the World Needs to Hear
Salzburger Nachrichten: Six-figure compensation claim for climate actions in Bavaria Adhesive protests in Munich: Airport, Lufthansa and Pinakothek demand compensation from climate activists
Zeit Online: What remains of the Munich climate movement?

Aero News Network: Climate Protesters Halt Operations at German Airports
Augsburger Allgemeine: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
br24: Bavarian “climate stickers” face high financial demands
brennessel magazin: Bavarian “climate stickers” face high financial demands
Der Standard: Six-figure compensation claim for climate actions in Bavaria
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last generation activist amazed by passenger’s reaction
FränkischerTag: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
Gmünder Tagespost: Last generation activist amazed by passenger’s reaction
Guardian TV: Climate protest stops Frankfurt flights
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
Heidelberg24: Last generation activist amazed by passenger’s reaction
Hessen Ticker: Flight traffic at Frankfurt Airport suspended due to climate activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation activist amazed by passenger’s reaction
idowa: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action “Life-threatening”: Climate protest at Nuremberg Airport – spokesman warns of underestimated danger
Kreiszeitung: Last generation activist amazed by passenger’s reaction
Mannheim24: Last generation activist amazed by passenger’s reaction
Merkur: “Passengers are the ones who suffer”: Climate activists temporarily paralyze operations at Nuremberg Airport
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protest at the airport: Activist describes moving experiences
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protest at airports: Activists talk about their experiences
Neue Presse: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
O POVO: Activistas do climate paralysis on airports in Alemanha
Offenbach-Post: Last generation activist amazed by passenger’s reaction
Passauer Neue Presse: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
radio WAF: Last generation plans protest action in Ahlen
sh:z: Episode 5 “Sylt Time”: Protest actions of the “Last Generation” and legendary locations on Sylt
Stern: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Young climate activists in Munich: “I can’t do anything else, I have to get involved”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
t-online: “Last generation” causes six-figure damage to the airport
Tag24: Compensation? Munich Airport wants to cash in on climate activists
Tagesanzeiger: From corona denier to climate glue: The Duden dictionary adds new words “Last Generation” protests at Munich Airport – this time only with posters
Vodafone live: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action
World Energy Data: German climate activists stop air traffic after breaking into four airport sites
Zeit Online: Six-figure compensation claim for climate action

AIRLIVE: Climate activists ground flights at four German airports
Attac Berlin (auf X): Warnings on every cigarette packet. But
Badische Zeitung: Once again, the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court has overturned two acquittals for two Freiburg climate activists
Berlin Live: Last generation: Activists occupy BER airport – what awaits the passengers?
Berlin Live: Last generation: Air traffic continued despite climate protests – did the activists get stuck?
Berlin Live: Last generation: Constitutional complaint filed – U-turn in activist rulings?
Berlin Morgen: Last Generation Raid Benefit notices sent to nine climate stickers
Berliner Tagesblatt: Climate protest or vandalism The debate about the last generation
China Daily: Climate activists cause flight suspensions at German airports
David Icke: German climate activists stop air traffic after breaking into four airport sites
Deutschlandfunk: The press review from German newspapers
Estrella Digital: Activistas climáticos alemanes interrumpen el tráfico aéreo with disturbances
fehmarn 24: “Great fear”: Last generation activist tells what protest on the tarmac feels like
fehmarn 24: “Last generation” penetrates several German airports – air traffic partially disrupted Deutsche Lufthansa share: Flight operations affected by climate protests
FLYING: German Climate Activists Glue Themselves to Tarmac, Holding Flights
Focus: Chaos on RyanairMallorca flight becomes a nightmare for Frank: “You feel helpless and ripped off”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate protest in Frankfurt: Dancing with the ECB
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last generation” penetrates several German airports – air traffic partially disrupted
Head Topics: Four cities affected: Last generation paralyzes several airports
Hessen Ticker: Climate activists stop traffic at two German airports
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last generation” penetrates several German airports – air traffic partially disrupted
juris: “Climate living” as resistance against law enforcement officers?
KWP News: 環境活動家がドイツ4空港で抗議デモ、アスファルトにはりつく
Mein Stuttgart: Strobl calls for tougher penalties against “Last Generation” after airport actions
Merkur: Germany is too easily paralyzed by climate radicals
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protests disrupt air traffic: Last generation active at airports
Nachrichten Österreich: Protests of the last generation: A fine line between urgency and danger
nd: Last generation: Bolt cutters for future
NDR: Climate protests, Compact ban, BKA powers: Faeser under stress
O POVO: Activistas do climate paralysis on airports in Alemanha
ProSieben: “taff” 2024 – Climate activists paralyze airports – again
rbb24: Pankow district demands compensation from climate activists
Sachsen Fernsehen: Kretschmer calls for tougher penalties for “climate glue”
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Spiegel: More than 550 delayed, cancelled or diverted flights
Stern: They want to save the world and no longer know what they are doing
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists at Stuttgart Airport: What is the state of security at airports?
Südwest Presse: Why more international cooperation is needed on climate action
t-online: "Protest must hurt"
t-online: Court convicts climate activists
t-online: Compensation: This is what climate adhesives now face
Tag24: Nine climate adhesives are asked to pay: This is how much a hole in the asphalt costs
Tagesschau: Climate activists at Stuttgart Airport: What is the state of security at airports?
The Canary: Major airport disruption in Germany as Oil Kills movement eyes more targets
The Voice Pakistan: “Oil Kills”: Climate Activists Temporarily Halt Flights at German Airports
Thurgauer Zeitung: Hands glued to the street and major operation triggered: Proceedings against Konstanz climate glue discontinued
TRT Deutsch: Paint attack on Chancellery: climate protester fined
WDR: Climate activists on the tarmac: operations at Cologne/Bonn Airport are back up and running
WirtschaftsWoche: How safe are German airports?
ZDF: This is how tough Britain is taking action against climate change

16.08.2024 Airport chaos: Anja Windl & Co arrested after gluing action
abc News: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
aeroTELEGRAPH: Last generation blocks several German airports
AOL: Climate activists breach security at four German airports
AP News: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation blockades: What travelers can do
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists storm Berlin airport
aviation direct: Climate stickers strike in Berlin, Stuttgart, Nuremberg and Cologne
AviationSource: Climate Activists Block Air Traffic at Four German Airports
B.Z.: Climate stickers penetrate BER airport
B.Z.: How safe is my flight from BER?
Badische Zeitung: Last generation blocks airports again – also in Stuttgart
beck-aktuell: Chancellery defaced: Climate activist sentenced to higher fine after appeal We are inviting terrorists to blow us up
blue News: Climate activists invade several German airports
blue News: Climate activists invade several airports – flight operations partially suspended
Borneo Bulletin: Climate activists stop traffic in two German airports
br24: Action by climate activists disrupts air traffic in Nuremberg
br24: Climate activists once again paralyze airports with protests
Business Insider: Last generation climate activists invade several airports
Castanet: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
CGTN: Climate activists breach security at four airports across Germany
China Daily: Climate activists cause flight suspensions at German airports
CityNews Everywhere: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
climatefactchecks: Climate Protesters Halt Operations at Four Major German Airports
Der Westen: Cologne/Bonn Airport: Climate stickers cause chaos again – flight operations slowly starting up again
Deutschlandfunk: A look at tomorrow's newspapers
Devdiscourse: Climate Activists Disrupt German Airports Amid Calls for Tighter Security
Die Rheinpfalz: The climate gluers have lost their way
euronews: Berlin, Cologne-Bonn, Nuremberg: Last Generation climate activists halt flights at German airports
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Faharas News: Airport Operations Held at Cologne/Bonn Due to Climate Activists.. Shocking Impact on Travel Plans Revealed
Faharas News: Climate Activists Disrupt German Airports, Grounding Flights and Sparking Global Attention on Climate Crisis..
Faharas News: Climate Activists 'Last Generation' Storm Multiple Airports, Sparking Global Outrage and Urgent Climate Conversations..
Faharas News: Climate Activists 'Last Generation' Storm Multiple Airports, Sparking Global Outrage and Urgent Climate Debate.. “Last generation” penetrates several airports No flight operations due to climate protest at Cologne-Bonn Airport
Firstpost: After Frankfurt, this: Climate activists disrupt operations at four German airports
Focus: Large police operationsClimate stickers penetrate several airports – flight operations partially suspended
Focus: Trial in BerlinWhen police video is shown, climate sticker leaves the courtroom in a state of dismay
Fox News: Climate activists break into German airport sites, bringing air traffic to a halt
Frankenpost: Flight operations resume at Nuremberg Airport
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation in Terminal 1
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Politicians must do more to protect airports
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Great fear”: Last generation activist tells what protest on the tarmac feels like
General Anzeiger: Climate protest: No flights in Cologne-Bonn for one hour
Green Matters: Climate Activists Ground Flights in Germany Protesting Fossil Fuels — Details Here
Gulf Times: Flights suspended as climate activists launch protests at several German airports
Hamburger Abendblatt: Activist Miriam Meyer: Head of a criminal organization?
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Climate stickers”: Protest actions at several German airports!
Handelsblatt: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Head Topics: Climate activists protest at German airports in string of demonstrations
Head Topics: Last generation airport blockade: peaceful, legitimate and necessary
Head Topics: Cologne/Bonn and Nuremberg airports temporarily paralyzed by climate protests
Head Topics: Climate stickers penetrate several airports – operations partially suspended
Head Topics: Climate activists once again paralyze airports with protests
Head Topics: Last generation: What travelers can do in case of airport blockades
Head Topics: New actions of the last generation: Two activists per airport
Head Topics: Top News: Last generation disrupts flight operations at two airports
Head Topics: “Climate stickers”: Protest actions at several German airports!
Heilbronner Stimme: “Last Generation” breaks into Stuttgart Airport – Police end operation
Heilbronner Stimme: “Last generation” paralyzes airports: Enough of the senseless protests
Heute – Österreich: Climate stickers paralyze several airports
India Today: Airports in Germany suspend flight operations after climate activists block runways
KSTP-TV: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
KVIA: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
manager magazin: Climate activists paralyze airports again
mdr: Climate activists from “Last Generation” disrupt air traffic in Germany
mdr: Climate activists invade several German airports
Merkur: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Merkur: Climate sticker: “The runways were not entered”
Merkur: “Passengers are the ones who suffer”: Climate activists temporarily paralyze operations at Nuremberg Airport
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists invade Berlin airport
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate glue”
msn: Cologne-Bonn also affected: Last generation paralyzes operations at several airports
Märkische Onlinezeitung: Last generation activists invade airport
n-TV: Faeser criticizes climate protests at airports
n-TV: Climate activists invade Berlin airport
n-TV: Climate protest during holiday season: sticker campaign at Nuremberg Airport
n-TV: Climate protest: No flights in Cologne-Bonn for one hour
n-TV: Last generation paralyzes several airports
n-TV: Not only actions at airports: Last generation sprays party headquarters
n-TV: Traffic partially suspended: Last generation penetrates several airports – including BER
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate activists on a sticky tour: Wrong means for the right goal
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate protest at BER: Safety doubts after fence cut
Nachrichten Österreich: Leipzig Airport increases security measures against climate stickers
Neue Westfälische: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Neue Westfälische: Due to climate protest: Flight operations at Cologne-Bonn Airport temporarily suspended
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Last generation penetrates several German airports
News Channel 12 3 11: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate protest during holiday season: sticker campaign at Nuremberg Airport
nordbayern: Air traffic suspended: Climate activists paralyze Nuremberg Airport with protest action
north shore news: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Last generation: Climate activists paralyze Nuremberg Airport – These are the consequences
oe24: Climate Shakira is now stuck in Germany and is arrested
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Activists at airports – flight operations in Cologne/Bonn & Nuremberg are running again
Prince George Citizen: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
ProSieben: Prime Minister calls for tougher penalties for “climate glue”
Radio Siegen: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
rbb24: Climate activist fined after paint attack on Chancellery
RBC: Two Germany airports suspend flights due to environmental activists' protests
regionalHeute: “Last generation” penetrates several airports
rnd: Airport operations partially suspended: Last generation starts protest actions
rosenheim24: “Great fear”: Last generation activist tells what protest on the tarmac feels like
RP Online: Climate activists invade several airports
RP Online: Travelers at Cologne/Bonn Airport angry – so many flights cancelled
RP Online: Who will now pay for the expensive climate protest?
RTL News: Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate stickers”
Ruhr Nachrichten: After climate protest at Cologne-Bonn Airport, operations resume – travelers are angry
Ruhr24: “Great fear”: Last generation activist tells what protest on the tarmac feels like
Ruhr24: “Last generation” penetrates several German airports – air traffic partially disrupted
Spiegel: »Dangerous, stupid and criminal«
ST GEORGE & SUTHERLAND SHIRE LEADER: Climate protests halt flights at German airports
Stern: “Dangerous and stupid”: Faeser criticizes climate protests at airports
Stern: “Last generation” penetrates several airports – Faeser criticizes “criminal actions”
Stern: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Stern: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Stern: Climate protest: No flights in Cologne-Bonn for one hour
Stern: Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate glue”
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists glue themselves to Stuttgart Airport
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate adhesives make you pay!
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Stuttgarter Zeitung: This is how Austria’s most famous climate activist was able to get onto the runway Climate activists breach security at four German airports
SWR Aktuell: Stuttgart Airport: Climate activists glue themselves to access road
SWR News Zone: "Last Generation" Invades Several Airports ❌✈️
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Airport Association: Disruptive actions are “criminal extortion”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate action at Stuttgart Airport ends
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists invade Berlin airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists disrupt operations at several airports
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest during holiday season: sticker campaign at Nuremberg Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: No flights in Cologne-Bonn for one hour
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation protests at Munich Airport against the use of fossil fuels
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police union: climate activists must pay
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last generation” paralyzes flight operations in Nuremberg for one hour
Südwest Presse: The “Last Generation” fails because of itself
Südwest Presse: Climate activists have so far spared the airport
t-online: “These actions are dangerous and stupid”
t-online: “Last Generation” blocks BER airport: activists arrested
t-online: “Last Generation” sticks itself at Nuremberg Airport
t-online: “Are these the same people who are flying to Bali two days later?”
t-online: Activists block Cologne-Bonn Airport again
t-online: No flight operations due to climate protest at Cologne-Bonn Airport
t-online: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
t-online: Police: “There is no such thing as 100 percent security”
Tag24: Climate protest at Stuttgart Airport: Last generation stuck on runway
Tag24: Last generation invades airports: activists stick to runway and are removed
Tag24: Protest action at Cologne/Bonn Airport – activist speaks out in video message
Tagesschau: Protest action: Last generation paralyzes airports
Tagesspiegel: New climate protests at airports – rapid tightening of aviation law demanded
Tempo: Climate Activists Breach Security at Four German Airports
The News: Climate activists stop traffic at two German airports
THE PINNACLE GAZETTE: Activists Disrupt Air Travel Across Germany
THE PINNACLE GAZETTE: Climate Activists Disrupt Airports Across Germany
THE PINNACLE GAZETTE: Climate Activists Ground Flights Across German Airports
The Print: Climate activists breach security at four German airports
The Star: Climate activists breach security at four German airports
The Straits Times: Climate activists breach security at four German airports
The Telegraph India: Germany: Climate activists breach security at four airports in nationwide protests
Travelnews: Climate stickers disrupt operations at German airports
TTW: Climate protests paralyze flights and trigger panic in Germany “Great fear”: Last generation activist tells what protest on the tarmac feels like
Vodafone live: Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate stickers”
Volksstimme: Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate glue”
WAZ: Climate sticker: Flight operations at Cologne/Bonn Airport are starting up again
WDR: Climate activists on the tarmac: operations at Cologne/Bonn Airport are back up and running
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate protest: No flights in Cologne-Bonn for one hour
WFIW-FM: Climate activists break into German airport sites, bringing air traffic to a halt
Winnipeg Free Press: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
WION: 'Stupid' climate activists halt operations at German airports after breaking in
WTVB: Two German airports temporarily suspend flights over climate activists
yahoo finanzen: Last generation climate activists invade several airports
yahoo!: Climate activist who hurled black paint on German Chancellery found
yahoo!: Climate activists break into German airport sites, bringing air traffic to a halt
yahoo!: German airport group slams climate protest as 'criminal extortion'
yahoo!: German climate group protests at airports as lawmakers seek penalties
yahoo!: Last Generation climate activists start protest at German airports
yahoo!nachrichten: Cologne/Bonn and Nuremberg airports temporarily paralyzed by climate protests
yahoo!nachrichten: Large police operations – climate stickers penetrate several airports – flight operations partially suspended
Zeit Online: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Zeit Online: Climate action at Stuttgart Airport ends
Zeit Online: Climate activists invade Berlin airport
Zeit Online: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Zeit Online: Climate protest during holiday season: sticker campaign at Nuremberg Airport
Zeit Online: Climate protest: No flights in Cologne-Bonn for one hour
Zeit Online: Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate glue”
Zeit Online: Police union: climate activists must pay
Газета.ru: Активисты Last generation проводят акции в ряде ФРГ

20 Climate protests at four airports – flight operations partially suspended
93.3 The Drive: Two German airports temporarily suspend flights over climate activists
ABC Color: The aeropuertos are also affected by climate activists recuperating their activity
ABC Sociedad: Activistas climáticos cortan el tráfico aéreo in Berlin
ABC Sociedad: Activistas climáticos perturban la actividad de varios aeropuertos alemanes
Abendzeitung München: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Abendzeitung München: “Last Generation” protests at Munich Airport
About Travel: Climate summit with airport operator: Is there a 'ceasefire'? Activists at airports: disruptions in flight operations
Afronews: German Airports Paralyzed by Environmental Activists' Protests
Ahram Online: Climate activists stop traffic in two German airports
airportzentrale: Airports: Climate stickers on the road again – ADV calls for consistent action
Al Jazeera: Climate activists protest at four German airports, halting traffic
antenne bayern: Airport Association: Disruptive actions are “criminal extortion”
antenne bayern: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
antenne bayern: After climate protest: Flight operations resume at Nuremberg Airport
antenne nrw: Climate protest: Flight operations in Cologne-Bonn interrupted
Arab Times: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
Athens Times: Germany: Climate Activists Blocked 4 Airports and Stopped flights
ATLAS NEWS: Climate Activists Disrupt Four Major German Airports
Augsburger Allgemeine: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Aviation Pros: German Climate Group Protests at Airports as Lawmakers Seek Penalties
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate action at Stuttgart Airport ends
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate activists invade several airports – Baden-Airpark not affected
Barron’s: Climate Activists Stop Traffic At Two German Airports
Baseler Zeitung: Climate activists invade four German airports
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: »Last generation« protests at Munich Airport
Berlin Live: Last generation: Constitutional complaint filed – U-turn in activist rulings?
Berliner Morgenpost: Activists at airports – flight operations in Cologne/Bonn & Nuremberg are running again
Berliner Zeitung: Fine after blockade in Berlin: Last Generation activist files constitutional complaint
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation penetrates several airports – BER also affected
Berner Zeitung: Climate activists invade four German airports Flight operations in Cologne-Bonn are running again Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate glue”
br24: Climate activists protest again with sticker campaign at airports
Bundle: Germany: Climate activists block four airports
Christian Siebert (auf linkedin): You're comparing apples and oranges!
Conservative News Daily: Climate change activists cause havoc at German airports – Washington Examiner
Deutsche Welle: Germany: Climate activists block four airports
Deutschlandfunk: China's economy, last generation stops air traffic: who pays?
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists invade several airports
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists break into several airports – Faeser calls for “severe prison sentences”
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists break into several airports – Interior Minister Faeser calls for “severe prison sentences”
Deutschlandfunk: Climate protests at airports: Who should pay for it?
Deutschlandfunk: Comment on climate protest at airports: Calculable violation of rules is legitimate
DNyuz: Climate activists protest at four German airports, halting traffic
elCaribe: The aeropuertos are also affected by climate activists recuperating their activity
euronews (deutsch): Nancy Faeser: Climate protests at German airports “dangerous and stupid”
Express: Next protest actionCologne/Bonn Airport blocked – 16 flights cancelled
Faharas News: Air Travel Disrupted as Climate Protests Force Operations Halt at Multiple Airports.. Find Out Why
Faharas News: Climate Activists Storm Multiple Airports, Grounding Operations at BER and Cologne/Bonn.. Uncover the Impact!
Faharas News: Massive Climate Protesters Storm Multiple Airports.. Unraveling the Impact on Travel and Environmental Activism
Financial Post: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Airport Association: Disruptive actions are “criminal extortion”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Terrible situation”: Last generation activist tells what airport protest feels like
frankfurtflyer: Concerted actions against airports: Flight operations partially suspended
Freie Presse: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
Freie Presse: Kretschmer wants tougher penalties for “climate glue”
FränkischerTag: After climate protest: Flight operations resume at Nuremberg Airport “Last generation” penetrates several airports
fvw: Climate stickers respond to “X” on the ADV discussion offer
fvw: Last generation disrupts operations at four airports
General Anzeiger: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
General Anzeiger: Climate protest: Flight operations in Cologne-Bonn interrupted
Guardian: German climate activists stop air traffic after breaking into four airport sites
Hamburger Morgenpost: Fines not paid: “Climate stickers” owe Hamburg huge sum
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Climate activists paralyze airports – No disruption to flight operations in Hanover
Head Topics: Berlin activist files constitutional complaint: “Last Generation” wants to take action against conviction
Head Topics: The perfect film for climate glue?: These highlights are new in cinemas
Head Topics: Last generation: Activist files constitutional complaint against fine
Heilbronner Stimme: Climate activists: “Last generation” invades Stuttgart airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
idowa: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
in Südthüringen: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
in Südthüringen: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
independent: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
Independent (Ireland): Two German airports temporarily suspend flights over climate activists
Independent Newspaper: Airports In Germany Suspend Flight Ops After Climate Activists Block Runways “Climate chaos”: After the sticker campaign at Nuremberg Airport – Bavaria’s Interior Minister with a clear statement After climate protest at Nuremberg Airport: Flight operations resumed
inkl: Climate activists protest at four German airports, halting traffic
inkl: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
inkl: German climate activists stop air traffic after breaking into four airport sites
ka-news: Activists in court: Protest of the last generation in Karlsruhe
ka-news: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Karlsruhe Insider: Climate protests at Karlsruhe Airport – “Activists are going crazy”
KION 46: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations Radical turning points? The “Last Generation” under fire
kulthit RADIO: Climate activists at airports: disruptions to flight operations
kulthit RADIO: Climate protest: Flight operations in Cologne-Bonn interrupted
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation paralyzes operations at several airports – Cologne-Bonn also affected
MalaysiaGazette: Climate activists stop traffic at two German airports
Mannheimer Morgen: Climate protest at airports – several flights cancelled
MCAC: Germany: Climate activists block four airports
mdr: Climate protection activists block airports again
mein leipzig: Leipzig Airport in crisis mode: New measures against climate stickers
Mein Stuttgart: Climate activists cause a stir at Stuttgart Airport
Merkur: Dorfener (20) explains in court why he is active for the Last Generation
Mittelbayerische: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Mobilitätsmanager: Last generation active again at airports
msn: “Last Generation” protests again at several German airports
msn: Cologne-Bonn also affected: Last generation paralyzes operations at several airports
msn: Berlin: “Last generation” penetrates BER airport
msn: Air traffic suspended – Another protest action by “Last Generation”
msn: Protests of the “Last Generation” – Activists block BER, one complains: “I wish I wasn’t here”
Märkische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” triggers police operation at BER with blockade
n-TV: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Nachrichten Österreich: Leipzig Airport in crisis mode: New measures against climate stickers
nachrichten-heute: “Last generation” penetrates several airports
nd: After climate protests: right to blockade?
news 24: Climate activists stop traffic at two German airports
Northstar: Climate Protest Suspends Flights at Several German Airports
Noticias del Momento: Climate activists break into German airport sites, bringing air traffic to a halt
Passauer Neue Presse: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Pfalz Express: “Last generation” penetrates several airports
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Activists glue themselves to the airport – consequences
Pledge Times: Last generation: Climate activists break into several German airports
Radar AFrica: Climate crisis activists stop traffic at major German airports
radio Bielefeld: Berlin/Stuttgart | Climate activists at airports? Cologne/Bonn ceases operations
Radio FFH: «Last Generation» Protests At Munich Airport
radio Lippe: Berlin/Stuttgart | Climate activists at airports? Cologne/Bonn ceases operations
Rai News: “Last generation” blocks airports in Germany
rbb24: “Last Generation” members enter BER premises
Reisereporter: Climate activists paralyze airport: Travelers have these rights
report-K: “Last generation” penetrates several airports
Reuters: Climate activists breach security at four German airports
rnd: “Dangerous and stupid” – Faeser condemns sticker campaigns at airports and calls for tougher penalties and better technical protection
RP Online: Last generation paralyzes Cologne/Bonn Airport and other airports
RP Online: With these protests, the “Last Generation” caused a stir
RTL News: Climate activists invade Berlin airport
Schwäbische: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Climate action at Stuttgart Airport ends
Space Daily: Climate activists stop traffic in two German airports
Spiegel: Climate activists break into several airports – operations temporarily suspended
SRN News: Climate activists breach security at four German airports
SRN News: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
Stephan Brinkmann: No flight operations due to climate protest at Cologne-Bonn Airport
Stern: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport Climate activists disrupt German air traffic
Super Tipp: Climate protest: Flight operations in Cologne-Bonn interrupted
Süddeutsche Zeitung: "We are godlessly screwed"
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
t-online: Climate activists invade several airports
Tag24: Last generation invades airports: activists stick to runway and are removed
Tag24: Last Generation Takes Actress to Supreme Constitutional Court: “Procedure Is Torture”
Tagesanzeiger: Climate activists invade four German airports
Tagesschau: Climate activists paralyze several airports
Tagesschau 24: “Unpreventable”, Jakob Schmidt, WDR, on the protest of climate activists and the blockade of several airports
Tagesschau 24: Protest action: Last generation paralyzes airports
Tagesspiegel: Last generation: Climate activists at airports: disruptions in flight operations
Tagesspiegel: Air traffic disruption: Climate protest at airports – Several flights cancelled
Tagesspiegel: Update Flight operations in Cologne and Nuremberg were interrupted: Faeser condemns climate activists' sticker campaigns at airports
Tagesspiegel: Because he defaced the Chancellery: Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick receives a 3500 Euro fine
Tagesspiegel: “Last generation” paralyzes airports: Airport association describes disruptive actions as “criminal blackmail”
Tagesspiegel: “Trivializing climate radicals”: ​​Kretschmer calls for tougher penalties for climate activists
Tasnim News Agency: Climate Activists Protest at Four German Airports, Halting Traffic
taz: Peaceful, legitimate and necessary
taz: Perpetrators style themselves as victims“Raid on the last generation: police storm apartments”
taz: Two activists per airport
The Baltimore Post: [Fox News] Climate activists break into German airport sites, bringing air traffic to halt
The Canadian Press: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
The Gazette: Climate change activists cause havoc at German airports
THE PINNACLE GAZETTE: Climate Activists Ground Flights At German Airports
The Washington Times: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
THEWILL: Two German Airports Suspend Flight Operations As Climate Activists Block Runways
tonignt NEWS: After protests by the last generation at Cologne/Bonn Airport: Air traffic starts again
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: »Last generation« protests at Munich Airport “Last Generation” protests at Munich Airport – this time only with posters
untergrundblättle: Quadruple protest: Several German airports paralyzed
Verbraucherschutzforum: Last generation” once again paralyzes airports and attacks SPD headquarters
Vijesti: Germany: Two airports suspend flights, climate activists invade runways
watson: Federal government wants to tighten air laws – last generation continues anyway
WDR: Last generation blocks Cologne-Bonn Airport
WDR: Last generation disrupts air traffic: Are the safety precautions sufficient?
Welt: Since five o’clock, members of the “Last Generation” have been disrupting flight operations at four German airports
Welt: “Last generation” blocks airports – “Arriving planes in particular were diverted”
Welt: “Last generation” invades airports – Faeser considers actions “dangerous and stupid”
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: No flights in Cologne-Bonn for one hour
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: Flight operations in Cologne-Bonn interrupted
Wings: Climate activists protest at several German airports in the latest of a string of demonstrations
WirtschaftsWoche: Climate activists at airports: disruptions to flight operations
WirtschaftsWoche: Last generation massively impacts air traffic
WirtschaftsWoche: How safe are German airports?
Wochenblatt Ravensburg: Climate activists glue themselves to Stuttgart Airport
WorldMagzine: Climate Activists Disrupt German Airports, Prompting Security Concerns
yahoo news (UK): Climate activists breach security at four German airports
ZAWYA: Climate activists stop traffic in two German airports
Zeit Online: Faeser criticizes climate protests at airports as “dangerous and stupid”
Zeit Online: Flight operations in Cologne/Bonn and Nuremberg resume after climate protest
Zeit Online: Airport Association: Disruptive actions are “criminal extortion”
Zeit Online: Climate activists on the runway of Nuremberg Airport
ZEIT ONLINE (auf youtube): Faeser describes airport blockers as “chaos”

14.08.2024 “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Aussiedlerbote: "Last Generation" protests at Munich Airport
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Paint attack on Berlin Christmas tree in midsummer in court
Evangelische Zeitung: Airports and “Last Generation” want to talk to each other
Frankenpost: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
FränkischerTag: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' protests at Munich Airport
Head Topics: Last generation: Paint attack on Berlin Christmas tree in midsummer in court
Head Topics: Last generation: Airports want to negotiate
Head Topics: Protest action at airports: Airport association seeks dialogue
Heute – Österreich: “Climate Shakira” Anja Windl (27) will continue to fight
Kronen Zeitung: Money without end: Who finances the last generation
Leipziger Zeitung: 70 percent for an end to fossil fuels – A clear signal from the representative survey is that
Mobilitätsmanager: Airport Association ADV: Offer of talks to “Last Generation”
msn: Berlin activist files constitutional complaint: “Last Generation” wants to take action against conviction
msn: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Nachrichten Österreich: Protest at Munich Airport: Activists fight against fossil fuels
Neue Presse: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Nordbayerischer Kurier: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
RTL News: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blocked together, alone in court
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Südkurier: Proceedings against Konstanz climate glue discontinued – everyone still has to pay the fine
t-online: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Christmas Tree Chaos Storms Out of Courtroom in Climate Glue Trial
Tagesspiegel: Berlin activist files constitutional complaint: “Last Generation” wants to take action against conviction
taz: Airport Association seeks dialogue Protest of the last generation at Munich Airport against kerosene and oil – police investigate trespassing
verfassungsblog: Peaceful violence?
watson: Luisa Neubauer criticizes climate debate: “incredibly fast, incredibly hectic” “Problems without solutions do not empower, but trigger powerlessness”
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Last generation” causes traffic chaos at Dortmund Airport
Wochenblatt: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport
yahoo!nachrichten: Trial in Berlin – When police video is shown, climate sticker leaves the courtroom in a state of dismay
ZDF: Airports and activists seek dialogue
Zeit Online: “Last generation” protests at Munich Airport

13.08.2024 “Last Generation” fails with protest on Sylt – further actions at the weekend
aviation direct: Airport Association ADV offers dialogue to “last generation”
aviation direct: Climate sticker campaign at Sylt Airport flops Last generation plans wave of protests at airports Airports and “Last Generation” want to talk to each other
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' fails with protest on Sylt – further actions at the weekend
Hessen Ticker: Flights to Denmark disrupted as activists protest at Frankfurt Airport – Travel And Tour World
ka-news: Protests of the last generation at Karlsruhe /Baden-Baden Airport
RTL News: RTL expert was stuck at the airport because of climate stickers: “This is clearly a hostage situation!”
sh:z: “Last Generation”: Does the protest raise awareness of climate protection?
Soester Anzeiger: “Last generation” causes traffic chaos at Dortmund Airport
Welt: Wiretapping operation against “Last Generation” – court rejects complaints
Welt: Suddenly the climate sticker storms out of the courtroom in a state of dismay
Weser Kurier: Achim District Court: Trial against climate activists nears its final stages

20 Protest at airport ends early for climate activists
ARIVA.DE: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Badische Zeitung: Last generation protests in Stuttgart
Berliner Zeitung: Climate protest at the Federal Chancellery: Why are you persecuting us but not the Nazis of Bautzen? Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
börsenNEWS: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Flughafenverband ADV: Open letter: Airport Association ADV offers talks to members of the “Last Generation”
fvw: Climate protesters glue themselves to airport
Head Topics: Dortmund Airport: “Last generation” – substance buried
Head Topics: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Head Topics: Last generation demonstrates in Berlin: Why are you persecuting us but not the Nazis of Bautzen?
Head Topics: Sociologist on the last generation: “New confrontational actions”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation protests in Calden against flight subsidies
Kieler Nachrichten: Sylt Airport: Protest by climate demonstrators “did not work”
L’essentiel: Climate activists arrested at airport before protest
MarketScreener (DE): Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport Sylt: Climate gluers caught red-handed! Because they made this stupid mistake...
onvista: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
rbb 24: “Last Generation” demonstrates in front of the Chancellery
rbb 24: “Last Generation” protests in front of the Chancellery
rbb24: “Last Generation” demonstrates in front of the Chancellery
RP Online: Action of the “Last Generation” – Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Ruhr24: Actor Jaenicke attacks Scholz: “Didn’t see that he was making a difference”
sh:z: Sylt: These attacks of the “last generation” have occurred since 2023
Sylt TV: Protest action of the “Last Generation” at Sylt Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate stickers to pay for police deployment
Tag24: “Last Generation” Announces Another Protest Action At The Chancellery!
Tag24: Climate activists protest at Dresden Airport
Tag24: Last generation protests at Sylt airport: activists sit on private jet
taz: “Media contributes to division”
taz: “New confrontational actions”
TRT Deutsch: Climate activists demonstrate at several German airports
wallstreet online: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
yahoo finanzen: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Protest

1 & 1: Climate activists glue themselves to Sylt Airport for the second time Last generation fails with action at Sylt Airport
Allgäuer Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
antenne 1: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Antenne Münster: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
antenne nrw: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Augsburger Allgemeine: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Aussiedlerbote: Climate protesters cling to Sylt airport
Aussiedlerbote: The last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
B.Z.: Climate adhesives fail with smear campaign
Badische Zeitung: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport Climate chaos makers puff up their cheeks at the airport Climate criminals stick themselves in front of private jet Climate criminals stick themselves in front of private jet on Sylt
Blick: Climate stickers want to attach themselves to private jets
boyens-medien: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
br24: Police operations at the airport: Climate activists receive a bill
brennessel magazin: Telephone surveillance of “Last Generation” members is permitted
Cityreport24: Action of the “Last Generation” at Sylt Airport (“Climate Sticker” Action) “Last generation” causes traffic chaos at Dortmund Airport
Dattelner Morgenpost: Last generation triggers police operation at Dortmund Airport Protest action in departure hall
Dattelner Morgenpost: Last generation spills “oil” at Dortmund Airport The whole action in the video
Dattelner Morgenpost: “Oil kills”: Protest against super-rich climate activists glue themselves to Sylt airport Climate activists demonstrated at several German airports
Die Glocke: Climate activists at Dortmund Airport: “Oil kills”
Die Oberbadische: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Die Rheinpfalz: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Dorstener Zeitung: “Last Generation” at Dortmund Airport Activists trigger major police operation
Dülmener Zeitung: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Frankenpost: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “The protest today on Sylt did not work” Action of the “Last Generation” at Sylt Airport (“Climate Sticker” Action)
Freie Presse: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
General Anzeiger: Sylt Airport: Activists of the “Last Generation” glue themselves to the runway
General Anzeiger: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
General Anzeiger: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Haller Kreisblatt: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Haller Kreisblatt: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Hamburger Abendblatt: Protest on Sylt: Activists glue themselves to the airport
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last generation” gets stuck at the airport on Sylt
Handelsblatt: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Head Topics: Action of the 'Last Generation' at Sylt Airport ('Climate Sticker' Action)
Head Topics: Police operations at Stuttgart Airport during a meeting of climate activists
Head Topics: Dortmund Airport: Climate criminals dump “oil” into terminal
Head Topics: Climate activists on North Sea island: Last generation sticks to Sylt
Head Topics: Last generation: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt airport
Head Topics: Last generation: Climate activists storm Sylt Airport – and sit on private jet
Head Topics: North Rhine-Westphalia: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Head Topics: Stuttgart: Climate chaos makers puff up their cheeks at the airport
Head Topics: Sylt: “Last generation” blocks private jet at airport
Head Topics: “Last generation” gets stuck at the airport on Sylt
Heilbronner Stimme: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Heilbronner Stimme: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Hellweger Anzeiger: Last generation spills “oil” at Dortmund Airport The whole action in the video
Hertener Allgemeine: Last generation triggers police operation at Dortmund Airport Protest action in departure hall
Hertener Allgemeine: Last generation spills “oil” at Dortmund Airport The whole action in the video
Hertener Allgemeine: Police at Dortmund Airport Protest of the “Last Generation” – the pictures of the operation
ka-news: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Karlsruhe Insider: Sticking again: Climate activists march through Karlsruhe city centre
Kleine Zeitung: Climate activists demonstrate at several German airports
Kreiszeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Kronen Zeitung: Activists demonstrate at several airports
Kronen Zeitung: Activists demonstrate at several airports
kulthit RADIO: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Landtag von Baden-Württemberg: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Leipziger Volkszeitung: After blockade also in Leipzig: “Last generation” could be hit hard
Leipziger Zeitung: Climate protest at Dresden Airport: Demand for a treaty on the non-proliferation of fossil fuels
Leipziger Zeitung: Climate protest at Dresden Airport
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Mannheimer Morgen: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Marler Zeitung: Last generation triggers police operation at Dortmund Airport Protest action in departure hall
Marler Zeitung: Last generation spills “oil” at Dortmund Airport The whole action in the video
Mein Stuttgart: Peaceful climate demonstration at Stuttgart Airport: A look back
Mein Stuttgart: Peaceful protest at Stuttgart Airport: Climate activists in focus
Mein Stuttgart: Climate protest on Sylt: Activists attempt paint attack on private jet
Merkur: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Mindener Tageblatt: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Activist of the Last Generation Halle on the raid and why he will not give up
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
MM-Logistik: Last generation: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt airport
msn: Climate activists fail with sticker campaign at Sylt Airport
msn: Police prevent climate sticker campaign at Sylt Airport
msn: “This is happening” – Climate stickers want to make a statement at Sylt Airport – but things go terribly wrong
n-TV: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
n-TV: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
n-TV: Climate activists stick themselves on Sylt Airport
n-TV: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport Peaceful protest at Stuttgart Airport: Climate activists in focus Climate sticker at Sylt Airport: Police prevent sticking to jet Climate sticker at Sylt Airport: Police prevent sticking to jet Climate activists attempt to protest at Sylt Airport – police strike Protest at Sylt Airport: Climate activists fail due to paint attack Protest on Sylt: Climate activists glue themselves to the airport Protest on Sylt: Climate activists fail due to airline safety measures Protest against domestic flights: Activists symbolize oil at Dortmund Airport Protest action at Dortmund Airport: Police investigate 20 participants Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport (D)
Neue Presse: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Neue Westfälische: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
News Reader: RLS NORD: Action of the “Last Generation” at Sylt Airport (“Climate Glue” Action) Police reports for Sylt Airport, August 10.08.2024, XNUMX: Action by the “Last Generation” at Sylt Airport (“Climate Glue” action)
Newsflash24: RLS NORD: Action of the “Last Generation” at Sylt Airport (“Climate Glue” Action)
Nordsee Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
NRW1: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Sylt Airport: Activists of the “Last Generation” glue themselves to the runway
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Passauer Neue Presse: Climate activists receive retroactive bill for disruption at Munich Airport
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Presseportal: RLS NORD: Action of the “Last Generation” at Sylt Airport (“Climate Glue” Action)
RADIO 7: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
radio Bielefeld: Tinnum | Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Radio Leverkusen: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Radio Regenbogen: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Radio Regenbogen: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Radio Wuppertal: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
rbb: “Last Generation” demonstrates in front of the Chancellery
Recklinghauser Zeitung: “Last Generation” at Dortmund Airport Activists trigger major police operation
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
rnd: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt airport
RP Online: Climate activists fail with sticker campaign at Sylt Airport
RP Online: Police prevent climate sticker campaign at Sylt Airport
RTL News: Arrests on Sylt
RTL News: Climate activist wants to stick to private plane
RTL News: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
RTL News: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
RTL News: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Ruhr Nachrichten: Last generation triggers police operation at Dortmund Airport Protest action in departure hall
Ruhr Nachrichten: Last generation spills “oil” at Dortmund Airport The whole action in the video
Ruhr Nachrichten: Police at Dortmund Airport Protest of the “Last Generation” – the pictures of the operation
Ruhr Nachrichten: “Oil kills”: Protest against super-rich climate activists glue themselves to Sylt airport
Ruhr24: “Last generation” demonstrates at Dortmund airport | Dortmund News
Rundblick-Unna: Vandalism with black paste by self-proclaimed “climate activists” at Dortmund Airport
Salzburg24: Last generation demonstrates at several German airports
Salzburg24: Protests at several airports in Germany
SAT1: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
SauerlandKurier: “Last generation” causes traffic chaos at Dortmund Airport
Schwäbische: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Schwäbische: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
sh:z: Sylt Airport: Activists of the “Last Generation” glue themselves to the runway
Staseve: Bavaria will monitor the “last generation”
Stern: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Stern: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Stern: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Stimberg Zeitung: Last generation triggers police operation at Dortmund Airport Protest action in departure hall
Stimberg Zeitung: Last generation spills “oil” at Dortmund Airport The whole action in the video
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Sylt 1: Climate stickers on Sylt. Another protest at Sylt Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
t-online: “Last Generation” occupies Sylt Airport
t-online: Climate protesters block airport
t-online: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Tag24: “Last Generation” Protests at Stuttgart Airport
Tagesspiegel: They cut a hole in the fence: Climate protesters glue themselves next to a private jet at Sylt Airport
The Local: Climate activists demonstrate at several German airports
Verbraucherschutzforum: Climate activists of the last generation glue themselves to Sylt Airport – police operation prevents further actions
Vodafone live: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Vodafone live: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Volksstimme: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Waltroper Zeitung: Last generation spills “oil” at Dortmund Airport The whole action in the video
WDR: Last generation – passengers have to walk for miles
WDR: Protest action of the last generation at Dortmund Airport
Welt: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Welt: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Welt: “Last Generation” troublemakers fail with paint attack on Sylt Airport
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Westfalen-Blatt: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
yahoo!: Climate protesters target airport of German resort island Sylt
yahoo!nachrichten: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Zeit Online: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Zeit Online: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Zeit Online: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Газета.ru: The ecoactivist is attached to the wing of a small aircraft
ТАСС: The last generation of ecoactivists tried to get to the airport in Ostrov
تلفزيون 24: ألمانيا تسمح بالتجسس على هواتف ناشطين متطرفين

Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Activists storm Sylt Airport – and sit on Jet Climate criminals dump “oil” into terminal
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Debt relief for airport blockades is unlikely
Hellweger Anzeiger: “Last Generation” at Dortmund Airport Activists trigger major police operation
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate protesters glue themselves to Sylt Airport
n-TV: Inside Last Generation – on the road with the climate stickers
Ruhr Nachrichten: “Last Generation” at Dortmund Airport Activists trigger major police operation
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
t-online: “Last generation” causes traffic chaos
Tag24: Last generation protests at Sylt airport: activists sit on private jet
Tag24: After airport blockades raid on climate stickers – police take DNA samples
taz: Last generation sticks to Sylt
WAZ: Last generation spills fake oil at Dortmund Airport
WDR: “Last Generation” protests at Dortmund Airport
Welt: Climate protest: Substance spilled at Dortmund Airport
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Last generation” causes traffic chaos at Dortmund Airport

Allgemeine Zeitung: Interior Minister welcomes searches at Last Generation
Allgäuer Zeitung: After disruptive actions at Frankfurt Airport, Allgäu activist raided
Anadolu Agency: German police raid homes of radical climate activists for disrupting Frankfurt Airport aviation traffic
Aussiedlerbote: After airport disruptions, raid on the last generation.
Aussiedlerbote: Police raid the last generation
B.Z.: Raid on the climate radicals!
B.Z.: Solidarity meeting for the last generation
Badische Zeitung: After disruptive action at airports, police search apartments of the last generation – also in Freiburg
beck-aktuell: Climate activists’ press connection was allowed to be tapped
Berlin Live: Last generation: Raid in Berlin and other cities
Berliner Abendblatt: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
Berliner Kurier: After airport blockade – raid on climate radicals
Berliner Morgenpost: After airport blockade: raids at Last Generation
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Nationwide raid on “Last Generation”
Berliner Tagesblatt: The Last Generation: Looking for new ways to fight climate change Raid on climate criminals! Police take DNA samples
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Open letter: Airport Association ADV offers talks to the members of the Last Generation
buten un binnen: Climate activists do not have to pay costs in Bremen
buten un binnen: Climate activists do not have to pay for police costs themselves
buten un binnen: Expensive activism: Who will cover the costs of climate protests in Bremen?
Der Westen: Cologne/Bonn Airport: After blockade of the “Last Generation” – Association speaks out
Deutschlandfunk: Searches of activists from “Last Generation”
Du bist Halle: Apartment searched in Halle at the Last Generation because of the airport occupation in Frankfurt
Echo: Hesse’s Interior Minister praises raid against “Last Generation”
fehmarn 24: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel Nationwide raid on “Last Generation” Open letter: Airport Association ADV offers talks to the members of the Last Generation
Focus: Raid on Last GenerationPolice search apartments of Frankfurt Airport stickers
Frankfurt Report: Police raids target climate activists after protest at Frankfurt Airport
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Searches at the Last Generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Debt relief for airport blockades is unlikely
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last generation in the sights of the Frankfurt public prosecutor's office
Funplacetotravel: Germany's Busiest Airport Disrupted by Climate Protest
fvw: Airport association ADV wants to talk to climate activists
Hamburger Abendblatt: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
Hamburger Morgenpost: Hamburg's "climate glue" stopped – why they don't have to fear investigations
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': Search after airport blockade
Head Topics: Berlin & Brandenburg: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
Head Topics: Nationwide raid against “Last Generation”: Police search homes of climate activists
Head Topics: German police raid climate activists
Head Topics: Investigations against “Last Generation”: Climate activists temporarily blocked runway at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Head Topics: Last generation at the end - climate professor rages: 'Fight against climate crisis lost'
Head Topics: After airport blockade: raids on “Last Generation”
Head Topics: After raid on climate group: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
Head Topics: Open letter: Airport Association ADV offers talks to the members of the Last Generation
Head Topics: Raid on the Last Generation: Police storm apartments
Head Topics: Raid at dawn: Police search apartment of Bali-Kleber from Regensburg
Heilbronner Stimme: After disruptive actions at airports: Raid on Last Generation also in Mannheim and Freiburg
Hessen Ticker: Police raids target climate activists after protest at Frankfurt Airport
hessenschau: Raid after disruptive action by members of the “Last Generation” at Frankfurt Airport
Heute – Österreich: German police raid climate activists
ka-news: Last generation: demonstration march from LBBW to EnBW
Kieler Nachrichten: “Last generation”: Regional court imposes penalty for climate protest in Kiel
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activists fined after graffiti on Cologne University monument
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Raids at “Last Generation” – Leipzig also affected
Leipziger Zeitung: Raids against “Last Generation” and [,,.]
Magdeburg-klickt: LAST GENERATION: Nationwide raids after airport blockade! These are the penalties that climate stickers face
Mannheimer Morgen: How Mannheim climate activist Raúl Semmler experienced the house search
MarketScreener: Airport association offers talks to the Last Generation
mdr: Raid on the “Last Generation” after airport blockade
mdr: Raid on members of the group "Last Generation"
Mein Stuttgart: Raids in Leipzig: Climate protests and arson attack keep authorities busy
Merkur: Also in Baden-Württemberg: large-scale raids against the last generation
Mittelbayerische: “Unpleasant to make people angry”: Regensburg activist defends airport blockades
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Raid against “Last Generation” – Police also strike in Halle
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
mittelhessen: Hesse’s Interior Minister praises raid against “Last Generation”
msn: Berlin: “Last Generation” threatens further actions at airports
msn: Prison sentence for climate activist Miriam Meyer – will the verdict be overturned?
n-TV: Police raid Last Generation Searches in several federal states after airport protest of the last generation After disruptive actions at airport raid on Last Generation
nd: Raids again on Last Generation
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: After disruptive actions at airports: raid on members of the Last Generation
Nordkurier: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
oberpfalz medien: After disruptive actions at airport raid on Last Generation
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Nationwide raid on “Last Generation”
Presseportal: Open letter: Airport Association ADV offers talks to the members of the Last Generation
Presseportal: POL-F: 240808 – 0791 Joint press release […]: Searches of activists of the “Last Generation”
ProSieben: Raids at Last Generation – Police crack down on disruptive actions at airports
radio bremen: buten un binnen at 6 from 8 August – Climate protest: Costs for police deployment
radio bremen: Climate protest: costs for police deployment
rbb24: Police search apartments of the “Last Generation” in Berlin
regionalHeute: Nationwide raid on “Last Generation”
rnd: Last generation accuses: Authorities want to intimidate and traumatize
rnd: Several house searches at Letzte Generation
RP Online: Climate activists raided in several cities after actions at airports
RTL News: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
RTL News: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
Ruhr Nachrichten: After climate sticker campaigns at airports, raids on Last Generation in several cities
Salzburger Nachrichten: [email protected]
SAT1: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
sh:z: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
sh:z: After disruptive actions at airports: raid on members of the Last Generation
Spiegel: Raid on the Last Generation
Stern: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
Stern: Searches at Letzte Generation after blockade at Frankfurt Airport
Stern: Interior Minister welcomes searches at Last Generation
Stern: After disruptive actions at airport raid on Last Generation
Stern: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Stern: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
Stimberg Zeitung: After climate sticker campaigns at airports, raids on Last Generation in several cities
Sä After disruptive actions at airports: Raid on “Latzter Generation” – also in Leipzig
Süddeutsche Zeitung: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
t-online: “Last Generation” threatens further actions at airports
t-online: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
t-online: Raid on climate activists after airport blockade
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Another Nationwide Raid After Airport Action
Tag24: After raid: “Last Generation” calls for new protests at airports
Tagesschau: Raids on the homes of climate activists of the “Last Generation”
Tagesspiegel: After raid on climate group: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
taz: Police storm apartments
TRT Deutsch: After airport disruption: Raid at Last Generation
TRT Deutsch: After airport disruption: Raid on Last Generation
Vodafone live: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
Vodafone live: Interior Minister welcomes searches at Last Generation
Vodafone live: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Volksstimme: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Volksstimme: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin
WDR: Last generation: Nationwide raid
Welt: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
Welt: Reaction to airport blockades – police search homes of the “last generation”
yahoo!: German airport association offers talks with Last Generation group
yahoo!: Police raids target climate activists after Frankfurt Airport protest
ZDF: Raids on "Last Generation" activists
Zeit Online: 900 Euro fine for blockade action in Kiel
Zeit Online: Airport Association offers talks to activists of the last generation
Zeit Online: Interior Minister welcomes searches at Last Generation
Zeit Online: After disruptive actions at airport raid on Last Generation
Zeit Online: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Zeit Online: Police search activists' homes after airport disruption
Zeit Online: Solidarity meeting for the last generation in Berlin

ABC Color: I like this nota at
Allgäuer Zeitung: Court decides: Wiretapping of climate activists' press contacts allowed
antenne bayern: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Augsburger Allgemeine: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: After disruptive actions at airports: Raid at Letzte Generation – Apartment in Freiburg searched
Berliner Morgenpost: Enough glue? This is how the last generation in Berlin feels
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Raid on Last Generation after airport blockade After disruptive actions at airport raid on Last Generation Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
br24: Police allowed to tap the press phone of the “Last Generation”
buten un binnen: Bremen does not ask climate activists to pay for police operations
Der Nordschleswiger: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Deutsche Tageszeitung: Searches at Last Generation After Blockade at Frankfurt Airport
Deutschlandfunk: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press phone is legal
Frankenpost: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Wiretapping the “Last Generation” was legal
Freie Presse: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
fvw: Climate stickers go unpunished in Hamburg
Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte: Freedom of the press threatened: Munich Regional Court I rejects complaint against wiretapping of the last generation of press telephones
Hamburg1: No proceedings against “Last Generation”: Police union demands airport complaint
Hamburger Abendblatt: Prison sentence for climate activist Miriam Meyer – will the verdict be overturned?
Head Topics: Climate activists block Gögginger Straße
Head Topics: Last generation: Court rejects journalists' complaints about tapped press phone
Head Topics: Last Generation: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
Head Topics: Why was the press contact of the 'Last Generation' wiretapped?
Hessisches Ministerium des Innern: On the searches of members of the Last Generation
in Südthüringen: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
ka-news: After the last generation of adhesive campaign: What does LBBW Karlsruhe say about it?
Karlsruhe Insider: Climate activists again cause sticky incidents in Karlsruhe
KunstKulturwelt: “Last generation” wiretapped: Court rejects complaint about telephone surveillance
Legal Tribune online: LG Munich I to listen in on the LG press phone
Lindweiler: After disruptive actions at airports: Raid on Last Generation
LOGISTIK HEUTE: After sticking campaigns: Airport association offers the last generation a conversation
msn: Searches at "Last Generation"
musikexpress: PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk on Morrissey and the Last Generation
MÜNCHENER POST: Nationwide searches at last generation after blockade at airport
MÜNCHENER POST: Searches at Last Generation After Blockade at Frankfurt Airport
nd: Spying on journalists is disproportionate Court rejects journalists' complaints about tapped press phone Nationwide raid on “Last Generation”
NewsWorld: Police action at 'Last Generation' after blockade of Frankfurt Airport
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
NRW Heute: Climate activists stick themselves to the runway at Cologne-Bonn Airport
Offenbach-Post: “Last Generation Austria” disbands – German movement reacts
Passauer Neue Presse: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
Pforzheimer Zeitung: After disruptive actions at airport raid on Last Generation
Presse Augsburg: Nationwide raid on “Last Generation”
Rai News: Millions in fines for climate stickers
Reporter Ohne Grenzen: Regional Court rejects complaints
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Longer controls threatened, penalties increased
Sonntagsblatt: Wiretapping operation against “Last Generation”: Munich Regional Court rejects journalists’ complaint
Stern: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted
t-online: Blockade of the “Last Generation”: This is how much the operation costs
t-online: Court declares secret wiretapping legal
t-online: Court imposes fines on climate activists
Tag24: After the end in Austria: This is how “Last Generation” continues in Germany
Tagesschau: Searches at "Last Generation"
Tagesspiegel: Search at climate group: After disruptive actions at airport raid at Last Generation
Tagesspiegel: Search at climate group: Raid at Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Tagesspiegel: Update Nationwide raid against “Last Generation”: Police search homes of climate activists
turi2: Court: Wiretapping of the Last Generation press phone was legal.
Welt: Nationwide raids on “Last Generation”
Welt: Hessian Interior Minister calls activists “serious criminals”
Welt: After disruptive actions at airport raid on Last Generation
Welt: Raids on climate stickers of the “last generation”
Welt: Reaction to airport blockades – police search homes of the “last generation”
Welt: “Not activism, but pure criminality”
Wiesbadener Kurier: Hesse’s Interior Minister praises raid against “Last Generation”
Wochenblatt Ravensburg: Raid on Last Generation after disruptive actions at airports
Zeit Online: Court: Wiretapping of climate activists’ press contact permitted

07.08.2024 Federal police ask climate stickers to pay Federal Police Charges “Last Generation” Protest Actions
Augsburger Allgemeine: Climate activists block Gögginger Straße
Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Aussiedlerbote: “No more success”: Last generation in Austria pauses protests
Aussiedlerbote: Federal police are asking climate activists to cash in
aviation direct: Climate protest in aviation: New escalation stage of the “last generation”?
B.Z.: Federal police ask climate criminals to pay
Berliner Kurier: Last generation: Federal police ask climate chaos makers to pay
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation Austria calls it quits – “Resistance remains”
Berliner Morgenpost: This is how much the last generation should pay for BER blockades
Berliner Tageszeitung: Last Generation Austria Announces End of Previous Protests
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blockades at BER: Federal police demand money for operation
Berliner Zeitung: Austria: Last generation ends protests and disbands
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests Climate radicals to pay for operations at BER
buten un binnen: Climate protest of the “Last Generation” in Bremen costs 130.000 euros
City-News: “Last Generation” in Austria announces dissolution
Der Standard: Fraport and Vienna Airport sue climate activists for millions Fraport and Vienna Airport sue climate activists for millions
Express: Internal document causes concernClimate protests at airports: Is being stuck on the runway just the beginning?
Eßlinger Zeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Focus: Disruptive actions at BER airportFederal police ask activists of the “Last Generation” to pay
Frankenpost: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last Generation Austria” disbands – German movement reacts
General Anzeiger: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Climate sticker” released after foiled action – no criminal proceedings
Hamburger Morgenpost: “No longer see any perspective”: “Last generation” in Austria disbands
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' stops protests in Austria
Head Topics: Climate protest in Bremen: 130.000 euros costs for police
Head Topics: Last generation Austria gives up – at least for now
Head Topics: Last generation: “Disobedient assembly” paralyzes traffic on Karlstrasse
Head Topics: Lufthansa warns: Will climate stickers soon protest INSIDE the plane?
Head Topics: Protest actions: Federal police ask climate activists to pay
Hellweg Radio: Last generation in Austria stops protests
hessenschau: Fraport talks about claims for damages against “Last Generation”
idowa: Last generation in Austria stops protests
in Südthüringen: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Kreiszeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Kreiszeitung: “Last Generation Austria” disbands – German movement reacts
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Last generation in Austria stops protests Gluing at the airport: million-dollar lawsuit for activists
Merkur: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests
n-TV: “No perspective” – Last-generation offshoot gives up protests
n-TV: Federal police impose fee notices against Last Generation
n-TV: Last generation in Austria disbands
n-TV: Last generation activists have to pay thousands of euros
Nachrichten Österreich: Climate Alliance Last Generation ends protests in Austria: What comes next?
nd: The Last Generation Austria is stopping
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Nordsee Zeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Radio Neandertal: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Radio RSG: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Radio RST: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Radio Siegen: Last generation in Austria stops protests
radio WAF: Vienna | Last generation in Austria stops protests
Radio Wuppertal: Last generation in Austria stops protests
regionalHeute: “Last Generation” in Austria announces dissolution
Rolling Stone: PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk on Morrissey, the Last Generation and Cancel Culture
rosenheim24: Slap in the face for climate stickers: Last generation calls it quits in Austria
rosenheim24: “Last Generation Austria” disbands – German movement reacts
RP Online: Airport operator wants to sue climate activists for one million euros in damages
RP Online: Last generation in Austria stops protests
RTL News: Are climate stickers now attacking airplanes?
Ruhr24: “Last Generation Austria” disbands – German movement reacts
Stern: “No longer see success”: Last generation in Austria pauses protests
Stern: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests
SWR Aktuell: Konstanz climate stickers must pay fines
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests
t-online: Federal police ask climate activists to pay
t-online: One million euros loss: Airport sues climate activists
t-online: This is what’s next for climate activists in Germany
Tag24: Also in Chemnitz: Last generation must go to court
Tag24: After action at Ber: Last generation should be used for sheet metal
Tagesschau: Activists wanted to paralyze Hamburg Airport – no criminal proceedings
Tagesschau: Fraport expects further protests at Frankfurt Airport
Tagesspiegel: Press phone of the “Last Generation”: Court approves wiretapping order
Volksstimme: Last generation in Austria stops protests
watson: Last generation Austria stops: will the German group follow suit?
WDR: Vienna: Last generation stops protests
Weser Kurier: “Last generation” causes police costs in six-figure amounts
ZDF: “Last Generation” Austria stops protest
ZDF: Police bill activists for their efforts
Zeit Online: Last generation in Austria stops protests

20 Lufthansa warns: Climate adhesives could attack aircraft Lufthansa fears disruptive actions on board aircraft Lufthansa warns employees against protests in and on aircraft
aviation direct: Climate protest in aviation: New escalation stage of the “last generation”?
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Deutschlandfunk: Last generation in Austria ends protests
Eulerpool: Federal police charge climate activists 6.400 euros in fees
Hamburger Abendblatt: Why the airport’s “climate stickers” are not threatened with criminal proceedings
Head Topics: AUA parent company Lufthansa – Internal paper warns of climate attacks on board
Head Topics: Last generation: “Disobedient assembly” paralyzes traffic on Karlstrasse
Head Topics: Lufthansa warns employees against protests in and on aircraft
Head Topics: Lufthansa warns about climate stickers: Will there soon be protests IN airplanes?
Head Topics: Lufthansa warns of new form of protest by climate stickers
Heute – Österreich: Internal paper warns of climate attacks on board
Heute – Österreich: Lufthansa warns of new form of protest by climate stickers
ka-news: “Drill, baby, drill”: Last generation sticks stickers on LBBW building
Kieler Nachrichten: Trial against “Last Generation” Kiel: Activist before district court after blockade of the B76
Kleine Zeitung: Climate activists now also want to protest on holiday planes
Kosmo: Holidays in danger: climate protests soon IN airplanes?
Kronen Zeitung: Climate activists plan attacks IN holiday airlines Are activists now also gluing themselves onto airplanes?
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activists fined after graffiti on Cologne University monument
Lindweiler: Activists of the “Last Generation”: Verdict passed against monument sprayers in Cologne
Mannheimer Morgen: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Merkur: Damage in Frankfurt “significantly higher” than in previous actions: Lufthansa wants to make “Last Generation” pay
nachrichten-heute: “Last Generation” in Austria announces dissolution Disobedient gathering in Halle: Climate activists make a statement
NDR: Activists wanted to paralyze Hamburg Airport – no criminal proceedings
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Last generation in Austria stops protests
radio Bielefeld: Vienna | Last generation in Austria stops protests
rnd: Climate activists should pay for protests
rnd: “No prospect of success”: Last generation in Austria stops protests
RTL News: Are climate stickers now attacking airplanes?
t-online: Blockade of the “Last Generation”: This is how much the operation costs
t-online: Climate activists in Austria announce dissolution
Tagesspiegel: Protest actions: Federal police ask climate activists to pay
Tagesspiegel: “We no longer see any prospect of success”: Last generation in Austria stops climate protests
ULM TV: “Last Generation” in Austria announces dissolution
Welt: 2280 euros for seven troublemakers – Federal Police asks “Last Generation” to pay for operations
WirtschaftsWoche: Last generation in Austria stops protests
Zeit Online: Climate group Last Generation Austria disbands

Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation: “Disobedient assembly” paralyzes traffic on Karlstrasse
Aussiedlerbote: Police remove activists of the “Last Generation” from the streets
B.Z.: Climate radicals demonstrate at BER airport Lufthansa warns of climate criminals IN airplanes
Dattelner Morgenpost: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from street in Cologne Officials knew in advance
Hamburger Abendblatt: Example made? Long prison sentence for activist Miriam Meyer
Head Topics: Climate protest at airports: Is sticking to the runway just the beginning?
Head Topics: Last generation: “Disobedient assembly” paralyzes traffic on Karlstrasse
Head Topics: Lufthansa warns internally: Climate stickers could strike IN airplanes
Head Topics: Protest by Last Generation stopped in Cologne city centre
Marler Zeitung: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from street in Cologne Officials knew in advance
mein leipzig: Leipzig Airport ready: Precautionary measures against climate chaos
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Blockade with aftermath: Last generation sets up tents on Hochstrasse in Halle
NRWision: Hatred against climate stickers
RTL+: stern TV on Sunday – broadcast from 04.08.2024
Ruhr Nachrichten: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from street in Cologne Officials knew in advance
Stimberg Zeitung: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from street in Cologne Officials knew in advance
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last generation” sticks again: Disruptions at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Tag24: Lufthansa Prepares for Emergency: Soon “Last Generation” Actions on Airplanes?
Tagesspiegel: World clock, street blockades, Brandenburg Gate: Who will pay for the damage caused by the last generation in Berlin?
wallstreet online: Protest at Leipzig Airport: Climate activists stop cargo flights for hours!
Waltroper Zeitung: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from street in Cologne Officials knew in advance
Welt: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport

AirportVideo (auf youtube): [CLIMATE GLUE PARALYZED LEIPZIG/HALLE AIRPORT!] – Flight diversions start at CGN –
antenne nrw: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Dülmener Zeitung: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
General Anzeiger: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Head Topics: North Rhine-Westphalia: Police remove 'Last Generation' activists from the streets Last generation: Blockade of airports can be expensive
kulthit RADIO: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Meetingpoint – Jerichower Land: Saxony-Anhalt's FDP parliamentary group leader condemns airport blockade in Leipzig/Halle
mein leipzig: Chaos at the airport: Last generation activists stop night flights
Mindener Tageblatt: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
NiNa.Az: Last Generation
Stern: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
t-online: Police stop "Last Generation" action in Cologne
WDR: Last generation protests in Cologne: Between understanding and anger | Ice bathing is trending
Zeit Online: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets

03.08.2024 Police prevent climate activists from disrupting Hamburg Airport
aviation direct: Hamburg Airport: Climate stickers fail due to vigilant police
Berlin Morgen: Lufthansa Last Generation
Berliner Zeitung: Green politicians celebrate at Taylor Swift's concert? Protests against the concerts in Poland Climate criminals stopped at the airport!
bonnesvacances: Berlin News : Last generation: Police prevent blockade at Hamburg airport
Brights: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Der Vorreiter: Last generation: Blockade of airports can be expensive
Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten: The editor-in-chief comments: Climate stickers at airports – desperate protest that harms climate protection!
Du bist Halle: “Last generation” blocks Hansering Germany's Last Generation group aims to revive climate protests
Flugzeugforum: “Last Generation” is currently blocking Leipzig-Halle Airport
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Blocking airports can be expensive
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Through three fences onto the runway
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
General Anzeiger: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Haller Kreisblatt: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Haller Kreisblatt: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Hallo Augsburg: “Disobedient Assembly”: Last generation plans next action
Hamburger Morgenpost: Police prevent climate blockade at the airport – praise from Andy Grote
Head Topics: Hamburg: Climate sticker campaign at the airport foiled
Head Topics: Hamburg: Police prevent climate blockade at the airport
Head Topics: Last generation plans “disobedient assembly”
Head Topics: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Cyclist stopped: Police apparently prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Karlsruhe Insider: Harsh penalties for climate activists are coming – “Stop sticking”
Kleine Zeitung: Police prevented disruptive action by climate stickers at Hamburg Airport
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets in Cologne
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Airport blockade: Climate activists cycle onto the runway with rental bikes
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Mannheimer Morgen: Last generation demonstrates for a car-free Mannheim city
Merkur: After latest disruptive actions: Pop star mocks climate stickers of the last generation
Merkur: Damage in Frankfurt “significantly higher” than in previous actions: Lufthansa wants to make “Last Generation” pay
Mittelbayerische: Regensburg activists close airport – Bali-Kleber was there again Hamburg Airport: Climate sticker caught red-handed! Their plan gives you goosebumps
n-TV: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
NDR: Suspected climate activists stopped near Hamburg Airport
Neue Westfälische: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Obermain-Tagblatt: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
oe24: Climate stickers stopped at the airport Last generation plans “disobedient assembly”
PRESSEREVUE: Last generation: Blockade of airports can be expensive
Radio Fantasy: “Oil kills” – protest action by “Last Generation” planned in Augsburg City
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Last generation demonstrates for car-free city center
rnd: Police thwart climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
RP Online: Activists of the “Last Generation” try to block street in Cologne
RP Online: Cologne police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
RTL News: Are climate stickers now attacking airplanes?
RTL News: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
RTL News: Caught red-handed! Police catch climate sticker at Hamburg Airport
Sä Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
t-online: Airport: Police prevent disruptive action by the “Last Generation”
Tag24: Commentary: Why Climate Stickers Are Not “Activists” For Me
Tag24: Last generation paralyzes city center: several arrests in Augsburg
Tag24: Police Remove "Last Generation" Activists From Street
Tag24: Police operation at Hamburg Airport: Climate activists stopped
Tagblatt: Climate activists paralyze German airports: Altenrhein airport strengthens security measures
taz: Climate protest prevented
taz: Last generation strikes again
ToppNews: Last generation: Blockade of airports can be expensive
Vodafone live: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Vodafone live: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
WDR: Current hour | October 03.08.2024, XNUMX
WDR: Last generation protests in Cologne: Between understanding and anger
Welt: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Police remove “Last Generation” activists from the streets
Zeit Online: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport

ABC Color: I liked this nota at
abc News: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
About Travel: «Disrespectful climate stickers» Investigations against airport blockers in Frankfurt continue Climate protest paralyzes cargo flights at Leipzig/Halle Airport
antenne bayern: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
Antenne Niederrhein: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Arab Times: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation plans “disobedient assembly” on Karlstrasse
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle airport
Aussiedlerbote: The last generation blocked the runway in Leipzig/Halle for hours
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists disrupt Leipzig/Halle Airport
aviation direct: Hamburg Airport: Climate stickers fail due to vigilant police
B.Z.: So many climate criminals have been convicted so far
Bastillepost: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Bergsträßer Anzeiger: Investigations continue after gluing action at the airport
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last generation” sticks again: Disruptions at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport Climate criminals on runway in Leipzig Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
candorium: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
China Daily: German airport pauses flights after climate activists breach field
CityNews: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
CityNews Everywhere: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Counter vor 9: Delays at Leipzig Airport due to climate protests
CT Insider: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Daily Sabah: Activists glue themselves to Leipzig runway, stop cargo flights
Der Standard: Climate activists disrupted operations at Leipzig-Halle Airport Climate activists disrupted operations at Leipzig-Halle Airport
Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Disruptive action for climate protection: Glue disrupts operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Devdiscourse: Activists Disrupt Leipzig/Halle Airport: Calls for Stricter Security
Devdiscourse: Climate Activists Ground Cargo Flights at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Die Sachsen: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport
DNyuz: Germany: Police stop climate protesters at Hamburg Airport
Eastern Daily Press: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights Investigations against “Last Generation” after airport blockade
Evangelische Zeitung: Investigations against “Last Generation” after airport blockade
Express & Star: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights
Express & Star: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights ROUNDUP 4: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Freie Presse: Last Generation Chemnitz: Trial postponed due to road blockade
FränkischerTag: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
General Anzeiger: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Guernsey Press: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights
Head Topics: Leipzig Airport blocked – climate stickers paralyze next airport
Head Topics: Cargo operations suspended: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Head Topics: Cargo flights in the crosshairs: Last generation blocks runway in Leipzig/Halle for hours
Head Topics: Climate activists block night cargo flights in Leipzig/Halle
Head Topics: Climate activists block airport: cargo traffic disrupted
Head Topics: Climate protest paralyzes cargo flights at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Head Topics: Last generation plans “disobedient assembly” on Karlstrasse
Head Topics: Last generation: Operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport are back up and running
Head Topics: Last generation: Climate activists paralyze Leipzig/Halle airport
Head Topics: Last generation: Climate criminals glue themselves to runway in Leipzig!
Head Topics: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Head Topics: Protest action: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Hellweg Radio: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Hellweger Anzeiger: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport Protest action hinders freight traffic
Heute – Österreich: Climate stickers paralyze next airport
Hochheimer Zeitung: Investigations continue after gluing action at the airport
independent: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
inkl: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
JACKSON COUNTY SENTINEL: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Jersey Evening Post: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights
Le Petit Journal: The activists of the last generation block the airport in Leipzig / Halle
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Blockade by climate activists at Leipzig/Halle Airport has consequences
LOGISTIK HEUTE: Air freight in focus: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Lübecker Nachrichten: Harsh sentence: Climate activist from Nehms to 16 months in prison
Mannheimer Morgen: Palestine and car-free city centre: Several demonstrations on Saturday in Mannheim
MarketBeat: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
MarketScreener: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
MarketScreener: German airport pauses flights after climate activists breach field
MarketScreener (DE): COMPANY TALK/Lufthansa CFO confirms claim for damages against climate adhesives
Marktspiegel: Climate protesters paralyzed Frankfurt Airport
Marler Zeitung: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport Protest action hinders freight traffic
McMurray: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
mdr: Some climate activists demonstrated at Leipzig-Halle Airport
mdr: Investigations: “Last Generation” blocks cargo air traffic in Leipzig
mdr: Leipzig/Halle Airport and DHL: Contract until 2053, more money for airport
mdr: Climate protesters disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
mdr: Traffic blockade in Dresden against climate-damaging operations of the Bundeswehr
Medienportal Grimma: Climate stickers blocked Leipzig/Halle Airport
mein leipzig: Activists sabotage Leipzig Airport: Protest against fossil energy
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Blockade action: Climate stickers of the “Last Generation” disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Morning Star: German climate activists force halt to flights at key cargo airport
msn: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
n-TV: Climate activists stick themselves to the runway in Leipzig
n-TV: Last generation blocks runway in Leipzig/Halle for hours Climate activists on the runway at Germany's Leipzig/Halle airport
Neue Westfälische: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
News 10: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
News 89.4: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
NewsChain: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights
Nordkurier: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
NÖ Gluing does not help the climate
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
OtakuKart: Climate Protestors Glued Themselves to Runway of Canadian Airport Canceling Over 140 Flights
Radio 901: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Radio Ramasuri: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
rbb24: Climate Greaser Model
Reise Vor 9: Delays at Leipzig Airport due to climate protests
RP Online: Operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport resume after blockade
RP Online: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
RTL News: Almost 4.900 cases against climate activists – many settled
RTL News: Climate stickers block airport
RTL News: Climate activists paralyze Halle/Leipzig airport
SDI Logistics: German Airport Pauses Flights After Climate Activists Breach Field
sfgate: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Shropshire Star: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights
Shropshire Star: Protest by climate activists at German airport halts cargo flights
Spiegel: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport
SRN News: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Stern: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Stimberg Zeitung: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport Protest action hinders freight traffic
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Operations returned to normal after blockade by climate activists
Sä After climate protest in Dresden: Police investigate car driver
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block cargo flights
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
t-online: "The Heroes of the Nation"
t-online: Tightening is necessary
t-online: He is begging for climate protection
t-online: Climate activists block airport again
t-online: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Tag24: Last generation paralyzes Leipzig/Halle airport: Flight operations suspended for several hours
Tageskarte: Climate stickers block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Tagesschau: Leipzig/Halle Airport: “Last generation” blocks runway
Tagesspiegel: Last generation blocks several hours of cargo operations at Leipzig Airport
The Load Star: Climate activists stuck to runway hold up cargo flights at Leipzig
The Morning Star: German climate activists force halt to flights at key cargo airport
The Telegraph India: Germany: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle airport
The Times Of India: Flights disrupted at German airport after climate activists breach field
The Washington Post: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
Thüringen24: Leipzig Airport pulls the ripcord – visitors need patience
Thüringen24: “Last generation” shuts down Leipzig Airport! This could also have consequences for holidaymakers
TRT Deutsch: Police prevent planned climate protest at Hamburg Airport
Verbraucherschutzforum: Last generation blocks Leipzig Airport: Climate protest disrupts night flight operations
VOI: Flights At German Leipzig Airport Stopped 3 Hours Because Climate Activists Broke In
Volksstimme: Blockade action: Climate stickers of the “Last Generation” disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Welt: Police were faster – emergency services were able to prevent the runway from being blocked
Welt: “Last generation” blocks airport again – “The tool is simply a bolt cutter”
Welt: “Last generation” disrupts freight traffic at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Wings: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
WirtschaftsWoche: Police prevent climate blockade at Hamburg Airport
WTVB: German airport pauses flights after climate activists breach field
yahoo!: German climate activists disrupt cargo flights at Leipzig airport
yahoo!: Protest by climate activists at another German airport halts cargo flights
ZDF: Climate activists block Leipzig Airport
Zeit Online: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport

antenne bayern: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Augustamax: Climate activists block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Aussiedlerbote: Nearly 4,900 cases against climate activists many closed
aviation direct: Climate stickers block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Aviation24: Climate activists protest at Leipzig airport, Germany
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation blocks Leipzig/Halle airport
Berliner Morgenpost: Why climate activists are a particular concern for the Berlin judiciary
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Is Lilli from Helmstedt “Germany’s worst climate gluer”?
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists block Leipzig/Halle Airport
DNyuz: Germany: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle airport
Du bist Halle: “Last generation” blocks Leipzig-Halle Airport – stuck on the runway – FDP MdL calls for better protection of critical infrastructure
Eulerpool: Unrest at Leipzig/Halle Airport: Climate activists paralyze cargo flight operations
Flugzeugforum: “Last Generation” is currently blocking Leipzig-Halle Airport
Freie Presse: Climate activists block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Freie Presse: Last generation Chemnitz in court: The blockade of Zwickauer Straße in summer 2023 and its consequences
H@llAnzeiger: FDP: Silbersack warns last generation
Head Topics: Investigations against airport blockers in Frankfurt continue
Head Topics: Climate glue balance in Berlin: Almost 4900 criminal proceedings.
hessenschau: Investigations underway following gluing campaign at Frankfurt Airport
kulthit RADIO: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Leipziger Volkszeitung: “Last generation” blocks cargo operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Leipziger Zeitung: Thursday, August 1, 2024: Airport blockade,…
Magdeburg-klickt: Climate activists: Protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Merkur: Almost 4.900 cases against climate activists – many settled
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Almost 4.900 cases against climate activists – many settled
msn: “Last generation” sticks again: Disruptions at Leipzig/Halle Airport
nd: »Last generation does not explain itself well enough«
Oberpfalz Echo: Leipzig Airport: Climate activist Ronja Künkler blocks runway
Radio Hochstift: Schkeuditz | Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Radio FFH: «Last Generation» Sticks Again: Disruptions at Leipzig/Halle Airport
radio Gütersloh: Schkeuditz | Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Radio SAW: Leipzig/Halle Airport: Climate activists stick themselves
rbb24: 4.844 proceedings against climate activists in Berlin
Reuters: German airport pauses flights after climate activists breach field
rnd: Climate activists block runway at Leipzig/Halle Airport – slight delays possible
RTL News: Climate activists paralyze airport
sh:z: Prison sentence for Sylt sprayer Miriam Meyer: Will she appeal?
Spiegel: Blockade by climate activists – Cargo flight operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport resume
SRN News: German airport pauses flights after climate activists breach field
Stadtspiegel Essen: The last generation
Stern: Investigations continue after gluing action at the airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Almost 4.900 cases against climate activists – many settled
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Almost 4900 cases against climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Investigations continue after gluing action at the airport
t-online: Well-known climate activist makes a bitter confession
t-online: Investigations into climate stickers – Lufthansa is not letting up
t-online: He is begging for climate protection
t-online: Climate activists block largest airport in Saxony
Tag24: “Last Generation” Causes Chaos at Airport: Is Million Dollar Dispute With Lufthansa Threatened?
Tagesanzeiger: Climate activists protest at Leipzig/Halle Airport – cargo operations suspended
Tagesschau: Climate activists block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Tagesschau 24: Leipzig/Halle Airport: “Last generation” blocks runway
Tagesspiegel: Update Operations are running again: Climate activists temporarily blocked the runway at Leipzig/Halle Airport
taz: Freight traffic disrupted
Telepolis: Legal interim report on the climate protest: Hundreds of fines in Berlin
TradingView: Climate activists block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Travel Tomorrow: Climate protesters at airports now face jail time in Germany
Vodafone live: Investigations continue after gluing action at the airport
Volksstimme: Almost 4.900 cases against climate activists – many settled
Welt: Climate disruptors block Leipzig/Halle Airport
Welt: “Last generation” blocks airport again – “One of them has stuck himself here on the runway”
WirtschaftsWoche: Climate activists disrupt operations at Leipzig/Halle Airport
Zeit Online: Almost 4.900 cases against climate activists – many settled
Zeit Online: Investigations continue after gluing action at the airport
Zeit Online: Police operation against climate activists at Leipzig/Halle Airport

Allgemeine Zeitung: Last generation: Protest brings chaos to Rheinhessen
Aussiedlerbote: The Chancellery is smeared: climate protester in court
B.Z.: Climate extremist allegedly too poor to travel to trial
Berliner Abendblatt: Almost 4.900 cases against climate activists – many settled
Berliner Morgenpost: Too poor for a train ride? Climate activist trial causes irritation
Berliner Zeitung: Trial over paint attack on Chancellery: Lawyer sees no point in continuing the proceedings
Dagens Nyheter: Climate activists stop flying traffic: “Obeskrivlig känsla”
Deutschlandfunk: After the airport blockades – climate protests in Europe. Simon Teune, FU Berlin
Du bist Halle: Last generation hijacks mannequins and statues: Advertising for the “disobedient assembly” on Saturday in Halle
Merkur: Damage in Frankfurt “significantly higher” than in previous actions: Lufthansa wants to make “Last Generation” pay
rbb24: Climate activist in court after paint attack on Chancellery
RTL News: Chancellery defaced: Climate protester in court
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Chancellery defaced: Climate protester in court
Stern: Chancellery defaced: Climate protester in court
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Chancellery defaced: Climate protester in court
t-online: “Last Generation” protests at Hannover Airport
t-online: This behavior is just antisocial
Tag24: After paint attack on Chancellery: Activist has no money to attend court hearing
Tagesspiegel: Last generation keeps Berlin’s judiciary busy: Almost 4900 cases against climate activists – most of them settled
Tagesspiegel: “I don’t have to be a perfect person to stand up for my basic rights”
Volksstimme: Chancellery defaced: Climate protester in court
Welt: 4844 proceedings against climate disruptors in Berlin alone
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate corpses represent heat death
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate stickers target airports: How the FMO reacts
Zeit Online: Chancellery defaced: Climate protester in court

30.07.2024 Curious what you guys think about this. Eight arrests after climate protest at London Gatwick Airport The “Last Generation Without Punishment” receives (un)loud support Lufthansa calculates damages after climate protest – compensation in the millions? Lufthansa calculates damages after climate protest – compensation in the millions?
aviation direct: Climate glue and its threat to commercial airports
aviation direct: Irregularities in air traffic: Passengers’ rights in the event of delays and cancellations
börsenNEWS: 'Frankenpost' on Lufthansa/Climate Stickers
Eulerpool: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate blockade of Frankfurt Airport Damages in the millions: Lufthansa sues climate activists – flights to Beirut initially cancelled – share price weakens Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa wants compensation from climate activists after blockade action in Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport blockade: Lufthansa wants millions in damages Frankfurt Airport blockade: Lufthansa wants millions in damages Lufthansa calculates damages after climate protest – compensation in the millions? Lufthansa calculates damages after climate protest – compensation in the millions? Lufthansa calculates damages after climate protest – compensation in the millions? Lufthansa calculates damages after climate protest – compensation in the millions? Lufthansa shares turn negative: Lufthansa demands compensation after airport blockade Press release: 'Frankenpost' on Lufthansa/Climate sticker After climate activists temporarily paralyzed operations at Frankfurt Airport, Lufthansa is now demanding compensation from them Press release: 'Frankenpost' on Lufthansa/Climate sticker
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa wants compensation – sum “significantly higher”
fvw: Lufthansa wants compensation from climate activists
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Climate stickers” target airports – this is how Hamburg reacts
Handelsblatt: Lufthansa demands compensation from climate activists
Hannoversche Allgemeine: “Oil kills”: Last generation protests at Hannover Airport
Hasepost: Criminal organization? Hans-Georg Maassen calls for ban on the 'Last Generation'
Head Topics: Eight arrests after climate protest at London Gatwick Airport
Head Topics: Lufthansa calculates damages after climate protest – compensation in the millions?
Head Topics: Lufthansa shares up: Climate stickers cause chaos – Lufthansa demands millions in compensation
ka-news: Protest at lunch break: Last generation blocks EnBW canteen
Karlsruhe Insider: Climate sticker demonstration in Karlsruhe – “Hardly anyone came” Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate blockade of Frankfurt Airport
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” announces next protest action
MarketScreener (DE): Press release: 'Frankenpost' on Lufthansa/Climate sticker
mein leipzig: Leipzig Airport tightens security reins: protection from climate activists
Mobilitätsmanager: Climate protests also in the UK
msn: Climate activists block runways at Germany's Frankfurt airport
msn: Climate activists glued to runway halt flights at German airport, other protests foiled
msn: Climate activists who disrupt flights should get five years in prison, says German minister
msn: Climate extremists attack airports across Europe
msn: Germany's Last Generation group aims to revive climate protests
msn: Nude bathing and climate stickers block airports: We examine both sides
msn: Protests at the airport: Flights cancelled in Vienna
msn: Air travellers’ rights after climate activists protest at Frankfurt Airport
News To Go: After climate activists temporarily paralyzed operations at Frankfurt Airport, Lufthansa is now demanding compensation from them
OÖNachrichten: Pro&Contra: Sue climate glue?
Radio Hannover: Last generation protests at Hannover Airport
Stockworld: After blockade of Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa demands millions in damages from climate activists.
t-online: “Last Generation”: Next protest action announced
Tag24: Climate protesters block air travelers
Tag24: After Airport Blockade: “Last Generation” Announces Next Protest In Cologne
Tagesspiegel: Made famous by hunger strike: Climate activist defaced the Chancellery – trial begins in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Climate group Last Generation: Chancellery defaced: Climate protester in court
Tagesspiegel: “Bali pilot” defends airport blockade: “I don’t have to be a perfect person to stand up for my basic rights”
TheEpicTimes: Climate activists block runways at Germany's Frankfurt airport
TheEpicTimes: Climate protest mires flights at Germany's Frankfurt airport as police thwart linked action in London
TravMagazine: Lufthansa would be a shame to act against the last generation of activists
wallstreet online: 'Frankenpost' on Lufthansa/Climate Stickers Climate activists arrested after protest at London airport
Welt: The blockers of the “last generation” should pay for the damage
yahoo!nachrichten: Preparing for climate disasters with neighbors?
ZIB: Climate protests: Vienna Airport demands compensation

AD HOC NEWS: Berlin – Following renewed violent attacks on the Frankfurt / Main and Cologne / Bonn airports, Dr.
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest
Berliner Zeitung: “Climate cult”: Maaßen calls for ban on the last generation
Der Standard: Lufthansa wants compensation for climate sticker campaign in Frankfurt Lufthansa wants compensation for climate sticker campaign in Frankfurt
Deutschlandfunk: Debate about tougher penalties after airport blockade
ECHO24: Za přilepení k letišti až pět let vězení. “Activist is the most powerful person”
El Aragüeño: Berlin took part in the air transport between the activists in Fráncfort and Colonia
ethik heute: Are we still allowed to fly? After protest in Frankfurt: Lufthansa wants compensation from climate anarchists Damages amounting to millions: Lufthansa sues climate activists Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa wants compensation from climate activists after blockade action in Frankfurt Frankfurt Airport blockade: Lufthansa wants millions in damages Frankfurt Airport blockade: Lufthansa wants millions in damages Lufthansa shares: Lufthansa demands compensation after airport blockade Deutsche Lufthansa share: Climate protests have a significant impact on business results Lufthansa demands compensation after airport blockade Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest Lufthansa: Compensation demanded after airport blockade Values ​​Union: Maaßen demands ban on climate cult
Focus: After airport blockades, Lufthansa demands millions in damages from climate stickers
Frankenpost: Climate stickers become climate criminals
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Lufthansa apparently demands compensation from climate activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Lufthansa is demanding damages from Last Generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Lufthansa wants compensation from activists
Handelsblatt: Lufthansa wants compensation from climate activists
Head Topics: Cologne/Bonn Airport: Sofia flight delayed by 13 hours
Head Topics: Lufthansa demands millions in damages from Last Generation over airport blockade
Head Topics: Lufthansa wants millions in damages from climate activists
Head Topics: Lufthansa shares: Climate stickers cause chaos – Lufthansa demands millions in compensation
hessenschau: Lufthansa wants compensation from Last Generation
hessenschau: Lufthansa claims compensation after airport blockade
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa wants compensation – sum “significantly higher”
Heute – Österreich: “Criminals!” Mikl-Leitner takes on climate chaos
Heute – Österreich: Lufthansa demands mega compensation from climate stickers
Kronen Zeitung: Lufthansa wants compensation for climate sticker campaign
Kronen Zeitung: Lufthansa wants compensation from climate stickers Lufthansa demands millions from last generation
Merkur: Damage in Frankfurt “significantly higher” than in previous actions: Lufthansa wants to make “Last Generation” pay
NRW Heute: Climate group disrupts traffic at Cologne Airport and announces further actions
NRW Heute: Climate activists glue themselves to the runway at Cologne Airport.
Offenbach-Post: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa wants compensation – sum “significantly higher”
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest
Presseportal: Values ​​Union: Maaßen demands ban on climate cult
Radio FFH: Climate stickers from Frankfurt should pay
regionalHeute: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest
RP Online: Better protection of critical infrastructure is long overdue
RP Online: Lufthansa demands millions in damages from radical climate activists
RTL News: Lufthansa wants millions in damages from climate activists
Ruhr24: Possible flight cancellations in Dortmund: Airport gives holidaymakers no illusions
Südwest Presse: How can airports be better protected from stickers
t-online: This behavior is just antisocial
t-online: Climate activists face millions in damages
t-online: Lufthansa is likely to demand hefty compensation from climate stickers
Tag24: Last generation stuck in airport: but staff react cleverly!
Tagesschau: After blockade of Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa wants compensation from Last Generation
wallstreet online: Protest at Frankfurt Airport: 250 flights cancelled – safety at risk?
Wertheim24: Values ​​Union: Maaßen demands ban on climate cult
Zeit Online: Lufthansa apparently wants high compensation from climate activists
zentralplus: D: Compensation for runway blockade
Европейская правда: Lufthansa is carrying billions of anti-ecoactivators that are blocking airports в

28.07.2024 Complaint against “climate stickers”: This is how the disruptive action at Vienna Airport went
AD HOC NEWS: Following the blockade of Frankfurt Airport on Thursday by climate activists, the Lufthansa Group is demanding [...] millions in damages.
APA: “Last generation” wants to disrupt air traffic in Schwechat
ARD Audiothek: What I live for: Climate rescue
aviation direct: Airport blockades by “Last Generation” cause chaos and damage
B.Z.: Lufthansa demands millions of climate stickers!
Berliner Zeitung: Airport blockade: Last generation faces millions in damages Lufthansa demands millions of climate stickers How safe are our airports?
blue News: Vienna Airport reports climate activists
BOERSE-EXPRESS: “Last generation” wants to disrupt air traffic in Vienna-Schwechat / Airport board: Police with 670 officers on site
BOERSE-EXPRESS: Vienna Airport will ban climate activists from Wednesday […]
CounterVortex: 'Criminalization' of climate protests in Europe
Der Standard: Instead of disrupting air traffic: Last generation held protest speeches at Vienna Airport
Deutschlandfunk: Lufthansa demands compensation from “Last Generation”
Die Presse: Vienna Airport files charges against eight climate activists
Drei Länder Kurier: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest 670 police officers on site: Climate stickers protest today at Vienna Airport Vienna Airport charges climate activists from Wednesday
Head Topics: Vienna Airport files charges against eight climate activists
Head Topics: Climate criminals block airports: How safe are our airports?
Head Topics: Vienna Airport: 'Last generation' came, but there was no blockade
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation announces wave of protests against the city of Kassel and the airport
illuminem: Germany's last generation aims to revive climate protests
Kettner Edelmetalle: “Last generation”: World clock sprayed in Berlin – public prosecutor does not accept verdict
Kettner Edelmetalle: “Last generation”: World clock sprayed in Berlin – public prosecutor does not accept verdict Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest
Kronen Zeitung: “Oil kills”: Flop at disruptive action at Vienna Airport
Kronen Zeitung: “Oil kills”: Flop in disruptive operation at Vienna Airport
Ludwigsburg24: Climate blockade by activists: Lufthansa demands millions in damages
March24: Tougher sanctions against climate change activists demanded “Last generation” wants to disrupt flight operations in Schwechat
MMnews: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest
nachrichten-heute: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest Activists empty paint buckets at Basel Airport Vienna Airport reports climate activists
NDR: “Last Generation” blocks intersection in Eimsbüttel
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Behind the climate protests: Who is financing the airport blockades? Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest
News 64: Lufthansa demands millions in damages after climate protest “Last Generation” with protest action at Vienna Airport
NRW Heute: Flights at Cologne-Bonn Airport suspended due to runway blocked by climate protests – Arise News
NRW Heute: Cologne Airport reopens after climate activists removed from runway
oe24: Climate stickers protested at Vienna Airport
oe24: CLIMATE CHANGE – Vienna Airport to report climate activists from Wednesday
OÖNachrichten: “Last Generation”: Activists glued themselves to terminal
radiobeo: Vienna Airport reports climate activists
rbb: Climate activists – The protest of the group "Last Generation"
rbb24: Public prosecutor considers fine after paint attack on world clock too lenient “Last Generation” With Protest Action At Vienna Airport
Salzburg24: “Last Generation” activists glue themselves to Vienna Airport
Tag24: Airport Blockade: “Last Generation” Threatened with Million-Dollar Demand
Tag24: Last generation stuck in airport: but staff react cleverly!
Tagesspiegel: Airport blockade in Frankfurt: Climate activists are likely to face demands from Lufthansa amounting to millions
The Canary: Airport disruption entered fourth day as Starmer's government also became a target
Tiroler Tageszeitung: “Last Generation” with protest action at Vienna Airport
TOP: Vienna Airport reports climate activists
TradingView: COMPANY VIEW – Lufthansa wants compensation from climate stickers for action at Frankfurt Airport
vilan24: Tougher sanctions against climate change activists demanded
Welt: The “Last Generation” faces a claim for damages amounting to millions
yahoo!nachrichten: After airport blockade in Frankfurt – Lufthansa demands millions in damages from climate stickers

ABC Color: Berlin took part in the air transport between the activists in Fráncfort and Colonia
Aero News Journal: Germany Demands Improved Airport Security Following Activist Blockades Cologne/Bonn and Frankfurt: Climate activists released again
ARD Audiothek: “Last generation” disrupts air traffic: Why are airports not better secured?
ARIVA.DE: Press release: 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger' on climate protest at the airport
Augsburger Allgemeine: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Aussiedlerbote: Public Prosecutor: Fine after color attack too lenient
Aussiedlerbote: Prosecutor: Punishment after paint attack too low
az-online: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
B.Z.: SPD politician calls for tougher penalties for airport stickers
B.Z.: Does the prosecutor not want a prison sentence for climate radicals?
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation defaces world clock: Public prosecutor finds punishment too lenient
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal All Frankfurt airport occupiers released Does the prosecutor not want a prison sentence for climate radicals?
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock Press release: 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger' on climate protest at the airport
Borneo Bulletin: Climate activists stop traffic at Frankfurt airport
Business Recorder: Climate activists stop traffic at Germany's Frankfurt airport
börsenNEWS: 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger' on climate protest at the airport
Cannstatter Zeitung: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
Curly Tales: Why Did Environmental Activists Block Runways & Cause 270 Flights To Be Canceled At Frankfurt Airport?
Der Standard: Passengers are searched, but climate stickers simply end up on the tarmac? Passengers are searched, but climate stickers simply end up on the tarmac?
Deutschlandfunk: Debate about tougher penalties after airport blockade
Deutschlandfunk: Green politician: Better protection for airport fences needed
Die Oberbadische: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
ET TravelWorld: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
Eßlinger Zeitung: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal Frankfurt airport: Climate activists stop scores of flights Frankfurt airport: Climate activists stop scores of flights Germany's Last Generation group aims to revive climate protests Press release: 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger' on climate protest at the airport Union faction wants tougher action against “Last Generation”
Flughafenverband ADV: Members of the “Last Generation” illegally enter the grounds of Cologne/Bonn Airport
Focus: “Bali pilot” Yannik also there: “Last generation” protests at the airport
Focus: More than 13 hours delayed due to climate protestsRyanair flight becomes an odyssey for Julia: “Only got snacks and water”
Frankenpost: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
frankfurtflyer: Crazy: Bali climate sticker blocks runway at Frankfurt Airport
Freie Presse: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
General Anzeiger: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
General Anzeiger: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
GujaratSamachar: Flight operations resume after massive disruptions at Frankfurt Airport by climate activists
Haller Kreisblatt: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate activists block intersection – police stop motorcyclist
Hamburger Morgenpost: Last generation blocks intersection in Hamburg – police stop recalcitrant biker
Head Topics: 670 police officers on duty – climate stickers in Schwechat – who has to worry about their flight
Head Topics: ‘Bali pilot’ Yannik also there: ‘Last generation’ protests at the airport
Head Topics: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Head Topics: Climate protests: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Head Topics: Climate protests: Frankfurt Airport: Security concept has worked
Head Topics: Climate activists in court: harsh penalties imposed
Head Topics: Last generation defaces world clock: This is what the public prosecutor says
Head Topics: Press release: 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger' on climate protest at the airport
Head Topics: What is worse: “climate glue” or climate catastrophe?
Heilbronner Stimme: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Heilbronner Stimme: Why did the climate activists make it onto the runway at Frankfurt Airport?
hessenschau: Frankfurt Airport: Where the security concept worked – and where it didn’t
idowa: Frankfurt Airport: One of the activists comes from Regensburg
in Südthüringen: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal Climate protest with controversial means: Activists continue to stick
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Doubts about airport security
Mannheimer Morgen: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Mannheimer Morgen: Mannheim climate glue blocked runway at Frankfurt Airport
Merkur: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
mint: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
Naanoo: Union faction wants tougher action against “Last Generation” Climate stickers face huge fine on Swiss runways After climate protest: Operations at Frankfurt Airport resume
NDR: “Last Generation” blocks intersection in Eimsbüttel
NDR: Blockade by activists: Hours of waiting also at FMO
NDR: Last generation blocks intersection at Christ Church
Neue Presse: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Neue Westfälische: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
NEWSX: Frankfurt Airport Chaos: Climate Activists' Runway Protest Grounds Flights And Sparks Controversy
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
oberpfalz medien: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
onvista: Press release: 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger' on climate protest at the airport
OS-Radio: Delays at FMO after climate protest
Personel Alım: Climate Activists Disrupt Frankfurt Flights, Causing Over 100 Cancellations
Perspektive Online: Climate struggles in Germany: Last generation blocks airports Last generation shuts down airports
ProSieben: Massive protest in Frankfurt: Airport paralyzed by climate activists
Radio Hochstift: Frankfurt | Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
radio Bielefeld: Frankfurt | Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Radio Bonn / Rhein-Sieg: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
radio Gütersloh: Frankfurt | Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Radio Köln: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Radio Leverkusen: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Radio Siegen: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
radio Westfalica: Frankfurt | Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
rbb24: Public prosecutor considers fine after paint attack on world clock too lenient Vienna Airport to report climate activists from Wednesday
RTL News: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
RTL News: Huge holiday frustration because of climate stickers!
Ruhr24: Dortmund Airport: Disruptive actions against travellers “cannot be ruled out 100%”
Ruhr24: After climate sticker attack on airports: Söder demands utmost
Ruhr24: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
Rustavi 2: Frankfurt flights canceled after climate activists protest on runways
Schaffhauser Nachrichten: New actions, or the last hurrah of the “Last Generation”?
Schwarzwälder Bote: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Schwäbische: SPD politician calls for tougher penalties for climate stickers
Star Alliance: Climate activists step up direct action at European airports
Stephan Brinkmann: Climate protests: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Stern: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Stern: Frankfurt Airport: Security concept has taken effect
Stern: Public prosecutor: Fine after paint attack too lenient
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Stuttgart “Bali plane” blocks airport
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Stuttgart “Bali plane” blocks airport Berlin took part in the air transport between the activists in Fráncfort and Colonia
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Frankfurt Airport: Security concept has taken effect
t-online: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
t-online: This behavior is just antisocial
t-online: But why is there no outcry?
t-online: Airport sticker was even on holiday in Thailand
t-online: After blockade: More police to secure airports
t-online: So many flights had to be cancelled in Frankfurt
Tag24: Expert on climate stickers at airports: “We have to be grateful to them!”
Tag24: After paint attack on world clock: climate activists convicted!
Tagesspiegel: Last generation paint attack on world clock: verdict against climate activists too lenient – ​​Berlin public prosecutor files appeal
Tagesspiegel: Demand for tougher penalties: Airport blockades spark debate about tougher penalties for climate activists
Tagesspiegel: Update “Works very, very solidly”: Frankfurt Airport sticks to security concept despite blockade
taz: Harsh penalties imposed
teleSUR: – Climate Activists Protest in European Airports
The Canary: As airport disruption continues globally, the UK locks eight Just Stop Oil supporters up
The Pioneer: More than a hundred flights canceled in Germany
The Word Merchant: Green Extremists Disrupt European Flights For Second Day At Major Airports
Thüringen24: Leipzig Airport takes tough action! Only the climate stickers are to blame
Times News Global: Climate Activists Disrupt Air Travel Across Europe
Times News Global: Climate Activists Disrupt Flights at Frankfurt Airport
TRT Deutsch: Court convicts climate activists after paint attack on world clock “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
Vodafone live: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
wallstreet online: 'Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger' on climate protest at the airport
WDR: Last generation shuts down airports
Weinheimer Nachrichten: Frankfurt Airport: Security concept has taken effect
Welle-Niederrhein: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Weser Report: Should climate stickers pay for police operations?
WirtschaftsWoche: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
ZDF: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
ZDF: Runway sticker: “Safety is being risked”
Zeit Online: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal

2 News: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
20 Airport blocked: Eight people arrested
20 Airport chaos: Are my summer holidays now in danger?
24RHEIN: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
24RHEIN: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
Aargauer Zeitung: The last hurrah of the “Last Generation”? Radical climate activists paralyze Germany’s largest airport
abc News: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as environmental activists target airports
abc17news: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
About Travel: TRAVEL INSIDE survey: What do you think about climate stickers?
aeroTELEGRAPH: Frankfurt Airport had to stop flights Climate activists protest at Stuttgart Airport By legal decree: Government wants to impose new protective measures on airports
AllSides: Climate Activists Disrupt Air Travel in Protests Demanding End to Fossil Fuels
AOL: Frankfurt airport opens again after climate activists block runway
AOL: Frankfurt airport suspends flights after climate protesters block runways
AP News: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
Augsburger Allgemeine: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists before color attack on World Clock in court
Aussiedlerbote: Climate Protests: Federal policy reinforces protection at BER
B.Z.: Climate glue in court after paint attack on world clock
B.Z.: Transport Minister calls for 5 years in prison for climate stickers
Badische Zeitung: The climate stickers overlook an important point: an effective climate policy requires patience
Badische Zeitung: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Badische Zeitung: Climate stickers paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Bangkok Post: Climate protest causes 140 flight cancellations in Frankfurt
bdnews24: Frankfurt airport halts flights as climate activists block runway
Benzinga: Germany's Busiest Airport, Frankfurt, Resumes Operations After Climate Protest Disruption
Bergens Tidende: 140 flyginger innstilt på Frankfurt flyplass på grunn av climate protest
Berliner Kurier: This is how BER is now preparing itself against climate stickers
Berliner Kurier: Four climate activists sentenced for paint attack on world clock
Berliner Morgenpost: These are the climate blockers from Frankfurt Airport
Berliner Morgenpost: Frankfurt: Why the last generation is stuck on the runway
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Climate stickers should go to prison
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: CDU calls for faster criminal proceedings
Berliner Zeitung: How does BER protect itself from the climate blockade of the last generation?
Berliner Zeitung: “Bali pilot” Yannick blocks airport – Last generation sees no double standards Climate criminals attack our holidays Federal police increase protection at all major airports! First a world traveller, now an airport blocker Flights in Hamburg cancelled Climate criminals protest at the airport Millions in fines and airport ban for climate criminals Transport Minister calls for five years in prison How the airport blockade is damaging the climate No jail for Climate Lilli again!
Blaulicht Report: Climate activists from Frankfurt Airport released again
blue News: 140 flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport
blue News: Climate activists paralyze air traffic in Frankfurt
br24: “Last generation” paralyzes Frankfurt Airport
br24: “Last Generation” stops traffic at Frankfurt Airport
br24: Operations at Frankfurt Airport resume after climate action
br24: After climate protest: How airports should be better secured
Börse Frankfurt: ROUNDUP: 140 flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport
Cannstatter Zeitung: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
cash: Climate protest in Frankfurt also affects hundreds of Swiss passengers
CBS News: Climate protest mires flights at Germany's Frankfurt airport as police thwart linked action in London
City News: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
CNA: Climate activists stop traffic at Germany's Frankfurt airport
CNBC-TV18: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport halted flights temporarily
Daily News: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as climate activists target airports across Europe
Dattelner Morgenpost: Criminals with superglue and bolt cutters The state must stop this climate clique
DayFR Euro: Climate protest mires flights at Germany's Frankfurt airport as police thwart linked action in London
Der Westen: Frankfurt Airport in a state of emergency! Climate stickers paralyze holiday traffic
Deutsche Welle: The “Last Generation” is stuck again
Deutsche Welle: Frankfurt Airport halts flights after climate protest
Deutschlandfunk: CDU General Secretary Linnemann calls for accelerated criminal proceedings
Deutschlandfunk: The climate stickers are back. Verdict in a major German environmental scandal.
Deutschlandfunk: The press review from German newspapers
Devdiscourse: Climate Activists Disrupt European Airports Amid Rising Summer Heat
Devdiscourse: German Politicians Demand Stricter Airport Security Amid Climate Activist Disruptions 140 flyginger innstilt på Frankfurt flyplass på grunn av climate protest
DT Next: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as environmental activists target airports across Europe
echo 24: Climate activists glue themselves to Frankfurt Airport: 170 flights cancelled
euronews: Frankfurt flights canceled after climate activists protest on runways
euronews (deutsch): After climate protest: 140 flights canceled in Frankfurt
Express: Flight delayed foreverCologne woman (35) furious after climate protest – and now “no prospect of success”
Express: Cologne/Bonn Airport blockedHands covered in glue – investigations against five people
Express: “Last generation” outragedChaos at Cologne/Bonn Airport: New law brings severe punishment “Last generation” temporarily paralyzes air traffic in Frankfurt CDU for accelerated criminal proceedings against “Last Generation” Fraport: Climate stickers paralyze airport – share falls slightly Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport Last generation sticks to larger adhesive campaigns ROUNDUP 2: Flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport ROUNDUP 3: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport ROUNDUP 5: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport ROUNDUP: 140 flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport
Firstpost: Germany's Frankfurt airport opens again after climate activists block runway
Focus: Blockade on Thursday morningClimate stickers paralyze Frankfurt Airport MIL-OSI China: Climate activists block Germany's largest airport
FOX28: Climate activists stop traffic at Germany's Frankfurt airport
Frankfurter Allgemeine: 250 flight cancellations after blockade action
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Airports should become safer – but how?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate protest temporarily paralyzes Frankfurt Airport
Frankfurter Allgemeine: They rebel against their insignificance
Frankfurter Allgemeine: What punishment awaits the last generation of climate activists?
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Last generation” temporarily paralyzes air traffic in Frankfurt
Frankfurter Neue Presse: After the action at Frankfurt Airport: Last generation announces next wave of protests Climate protest: Lufthansa demands millions in damages
FUNDSCENE: Union faction wants tougher action against “Last Generation”
fvw: Climate activists plan further airport protests
fvw: Already 200 flight cancellations after glue attack
General Anzeiger: How safe are German airports?
Grupo Milenio: Canceled 140 flights of protest at the airport in Germany and other parts of Europe
Gulf Times: Germany's Frankfurt Airport suspends flights after climate activists stormed airport grounds
Hamburger Morgenpost: Last generation paralyzes Frankfurt Airport – Wissing calls for “maximum severity”
Hamburger Morgenpost: What is worse: “climate glue” or climate catastrophe?
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last generation” paralyzes airport – the consequences for Hamburg
Handelsblatt: Frankfurt Airport restarts operations after climate protests
Handelsblatt: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
Hannoversche Allgemeine: After climate glue incidents: Hanover Airport increases protective measures
Head Topics: 'Last generation' protests at the airport – including 'Bali pilot' Yannik
Head Topics: 'Never experienced anything like this' – Families stranded at airport after protest chaos
Head Topics: 140 flight cancellations after climate sticker protest at Frankfurt Airport
Head Topics: Climate protest mires flights at Germany's Frankfurt airport as police thwart linked action in London
Head Topics: Flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport
Head Topics: Schwechat Airport in the crosshairs – Climate Shakira will ruin Austrians’ holidays
Head Topics: Last generation airport blockade: counterproductive strategy
Head Topics: Air traffic in Frankfurt partially resumed after climate disruption
Head Topics: Frankfurt: Climate criminal Yannick Seuthe paralyzes airport
Head Topics: Frankfurt Airport: Climate stickers reach the airfield and paralyze traffic
Head Topics: Climate stickers at airports: The last generation is harming itself
Head Topics: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport: Airports in Berlin and Hamburg increase security measures
Head Topics: Climate protest: Frankfurt Airport: 140 flight cancellations due to disruptive action
Head Topics: Climate protests at airports: Glued to the tarmac
Head Topics: Last generation blocks airports: And when we go on holiday we simply forget about the climate?
Head Topics: More than 200 flight cancellations after climate sticker protest at Frankfurt Airport
Head Topics: Miersch in Frühstart: Climate protest of the last generation 'clearly goes too far'
Head Topics: After climate protest: How airports should be better secured
Head Topics: Around 170 flight cancellations after climate sticker protest at Frankfurt Airport
Head Topics: Stuttgart: Climate protest by Last Generation at the airport
Heilbronner Stimme: Climate blockade at Frankfurt Airport – protest in Stuttgart
Hellweg Radio: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Hertener Allgemeine: Criminals with superglue and bolt cutters The state must stop this climate clique
hessenschau: “Last Generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport – 250 flights canceled
hessenschau: 270 flight cancellations due to adhesive blockade at Frankfurt Airport
hessenschau: Frankfurt Airport: Where the security concept worked – and where it didn’t
hessenschau: Adhesive protest at Frankfurt Airport: Prime Minister Rhein calls for harsh penalties
hessenschau: Climate protest: Activists paralyze Frankfurt Airport for more than two hours
hessenschau: Passengers at Frankfurt Airport: “We are at our wits’ end”
Heute – Österreich: Families stranded at airport after protest chaos
Heute – Österreich: Climate Shakira will ruin Austrians’ holidays
Hindustan Times: Frankfurt airport halts flights as climate activists block runway
Hürriyet Daily News: Climate activists stop traffic at Frankfurt airport
iDNES: Activist has been přilepili in plochu letiště ve Frankfurtu, ochromili provoz
independent: Frankfurt airport closes: At least 50 flights diverted as protesters glue themselves to airfield
ka-news: Last generation: protest march in Karlsruhe’s Oststadt
KETK: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
Kettner Edelmetalle: Frankfurt Airport: Climate stickers paralyze air traffic
Kettner Edelmetalle: Frankfurt Airport: Climate stickers paralyze air traffic
Kronen Zeitung: Climate activists paralyzed Frankfurt Airport
Kronen Zeitung: New climate protests planned: 670 police officers ready
KVIA: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
Lancashire Telegraph: 270 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
LBCI Lebanon: Frankfurt airport reports traffic resumption after climate protest
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Leipzig/Halle Airport prepares for “Last Generation” – activists want to continue blocking
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Leipzig Airport prepares for “Last Generation” – activists want to continue blocking
lokalo: Wissing on airport blockades: Climate stickers want “maximum damage”
Mail Online: Ten Just Stop Oil activists appear in court charged with conspiracy to disrupt Britain's busiest airport Heathrow as summer holiday-makers attempt to set off
Manila Bulletin: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
Marler Zeitung: Criminals with superglue and bolt cutters The state must stop this climate clique
mdr: “Last Generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport – 270 flights canceled
Medusa: Frankfurt Airport has suspended operations due to “Latest Generation” environmental activists gluing themselves to the runway
Merkur: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate protests: Federal police increase protection at BER
msn: “taff” day of July 25, 2024: Climate stickers paralyze air traffic
msn: Frankfurt Airport halts flights after climate protest
n-TV: “Last generation does itself no favors”
n-TV: Flights in Hamburg cancelled due to climate protest in Frankfurt
n-TV: Climate activists invade airport grounds
n-TV: Climate activists protest at Stuttgart Airport
n-TV: Climate protest of the last generation “clearly goes too far”
n-TV: Climate protest paralyzes Frankfurt Airport
n-TV: Climate protests: Federal police increase protection at BER
n-TV: Last generation temporarily paralyzes Frankfurt Airport
n-TV: Last generation paralyzes air traffic in Frankfurt for hours
n-TV: What rights do airline passengers have in climate sticker campaigns?
N1 CNN: Uhapšeno osam ekoloških activistista: Prekinuli letove to aerodromu u Frankfurtu
N1 CNN: Uspostavljen saobraćaj at Frankfurtskom Aerodromu after the prekida zbog akcije ekoloških activista The impact of climate protests on travel: Union takes measures against airport crime
nd: Frankfurt Airport blocked: What does the last generation demand?
NDR: What young people think about airport blockades
NDTV: Germany's Busiest Airport Resume Operations After Climate Activist Protest
Neue Presse: They're sticking again
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Climate stickers at airports: How Düsseldorf Airport is reacting
Neue Westfälische: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Neue Westfälische: More than 200 flight cancellations after climate sticker protest at Frankfurt Airport
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: The romanticization of climate radicals must stop. Anyone who paralyzes the nerves of democracies deserves a harsh punishment
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Climate criminals are easily hijacking airport runways: Are airport operators cutting costs on security?
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Climate activists are threatening to disrupt airport operations across Europe. In Zurich, those responsible have been warned
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: “Criminal climate chaos”: Politicians condemn protest at Frankfurt Airport and demand harsh punishments
news: Climate activists stop traffic at Germany's Frankfurt airport
News Portal: German youth reviving climate protests into new generation – DW
Newsbook Malta: Frankfurt airport: Climate protesters glue themselves to the runway, flights halted
Nordwest-Zeitung: Usedom artist pays for Town Musicians cleaning
Nuova Europa: Intrusion by climate activists stops Frankfurt airport
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
onvista: Climate activists paralyze Frankfurt Airport for several hours
onvista: Climate activists trigger debate about safety at German airports Union faction wants tougher action against “Last Generation”
Primavera24: Climate stickers paralyze Frankfurt Airport
ProSieben: Last generation climate activists paralyze Frankfurt Airport
RADIO 7: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Radio Central: 140 flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport
Radio FFH: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport
Radio Köln: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
Radio RSG: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Radio Siegen: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
radio vest: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
rbb24: Federal police strengthen protection at BER against possible disruptive actions
rbb24: News I
Recklinghauser Zeitung: Criminals with superglue and bolt cutters The state must stop this climate clique
regionalHeute: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport
regionalHeute: CDU for accelerated criminal proceedings against “Last Generation”
regionalHeute: Last generation sticks to larger adhesive campaigns
Reinhard Steurer (auf X): the protests are shit, but when it comes to understanding it is like this: nobody wants to understand them
Reisereporter: Climate activists protest at Stuttgart Airport
Reisereporter: After protests by climate activists: Air traffic in Frankfurt resumed – 170 flights cancelled
rfi: Climate activists stop traffic at Frankfurt airport
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Stoch: “Climate stickers commit unjustifiable breach of law”
Rhein-Zeitung: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
rnd: 170 flights canceled – Fraport announces damages claim against climate activists
rnd: Last generation: “We never said that no one would stick around anymore”
rnd: Aren't we all the last generation?
rnd: Anger at climate glue and a struggling state-owned company
rnd: Damn, they're sticking again
rosenheim24: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
RP Online: These flights are cancelled or delayed in Düsseldorf and Cologne/Bonn
RP Online: The climate activists use this glue
RP Online: Air traffic in Frankfurt resumed – 230 flights cancelled
RP Online: Climate activists protest at Stuttgart Airport
RP Online: How safe is Düsseldorf Airport?
RTL News: Bali climate sticker Yannick S. (25) spoils travelers’ vacations again
RTL News: Bali climate sticker Yannick spoils travelers’ vacation
RTL News: Flights in Hamburg cancelled due to climate protest in Frankfurt
RTL News: Now also in Stuttgart – climate stickers storm the next airport!
RTL News: No jail for Climate Lilli – she is already planning the next airport blockade
RTL News: Climate stickers paralyze Frankfurt Airport!
RTL News: Rhine: Climate action is on the “backs of thousands of holidaymakers”
RTL News: TV star gets stuck at the airport: This is the climate chaos of Frankfurt
RTL News: Vacation ruined? Climate stickers paralyze Frankfurt Airport!
RTL News: “We have to get out of here” – Passengers must be patient after climate sticker chaos
RTÉ: Frankfurt airport operational after climate activists block runway
Ruhr Nachrichten: Criminals with superglue and bolt cutters The state must stop this climate clique
Ruhr24: After climate sticker attack on airports: Söder demands utmost
Ruhr24: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport: Protesters do not come from Hesse
Sakshi Post: Climate activists block Germany's largest airport
salon: Climate protesters shut down Frankfurt Airport, disrupt EU travel
Salzburg24: Climate protests at airports: Two flights from Salzburg affected
SAMAA TV: Around 300 flights canceled in Germany over environmental protests
San Antonio Express-News: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
SAT1: Flights in Hamburg cancelled due to climate protest in Frankfurt
SAT1: Hamburg Airport reacts to disruption in Frankfurt
SHINE: Climate activists block Germany's largest airport
sky news: Over 100 flights canceled after protesters glue themselves to runway at Frankfurt Airport
Somerset County Gazette: 270 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
South Wales Argus: 270 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
Space Daily: Climate activists stop traffic at Frankfurt airport
Spiegel: Airports in Berlin and Hamburg increase security measures
SRF: Climate protest in Frankfurt also affects hundreds of Swiss passengers
Star Alliance: German politicians demand better airport security after activist blockades
Stern: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are largely normal
Stern: Blockade of Cologne Airport – investigations against five people
Stern: Frankfurt Airport: 140 flight cancellations due to disruption
Stern: Flights in Hamburg cancelled due to climate protest in Frankfurt
Stern: Climate activists invade airport grounds
Stern: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
Stern: Climate protests: Federal police increase protection at BER
Stern: Aviation expert: “As a passenger, I have felt, with all due respect, ripped off for a long time”
Stern: Rhine: Climate action is on the “backs of thousands of holidaymakers”
Stern: Union does not consider planned tightening of penalties for airport stickers to be sufficient
Stern: Union wants more protection for airports – Frankfurt Airport defends itself
Stimberg Zeitung: Criminals with superglue and bolt cutters The state must stop this climate clique
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Last generation climbs up at Stuttgart Airport
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation climbs up at Stuttgart Airport German politicians demand better airport security after activist blockades Swiss-bound passengers affected by Frankfurt airport protest
SWR Aktuell: “Last generation” disrupts air traffic: Why are airports not better secured?
SWR Aktuell: Massive impact due to blockade at Frankfurt Airport
SWR Aktuell: Protests of the “Last Generation”: Why they are sticking again
SWR Aktuell: Around 270 flight cancellations after blockade of the “Last Generation” at Frankfurt Airport
SWR News Zone: “Last Generation” Blocked Frankfurt Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blockade of Cologne Airport – investigations against five people
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The conflict between the state and climate activists is escalating
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Frankfurt Airport: 140 flight cancellations due to disruption
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Air traffic in Frankfurt partially resumed after climate disruption
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Flights in Hamburg cancelled due to climate protest in Frankfurt
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists invade airport grounds
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protests: Federal police increase protection at BER
Süddeutsche Zeitung: More police at Bavaria's airports to combat runway blockades
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Rhine: Climate action is on the “backs of thousands of holidaymakers”
südostschweiz: 140 flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport
Südwest Presse: Desperate call for attention
t-online: “The climate glues are becoming climate sinners themselves”
t-online: “Last Generation” announces further airport blockades
t-online: “Last Generation”: Climate protest disrupts Hamburg Airport
t-online: “Lio” stuck himself at the airport – not the first action
t-online: Well-known “Bali pilot” involved in airport protest
t-online: Federal police strengthen protection at BER
t-online: This behavior is just antisocial
t-online: A scandal foretold
t-online: Paint attack on world clock: activists must pay
t-online: Passengers beside themselves: “We are at our wits’ end”
t-online: Airport is prepared for action by climate activists
t-online: Airport reacts: “The perpetrators face severe penalties”
t-online: Airport blockade: activists arrested
t-online: Air traffic resumes after protest action
t-online: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
t-online: Climate activists invade airport grounds
t-online: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
t-online: Climate stickers paralyze Frankfurt Airport
t-online: Holidaymakers miss flights: Close to tears
Tag24: “Last Generation” Paralyzes Airports: Leipzig and Dresden Increase Security Measures
Tag24: Expert on climate stickers at airports: “We have to be grateful to them!”
Tag24: After climate protests at airports: How well prepared is the airport?
Tag24: After climate protest in Frankfurt: Flights in Hamburg also canceled
Tag24: They stuck themselves on the runway: Investigations against five climate anarchists underway
Tagesanzeiger: Climate protest in Frankfurt also affects hundreds of Swiss passengers
Tagesschau: 270 flight cancellations due to adhesive blockade at Frankfurt Airport
Tagesschau: Air traffic in Frankfurt currently suspended
Tagesschau: Air traffic in Frankfurt disrupted by climate activists – climbing action in Stuttgart
Tagesschau: Hessen am Morgen: Adhesive protest at Frankfurt Airport: Prime Minister Rhein calls for harsh penalties
Tagesschau: Climate protest: “Last generation” temporarily paralyzes Frankfurt Airport
Tagesschau: Climate protest: Activists paralyze Frankfurt Airport for more than two hours
Tagesschau: Protest by climate activists at Stuttgart Airport
Tagesschau: Around 270 flight cancellations after blockade of the “Last Generation” at Frankfurt Airport
Tagesschau: Tagesschau 20:00 p.m., 25.07.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
Tagesschau: How airports should be protected from disruptive actions
Tagesspiegel: Climate protests: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
taz: Glued to the runway
teleSUR: Climate Activists Protest in European Airports – teleSUR English
teleSUR: Last Generation's Climate Activists Block Germany's Largest Airport – teleSUR English
The Business Post: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport forces halt to flights
The Comet: 270 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
The Hindu: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as environmental activists target airports across Europe
The Indian Express: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as environmental activists target airports across Europe
The Local: Climate activists disrupt flights at Frankfurt airport
The National: 270 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
The Star: German politicians demand better airport security after activist blockades
The Straits Times: Frankfurt airport opens again after climate activists block runway
The Telegraph: Climate activists who disrupt flights should get five years in prison, says German minister
The Times Of India: Climate change protesters disrupt flights at Frankfurt airport
The Times Of India: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport forces a temporary halt to flights
The Times Of India: Germany: Climate protesters block Cologne/Bonn airport
The Truth International: Germany Sees 300 Flight Cancellations As Environmental Protests Disrupt Air Travel
Thüringer Allgemeine: Last generation: Climate stickers should go to prison
Times LIVE: Frankfurt airport temporarily halts flights as climate activists protest near runways
TRAVEL WIRES: Frankfurt Airport Resumes Operations After Climate Protests Disrupt Flight Schedule
Travelnews: Hundreds of Swiss passengers affected by climate protest in Frankfurt
Tuko: Climate activists stop traffic at Frankfurt airport
TV Nova: Klimatičtí activistité blocks letiště ve Frankfurtu. Provoz byl zcela zastaven After runway blockades in Frankfurt and Cologne: More police at Bavaria's airports – also in Munich
U.S.News: 270 Flights Canceled in Frankfurt as Environmental Activists Target Airports Across Europe
UPI: Climate protest forces delays, cancellations at Frankfurt Airport
ViewusGlobal: Frankfurt Airport Flights Canceled After Climate Activists Take Over Runways
Vodafone live: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Waltroper Zeitung: Criminals with superglue and bolt cutters The state must stop this climate clique
watson: Last generation airport blockade: Security expert with clear appeal After climate protest: Air traffic in Frankfurt resumed – 8 people detained
WDR: Current hour | October 25.07.2024, XNUMX
WDR: Airport blockades: What travelers need to know now
WDR: They stick again: is that really necessary?
Welt: Operations at Frankfurt Airport are back to normal
Welt: The blockers of the “last generation” should pay for the damage
Welt: Climate stickers at Frankfurt Airport – “They are as crazy as they always were”
Welt: World clock sprayed – public prosecutor appeals against verdict
Welt: “Up to ten years in prison” – CDU politician Klöckner calls for high penalties for climate stickers
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock
Winnipeg Free Press: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
WTAJ: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
XINHUANET: Climate activists block Germany's largest airport
yahoo!: 270 flights canceled in Frankfurt as environmental activists target airports across Europe
yahoo!: Climate activists stop traffic at Frankfurt airport
yahoo!: Climate activists stop traffic at Germany's Frankfurt airport
yahoo!: Climate protest causes major disruption at Germany's largest airport
yahoo!: Court fines climate activists for spraying paint on Berlin monument
yahoo!: Eight detained after protesters stop traffic at Frankfurt airport
yahoo!: Flights partially resume at Frankfurt airport after climate protest
yahoo!: Frankfurt Airport climate protest forces cancellation of 270 flights
yahoo!: Frankfurt airport suspends flights after climate protesters block runways
yahoo!: Frankfurt flights canceled after climate activists protest on runways
yahoo!: Germany demands better airport security after activist blockades
yahoo!nachrichten: After climate protest: 140 flights canceled in Frankfurt
ZDF: Climate stickers block Frankfurt Airport
ZDF: Should I become more radical for the climate?
ZDF: Why activists make it to the apron
Zeit Online: Flights in Hamburg cancelled due to climate protest in Frankfurt
Zeit Online: Frankfurt Airport resumes operations after protest action
Zeit Online: Climate activists invade airport grounds
Zeit Online: More police at Bavaria's airports to combat runway blockades
Zeit Online: NRW airports: Security concept continuously adapted
Zeit Online: Rhine: Climate action is on the “backs of thousands of holidaymakers”
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport

   Der Postillon: Heroic activists expose blatant security deficiencies at German airports

20 Mexican pilot Max Voegtli blocks road at Zurich Airport Climate protest: Stricter security measures at Austrian airports
69 News: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
69 News: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as environmental activists target airports across Europe
abc News: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport
abc News: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport forces a temporary halt to flights
AD HOC NEWS: Following the blockade of Cologne/Bonn Airport by climate activists, the police union (GdP) is pushing for tougher penalties.
AD HOC NEWS: NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) has condemned the action of climate activists at Cologne / Bonn Airport.
AeroTime: Frankfurt Airport: 140 flights canceled after climate activists block runways
airportzentrale: Frankfurt Airport: Climate stickers paralyze airport
Al Jazeera: Climate activists block runways at Germany's Frankfurt airport Activists paralyze airport – tougher penalties demanded
AllSides: Germany: Climate protesters block Cologne/Bonn airport
AndroidKosmos: Blockade at Frankfurt Airport paralyzes German air traffic!
anzeiger24: Last generation blocks two airports – and that’s just the beginning
AOL: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
AOL: Flights resume after climate protest at Cologne airport
Arab Times: Climate protests ground over 100 flights at Frankfurt Airport
ARD Audiothek: Climate protest – Airport association ADV defends security concepts
Arise News: Flights Suspended at Cologne-Bonn Airport as Climate Protesters Block Runway
ARTE: ARTE Journal (25/07/2024)
Asian Lite: Climate activists paralyze air traffic at German airport
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists temporarily block airports in Cologne and European cities
aviation direct: Cologne/Bonn Airport: Climate activists stop air traffic for several hours
Aviation Pros: Climate Protest Causes Major Disruption at Germany's Largest Airport
az24: Flights to Frankfurt cancelled after climate activists protest on runways
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: News at noon: Climate stickers paralyze airport, 16-year-old missing and closed railway line
Barron’s: Frankfurt Airport Announces Traffic Resumption After Climate Protest
Baseler Zeitung: Climate activists paralyze Frankfurt Airport
BBC News: Flights resume after climate protest at Cologne airport
BBC News: Flights resume after climate protest at Cologne airport
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate stickers temporarily blocked airport – further delays
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protest paralyzes Cologne/Bonn Airport: Police in action
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protest paralyzes Cologne/Bonn Airport: Police in action (updated)
Berliner Tageszeitung: “Dangerous, Stupid and Criminal”: Faeser Condemns Airport Blockade in Frankfurt
Berliner Tageszeitung: Air traffic in Frankfurt suspended due to protest by climate activists
Berliner Tageszeitung: Climate activists paralyze air traffic in Frankfurt – debate about tougher penalties
Berliner Tageszeitung: Climate activists temporarily paralyze air traffic in Frankfurt
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks Cologne/Bonn Airport – further actions announced
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation paralyzes Frankfurt Airport – impact on BER
Berner Zeitung: Climate activists blocked the road to Zurich Airport
Berner Zeitung: Climate protest in Frankfurt also affects hundreds of Swiss passengers
bigFM: Climate activists paralyze Frankfurt Airport Climate chaos paralyzes airport Climate criminals paralyze Frankfurt Airport Climate criminals plan major attack on our holidays Wednesday Lilli is in Cologne, Thursday in court in Berlin Anger at the climate criminals
Blick: Last generation declares itself at Gaga press conference
Bloomberg: Frankfurt Airport Resumes Some Flights After Protest
blue News: Climate activists block road to Zurich Airport
blue News: Climate activist Max Voegtli blocks road to the airport
br24: Br24 18:30, 25.07.2024
br24: Air traffic in Cologne/Bonn starts after climate protest
br24: Wissing calls for tougher penalties for airport blockades
Bund: Climate activists blocked the road to Zurich Airport
Bundesverband der Deutschen Luftverkehrswirtschaft: BDL strongly condemns the blockade of the “Last Generation” at Frankfurt Airport
Business Travel Unlimited: Climate protest: Air traffic in Frankfurt suspended
buten un binnen: Gallery owner wants to pay for Town Musicians cleaning for “Last Generation”
Castanet: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended Climate activists block Germany's largest airport
CNA: Climate activists glued to runway halt flights at German airport, other protests foiled
CNN: Frankfurt airport suspends flights after climate protesters block runways
CompuServe News: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
Courthouse News Service: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
CT Insider: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
CT Insider: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as environmental activists target airports across Europe
Daily Independent: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
daum: Germany Climate Protest
der Freitag: Because the traffic light government refuses to act, climate policy is currently being pursued by the courts
Der Westen: Cologne/Bonn Airport paralyzed for hours – THEY have struck again! Last Generation activists spilled paint at Vienna Airport
Deutsche Welle: Frankfurt airport: Climate activists stop scores of flights
Deutschlandfunk: Airport association ADV defends security concepts
Deutschlandfunk: Airports blocked: Last generation stuck again. Another change of strategy?
Deutschlandfunk: After disruption: Flight operations resumed in Frankfurt
Devdiscourse: Climate Activists Halt Flights at Cologne-Bonn Airport
Die Presse: Climate stickers disrupt Vienna Airport – with paint and a delayed departure
Die Presse: After disruption in Frankfurt: Vienna Airport is on “alert”
Die Rheinpfalz: Activists paralyze airport – tougher penalties demanded
DNyuz: Climate activists block Germany's Frankfurt airport
DNyuz: Climate activists block runways at Germany's Frankfurt airport
DNyuz: Climate activists who disrupt flights should get five years in prison, says German minister
DNyuz: Germany's Last Generation group aims to revive climate protests
DNyuz: JUST IN — Activists block Germany's Frankfurt airport “Personal fates are more difficult”
Employment & Education: Germany's Busiest Airport Resume Operations After Climate Activist Protest
Eulerpool: Airports prepare for climate protest: Increasing security measures
Eulerpool: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport: operations paralyzed for hours
Euro Weekly News: Climate Activists Disrupt European Airports: Protests and Demands
europolitis: Καθυστερήσεις και ακυρώσεις όλη την ημέρα αναμένονται στο αεροδρόμιο Βόν νης – Κολωνίας “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport
Express & Star: More than 100 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
Express & Star: More than 100 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
Eßlinger Zeitung: Why the last generation is still stuck
Financial Post: More than 100 flights canceled in Germany as environmental activists target airports across Europe “Last generation” blocks Cologne/Bonn Airport NRW Transport Minister condemns action by climate stickers Reul condemns new sticker campaign at Cologne/Bonn Airport
Flightright: “Last generation” with blockade at airports: These are the rights air travelers now have
Focus: “Last generation” protests at the airport – “Bali pilot” Yannik also there
Focus: Protest in ten countriesClimate stickers paralyze operations at Cologne/Bonn Airport
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activists glue themselves to runway
Frankfurter Allgemeine: They rebel against their insignificance
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why is the last generation sticking again?
frankfurtflyer: Air traffic suspended: Climate extremists glue themselves to the runway at Cologne-Bonn Airport
Freie Presse: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Freie Presse: Climate activists sentenced after paint attack on world clock CDU for accelerated criminal proceedings against “Last Generation”
General Anzeiger: Activists paralyze airport – tougher penalties demanded
General Anzeiger: How travellers react to the disruptions at Cologne/Bonn Airport
Ghana News Agency: One in 10 flights at Frankfurt airport canceled amid climate action
Guardian: Flights hit at Frankfurt and Oslo airports as climate protests continue
Handelsblatt (auf youtube): Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport: Demand for tough penalties
Head Topics: Cologne/Bonn Airport (NRW): Climate stickers paralyze air traffic
Head Topics: Cologne/Bonn Airport: What the “Last Generation” doesn’t understand
Head Topics: Climate action at Cologne/Bonn Airport: Last generation sticks again
Head Topics: Climate stickers at Cologne/Bonn Airport: Why the last generation is harming themselves
Head Topics: Climate stickers at Cologne/Bonn Airport: “They’re ruining our vacation”
Head Topics: Climate protest: Activists paralyze air traffic at Cologne/Bonn Airport
Head Topics: Last generation at Cologne/Bonn Airport: Activists glue themselves to the runway
Head Topics: Last generation gets stuck on runway and paralyzes Cologne/Bonn Airport
Head Topics: Last generation lives on runway and paralyzes Cologne/Bonn Airport
Head Topics: Last generation: Today Climate-Lilli is stuck in Cologne, tomorrow in court
Head Topics: After climate blockade: Criticism of security at NRW airports
Head Topics: News of the day: Last generation sticks itself to the runway of Cologne Airport
Head Topics: Protest at Cologne/Bonn Airport: Are last-generation climate stickers returning to old patterns?
Head Topics: Reul condemns new sticker campaign at Cologne/Bonn Airport
Head Topics: Zurich police make short work of climate activists
hessenschau: “Last Generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport – flight operations resumed
hessenschau: Adhesive protest at Frankfurt Airport – eight activists arrested
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: 140 flight cancellations: Climate activists disrupt operations at Frankfurt Airport
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Rhine: Climate action is on the “backs of thousands of holidaymakers”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Wissing: Climate activists want “maximum damage”
Heute – Österreich: Ouch! Climate adhesive slips on its own paint trail
Heute – Österreich: Climate stickers are now causing chaos at Vienna Airport
Heute – Österreich: Total chaos! Climate stickers paralyze airport "Left-wing racism"
HN Online: Klimatickí activisti protestovali in europskych letiskácha zdržali desiatky letov, policia zatýkala
HOBOCTи: The last generation of ecoactivists blocked the airport in Frankfurt
hr: Climate activists paralyze Frankfurt Airport
Hrad Post: Climate activists blocked Germany's Frankfurt Airport
iDNES: Klimatičtí activisté zastavili provoz letiště Kolín-Bonn. Přilepili se na plochu
independent: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport forces a temporary halt to flights
Independent (Ireland): Frankfurt airport opens again after climate activists block runway and glue themselves to tarmac
Independent Online: Climate activists disrupt traffic at Frankfurt airport
India TV: Germany: Airport halts operation after climate activists glue themselves to runway| VIDEO Climate activists temporarily paralyze air traffic in Frankfurt
inkl: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport forces a temporary halt to flights
inkl: Climate protest shuts Frankfurt airport
Irish Examiner: Flights at Cologne-Bonn Airport suspended as climate activists block runway
iROZHLAS: Pět activistů should be used in the campaign in Kolín-Bonn. Volají po ukončení používání fosilních paliv
Jersey Evening Post: More than 100 flights axed in Germany as activists target airports across Europe
Kettner Edelmetalle: Cologne/Bonn Airport paralyzed by climate activists
Kettner Edelmetalle: Cologne/Bonn Airport paralyzed by climate activists
Khaleej Times: Climate activists disrupt air traffic at German airport; UK police arrest nine
kindersache: Climate protest stops air traffic in Frankfurt am Main
KRCG: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
Kreiszeitung: Air traffic in Cologne/Bonn reopened Air traffic paralyzed: Cologne Airport occupied by climate activists
L’essentiel: Flight operations in Cologne suspended – climate activists block runway
LBC: Nine Just Stop Oil activists arrested at Heathrow as part of a Europe-wide campaign against flights
Le Journal de Montréal: Manifestation écologiste: the access to the Montréal-Trudeau airport is connected to plus hours
Leader-Call: Climate activists stop traffic at Germany's Frankfurt airport
LiFO: Γερμανία: Ακτιβιστές για το κλίμα κόλλησαν τα χέρια τους στους διαδρόμου ς αεροδρομίου
Mannheimer Morgen: Climate protesters paralyze Frankfurt Airport
March-Anzeiger: 140 flight cancellations after glue attack at Frankfurt Airport
MarketScreener (DE): Climate activists want to continue protests at airports
Marktspiegel: Climate chaos paralyzes airport
mdr: Climate activists cause closure of Cologne/Bonn Airport
Mein Stuttgart: Frankfurt Airport: Flights suspended due to climate protests
Mein Stuttgart: “Frankfurt Airport: After protests – chaos and long queues remain”
Merkur: “Last generation” paralyzes Cologne/Bonn Airport – climate activist makes demands in video
Mimikama: Climate protests at Cologne/Bonn Airport lead to flight cancellations and delays
Mobilitätsmanager: Climate activists disrupted flight operations at Frankfurt Airport on Thursday morning
msn: “Last Generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport – calls for harsh penalties
msn: “Last Generation” sticks to Cologne/Bonn Airport
msn: “Last Generation”: Is the behavior of climate change activists simply antisocial?
msn: In case of flight cancellations due to climate stickers: What rights do I have as a traveler?
msn: Caroline Thurner | Climate stickers paralyze Cologne/Bonn Airport
msn: Climate Activists Glue Themselves to Cologne Airport Runway
msn: Flight traffic at Cologne/Bonn Airport suspended due to action by climate activists
msn: Frankfurt Airport halts flights after climate protest
msn: Climate crisis: Last generation paralyzes Frankfurt Airport
msn: Climate protest paralyzes Frankfurt Airport
msn: Last generation plans even more airport protests – worldwide
msn: After paint attack on world clock: climate activists in court
msn: They're sticking again: Climate activists paralyze air traffic at Cologne/Bonn Airport
msn: UK: Climate Activists Disrupt Airports Across Europe in 'Oil Kills' Uprising
msn: At the start of the holidays in Bavaria: Are airports safe from climate activists?
MV??!!: Cologne/Bonn Airport blocked: “Last generation” stuck on runways
n-TV: Activists on runway: Cologne airport paralyzed
n-TV: Last generation wants to continue protests at airports
Naanoo: Last generation sticks to larger adhesive campaigns
Naanoo: Wissing criticizes “criminal machinations” of climate glue
nachrichten-heute: SPD plans further tougher penalties for climate stickers
nachrichten-heute: Wissing criticizes “criminal machinations” of climate glue
nachrichten-heute: “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport
Nationwide Newsnet: Germany's Busiest Airport Grounds 100 Flights Amid Climate Protest Climate activists threaten further protests in Switzerland
nd: Listening to the Last Generation
nd: Cologne/Bonn Airport: The last generation sticks again
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Activists glue themselves to runway and paralyze air traffic
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation vs. holidaymakers: Let's try to understand the activists
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Due to Cologne-Bonn flight cancellation: plane was diverted to Weeze
Neue Westfälische: Activists paralyze airport – tougher penalties demanded
NEWKERALA: Climate activists block Germany's largest airport
News Channel 21: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
News Portal: Frankfurt Airport runways blocked by climate activists | Protests in Germany
Newsday: Climate activists glue themselves to a taxiway at Cologne-Bonn Airport, flights suspended
Nuova Europa: Intrusion by climate activists stops Frankfurt airport
OF News: Climate change paralyzes Frankfurt Airport – flight operations temporarily suspended 'Oil Kills' Climate Activists Block European Airports
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: NRW Transport Minister condemns action by climate stickers
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Reul condemns new sticker campaign at Cologne/Bonn Airport
One News: Climate activists block Germany's Frankfurt airport
onvista: Climate activists want to continue protesting after airport blockade
onvista: Climate activists want to continue protests at airports SPD plans further tougher penalties for climate stickers Wissing criticizes “criminal machinations” of climate glue “Last generation” blocks Frankfurt Airport
Ostbelgien: Climate activists paralyze air traffic in Cologne/Bonn
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Activists paralyze airport – tougher penalties demanded
Osthessen News: Chaos at Germany’s largest airport: “Last generation” gets stuck
Ostthüringer Zeitung: These are the climate blockers from Frankfurt Airport
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Frankfurt: Why the last generation is stuck on the runway
Ostthüringer Zeitung: