
Hand on heart! – Strategy for 2024

“Hope is telling the truth. Hope is taking action. “Hope always comes from the people.”
(Greta Thunberg)

Milestones of the last generation

Our goal is a just society. This urgently requires significant political change. To achieve this with our peaceful resistance, we must expand our movement, welcome new people into our community and train in strategy and nonviolence. These are all important steps towards social change that makes a difference.

To this end, we have set ourselves the following milestones for the next few months (since the beginning of 2024):

  1. 1.000 people were at our lectures.
  2. We have 200 people for our strategy and our non-violent protest trained.
  3. 5.000 people got in touch with us within a month Disobedient gatherings involved in the resistance.
  4. We have 10 new resistance groups built up.
  5. We have €1.000.000 as a donation to support our resistance.

some milestones achieved so far

  1. Road blockades
    January 2022: 24 people start road blockades
    January 2024: 1500 people allowed themselves to be arrested during road blockades

  2. Resistance groups
    January 2022: no local groups
    January 2024: over 70 active resistance groups

  3. Reporting & Networking
    45 mentions in the press
    In 7, 2023 mayors will support the demands of the last generation

We have a plan!

“We have a plan” – that was already on the flyers we distributed at the beginning of 2022. We don't do blind activism. But the situation in which we are competing is different. That's why it's time for something new.

For two years we have pointed out to Germany that there is a huge elephant in the room. That we as a society cannot survive if we continue as before. In response we were insulted, beaten and judged. Some have joined us, some have decided to persecute us bearers of bad news as a criminal organization. In between there are some who have not yet decided. Stand up or look away?

Millions of people in Germany think our protest is right. That's an incredible number. We believe that even more people are willing to take to the streets, even if it is disruptive, but that the hurdle to joining us is currently very high. If we are honest with ourselves, the hurdle for ourselves to keep going back to the previous roadblocks is very high.

But it is more important than ever that we take to the streets together to disobey and stand up for justice. Climate scientists despair over escalating graphs, people are dying from climate catastrophes. We see what “climate change” seems to mean above all here in Germany: misanthropy and isolation. The government is throwing one ideal after another overboard and democracy as a whole is facing a breaking point.

They call us climate glue, but this is not about the “climate”, it is about us as humans and about justice. And we don't have to stick anymore because it won't be possible to get us off the road. If so, we will come back. And again. And again.

What we did for the last two years was right. Now it's time to invite everyone again and go one better. Because – hand on heart – it is time for justice!

Our core culture
A lot of what we do stays the same. For example: We are not striving for small reforms, we are a revolutionary project. We want to speak unpleasant truths and polarize between top and bottom - between the super-rich and the working population, between corrupt politicians and the population. Our goal is a fairer society.

We want to organize disobedient protests with as many people as possible. We act primarily out of a desire to do the right thing, not out of a desire to succeed. That means we always go out on the streets with as many as we have. But we also try to become more and evaluate our actions.

We want many people to be able to rally behind our vision. We don't need a majority for our form of protest. On the contrary, it is meant to be disruptive. Our demand also creates a dilemma for politicians in which the government either
gives in or reveals that they are not acting in the interests of the common good.

We stand by our actions face and face. We always remain peaceful.

Our demand – hand on heart!

We're not the only ones taking an honest look at what we've done so far and what we might need to change. We think the same thing needs to happen across society now.

In the past, we have repeatedly called on the federal government to return to the basis of the constitution. It has decided again and again to continue its course of injustice and inhumanity. That's why we'll now address everyone again: Hand on heart! Who is in favor of tackling the necessary restructuring and doing their fair share?

We will release a statement outlining what is needed now, what the deadly consequences will be if this does not happen, and demanding that we address this together with everyone. Together with everyone, that also means with the rich people in this country - at least with their money. Because Germany is an incredibly rich country, but an incredibly unfair one.

Everyone will be able to sign this declaration. We will particularly appeal to our highest head of state, Federal President Steinmeier, to commit to justice.

The framework for action – what will we do?
This year, some of us will continue to focus on making injustice visible through spectacular or confrontational protests. Even if this can involve high personal risks.

Point out the elephant in the room
Inspired by the currently successful protest group Climate Defiance in the USA, some of us will demand honesty and justice from politicians and other responsible people at public events. We will not remain silent as long as fairy tales of fossil growth are told around us.

More people will visit the places of destruction with their own slogan and appearance. Because we need to address the elephant in the room. There are places where the destruction and injustice are so clear that they cannot be hidden. In the
In the past, these were protests, such as turning off pipelines or turning private jets orange on Sylt.

This year we are asking the question more clearly than ever before: Are you one of those who accept injustice or one of those who want to take a stand against it? Everyone has to position themselves. We know this high-profile protest is essential to bringing the urgent issue of justice to the headlines.

Our ultimate goal is that there will be so many people breaking obedience that it will overwhelm the authorities and thus build up pressure so that we can FINALLY talk about the very important content. We are convinced that we will achieve our ultimate goal by, on the one hand, confronting people in the right places and, on the other hand, bringing as many people as possible onto the streets.

With as many people as possible in disobedient gatherings
Just imagine: In your city, your district or your region, 0,1 to 1 percent gather in an extremely disruptive place and no longer leave voluntarily. In a small town with 20.000 inhabitants, that would be 20 to 200 people

In a district with 136.000 inhabitants like Berlin Friedrichshain, that would be 136 to 1360 people

In a region with 500.000 inhabitants there would be 500 to 5000 people.

We invite you to set this as an internal goal to work towards locally. If we reach the 0,1 to 1% target in a few smaller and larger cities in Germany, we can take some disobedient people to the streets in the fall and initiate change, like in the Netherlands. Importantly, the target refers to disobedient people who do not comply with restrictions on gathering on the sidewalk.

These disobedient gatherings should take place everywhere in Germany. They will be peaceful and maximally compatible, but disobedient. Maybe without a vest, definitely without glue. Because to win we need a disobedient one
Offer of action for a maximum of people. We want to provide the greatest possible space for collaboration AND public outrage. The disobedient assemblies offer a space to capture and exploit possible dynamics on the street, in public, through enforced prison sentences, prosecution for criminal association, claims for damages, etc. With enough determined people, they have the potential to ensure a peaceful state of emergency that opens up space for our demands and thus builds up political pressure.

We call on everyone to take independent action within this common framework described. We need the strength and initiative of each and every individual, coupled with the power that we develop when we all move in the same direction. Or in our case – just not moving away.