
đź’¬ Society Council + Questions & Answers

đź’¬ Society Council
+ Questions & Answers

An emergency meeting to initiate the turnaround

We protest! We're disrupting! We're interrupting! We resist! The social contract has been broken because the government and the richest 1 percent are sticking to the course of climate destruction. This course is causing misfortune for billions of people. We stand up for our constitution and for a stable constitutional state, for peace, secure supplies and, in short, for a future worth living. The government often accuses us of saying that we should rather help organize majorities. Hereby we pass the ball back: the majority of society does not want to perish in this deadly course. She wants more climate security. And yet too little happens in politics, too slowly.

Our reason tells us that no one wants our free society and billions of human lives to be risked! 

Even simple measures such as the 9 euro ticket or the speed limit of 100 km/h are not implemented by the government, even though they are acceptable to the social majority. It has become clear again and again that our democratic procedures are apparently not sufficient to deal with the climate crisis appropriately and in a socially just manner. 

If we want to prevent climate catastrophe, we have to get serious. Our democracy urgently needs to become effective again. And now. We therefore call on the government to call an emergency meeting to initiate the turnaround: The Societal Council

The social council is based on the instrument of the citizens' council. It is made up of randomly selected people who best represent the German population according to criteria such as age, gender, educational qualifications and migration background. In the social council, the population is mapped according to important socio-demographic characteristics - a kind of “Germany in small form” comes together.

The company council develops the necessary steps within a defined period of time under the question: How does Germany end the use of fossil raw materials in a socially just way by 2030?  This means that we are switching our energy supply completely to 100% renewable energy. In addition, man-made greenhouse gas emissions that do not arise from the burning of fossil raw materials must also be ended. This includes a circular economy that puts an end to waste and thus significantly reduces energy requirements and climate-positive, i.e. carbon-binding, agriculture. 

The participants are provided with facts and perspectives on all backgrounds by various experts and can access further required specialist expertise in their consultations. The development of the specific measures takes place in professionally moderated small groups, the process is supported by the media and the whole country is excited about what the council is discussing.  

Citizens' councils have already been held numerous times and at different levels - particularly on controversial topics, the result was often far-reaching and, above all, socially just measures. In many cases, however, the recommendations disappear into the drawer. The Society Council therefore goes one step further than previous citizens’ councils. 

Our demand: The government should publicly promise to introduce the legislative proposals related to the measures developed in the company council into parliament. In addition, it should carry out the necessary persuasion work in parliament for the measures and legislative proposals and, once passed, implement the laws with unprecedented speed and determination. This is a process that enables real social participation and strengthens trust in our democracy. 

Over a year ago, a civil society organized citizens' climate meeting took place. Its structure can serve as a role model. But only around 2021% of the German population knew about the Citizens' Assembly Climate 9. The council's results resonated loudly with the population representative surveys, to absolute majorities.  

Attention is therefore important for real change. If a council is called, it should be shown on TV and on the front pages of newspapers before it begins. This is the only way the car fan from the Ruhr area can see that there will be other car fans from the Ruhr area on this council and can argue that the government must also implement its promise. This is what we mean by the company council. 

Is the government really serious about its oath to the Constitution? Is it really interested in solutions that do justice to our historical responsibilities as well as those towards future generations? Does she really feel committed to democracy and the common good of the many and not just the party and lobby interests of the few? Then she will now convene the company council!  

Just like all of us, the current government is part of the last generation before the tipping points. We are all the last generation before the tipping points! But we are also the generation that still has the chance to escape the destruction. We'll forge one together Plan that is developed by citizens, supported by society and implemented by politicians. 


FAQ table of contents

Why do we need a society council?

Even simple measures such as the 9 euro ticket or the speed limit of 100 km/h are not implemented by the government, even though they are acceptable to the social majority. It has become clear again and again that our democratic procedures are apparently not sufficient to deal with the climate crisis appropriately and in a socially just manner. 

A government that does not abide by the Constitution and does not take sufficient action in the face of the greatest catastrophe in human history is not a climate government. We are facing a cliff that leads to climate collapse. The Progress Coalition wants to continue on the path towards the cliff, step by step, until we all fall off. It is time for our democracy to become more democratic. Time for the power of the 1% to move to the 99%. It is time for citizens to be able to decide for themselves about climate protection. The majority of society does not want to perish on this deadly course. The majority want climate security.  

After the federal government has shown that it is not prepared to implement the simplest security measures, such as the 9 euro ticket and a 100km/h speed limit, we have to acknowledge: Our democratic procedures are for an appropriate, socially acceptable and fair handling of the Climate crisis apparently not democratic enough. What we need is profound change. Our democracy must urgently become capable of acting again so that we can prevent the climate catastrophe in time.  

We therefore call on the federal government to call an emergency meeting to initiate the turnaround: The Society Council.

What is the Society Council?

The basic idea of ​​the social council is to give citizens more confidence again. When people are informed by experts on a topic, exchange ideas with each other and get to know each other's perspectives, then these people find solutions that are oriented towards the common good. This is the core idea of ​​our demand. Sooner or later everyone will be affected by both the measures taken against the climate crisis and the effects. It's about our survival. Therefore, as many social groups as possible must be able to have a say in how we can stop the catastrophe and create a better world. This requires more democracy. 

The social council is based on the instrument of the citizens' council. This is made up of randomly selected people who best represent the German population according to criteria such as age, gender, educational qualifications and migration background. The social council should also be a reflection of the population composition, a “Germany in miniature”, so to speak. The composition of the social council ensures more socially just solutions because people from all parts of society come together and have equal rights in deliberations so that all perspectives are taken into account. 

The randomly selected participants in the society council (= “society councilors”) develop the necessary steps within a defined period of time under the question: How does Germany end the use of fossil raw materials by 2030? These steps will be recorded in a report and handed over to the federal government. We demand that the federal government publicly promise to implement the council's measures. This promise is a sign that the voice of citizens is taken seriously. 

The company councilors are provided with facts and perspectives on all backgrounds by various experts and can access further required specialist expertise in their deliberations. This is important because people from different social groups meet in the society council and everyone should be able to take part in the deliberations on an equal footing. Everyone should be brought to as equal a level of knowledge as possible. In addition, the development of specific measures takes place in professionally moderated small groups. The entire process is covered by the media and the whole country is excited about what the council is discussing. Ultimately, all measures will be brought together in a transformation plan for Germany 2030. 

We are the last generation before the tipping points. But we are also the last generation that still has a chance to escape the destruction and work together towards a better world. How can this be achieved? With a plan that is developed by citizens, supported by society and implemented by politicians: through the Social Council! 

Isn't the demand for a public promise to implement the recommendations made undemocratic? Isn't that the disempowerment of the government and parliament?

The federal government's policy to date has shown that it cannot find any way to lead us out of the path of destruction. It has also shown that it is not meeting our initial demands for the simplest security measures that can win a majority. Representative democracy appears unable to respond adequately to this crisis.  

Therefore, citizens must take matters into their own hands. The social council is the best concept for finding an effective way out of the crisis that is at the same time fair and democratic. The demand for a democratic complement to representative democracy is not anti-democratic. The demand for a social council does not abolish representative democracy, but rather supplements it so that it becomes capable of acting again. 

Furthermore, the members of parliament are elected representatives of the people. If they decide to convene the Society Council, they are doing so because they are convinced that it is the best way to lead us out of the crisis. The parliamentarians decide how to deal with the measures developed by the social council. Reasons must be given as to why a measure was rejected or accepted. The public pays close attention to what happens to the results of the Society Council. One possibility could also be for Parliament to commit itself in advance to implementing measures that have been approved by a large majority of those participating in the company council. At a Climate Citizens' Council in Mallorca for example, the island government and the city council have committed to implementing all proposals that received a majority of at least 90 percent in the council. 

What exactly is the board's question?

The randomly drawn participants work on the necessary steps in the society council within a defined period of time under the question: How does Germany end the use of fossil fuels in a socially just way by 2030? This means that we are switching our energy supply completely to 100% renewable energy. In addition, man-made greenhouse gas emissions that do not arise from the burning of fossil raw materials must also be ended. This includes a circular economy that puts an end to waste and thus significantly reduces energy requirements and climate-positive, i.e. carbon-binding, agriculture.

Why 2030? There is no longer a CO2 budget – even globally! We have already emitted far too much and need to go into reverse. Reality gives us, even in the most conservative forecasts (IPCC), a time window of 3-10 years to halt climate collapse and to prevent dangerous tipping points being exceeded (some have already been exceeded). That means it's actually the 2020s to do exactly that. We need to put the brakes on now and stop using fossils by 2030 at the latest. 

Even if one were to assume, as the Advisory Council on Environmental Issues (SRU) does, that there is still a small CO2 budget: If Germany wants to comply with the mandatory Paris Agreement, the German share of the CO2 budget will be used up with a linear reduction in 2030. According to the Federal Government's own Expert Council (the SRU), 2030 is the latest year that is compatible with the Paris Agreement!

How does the company council work?

The people chosen at random (= “societal councils”) meet in several meetings over a limited period of time to develop proposed solutions to a given issue. You will be advised by experts and supported by professional moderation in the process of finding measures. The topics that the Society Council should deal with are discussed in small groups. In these small groups, the moderation ensures equal amounts of speaking and a constructive discussion at eye level. In addition, the recommendations are developed by consensus. A decision has been made when there are no longer any serious (well-founded) objections.

The results of these discussions in the small groups are then presented to all council members in the plenary session. The measures developed are then voted on in the plenary session. At the end, a report is produced with all the measures decided on, which is presented to the government. The report shows the approval rate of the plenary session for each individual recommended measure. In this way, politicians receive what the broad population demands in black and white.

What distinguishes the social council from the citizens’ council?

The Society Council is a citizens' council for the specific question: How does Germany end the use of fossil energies in a socially just manner by 2030? 

The social council differs from the citizens' council in that

  1. that there needs to be far more publicity around the entire process than in previous citizens' councils. This is intended to enable a society-wide debate about the recommendations of the Society Council. Even afterwards, the public should be well and broadly informed about how the measures developed by the company council will be handled. 
  2. that the physical framework conditions with regard to what is probably the greatest crisis for humanity, the climate crisis, represent the framework under which the Council develops recommendations. The question should therefore be: How does Germany end the use of fossil energy by 2030? We also have to take into account the development of a circular economy, i.e. an end to throwing away and waste, and agriculture, which can be climate-positive, i.e. carbon-binding.
  3. that the government declares the need for such a council and communicates clearly and publicly what will happen with the recommendations. 

To explain: Previous experiences with citizens' councils have shown that the far-reaching, cross-societal recommendations often disappeared into the drawer.  

Over a year ago, for example, a citizens' climate meeting organized by civil society took place. It can serve as a role model in its implementation. But only around 2021 to 9% of the German population knew about the Citizens' Assembly Climate 20. The council's findings resonated representative surveys to absolute majorities. So the population supports the recommendations. However, hardly any of it was implemented. 

We at the Society Council therefore demand that the government publicly promise to introduce the legislative proposals associated with the measures developed into parliament. We also demand that the government carry out the necessary persuasion in Parliament for the measures and proposed legislation and that it publicly commit to implementing the laws with unprecedented speed and determination once the laws have been passed.

What is important for real change is, among other things, creating awareness for the company council. If the council is convened, it should be shown on TV hotlines and on the front pages of the newspapers before it starts. Only in this way can the car fan from the Ruhr area see that other car fans from the Ruhr area will sit on this council and can ensure that the recommendations developed in the social council are taken seriously by politicians. In addition, the expert inputs should be on TV and Internet and be freely accessible to the entire population. It should be transparent for everyone by whom and with what content the company councils are informed. The subsequent development of the measures is based on this.

The Citizens' Assembly "Nutrition in Transition" set up by the Bundestag will start in September 2023. What attitude does the last generation have towards this?

The Citizens' Assembly set up by the Bundestag on the topic of “Changing Nutrition” is an important step in the right direction towards greater participation by society. Citizens' assemblies are an enrichment for our democracy and the Bundestag is now also setting this example. We from the Last Generation see the great need for this instrument to also be used to address the question of how Germany can phase out fossil raw materials in a socially just manner by 2030, because even the Federal Government's Council of Experts argues that it is necessary to preserve our livelihoods is to phase out coal, oil and gas much earlier than the government's current course envisages. Another step that urgently needs to be expanded is the procedural obligation for citizens' councils. There are currently no written statements planned for the Citizens' Assembly “Nutrition in Change” within a certain period of time after the results have been presented. However, in order for the instrument to have the full intended effect, there needs to be a clear process in advance as to how the results will ultimately be handled. There needs to be a binding date and a firmly agreed form in which the Bundestag publicly declares how it plans to deal with the results. In this respect, we say: The Citizens' Assembly “Nutrition in Transition” is a step in the right direction and we want to stimulate these important expansions with our call for a social council.

Why are we calling for a social council on the climate crisis when there was already a citizens' council on climate in 2021?

The Climate Citizens' Council was a citizens' council organized by civil society. Civil society tried everything to ensure that a citizens' council took place before the last federal election and influenced the debate and policy on climate protection. That was important and there was no alternative because the government itself did not want to implement a citizens' council on climate protection. Unfortunately, hardly anyone heard anything about this citizens' assembly. In addition, the government took the results anything but seriously.

The Society Council differs in a few points from the Citizens' Climate Council that has already been held. 

  • Notoriety: The Citizens' Climate Assembly is too unknown. According to representative survey by the University of Erfurt known nationwide Citizens' Council on Climate for example just 9% of Germans. Only 4% were already aware of the principles and recommendations. The results of a social council only meet with approval from the population if they were involved in the process and have the feeling of being represented. If a council is called, it should be on TV and on the front pages of newspapers before it begins. The social council would then be a well-known format among the population before it was implemented, understood by everyone and widely accepted.
  • Binding: The company council needs the trust that its recommendations will be taken seriously. It must not be the case that the measures developed by the company council disappear into the drawer. The government should therefore publicly promise to introduce the legislative proposals associated with the measures developed by the company council into parliament as quickly as possible. In addition, it should carry out the necessary persuasion work in parliament for the measures and legislative proposals and, once passed, implement the laws with unprecedented speed and determination. This is a process that enables real social participation and can strengthen trust in our democracy.
  • Framing: It depends on what is physically necessary. The Citizens' Climate Assembly has drawn up very good recommendations, but these would not be enough to end the use of fossil raw materials by 2030. This means that we are switching our energy supply completely to 100% renewable energy. In addition, man-made greenhouse gas emissions that do not arise from the burning of fossil raw materials must also be ended. This includes a circular economy that puts an end to waste and thus significantly reduces energy requirements and climate-positive, i.e. carbon-binding, agriculture.

Why does the Society Council counteract the division/polarization in society?

Because the composition of the participants in the Society Council reflects the spectrum of society according to various socio-demographic characteristics on a small scale and thus also roughly reflects the various perspectives of society. These people, who come together from different social groups, can get to know each other and develop more understanding for each other during the counseling process. After getting to know the respective perspectives, it is their job to develop socially just measures against the climate crisis.

The Social Council builds bridges: students sit next to pensioners, citizens who immigrated to Germany sit next to those who grew up in Germany. The Society Council is intended to enable people from all walks of life to express their opinions on an equal footing, thereby breaking down filter bubbles. People who would otherwise probably never meet each other come together and listen to each other. Hearing each other's perspective and focusing on finding solutions together brings the participants together.

How are the participants for the company council determined?


The participants of the social council are randomly drawn from the population of Germany according to statistical principles. Following this draw, the winners will receive a cover letter. They report back with all relevant socio-demographic information such as age, gender, level of education or origin. Because this data from the participants is then known, a group of people can be put together from the feedback so that it roughly represents a reflection of society in terms of the selected socio-demographic characteristics. 

The aim is to ensure that as many levels of society as possible are heard. A kind of “microcosm” or “Germany in miniature” is created. 

Detailed explanation:

To determine the company council members, random samples are first taken with the help of the population register. The size ratios are taken into account in a special key, so that at least 20 times the planned number of participants are randomly selected by lottery and invited to participate by post. 

The invitation asks for the demographic characteristics of the people addressed. After those drawn have reported back, the next step is to use “staggering” (also called: “stratification”, “stratification”, “active distribution”) to create a largely representative composition of the Society Council in terms of socio-demographics from all the responses according to the demographic characteristics communicated Characteristics and an urban-rural ratio created. This ensures that the final composition of the Society Council approximately corresponds to the population structure of Germany (e.g. in terms of age, gender, place of residence, educational and migration background) (“representative sample”). This process is called the “two-stage lottery process”.

This means that all citizens have the same chance to participate in the social council, including politically underrepresented groups. 

The stratification (staggering, stratification = selection according to demographic characteristics) takes place AFTER the primary draw. This ensures that ALL participants in the company council are randomly selected in every case. 

To consider: 

The composition of the Society Council cannot be 100% representative of all socio-demographic characteristics - that is not the point. You can only get as close as possible to a “small Germany” based on characteristics such as age, gender, educational and migration background. The aim is for people from different social groups to come together in the social council and to develop socially just solutions together. The goal for the composition is therefore a diversity of perspectives. This diversity of perspectives is approached through the two-stage lottery process. 

Is participation in the society council compulsory for people selected at random?

Participation in the company council is voluntary. However, it must be ensured that the hurdles to participation are eliminated as far as possible. It should be clear to all citizens randomly selected for the Society Council after reading the cover letter what the Society Council is about and why their participation in it is important. There will be some people who, for various reasons, have never been able to get involved in politics before taking part in the Society Council. The company council should therefore make it clear to everyone: your voice, your perspective is important. It is YOU who should be heard.  

Different age groups also use different communication channels. In order to respond to the cover letter, you must be able to respond by telephone, letter or email. No social group should be excluded during the registration process due to technical issues. 

Not only should the cover letter be as simple and understandable as possible for everyone, but also the content of the expert input. This should be made clear in preliminary discussions with the experts: If we want to enable all participants to discuss with each other on equal terms, then it is important that everyone understands what the experts are conveying to them. 

Those participants who have registered for the company council agree to take part in all meetings of the company council.  

So that people who would otherwise not have the opportunity to participate in the society council can take part, for example for financial or time reasons, there should be compensation for expenses and, for example, the offer of childcare, in order to enable people such as single parents to take part. In addition, translators should be available so that everyone can say and be heard. In short: every possible hurdle that could make participation more difficult should be removed. 

Why is random selection so relevant for the company council?

In contrast to the existing diverse instruments of citizen participation, a random selection means that not only a few interested people have their say. The company council aims to involve all groups of society. This also includes those who are otherwise described as “remote from politics” and also those who are critical of the topics discussed in the social council. 

Groups that are underrepresented in politics should also have a say. While in the Bundestag, for example, 87% are academics and only around 15% of the German population have studied, the Society Council should be a reflection of the population of Germany, a “Germany in miniature”, so to speak. The composition of the social council ensures more socially just solutions because people from all parts of society come together and have equal rights in the deliberations. Power imbalances such as those between genders and generations are broken down in the best possible way in professionally moderated small groups.   

We believe that people of all social groups are able to make the right decision when they are informed by experts on a topic and consult with each other on an equal level. We believe in people's ability to reason and self-determine - they can develop these abilities in the social council.

What is the advantage over direct citizen participation, which already exists?

Balanced advice from experts and moderated discussion phases prior to the vote have very rarely taken place in previous forms of participation. Many previous forms of participation only have an interrogative nature. Different social groups hardly meet each other, let alone have direct conversations with each other. Things are different with the Citizens' Council (on which the Social Council is based): through the lottery process, people from different social groups meet each other and start talking. The citizens' council includes not only those who are already politically interested, but also, if possible, a reflection of the population. 

Citizens' councils stand for exchange at eye level. The measures developed in a citizens' council are created by incorporating expert knowledge as well as the informed everyday knowledge and the living environments of the participants. The measures reflect what the population is willing to bear in relation to the climate crisis. The focus of the consultations is clearly on the task of developing socially just measures. Compared to elections or referendums, citizens' councils produce greater representativeness, reach more social classes and generate broader social responsibility.

Previous experience with citizens' councils shows that the results of such councils are highly accepted by the population.

How high is the acceptance of the results of a citizens' council (on which the social council is based) usually?

Experience with the results of previous citizens' councils shows that recommendations meet with absolute majorities in the population. 2021% of the representative respondents agree with the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly Climate 70. 

How is it ensured that there is no influence from sponsorship or certain interest groups?

The company council is not a permanent body. The participants are drawn at random, so you cannot “apply” to take part and the selection of topics is separate from the selection of participants. Since the participants are not dependent on their re-election or are subject to other constraints, they are less susceptible to the influence of certain interest groups. 

The format of the Society Council is designed to enable people to make sensible decisions because they are informed by experts and can use their conscience and morals to contribute to the decision-making process. The concept of the social council trusts in people's ability to find sensible, socially just solutions that are appropriate to the extent of the crisis.

How is it ensured that the participants in the company council have the necessary expertise to make recommendations?

In the preliminary phase of the discussions, the participants or society councilors are provided with balanced information with the help of balanced expert input (from a wide range of people from practice, politics and science, from civil society or from associations), so that there is sufficient , professional competence for general decisions is guaranteed. Furthermore, participants have the opportunity to ask for technical expertise at any time during the discussions. In this way, any questions or ambiguities that arise can be resolved.

What are the criteria for moderation? What skills do the moderators need to have?

Over the last few years, citizens' councils have taken place both locally and nationwide in Germany. There is a wide range of experience in implementation and institutes that specialize in organizing citizens' councils. These institutes employ professionally trained moderators to carry out the event.  

The moderators ensure that predefined discussion rules are adhered to. It is discussed in small groups. Each small group is moderated. It's about listening to all participants equally and letting them express themselves. 

Appreciative treatment is a given. The moderation counteracts dominance in the small groups, among other things by ensuring that each participant is only allowed to speak a second time after everyone has spoken once. 

The professionalism of the moderators is essential: The moderator ensures that the participants, who come from different social groups, can talk to each other and advise on an equal level. Participants should feel safe and be able to listen attentively. In previous citizens' councils, various moderation methods have proven particularly useful for this goal, for example the method "Dynamic Facilitation”.  

Examples of implementing holding companies can be found here..

How are the experts selected for the company council?

The experts who give lectures at the beginning of the Society Council in order to bring the randomly drawn participants of the Society Council to as close a level of knowledge as possible on the topic are selected by a committee founded specifically for this purpose, the so-called “Advisory Board”. The advisory board includes representatives from parliament, science, business, civil society (e.g. actors particularly affected by the climate catastrophe) and other actors relevant to the topic. Social policy perspectives are also represented. In addition, an expert in citizen participation should sit on the advisory board. 

The advisory board, which in previous citizens' councils usually consists of plus or minus 10 people, has the task of accompanying and advising on the process. In addition to negotiating conflicts, the advisory board names the experts who provide the company council members with knowledge on the topic in the form of lectures.  

The selection of experts must be balanced. It is important that different perspectives are represented. The experts must also convey their specialist knowledge in such a way that it is easily understandable for the participants in the company council. Just like the composition of participants in the Society Council, the composition of the experts should also be as diverse as possible (different age groups, genders, institutions). 

Doesn't the demand for an end to the use of fossil raw materials by 2030 already anticipate the result?

If we accept the reality of climate science, we must end the age of fossil fuels by 2030. We don't dictate that, but physical reality does. The goal is an end to fossil raw materials by 2030 in order to also comply with the internationally binding agreement Paris to adhere to, to follow. Any other goals would not offer us a way out of the crisis and the course of destruction. 

Reality gives us, even in the most conservative forecasts (IPCC), a time window of 3-10 years to halt climate collapse and to prevent dangerous tipping points being exceeded (some have already been exceeded). That means it's actually the 2020s to do exactly that. We need to put the brakes on now and stop using fossils by 2030 at the latest. 

Even if one were to assume, as the Advisory Council on Environmental Issues (SRU) does, that there is still a small CO2 budget: If Germany wants to comply with the mandatory Paris Agreement, the German share of the CO2 budget will be used up with a linear reduction in 2030. According to the Federal Government's own Expert Council (the SRU), 2030 is the latest year that is compatible with the Paris Agreement!

The demand for the recognized goals in no way anticipates the result of the company council. The measures and the path by which we will no longer purchase fossil raw materials by 2030 must be negotiated democratically. It must be ensured that the recommendations developed are (globally) fair. It is therefore absolutely necessary to convene the company council. 

Approximately how long would it take from the meeting of the company council to the completed measures?

With the appropriate political will and sufficient human and financial resources, the Gcompany council can be prepared and carried out in just a few months. 

What is the relationship between the company council and the government or elected bodies?

The Society Council supports the elected bodies for a decisive climate policy. Uninfluenced by interest groups, lobby associations and false media discourses, he works out on a well-informed basis what the majority of the population wants, what they are prepared to support and contribute to save the climate and thus humanity. The Society Council provides politicians with a basis for decision-making and design, for which no democratic doubts can be raised. 

How can a social council in Germany take into account the perspective of those most affected by the climate crisis - namely the people who live in the most affected regions of the world?

The advisory board, i.e. the body that selects the scientific expertise, also includes actors who are particularly affected by the climate crisis - i.e. the countries of the global south. The advisory board will therefore ensure that this perspective is reflected in the scientific inputs. This enables participants to think about this perspective.