The climate crisis is now. Here. Everywhere. People all over the world are paying for this crisis with their health, their chance of a good future, with their lives. We will not stand idly by. That is why we are coming together in Kassel on September 25.09th. We are protesting together against the fueling of the climate catastrophe with taxpayers' money.
But why Kassel?
The year 2024 will also be marked by extreme weather events, floods, fires, ...
But serious measures against the climate catastrophe are slow to materialize. Instead, taxpayers' money is being invested in destruction. The bankrupt Kassel-Calden airport is being artificially kept running with millions of taxpayers' money. Instead of investing in daycare centers, schools and retirement homes, not only is the wrong thing being financed here, but the catastrophe is being financed. Instead of investing in solutions, the destruction of the future is being subsidized in Kassel. Every single plane ticket costs more than 130 euros!
Every day, in such unjust places, the climate crisis is exacerbated by emissions whose effects we will not feel for decades. We protested against this injustice throughout the year and made it visible. In places like Karlsruhe (at the oil port), Munich (at the airport), on Rรผgen (at the LNG terminal), etc.
That is why we will also 25.09. protest in KasselWe will use the example of Kassel-Calden to show that things cannot continue like this. We demand from the mayor of Kassel: No tax money for the Kassel Calden regional airport! No tax money for destruction!
Be sure to register, then you will receive all the important information and we can organize accommodation for you! We will be protesting daily from the 25th, you can come for the whole time, a few days or for a UV or to get to know each other!