Here is the (incomplete) overview of the reporting on the Last Generation:
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Zeit Online: I have a dream
Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Heidelberg24: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Merkur: “Merry Crisis”: Climate Shakira gets a strange Christmas present
NewsWall: Precedent in court: Does the failed climate policy exonerate the activists of the last generation?
Sprich! Magazin: Dilema Last Generation: Tepatkah Langkah Mereka?
SWR Aktuell: May and June: Deutschlandticket starts, debate about Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blocking, sticking, smearing: The last generation 2023
t-online: About a lion pig, Rammstein and climate glue
ARD Audiothek: Listen to who's shouting - Satire Deluxe with Jan Böhmermann (from minute 50)
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Simon Lachner and Lisa Diffflip are young and committed - one of them is even world champion
Frankfurter Rundschau: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
The Limited Times: Precedent in court: Will the failed climate policy exonerate the glue of the Last Generation? Prepared for the next campaign: Klima-Shakira surprises with an unusual Christmas present
agrarheute: Farmer meets last generation
Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation: Ulmer Sparrows in high-visibility vests for climate protection
Berliner Zeitung: Last climate sticker of the year: I am not a criminal and also not a terrorist
CCC: Hurray, this world is ending!?
Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Die Presse: Klimakleber GmbH: The business model behind the last generation
Frankfurter Rundschau: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last-generation activist Anja Windl: “As if you wanted to expel someone for parking illegally”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Precedent in court: Does the failed climate policy exonerate the activists of the last generation?
Halterner Zeitung: From “scholzen” to “Klimakleber” Which new words are finding their way into the German language
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last-generation activist Anja Windl: “As if you wanted to expel someone for parking illegally”
Merkur: Precedent in court: Does the failed climate policy exonerate the glues of the last generation?
Merkur: “Merry Crisis”: Climate Shakira gets a strange Christmas present
Mittelbayerische: Regensburg: Last generation looks back on 2023
nd: Balance sheet of the climate movement: create two, three, many Lützeraths
nd: Climate movement: everyday life instead of abstractions
Newsblenda: Girl Superglues Herself To The Road To Protest Against Climate Change
Südwest Presse: Hatred of climate glue? The haters have to endure the protests
Tag24: New Donation Strategy: This Is How The “Last Generation” Wants to Finance Its Campaigns Prepared for the next campaign: Klima-Shakira surprises with an unusual Christmas present “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
WAZ: These ten pieces of news have moved Bochum in 2023
WorldNews: Ulm: Ulmer Sparrows in high-visibility vests for climate protection
28.12.2023 “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Dattelner Morgenpost: From “scholzen” to “Klimakleber” Which new words are finding their way into the German language
Der Nordschleswiger: Which new words are finding their way into the German language
Deutsche Welle: Which new words are finding their way into the German language New calendar of the climate chaos: So the world won't end in 2024
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Pictures of the year 2023
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last-generation activist Anja Windl: “As if you wanted to expel someone for parking illegally”
Heilbronner Stimme: These are the pictures from 2023 from the Heilbronn and Hohenlohe region
Hertener Allgemeine: From “scholzen” to “Klimakleber” Which new words are finding their way into the German language
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
Hungary Posts English: Are we allowed to enjoy videos of angry German motorists beating up climate activists blocking traffic? “Who ate it?”
Kreiszeitung: Last-generation activist Anja Windl: “As if you wanted to expel someone for parking illegally”
Merkur: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Merkur: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
Merkur: Last-generation activist Anja Windl: “As if you wanted to expel someone for parking illegally”
n-TV: Is there a need for a climate Fukushima? Which new words are finding their way into the German language
Recklinghauser Zeitung: From “scholzen” to “Klimakleber” Which new words are finding their way into the German language
RTL News: Climate stickers publish calendars with “best protest moments”.
Ruhr Nachrichten: From “scholzen” to “Klimakleber” Which new words are finding their way into the German language
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Farmers are allowed – climate glue is not allowed
The Limited Times: Last Generation activist Anja Windl: “It's like trying to expel someone for illegal parking”
The Limited Times: Prepared for the next campaign: Climate Shakira surprises with unusual Christmas presents
The Storiest: Last generation: Martha Krumpeck released from prison Prepared for the next campaign: Klima-Shakira surprises with an unusual Christmas present
Zeit Online: Which new words are finding their way into the German language
Fuldaer Zeitung: 700.000 euros wrongfully confiscated: verdict after raid in Gersfeld in May
mdr: “Last generation” does not want to be deterred
nordbayern: “Good” farmers, “bad” climate activists? Online voices criticize double standards
WorldNews: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Kleine Zeitung: Last generation: Martha Krumpeck released from prison
msn: On the loose | Last generation: Martha Krumpeck released from prison
msn: The (not only) political tops and flops of 2023
RP Online: The (not only) political tops and flops of 2023
The Limited Times: “Last Generation” Destroys Christmas Tree in Shopping Arcade – Shopkeeper Rages: “Was a Unique”
The Indian Express: Is the climate fight lost? 5 reasons to be hopeful it is not
Heinrich Strößenreuther (auf twitter): Imagine if @AufstandLastGen did that.
LesenUndTeilen© (auf twitter): Greetings go out to all prisoners of the #LastGeneration.
Maurice Conrad (auf twitter): ... have become very quiet when farmers ... symbolically hang politicians.
Focus: “Everyone in preventative detention!”Last generation uses farmer blockades for ironic comment: “Can’t see any escape route!”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
Guido Kühn (auf twitter): Disaster is the new normal
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
Merkur: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Merkur: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
msn: “Everyone in preventative detention!” – Last generation uses farmer blockades for ironic comment: “Can’t see any escape route!”
The Limited Times: “Last Generation” Destroys Christmas Tree in Shopping Arcade – Shopkeeper Rages: “Was a Unique”
E L H O T Z O (auf twitter): …road blockades only okay for diesel prices…
Badische Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Badische Zeitung: Too much money was confiscated
BUZZFREAK: Eco-activists backed by California local weather fund have destroyed vacation bushes in seven German cities
Der Patriot: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
DUK News: Eco-activists backed by California climate fund have destroyed holiday trees in seven German cities
Eßlinger Zeitung: LAST GENERATION IN STUTTGART – Activists block Rotebühlplatz – including the Christmas tree
Frankfurter Rundschau: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it” Solidarity with Last Generation: Tires of over 300 SUVs flattened in Berlin “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint
Mail Online: Eco-activists backed by California climate fund have destroyed holiday trees in seven German cities
Merkur: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Merkur: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents an invoice to climate adhesives
News 89.4: Last Generation: Authorities Confiscate Too Much Money
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
NY Breaking: Eco-Activists Backed By California Climate Fund Have Destroyed Holiday Trees In Seven German Cities
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio Chemnitz: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
RPR1.: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Schwäbische: Farmers are on the wrong track: “Don’t use second climate glue!”
Soester Anzeiger: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents an invoice to climate adhesives
Tag24: 725.000 Euros of Fake Money Seized: Glitch in Investigation Against “Last Generation”
taz: Fight against climate crisis in a dead end – :2023? Big shit
The Limited Times: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents invoice for climate stickers
The Limited Times: Climate stickers make Lufthansa poisoned offer after claim for damages – “hand on it”
volksfreund: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Westfälische Rundschau: Money confiscated from the last generation - 700 euros too much
WorldNews: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
Worldtimetodays: Eco-activists supported by the California Climate Fund have destroyed Christmas trees in seven German cities
Zeit Heute: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Abendzeitung München: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
AD HOC NEWS: During investigations against the Last Generation, the Munich district court had almost 800.000 euros confiscated.
agrarheute: Tractors on the roads: That's the legal situation
Allgäuer Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
antenne 1: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
antenne nrw: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate: Who has to scrub after the paint attack?
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
bigFM: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
br24: On the streets because of wars, climate, cuts: was 2023 a year of protest?
br24: Too much money confiscated from the “Last Generation”
Deutschlandfunk: 700.000 euros too much confiscated
Die Harke: Farmer protests okay, climate glue not? I think that's wrong!
Die Rheinpfalz: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Eßlinger Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Focus: Munich Regional Court confiscated 700.000 euros too much from the last generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: 700.000 euros too much confiscated
Freie Presse: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Guardian: 2023 was the year governments looked at the climate crisis – and decided to persecute the activists
Haller Kreisblatt: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Hamburger Abendblatt: Klimakleberin wants to go to prison for climate protection
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
idowa: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
in Südthüringen: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint
klimareporter: Flying is becoming more expensive, the last generation wants a Lufthansa deal, demands for climate money “Last Generation” stuck in Christmas traffic
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Almost 800.000 euros too much confiscated from Last Generation
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
lautschrift: Blue light instead of fairy lights – interview with the last generation
Mannheimer Morgen: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Merkur: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
Merkur: “The bill will still be delivered to the ‘Nuremberg Grinch’”: Mayor rages against the last generation
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
msn: Court: 700.000 euros too much confiscated from Last Generation “Last generation”: Authorities confiscate too much money
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Neue Presse: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Passauer Neue Presse: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
Passauer Neue Presse: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio Hochstift: Munich | Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
RADIO 7: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio 901: Last Generation: Authorities Confiscate Too Much Money
radio Bielefeld: Munich | Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
radio Herford: Munich | Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio Neandertal: Last Generation: Authorities Confiscate Too Much Money
Radio Regenbogen: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio RSG: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio RST: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio Siegen: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
radio Westfalica: Munich | Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio WMW: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Radio Zwickau: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
RP Online: Too much money confiscated in investigation against Last Generation
RTL News: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
RTL News: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
sh:z: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Spiegel: 700.000 euros too much confiscated from Last Generation
Stern: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
Stern: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Activists block Rotebühlplatz – including the Christmas tree
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Activists block Rotebühlplatz – including the Christmas tree
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Investigations against “Last Generation” – 700 euros too much confiscated
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
t-online: Major financial breakdown in investigations against “Last Generation”
t-online: Stuttgart police carry nine activists off the street
The Limited Times: Climate stickers make Lufthansa poisoned offer after claim for damages – “hand on it”
Volksstimme: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
WAZ: Money confiscated from the last generation - 700 euros too much
Welle-Niederrhein: Last Generation: Authorities Confiscate Too Much Money
Welt: Investigators confiscate 725.000 euros too much from climate activists
Welt: Investigations against Last Generation: Too much confiscated
Welt: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
WirtschaftsWoche: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
Zeit Heute: Major financial breakdown in investigations against “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Last generation: Authorities confiscate too much money
AB 17: Climate Clooney's ass (feat. Last Generation)
Andreas Edler Blog: Air conditioning glue vs. tractor driver
br24: Last generation versus farmers: good and bad blockers?
charivari: The last generation is on trial today Open letter to Attorney General
Evangelische Zeitung: After self-reporting - Jesuits accuse investigators of inconsistency
Focus: No fees for police operationsClimate stickers don't pay a cent after arrests, CDU man rages: "Incomprehensible"
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents an invoice to climate adhesives
frankfurtflyer: Compensation: Last generation Lufthansa makes a ridiculous counteroffer
Genios: Climate stickers don't give a damn about a fee for custody
gong fm: The last generation is on trial today
Haberalani: “Last generation” climate adhesives do not pay police costs “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint Mayor sharply criticizes attack on Christmas tree: Bill will soon be delivered to the “Nuremberg Grinch” After self-reporting - Jesuits accuse investigators of inconsistency
KATHPRESS: Climate activist and Jesuit Alt accuses prosecutors of inconsistency
Kreiszeitung: Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
Merkur: Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
Merkur: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
Merkur: “The bill will still be delivered to the ‘Nuremberg Grinch’”: Mayor rages against the last generation
msn: Last generation: who are they and what drives them?
msn: 'Climate cultists' in Germany 'took out their rage' on Christmas trees in seven cities
n-TV: Lützi, climate conference and lots of glue
Radio free FM: The last generation
SWR Aktuell: Opinion: Fortunately, farmers are not climate gluers!
t-online: Climate adhesives do not cover the costs of police operations
Tag24: After 740.000 Euro Demand: “Last Generation” Proposes Lufthansa Deal
turi2: “Zeit”: In a raid against Last Generation, 700.000 euros too much was confiscated. Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
Zeit Heute: Climate adhesives do not cover the costs of police operations
Zeit Online: The fake money confiscated
20.12.2023 “Germany has become comfortable and arrogant!”
Der Postillon: Last generation is now blocking traffic with tractors because that's apparently okay with everyone
Express: “It hurts my soul” – In ZDF Talk: Climate activist Markus Lanz surprises with a statement
Focus: TV columnClimate activist makes Lanz suspicious: “It hurts my soul”
Frankfurter Rundschau: It's about six billion euros a year: "Last Generation" offers Lufthansa a deal
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Hamburger Abendblatt: Hamburg-News: Climate adhesives do not pay fees
Hamburger Abendblatt: Police demand 8200 euros: But “climate glue” doesn’t pay
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Climate glue” benefits: Hamburg does not collect new fees for police operations
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: It's about six billion euros a year: "Last Generation" offers Lufthansa a deal
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Dispute over climate activists at cabaret in Melsungen
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Over 20 euros in damage to the campus center due to the last generation paint attack “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint
Juraforum: Depp: Definition & meaning in a legal context
Kreiszeitung: Activist convicted of coercion: Immediately afterwards he sprayed the street in front of the court
Kreiszeitung: It's about six billion euros a year: "Last Generation" offers Lufthansa a deal
Merkur: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
Merkur: “The bill will still be delivered to the ‘Nuremberg Grinch’”: Mayor rages against the last generation
nordbayern: After claim for damages: “Last Generation” makes Lufthansa a curious offer
Stern: Where does this anger come from? The sociologist Steffen Mau explains when a society freaks out
t-online: “No schoolyard would allow this to happen”
t-online: “Fridays for Future” announces “step back”
t-online: Climate activist is convicted and continues straight away
taz: Blockade could be expensive
The Limited Times: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents invoice for climate stickers
The Limited Times: Climate stickers make Lufthansa poisoned offer after claim for damages – “hand on it”
WDR: Highways blocked: Are farmers threatened with the same penalties as climate activists?
19.12.2023 Last generation makes “offer”: Lufthansa to pay six billion euros annually
aviation direct: 740.000 euros: Eurowings is asked to pay for climate adhesives
B.Z.: Climate adhesives make Lufthansa an “offer”
Brussels signal: Lufthansa demands €740,000 in damages from ‘Last Generation’ climate activists Airlines demand compensation from Last Generation
fvw: “Last generation” makes Lufthansa an “offer” “Without consideration for the residents”: Mayor sharply criticizes spray attack on Christmas tree
Leipziger Volkszeitung: After action by the last generation: Christmas tree in the Mädler-Passage redecorated
msn: Mayor rails against “last generation”
msn: It's about six billion euros a year: "Last Generation" offers Lufthansa a deal
msn: Climate glue makes a poisoned offer to Lufthansa after demanding compensation – “hand on it”
msn: Climate conflict escalates: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from “Last Generation” – activists counter with demands for billions
msn: Lufthansa demands hundreds of thousands: climate protest will be expensive!
msn: Dispute over blocked airports: Last generation Lufthansa makes an “offer” for compensation
rnd: Compensation for CO₂ costs: Last generation offers Lufthansa Deal
Spiegel: Last generation makes Lufthansa “offer”
t-online: Mayor rails against “last generation”
Tageskarte: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate protection group “Last Generation”
Tahrir News: Hamburg Airport: Last generation pays to Lufthansa – under one condition – Hamburger Abendblatt Climate glue delays process: “The constitutional state has to endure it”
Welt: Claim for damages of 740.000 euros – “Last Generation” makes Lufthansa’s suggestion
WorldNews: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents an invoice to climate adhesives
Zeit Heute: Mayor rails against “last generation”
Zeit Heute: “Last Generation” makes an offer to Lufthansa
AD HOC NEWS: Members of the “Last Generation” group have made an “offer” to Lufthansa following claims for damages due to protest actions. Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros in compensation from climate activists following airport blockades
Aussiedlerbote: Lufthansa demands hundreds of thousands of euros from the “last generation”
Aussiedlerbote: Lufthansa and its companies are demanding compensation: Will this destroy the previous generation?
AvioNews: Airline Lufthansa versus “Last Generation”
Berliner Zeitung: Claim for damages: Last generation proposes an expensive deal to Lufthansa
BOERSE-EXPRESS: Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer' Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
BURHOFF ONLINE BLOG: Climate I: Illegal road blocking by glue, or: If you stick it for more than 3 hours
BURHOFF ONLINE BLOG: Climate II: Removing a pavement slab as a protest, or: What manufacturing effort is required?
börsenNEWS: 'Last generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
comdirect: Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
Die Presse: “Last Generation” pays compensation if Lufthansa pays for CO2 emissions
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Because of contact with the last generation: Concern about wiretapping in the Dresden town hall
Du bist Halle: Action of the Last Generation: Handel and other statues in Halle warn of climate catastrophe - fire brigade removes warning vest
Economy Today: “Last generation”: Lufthansa is demanding high compensation
Faktenkontor: Crisis PR: How Lufthansa is venturing into the David-Goliath trap of climate glue Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer' Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros in compensation from climate activists following airport blockades Lufthansa shares in the red: Lufthansa is apparently demanding almost millions of dollars from climate activists Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer' Lufthansa demands compensation from the climate protection group “Last Generation”
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa demands huge compensation from “Last Generation”
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Gießener Anzeiger: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa demands huge compensation from “Last Generation”
hallelife: Last Generation Disgraced Handel
Handelsblatt: Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents the invoice to Klima-Klebern
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Hosteltur: Lufthansa is currently funding €740.000 to climate activists “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint “Without consideration for the residents”: Mayor sharply criticizes spray attack on Christmas tree Lufthansa is demanding almost a million euros from climate activists
Leipziger Volkszeitung: The spray-painted Christmas tree in the Mädler-Passage is being redecorated
Marcador: Lufthansa Exige 740 Mil Euros A Activistas
MarketScreener (CH): Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
MarketScreener (DE): Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
mdr: Climate protest action of the "Last Generation" in Halle
Merkur: Climate glue delays process: “The constitutional state has to endure it”
Merkur: “The bill will still be delivered to the ‘Nuremberg Grinch’”: Mayor rages against the last generation
Merkur: “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
Merkur: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: Climate protest in the Halle urban area – sculptures wrapped in high-visibility vests
msn: 740.000 euros in damage: climate protest becomes a financial nightmare
msn: Klima-Glue will pay Lufthansa 740.000 euros in damages if...
msn: “Last Generation” pays compensation if Lufthansa pays for CO2 emissions
n-TV: Lawsuit against Last Generation “will be successful”
n-TV: Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros from Last Generation
n-TV: Damages: Last generation makes Lufthansa “offer”
nordbayern: After claim for damages: “Last Generation” makes Lufthansa a curious offer
oe24: Klima-Glue will pay Lufthansa 740.000 euros in damages if...
Offenbach-Post: Climate protest at Frankfurt Airport: Lufthansa demands huge compensation from “Last Generation”
onvista: Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
Ostsee Zeitung: OZ live: Amthor against the “Last Generation” – how much climate protest is enough?
Ostsee Zeitung: Philipp Amthor calls the last generation “wimps”
Ostsee Zeitung: Video: Argument between Amthor and a climate activist from the “last generation”
Ostsee Zeitung: Color attack at the Rostock Christmas market: Amthor accuses the last generation of “wimpy attitude”.
Ostsee Zeitung: Now live on OZ: Amthor against the “Last Generation” – how much climate protest is enough?
Ostsee Zeitung: “Last Generation” sprays Rostock Christmas tree: “Damage to property is not protesting”
reisetopia: Lufthansa demands compensation from “last generation” protesters
SAT1: Hamburg Airport: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Soester Anzeiger: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents the invoice to Klima-Klebern
Soester Anzeiger: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Stern: Lufthansa and Co. want compensation: Will this ruin the last generation?
t-online: “Last Generation” makes an offer to Lufthansa
t-online: Color attack in Mädler-Passage: Christmas tree can no longer be saved
Tag24: After 740.000 Euro Demand: “Last Generation” Proposes Lufthansa Deal
Tageskarte: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate protection group “Last Generation”
The Limited Times: “The bill will still be sent to the 'Nuremberg Grinch'”: Mayor rages against Last Generation
Touristiklounge: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
VN Explorer: Airport stickers now face a huge fine
VN Explorer: Last generation: Lufthansa is demanding hundreds of thousands of euros in compensation after protests
VN Explorer: Lufthansa iklim activists 740 am euro tazminat istiyor
Volksstimme: With video: Climate protest in the Halle urban area – sculptures wrapped in high-visibility vests
wallstreet online: 'Last generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Last generation” broke afterwards? Lufthansa presents the invoice to Klima-Klebern
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
WorldNews: Questions and answers: Lufthansa and Co. want compensation: Will that ruin the last generation?
yahoo finanzen: Compensation: 'Last Generation' makes Lufthansa 'offer'
Zeit Online: “There is a real risk of liability”
Хартыя’97: Lufthansa Claims 740,000 Euros Compensation From Eco-Activists 13
nd: Airport Blockade: A Good Place to Stick
20 Airport stickers now face a huge fine
ABC Color: I like this nota at
Berliner Abendblatt: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Eurowings wants 740.000 euros in damages
Berliner Zeitung: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Eurowings demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Berliner Zeitung: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists Lufthansa is demanding 740 euros from climate adhesives “I don’t think this is a form of protest.”
blue News: Media: Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists
comdirect: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Deutschlandfunk: Lufthansa wants 740.000 euros from the “Last Generation” because of blockade actions
Die Rheinpfalz: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Economy Today: Climate protest: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Express: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists Salty: Lufthansa wants 740.000 euros from climate chaots
Eßlinger Zeitung: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros from last generation climate activists Media: Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists Lufthansa demands compensation in euros from climate activists Lufthansa demands compensation from climate activists – newspaper
Focus: Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros in compensation for disruptive actions from Klima-Kleber
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Frapp: Lufthansa is demanding 740 euros in damages
General Anzeiger: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
gmx: Airports paralyzed: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Hamburger Abendblatt: Hamburg Airport: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from last generation climate activists
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate protest: Wissing welcomes Lufthansa's claim for damages
Hamburger Morgenpost: After the airport occupation: Lufthansa demands huge sums from climate activists
Handelsblatt: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Handelsblatt: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from “climate gluers”
Hellweger Anzeiger: After protests at airports, Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Heute – Österreich: Airport stickers now face a hammer penalty
HLN: Alibaba's
Hürriyet: Lufthansa activistlerden 740 am Euro tazminat istiyor
idowa: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists Compensation for disruptive actions – Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros from Klima-Klebern “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint “Without consideration for the residents”: Mayor sharply criticizes spray attack on Nuremberg Christmas tree Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
iportal24: Eurowings is available for €740
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: Climate protest: Wissing welcomes Lufthansa's claim for damages
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Kölnische Rundschau: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
La Stampa: In Germania alberi di Natale imbrattati with the vernice arancione
Lüne-Blog: Last generation Lüneburg: “Climate protection is the most important gift” – winter meeting on December 19, 2023
Main Post: Media report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from “Last Generation”
Malay Mail: Reports: German airlines demand compensation of €740,000 from climate activists
manager magazin: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Merkur: “The bill will still be delivered to the ‘Nuremberg Grinch’”: Mayor rages against the last generation
Merkur: “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
msn: 740.000 euros for disruptive actions by climate activists: Lufthansa demands compensation from “Last Generation”
msn: Report: Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists
msn: Climate activism: Lufthansa wants 740.000 euros from the “Last Generation”
msn: Climate protest: Wissing welcomes Lufthansa's claim for damages
msn: Lufthansa quantifies damages: “Last Generation” should pay for protests at airports
msn: Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros from last generation climate activists
msn: Lufthansa presents Klima-Klebern with the “final invoice” – “last generation” then bankrupt?
msn: Lufthansa wants 740.000 euros from climate adhesives
msn: Media: Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists
msn: After demonstrations at three airports, the hefty bill follows: Lufthansa is demanding 740 euros from climate adhesives
msn: Compensation for disruptive actions – Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros from Klima-Klebern
n-TV: Lufthansa is demanding hundreds of thousands of euros from Last Generation Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate adhesives
Navarra: Policías navarros detienen a dos 'terroristas climáticos' por sabotear una gasolinera
ND News NetworK: Aimée van Baalen: The daughter of a Dutch politician and a German mother who fights for the climate
Netz-Trends: Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros in damages from criminal climate stickers
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: After climate protests: Lufthansa is demanding high compensation from Last Generation
Neue Presse: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Climate protest: Wissing welcomes Lufthansa's claim for damages
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
oe24: Lufthansa wants 740.000 euros from climate adhesives
Passauer Neue Presse: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Radio FFH: Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists
Radio FFH: Lufthansa demands compensation
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
rnd: Blockades at airports: Eurowings is demanding 740.000 euros in damages from Last Generation
RTL News: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
RTL News: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
RTL News: Do the climate adhesives now have to be properly applied? Lufthansa wants compensation
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Schwarzwälder Bote: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Spiegel: Lufthansa is demanding hundreds of thousands of euros in damages from Last Generation
Stern: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Stern: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
SWR News Zone: Juicy bill: Last generation should pay 740.000 euros
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Lufthansa wants 740 euros from the “Last Generation”
südostschweiz: Media: Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists
t-online: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
t-online: Color attack in Mädler-Passage: Christmas tree can no longer be saved
t-online: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from the “Last Generation”
Tagesanzeiger: Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists
Tagesschau: Blockades of the “Last Generation”: Airlines demand compensation
Tagesschau: Lufthansa wants compensation from climate activists
Tagesspiegel: Lufthansa demands compensation from “Last Generation”
Teller Report: “Last generation”: Lufthansa demands hundreds of thousands of euros in damages
Teller Report: Last generation: Lufthansa demands hundreds of thousands of euros in damages after protest actions
The Limited Times: “The bill will still be delivered to the 'Nuremberg Grinch'”: Mayor rages against Last Generation
Thüringer Allgemeine: Last generation: Eurowings wants 740.000 euros in damages “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
VN Explorer: 740.000 euros for disruptive actions by climate activists: Lufthansa demands compensation from “Last Generation”
VN Explorer: Airport stickers now face a hammer penalty
VN Explorer: Climate activists: Last generation: Eurowings wants 740.000 euros in damages
VN Explorer: Last generation: Eurowings demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
VN Explorer: After demonstrations at three airports, the hefty bill follows: Lufthansa is demanding 740 euros from climate adhesives
Vodafone live: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Vodafone live: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Volksstimme: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Volksstimme: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists Lufthansa demands 740 euros from climate activists of the “last generation”
WAZ: Climate protest: Wissing welcomes Lufthansa's claim for damages
WAZ: Last generation: Eurowings sends climate activists a big bill
WDR: Climate Ballerina: Solo evening by and with Anny Hartmann
Welt: Eurowings wants 740.000 euros in damages from the “Last Generation”
Westfalenpost: Climate protest: Wissing welcomes Lufthansa's claim for damages
WirtschaftsWoche: That’s why Lufthansa is demanding 740.000 euros from the “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Report: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Zeit Online: Eurowings is demanding 740.000 euros in damages from Last Generation
Zeit Online: Lufthansa demands 740.000 euros from climate activists
Analyzing America: Climate Crazies Wage Coordinated Attacks On Christmas Trees In Seven Cities In Germany
B.Z.: Expensive presents for the climate criminals
B.Z.: Another climate glue protest in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Protest march on Saturday: The last generation marches through Berlin-Mitte Expensive presents for the climate criminals
Der Postillon: Tomorrow in PamS: Last generation increasingly brazen – Have they now also sprayed Trump with orange paint?
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Hitradio Ohr: "Last Generation" Before Freiburg District Court
Il SecoloXIX: In Germania alberi di Natale imbrattati with the vernice arancione “Without consideration for the residents”: Mayor sharply criticizes spray attack on Nuremberg Christmas tree
Kreiszeitung: “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
Merkur: “The bill will still be delivered to the ‘Nuremberg Grinch’”: Mayor rages against the last generation
Merkur: “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
nightkurier rose (auf youtube): Last generation December 16.12.2023, 14 at 00:XNUMX p.m. + interview
Ruhr24: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
Soester Anzeiger: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique”
t-online: Color attack in Mädler-Passage: Christmas tree can no longer be saved “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
Wetterauer Zeitung: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade – shop owner rages: “It was unique” Cologne: Last generation blocks streets on Ebertplatz
Alto Press – Bildagentur (auf youtube): Spray climate glue on the Christmas tree at the Christmas market in Munich
BADEN ONLINE: “Climate sticker” in court in Freiburg for coercion
BADEN ONLINE: This Freiburg resident advises activists of the “Last Generation” free of charge
Before It’s News: Climate Crazies Wage Coordinated Attacks on Christmas Trees in Seven Cities in Germany
Berliner Zeitung: After the last generation's color attack: the Christmas tree in front of the Federal Council is clean again Christmas tree can no longer be saved after the paint has been stopped Christmas tree is decorated according to color
blue News: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Express: Another “Last Generation” adhesive campaign blocked traffic at Cologne’s Ebertplatz
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Cannot be saved: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade
independent: Christmas tree sprayed orange by climate activists in Berlin “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint
Kieler Nachrichten: After the color attack of the “Last Generation” Kiel on Tanne: That’s what the lodge says
Kreiszeitung: “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” blocks streets on Ebertplatz – police intervene quickly
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (auf youtube): Cologne: Last generation blocks streets on Ebertplatz
Merkur: “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
Merkur: “Last Generation” tackles Christmas trees – central square in Munich affected
msn: “Last Generation” takes on Christmas trees: These cities are affected
msn: Climate Crazies Wage Coordinated Attacks on Christmas Trees in Seven Cities
msn: German Climate Activists Spray Christmas Tree Orange in Berlin, Germany
msn: Climate protest in Cologne: “Last Generation” blocks streets on Ebertplatz – police intervene quickly
msn: Controversial action: “Last generation” sprays Christmas tree in Leipzig
msn: After the last generation's color attack: the Christmas tree in front of the Federal Council is clean again
msn: Cannot be saved: “Last Generation” destroys Christmas tree in shopping arcade
msn: Another sticking campaign: “Last Generation” blocked traffic at Cologne’s Ebertplatz No longer detention for climate activists
nordbayern: Paint attack at Nuremberg Central Station: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas tree
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Christmas tree sprayed as a result of climate protest: Nuremberg's mayor speaks of anti-social defilement
ProSieben: “Last Generation” takes on Christmas trees: These cities are affected
t-online: Christmas tree at Sendlinger Tor survives color attack
t-online: Color attack in Mädler-Passage: Christmas tree can no longer be saved
t-online: What happens to the Christmas tree at Sendlinger Tor?
Tag24: The Chaos Chronicle of the "Last Generation": What a Copper Tube Has to Do with It
Tagesschau: Climate activists briefly block rush hour traffic in Cologne
Tagesspiegel (auf youtube): Charges against climate activists after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
The Limited Times: “Last Generation” takes aim at Christmas trees – central square in Munich affected “Emotional damage is huge”: Climate stickers ruin Christmas tree in pedestrian passage
WDR: Climate activists briefly block rush hour traffic in Cologne
Welt25: Last generation costs Berlin 36 million euros
1 & 1: “Markus Lanz – The Year 2023”: Lots of populism and cheap laughs
Augsburger Allgemeine: Color attack on university: Which still gives hope
Augsburger Allgemeine: Damage from gluing action: The bill for the last generation is still open
Augsburger Allgemeine: Incomprehension after paint attack on university: “What do you want to achieve with this?”
Aussiedlerbote: Paint on DFB headquarters: climate activists in court
Aussiedlerbote: Police search homes of climate activists
Aussiedlerbote: Rostock Christmas tree sprayed with paint
Berliner Abendblatt: Search at Last Generation: evidence found
Berliner Morgenpost: Error in the annual review: Markus Lanz with memory gaps 528 adhesive tubes seized from air conditioning lubricators What Söder would give Scholz for Christmas
Braunschweig Spiegel: Provocative actions: What effect do climate adhesives etc. have?
Concerned Patriot: Climate Crazies Declare War On Christmas
Diebewertung: Trial of the criminals of the last generation
Economy Today: This is what the “last generation” hoards in their own homes
Focus: TV column “Markus Lanz – The Year 2023” What Markus Söder is putting under the Chancellor’s Christmas tree
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Search at Last Generation: evidence found
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate protests can be annoying
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Contemplative protests? – Last generation sprays Christmas trees
Frankfurter Rundschau: Color at DFB headquarters: climate activists in court
fridaysforfuture_heidelberg (auf instagram): Our opinion
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Contemplative protests? – Last generation sprays Christmas trees
idowa: Last generation Regensburg blocked Friedenstrasse “Without consideration for the residents”: Mayor sharply criticizes spray attack on Nuremberg Christmas tree
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Burkhard Jung after paint attack on Christmas tree: “Why is there always this damage to property?”
loobloo tv: Oh you happy: “Last Generation” is spraying Christmas trees nationwide
Merkur: “Consider the catastrophe” – climate activists deface Christmas trees
Mittelbayerische: Regensburg: Last generation blocks Arcaden intersection - and makes room for ambulances
mü Protest – Last generation sprays Christmas tree at Sendlinger Tor
n-TV: Police search climate activists' homes
NDR: “Last Generation”: Activists spray paint Christmas tree
news: Climate activists vow to destroy more Christmas trees in latest demonstration
nordbayern: Last generation: Nuremberg's mayor Vogel is horrified by the spray-painted Christmas tree
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Christmas tree sprayed in protest: Nuremberg's mayor speaks of anti-social defilement
prisma: “No trust”, “Quite an embarrassment”: Markus Söder rails against government
Public Technologies: Christmas Trees Defiled – Search Warrants Executed Lecture: The Last Generation
Radio FFH: Dfb headquarters in Frankfurt daubed
Real People Real News: Climate protesters attack Christmas Tree 🎄
Regensburger Nachrichten: “Last Generation” blocks traffic in Regensburg
rnd: Last generation: Police find evidence during apartment searches
RTL News: After hostage taking: New protection at Hamburg airport
Slovenia Posts English: Action by German environmental activists: this time they are 'attacking' Christmas trees
Soester Anzeiger: Contemplative protests? – Last generation sprays Christmas trees
Sonne & Stahl: Heating hammer, climate adhesive & PV boom – that was the climate year in Austria & Germany
t-online: Söder causes laughter with his taunts against Lanz
Tahrir News: Last generation in Kiel: Activists spray Christmas tree with paint – Kieler Nachrichten
Telepolis: COP28 and Climate Reality: Psychology of Denial
tv aktuell: Regensburg: Blockade campaign by the “Last Generation”
USA Today: Climate activists dye Christmas trees orange – 20 minutes
Világgazdaságg: Karácsonyfákat rongálnak meg sorban a német városokban az ökoharcosok – video
VN Explorer: Climate activists vow to destroy more Christmas trees in latest demonstration
VN Explorer: Comment: Climate protests can be annoying
Volksstimme: Search at Last Generation: evidence found
WAZ: Markus Lanz: Errors in the 2023 annual review – moderator with memory gaps?
Welt: Search at Last Generation: evidence found
Welt: After a paint attack on Christmas trees – police find glue, sand and paint
Zeit Online: Search at Last Generation: evidence found
Abendzeitung München: Last generation climate activists in Munich spray the Christmas tree at Sendlinger Tor
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists smear Christmas trees
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Aussiedlerbote: The previous generation sprayed fir trees with orange paint
Aussiedlerbote: Climate glue ruins Christmas trees
B.Z.: Climate chaotics are spraying Christmas trees!
Berliner Kurier: Classify climate adhesives as criminals? Yes, please!
Berliner Kurier: Climate glue sprays Christmas trees in several cities
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation sprays Christmas trees nationwide
Berliner Zeitung: The Last Generation is training for prison
Berliner Zeitung: Latest attack by the Last Generation in Berlin: This time against the Christmas tree
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint Attacks on our Christmas trees Color attack on our Christmas trees Color attack on Christmas tree in Leipzig Police search homes of air conditioning greasers
Blaulicht Report: Last generation escalates more and more - attack on Christmas trees
br24: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees with paint
br24: Last generation – legitimate or criminal organization?
Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat: Situation Report: “Last Generation” Update No. 1
County Local News: Far-Left Climate Cult Targets Christmas Trees in Multiple German Cities
Deliberation Daily: A debate with a “last generation” activist
Die Oberbadische: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Die Sachsen: Climate protection group colors Christmas trees orange
Die Sachsen: The group that protects the climate from the color of the trees in Navidad
dk-online: “Last Generation” in Oldenburg: Climate activists spray the Christmas tree
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Frankenpost: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Freie Presse: Paint attacks in Leipzig, Berlin, Munich: “Last Generation” smears Christmas trees
Hamburger Abendblatt: Rostock Christmas tree sprayed with paint
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
Handelsblatt: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
idowa: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
in Südthüringen: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint “Last generation”: Climate activists spray Christmas tree at Nuremberg Central Station with orange paint
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
Jugendhaus Erlangen: Lecture Last Generation
Kieler Nachrichten: “Last Generation” sprays the Christmas tree at triangle square in Kiel
Kieler Nachrichten: “Last Generation”: Kiel public prosecutor’s office with nine investigations against activists
Kreiszeitung: Activists spray the Christmas tree in Oldenburg city center with orange paint
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation sprays Christmas trees nationwide
Kölnische Rundschau: Last generation sprays Christmas trees nationwide
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Action of the last generation in the Mädlerpassage
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Last generation dyes Christmas tree in Leipzig orange
Leipziger Zeitung: Protest against traffic light climate policy: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas tree in Mädlerpassage + Update
Mannheimer Morgen: After the attack on Heidelberg University: This is how the convicted person justifies a crime
mdr: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees in several German cities
mdr: “Last Generation” sprays paint on Christmas tree in Mädler-Passage Leipzig
mdr: “Last Generation” – The Spectre of Climate Protection
Mittelbayerische: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
msn: Color attacks in big cities: climate activists daub Christmas trees
msn: Last generation sprays Christmas trees in Berlin – “Contemplative about the catastrophe”
msn: Last generation: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
msn: “Contemplating the catastrophe?”: The last generation is spraying Christmas trees across Germany
msn: “Contemplating the catastrophe?”: The last generation is spraying Christmas trees across Germany
n-TV: Climate activists deface Christmas trees
n-TV: Last generation spray paints Christmas trees orange
NDR: Nordmagazin – country and people | December 13.12.2023th, 10 (from 11:XNUMX)
NDR: Oldenburg: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas tree
NDR: Oldenburg: Activists spray paint on Christmas trees
NDR: Rostock: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas tree at Christmas market
Neue Presse: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
NEWSWEEK: Christmas Trees Defiled in Seven Cities by Eco-Warriors
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
nordbayern: Paint attack: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas tree at Nuremberg train station
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Orange instead of green: Last generation sprays Rostock's Christmas tree
Nordkurier: “Last Generation” attacks Christmas tree from MV
Nordwest-Zeitung: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Christmas tree at Lefferseck
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Sprayed Christmas tree: Nuremberg's mayor speaks of anti-social defilement
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Color attack on Christmas fir in Oldenburg
One News: Christmas trees defiled in seven cities by eco-warriors
Ostbelgien: Climate activists of the last generation spray Christmas trees – “Contemplating the catastrophe?”
Ostsee Zeitung: Showmen at Rostock Christmas market shocked by attack from “Last Generation”: “Why are you doing this?”
Pravda ES: Activistas climáticos 'atacan' árboles de Navidad en varias ciudades de Alemania
Presseportal: POL-OL: +++ Christmas tree in Oldenburg city center sprayed with paint +++
proplanta: Charges against climate activists after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
ProSieben: BKA report reveals: Newbies to climate glue must be prepared to go to prison
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Radio FFH: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees throughout Germany
Radio Neandertal: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
rnd: Now the last generation is after Christmas trees
RP Online: Climate adhesive campaign at Düsseldorf Airport – first procedure discontinued
RTL News: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Orange instead of green: Last generation sprays Rostock's Christmas tree
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Charges against two climate activists from Baden-Württemberg
Spiegel: Charges against climate activists after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
Spiegel: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Stern: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Stern: Last generation sprayed fir trees with orange paint
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Two climate activists from Baden-Württemberg charged
Sä Paint attack in Leipzig: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas tree
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas tree with paint
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
t-online: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees nationwide
t-online: Color attack on the Christmas tree at Sendlinger Tor
t-online: Climate activists spray the Christmas tree in a well-known shopping arcade
t-online: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
t-online: Last generation sprays Christmas trees
Tag24: "Last Generation" Sprays Christmas Trees In Berlin
Tag24: Protest action in Mädler-Passage: Last generation sprays Christmas tree!
Tagesschau: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: charges against climate activists from BW
Tagesspiegel: House searches of the most active members of the “Last Generation” in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees with orange paint
Tahrir News: Last generation in Leipzig: Christmas tree sprayed in the Mädler Passage – Leipziger Volkszeitung
Teller Report: Last generation: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
Thüringische Landeszeitung: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
Volksstimme: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
WAZ: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
Welt: Climate activists spray paint on Christmas trees for climate protection
Welt: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees
Westfalenpost: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
Westfälische Rundschau: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees across Germany
WorldNews: Climate protests in Berlin: “Last Generation” sprays Christmas trees with orange paint
Zeit Online: Climate activists spray Christmas trees with orange paint
AndroidKosmos: Last Generation activists charged with color attack on Brandenburg Gate
Aussiedlerbote: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists charged after paint attack
B.Z.: Paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate – charges against climate smearers
B.Z.: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Berliner Abendblatt: Paint on the Brandenburg Gate: charges against climate activists
Berliner Abendblatt: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Berliner Kurier: Now the climate activists are on the hook because of the paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: activists charged with color attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
boyens-medien: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
br24: Augsburg university building daubed
br24: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: climate activists charged
Deutschlandfunk: Charges against climate activists after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
Eßlinger Zeitung: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Focus: Millions in damage and a strict hierarchy. New BKA situation report shows how radically the “Last Generation” really acts
Frankenpost: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Handelsblatt: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate – prosecution
in Südthüringen: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate – prosecution
Legal Tribune online: First charge for a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
mdr: Jena/Erfurt: Public prosecutors are investigating twelve climate activists
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
msn: Last Generation activists charged with color attack on Brandenburg Gate
msn: Carla Rochel private: She abandoned her studies for “Last Generation”! This is how she became an activist
msn: “I don’t see legal consequences as punishment” – New BKA situation report shows how radical the “last generation” really acts
Märkische Allgemeine: Prosecutors bring charges against Last Generation activists
n-TV: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Neue Presse: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate – prosecution
radio Gütersloh: Berlin | Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate – prosecution
Radio Siegen: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
rbb24: Climate activists charged after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
rbb24: New investigation into “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
rnd: Six climate activists charged after paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
RP Online: Climate adhesive campaign at Düsseldorf Airport – first procedure discontinued
RTL News: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
RTL News: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Charges against climate activists after color attack
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
sh:z: Last generation: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Stern: Last Generation activists charged with color attack on Brandenburg Gate
Stern: Charges against climate activists after color attack
Stern: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Stern: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Two climate activists from Baden-Württemberg charged
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
SWR Aktuell: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: charges against climate activists from BW
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Charges against climate activists after color attack
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Charges against two climate activists from Baden-Württemberg
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
t-online: Paint attack on Brandenburg Gate: Six climate activists charged
Tag24: Rush hour traffic in Erfurt hindered: investigations against four climate adhesives
Tag24: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: climate activists accused
Tag24: New Examination In Berlin: Is “Last Generation” A Criminal Organization?
Tagesschau: New investigation into “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Tagesspiegel: Charges against climate activists after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
Vodafone live: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Volksstimme: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Volksstimme: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Welt: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate – climate activists have to go to court
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
WirtschaftsWoche: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: Charges against climate activists after color attack
Zeit Online: Charges against two climate activists from Baden-Württemberg
Zeit Online: Charges after a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: Classify the last generation as a criminal group?
Zeit Online: Six climate activists charged after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
Stachel & Herz: Climate activism and the last generation – with Andrea Rückert
ARD: RESPECT – basic democratic values for everyone!
Augsburger Allgemeine: “Last Generation” defaces university building in Augsburg
Badische Zeitung: The climate protection movement is facing future-oriented questions
br24: “Last Generation” smears Augsburg University building with paint
Hallo Augsburg: Last generation: University of Augsburg sprayed with paint by climate activists
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Truck driver regrets attack against last generation: behaves “like a seventh grader”
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Truck driver regrets attack against last generation: behaves “like a seventh grader”
sh:z: Truck driver regrets attack against last generation: behaves “like a seventh grader”
Welt: You couldn't avoid these words in 2023
3sat: Emergency – governing at the limit
Dissens Podcast: #239 Climate crisis: What solidarity politics can look like in a climate collapse?
Frankfurter Rundschau: “The climate protection project has failed”: Tadzio Müller in a dispute with his father
Ostsee Zeitung: Now the Stralsund truck driver speaks: “I’m not Rambo. The incident made me sick!”
Aussiedlerbote: Klimakleber's new prison strategy
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activists block Berlin Bridge
B.Z.: Climate activists want to block Elsenbrücke tomorrow
B.Z.: Environmental chaos blocks Elsenbrücke
Berliner Abendblatt: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protest in Berlin: demonstrators block Elsenbrücke
Berliner Morgenpost: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Blockade of the Elsenbrücke in Berlin-Treptow is underway
Berliner Zeitung (auf twitter): #Climate blockade of the #Elsenbrücke The new prison strategy of the climate glue Climate criminals block bridge in Berlin Climate radicals block bridge in Berlin
Cityreport24: “Climate glue” blocked a street intersection in Mönchengladbach
Digital Daily: North Rhine-Westphalia (Mönchengladbach): Climate activists block a road intersection in Mönchengladbach
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke “Climate glue” blocked a street intersection in Mönchengladbach
Haberalani: Berlin: Dozens of climate activists occupy Elsenbrücke
Heinsberg Magazin: “Climate glue” blocked a street intersection in Mönchengladbach
Merkur: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
MG-HEUTE: “Climate glue” blocked a street intersection in Mönchengladbach
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
msn: On the Elsenbrücke: “Last Generation” announces mass occupation in Berlin for Saturday
msn: Extinction Rebellion blocks A100 in Berlin
msn: Climate activists occupy Elsenbrücke in Berlin
msn: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
Märkische Allgemeine: Environmental activists in Berlin: Blockade of the Elsenbrücke on Saturday afternoon
n-TV: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
Radio 901: Last generation with action on Kaldenkirchener Strass
rnd: Protests after the World Climate Conference: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
RP Online: Blockade of the climate adhesive on Kaldenkirchener Straße cleared
RP Online: Extinction Rebellion blocks A100 in Berlin
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
t-online: Climate activists occupy Elsenbrücke in Berlin
VN Explorer: On the Elsenbrücke: “Last Generation” announces mass occupation in Berlin for Saturday
VN Explorer: Extinction Rebellion blocks A100 in Berlin
VN Explorer: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
Volksstimme: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
WorldNews: On the Elsenbrücke: “Last Generation” announces mass occupation in Berlin for Saturday
Zeit Online: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation”: Climate activist Maria in court – what does that have to do with us?
AD HOC NEWS: According to police, members of the protest group “Last Generation” have committed around 2022 crimes since 1.200.
Ausblick am Hellweg: Climate adhesive trio in Lippstadt receives notices: Weir has to pry out the road surface
B.Z.: The new prison strategy of the climate glue
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
Berliner Zeitung: Dispute between climate activists: Last generation accuses Luisa Neubauer of “greenwashing”.
Der Patriot: Two of the climate stickers come from Lippstadt: criminal proceedings after a blockade on Lipperoder Street
Der Patriot: Two climate adhesives come from Lippstadt
Deutschlandfunk: “” is being sued for leaking court documents
Digital Daily: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
Einsatzreporter Niederrhein: “Climate glue” blocked a street intersection in Mönchengladbach Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
Hamburger Abendblatt: Airport paralyzed: tougher penalties for “climate glue”?
Hasepost: Protest group “Last Generation” commits 1.200 crimes in Berlin
Heidelberg24: Verdict after paint attack on Heidelberg University – imprisonment for “Last Generation” activist
Hellweg Radio: Climate activists block intersection in Lippstadt
ka-news: “Why do you do this?” Scientists and the last generation discuss in Karlsruhe Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
mdr: “Last Generation” – The Spectre of Climate Protection
mdr: The “Last Generation” – the bogeyman of climate protection
mdr: How has the prosecution of the “Last Generation” influenced the debate?
msn: Climate protests: Police blame “Last Generation” for 1200 crimes
msn: Last generation: New mass protest in Berlin – activists target A100
Naanoo: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
nachrichten-heute: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
NDR: Critical infrastructure: Disruptions should be punished more severely
News & Nachrichten: Police accuse Last Generation of 1.200 crimes Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
Nordkurier: Air conditioning sticker pushed away – windfall for truck drivers
Presseportal: POL-MG: “Climate glue” blocked a street intersection in Mönchengladbach
Radio 901: “Climate Stickers” Blocked Road Intersection In Mönchengladbach
Radio 901: Last generation blocks Kaldenkirchen rhinestones
Regio-Journal: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
regionalHeute: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
rnd: Police accuse last generation climate activists of around 1200 crimes
RP Online: Blockade of the climate adhesive on Kaldenkirchener Straße cleared
Soester Anzeiger: Climate adhesives block the road in Lippstadt, activist is pushed out of the road
Spiegel: Police accuse Last Generation of 1200 crimes
taz: Too much praise for Olaf Scholz
tixio: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1.200 crimes
ULM TV: Police accuse “Last Generation” of 1,200 crimes
Wertheim24: POL-MG: “Climate glue” blocked a street intersection in Mönchengladbach
Berliner Kurier: Finally! Our Brandenburg Gate is clean again
Berliner Zeitung: Last Generation announces mass occupation in Berlin on Saturday
Berliner Zeitung: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate finished: Is the paint really completely gone?
Congregatio Jesu: Radical solidarity with rebellious origins
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Six months in prison for climate activists
ka-news: “Why do you do this?” Scientists discuss with the last generation in Karlsruhe
nd: World Climate Conference: No protest in Dubai
t-online: "I would never have thought that"
06.12.2023 Color attack on the University of Heidelberg – 6 month prison sentence without parole for member of the “Last Generation”
Aussiedlerbote: Bertel-Moritz is sentenced to 17 months in prison
Aussiedlerbote: Moritz le mendiant passed 17 months in prison
B.Z.: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate successfully completed
Berliner Zeitung: Three months after the paint attack: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate completed Bettel-Moritz has to go to prison for 17 months
bpb: “Social movements need staying power”
Deutschlandfunk: Brandenburg Gate cleaned again after paint attack
Deutschlandfunk: Six months in prison for a paint attack at Heidelberg University
echo 24: After the paint attack in Heidelberg: six months in prison for climate activists
Evangelische Zeitung: Country comparison: Germany is no longer a role model when it comes to freedoms
Faktastisch: “Last Generation”: This is how much money you earn as a climate activist
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Six months in prison for climate activists
FränkischerTag: The last generation also storms Bamberg's nativity scene
Hamburger Abendblatt: Hamburg-News: Airport sues climate adhesive
Heidelberg24: Verdict after paint attack on Heidelberg University – imprisonment for “Last Generation” activist
Merkur: Climate gluer complains about “Hard but Fair” – but the ARD meteorologist agrees with her
Merkur: “Last Generation”: How the state collects the damage
msn: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate completed almost three months after the paint attack
msn: “Last Generation”: How the state collects the damage
News Wall: Prison sentence for activist after paint attack on Heidelberg University
rbb24: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate is completed
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Next prison sentence for activist after paint attack on university
rnd: Paint attack on Heidelberg University: Six months in prison for activist
Spiegel: According to human rights organization, Germans have their freedoms “restricted”
Stern: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate successfully completed
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate successfully completed
t-online: "I would never have thought that"
t-online: Brandenburg Gate: Cleaning completed
Tag24: Prison sentence for activist after paint attack on Heidelberg University
Tagesschau: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate is completed
Vodafone live: Prison sentence for activist after paint attack on Heidelberg University
Volksstimme: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate successfully completed
ZDF: Climate activist sentenced to prison
ZDF: After paint attack: Brandenburg Gate cleaned
Zeit Online: Cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate successfully completed
Zeit Online: Completed cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate after the paint attack
Badische Zeitung: Why mother and son stick together on the streets for the climate
Abendzeitung München: “Hart aber fair”: Moderator Louis Klamroth introduces climate activist Carla Hinrichs “Climate glue” as a criminal organization? – The “Last Generation” under general suspicion?
B.Z.: The crazy application form for climate adhesives
Badische Zeitung: A criminal organization?
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate: Scaffolding hides a surprise
Berliner Zeitung: Prenzlauer Berg: Last generation demonstrates on Schönhauser Allee Climate adhesives now offer permanent positions
Deutscher Bundestag: Damage to property caused by the “last generation”
Die Rheinpfalz: When criminal lawyers and politicians meet the last generation
Eimsbüttler Nachrichten: Between climate and law: co-founder of the Last Generation in court
Express: Activist from the “Last Generation” loses her composure: “We are being taken for a ride”
Focus: TV column “Hard but fair” Klima-Kleberin complains against Altmaier – until she avoids answering herself
FragDenStaat: The public prosecutor's office is investigating FragDenStaat's editor-in-chief
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Vienna public prosecutors are investigating climate adhesives
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “That’s not how we reach our goal”
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Meteorologist Sven Plöger warns against significantly exceeding the 1,5 degree target
Merkur: Climate gluer complains about “Hard but Fair” – but the ARD meteorologist agrees with her
msn: Activist of the “Last Generation” is outraged on “Hart aber fair”: “We are being screwed”
n-TV: Hinrichs: “We are being fooled” FragDenState in the prosecutor's crosshairs
prisma: “Last Generation” activist Carla Hinrichs: “We are being screwed”
profil: Climate protection: Please go?!
ProSieben: Angry speech by last-generation activist: “We are being screwed by our government”
qantara: Human Rights Institute: Peaceful protests must be accepted
sh:z: Anyone who shouts is wrong: No generational conflict when it comes to climate protection
Süddeutsche Zeitung: A difficult challenge for the state
t-online: Klamroth to climate activist: “You just want to be on TV?”
Talk der Nation: The public prosecutor's office is investigating FragDenStaat's editor-in-chief
Universität Leipzig: Why It's Wrong to Criminalize Climate Protest and Sea Rescue
Utopia: “We are being screwed by our own government”
Welt: When the climate activist accused the government of “messing around,” Altmaier agreed with her
Welt25: Criminal organization? Justice investigates “Last Generation”
yahoo!nachrichten: Activist of the “Last Generation” is outraged on “Hart aber fair”: “We are being screwed”
ARD: Climate protection drama
Berliner Morgenpost: Extinction Rebellion is protesting against the climate conference Human Rights Institute: Peaceful protests must be accepted
Evangelische Zeitung: Human Rights Institute: Peaceful protests must be tolerated
Institut für Wissen in der Wirtschaft: “The climate crisis is already significantly changing our legal system today”
rnd: Institute: Preventive detention of climate activists violates human rights
WAZ: Climate: How the elderly are robbing young people of their future
0941MAG: Last generation: Ronja sticks herself tight
Aussiedlerbote: Oil spilled on activists? case closed
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted The dispute over the tapped press telephone continues
newstream: Last generation – informace o tématu
Stefan Müller (climate stuff, 3 Mio views) (auf flickr): Policewomen protect last generation activists from aggressive drivers.
Greenspotting: The opaque view of the Munich public prosecutor's office on the last generation “Climate glue” as a criminal organization?
Badische Zeitung: Court condemns climate adhesive from Dogern
Berliner Morgenpost: How unworldly can a prospective doctor be?
Berliner Zeitung: Ice-cold oil: Last-generation craftsmen stick to the asphalt in sub-zero temperatures
Berliner Zeitung: Kai Wegner about Last Generation: “I was very grateful for the eight-month prison sentence” Community coercion in 13 cases
Du bist Halle: The Last Generation is holding a protest march in Halle on St. Nicholas Day
Environmental Journalists: German Court Upholds Wiretaps Of Climate Activists' Calls To Press After the climate blockade incident: Stralsund truck driver gets his license back
hessenschau: “Last Generation” in court in Marbug
hessenschau: “Last Generation” in court – trial in Marburg
hessenschau: hessenschau from 21:45 p.m
hessenschau: Last generation members in court
hessenschau: Judgment against “Last Generation”
Jana Mestmäcker (auf twitter): My poster! It was taken away from me that day to “avert danger”.
Kettner Edelmetalle: The “Last Generation” costs Berlin millions: A critical look
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Dispute over the handling of climate adhesives in North Rhine-Westphalia
mittelhessen: Marburg trial against “climate glue” has been discontinued
Oberhessische Presse: The trial against Marburger Klima-Glue is discontinued
rnd: Persecuted climate activists? There is no right to civil disobedience
Spiegel: Climate activist poured oil over her head – case against police officer dropped
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Feel seen
Südkurier: The court condemns a last-generation climate adhesive from Dogern
Tag24: “Last Generation” Sticks In Berlin: Bloody Consequences For Activists During Blockade
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists from the trades block traffic
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists carry bags of money to an oil and gas company in Berlin
Tahrir News: Last Generation: Is an end to the blockades in sight? – Tagesspiegel
taz: Persecuted activists
The New Republic: Meet the Shadowy Global Network Vilifying Climate Protesters
VN Explorer: Last generation blocked rush hour traffic in Berlin again on Friday morning
Antifaschistisches Infoblatt: “Climate glue” enemy image
ARD Audiothek: Painful grips by police officers – no problem?!
Aussiedlerbote: It is legal to listen to Last Generation's press contacts
Aussiedlerbote: Oil spilled on activists? case closed
Badische Zeitung: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Eßlinger Zeitung: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Confrontation between truck drivers and activists – appeal
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why it is wrong to criminalize climate protest and sea rescue
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Oil poured over activist's head? Case against police officer dropped
Haller Kreisblatt: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
idowa: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Merkur: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
n-TV: Court: Eavesdropping of the last generation is legal Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
NDR: NDR Info – speaking time
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Court ruling on the Last Generation: Eavesdropping on press contact was legal
news38: Braunschweig: “Last Generation” activist in court – what happens next surprises everyone
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Court ruling on the Last Generation: Eavesdropping on press contact was legal
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Jesuit Father Jörg Alt stands before the Nuremberg district court: criminal order for climate protests
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Climate glue Father Jörg Alt confirms in the Nuremberg court: Better prison than a fine
Radio Dresden: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Radio RSG: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Radio Siegen: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Radio WMW: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Radio Wuppertal: Eavesdropping on the Press Contact of the Last Generation Right
Radio Zwickau: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
reformatorisch dagblad: German right-winger vindt tap perstelefoon Last generation passed
RTL News: Oil spilled on activist? case closed
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Court ruling on the Last Generation: Eavesdropping on press contact was legal
sh:z: Court ruling on the Last Generation: Eavesdropping on press contact was legal
Spiegel: Climate activist poured oil over her head – case against police officer dropped
Stefan Raven News: First partial success for truck drivers from Stralsund, who pushed away climate adhesive
Stern: Oil spilled on activist? case closed
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Investigations against Mannheim police officer stopped
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Investigations against Mannheim police officer stopped
SWR Aktuell: Oil poured on activist: investigations against Mannheim police officer stopped
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Confrontation between truck drivers and activists – appeal
t-online: Was wiretapping of journalists and “last generation” permitted?
Tagesschau: Oil poured on activist: investigations against Mannheim police officer stopped
Vatican News: D: Eichstätter Bishop criticizes the climate adhesive methodology
Vodafone live: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
WAZ: Court: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Welingelichte Kringen: German right-winger vindt tap perstelefoon Last generation passed
Welle-Niederrhein: Eavesdropping on the Press Contact of the Last Generation Right
Weser Kurier: “Last Generation” sprays their protest on the pavement in Bremen
WESER-KURIER (auf youtube): Spraying instead of gluing: “Last Generation” demonstrates in Bremen City
Westfalenpost: Court: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Zeelandnet: German right-winger vindt tap perstelefoon Last generation passed
Zeit Online: Oil spilled on activist? case closed
29.11.2023 Lecture – Last Generation – Dresden
B.Z.: Climate chaos is slowing down local transport
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: Climate glue back in Berlin! HERE they are currently blocking
Berliner Morgenpost: Violence against the last generation – that is what threatens vigilante justice
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation blocked Pushkinallee
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Berliner Zeitung: Despite snow and ice: Last generation blocks streets in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: “You should be shot”: Last generation continues to block despite threats and snow Truck Rambo has his driver's license back
br24: Surveillance of journalists in cases against Last Generation lawful
Braunschweig Spiegel: Braunschweig climate justice – a lesson
Cedarnews: German court upholds wiretaps of climate activists to press
DER SPIEGEL Podcasts (auf youtube): “Last Generation”: How radical can protest be?
DNyuz: German court upholds wiretaps of climate activists to press “We are fighting against the occurrence of the apocalypse” Joy instead of apocalypse
Economy Today: “Last generation” and their contacts may be monitored
Evangelische Zeitung: Jesuit Alt contradicts Bishop Hanke's criticism of climate adhesive
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Frankenpost: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Frankfurter Allgemeine: When protest is successful
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why it is wrong to criminalize climate protest and sea rescue
Handelsblatt: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Heute – Österreich: Retreat! Climate adhesive mastermind is now giving up
in Südthüringen: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: How a son became a role model for his mother
KriPoZ: Jurisprudence and resistance with violence - a plea against progressive conceptual de-contouring
Legal Tribune online: Telephone surveillance was lawful
loobloo tv: Last generation: 800 participants in the second “mass occupation” in Berlin
Merkur: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
msn: Braunschweig: “Last Generation” activist in court – what happens next surprises everyone
msn: LKA monitored telephone connection: Court: Wiretapping of the last generation is legal
Märkische Allgemeine: Last generation in Berlin: There are currently blockades and traffic jams here
n-TV: Climate activists pushed ahead: negotiation
n-TV: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
n-TV: Truck driver convicted of attacks on Last Generation
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: For or against democracy: How criminal are climate activists really?
Neue Presse: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Nordkurier: Hitting the air conditioning sticker - that's the punishment for the truck driver
Nordkurier: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Radio Hochstift: Munich | Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
radio Bielefeld: Munich | Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
radio Gütersloh: Munich | Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
rnd: Court rules: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
RTL News: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
scharf links: Last generation: Monitoring of press telephones violated fundamental rights of journalists
Stern: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Stern: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: How a son became a role model for his mother
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
t-online: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
t-online: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
t-online: Truck driver hit climate activists - now he's on trial
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocked In The Biting Cold In Berlin
Tag24: Dangerous with truck in climate glue: trial against 41-year-old started
Tagesschau: Bad times for the climate?
Tagesspiegel: Eavesdropping on the Last Generation's press contact was legal
taz: Coal that doesn't run dry
VN Explorer: German court upholds wiretaps of climate activists to press
Vodafone live: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Voice of Europe: A German court has deemed the wiretapping of conversations between climate activists and journalists legal
Volksstimme: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Volksstimme: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Welt: Court declares wiretapping of climate activists' press contact legal
Zeit Online: Eavesdropping on Last Generation's press contact is legal
Zeit Online: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Zeit Online: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Berliner Zeitung: Driver tore climate activist who had been taped off the road in Berlin – he is guilty
Civilek Info: The Group Of Climate Activists Was Officially Declared A Criminal Organization
Crisis24: Germany: Activists to conduct protest march in Berlin Nov. 25
Der Nordschleswiger: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Eßlinger Zeitung: How a son became a role model for his mother
Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte: Court ignores freedom of the press: Gff and Rsf go to the next instance against tapping the last generation of press telephones
Nature: How effective are climate protests at swaying policy — and what could make a difference?
Stuttgarter Zeitung: How a son became a role model for his mother
t-online: Truck driver hits climate activists – now he explains himself
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” blocks the road – but the police had a trick
The Storiest: “The Last Generation”: Part of the management team withdraws
Thüringer Allgemeine: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted
Welt: Air conditioning sticker pushed in front of truck - driver now in court
Welt: Climate activists pulled from the road – driver convicted of coercion
Welt: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Welt: “We will appeal – he has no criminal record”
Welt (auf youtube): LAST GENERATION: Verdict after road blockade scandal – truck driver wants to appeal
Mimikama: No, the “Last Generation” is not now classified as a criminal organization!
archyde: Truck Driver'S Perspective After Hitting Climate Activist: Full Interview And Updates
az-online: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
Badische Zeitung: Blockade in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: The last generation will not be the last
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation adapts its strategy – “confrontation protests”
Berliner Zeitung: Mass occupation of June 17th: Last generation blocks road for hours “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
ETL-Rechtsanwälte: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
eugyppius: Infighting and internal divisions intensify among German climate activists and their patrons in government, as political momentum shifts decisively to the right
fehmarn 24: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Oil against bank tower: fine for climate activist
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Oil against bank tower: fine for climate activist
Frankfurter Rundschau: Oil against bank tower: fine for climate activist
Haberalani: Truck driver hits climate adhesive – now he reacts
Heidelberg24: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
Louise Harris (auf youtube): Louise Harris – We Tried (Official Music Video)
Merkur: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
msn: He drove around the air conditioning glue: Now the truck Rambo explains his freak out
msn: Mass occupation on Straße des 17. Juni: Last generation blocks Berlin for hours
msn: Oil against bank tower: fine for climate activist Climate activist hit: truck driver shows remorse
nd: Last generation and XR want to get out of the fossils
NDR: “Last Generation”: Deals with Hanover and Lüneburg continue
Nordkurier: Climate sticker pushed with truck – driver speaks publicly
Oberhessische Presse: Climate glue? These young people prefer to plant trees
radio Q: Last generation: disrupting the climate
rbb24: Climate activists block Street of June 17th
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
SauerlandKurier: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
Soester Anzeiger: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
SWR Aktuell: Trial against Konstanz climate activists postponed
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Bank tower smeared with oil: activist charged
Südkurier: Short trial against Last Generation – main hearing against two climate adhesives is suspended
t-online: Truck driver hits climate activists – now he explains himself
Tagesschau: Trial against Konstanz climate activists
Tagesschau: Four Konstanz climate activists are on trial
Telepolis: Climate glue, peace friends and Co.: protest between turmoil, powerlessness and adaptation
The Limited Times: “Gives me courage”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
ToppNews: “What the last generation is doing doesn’t solve the problem”
TU Dresden: From Politicization To Affective Polarization? The German climate debate and the last generation.
VN Explorer: He drove around the air conditioning glue: Now the truck Rambo explains his freak out World politics casts dark shadows on the World Climate Conference
Welt: “What the last generation is doing doesn’t solve the problem”
Wetterauer Zeitung: “Encourage me”: Truck driver hit climate activists – jobs and donations followed
Zeit Online: Mashed potatoes become art
überalltag. kultur erklärt (auf youtube): Last generation, last word? How power arises in discourse
Aussiedlerbote: Hundreds of people in the last generational blockade in Berlin
Aussiedlerbote: Hundreds at Last Generation blockade in Berlin
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin ROUNDUP: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th Simtiem klimata aktīvistu bloķē vienu no galvenajām Berlines ielām
MarketScreener (CH): Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
MarketScreener (CH): Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
MarketScreener (DE): Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
MarketScreener (DE): Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
Perspektive Online: Munich: According to the regional court, “Last Generation” is now a “criminal organization”
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Spiegel: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
Vodafone live: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
wallstreet online: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
wallstreet online: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
ZDF: Large demonstrations in the center of Berlin
Öğretmeniersitesi: Almanya'da çevreciler fosil yakıt kullanımının sonlandırılması için gösteri yaptı
ABC Sociedad: A Munich Tribunal declares a los climate activists 'Last Generation' "organización criminal"
B.Z.: Rip-off at the Victory Column because of climate chaos
B.Z.: Major blockade of climate stickers on Street of June 17th
Badische Zeitung: Raids on Last Generation activists were lawful
Badische Zeitung: Tailwind for climate adhesives
Berliner Abendblatt: “Last Generation” blocks Straße des 17. Juni
Berliner Kurier: Mass occupation! Climate adhesives block Street of June 17th
Berliner Morgenpost: Activists with a new blockade – and ridicule against “the Volker”
Berliner Morgenpost: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation blocks again in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Hundreds on Street of June 17th – next mass blockade in February Major blockade of climate glue in Berlin Tourist rip-off at the Victory Column
br24: Climate activists block Street of June 17th in Berlin
comdirect: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
daum: Germany Climate Protest
Deutschlandfunk: What the activists of the last generation rely on
DNyuz: Germany: Last Generation activists blockade Berlin streets Last generation blocks Street of June 17th ROUNDUP: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Focus: “Climate change is already noticeable” Court in Sweden sentences activists – but they get no punishment
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
gmx: Last generation blocks again in Berlin
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation blocks again in Berlin
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: Last generation blocks again in Berlin Demonstrators block Street of June 17th in Berlin
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation blocks Straße des 17. Juni – Wagenknecht expected to speak
Merkur: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
msn: Climate activists start mass occupation of the Street of June 17th
msn: Last generation blocks again in Berlin
msn: Last generation blocked Street of June 700th in Berlin with 17 people
msn: Last generation blocks Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin
msn: Last generation: The big mass occupation on Saturday in the news blog - first blockades active, plus music and dancing
onvista: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
onvista: ROUNDUP: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Ostsee Zeitung: Climate activist hit in Stralsund: Trial against truck driver starts on Tuesday
rbb24: Climate activists block Street of June 17th
rnd: Last generation starts second “mass occupation” in Berlin
RP Online: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
RTL News: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Spiegel: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
Spiegel: Swedish court waives punishment due to “climate emergency”.
Stern: “Last Generation” blocks Straße des 17. Juni
Süddeutsche Zeitung: How much is sticking still worth?
t-online: Climate activists start mass occupation of the Street of June 17th
Tag24: Mass occupation of the “Last Generation”: Hundreds paralyze the street of June 17th
Tagesschau: Climate activists block Street of June 17th
Tagesspiegel: Hundreds of climate activists block Street of June 17th – demo ended
Tahrir News: Last generation blocks Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin – DER SPIEGEL
Teller Report: Berlin: Last Generation Blocks Strasse des 17.
Teller Report: Last Generation blocks Street of June 17th in Berlin
Teller Report: Sweden: Court waives punishment for activists due to 'climate emergency' Bankruptcy for the Klima-Kleber: Police raid in Munich was legal – suspicion of a “criminal organization”
VN Explorer: Germany: Last Generation activists blockade Berlin streets
Volksstimme: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
watson: Last generation blocked Street of June 700th in Berlin with 17 people
WAZ: Last generation blocks again in Berlin
Welt: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Welt: “Last Generation” blocks Straße des 17. Juni
Welt25: In its ruling, the Munich Regional Court classifies “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
yahoo!nachrichten: Last generation blocks Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin
ZDF: Activists block Street of June 17th
Zeit Online: Hundreds at Last Generation Blockade in Berlin
Zeit Online: Last generation blocks Street of June 17th
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Protest
20 Court suspects Klimakleber of being a criminal organization
ARIVA.DE: Press Voice: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
B.Z.: CDU MP welcomes climate adhesive ruling
B.Z.: The last generation was stuck at Rosenthaler Platz today
Bayreuther Tagblatt: “Last Generation” not convicted as a “criminal organization” – but court confirms suspicions
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation storms TotalEnergies headquarters and throws money around Even 5 euro donations are now illegal! Press Voice: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
comdirect: Press Voice: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
Die Rheinpfalz: RHEINPFALZ Plus article “Last Generation”: Beyond the goal
Elkystech: Climate activists stick to the asphalt and block traffic in Berlin
Evangelische Zeitung: “Last Generation” plans second “mass occupation” Press Voice: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Ego trip at the expense of the environment
Frankfurter Rundschau: After a major raid: Last generation fails with complaints in court
General Anzeiger: Fine after attack on airport pipeline in Bornheim
Hamburger Morgenpost: Verdict: Raid on “Last Generation” was lawful
hessenschau: According to the court, the raid on Last Generation was legal
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Raid against Last Generation: Climate activists fail in court appeal
Heute – Österreich: Klima-Glue is classified here as a criminal organization Press Voice: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
Karlsruhe Insider: After the sticking campaign: the first drivers spray climate activists
MarketScreener (CH): Press Voice: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
MarketScreener (DE): Press Voice: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
mdr: “Last Generation” meets the requirements for criminal organization “Last Generation” causes traffic jams on Friday afternoons
msn: Last generation | Climate activist Anja Windl admitted to Josefstadt prison
nd: Criminal organization: Gluing is no purpose
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Court confirms: The last generation is aimed at “committing crimes”.
nordbayern: Court in Munich: Last generation could be a criminal organization
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt: Last generation: raid legally
oe24: Court classifies last generation as criminal
proplanta: Court declares Last Generation raid legal
rbb24: Court declares nationwide raid on “Last Generation” legal
Signal für Deutschland: LAST GENERATION: Criminal organization? This ruling against climate adhesives creates new conditions
Spiegel: Swedish court waives punishment due to “climate emergency”.
Spiegel: How courts struggle to classify the Last Generation as a criminal organization
Stern: Last generation: Munich regional court confirms initial suspicion of a criminal organization
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The tough Bavarian line against the “last generation”
Südkurier: Police officer and climate activist at the same time – is that possible?
t-online: “Last Generation” blocks Berlin’s main traffic axis during rush hour
t-online: “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
t-online: “Last Generation” storms energy company and throws money
t-online: Is the “Last Generation” now considered a criminal organization?
t-online: Raid on “Last Generation” legitimate – what happens next?
t-online: How do the activists of the “last generation” continue?
Tagesschau: Last generation raid in Gersfeld was legal
Tagesspiegel: Court sees Last Generation as a criminal organization Bankruptcy for the Klima-Kleber: Police raid in Munich was legal – suspicion of a “criminal organization”
UNZENSURIERT: In its ruling, the Munich Regional Court classifies “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
wallstreet online: 'People's Voice' on the verdict against the Last Generation
watson: Last generation: After the verdict – climate activist comes forward with clarification
WDR: Kerosene pipeline closed: Bonn court convicts climate activists
Welt: Court declares Last Generation raid legal
Welt: Court sees initial suspicion for “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Zeit Online: Is the Last Generation a criminal organization?
PEN Berlin: PEN Berlin raises objection: Criminalization of Last Generation goes too far
AndroidKosmos: Munich I District Court sees Last Generation as a criminal organization
antenne bayern: Regional court: raid on Last Generation was legal
Augsburger Allgemeine: Hammer decision: Court classifies “Last Generation” as criminal
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Regional court: raid on Last Generation was legal
Behoerdenstress: +++ Breaking news +++ Last generation is now considered a criminal organization!
Berliner Tageszeitung: Munich Regional Court I Sees Last Generation as a Criminal Organization
Deutschlandfunk: The Munich regional court sees initial suspicion of a criminal organization
Economy Today: That's why the "Last Generation" is a criminal organization
Haarlems Dagblad: Beierse right wing last generation criminal organization
ITTAGESSCHAU: Court classifies the last generation as criminals
Le Pays De France: Munich Regional Court I Sees Last Generation as a Criminal Organization
Legal Tribune online: Why there is suspicion of a criminal organization
Leidsch Dagblad: Beierse right wing last generation criminal organization
msn: “Last Generation” classified as a criminal organization
msn: Court classifies “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
msn: Is the “Last Generation” now considered a criminal organization?
msn: Hammer ruling in Munich: Court classifies Klimakleber as a criminal organization
msn: Lawsuits rejected: Court: Raids against last generation in Bavaria legal
msn: Munich Regional Court classifies Last Generation as a criminal organization
msn: After a major raid: Last generation fails with complaints in court
msn: Raid against Last Generation: Climate activists fail in court appeal
msn: “Significant danger” to the public: Judge passes harsh sentence against Last Generation
News by Ai: Case law in Munich: Harsh verdict against the last generation
News Deutschland: Searches lawful: Court classifies last generation as criminal
ProSieben: Klimakleber classified as a criminal organization: What that means now
Stevinho: Court classifies the last generation as criminals
Südpfalzreporter: District court classifies Last Generation as a criminal organization
Tagesspiegel: Munich regional court sees raid on “Last Generation” as legal
The Storiest: Classified as a “Last Generation” criminal organization
VN Explorer: Munich court sees Last Generation as a criminal organization
Welt: Regional court classifies “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Welt: Why investigative authorities can now monitor members of the “last generation” more easily
Welt: “Last Generation” classified as a criminal organization
Welt: “What the 'Last Generation' did is everyday terror”
Weltwoche: Court classifies Klima-Kleber as a criminal organization: Crimes such as road or airport blockades are not a means of democratic discussion
xity online: Munich I District Court sees Last Generation as a criminal organization
Augsburger Allgemeine: “Last Generation” announces blockade on Wednesday
Augsburger Allgemeine: Augsburg police end Last Generation blockade campaign
Berliner Morgenpost: Demo and mass blockade of the last generation in Berlin: there is a risk of traffic jams on Saturday
Berliner Zeitung: Is the last generation withdrawing from Berlin? Green voters are against road blockades
BNN: 'Last Generation' Activists Arrested in Climate Protest
fair & female: #109 SUVs and Schlingensief – Why we can’t do without protest! (live podcast)
Fox News: Climate activist disrupts ritzy EU conference with messy green goo vomit demonstration
nd: Last generation and XR: Out of the fossils twice
Presse Augsburg: Climate adhesive campaigns in Augsburg only cause short-term disruptions
Südkurier: After a blockade in the city center – the first trial against climate glue is scheduled for Konstanz
B.Z.: The leadership of the climate criminals is falling apart
B.Z.: Climate gluers are planning a mass occupation on Saturday
Berliner Kurier: All information: What are the climate adhesives currently doing?
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation wants to occupy Straße des 17. Juni
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation mobilizes for mass blockade on Saturday The leadership of the climate criminals is falling apart Climate radicals plan mass occupation Climate radicals plan mass occupation
Die Augsburger Zeitung: Last generation active in Augsburg on Wednesday “Last Generation” plans second “mass occupation”
Evangelische Zeitung: “Last Generation” is planning a second “mass occupation” in Berlin
Evangelische Zeitung: “Last Generation” is planning a second “mass occupation” in Berlin
Haberalani: “Last Generation”: Leading activist quits
Mein Krefeld: Climate adhesives block the Europaring in Krefeld
Merkur: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
msn: Next Saturday: Last generation wants to occupy Straße des 17. Juni
RP Online: Climate adhesives block the Europa ring
t-online: “Last Generation” caused 200.000 euros in damage
t-online: Climate activist Bonasera resigns
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” wants to block Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin again
Welle-Niederrhein: Last Generation Blocks Europaring In Krefeld
Welt: Controversial activists announce “mass occupation” in Berlin
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate adhesives ensure that the Europaring is closed in Krefeld - disruption of school lessons failed
B.Z.: 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate adhesive in Berlin
Berliner Abendblatt: 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate protection demonstrators
Berliner Kurier: Already over 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate adhesive in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: That's how high the damage from the last generation is
Berliner Zeitung: Actions of the Last Generation in Berlin: This is how much property damage has been so far Already 200 euros in damage caused by climate adhesive in Berlin
Der Standard: Last generation in Germany wants to disrupt politicians' appearances Last generation in Germany wants to disrupt politicians' appearances Road blockade in Nuremberg
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Head of the Last Generation Dresden sentenced in Berlin
Evangelische Zeitung: Because of climate protest – religious Jörg Alt comes to court
Focus: The perpetrators have yet to be identified. Berlin is stuck with 200.000 euros in damages because of climate activists
junge liberale Hessen: Preventive action against the last generation
Mein Berlin: Berlin: Climate adhesives cause 200.000 euros in damage – districts demand reimbursement
Merkur: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
msn: 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate protection demonstrators
msn: Cost explosion due to climate adhesive in Berlin: “Last Generation” has so far caused 200.000 euros in damage – and has not yet paid anything
ProSieben: Climate protests in Berlin: High costs that climate activists do not want to pay
rbb24: Climate protests cause damage of more than 200.000 euros
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate protection demonstrators
t-online: “Last Generation” caused 200.000 euros in damage
Tag24: Climate Adhesives Cause Mega Damage In Berlin: Who Pays The Bill?
Tagesschau: Climate protests cause damage of more than 200.000 euros
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists have so far caused 200.000 euros in damage - and have not paid anything yet
Utopia: Mojib Latif: Many Germans “affected by climate change and don’t even notice it”
Welt: 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate protesters
Welt: 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate protection demonstrators
Zeit Online: 200.000 euros in damage caused by climate protection demonstrators
Alto Press – Bildagentur (auf youtube): Last generation demo in Munich
Furios: Leave the paint on the wooden arbor
Merkur: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
Nürnberger Nachrichten: University library smeared with paint: This is how the “Last Generation” protest in Erlangen went
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The wrong place for the protest
The Limited Times: “Full-time climate glue” has taken it too far: Court sentences him to seven months
Berliner Morgenpost: These activists daubed the Brandenburg Gate
Ende Gelände (auf twitter): It would really be the best symbol to leave the Brandenburg Gate orange.
Frankfurter Rundschau: Well-known climate activist receives personal record punishment: Now he faces prison
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Nasty fake call? “Last Generation” allegedly lures the police away with a false emergency call
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
Merkur: Nasty fake call? “Last Generation” allegedly lures the police away with a false emergency call
Merkur: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
msn: Nasty fake call? “Last Generation” allegedly lures the police away with a false emergency call
msn: Last generation: After another attack on the Brandenburg Gate, Jan Böhmermann raises this question
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: “Last Generation” and Seebrücke protest on Main Street (Update)
Tagesschau: The fight for attention
Welt: The fatal impression that the climate vandals are playing on the state's nose
> Brandenburská brána bola opäť natretá farbou. Pričinili sa to tom klimatickí activisti
Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin (auf youtube): 25th meeting of the Committee on the Interior, Security and Order on November 13.11.2023, XNUMX
Berliner Kurier: Brandenburg Gate daubed: Was the police lured away with this trick?
Berliner Morgenpost: Kai Wegner: “Advertisement and bill for cleaning arrive”
Berliner Morgenpost: Again: Climate activists are daubing the Brandenburg Gate with paint
br24: Climate activists daub the Brandenburg Gate again
Browser Ballett (auf twitter): the Brandenburg Gate again
bw24: Cem Özdemir criticizes the last generation: “As if they hadn’t already done enough damage to climate protection”
Deutschlandfunk: Utopian remembering of the climate catastrophe?
Dialyse Leer: Last generation changes strategy: fight for attention
echo 24: After the oil scandal in Mannheim: investigations against police officers and climate activists are ongoing
FONDS professionell ONLINE: After departure: Platow transfers Ökoworld shares to a foundation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Brandenburg Gate not yet completely cleaned - and already smeared again
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Investigations into incidents at climate demonstrations are ongoing
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Did the last generation take advantage of an emergency call?
Frankfurter Rundschau: Well-known climate activist receives personal record punishment: Now he faces prison
Frankfurter Rundschau: Green politician Cem Özdemir criticizes the last generation
Haberalani: Did the “Last Generation” trick the police at the Brandenburg Gate?
Haberalani: How the “Last Generation” is said to have tricked the police
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate activists are defending themselves against punishments in court
Heilbronner Stimme: Incidents at climate demonstrations in Mannheim: investigations are ongoing
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
Invest Blick: “Last Generation” In Berlin: Another Attack On The Brandenburg Gate Planned
LaPresse: Berlino, Last Generation torna a imbrattare porta Brandeburgo
Mannheimer Morgen: Investigations into incidents at climate demonstrations in Mannheim are ongoing
Merkur: Nasty fake call? “Last Generation” allegedly lures the police away with a false emergency call
Merkur: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
MeteoWeb: Climate: Ultima Generation torna to imbrattare the Porta di Brandeburgo to Berlino
msn: Green politician Cem Özdemir criticizes the last generation
msn: Last generation attacks Brandenburg Gate again
msn: Last generation: Did the climate activists lure the police away with a false emergency call?
msn: “Full-time climate gluer” has gone too far: the court sentences him to seven months
neakriti: Γερμανία: Ακτιβιστές για το κλίμα έβαψαν για δεύτερη φορά την Πύλη του Β ρανδεμβούργου (vid)
notimérica: Alemania.- Activistas climáticos vandalizan de newo la Puerta de Brandeburgo, en pleno proceso de restoration
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Erlanger University Library smeared with paint – this is how the “Last Generation” protest went
Nürnberger Nachrichten: References to actions by the “Last Generation” in Erlangen: University clears college building as a precaution
onvista: ROUNDUP: Brandenburg Gate again smeared with paint by the last generation
Radio Dresden: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Radio Ramasuri: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Republik: “We actually need a complete restructuring of society”
Schwäbische: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Stern: “Notification and bill for the cleaning are coming” – Berlin’s mayor announces tough action against the last generation
Stern: Investigations into incidents at climate demonstrations are ongoing
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: “Lost Generation” – Cem Özdemir rails against climate activists
Stuttgarter Zeitung: “Lost Generation” – Cem Özdemir rails against climate activists
Sä Brandenburg Gate again smeared with paint by the last generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Investigations into incidents at climate demonstrations are ongoing
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
t-online: “I’m willing to go to prison for that.”
t-online: Color attack of the “Last Generation”: New attack – old consequences
t-online: This is how the “Last Generation” managed the coup at the Brandenburg Gate
Tag24: Policewoman is said to have poured oil over climate glue: Current status of the investigation
The Limited Times: “Full-time climate glue” has taken it too far: Court sentences him to seven months
Welt: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Welt: The fatal impression that the climate vandals are playing on the state's nose
WorldNews: Brandenburg Gate daubed again: “Lost Generation” – Cem Özdemir rails against climate activists
Zeit Online: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Zeit Online: Investigations into incidents at climate demonstrations are ongoing
Zeit Online: Why, Greta, why?
Aachener Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
AD HOC NEWS: The philosopher and cultural scientist Peter Sloterdijk has clearly criticized the protest group “Last Generation”.
AD HOC NEWS: “Memorial for failure in the climate catastrophe”: Once again a color attack on the Brandenburg Gate.
Allgäuer Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Antenne Münster: “Climate glue” sentenced to fines
Aussiedlerbote: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
B.Z.: Climate chaotics have made calculations without workers
B.Z.: Did climate smearers lure police officers away with fake calls?
Bergsträßer Anzeiger: HG. Butzko and the climate adhesives
Berliner Abendblatt: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Berliner Kurier: Climate gluer who smeared our gate: She announced her action!
Berliner Kurier: Incomprehensible! Climate glue has smeared the Brandenburg Gate AGAIN
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate in Berlin: How the police were distracted before the paint attack
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Another color attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Climate activists received these sentences
Berliner Morgenpost: What action the last generation is now planning
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Activists once again daub the Brandenburg Gate with paint Climate radicals smear the Brandenburg Gate Climate radicals smear the Brandenburg Gate Did climate greasers lure police away with fake calls?
blue News: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again ROUNDUP: Brandenburg Gate again smeared with paint by the last generation
br24: Climate activists are again daubing the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
BUNTE: “Embarrassing and stupid”: Which lines make him uncomfortable today
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists are again daubing the Brandenburg Gate
Die Oberbadische: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Die Rheinpfalz: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Digital Daily: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation” Climate activists daub the Brandenburg Gate again
Evangelische Zeitung: Climate activists daub the Brandenburg Gate again
Express: Climate activists smeared the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Express: “Stay orange!” – “Last Generation” is once again daubing an important landmark ROUNDUP: Brandenburg Gate again smeared with paint by the last generation Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
Focus: “Stay orange” “Last Generation” smeared the Brandenburg Gate again
Frankenpost: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Freie Presse: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
FränkischerTag: Last generation occupies the FAU college house in Erlangen
Hamburger Abendblatt: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Handelsblatt: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
in Südthüringen: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Kiratas: Two climate activists arrested for repainting Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
Kreiszeitung: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
kurznachrichtenplus: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: That's why the police arrived too late when the Last Generation attacked again
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate group last generation smeared Brandenburg Gate again
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Kölnische Rundschau: That's why the police arrived too late when the Last Generation attacked again
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Merkur: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Merkur: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Mindener Tageblatt: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
monopol Magazin: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
msn: Berlin: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
msn: Last generation – Last generation smeared Brandenburg Gate again
msn: “It’s a memorial”: Last generation: Another color attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Märkische Allgemeine: Berlin: Members of the “Last Generation” deface the Brandenburg Gate again
Märkische Allgemeine: Last Generation plans second mass occupation in Berlin on November 25th
Märkische Onlinezeitung: Climate activists are painting the Brandenburg Gate again
Naanoo: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
nachrichten-heute: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: “Last Generation” smeared the Brandenburg Gate again with orange paint
Neue Presse: Blume condemns color attacks of the “last generation”
Neue Presse: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
News Bulletin 247: Climate activists repainted the Brandenburg Gate for the second time
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Nordkurier: Brandenburg Gate again smeared by climate radicals
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Actions of the “Last Generation”: CSU calls for tough action by the city of Erlangen against climate glue
Nürnberger Nachrichten: University library in Erlangen smeared with paint – this is how the pot test of the “Last Generation” went
oe24: Climate glue smear the Brandenburg Gate
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
Ostfriesen Zeitung: “Last Generation” smeared the Brandenburg Gate again with orange paint
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: “Last Generation” smeared the Brandenburg Gate again with orange paint
Presse Augsburg: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
Promipool: Howard Carpendale on climate glue: “A very difficult topic”
ProSieben: “Last Generation” smeared the Brandenburg Gate again with orange paint
Radio Lausitz: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
radio Westfalica: Berlin | Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
RADIOSZENE: 104.6 RTL hypnotizes Klima-Glue
rbb24: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
regionalHeute: Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
rnd: The last generation smeared the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
rnd: The last generation carries out another attack on the Brandenburg Gate
RP Online: Last generation defaces Brandenburg Gate again
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Schumacher Rechtsanwälte: For the time being there is no obligation to pay for police operations for “climate glue”
Schwarzwälder Bote: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
sh:z: “Last Generation” smeared the Brandenburg Gate again with orange paint
Stern: Blume condemns color attacks of the “last generation”
Stern: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Stern: Climate activists are daubing the Brandenburg Gate with paint – again
Stuttgart News: Berlin: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: When two views collide
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Stuttgarter Zeitung: When two views collide
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
t-online: “It takes courage to make a deal with the ‘last generation’”
t-online: “Last Generation” daubs the Brandenburg Gate again
t-online: “Last Generation” daubs the Brandenburg Gate again
t-online: “Last Generation” celebrates an acquittal that isn’t an acquittal at all
t-online: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Tag24: Last Generation Makes Threats True: Brandenburg Gate Smeared Again!
Tagesschau: Climate activists smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint again
Tagesschau: Shortly after the verdict: Last generation blocks road at Münster district court
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists of the “Last Generation” have once again attacked the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint. Two people were arrested.
Tagesspiegel: Are the climate adhesives now completely gone?
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” desecrates the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin again
VN Explorer: Last generation: After acquittal – activists want to cause even more chaos
Vodafone live: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again “Last Generation” paints the Brandenburg Gate orange again
Welt: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Welt: Brandenburg Gate again smeared with paint by the last generation
Weser Kurier: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation” Ecoactivists painted the Brandenburg gate in Germany
Zeit Online: Brandenburg Gate smeared with paint again
Zeit Online: Climate activists daub the Brandenburg Gate again
antenne bayern: Blume condemns color attacks of the “last generation”
Boeddhistisch Dagbla: 'Café Carebear': Boeddhist climate activists on the last generation “Global responsibility”
FränkischerTag: Blume condemns color attacks of the “last generation”
Genios: Climate gluer sentenced to fine
ka-news: “Push in the right direction”: Student committee supports color attack at KIT
Mein Berlin: Last generation climate activists find new headquarters in Berlin church
msn: Blume condemns color attacks of the “last generation”
msn: Last generation: Spicy new headquarters: climate activists in the church
Münster aktuell: Climate activism in Münster: “Last generation” in court
Nürnberger Blatt: Cultural scientist Sloterdijk criticizes “Last Generation”
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Police are investigating a paint attack: “Last Generation” sprays Erlanger University Library
Oberpfalz Echo: Martin Großmann: Politically incorrect and with a lot of self-irony
ProSieben: Are they becoming more radical? This is what the “Last Generation” is planning in winter and at Christmas
rbb24: The young generation and the protests of the group “Last Generation”
rbb24 Abendschau: The young generation and the protests of the group “Last Generation”
WDR: Climate stickers block the streets again after the court hearing
WDR: Shortly after the verdict: Last generation blocks road at Münster district court
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate activists react to court ruling with road blockade
ZDF: Germany is looking for the super climate protest
ZDF Satire (auf youtube): Germany is looking for the super climate protest | Bosetti wants to talk!
Zeit Online: Blume condemns color attacks of the “last generation”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation – activist about the Brandenburg Gate: “In the end it’s just a piece of sandstone”
Aussiedlerbote: Climate activist sprays paint on university in Erlangen
B.Z.: Climate criminals have new accommodation
Berliner Morgenpost: Spicy new headquarters: climate activists in the church
Berliner Zeitung: Deichkind video: In a yellow puffer jacket in front of the stained Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation in Berlin in court: two activists acquitted
Berliner Zeitung: Middle East demos, climate glue, international match: How are the Berlin police supposed to manage all of this?
br24: “Last Generation”: Color attack on the University of Erlangen
br24: “Last Generation”: Color attack on the University of Erlangen
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists likely to continue daily protest campaigns in major cities through late November
Echo: HG. Butzko and the climate adhesives
Frankenpost: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
gong fm: “Last Generation” is colored in orange by the University of Regensburg
Kölnische Rundschau: Trial of “Last Generation” activists
Merkur: University building sprayed - demand of the last generation: go out on the street instead of sitting in the lecture hall
Mittelbayerische: Last generation: Color attack on the University of Regensburg
Mittelbayerische: Police investigate: Last generation smeared bullet at Regensburg University
msn: Climate protest: acquittals for the last generation – at least of the main allegations
msn: Last generation – activist Regina Stephan: Brandenburg Gate “just a piece of sandstone”
msn: Traffic stopped: Last generation blocks road in Erlangen
nd: Last generation: “We are organized like a modern start-up”
Neue Presse: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
nordbayern: Color attack on Erlanger University: University group demands de-registration of activists
nordbayern: Police are investigating a paint attack: “Last Generation” sprays Erlanger University Library
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Last generation smeared Erlanger University: Such protest does no one any good - not even the climate
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Even young Erlangen residents are annoyed: This is how the “Last Generation” color protest at the university went
Passauer Neue Presse: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Passauer Neue Presse: Police investigate: Last generation smeared bullet at Regensburg University
Radio Bamberg: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Radio EINS: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Radio Euroherz: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Radio Ramasuri: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Regensburger Nachrichten: Last generation sprayed art object and facade of the University of Regensburg - police are investigating
Regensburger Nachrichten: “Warning of the climate catastrophe”: University landmarks in Regensburg sprayed orange
Schwäbische: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Schwäbische: What are the Ulm climate activists actually doing?
Stern: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Fines for climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist sprays paint on the university in Erlangen
t-online: “It takes courage to make a deal with the ‘last generation’”
t-online: “Last Generation” sprays the University of Erlangen with color
t-online: “Last Generation” celebrates an acquittal that isn’t an acquittal at all
t-online: Climate stickers block road in Erlangen – police are investigating
Tagesschau: Fines after the “Last Generation” campaign in Ludwigsburg
Telepolis: Climate protest: acquittals for the last generation – at least of the main allegations University building sprayed - demand of the last generation: go out on the street instead of sitting in the lecture hall
Vodafone live: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Zeit Online: Climate activist sprays paint on the university in Erlangen
Badische Zeitung: Exchange of words on “What is protest allowed?”
Berliner Morgenpost: Experts fail to approve new Berlin police law
Berliner Morgenpost: Spranger accuses climate activists of “blind destructiveness”.
br24: “Last Generation”: Color campaign at the University of Regensburg
Business Insider: The climate protests are unnecessary if they do not offer solutions
charivari: “Last Generation” is colored in orange by the University of Regensburg
digitalfernsehen: Torn society: ARD series shows Germany “Who we are”
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Climate gluer sentenced to a fine for blocking a road
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
General Anzeiger: In Bornheim they wanted to disconnect Frankfurt Airport
idowa: “Last Generation” sprays the entrance and ball at Regensburg University
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung: Climate adhesives fail in court in Ludwigsburg
mdr: Dresden District Court: Representative of the Last Generation has to pay 1.200 euros
Merkur: Uproar at the climate protest with Greta Thunberg in Amsterdam
nordbayern: Climate activists of the “last generation” block traffic in Erlangen
Nürnberger Nachrichten: “Last generation” is stuck in Erlangen – many drivers are outraged
Radio Bonn / Rhein-Sieg: Bonn: Trial against climate activists begins
radioeins: About world savers and thoughts in traffic jams
RTL News: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
StayHappening: Lecture – Last Generation – Berlin
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Fines for climate activists
SWR Aktuell: Fines after the “Last Generation” campaign in Ludwigsburg
Sä Dresden district court condemns “climate gluer”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: University building in Regensburg smeared with paint
Tag24: Tough: Dresden judge tears apart arguments from climate gluer Pia
VN Explorer: Dresden district court condemns “climate gluer”
Westfalen-Blatt: Lea Bonasera: “We don’t want to harm anyone”
yahoo finanzen: The climate protests are unnecessary if they do not offer solutions
Zeit Online: Activists spray paint at the University of Regensburg
Berliner Zeitung: Activist of the last generation: “Nobody believed that the wall would come down”
Antenne Münster: “Climate glue” from Münster in court
Aussiedlerbote: No police charges for climate activists after three months
Berliner Zeitung: Traffic light wants to punish intrusion into airport security areas as a criminal offense
Haller Kreisblatt: No police fees for climate activists after three months
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: No police fees for climate activists after three months
Merkur: “We were surprised by it”: Climate activists smear university buildings with paint
n-TV: Wissing wants to punish intrusion into airport security areas as a criminal offense
Nachrichten Oberpfalz: Damage to property caused by graffiti lettering “Last Generation”
Neue Westfälische: After three months, still no police fees for the sticking campaign in Bielefeld
OXI: Back to the future or: degrowth
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Several new ones in the last generation
Solinger Tageblatt: Video from Dortmund shows vigilante justice – passer-by attacks “climate glue”
Tag24: So far no police charges for climate activists in North Rhine-Westphalia: But the review is ongoing
The Limited Times: “We were surprised by it”: Climate activists smear university buildings with paint “We were surprised by it”: Climate activists smear university buildings with paint
Vodafone live: No police fees for climate activists after three months
24ds: “Last Generation” And Co.: Traffic Lights Want To Invade Runways For Criminal Measures
Augustamax: “Last Generation” and Co.: Traffic lights want to punish intrusions on runways as a criminal offense
News Wall: It was only after five hours that the climate stickers in Karlsruhe cleared the street
Oberpfalz Aktuell: Reports from the criminal police on November 10.11.2023th, XNUMX Climate adhesive – what can you as a driver do about it?
Teller Report: German government wants to tighten penalties for intrusion into security areas of airports
Welt: Traffic light wants to punish intrusion on runways as a criminal offense
ARD Audiothek: Competition or comrades-in-arms? – Last generation and the rest of the climate movement
Baden TV: Baden TV Aktuell – Friday (from 4:10)
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Last generation activists end blockade at Adenauerring
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: It was only after five hours that the climate stickers in Karlsruhe cleared the street
Berliner Kurier: Logo on the wall: Did climate glue smear the Jewish cemetery?
Berliner Morgenpost: Jewish cemetery in Berlin: Did the “last generation” smear things here?
Berliner Zeitung: Last Generation and Extinction Rebellion: Separate “mass occupation” – dispute in the climate movement
Der Westen: Bochum: “Last Generation” paralyzes traffic in the city – and that’s just the beginning!
Deutschlandfunk Nova: “Last Generation”: Burden on the Berlin judiciary
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Last Generation”: Trial against climate gluer from the Köhlbrand Bridge
idowa: Unknown people sprayed stone bridge with “Last Generation” lettering
ka-news: Last generation stuck on Adenauerring – protest dissolved at 15.21:XNUMX p.m
ka-news: Last generation stuck on Adenauerring – what happened on Friday
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Radicalization as a last resort?
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Investigations against the police officer are dragging on
meinKA: “Last Generation”: Road blockade on the Adenauerring at KIT
msn: “Last Generation”: This is what the Klimaklebers are planning for winter and Christmas
msn: Schönhauser Allee: Did the last generation deface the Jewish cemetery?
msn: Are they becoming more radical now? These are the new plans of the “Last Generation
nd: Politics not just in parliament: advice from below
Polizei Bayern: Damage to property caused by graffiti lettering “Last Generation” – call for witnesses
ProSieben: “Last Generation”: This is what the Klimaklebers are planning for winter and Christmas
ProSieben: Are they becoming more radical now? These are the new plans of the “Last Generation”
rbb: The climate movement and its unity and disagreement
rbb24: Is the climate movement heading towards a tipping point?
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Last generation in front of the tipping points, protest march as part of the university protest
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Investigations against the police officer are dragging on
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Investigations against the police officer are dragging on
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” is stuck on the Adenauerring in Karlsruhe
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” sticks itself in front of the KIT in Karlsruhe
Tagesschau: Is the climate movement heading towards a tipping point?
Tahrir News: Last generation stuck on Adenauerring – what happened on Friday –
Univativ: Last generation at Leuphana
Welt: “This kind of stupidity doesn’t stop even from intelligent people”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “I’ll stay on the streets until the federal government takes action.”
B.Z.: Climate radicals smear Jewish cemetery!
Berliner Zeitung: Greenwashing? Activists interrupt the Allianz Foundation event in Berlin Climate radicals smear Jewish cemetery!
Deutschlandfunk: Last generation – judiciary burdened instead of climate relieved
Digital Eliteboard: Threat of the next blockade: climate glue in preventive custody
Fox News: German police officer accused of painting climate activist's face with orange paint after slamming to ground
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne climate activist is sentenced again after prison
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “I think it’s very brave that they are blocking airports”
Main Post: After the Last Generation color attack at the University of Würzburg: Can the color be completely removed?
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Justice in Saxony-Anhalt imposes the first penalties against climate adhesives
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: The slow blockers – the last generation sneaks through Halle
Mountain Valley Independent: German police officer accused of painting climate activist's face with orange paint after slamming to ground
Nordkurier: Truck driver hits climate protester – court date is set
Ostsee Zeitung: Protest of the “Last Generation” in Stralsund: The truck driver’s case goes to court
Sioux County Radio: German police officer accused of painting climate activist's face with orange paint after slamming to ground
Tag24: Ten “Last Generation” activists in focus: First penalty orders for blockades
TIKonline: Golden Steering Wheel 2023 – Celebrities about Climate Glue!
TrendRadars: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
TrendRadars: Recalcitrant Klima-Kleber receives seven punishment orders - and stays away from his trial in Berlin
B.Z.: Climate criminal stands trial after 40 blockades Climate extremist in court for 40 blockades
Du bist Halle: Demo of the last generation in Halle
Hamburger Abendblatt: Crime Festival: What an author of the last generation advises
Heute – Österreich: Klima-Shakira celebrates adhesive anniversary on social media
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne climate activist is sentenced again after prison
Kölnische Rundschau: Cologne court sentences climate activists to fines
mdr: Police officers work more than 200.000 hours of overtime per year
Mein Berlin: Activist Winfried Lorenz – A well-known climate campaigner from Berlin.
Merkur: “We were surprised by it”: Climate activists smear university buildings with paint
msn: On the protest “anniversary” – Shortly after his release from prison, Klima-Shakira makes a clear announcement
NDR: Science from Braunschweig: “Talking about the climate – how can that be successful?”
PRIMATON: Würzburg: Last generation smeared university campus Hubland
Radio Köln: “Last Generation” activists sentenced to fines
Ruhr24: Incredible video from Dortmund shows attack on “climate glue”
Spiegel: Airport boss announces new security precautions
t-online: Frankfurt Airport is that safe
Titanic: Consistently, Berlin Finance Senator Stefan Evers, “We were surprised by it”: Climate activists smear university buildings with paint
verfassungsblog: § 129 StGB and the relevance of the relevance
VN Explorer: Klima-Shakira celebrates adhesive anniversary on social media
Zeit Online: About world savers and thoughts in traffic jams
Ansage!: Whether “Last Generation” or “Never Again”: Federal and state governments are total failures
antenne bayern: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
B.Z.: The Brandenburg Gate is being scaffolded here
Berliner Kurier: Thanks to the climate adhesive, our Brandenburg Gate now has scaffolding
Berliner Morgenpost: Trial start against climate activist interrupted
Berliner Zeitung: More mass blockades, more orange: these are the last generation's plans for Berlin Who will pay for 18 hours of nervous war now? Video from Dortmund shows mistreatment of “climate glue”
Frankenpost: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Airport boss announces structural security measures
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate for cleaning
Fränkische Nachrichten: Activists smear the facade of the University of Würzburg with paint
FränkischerTag: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Halle Spektrum: Last Generation calls for civil resistance in Halle on Wednesday
Haller Kreisblatt: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate due to cleaning after a paint attack
idowa: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate due to cleaning after a paint attack
idowa: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg “We were very surprised”: Climate activists are behind the color attack on university buildings
Main Post: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Main Post: Like in Berlin: The last generation sprays paint on the lecture hall building at the University of Würzburg on Hubland
Merkur: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate due to cleaning after a paint attack
msn: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
msn: Last generation in Berlin: More mass blockades, more orange – these are the plans for the next few weeks
msn: Last generation: Klima-Kleber is on trial - but a completely different person has his say
msn: “Vigil” in front of the Cologne regional court: Cologne climate activist is sentenced again after a prison sentence
n-TV: Scaffolding erected at the Brandenburg Gate
n-TV: Scaffolding erected at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Climate activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
Neue Presse: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate due to cleaning after a paint attack
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Passauer Neue Presse: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Radio EINS: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Radio Euroherz: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
Radio Köln: Members of the “Last Generation” in front of the Cologne District Court
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Video from Dortmund shows mistreatment of “climate glue”
Ruhr24: Video from Dortmund shows mistreatment of “climate glue”
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Color on the Morning Spot: Does the Last Generation Have to Pay?
Stern: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
t-online: Brandenburg Gate will remain scaffolded for at least two weeks
t-online: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate due to cleaning after a paint attack
t-online: Climate stickers indirectly threaten to attack a well-known Berlin landmark
t-online: Members of the “Last Generation” stand trial
Tag24: After painting by “Last Generation”: Scaffolding erected at the Brandenburg Gate
Tag24: After the accidental death of a cyclist in Berlin: Lawyer for a climate activist is playing for time
Tagesspiegel: “Can you stick yourself to the street for a better climate?”
VN Explorer: Last generation: Klima-Kleber is on trial - but a completely different person has his say
Vodafone live: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
WirtschaftsWoche: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate due to cleaning after a paint attack
Würzburg erleben: Environmental activists spray lecture hall buildings on the Hubland campus
Zeit Online: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate due to cleaning after a paint attack
Zeit Online: Scaffolding at the Brandenburg Gate for cleaning
Zeit Online: Climate activists smear paint on buildings at the University of Würzburg
B.Z.: Climate radicals admit mistakes: “We were wrong”
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: Here the climate stickers are blocking Berlin's streets NOW
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate: Scaffolding has been erected since Monday
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin today: New blockades – mega traffic jam in the southeast
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Last generation blocks main traffic artery in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Blockades in traffic on Monday morning in Berlin Is it allowed to harness children to the climate cart like this? Climate radicals admit mistakes How safe are our airports?
Du bist Halle: Last generation with public protest march through Halle on Wednesday afternoon
Express: Hamburg hostage taker in custody – police seize dummy bomb belt
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
kommunal.: Severe penalties for climate adhesives in Passau
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
msn: Last generation blocked at the start of school in Berlin - long traffic jams
msn: Last generation: Blockades in traffic on Monday morning in Berlin
Märkische Allgemeine: Last generation in Berlin: There are currently blockades and traffic jams here
n-TV: “Climate activists are treated harder than anti-Semites”
n-TV: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
NDR: After hostage-taking in Hamburg: Airport wants to react
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Security at German airports: “You should be prepared for worse things”
News Wall: Brandenburg Gate equipped for cleaning from today: Last generation should pay
Radio Köln: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
rbb24: Brandenburg Gate prepared for cleaning
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Video from Dortmund shows mistreatment of “Last Generation” activists
RTL News: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
RTL News: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Ruhr24: Video from Dortmund shows mistreatment of “Last Generation” activists
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Spiegel: Finally better protect airports from terror!
Stern: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
t-online: The climate adhesives are blocking here today
Tag24: “Last Generation” Changes Strategy: What Climate Activists Are Planning Until the End of the Year
Tagesschau: “Security concept no longer up to date”
Tagesschau: Hamburg Airport wants to review its security concept
Tagesschau: Hamburg airport remains closed
VN Explorer: Large wave of protests: Climate activists smash safety glass in front of museum paintings
Vodafone live: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Vodafone live: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Volksstimme: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Welt: Hostage takers in custody: demands for more security
Welt: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
Zeit Online: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Zeit Online: Last generation blocks Pushkinallee
ZNet: Meet the Shadowy Global Network Vilifying Climate Protesters
ZNet: 认识诽谤气候抗议者的阴暗全球网络
Antenne Münster: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
B.Z.: Climate adhesives do not respond to persuasion
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation plans new mass blockade in Berlin
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Die Oberbadische: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Eßlinger Zeitung: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Frankenpost: Berlin | Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “I won’t be deterred”: Prison sentence for last-generation activist in Frankfurt
Frankfurter Rundschau: Police officer smears his own paint on climate activist’s face – police launch investigation
Genios: Last generation criminals or heroes? Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Head Topics: Climate adhesives do not respond to persuasion
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Violent attack in the video: Police officer smears paint on climate gluer's face - attack is being investigated
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Police officer smears his own paint on climate activist’s face – police launch investigation
in Südthüringen: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Main-Echo: Helmut Schleich in Kreuzwerthem: about climate glue and warmongers
Merkur: Violent attack in the video: Police officer smears paint on climate gluer's face - attack is being investigated
NDR: Hostage taking at Hamburg airport ended – child freed
Neue Presse: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
news38: “Last Generation” in Braunschweig: Climate activist convicted! That's how much he has to pay now
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
radio Herford: Berlin | Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
radio Lippe: Berlin | Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Radio Neandertal: Dobrindt calls for ban mile around national symbols
Radio Siegen: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
radio WAF: Berlin | Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Radio Wuppertal: Dobrindt calls for ban mile around national symbols
Schwarzwälder Bote: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
sh:z: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Spiegel: Airport operator sees no failures
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols Armed man with hostage at Hamburg Airport – police negotiate Armed man with hostage at Hamburg airport – area cleared
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
t-online: “Last Generation” has to leave the circus tent: the move-out date has been set
t-online: Hamburg Airport sees no security deficiencies
Tagesschau: Hostage taking at Hamburg airport ended
Telepolis: Police violence against climate initiative: Amnesty notes particular aversion
Teller Report: Hamburg: Airport sees no failures in securing the site
Vodafone live: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Vodafone live: Hamburg Airport: No failures in airport security
Volksstimme: Dobrindt calls for a ban on national symbols
Welle-Niederrhein: Dobrindt calls for ban mile around national symbols
ALPENFEUILLETON: How the last generation harms the last generation
Antenne Unna: Dortmund: “Last Generation” blocks road
BNN: Berlin Police Officer Investigated for Alleged Brutality Against Climate Activists
KrisenKinder: Climate adhesive campaigns: protest or crime?
msn: During an action in Dortmund – a passer-by pulls climate adhesive from the street and then steps on it
msn: Newsblog: Last generation plans new mass blockade in Berlin
msn: “Last Generation” in Braunschweig: Climate activist convicted! That's how much he has to pay now
News Wall: Last generation blocked Berlin traffic in several places on Friday
Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun (auf twitter): ...has nothing to do with police work in a constitutional state
S. Fischer Verlage: Leah Bonasera
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists are planning another mass occupation – and have to clear the circus tent
Tagesspiegel: Police break up climate blockades in rush hour traffic
B.Z.: Blockage of the climate adhesive cleared
B.Z.: Climate adhesive at the Frankfurter Tor
B.Z.: Police union sounds the alarm: “We can’t do it anymore”
Berliner Morgenpost: The secret places of the “Last Generation” in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks Berlin traffic in several places Free voters want to quadruple preventive detention
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Drivers coerced: Braunschweig climate activist convicted
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “I won’t be deterred”: Prison sentence for last-generation activist in Frankfurt
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Sebastian Krumbiegel (The Princes) in an interview: “The world is burning ablaze”
news38: “Last Generation” in Braunschweig: Climate activist convicted! That's how much he has to pay now
NEWSTRAL: Passer-by pulls climate adhesive from the street and then kicks it: During an action in Dortmund
Nordkurier: Investigations into climate adhesives in Stralsund – that is the current status
Recklinghauser Zeitung: Climate sticker on wall attacked by passer-by. Police are investigating the attack in Dortmund
Ruhr Nachrichten: Climate sticker on wall attacked by passer-by. Police are investigating the attack in Dortmund
Schweriner Volkszeitung: It can also be a bit radical - even in Schwerin
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Schwerin is not Berlin – so please don’t!
t-online: “Last Generation” blocks important streets in Berlin
t-online: “Last Generation” has to leave the circus tent: the move-out date has been set
Tag24: Last generation has to clear the circus tent! Climate Glue From Then Without Homelessness
taz: Leave the gate colored!
Allgäuer Zeitung: “Last Generation” should pay for the cleaning of the smeared world clock in Berlin
B.Z.: Union defends police actions against “Last Generation”
B.Z.: Climate glue now climate screamer
B.Z.: Climate radicals sneak through Berlin with priests
B.Z.: Circus puts climate chaotic people in front of the tent!
Berliner Abendblatt: Union defends action against Last Generation
Berliner Morgenpost: That's why the activists are allowed to stay in the circus tent longer
Berliner Morgenpost: The Mitte district wants money from the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: Police union defends action against Last Generation
Berliner Zeitung: Dispute over Holocaust relativization: Last generation distances itself from Roger Hallam Circus throws out climate criminals Construction site K3: Employee monitors truck traffic and is suspected by residents of being “climate glue”.
Dorstener Zeitung: Climate adhesive on Dortmunder Wall Ringstrasse was closed for hours at the main train station
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Attack on World Clock: District demands money from activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Union defends action against Last Generation
Heidelberg24: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Hertener Allgemeine: Climate adhesive on Dortmunder Wall Ringstrasse was closed for hours at the main train station
Mein Berlin: No more circus in Berlin! Last generation climate radicals could lose the lease.
Merkur: Police officer smears paint on climate gluer's face - assault is being investigated
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Union defends action against Last Generation
msn: Removing the paint on the world clock costs 14.000 euros
msn: Last generation admits mistakes
n-TV: Union defends action against Last Generation
Nordwest-Zeitung: Police are investigating members of the “last generation” in their own ranks after an operation
Oli (auf youtube): Investigations AGAINST plainclothes police officer after ATTACK on climate adhesive
Polizei Dortmund: Activists of the last generation are stuck on the Königswall
Polizei Euskirchen: Activists of the last generation are stuck on the Königswall
Presseportal: POL-DO: Activists of the last generation are stuck on the Königswall
Preußische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” takes advantage of the chaos
proplanta: Police are investigating in their own ranks after an operation at the Chancellery
RTL News: Union defends action against Last Generation
Ruhr Nachrichten: Climate adhesive on Dortmunder Wall Ringstrasse was closed for hours at the main train station
Ruhr24: “Last Generation” sticks itself to the Königswall | Dortmund News
Rundblick-Unna: Quartet from the “Last Generation” sticks to the Dortmund Wall – closed for 2 hours
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Police union defends action against Last Generation
Stern: Union defends action against Last Generation
t-online: District wants to make “Last Generation” pay
t-online: Union defends harsh use of police officers against climate glue
t-online: Rental agreement terminated: “Last Generation” has to leave the circus tent
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Berlin Police Officer Brutally Pushes Climate Rebel to the Ground! LKA Investigates
Utopia: After climate protest: Police are investigating within their own ranks
vadhajtások: Megtámadták a német kancellári hivatalt a radical klímavédők
Vodafone live: Union defends action against Last Generation
Volksstimme: Union defends action against Last Generation
Welt: 14.000 euros – activists should pay for cleaning of the world clock
Welt: Five police officers in court for assault while on duty
Welt: Strategic head of the “last generation” fades into the background Last generation admits mistakes
Zeit Online: Attack on World Clock: District demands money from activists
Zeit Online: Union defends action against Last Generation
24 Hours Worlds: Last generation: Operation at the Chancellery: Police investigate within their own ranks Lecture – Last Generation – Karlsruhe
B.Z.: Cleaning the world clock on the Alex cost 14.000 euros
Berliner Abendblatt: Police investigate operation against Last Generation
Berliner Kurier: Update on the brutal climate glue arrest: It was a plainclothes police officer!
Berliner Morgenpost: Cleaning the world clock costs 14.000 euros
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation wants to march through Berlin in an “interreligious protest march”.
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: LKA is investigating Berlin police officers for assault
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: New video is supposed to show another case of police violence in Berlin
BGLand24: German-Israeli Society asks “Last Generation” to stop their protests – the safety of Jews is at risk
BGLand24: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
BNN: Berlin Climate Protest: A Collision of Color, Controversy, and Law Enforcement
BNN: Climate Activists Cry 'Olaf Lügt' on the Walls of Power in Berlin
daum: Germany Climate Protest
euronews (arabic): “أولاف يكذب”. ة في برلين Proceedings against police officers after a climate protest at the Chancellery
Exberliner: Video shows plainclothes police officer smear climate activists with paint
Express: After a protest in front of the Chancellery: Berlin police are investigating within their own ranks
extra 3 (auf youtube): Green icon fades: A look at Greenpeace
Eßlinger Zeitung: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Focus: One activist painted After a tough crackdown on climate stickers, the police are investigating their own ranks
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Removing the paint on the world clock costs 14.000 euros
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Chancellor's Office: Police investigate after operation in their own ranks
Frankfurter Rundschau: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I won’t be deterred”: Prison sentence for last-generation activist in Frankfurt
Göttinger Tageblatt: Police are investigating in their own ranks after an operation against the last generation at the Chancellery
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate glue smear the Chancellery: Alleged plainclothes police officer brutally attacks activists – police react
in Südthüringen: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
insalzach24: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Kölnische Rundschau: Berlin police are investigating allegations of sometimes violent use against Last Generation
LiveTube: Video: Climate activists paint message to German chancellor during latest Berlin protest
Mannheim24: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Merkur: Police officer smears paint on climate gluer's face - assault is being investigated
Merkur: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Chancellor's Office: Police investigate after operation in their own ranks
msn: At a protest in Berlin – the police are now using dogs against climate glue
msn: Climate activists paint message to German chancellor during latest Berlin protest
msn: Police officer smears paint on climate gluer's face - assault is being investigated Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Neue Westfälische: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
oe24: Police officer loses his nerve and smears paint on climate activist's face
Offenbach-Post: German-Israeli Society asks “Last Generation” to stop their protests – the safety of Jews is at risk
Offenbach-Post: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Radio Leverkusen: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
rbb24: Police are investigating plainclothes officers after attacks on demonstrators
rbb24: Cleaning the world clock costs 14.000 euros
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
rnd: Police are investigating in their own ranks after an operation against the last generation at the Chancellery
RP Online: Activists from the group Last Generation smear the Chancellery
RTL News: Chancellor's Office: Police investigate after operation in their own ranks
Schwarzwälder Bote: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Last generation before the tipping points, local group of the climate protection movement
Spiegel: Police are examining possible measures against violent officers
Stern: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Stern: Police are investigating within their own ranks after an operation
Stern: Police investigate operation against Last Generation
Sä “Climate glue” trial: Court doesn’t want Dresden Mayor on the witness stand
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Investigations into police operations against climate activists
t-online: “Last generation” in crisis: “We made mistakes”
t-online: Ban on “last generation” in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
t-online: Climate stickers occupy the street – police use dogs
t-online: That's how expensive it is to clean the Berlin World Clock
t-online: Plainclothes police officer escalates climate adhesive campaign
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Is an aggro civil police officer pulling paint brushes through the faces of climate chaots?
Tagblatt: The pioneer of climate adhesives: What does this woman who sticks herself on highways and polarizes like no other want?
Tagesschau: Police are investigating their own officers
Tagesschau: Cleaning the world clock costs 14.000 euros
The Independent: Climate activists paint message to German chancellor during latest Berlin protest
Vodafone live: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Voice of Europe: Berlin police officer under investigation for smearing climate activists with paint during protest
Voice of Europe: Eco-activists smeared with paint the building of the office of the Chancellor of Germany
Voice of Europe: Eco-activists daubed the Federal Chancellery building with paint
Volksstimme: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Volksstimme: Chancellor's Office: Police investigate after operation in their own ranks
Watch it TV – ………. (auf youtube): CLIMATE ADHESIVE – hand glued to asphalt “Last Generation” road blockade – #subscribe #follow
Welle-Niederrhein: Operation at the Chancellery: Police investigate within their own ranks
Welt: “Last Generation” activists smear the Chancellery
Welt: Removing the orange color on the world clock costs 14.000 euros
Welt: Color attack on the Federal Chancellery – police officers intervene immediately
Welt: Last generation: Activists smear the Chancellery
Welt: Police are investigating officials after a climate protest at the Chancellery
yahoo!news: Climate activists paint message to German chancellor during latest Berlin protest
ZDF: Climate stickers smear landmarks
ZDF: Assault against the “Last Generation”?
Zeit Online: Operation at the Chancellery: Police are investigating within their own ranks
Zeit Online: Chancellor's Office: Police investigate after operation in their own ranks
Zeit Online: Police are investigating within their own ranks after an operation
Zeit Online: Police are examining operations against the last generation at the Chancellery
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Protest
24 Hours Worlds: Environment: Last generation activists smear the chancellery
antenne 1: Activists of the last generation smear the Chancellery
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation: Activists smear the Chancellery
Berliner Zeitung: The last generation paint: how does it behave on car paint?
blue News: Climate activists smear the Chancellery in Berlin
br24: Berlin: Protest action by the “Last Generation” in front of the Chancellery
Der Nordschleswiger: Activists of the last generation smear the Chancellery
Deutschlandfunk: Activists from the group Last Generation smear the Chancellery
Dialyse Leer: Police investigate attack during climate protest in Berlin
Economy Today: The “Last Generation” is sullying the Chancellery
Einsamer Wanderer (auf youtube): Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: climate adhesives want to do it again!
euronews (deutsch): “Olaf is lying”: Last generation smeared Chancellery in Berlin
faz (auf youtube): Climate activism: Last generation smeared Chancellery
Focus: Police officer beats climate glue with his own weapons
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activism: Last generation smeared Chancellery
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
Genios: Climate protest at Tübingen University
Hasepost: Climate activists spray the Chancellery: Last generation protests against Scholz
Hasepost: Climate glue: Questionable behavior by plainclothes police at climate protest in Berlin?
ka-news: Color attack on Karlsruhe University: Last generation colors Audimax orange
msn: “Last Generation” is daubed on the Chancellery
msn: In front of the Federal Chancellery – police officers beat climate glue with their own weapons
Naanoo: Questionable behavior by plainclothes police officer at climate protest in Berlin
nachrichten-heute: Questionable behavior by plainclothes police officer at climate protest in Berlin Questionable behavior by plainclothes police officer at climate protest in Berlin
OZVĚNY24: “Olaf lže.” Aktivisté z Poslední generace počmárali kancléřství a přilepili se k chodníku
Presse Augsburg: Questionable behavior by plainclothes police officer at climate protest in Berlin
Presse Augsburg: “Last Generation” smears the Chancellery with paint
rbb24: Brandenburg Gate is to be scaffolded for further cleaning
Regio-Journal: Questionable behavior by plainclothes police officer at climate protest in Berlin
Spiegel: Berlin police spent 300.000 hours on climate protests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Cleaning work at the Brandenburg Gate continues
Tagesschau: Police investigate attack during climate protest
Tagesspiegel: Berlin police are investigating two cases against officers after attacks on climate activists
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists smear the Chancellery – police use physical violence
tixio: Questionable behavior by plainclothes police officer at climate protest in Berlin
Welt: Activists of the last generation smear the Chancellery
Welt: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate will take weeks
30.10.2023 Climate activists pros and cons: The legal aspects of climate activists and climate stickers
az-online: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
B.Z.: 200 police officers on duty today because of climate stickers
B.Z.: That's why climate greasers are brazen environmental polluters
B.Z.: Here the climate adhesives block at the start of the week
B.Z.: Over 30.000 Berlin police officers deployed against climate radicals
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Harsh criticism and understanding for the graffiti of the last generation in Karlsruhe
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate protest: actions of the last generation in Karlsruhe
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Last generation sprayed the largest lecture hall in Karlsruhe - property damage is still unknown
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
Berliner Abendblatt: Around 34.270 police officers deployed against climate activists
Berliner Kurier: Climate glue should pay for the desecration of the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Kurier: Police prevent climate glue campaign! But here they are successful
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate must be scaffolded for cleaning
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate after paint attack: This is how the cleaning should work
Berliner Morgenpost: The climate stickers have blocked Berlin's streets so many times
Berliner Zeitung: Last Generation Attack on Brandenburg Gate: Chemical Cleaning Process Found
Berliner Zeitung: Another protest with orange paint: the last generation is blocking Berlin's streets
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Berlin police register almost 300.000 operational hours
BGLand24: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
bike: Specialized engineer donates money for the “Last Generation” This is how much the color attack on the Brandenburg Gate costs us Press statement: 'Märkische Oderzeitung' on the Last Generation group
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Sarah Bosetti fights against populism in Wolfenbüttel
die neue welle: “Last generation” smeared on KIT-Audimax
Die Rheinpfalz: Last generation: KIT lecture hall smeared
ECHO24: “Olaf lže.” Aktivisté z Poslední generace počmárali kancléřství a přilepili se k chodníku
Economy Today: This is how expensive it will be to clean the Brandenburg Gate
Evangelische Zeitung: 34.000 emergency services against “last generation” blockades
Eßlinger Zeitung: Tübingen University building smeared Press statement: 'Märkische Oderzeitung' on the Last Generation group Press statement: 'Märkische Oderzeitung' on the Last Generation group Press statement: 'Märkische Oderzeitung' on the Last Generation group
Focus: Paint attack on Karlsruhe TULlast generation sprays German university because “education is no longer worth anything”
Focus: Thunberg, Özbay, Hallam, Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites, Jew-haters – the climate movement is that broken
Focus: The previous year's figure has already been exceeded. Almost 35.000 police officers are deployed against climate activists in Berlin alone
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Blockades by climate activists: almost 300.000 hours of action
Frankfurter Rundschau: German-Israeli Society asks “Last Generation” to stop their protests – the safety of Jews is at risk
Hamburger Morgenpost: Heated climate debate: ORF denies “muzzle” for ski commentators
Hersfelder Zeitung: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
ka-news: Protest action at Karlsruhe University - Last generation colors Audimax orange
Kreiszeitung: German-Israeli Society asks “Last Generation” to stop their protests – the safety of Jews is at risk
mdr: Wagenknecht: Possible cooperation with the SPD is conceivable under certain conditions
Mein Berlin: Berlin: Over 34.000 police officers in action against the last generation - preliminary figures for 2023.
meinKA: Climate protection group “Last Generation” sprays KIT lecture hall
Merkur: German-Israeli Society asks “Last Generation” to stop their protests – the safety of Jews is at risk
Merkur: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Blockades by climate activists: almost 300.000 hours of action
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Cleaning work at the Brandenburg Gate continues
Märkische Allgemeine: Climate activists block roads again after mass occupation
n-TV: Around 34.270 police officers deployed against climate activists
Nl. Times: About 100 Dutch climate activists arrested during street blockade in Berlin
Nordkurier: Cleaning work at the Brandenburg Gate continues
Offenbach-Post: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
rbb24: Brandenburg Gate is to be scaffolded for further cleaning
rbb24: This year more than 34.000 police officers deployed against “last generation”
rbb24: Last generation blocks Kaiserdamm and Frankfurter Allee
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: Research center at the University of Tübingen sprayed with paint
rosenheim24: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
RTF1: “Last Generation” daubs university buildings
RTL News: Cleaning work at the Brandenburg Gate continues
Ruhr24: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: The last generation sprays the Morgenstelle campus orange
Soester Anzeiger: “It hasn’t happened before”: 150 activists stick to the streets – mass blockade of the “last generation”
Stern: Brandenburg Gate is to be equipped for cleaning
Stern: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
Stern: Around 34.270 police officers deployed against climate activists
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Tübingen University building smeared
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Tübingen University building smeared
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” protests: Paint on buildings in Karlsruhe and Tübingen
SWR Aktuell: Last generation sprayed university buildings in Tübingen
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate is to be equipped for cleaning
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Many operations because of climate activists
t-online: Ban on “last generation” in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
t-online: Climate activists block the A100 with a lift
t-online: Climate adhesives block roads in several places
t-online: The cost of cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is 115.000 euros
Tag24: Climate Glue Blocks Berlin And Leaves Handprints
Tag24: With dogs on demonstrators: “Last generation” again accuses the police of violence
Tagesschau: Brandenburg Gate is to be scaffolded for further cleaning
Tagesschau: This year more than 34.000 police officers deployed against “last generation”
Tagesschau: Last generation blocks Kaiserdamm and Frankfurter Allee
Tagesspiegel: Berlin's lightning trials against climate activists are having little effect
Tagesspiegel: Brandenburg Gate must be scaffolded - public prosecutor's office is investigating 13 activists
Tagesspiegel: Robin Hood romance against the guilty conscience
Tagesspiegel: Tens of thousands of police officers in Berlin are deployed against climate activists
Tagesspiegel: “Last generation” blocks Hohenzollerndamm
taz: “Risk of sinking into waiting”
Vodafone live: Cleaning work at the Brandenburg Gate continues
Voice of Europe: Berlin police dedicate 300.000 hours to climate protests
Volksstimme: Around 34.270 police officers deployed against climate activists
wallstreet online: 'Märkische Oderzeitung' to the Last Generation group
Welt: Blockades by climate activists: almost 300.000 hours of action
Welt: So far this year, 34.000 police officers have been deployed against “last generation” blockades.
Welt: “Last Generation” protests with “mass occupation” on Straße des 17. Juni
Zeit Online: Blockades by climate activists: almost 300.000 hours of action
Zeit Online: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
Zeit Online: Cleaning work at the Brandenburg Gate continues
B.Z.: The circus of climate extremists
Berliner Zeitung (auf twitter): Climate activists who are stuck in prison must be chiselled free by the – @polizeiberlin – Hundreds of climate criminals block Street of June 17th
br24: Climate activists protest on Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin
br24: Probably the biggest protest of the “Last Generation” to date
Der Dunkle Parabelritter (ab 24:30) (auf youtube): The truth about narcissists Climate activists protest with “mass occupation”
Evangelische Zeitung: In Berlin: “Largest protest so far” of the last generation
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activists demonstrate in “largest protest to date” in the last generation
Kölnische Rundschau: Climate activists demonstrate in “largest protest to date” in the last generation
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Activists stick themselves to the street during a climate demonstration
n-TV: Activists stick themselves to the street during a climate demonstration
Nordkurier: Activists stick themselves to the street during a climate demonstration
rbb24: Climate demonstrators block Street of June 17th
rbb24: Police have to remove more than 150 glued activists from Straße des 17. Juni
rnd: Climate activists put banners on Victory Column during “mass occupation”.
RTL News: Activists stick themselves to the street during a climate demonstration
RTL Nieuws: Dutch climate activists opgepakt in Berlin voor bezetten away
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Protest activists stick themselves to the street during a climate demonstration
Stern: Activists stick themselves to the street during a climate demonstration
Stern: Several hundred activists from the “Last Generation” block Straße des 17. Juni
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists stick themselves to the street during a climate demonstration
t-online: Curious technology: This is how climate adhesives are removed
t-online: Record blockade: 100 people glue themselves to the street
Tagesschau: Climate protests in Berlin: road blockades of the “last generation”
Tagesschau: Police clear climate blockade on Straße des 17. Juni
taz: At the end it is glued again
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Protest
1 & 1: “Last Generation” calls for the abolition of subsidies for fossil energy
7aktuell: Around 100 climate stickers stuck themselves to the street during the mass occupation on June 17th - “Last Generation” speaks of the largest protest to date
B.Z.: Climate stickers that have arrived are also blocking Straße des 17. Juni
B.Z.: Blockade on the A100 - air conditioning adhesives came with a lifting platform
B.Z.: Climate adhesive on the Kudamm
B.Z.: Climate stickers announce mass protest
B.Z.: With lifting platform! Again nerve blockages of the climate glue
Berlin Woche: Administrative court prohibits police fees for climate adhesives
Berliner Abendblatt: Hundreds demonstrate in Berlin for more climate protection
Berliner Kurier: Drivers beware: closures on the A10 and in Berlin-Mitte!
Berliner Kurier: Has Berlin become lax? Fewer convictions than ever
Berliner Tageszeitung: Several hundred activists of the last generation block the street of June 17th
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation in court: “My father would use violence – even against me”
Berliner Zeitung: Not just with glue: Last generation with mass blockade on Street of June 17th
Berliner Zeitung: “Gluing must be avoided” – then the police watch as the concrete is set in place Climate radicals block highway with lifting platform
Boeddhistisch Dagbla: Many XR rebels are in the last generation in the street blockade in Berlin
bpb: System Change, Not Climate Change?
BUND Kreisgruppe Bergstraße: Stop fossil subsidies! On Saturday, October 28.10.23th, XNUMX, in Berlin
Das Erste: Hurray, the world is ending!
Der Montag: Berlin: Several hundred climate activists block Straße des 17. Juni
Deutschlandfunk: Hundreds demonstrate for more climate protection
Die Rheinpfalz: Several hundred Last Generation activists block Street of June 17th Climate activists protest with “mass occupation”
Evangelische Zeitung: Largest protest of the Last Generation to date in the heart of Berlin
Evangelische Zeitung: In Berlin: “Largest protest so far” of the last generation
Evangelische Zeitung: Climate activists protest with “mass occupation”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Police prepare for Middle East rallies
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Last Generation”: Abolish subsidies for fossil energy
Mein Berlin: Last generation announces mass occupation of the Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin
msn: Hundreds of climate activists block Straße des 17. Juni in Berlin
msn: Abolish subsidies for fossil energy – demands “Last Generation”
n-TV: Police prepare for Middle East rallies
News Deutschland: Climate protest: Last Generation activists block Street of June 17th
News Wall: Last generation in Berlin: traffic jams and blockades on October 27, 2023
Pädagogen for Future (auf twitter): #Climatecollapse will simply shred our prosperity, our cities, our crops.
rbb 24: Climate demonstrators block Street of June 17th
rbb24: Climate demonstrators block Street of June 17th
rbb24: Police clear climate blockade on Straße des 17. Juni
rbb24 (auf youtube): Climate activists stick and concrete themselves on the Street of June 17th - police quickly clear the area
RTL News: Last generation blocks again on Berlin's streets
Stern: Climate activists block roads: banners on the Victory Column
Stern: Abolish subsidies for fossil energy – demands “Last Generation”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The climate activists protest past each other
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block roads: banners on the Victory Column
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police prepare for Middle East rallies
t-online: Ban on “last generation” in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Tadzio Mueller (auf youtube): #ClimateAt9: October 28.10th #AllForClimate – CANCELED!
Tag24: Last generation blocks roads and highways again
Tag24: Last generation and co. paralyze traffic with “mass occupation” in Berlin
Tagesschau: Police clear climate blockade on Straße des 17. Juni
Tagesschau 24: Climate protests in Berlin: road blockades of the “last generation”
Tagesspiegel: Why the world clock rotates at a different rate
The Limited Times: German-Israeli Society Asks “Last Generation” to Stop Their Protests – Safety of Jews Endangered
The Limited Times: Last generation sets its sights on Berlin – next color attack on famous landmark
The Scottish Sun (auf youtube): Cars mount pavement as frustrated motorists can't stop Just Stop Oil protesters
Thüringer Allgemeine: Commentary on the Last Generation in Gotha: Civil disobedience is a civic duty
VN Explorer: Curious technology: This is how climate adhesives are removed
VN Explorer: Strategic head of the “last generation” fades into the background
Voice of Europe: Climate activists “Last Generation” disrupt Berlin traffic “Last Generation” calls for the abolition of subsidies for fossil energy
Welt25: Several hundred climate activists block Straße des 17. Juni
WorldNews: Last generation in Berlin in court: “My father would use violence – even against me”
ZDF: Berlin: Street of June 17th blocked
Zeit Online: Last Generation activists block Street of June 17th
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Protest
B.Z.: Climate stickers disrupt Berlin's after-work traffic
B.Z.: Police prevent mass blockade of climate adhesives
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activists block streets in Berlin
Berliner Kurier: WITH VIDEO! Crazy discussion on the internet: Can you honk away at climate glue?
Berliner Zeitung: Demo in Berlin: Extinction Rebellion cancels participation in “mass occupation” at the weekend
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks Berlin streets on Friday – call for “mass occupation”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation, Middle East: Police are preparing for demonstrations this weekend Climate chaotics smear glass pyramid Air conditioning stickers disrupt rush hour traffic
Extinction Rebellion Amsterdam: 50 rebels from Extinction Rebellion sluiten zich aan bij Last Generation in a street blockade in Berlin
Focus: After strike threats from members, these are the new bosses of the last generation
Hamburger Abendblatt: Inside Last Generation: How the “climate glue” works
Karlsruhe Insider: Drivers can rejoice: Karlsruhe climate adhesive was driven over by hand
n-TV: Last generation blocks again on Berlin's streets
nd: Last generation: Police hinder climate protest in Berlin
Nordkurier: Climate adhesive hit in Stralsund – truck driver has to go to court
Stern: Last generation blocks again on Berlin's streets
Stichting Duitsland Instituut: Dutch climate activists in Berlin for blockade last generation
t-online: “Last Generation” hoists banners at the Berlin Victory Column
t-online: Color attack on famous museum
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” hoists banners at the Victory Column
Thüringer Allgemeine: Last generation in Gotha: This is how activists defend radical protests
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Commentary on the Last Generation in Gotha: Civil disobedience is a civic duty
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Last generation in Gotha: This is how activists defend radical protests Climate activists daubed the Louvre pyramid in Paris
VN Explorer: Ban on “last generation” in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
VN Explorer: “Last Generation” hoists banners at the Berlin Victory Column
Volksstimme: Climate glue sticks itself in the court - and is carried out with the table
Zeit Online: Climate activists block roads: banners on the Victory Column
Zeit Online: Last generation blocks again on Berlin's streets
Augsburger Allgemeine: The future of the Augsburg climate camp will be decided in November
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation blocks again on Berlin's streets
Berliner Zeitung: The last generation brings Berlin's rush hour traffic to a standstill on Hohenzollerndamm
Berliner Zeitung: Road blockades in Berlin: The last generation stopped 132 fire engines
Blick: Climate activist tapes herself in the courtroom after her verdict
br24: Augsburg climate camp makes demands on the public prosecutor's office
Deutschlandfunk Nova: Over 2500 court cases since the beginning of the year Climate activists: “Pure car ideology rules in Berlin”
Genios: Last generation in court: How the “climate glue” ticks
msn: Strategic head of the “last generation” fades into the background
Nürnberger Nachrichten: They stuck to the Frankenschnellweg: activists of the last generation sentenced again
RTL News: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Sä “Last Generation” at the Lößnitzgymnasium: “Students should learn to organize demos”
t-online: Climate activists cancel demonstration
t-online: Co-founder of “Last Generation” sentenced
Tag24: “Last Generation” With Color Protest On Street Of June 17th
Tagesspiegel: CDU interior expert Dregger calls for more money for the Berlin police
Telepolis: Climate glue, forest squatters and co.: An Oscar for provocative political actions! Because of the ZDF climate glue series: Sophia Thomalla's collar is bursting
Welt: Strategic head of the “last generation” fades into the background
agrar aktuell: Highest number of proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Allgäuer Zeitung: Young people ask climate activists: “Why doesn’t the last generation plant trees?”
az-online: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Hand of a climate activist rolled over in Karlsruhe: That's why the driver gets away with impunity
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Incident during the climate adhesive campaign in Karlsruhe: That's why the driver gets away with impunity
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: HERE the climate stickers are currently blocking Berlin's streets!
Berliner Morgenpost: District bans Last Generation gatherings
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Climate activist tapes herself in court after verdict
Berliner Zeitung: In Berlin: The last generation is planning “mass occupations” on the weekend
BGLand24: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way Press comment: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on Last Generation
br24: Last generation should take over Augsburg climate camp
br24: The last generation should take over the Augsburg climate camp
börsenNEWS: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' to Last Generation
comdirect: Press comment: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on Last Generation New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Der Westen: “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
Die Sachsen: The plans of “Last Generation” for the mass occupation of Berlin on October 28th!
Die Sachsen: The plans of “Last Generation” for the Berlin mass occupation on October 28!
echo 24: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
fehmarn 24: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way Press comment: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on Last Generation Press comment: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on Last Generation
Frankfurter Neue Presse: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Frankfurter Rundschau: German-Israeli society calls for a stop to climate demonstrations – to protect Jews
Frankfurter Rundschau: Because of the ZDF climate glue series: Sophia Thomalla's collar is bursting
Fuldaer Zeitung: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Gießener Allgemeine: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Gießener Anzeiger: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Last Generation”: Climate activist tapes herself in court after verdict
Head Topics: Last generation: Berlin leads in climate protest proceedings
Head Topics: News blog about “Last Generation” in Berlin: Motorway blockade should give a “foretaste” of next Saturday
Heidelberg24: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Hersfelder Zeitung: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation”: Activists smear Kassel University with paint
insalzach24: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Kreisbote: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Kreiszeitung: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Lübecker Nachrichten: Last Generation Lübeck comments on the color attack on the university – and the flood
MarketScreener (DE): Press comment: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on Last Generation
mdr: Can you sue “climate glue” for damages?
Merkur: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Merkur: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
msn: “Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht”: A party for the “last generation”?
msn: Climate gluer sentenced to prison
msn: Last generation: Urgent appeal to climate activists – “Police are at their limit”
msn: “This is irrational madness!” – Climate gluer is convicted – then she sticks herself in court
news38: “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
nordbayern: Millions alienated and angry: This is not how the last generation will save the earth
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Millions alienated and angry: This is not how the last generation will save the earth
Offenbach-Post: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
OVB online: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
proplanta: Highest number of proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
ProSieben: “Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht”: A party for the “last generation”?
ProSieben: Berlin is the main location for criminal proceedings against Last Generation
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
rosenheim24: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
SauerlandKurier: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Schwäbische Post: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Soester Anzeiger: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Solinger Tageblatt: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
Spiegel: More than 2500 cases against Last Generation since the beginning of the year
Stern: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Stern: Association of Judges: Highest number of proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest stronghold Berlin
t-online: “Last Generation” blocks Berlin’s city highway
t-online: Most criminal proceedings against climate activists take place in Berlin
t-online: Co-founder of “Last Generation” sentenced
Thüringen24: “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
Thüringer Allgemeine: “Last Generation”: Climate activist tapes herself in court after verdict
VN Explorer: Last-generation activist sticks herself in the courtroom during her own trial
VN Explorer: Thousands of lawsuits against the last generation: Berlin is a stronghold of climate protests
Vodafone live: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
wallstreet online: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' to Last Generation
Welt25: Enjoy being compelled by the “Last Generation” – SciFi
Wetterauer Zeitung: New party introduced: The “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht operate in a similar way
WorldNews: “Last Generation”: Climate activist tapes herself in court after verdict
B.Z.: Climate chaotics are sticking together for the new week
B.Z.: Climate adhesive on A100
B.Z.: Volker Beck appeals to climate criminals: “Stop it!”
Berliner Abendblatt: Highest number of proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation blocks A100 motorway in Charlottenburg
Berliner Abendblatt: Volker Beck: Climate activists should stop protests
Berliner Kurier: Shocking figures from the judiciary: Berlin is the capital of climate chaos!
Berliner Morgenpost: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Berliner Morgenpost: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Berliner Morgenpost: New strategy: What the last generation is up to in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Berliner Morgenpost: Volker Beck: Climate activists should stop protests
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Last generation blocks A100 motorway
Berliner Zeitung: Blockade in Berlin: Last generation occupies A100 – activist sticks himself under car
Berliner Zeitung: German-Israeli Society: Last generation should stop protest actions
Berliner Zeitung: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Berliner Zeitung: Recalcitrant Klima-Kleber receives seven punishment orders - and stays away from his trial
Berliner Zeitung: Thousands of lawsuits against the last generation: Berlin is a stronghold of climate protests
Braunschweiger Zeitung: “Last Generation”: This is how TU Braunschweig reacts to the color attack
Ddorf-aktuell: Düsseldorf Airport: Climate adhesive blocking runway – flight operations disrupted
Die Presse: Last-generation activist sticks herself in the courtroom during her own trial
Evangelische Zeitung: Volker Beck: “Last Generation” should suspend protests
FDP Berlin: “Last generation” acts irresponsibly Association of Judges: Highest number of proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
FINK.HAMBURG: University of Hamburg: Last generation sprays Audimax
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation carries out another color attack on the University of Hamburg
Hamburger Morgenpost: Hamburg: “Last Generation” sprays university buildings with orange paint
Handelsblatt: Association of Judges: Most of the proceedings against climate adhesives in Berlin
Head Topics: Berlin & Brandenburg: Last generation blocks A100 motorway in Charlottenburg
Head Topics: Survey by the German Association of Judges: More than 2500 cases against Last Generation since the beginning of the year
Head Topics: Climate: Larger blockade on A100: activists stick themselves together
Head Topics: Climate: Last generation blocks A100 motorway in Charlottenburg
Head Topics: Last generation blocks A100 motorway in Charlottenburg
Head Topics: Last generation: Also stuck in court: One month in prison for Martha Krumpeck
Head Topics: Last-generation activist sticks herself in the courtroom during her own trial
Head Topics: Millions alienated and angry: This is not how the last generation will save the earth
Head Topics: News blog about “Last Generation” in Berlin: Climate activists massively block the city highway
Head Topics: Association of Judges on “Last Generation” & Co.: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Head Topics: Thousands of lawsuits against the last generation: Berlin is a stronghold of climate protests
hessenschau: Last generation – color attack on the university building in Kassel
Heute – Österreich: Klimakleber boss Martha Krumpeck has to go to prison
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: Volker Beck: Climate activists should stop protests
Jüdische Allgemeine: German-Israeli Society appeals to the “Last Generation”
Main Post: Co-founder of the Last Generation: “We will not set up a climate RAF”
Merkur: Again: Last generation sprays UNI Hamburg's Audimax
Merkur: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
msn: “Last Generation”: Most criminal proceedings for climate actions in Berlin
msn: German-Israeli Society asks “Last Generation” to stop their protests – the safety of Jews is at risk
msn: German-Israeli society calls for a stop to climate demonstrations – to protect Jews
Märkische Allgemeine: Climate activists are once again blocking the Berlin A100 city highway
n-TV: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
n-TV: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
NDR: “Last Generation” sprayed on Audimax in Hamburg
news38: Braunschweig: “Last Generation” strikes at the university – “If not now, when?”
Nordkurier: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Nordkurier: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
ProSieben: “Last Generation”: Most criminal proceedings for climate actions in Berlin
rbb24: Beck calls on “Last Generation” to refrain from protests in Berlin
rbb24: Police break up road blockades in Berlin
rbb24: Around 2.500 criminal proceedings against members of the “Last Generation” in Berlin
rnd: Highest number of proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
RP Online: More than 2500 proceedings following climate protests in Berlin
RTL News: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
RTL News: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Safety of JewsCongestion caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Stern: Activists spray paint on buildings at the University of Braunschweig
Stern: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Stern: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Stuttgart Journal: Stuttgart: Last generation wants to block motorways
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Road blockades by climate activists in several locations
Südwest Presse: Again road blockages and traffic disruptions
t-online: Paint attack in Hamburg: “Last Generation” smears university
t-online: “Last generation” climate adhesives are targeting Scholz
t-online: Students want to get rid of Richard David Precht
t-online: Volker Beck: “Shows responsibility”
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocks Berlin And Causes Motorway Closures
Tag24: “Last Generation” Strikes Again: Color Attack on University Buildings
Tag24: Last generation sits on the A100 again: blockade in Holland as a role model
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” should refrain from protests
Tagesschau: Police break up road blockades in Berlin
Tagesschau: Around 2.500 criminal proceedings against members of the “Last Generation” in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Berlin has the most criminal proceedings following climate protests
Teller Report: Last generation: more than 2500 procedures throughout Germany
The Limited Times: German-Israeli Society Asks “Last Generation” to Stop Their Protests – Safety of Jews Endangered
The Limited Times: New party introduced: This is how the “Last Generation” and Sahra Wagenknecht tick
VN Explorer: “Last generation” climate adhesives block traffic in Berlin
Vodafone live: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Vodafone live: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Vodafone live: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Volksstimme: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Volksstimme: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Volksstimme: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Welt: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Welt: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Westfalen-Blatt: Appeal: “Last Generation” should suspend protests
Westfalenpost: Volker Beck: Climate activists should stop protests
Westfälische Rundschau: Volker Beck: Climate activists should stop protests
WorldNews: In Berlin: Last generation plans “mass occupations”
Zeit Online: Activists spray paint on buildings at the University of Braunschweig
Zeit Online: Berlin has the most cases following climate protests
Zeit Online: Larger blockade on the A100: activists stick themselves together
Zeit Online: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Zeit Online: Road blockades by climate activists in several locations
3sat: We – resistant and democratic? · SHEROES
Berliner Kurier: Climate adhesives are working again! Police report several blockades in the city area
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation blocks A100 on Monday morning
Berliner Zeitung: Road blockades by climate activists in several locations Volker Beck: “Last Generation” should refrain from mass protests
Evangelische Zeitung: Volker Beck: “Last Generation” should refrain from mass protests
Evangelische Zeitung: Volker Beck: “Last Generation” should suspend protests
FragDenStaat: Communication from the AStA with the “Last Generation” about the disruptive action on October 23, 2023
HNA (auf youtube): Last generation smeared Kassel Uni with paint Berlino, ora gli attivisti di Ultima Generation si incollano all automobiles per blockcare the autostrade
La Stampa: Berlin, at the extreme of the protests of the last generation: the activists are incollated by all automobiles
msn: Last generation smeared Kassel Uni with paint
Ostsee Zeitung: Truck driver receives fine and loses driver's license: "And who punishes the activists?"
Radio FFH: Climate activists should stop protests
Radio Paradiso: Reul: “Climate glue” has to pay
RP Online: Spray climate adhesive on the world clock in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Motorway blockade is intended to give a “foretaste” of next Saturday
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists are planning mass blockades in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Volker Beck calls on “Last Generation” to stop climate protests
Welt: Traffic jams caused by road blockades: appeal to climate activists
Evangelische Zeitung: Podcast tip: “Heat – Last Generation Close-Up”
Evangelische Zeitung: Podcast tip: “Heat – Last Generation Close-Up”
Kurt Wolff Stiftung (auf youtube): LESEINSEL of independent publishers on October 22, 2023 from 15:00 p.m
Merkur: Last generation sets its sights on Berlin – next color attack on famous landmark
Mindener Tageblatt: Comment on Sunday: Oliver Vogt's stamp of terror for activists is particularly tasteless at the moment
Nordkurier: Business people criticize the government
rbb24: “The nature of the protests is not discussed”
t-online: "We're sorry"
t-online: Co-founder of “Last Generation” sentenced
Tagesschau: “The nature of the protests is not discussed” Because of the ZDF climate glue series: Sophia Thomalla's collar is bursting
Augsburger Allgemeine: Cabaret: Heinz Becker is happy about the last generation
barfuß+wild (auf youtube): How we can best support the last generation (instead of criminalizing them)
costanachrichten: Because of the ZDF climate glue series: Sophia Thomalla's collar is bursting Truck driver drags climate adhesive: fine, driving license revoked for one year
Frankfurter Rundschau: State protection in Austria: Climate activists of the “last generation” are non-extremist
Friedliche Sabotage: “I can’t just tell half the truth.”
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft: Social movements and science: “Now we’re taking to the streets too”
Luxemburger Wort: Star forester Peter Wohlleben: “I think civil disobedience is good”
Merkur: “Last Generation” with protest action in Bavaria: University sprayed with paint
Stefan Müller (climate stuff, 3 Mio views) (auf flickr): Scientist Rebellion supports the Last Generation. The banner reads: “Stop the fossil madness. Climate revolution now!”
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: No major hindrances due to actions
Stuttgarter Zeitung: No major hindrances due to actions
t-online: Activist of the “Last Generation” – “We are sorry”
t-online: Co-founder of “Last Generation” sentenced Because of the ZDF climate glue series: Sophia Thomalla's collar is bursting
Welt: Senate wants to sue Last Generation for damages
WorldNews: Last generation: Why they are failing with their protests at German universities
20.10.2023 Protest march in Berlin
B.Z.: Climate stickers mock the Interior Senator
Badische Zeitung: Next, “Last Generation” wants to tie camel tails at the Mundenhof
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation with new blockades in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: That's why it's blocked despite the Israel crisis
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks Berlin traffic: police break up all actions Climate radicals mock Berlin's Interior Senator
Chiemgau24: “Climate glue” is smearing paint on Passau University – with crazy reasons
DHN: State Security classifies “Last Generation” as non-extremist
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Are climate glue criminals or the “engine” of democracy?
Genios: The end does not legalize the means
Head Topics: Climate extremists continue their disruptive actions in Berlin
Head Topics: Climate stickers are once again taking over the police today
Head Topics: Last generation Berlin: That's why climate adhesives simply continue to block despite the Israel crisis
Head Topics: Last generation in Berlin today: New blockades are annoying drivers
Head Topics: News blog about “Last Generation” in Berlin: Climate activists block traffic in Prenzlauer Berg
Heidelberg24: After a paint attack on the university building in Heidelberg – the eyesore is painted over
hessenschau: Fridays for Future: Marburg local group dissolves
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: State protection in Austria: “Last generation” climate stickers are non-extremist
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Because of the ZDF climate glue series: Sophia Thomalla's collar is bursting
Lübecker Nachrichten: After the Last Generation paint job in Lübeck: Bockholdt company cleans the Audimax
Mein Berlin: Berlin: Road blockade by last generation climate activists, traffic brought to a standstill
Merkur: Last generation sets its sights on Berlin – next color attack on famous landmark
Merkur: “Last Generation” with protest action in Bavaria: University sprayed with paint
msn: Because of the ZDF climate glue series: Sophia Thomalla's collar is bursting
Märkische Allgemeine: Climate stickers blocked the A100 with rental cars - that's what the rental companies say
Oberhessische Presse: Would “Fridays for Future” in Marburg prefer to be like the “Last Generation”? A comment on the climate local group
rnd: Climate stickers blocked the A100 with rental cars - that's what the rental companies say
rnd: Last generation wants to “keep coloring the Brandenburg Gate orange”
rosenheim24: “Climate glue” is smearing paint on Passau University – with crazy reasons
RP Online: Spray climate adhesive on the world clock in Berlin
sh:z: Hamburg sues climate activists after paint attack on town hall – 17.278 euros in damages
Spiegel: The nest polluters
Tagesschau: “No more perspective”: Marburg local group of Fridays for Future dissolves
Tagesspiegel: Police end climate blockades in Prenzlauer Berg State protection in Austria: “Last generation” climate stickers are non-extremist
wallstreet online: Driving license revoked and fined for truck driver who pulled climate sticker off the road
연합뉴스: APTOPIX Germany Climate Protest
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Protest
24hamburg: Fines for last generation protests on Elbe bridges
B.Z.: Climate protesters cling to car on the A100
B.Z.: ZDF glorifies climate glue
Berlin Woche: Instead of blocking Berlin's streets for the climate, sprint on Berlin's streets for the climate
Berliner Morgenpost: A100 affected: Last generation blocks four times
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate: “Timely” news about cleaning
Berliner Zeitung: Announcement: Last generation wants to “keep coloring the Brandenburg Gate orange”
Berliner Zeitung: The last generation is blocking Berlin's streets again: the A100 city highway is partially closed Radicals want to deface the Brandenburg Gate again and again! ZDF glorifies climate criminals
BuzzFeed: 13 objects that the last generations have not stopped at “The Last Generation” demands an end to fossil fuels in 2030 “The Last Generation” will stop fossil fuels in 2030
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Paint on the Sachsen-Energie building: accusation against climate adhesive
DWDL: Climate adhesive series on ZDFneo: Something is piling up
Evangelische Zeitung: Luisa Neubauer about the Pope, the “Last Generation” and her studies
Evangelische Zeitung: Luisa Neubauer about the Pope, the “Last Generation” and her studies
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Maybe the climate adhesives would have danced better Fines for last generation protests on Elbe bridges
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: Two climate blockers from the Elbe bridges convicted in Hamburg
Hamburger Abendblatt: Protest on Elbe Bridges: Activists sentenced to fines
Hamburger Morgenpost: Adhesive protest on the Elbe bridges will be expensive: activists condemned
Heidelberg24: After a paint attack on the university building in Heidelberg – the eyesore is painted over
mdr: Trial begins against member of the “Last Generation” in Dresden “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
Märkische Allgemeine: Stephan Boden has no understanding for the color attack on the world clock in Berlin
n-TV: Penalty order against truck driver after violent freak-out
nd: Eurowings is suing Last Generation
NDR: Fines for “last generation” climate activists
News Explorer: After BER blockade: Eurowings is suing six last-generation climate adhesives for 120.000 euros
news38: “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
Nordkurier: Climate radicals threaten to regularly attack the Brandenburg Gate
Ostsee Zeitung: Stralsund Regional Court: Climate activist does not have to pay costs for deployment
rbb24: “Last Generation” sprayed on world clock
rbb24: Builder of the world clock condemns the action of the “last generation”
RP Online: Senator for the Interior calls on climate activists to abandon the blockade
RTL News: Fines for last generation protests on Elbe bridges
SAT1: Fines for last generation protests on Elbe bridges
Stern: Fines for last generation protests on Elbe bridges
Stuttgarter Zeitung: From the courtroom to the street
Sä “Last Generation” climate gluer in court in Dresden
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Color attack on the university in Passau
t-online: Activists stick themselves to trucks and block the highway - traffic chaos
t-online: Activists want to “keep coloring” the Brandenburg Gate
t-online: Highway blocked: activists stick themselves to vehicles
t-online: Co-founder of “Last Generation” sentenced
t-online: After the color on the world clock: inventor suspects high costs
Tag24: Climate gluer in court in Dresden: Solidarity demonstration causes traffic jams
Tag24: Last generation boasts of smear campaign: “Turn the Brandenburg Gate orange again and again”
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” wants to pay for cleaning and is threatening new actions
The Indian Express: A climate researcher loses his job because he refused to take a flight. Does it make a difference?
Thüringen24: “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
watson: Sophia Thomalla deals against ZDF and climate activists - something she overlooks
WAZ: Attack on climate adhesive: The public prosecutor's office is investigating
Westdeutsche Zeitung: The last generation is calling for a protest march in Wuppertal today
WorldNews: After BER blockade: Eurowings is suing six last-generation climate adhesives for 120.000 euros
Zeit Online: Fines for last generation protests on Elbe bridges
AD HOC NEWS: Members of the protest group “Last Generation” daubed the world clock on Alexanderplatz in Berlin with orange paint on Tuesday. “Last Generation” smears famous world time clock with paint
B.Z.: This is what the climate adhesive damage costs us
B.Z.: The attitude of the climate chaotic people is appalling
B.Z.: Climate glue, the police have more important things to do!
B.Z.: Cleaning work started on the world clock
B.Z.: Climate-glue blockages again
Berliner Kurier: Climate glue soils the world clock at Alexanderplatz
Berliner Kurier: Shocking numbers: THIS is what the climate glue attacks are costing Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: The Last Generation is a case for the psychiatrist
Berliner Morgenpost: Color protest on the world clock: “This achieves the opposite”
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protest: World Clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Berliner Morgenpost: Wayne Carpendale talks about the anger over climate glue
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation blocked A100, world clock sprayed with paint
Berliner Zeitung: Passers-by are annoyed by the world clock campaign: What do monuments have to do with it?
Berliner Zeitung: Governing Mayor Kai Wegner about the last generation: “The measure is full”
Bietigheimer Zeitung: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz Climate criminals humiliate Berlin police This is how high the damage caused by climate criminals in Berlin is
br24: Last generation climate activists spray paint World Clock
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Climate glue: City of Braunschweig defuses general decree
BuzzFeed: Last generation sprays paint on world clock
Bürgerblick: Warning paint was sprayed with a fire extinguisher at Passau University
Express: “Last Generation” paints the next Berlin landmark orange
Eßlinger Zeitung: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz “Last Generation” smears paint on the world clock in Berlin
Frankenpost: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Frankfurter Allgemeine: So far 19 Last Generation campaigns in Saxony-Anhalt
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation sprayed world clock on Alexanderplatz
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last generation sets its sights on Berlin – next color attack on famous landmark
Freie Presse: Trial against “Last Generation”: Dresden Mayor Hilbert is to testify as a defense witness
Genios: Climate glue soils the world clock on Alex
gmx: Last generation sprays paint on world clock
Hamburger Abendblatt: Color protest on the world clock: “This achieves the opposite”
Handelsblatt: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation sets its sights on Berlin – next color attack on famous landmark
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Time is running out” – Last generation sprays paint on world clock
Kölnische Rundschau: “Time is running out” – Last generation sprays paint on world clock
Lübecker Nachrichten: Audimax of the University of Lübeck sprayed: This is what is being discussed on Facebook and Instagram
mdr: “Last Generation” is to contribute to the operational costs for 19 actions
Merkur: Last generation sets its sights on Berlin – next color attack on famous landmark
Merkur: Actress Franziska Walser: “A speed limit would be easy to set”
Merkur: World time clock from the last generation colored orange
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: World time clock from the last generation colored orange
msn: After BER blockade: Eurowings is suing six last-generation climate adhesives for 120.000 euros
msn: Change of strategy among activists? Last generation with a surprising conclusion
msn: Angry online post – After the color attack by the climate glue, the Berlin senator is now bursting with anger
msn: Anger at climate activists – “Last Generation” messes up next Berlin landmark
Märkische Allgemeine: Climate activists block the A100 at the Rudolf Wissell Bridge - the motorway towards Wedding is closed
Märkische Onlinezeitung: World clock sprayed with paint on Alexanderplatz in Berlin
n-TV: Climate activists spray paint on Berlin's World Clock
n-TV: World time clock from the last generation colored orange
Nordbayerischer Kurier: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
oe24: Because of climate stickers: Passer-by goes completely crazy and runs away
rnd: Last generation sprayed world clock on Alexanderplatz
rnd: Last generation sprayed the world clock on Berlin's Alexanderplatz with orange paint
rnd: Last generation announces “mass occupation” in Berlin
RP Online: Spray climate adhesive on the world clock in Berlin
RP Online: Last generation sprayed world clock in Berlin
RTL News: Climate adhesives turn landmarks orange!
RTL News: Next color attack: climate glue turns the world clock in Berlin orange - right in front of the police?
Ruhr Nachrichten: First Brandenburg Gate now world clock Last generation sprays paint on landmarks
Schwarzwälder Bote: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Spiegel: Last generation sprayed world clock
Stern: Climate protest of the last generation: World clock in Berlin sprayed with paint
Stern: Verdict: Climate activist does not have to pay operational costs
Stern: World clock on Alexanderplatz from Last Generation colored orange
Stern: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Stuttgarter Zeitung: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Sä Last generation sprays Berlin world clock with paint
Süddeutsche Zeitung: So far 19 Last Generation campaigns in Saxony-Anhalt
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: World Clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Süddeutsche Zeitung: World time clock from the last generation colored orange
Südwest Presse: Last generation sprayed world clock
t-online: Color attack on the world clock: Franziska Giffey reacts in horror
t-online: Climate activists color famous world clock
Tag24: 19 protest actions in Saxony-Anhalt: Police now want last generation to share in replacement costs!
Tag24: Last generation smeared Berlin world clock: “We are running out of time”
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” smeared orange paint on the world clock
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” can imagine a protest break in Berlin
Thüringer Allgemeine: Wayne Carpendale talks about the anger over climate glue Climate protest: World Clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
WAZ: Climate protest: World Clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
WAZ: Wayne Carpendale on climate adhesive: “We’re missing the point” – Interview
Welt: Climate activists spray paint on university buildings in Berlin
Welt: Criticism of the paint attack on the Lübeck University of Technology
Welt: World time clock from the last generation colored orange
Welt: “This is enormous damage”
Zeit Online: So far 19 Last Generation campaigns in Saxony-Anhalt
Zeit Online: Last generation sprayed world clock in Berlin
Zeit Online: Verdict: Climate activist does not have to pay operational costs
Zeit Online: Wegner and Spranger criticize activists: Measure is overflowing
Zeit Online: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Zeit Online: World time clock from the last generation colored orange
B.Z.: Climate adhesive on Otto-Suhr-Allee
Badische Zeitung: Freiburg's color attack of the last generation is more than questionable
Badische Zeitung: Last generation sprays large areas of Freiburg University Library with paint
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate protest: World Clock sprayed with paint
Berliner Zeitung: Jörn Hentschel about the last generation and aggressive drivers: “Shame on you!”
Bernau Live: Last generation daubs Berlin landmarks with paint
Der Westen: “Tatort” star Jan Josef Liefers criticized: “Embarrassing post”
Focus: Wanted to save CO2 German climate researcher is fired because he doesn't want to fly
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Environmental protection does not override democracy
Frankfurter Rundschau: Proceedings surrounding road blockade by climate activists discontinued
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last Generation” activists spray paint university in the north
hessenschau: “Last Generation” – Road blockade trial in Frankfurt discontinued
Hitradio Ohr: Last generation smeared Freiburg university library
HL-live: Audimax smeared: activists publish statement
Infocomma Wirtschaft: Berlin landmarks in danger: “Last Generation” damages World Clock and other places with orange paint
Kreiszeitung: Currywurst for 34 euros at Nelson Müller on Norderney – “A place for people with too much money!”
Lübecker Nachrichten: Last generation smeared Audimax at the University of Lübeck: This is how the climate protest went on campus
Merkur: State protection in Austria: “Last generation” climate stickers are non-extremist
monopol Magazin: Last generation sprays paint on the world clock on Alexanderplatz
msn: Berlin: Last generation sprays paint on the world clock on Alexanderplatz
msn: Color protest on the world clock: “This achieves the opposite”
msn: Paint smearers from the “Last Generation” have been temporarily arrested after a “paint attack” on the university building in Heidelberg
msn: Climate protest: World Clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
msn: Last generation sprayed University of Heidelberg
n-TV: Last generation sprayed world clock in Berlin
Neue Westfälische: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
NEWS break24: Climate protest: World Clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
news38: Braunschweig: City bows in favor of climate adhesive – the “last generation” is now allowed to do THAT
Nordsee Zeitung: Are you allowed to talk to them? Klimakleber sought contact with young police officers
Nordwest-Zeitung: Last generation smeared the University of Bremen
NRWision: Hey, hey, do you still know? – “Climate Glue”: Last generation
oe24: This is where climate adhesives want to strike next
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Accelerated proceedings against climate activists (update)
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Climate activists spray paint on university buildings in Berlin
Stern: Climate activists spray paint on university buildings in Berlin
Stern: Proceedings surrounding road blockade by climate activists discontinued
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists deface Heidelberg university buildings
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists sprayed Freiburg University Library – extent of damage unclear
SWR Aktuell: Opinion on: Last generation sprays university library
SWR Aktuell: Opinion: Questionable message in color protests at universities
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Own goal or direct hit
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists spray paint on university buildings in Berlin
t-online: Convicted climate glue sprays university – and experiences consequences
Tag24: Last Generation Targets Universities: “Indictment of the Leadership Team”
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” smeared orange paint on the world clock
Tagesspiegel: Activists stick themselves on the A100 city highway, police divert traffic
Tagesspiegel: Series on climate activists: Guys, do you want to stick forever?
Technische Universität Berlin: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the TU main building
Welt: Verdict: Climate activist does not have to pay operational costs
Welt: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the world clock on Alexanderplatz
Welt: “Last Generation” sprays the world clock on Alexanderplatz with orange paint
Weser Kurier: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the glass house at the University of Bremen
WirtschaftsWoche: World clock sprayed on Berlin's Alexanderplatz
Zeit Online: Climate activists spray paint on university buildings in Berlin
Zeit Online: Proceedings surrounding road blockade by climate activists discontinued
Alto Press – Bildagentur (auf youtube): Last generation paralyzes Ludwigstrasse at Siegestor in Munich
Augsburger Allgemeine: Climate activists spray paint on university buildings in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation sprays paint at the Technical University
Berliner Zeitung: “We have a plan!” What does the Last Generation really plan to do?
Evangelische Kirche: The “Last Generation” – actions and reactions
GIGA: Transport turnaround thanks to climate adhesive? This is what Germans really think about the last generation
Humanistische Union Marburg: pm 5/23: No criminalization of peaceful climate protests! Climate: The green vehicle for the AI offensive
Lübecker Nachrichten: In the video: Here last generation activists spray the Audimax
Pledge Times: State Security classifies “Last Generation” as non-extremist
Radio FFH: Color attack at Heidelberg University – TWO CLIMATE PROTESTERS ARREST
t-online: “Last Generation”: Paint attack on Berlin University
taz: Apocalypse – not now
B.Z.: Climate sticker removed from the street
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: “The hut is burning”: Last generation outlines gloomy scenarios at meetings in Karlsruhe
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin-Mitte: Last generation blocked at Rosenthaler Platz
oe24: Klimakleber doesn't want to fly with a jet: Fired
SR 2: Vigil of the “Last Generation”
t-online: “Last Generation” takes up protest again
Tag24: Last generation occupies Rosenthaler Platz and denounces the transport minister Justice Minister takes a clear stance against climate glue: “Repeat offenders are of course threatened with imprisonment”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation founder Henning Jeschke: “You don’t have to take the pitchfork”
Aachener Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Abendzeitung München: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Allgemeine Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
antenne bayern: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Antenne Düsseldorf: To Protect Jews: Last Generation Suspends Protests
antenne nrw: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Antenne Unna: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
B.Z.: No climate glue campaigns today!
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Badische Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Berliner Morgenpost: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
Braunschweiger Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
börsenNEWS: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
Die Oberbadische: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Die Rheinpfalz: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Dorstener Zeitung: To protect Jews Last Generation suspends protests
Echo: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Eßlinger Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Freie Presse: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
General Anzeiger: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Göttinger Tageblatt: Trial against 21-year-old activist of the last generation in Göttingen begins again
Halterner Zeitung: To protect Jews Last Generation suspends protests
Handelsblatt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Head Topics: Activism: To Protect Jews: Last Generation Suspends Protests
Head Topics: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
Head Topics: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Heilbronner Stimme: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Kreiszeitung: The last generation smeared the lecture hall building at the University of Oldenburg
Kronen Zeitung: “Climate stickers almost have to radicalize!”
Legal Tribune online: Countries want tougher penalties against “climate glue”
Main-Echo: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Marler Zeitung: To protect Jews Last Generation suspends protests
mittelhessen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
msn: Activism: To Protect Jews: Last Generation Suspends Protests
msn: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Münstersche Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Neue Presse: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: “Last Generation”: Three activists daubed buildings at the Ruhr University
nordbayern: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Nordkurier: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Nordsee Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
onvista: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
Ostfriesen Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Ostthüringer Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Pforzheimer Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
ProSieben: Because of Hamas' call for terror: Last generation makes surprising announcement
Radio Berg: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Chemnitz: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio EINS: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Erft: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Euroherz: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Euskirchen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio FFH: Last Generation Suspends Protests
radio Gütersloh: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio Herford: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Köln: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Lausitz: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Leipzig: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Leverkusen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Rur: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio vest: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio WAF: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio Westfalica: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio WMW: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Wuppertal: To Protect Jews: Last Generation Suspends Protests
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
rnd: Last generation suspends protests to protect Jews
Schweriner Volkszeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Schwäbische: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
sh:z: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Spiegel: BKA increases protection of Jewish institutions, Turkish community calls for renunciation of violence
Stern: Climate researcher doesn't want to travel back to Germany by plane - and is fired
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
t-online: Ottifanten on the “Brandenburg Gate”
taz: Less money for fossil energy
Thüringer Allgemeine: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Thüringische Landeszeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Vodafone live: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
wallstreet online: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
watson: Because of Hamas' call for terror: Last generation makes surprising announcement
WAZ: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
WAZ: “Last Generation”: Three activists daubed buildings at the Ruhr University
Welt25: Aftermath: Lufthansa subsidiary Eurowings demands money from climate stickers
Weser Kurier: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Westdeutsche Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Westfalenpost: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Wiesbadener Kurier: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
WirtschaftsWoche: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
yahoo finanzen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
yahoo!nachrichten: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Allgäuer Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Antenne Münster: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Antenne Niederrhein: To Protect Jews: Last Generation Suspends Protests
B.Z.: Brandenburg Gate still orange after Christmas?
B.Z.: Climate blockade in Spandau dissolved
Berliner Morgenpost: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Climate activists block Berlin streets and the A100
Bietigheimer Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
bigFM: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Braunschweiger Klima-Kleber in court for coercion
Braunschweiger Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
comdirect: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
Der Patriot: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Der Westen: War in Israel: Hamas calls for attacks on Jews worldwide – last generation irritated with announcement
euronews: German climate protesters asked to pay €120,000 in damages to Eurowings after airport blockades State security: Last generation is “not extremist” To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
Frankenpost: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Frankfurter Allgemeine: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
General Anzeiger: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Guardian: Human rights experts warn against European crackdown on climate protesters
Haller Kreisblatt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Hamburger Abendblatt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Handelsblatt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
idowa: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
in Südthüringen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Jüdische Allgemeine: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Don’t want to tie up police forces” – Last generation suspends protests
Kölnische Rundschau: “Don’t want to tie up police forces” – Last generation suspends protests
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Main Post: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Mannheimer Morgen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests “Last Generation” is “not extremist”
Mindener Tageblatt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Activists block ministry and dump paint on A100
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
msn: “Last Generation”: Three activists smear buildings at the Ruhr University
n-TV: Climate activists block streets in Berlin
n-TV: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
NDR: Climate activist sprays paint at the University of Oldenburg
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: “Last Generation”: Three activists smear buildings at the Ruhr University
Neue Westfälische: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Nordbayerischer Kurier: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Nordwest-Zeitung: What do last generation allow?
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Unlike Nuremberg: Fürth does not ban climate protests
Radio 901: To Protect Jews: Last Generation Suspends Protests
Radio Dresden: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Erzgebirge: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio Gütersloh: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio Lippe: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Neandertal: To Protect Jews: Last Generation Suspends Protests
Radio RSG: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Siegen: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
radio Westfalica: Berlin | To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Radio Zwickau: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Recklinghauser Zeitung: To protect Jews Last Generation suspends protests
Rhein-Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
RPR1.: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
RTL News: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests on Friday
Ruhr Nachrichten: To protect Jews Last Generation suspends protests
Saarbrücker Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Schwarzwälder Bote: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
SOL.DE: Last generation announces protest march in Saarbrücken
Spiegel: Climate activists place concrete blocks in front of the ministry and dump paint on the highway
Stern: Activists block ministry and dump paint on A100
Stern: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Stuttgarter Zeitung: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists block ministry and dump paint on A100
t-online: Activists pour paint on the highway – traffic chaos
Tag24: Fear of Violent Jew Hatred After Hamas Terror: “Last Generation” Suspends Protests!
Tagesschau: Climate activists block Berlin's motorway network
taz: IfW Kiel dismisses behavioral economist –: Fly or you fly
Volksstimme: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
WAZ: “Last Generation” sprays Ruhr University: That’s what an activist says
WAZ: “Last Generation”: Three activists smear buildings at the Ruhr University
Welt: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
Westfalenpost: “Last Generation”: Three activists smear buildings at the Ruhr University
yahoo!finance: Fear of Violent Jew Hatred After Hamas Terror: “Last Generation” Suspends Protests!
Zeit Online: Activists block ministry and dump paint on A100
Zeit Online: To protect Jews: Last Generation suspends protests
B.Z.: Academic came to Berlin from Vienna to do climate bonding
B.Z.: Climate radicals want to occupy Street of June 17th
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activists block streets in Berlin
Berliner Kurier: Why the case against the driver of the concrete mixer was dropped
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation blocks the A100 city motorway
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: stubborn, blind and lacking in empathy
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation paints the Netherlands flag on the A100 - blockades paralyze motorways
Berliner Zeitung: Cyclist in Berlin dies in accident with concrete mixer: No charges against driver Last generation in Austria for state protectors “not extremist”
Dorstener Zeitung: Protest action in Bottrop Who pulled the climate gluer off the street by her hair?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Death of cyclist – no charges against truck driver
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Fatal accident with concrete mixer: No charges
hr: Re: Climate activists' uprising Climate group “Last Generation” “not extremist” according to DSN
Karlsruhe Insider: The first climate adhesives have to go to prison – “fines are of no use”
mdr: University in Halle smeared with paint – police are investigating
msn: DSN classifies Last Generation as “definitely not extremist.”
msn: German climate protesters asked to pay €120,000 in damages to Eurowings after airport blockades
Märkische Allgemeine: Climate demos in Berlin on Thursday morning: paint on the highway, concrete blocks in the city
NỘI THẤT XINH: What is the Last Generation?
ProSieben: Change of strategy among activists? Last generation with a surprising conclusion
Radio Euroherz: But no demo in Marktredwitz: climate adhesives are not coming
Radio SAW: Color attack by climate activists on Halle University
rbb24: No charges against truck driver after cyclist's death
rbb24: Climate activists block Berlin's motorway network
Rechtsanwälte Kempgens: Public prosecutor wants to indict Last Generation:
rnd: Climate activists block streets in Berlin and place concrete blocks in front of the Finance Ministry
RTL News: Fatal accident with concrete mixer: No charges
Rzeczpospolita: Lufthansa wystawiła ekologom słony rachunek. Mają zapłacić 120 tys. Euro
Stuttgart Journal: Climate adhesive sentenced to four months in prison
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Glued to the road: Hardly any operational costs are charged
Südwest Presse: Why there is suddenly a Netherlands flag on the A100
t-online: “Last Generation” is planning more mass blockades
t-online: Activists pour paint on the highway – traffic chaos
t-online: Fatal accident: No charges against concrete mixer driver
Tag24: No joke: The last generation is now causing chaos even in small formats
Tag24: Climate stickers are blocking the A100 again: That's why there's a Dutch flag on the motorway
Tag24: Last generation has Corona and moves into the circus tent: a breather for Berlin?
Tagesschau: No charges against truck driver after cyclist's death
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists want to suspend protests on Friday
Tagesspiegel: Climate blockade on Berlin's city highway dissolved - cleaning continues Last generation” for DSN “not extremist”
VN Explorer: DSN classifies Klima-Kleber as “not extremist”.
VN Explorer: German climate protesters asked to pay €120,000 in damages to Eurowings after airport blockades
VN Explorer: Last generation paints the Netherlands flag on the A100 - traffic is disrupted on all Berlin motorways
VN Explorer: Last generation: Dutch flag on A100 – activists paralyze traffic
VN Explorer: Last generation: strategy change? Activist with a surprising conclusion
VN Explorer: Austria's “Last Generation” no cause for concern for DSN Austria's “Last Generation” no cause for concern for DSN
watson: Last generation: strategy change? Activist with a surprising conclusion
Berliner Morgenpost: Pain grips: climate adhesives file a complaint Strategy reversal among climate criminals!
Marler Zeitung: Protest action in Bottrop Who pulled the climate gluer off the street by her hair?
mdr: The university in the city of Halle was daubed with paint
Merkur: Spat on and pelted with egg: passer-by attacks climate glue during protests
NationalTurk: “Last Generation” is planning more mass blockades
RTL News: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Simple Flying: Eurowings Wants Climate Activists To Pay €120,000 For Berlin Airport Disruption
t-online: Another color attack: “Last Generation” smeared the University of Halle
Telepolis: Climate movement: Will there be an accusation against the “last generation”?
VN Explorer: “Last Generation” is planning more mass blockades
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate activists announce days of protest
@handelsblattvideo (auf youtube): Controversy: Can you stick yourself on the street for the climate?
Alternative Presse: Punishment for road blockades: Climate activist Moritz Riedacher has to be imprisoned for four months
B.Z.: Climate stickers paralyzed traffic at Kottbusser Tor
B.Z.: Strategy turnaround for climate adhesives!
Bergsträßer Anzeiger: A thousand hay bales are burning in a field in the Main-Kinzig district
Berliner Abendblatt: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Berliner Morgenpost: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation sticks to Kottbusser Tor
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists will likely continue daily protest campaigns in major cities through mid-October /update 3
Dr. Mark Benecke: The 'Last Generation' In Prison (Part 6): Caroline
Du bist Halle: Last generation: Color attack on the lecture hall building at Uniplatz – statements from the university, politicians and the police Justice continues to take action: Klima-Kleber has to be imprisoned for months
Focus: He collected donations for his fines. Full-time climate gluer Moritz Riedacher was sentenced to four months in prison
Focus: Full-time climate gluer Moritz Riedacher sentenced to four months in prison
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
General Henry Martin (auf youtube): The Last Generation introduced an important idea
Halle Spektrum: Last generation: Damage to the facade panes of the Auditorium Maximum at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Handelsblatt: Controversy with the “Last Generation”: How far can protests go?
Happening Next: Lecture – Last Generation – Halle (Saale)
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: The Albertus Magnus monument at the University of Cologne has already been cleaned
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Police are investigating “Last Generation” – new action on Tuesday
Leipziger Zeitung: Tuesday, October 10, 2023: FFF sues the city and “Last Generation” sprays Halle University
Leipziger Zeitung: Monday, October 9th, 2023: Festival of Light, “Last Generation” sprays university and Leipzig theater group is stuck in Israel
lokalo: Rhineland-Palatinate: Operations because of climate adhesives - activists rarely had to pay
mdr: “Last generation” – Eurowings demands compensation
mdr: University in Halle smeared with paint – police are investigating
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: “Last Generation” strikes in Halle: Color attack on Audimax – arrests
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: After Leipzig, now also in Halle: activists carry out a color attack on the Audimax at Uniplatz Last generation: climate activist sentenced to four months in prison
RTL News: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
RTL News: Last generation blocks again in several locations
Ruhr Nachrichten: Protest action in Bottrop Who pulled the climate gluer off the street by her hair?
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Stern: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Small group, maximum impact
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Small group, maximum impact
t-online: Activist too heavy – police officer despairs of climate glue
t-online: Another color attack: “Last Generation” smeared the University of Halle
t-online: Criminal organization: “Last Generation” awaits charges
Tag24: “Last Generation” Sticks to the Kotti: Further Blockages Prevented
Tag24: Color attack in Halle! Last Generation Sprays University – Police Catch Two People
Tag24: Last Generation Wants to Avoid Aggressive Drivers – But: “No Disturbance, No Conflict!”
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists block the street at Kottbusser Tor in Berlin-Kreuzberg
Tagesspiegel: Possible charges of forming a criminal organization
UP IN THE SKY: Eurowings wants money from climate activists
VN Explorer: Last generation: New strategy for Berlin – this is how they now want to block it
Vodafone live: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Volksstimme: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Volksstimme: With video: “Last Generation” strikes in Halle: Color attack on Audimax – arrests
Waltroper Zeitung: Protest action in Bottrop Who pulled the climate gluer off the street by her hair?
Zeit Online: Activists: Complaint about police “pain attacks”.
Zeit Online: Color attack by climate activists on Halle University
Alternative Presse: Neuruppin public prosecutor's office plans to charge “The Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Berliner Abendblatt: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation blocks again in several locations
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: Here the climate stickers are blocking Berlin's streets NOW!
Berliner Kurier: Oh dear, the climate protests are reaching the red carpet!
Berliner Morgenpost: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation blocks streets on Monday morning – BVG affected
Berliner Zeitung: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks again in several locations
Berliner Zeitung: Neuruppin public prosecutor wants to indict Last Generation Advertising consultant sees climate protests as staging of saints – “Certainly not a coincidence”
Evangelische Zeitung: Advertising consultant: Climate stickers present themselves like saints
Express: “We are fucked!” “Last generation” daubs Cologne monument – state security investigates
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Where does the criminal organization begin?
GFORUM: Germany's most brazen climate gluer - Bettel-Moritz has to go to prison for four months
Head Topics: Berlin & Brandenburg: Complete investigations against Last Generation
Head Topics: Berlin & Brandenburg: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Head Topics: Berlin & Brandenburg: Last generation blocks again in several places
Head Topics: Berlin: Last generation blocks again in several places
Head Topics: Berlin: Last generation blocks streets on Monday morning - local public transport affected
Head Topics: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Head Topics: Last generation blocks again in several locations
Head Topics: Last generation again with several blockades in Berlin
Head Topics: New details: Last generation as a criminal group?
Leipziger Volkszeitung: University of Leipzig condemns the color attack of the “Last Generation” and reports those responsible
Leipziger Zeitung (auf youtube): Last generation sprayed entrance to Leipzig University
Marketscreener (UK): Eurowings seeks damage from Last Generation after BER blockade
mdr: “Last Generation”: Leipzig University building sprayed with paint
Medienportal Grimma: Last generation: Color attack on Augusteum at Leipzig University
Merkur: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Merkur: Last generation blocks again in several locations
msn: Eurowings asks “Last Generation” to pay
Märkische Allgemeine: Berlin-Kreuzberg: “Last Generation” also blocks traffic on Tuesday
Märkische Allgemeine: Aren't the climate stickers right?
Märkische Allgemeine: Neuruppin public prosecutor's office before a decision: Are climate adhesives a criminal organization?
n-TV: Complete investigation against Last Generation
n-TV: Last generation blocks again in several locations
Neues Ruhrwort: Advertising consultant: Climate stickers present themselves like saints
New Age : Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
News Wall: New details: Last generation as a criminal group?
Nordkurier: Complete investigation against Last Generation
rbb24: “Last Generation” also blocked streets in Berlin on Monday
rnd: Last generation: Neuruppin public prosecutor's office wants to bring charges for criminal association
Stern: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Stern: Climate activists smear buildings at the University of Leipzig
Stern: Last generation blocks again in several locations
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Prison sentence for speakers of the last generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Are police officers allowed to take part in the Last Generation?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks again in several locations
t-online: Eurowings asks for climate adhesive to pay – a large sum is required
t-online: Last generation defaces Albertus Magnus monument at the University of Cologne
Tag24: Criminal organization? Brandenburg wants to accuse the “last generation”.
Tag24: Last generation: climate adhesives block again and cause major traffic jams
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” also blocked streets in Berlin on Monday
Tagesspiegel: Activists block major streets in Berlin
taz blogs: § 129 StGB - so far it hasn't just been snooping
Vikendi: Justice continues its crackdown: Klima-Kléber faces months in prison
Welt: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Welt: Last generation blocks again in several locations
WirtschaftsWoche: “The last generation created a brand in a very short space of time – medium-sized businesses can only dream of that.”
Zeit Online: Complete investigation against Last Generation
Zeit Online: Last generation blocks again in several locations
AD HOC NEWS: The Lufthansa subsidiary “Eurowings” is demanding high compensation payments from the “Last Generation” climate activists because of their blockade actions at German airports.
B.Z.: Climate glue is not a crime - the report saw scope
B.Z.: Lufthansa is demanding 120.000 euros in compensation from climate criminals
Berlin Story News: Eurowings is demanding 120.000 euros in damages from climate activists
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Berliner Kurier: Do climate adhesives have to fork out 120.000 euros after the BER blockade?
Berliner Morgenpost: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation after BER blockade
Berliner Morgenpost: New details: Last generation as a criminal group?
Berliner Zeitung: According to the report, the last generation was not “clearly” a criminal group – or was it?
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Eurowings wants compensation from climate activists Climate radicals are not criminals – there was room for maneuver Bishop Gohl: “Last Generation” distracts from climate goals
Evangelische Zeitung: Bishop Gohl: “Last Generation” distracts from climate goals
Evangelische Zeitung: Bishop Gohl: “Last Generation” distracts from climate goals
Express: After the airport blockade, climate adhesives should be removed
Finanznachrichten: After blocking BER – Eurowings demands 120.000 in damages from Klima-Klebern
Focus: After blocking BER – Eurowings demands 120.000 euros in damages from Klima-Klebern
Focus: Expensive aftermathAfter action at BER: Airline demands 120.000 euros from climate stickers
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation
Friedliche Lösungen: No, to higher penalties for climate adhesives
gmx: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation after BER blockade
Head Topics: Justice: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
hessenschau: Because of blockade – airline wants compensation from activists
MarketScreener: Eurowings seeks damage from Last Generation after BER blockade
mdr: Eurowings is demanding compensation from “Last Generation”.
Merkur: Spat on and pelted with egg: passer-by attacks climate glue during protests
Merkur: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
MMnews: Eurowings is demanding 120.000 euros in damages from Klima-Klebern
n-TV: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Naanoo: Eurowings is demanding 120.000 euros in damages from climate activists
nd: BER Airport: Far from climate protection
Nordkurier: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
OVERTON: India: flood and destruction – the last generation is right
Presse Augsburg: Eurowings is demanding 120.000 euros in damages from climate activists
ProSieben: This federal state does not penalize climate adhesives
rnd: Eurowings demands compensation from Last Generation after BER blockade
rnd: Is the Last Generation a criminal organization? The Berlin report saw scope
RTL News: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation after BER blockade
Stern: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation
Stern: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Are police officers allowed to take part in the Last Generation?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
t-online: Eurowings asks “Last Generation” to pay
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Eurowings Wants Compensation From Climate Adhesives
Tagesspiegel: Eurowings wants compensation from “Last Generation” after BER blockade
Tagesspiegel: The report saw scope for classifying “Last Generation” as a criminal group
The Scottish Sun (auf youtube): Eco protester struggles as German police use controversial 'Pain Grip'
Vodafone live: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Volksstimme: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
wallstreet online: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation after BER blockade
WAZ: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation after BER blockade
Welt: Last generation as a criminal group? Appraise
Zeit Online: Eurowings wants damages from Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: About the meaning of sticking
B.Z.: Potsdamer Platz is now sticking to this climate glue
Bergsträßer Anzeiger: Small climate adhesives polarize
Berliner Kurier: Demo alarm: Berlin will be blocked HERE this weekend!
Genios: “Terrorist groups can split off from the last generation”
Head Topics: Police react unexpectedly to allegations of violence from the last generation
MOMENT Magazin (auf youtube): “Climate glue”: This is what it’s like to be approached for climate protection
msn: This federal state does not penalize climate adhesives Eurowings is demanding 120.000 euros in damages from climate activists
RTL News: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
sh:z: Climate glue cuddle course must come to an end
watson: Last generation with harsh accusations against Berlin police – they irritate with a statement
Welt: No more sacrifice! No more atonement!
airportzentrale: Climate glue: ADV calls for greater deterrence against intruders in the security area of airports Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Augsburger Allgemeine: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
az-online: Half a year in prison for airport disruption: Wissing threatens climate activists with draconian penalties
B.Z.: Farmers help with hackneyed climate protest!
B.Z.: Climate Shakira is now also blocking in Berlin
B.Z.: Senator: The perpetrators bear the costs of the attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Badische Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Abendblatt: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Berliner Morgenpost: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation blocks Potsdamer Platz on Friday morning
Berliner Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Zeitung: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation Bauer is looking for climate radicals Climate Shakira is blocking again!
boyens-medien: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
buten un binnen: Bills for climate activists off the table in Bremen too?
Der Nordschleswiger: Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
Der Westen: Last generation in NRW: Church discusses climate stickers - THEY secretly ensure security
Der Westen: Last generation: “The measure is full” – here climate stickers face harsh prison sentences
Evangelische Zeitung: Meteorologist Terli: “Climate change” is the wrong term
Express: No nonsense German cops use power saw to remove eco-zealots from busy road
Eßlinger Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate The country does not want to charge climate stickers for police operations
Frankenpost: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Frankfurter Allgemeine: LAST GENERATION: Chess in a state of emergency
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Chess in a state of emergency
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to climate activists
General Anzeiger: Climate glue cuddle course must come to an end
Hamburger Abendblatt: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Hannover Entdecken: The country does not want to charge climate stickers for police operations
Head Topics: The last generation blocked the Brandenburg Gate with hay bales on Thursday
Head Topics: Last generation with a new form of protest – and surprising supporters
Head Topics: After the attack on the Brandenburg Gate: the last generation has to bear the costs
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
idowa: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
in Südthüringen: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Merkur: Spat on and pelted with egg: passer-by attacks climate glue during protests
Merkur: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Merkur: Half a year in prison for airport disruption: Wissing threatens climate activists with draconian penalties
Merkur: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Mittelbayerische: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
msn: Climate glue and Greta as model building figures: bizarre miniatures on the market
Märkische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” blocks traffic at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin
n-TV: Last generation should pay for cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate
NDR: “Last Generation”: Climate activists convicted after blockades
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Climate glue cuddle course must come to an end
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Lower Saxony rejects the removal fee for climate adhesives
Neue Presse: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Neue Westfälische: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Niedersachsen Aktuell: The country does not want to charge climate stickers for police operations
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Climate glue cuddle course must come to an end
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Lower Saxony rejects the removal fee for climate adhesives
Nordkurier: Blockade by activists with hay bales in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Nordkurier: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Nordkurier: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
oe24: Climate Shakira sticks again
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Climate glue cuddle course must come to an end
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Lower Saxony rejects the removal fee for climate adhesives
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Climate glue cuddle course must come to an end
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Lower Saxony rejects the removal fee for climate adhesives
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Passauer Neue Presse: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
ProSieben: No fine: This federal state does not punish climate adhesives
ProSieben: Climate glue and Greta as model building figures: bizarre miniatures on the market
radio 912: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Radio FFH: Wissing demands at least six months in prison
rbb24: Finance Senator: Activists should pay for the cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Half a year in prison for airport disruption: Wissing threatens climate activists with draconian penalties
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Now there is the “last generation” for model railways
RP Online: Last generation has to bear costs for attack on Brandenburg Gate
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
SauerlandKurier: Half a year in prison for airport disruption: Wissing threatens climate activists with draconian penalties
Schwarzwälder Bote: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Climate glue cuddle course must come to an end
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Lower Saxony rejects the removal fee for climate adhesives
Schwäbische: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Schwäbische: Climate activist defends himself against photo accusations in court
sh:z: Lower Saxony rejects the removal fee for climate adhesives
Solinger Tageblatt: Half a year in prison for airport disruption: Wissing threatens climate activists with draconian penalties
Stern: 800 people in Munich follow Fridays for Future's call
Stern: Blockade of climate activists with hay bales in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Stern: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
SWR News Zone: Fine for “Last Generation”: This minister is not participating
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blockade by activists with hay bales in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
t-online: In the event of a blockage: climate adhesives stick together
t-online: Paint attack on Brandenburg Gate: activists should pay
t-online: Climate adhesives block Potsdamer Platz
t-online: Lower Saxony allows climate adhesive to be stuck without a fine
t-online: Wissing calls for long prison sentences for climate activists
Tag24: “Last Generation” Sticks to Potsdamer Platz: Serious Accusations Against the Police
Tag24: Attack on the Brandenburg Gate: Climate stickers should pay for the damage themselves! Climate adhesives are cheap in Lower Saxony
Tagesschau: Climate activists are blocking streets in Berlin again - including at the Brandenburg Gate
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists should bear costs for attack on Brandenburg Gate
Tagesspiegel: Police prevent major blockade at Potsdamer Platz
taz: Culture war over the climate – “Fucking climate glue!”
Thüringer Allgemeine: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
VN Explorer: Last generation with a new form of protest – and surprising supporters
Vodafone live: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Volksstimme: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Volksstimme: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: Half a year in prison for airport disruption: Wissing threatens climate activists with draconian penalties
watson: Last generation with harsh accusations against Berlin police – they irritate with a statement
watson: Last generation with a new form of protest – and surprising supporters
Weinheimer Nachrichten: Climate glue is also available as toy figures
Welt: Unfortunately, the last generation has passed away
Welt: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Welt: “Staged group death” – The scam used by climate protection groups
Wertheim24: The country does not want to charge climate stickers for police operations
Weser Kurier: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
WirtschaftsWoche: Blockade of climate activists in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: 800 people in Munich follow Fridays for Future's call
Zeit Online: The perpetrators bear the costs of the attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: Police prevent major blockade of the last generation
Zeit Online: Civil disobedience in climate activism
Allgäuer Zeitung: Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
Allgäuer Zeitung: Raid against Last Generation: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
ARIVA.DE: Raid against Last Generation: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
B.Z.: “Last Generation” With Hay and Straw on the Street: “Climate Crisis = Food Crisis”?
B.Z.: Jendro (GdP) on climate adhesive campaigns
B.Z.: Climate adhesives are threatened with a hammer penalty!
Berliner Abendblatt: Prolonged Preventive Detention: Not for Last Generation
Berliner Morgenpost: Tougher measures? Justice Senator about Wegner's plan
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Police cleared illegal camp
Berliner Morgenpost: “Checker Tobi” is an educational film for the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: The last generation blocked the Brandenburg Gate with hay bales on Thursday Climate criminals face severe punishment! Climate radicals are now blocking with straw bales
Blaulicht Report: Climate criminals face MEGA punishment!
br24: After raids: “Fridays for Future” sees democracy in danger
Der Westen: Last generation in NRW: Pastor discusses climate stickers - and secretly tricks them
Der Westen: Luisa Neubauer declares war on “Daddy” Söder – shortly before the Bavarian election
energie-bau: Lawyers are calling for a constitutionally compliant climate protection policy
Evangelische Zeitung: Meteorologist Terli: “Climate change” is the wrong term Raid against Last Generation: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
Focus: At least six months imprisonmentWissing calls for tougher and faster action against climate glue
Frankenpost: Raid: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Raid against civil society”: Fridays for Future sues against Bavarian intimidation
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to climate activists
Freie Presse: Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
Friedliche Sabotage: After a few weeks break
Head Topics: Berlin wants to extend preventive detention – but not for climate glue
Head Topics: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
Head Topics: Who are the people who stick themselves in front of their cars?
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Raid against Last Generation: Fridays for Future are indirectly affected
Merkur: Spat on and pelted with egg: passer-by attacks climate glue during protests
Merkur: Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
Merkur: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
msn: In front of the Brandenburg Gate – climate activists want to block the road with straw bales – the police intervene
Märkische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” blocks traffic in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Märkische Onlinezeitung: Climate activists stick themselves in front of the Brandenburg Gate Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
nd: Fridays for Future are legally defending themselves against searches
NDR: “Last Generation”: Nine climate activists sentenced to fines
Neue Presse: Raid: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: With bales of hay: climate activists stick themselves in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Raid: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
nordbayern: Raid against last generation – Fridays for Future also affected
Nordkurier: Longer detention in Berlin - Not for the last generation
oe24: Climate adhesives now block with hay bales
Offenbach-Post: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
proplanta: Raid against Last Generation: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
ProSieben: Painting on the Brandenburg Gate by “Last Generation”: Every individual should “stand up personally”
radioeins: Stricter police law for Berlin
rbb24: Climate activists are blocking streets in Berlin again - including at the Brandenburg Gate
rnd: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
rosenheim24: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
RTL News: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
sonnenseite: Constitutional lawyers are calling for a climate protection policy that conforms to the constitution
Stern: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
Stern: Raid: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Südwest Presse: Climate activist in court: What the verdict in the trial was
t-online: Berlin tightens police law – but not for climate adhesives
t-online: Fridays for Future defends itself against raids – addresses confiscated
t-online: Climate adhesives block the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate with straw
t-online: Climate glue is now available to buy as miniature figures
t-online: Wissing calls for long prison sentences for climate activists
Tag24: “Last Generation” With Hay and Straw on the Street: “Climate Crisis = Food Crisis”?
Tag24: Ambulances in a traffic jam: Air conditioning adhesives put lives of emergency patients in danger
Tag24: Longer preventive detention in Berlin: But not for climate glue!
Tag24: Raid Against Last Generation! Fridays For Future files a complaint in court
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: Nine climate activists sentenced to fines
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists blocked several streets on Thursday morning - including with bales of straw
taz: Raid against climate activists – Defending protest spaces
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Vodafone live: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Vodafone live: Raid: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
Volksstimme: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
WAZ: With bales of hay: climate activists stick themselves in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Welt: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Welt: Climate activists disrupt traffic with bales of straw in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Welt25: “Holding criminals accountable” – It will be expensive for the activists of the “Last Generation” — RT DE
WorldNews: Last generation in NRW: Pastor discusses climate stickers - and secretly tricks them
Zeit Heute: With bales of straw: “Last Generation” blocks the road at the Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: Activists of the last generation stick themselves in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: Blockade of the Last Generation in Berlin
Zeit Online: Climate activists stick themselves on the street in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
Zeit Online: Raid: Fridays for Future indirectly affected
Abendzeitung München: “Civil disobedience is legitimate”
Berliner Morgenpost: Please keep your hands off the Brandenburg Gate!
Berliner Zeitung: Finance Senator Evers: The last generation has to pay for the cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Zeitung: Climate activists delay arrival for Union fans
Berlín Amateurs: Last generation: The group of activists that block the streets of Berlin
Buddhismus aktuell: Can I stick myself on the street as a Buddhist?
de Stentor: Radicaler in Extinction Rebellion: German activists make an impression on the A12 blockade
Eindhovens Dagblad: Radicaler in Extinction Rebellion: German activists make an impression on the A12 blockade
Genios: Why does longer preventive liability not apply to KLIMA-KLEBER?
Head Topics: The CDU and SPD agree on stricter police laws
Head Topics: The CDU and SPD agree on stricter police laws in Berlin
Head Topics: Champions League: Climate activists delay arrival for Union fans
Head Topics: Finance Senator Stefan Evers: The last generation will pay for the cleaning of the Brandenburg Gate
Head Topics: Longer preventive detention – BUT not for climate glue! Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
Infocomma Wirtschaft: Tensions in Berlin: “Last Generation” climate activists and police in conflict over road blockades Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
Kleine Zeitung: May 1st to Klimakleber: Graz Museum shows forms of protest from 1945 to today
Legal Tribune online: Misunderstanding or intimidation?
n-TV: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
philosophie Magazin: The “Last Generation” between event and staging
rbb24: The CDU and SPD agree on stricter police laws in Berlin
regionalHeute: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
SauerlandKurier: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: What do you think of the last generation, Mr. Resch?
Stuttgarter Zeitung: What do you think of the last generation, Mr. Resch?
Table.Media: “What the last generation is doing is legitimate”
Tagesspiegel: Preventive detention should be extended – but not for climate activists
taz: Restriction of the climate movement – Fridays criticize raids
ULM TV: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
VN Explorer: Last generation: Drivers angry - that's why the police take action against them
VN Explorer: Methods “like in a cult”: This is how climate adhesives of the “last generation” are drilled
Volksverpetzer: “Attempt at Criminalization”: House Searches in the Fridays For Future Environment
Welt: The Pope's strange whispers
Welt: Once again, Union Berlin gets a very late blow in the neck
Welt: Fridays for Future files a complaint against the Attorney General's Office
Welt: Longer detention in Berlin – Not for the last generation
Welt: Anyone suffering from climate anxiety should see a therapist
Welt: At kick-off, Union Berlin fans vent their anger at the Olympic Stadium
Zeit Online: Penalty for “Last Generation”: adhesive
AD HOC NEWS: The children's book author Cornelia Funke has sympathy for so-called climate glue.
AD Nieuws: Radicaler in Extinction Rebellion: German activists make an impression on the A12 blockade
B.Z.: Climate glue pelted with egg and spat on
B.Z.: Climate radicals are also blocking the Olympic Stadium!
B.Z.: Even more climate congestion in Berlin
BD Nieuws: Radicaler in Extinction Rebellion: German activists make an impression on the A12 blockade
Berliner Morgenpost: Blockades of the last generation in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin: Police justify action against drivers
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Berlin climate activists delay arrival for Champions League fans
Berliner Tageszeitung: Last generation blocks several streets in Berlin again
Berliner Zeitung: Champions League: Activists delay arrival for fans
Berliner Zeitung: Champions League: Last generation delays arrival for Union fans
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Passers-by support climate activists during sit-ins in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Why the Berlin police are pushing angry drivers away
BGLand24: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly Climate criminals hinder Union game Our neighboring countries are taking such harsh measures “It’s not my thing”: Uschi Glas has no understanding of “Last Generation”
BUNTE: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against the “Last Generation” disturbing
Chiemgau24: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
City-News: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
Deutsche Tageszeitung: Last generation blocks several streets in Berlin again Migrant criticizes climate adhesive in video: Go to work for once!
Eßlinger Zeitung: What do you think of the last generation, Mr. Resch? Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
Focus: Even more climate congestion in Berlin
Focus: “King Bees” and “Worker Bees” Internal documents show a tough hierarchy within the last generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The last generation is again blocking several streets in Berlin
Frankfurter Rundschau: Spit on and pelted with eggs: “Last Generation” is viciously attacked during a sit-in
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly “It’s not my thing”: Uschi Glas has no understanding of “Last Generation”
Gelderlander Nieuws: Radicaler in Extinction Rebellion: German activists make an impression on the A12 blockade
Heilbronner Stimme: Climate activists delay arrival for Union fans
Hersfelder Zeitung: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Spat on and pelted with egg: passer-by attacks climate glue during protests
Juraforum: Berlin Administrative Court rules against police fees for climate adhesive
Main Post: Climate activists delay arrival for Union fans
Merkur: Spat on and pelted with egg: passer-by attacks climate glue during protests
Merkur: Blockades of the last generation in Berlin
Merkur: Scandal over television award winner: Sat.1 cuts climate glue praise from TV broadcast
Merkur: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Blockades of the last generation in Berlin
Märkische Allgemeine: The autumn of protests continues: “Last Generation” blocks streets in Berlin on Monday – throwing eggs at activists
n-TV: The last generation is again blocking several streets in Berlin
Naanoo: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against the “Last Generation” disturbing
nachrichten-heute: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
Neue Presse: What do you think about climate adhesives, Mr. Regional Bishop? Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
News & Nachrichten: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against the last generation disturbing Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
Nordkurier: “Terrorist groups can split off from the last generation”
oe24: Uschi Glas: Blasphemy attack on climate adhesive
Offenbach-Post: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
Ohmymag: Climate adhesives make Uschi Glas shake their heads: “When do they work? How do they do that? Who will finance the equipment?”
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
OVB online: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
prisma: Uschi Glas against the actions of the “Last Generation”: “It’s not my thing”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
RTL News: Blockades of the last generation in Berlin
Solinger Tageblatt: “I don’t have any understanding for that”: Uschi Glas criticizes “Last Generation” harshly
Spiegel: “Fridays for Future” was also indirectly affected by searches
Sport1: Climate glue vortex before Union game
Sportbuzzer: Before the CL home premiere: Climate activists delay arrival for Union fans
Stern: Blockades of the last generation in Berlin
Stern: Uschi Glas shoots against the last generation: “I lack any understanding”
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: What do you think of the last generation, Mr. Resch?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists delay arrival for Union fans
t-online: Climate activists delay arrival for football fans
t-online: Climate glue is now available to buy as miniature figures
t-online: Climate stickers disrupt traffic on the A100
Tag24: Last Generation Targets A100 Again: This Is Where The Climate Glues Stick
Tagesspiegel: Activists block on German Unity Day
Tiroler Tageszeitung: Main intersection in Hall blocked: Last Generation activists are reported
tixio: Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
TrendRadars: Last generation in the “Heat” podcast: “Wow, what are we actually doing? Are we just sowing hatred?”
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: Climate activists delay arrival for Union fans
VN Explorer: Juggling climate activism and police duties? 'Works for me'
VN Explorer: “Go to work!” – Woman with headscarf insults climate adhesive – Internet celebrates “successful integration”
watson: The last generation is again blocking several streets in Berlin Cornelia Funke finds hatred against “Last Generation” disturbing
yahoo!nachrichten: “It’s not my thing”: Uschi Glas has no understanding of “Last Generation”
yahoo!nachrichten: Last Generation activists in Berlin pelted with egg and spat on
ZDF: Activists delay the arrival of Union fans
Zeit Heute: “Last Generation” in Berlin | Climate stickers disrupt traffic on German Unity Day
AD Nieuws: Politics has 79 climate activists within half of the A12 in The Hague
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker - here the climate stickers are blocking Berlin's streets NOW!
Berliner Zeitung: Egg throwing and attack: Last generation blocks Berlin traffic on Monday
Berliner Zeitung: Uschi Glas about the last generation: “When do they work?” Police help climate chaos – and not drivers
Blaulicht Report: Fee notices against climate activists in Berlin found to be unlawful by VG Berlin
BR-KLASSIK: Showing your colors in the religious war
District8: Extinction Rebellion blocked on the 22nd day of the A12 in The Hague
DΛF📢 (auf twitter): The #LastGeneration op #A12
Genios: “Terrorist groups can split off from the last generation”
Legal Insurrection: limate Zealots Deface Germany's Iconic Brandenburg Gate, Restoration Estimate Escalates
Merkur: Berlin: Last generation is blocking streets again
msn: CDU politician: The fact that the last generation refers to the GDR revolution has been forgotten by history
msn: Last generation: Woman with headscarf attacks climate sticker on the street – “Successful integration, failed upbringing”
msn: Methods “like in a cult”: This is how climate adhesives of the “last generation” are drilled
msn: Uschi Glas about climate adhesive: “I lack any understanding of that”
News Deutschland: The Brandenburg Gate and the Last Generation: Monumental Simplicity
Pravda DE: Klima-Kleber as a film hero for the first time: ZDF produces fictional mini-series
Promiwood: Climate glue: Climate criminals are trained with these psychological methods! Like in a cult
Spektrum: Sticking with the traffic transition
SWYRL: “It’s not my thing”: Uschi Glas has no understanding of “Last Generation”
t-online: “Would have to keep the climate activists glued for two weeks”
t-online: Uschi Glas about climate adhesive: “I lack any understanding of that”
Tag24: The last generation is targeting the A100 again: this is where the climate stickers stick
Thüringer Allgemeine: “I can’t do anything with the last generation”
Thüringische Landeszeitung: “I can’t do anything with the last generation”
Welt: “Last Generation” activists pelted with egg and spat on
Weser Kurier: “It’s not my thing”: Uschi Glas has no understanding of “Last Generation”
WorldNews: Berlin: Police warn drivers - but leave climate adhesive alone
Zeit Heute: “Last Generation” in Berlin | Climate glue was spat on and eggs were thrown at it – police warn
Zeit Online: Blockades of the last generation in Berlin
31MAG: Block A12 in The Hague, giorno 22. Ieri 600 arresti. Extreme destra manifesta against gli attivisti
BD Nieuws: Politie welcomes demonstrators in the A12 blockade, XR wants to stop the 'unveiled situation'
Berliner Morgenpost: “I can’t do anything with the last generation” Climate glue now also available as miniature figures
Blick: German climate glue sticks itself abroad German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Uschi Glas about Last Generation: “I lack any understanding”
börsenNEWS: German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
de Volkskrant: Klimaatdemonstratie A12 voortijdig beëindigd vanwege 'onveilige situatie' with tegenstanders
Express: German Television Award Joko Winterscheidt ironically thanks industry for destroying the planet No food for 420 children because climate chaotics are blocking the highway German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague Blockade of climate activists in The Hague triggers counter-demonstration German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
Focus: Attack on Brandenburg GateTelevision award winner comments on climate stickers – Sat.1 cuts it out
Focus: “I have a knife for you,” a police officer threatens the climate activists
Gelderlander Nieuws: Politie welcomes demonstrators in the A12 blockade, XR wants to stop the 'unveiled situation'
Haarlems Dagblad: A12 blockade at 5 uur beëindigd, 400 aanhoudingen
Haarlems Dagblad: Tientallen canteens took place during the A12 blockade demonstration
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Extinction Rebellion in The Hague: Three weeks of motorway blockade
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “A place for people with too much money!” – Currywurst for 34 euros at Nelson Müller on Norderney
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
HLN: A total of 400 climate activists in the Netherlands: sommigen steken vingers door putdeksels en lijmen dan vingertoppen aan elkaar
Left Voice: For Climate Leninism!
MarketScreener (CH): German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
Merkur: Scandal over television award winner: Sat.1 cuts climate glue praise from TV broadcast
msn: title=”“Last Generation” in The Hague – “I have a knife for you,” police officer threatens climate activists”
msn: While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks “last generation” air conditioning adhesive Blockade of climate activists in The Hague triggers counter-demonstration
nd: Extinction Rebellion in The Hague: Three weeks of motorway blockade
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Culture: The Syrian writer Khaled Khalifa has died at the age of 59
onvista: Blockade of climate activists in The Hague triggers counter-demonstration
onvista: German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
Radio Central: German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
radio eska: Hollandia. Policja zatrzymała ponad 600 actywistów, którzy trzeci tydzień próbują blokować autostradę
RTBF: Blocage de l'A12 à La Haye: des militants allerands pour le climat rejoignent Extinction Rebellion
RTL Info: The blockage of the A12 for Extinction Rebellion is levé plus tôt que prévu dimanche
RTL News: Blockade of climate activists in The Hague triggers counter-demonstration
RTL Nieuws: 400 people attended the climate demonstration in The Hague, participants faced a confrontation
Skoften: Agent wars XR demonstrators that the water cannon is harder to stand
Sonntagsblatt: Insight into the “Last Generation”: Between preventive detention, police violence and division in society
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The Brandenburg Gate and the Last Generation: Monumental Simplicity
t-online: “Would have to keep the climate activists glued for two weeks”
t-online: Motorway blockade: driver cannot deliver food to daycare centers
t-online: Driver is warned: Police leave activists alone
Tagesspiegel: When climate policy is executed
taz: CO2 clock jumps to three years – :The 1,5 degree countdown
TOP: German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
Transport Online: A12 blockade at 5 uur beëindigd, 400 aanhoudingen
VN Explorer: Extinction Rebellion – Climate activists test new strategy because: “People don’t listen to us anymore”
Welt: Unfortunately, the last generation has passed away
WorldNews: “Last generation” in Berlin: Bolt blocks climate stickers for rental cars
9News: Pictures of the week: Activists blocking roadway confronted
AD Nieuws: German climate activists want to join the blockade A12
AD Nieuws: The last generation, the German leader of Extinction Rebellion, is a huge fanatic
B.Z.: No food for 420 daycare children because of climate stickers
Beautiful-Shape: Extinction Rebellion now in collaboration with its German colleagues on the A12: 600 arrests
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Again road blockades by climate activists in Schöneberg, Tempelhof and Prenzlauer Berg
Berliner Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate: Why historian Hedwig Richter is in favor of leaving the paint on
Berliner Zeitung: Climate activists test new strategy because: “People don’t listen to us anymore” No food for 420 daycare children because of climate stickers
blue News: German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
BNN: Germans Call for Stronger Measures Against Illegal Climate Protests
BNNVARA: Climate activists A12 is located in Germany
br24: Historian: “Worthy use of our national monument”
de Volkskrant: Extinction Rebellion is an international group: radical German climate group. Last generation is the weekend on the A12 blockade
Der Standard: The arduous and long path to sufficient hydrogen
Diebewertung: No police fees for “climate glue” for now
Drimble: German climate activists want to join the blockade A12
fluter.: “The progress is overshadowed”
Focus: Attack on Brandenburg Gate – TV award winner comments on climate stickers – Sat.1 cuts it out
gmx (CH): German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague
Hamburger Morgenpost: Police stop climate demonstration in The Hague – 100 German activists take part
Kreiszeitung: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Merkur: Scandal over television award winner: Sat.1 cuts climate glue praise from TV broadcast
Merkur: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate glue: Illegal sit-ins - majority of Germans for imprisonment German climate activists involved in motorway blockade in The Hague Sat.1 cuts out support for climate stickers
Netherlands News Live: German climate activists will join the XR A12 blockade in The Hague
Nl. Times: German climate activists will join the XR A12 blockade in The Hague
Oberpfalz TV: Climate activist speaks after preventive detention
profil: Raphael Thelen: “None of us likes to stick there”
profil: Understanding of climate glue increases minimally
Radio Mainwelle: Last generation announces protest march
t-online: “Would have to keep the climate activists glued for two weeks”
t-online: Motorway blockade: driver cannot deliver food to daycare centers
Tag24: “Last Generation” Wants to Strengthen Collaboration with Churches
taz: Time for self-defense?
VN Explorer: Last generation: Due to blockade – hundreds suffer from effects
Welt: Majority supports prison sentences for climate activists
WorldNews: Last generation: German climate activists take part in blockade in The Hague
WorldNews: Majority supports prison sentences for climate activists
Zeit Heute: “Last generation” is being thwarted: Well-known rental car company blocks climate adhesive
Zeit Online: In the end, all that's left is puddles of paint and anger
Zeit Online: German climate activists take part in blockade in The Hague
Zoetermeers Dagblad: German climate activists are on the A12 blockade
AndroidKosmos: And suddenly the climate adhesives were even included in the television award!
Anwaltsregister: Sawed off Christmas tree top – 400 euro fine for climate activist
B.Z.: The first climate adhesives are sticking again
B.Z.: Scandal over television award winner – Sat.1 cuts out climate sticker sentence
B.Z.: Climate chaos want to buy a car
B.Z.: Could the police confiscate the driver's licenses of climate stickers?
B.Z.: After an hour, all the climate adhesives were removed!
B.Z.: Natural History Museum sets a monument to the climate chaos
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: Here the climate stickers blocked Berlin's streets!
Berliner Morgenpost: The latest generation is once again paralyzing road traffic across Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Here Lilli G. receives the punishment for the sawn-off tree
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation in Berlin: These streets are blocked on Friday
Berliner Zeitung: Huge traffic jam on the A100: Last generation again hinders two ambulances The biggest nuisance in court Do police confiscate driver's licenses from climate stickers? Sat.1 cuts out the air conditioning adhesive set
Braunschweiger Zeitung: AfD fights against climate glue – Peiner Council rejects advice
Der Westen: Last generation: Museum voluntarily brings climate protests into its premises - that's what's behind it
Die Rheinpfalz: Climate glue for model making: activists in mini format
Elriwa: Busch 79800 – Action Set 'Climate Glue'
Focus: Attack on Brandenburg GateTelevision award winner comments on climate stickers – Sat.1 cuts it out
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Frankfurter Rundschau: 313.000 euros to the “Last Generation”? Police have to pay back climate fines
Frankfurter Rundschau: 9 statements from Christian Lindner that are not hot at all
General Anzeiger: German Television Prize awarded: Prize winner sympathizes with Last Generation
Head Topics: Assembly authorities and police end climate protest
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks “last generation” air conditioning adhesive
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Tens of thousands of euros illegally confiscated”: Police have to pay back the fine for climate stickers
Heute – Österreich: Air conditioning adhesives block highways with combustion engines
Kreiszeitung: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Kreiszeitung: “Tens of thousands of euros illegally confiscated”: Police have to pay back the fine for climate stickers
KUKKSI: Television Award 2023: This scene was not shown on TV!
Mannheimer Morgen: After the oil incident: investigations against Mannheim policewoman
Merkur: Scandal over television award winner: Sat.1 cuts climate glue praise from TV broadcast
Merkur: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: “Fridays for Future” speaker about actions by “Last Generation” in Halle
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Because of the climate adhesive sentence: Sat.1 cuts the speech of the Netflix star Berliners cheer on a truck that is pushing away climate activists
NDR: “Last Generation”: Christmas tree sawn down – student convicted
New Delhi Times: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
Nord 24: German television award: Joko wins – and poisons politics and industry
Piratensender Powerplay: E143: Populists stick together
rbb24: “Last generation” climate activists block the A100 with cars
RTL News: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Theodor Schnarr from Greifswald sticks to the streets for the climate: When is enough?
Schwäbische: Insider describes disturbing conditions at “Last Generation”
sonnenseite: Six children and young people against 32 governments
Stern: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
t-online: “You would have to keep the climate activists stuck for two weeks”
t-online: Actor praises climate glue – broadcaster deletes part of speech
t-online: Traffic slowed down: rental car company blocks climate adhesive
Tag24: Climate glue back on the asphalt: buses have to be rerouted
Tagesspiegel: Several blockades cleared on Friday morning
Tagesspiegel: “Last generation” once again hinders the operation of two ambulances
taz: 400 euros for the Christmas tree topper
Toronto Star: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive Scandal over television award winner: Sat.1 cuts climate glue praise from TV broadcast “Tens of thousands of euros illegally confiscated”: Police have to pay back the fine for climate stickers
Vodafone live: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Volksstimme: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Volksstimme: With video: “Fridays for Future” speaker about actions by “Last Generation” in Halle
Volksstimme: Because of the climate adhesive sentence: Sat.1 cuts the speech of the Netflix star
watson: Television award: Sat.1 doesn't show explosive moment - that's behind it
watson: Last generation: Police demand strong action against climate activists
Welt: Brandenburg Gate smeared – “In France, fines can compensate for this”
Welt: “The state has no idea how to get this mischief under control”
WorldNews: “Last generation” in Berlin: Bolt blocks climate activists from rental cars
WorldNews: Berlin | “Last Generation”: Rental car company Bolt bans climate activists
WorldNews: Last generation: Museum voluntarily brings climate protests into its premises - that's what's behind it
WorldNews: Huge traffic jam on the A 100: Last generation again hinders two ambulances
Zeit Heute: “Last Generation”: Christmas tree sawed down at the Brandenburg Gate – climate gluer has to pay
Zeit Online: German television award for climate documentary and Ukraine reporting
Zeit Online: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Zeit Online: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: tedious cleaning
Spiegel: The super gluer
24 Hours Worlds: Berlin: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is becoming more expensive – 24 Hours World
abc News: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be more expensive
Alto Press – Bildagentur (auf youtube): Last generation blocks the A100 in Berlin
AndroidKosmos: Last generation blocks traffic on A100 in Berlin with cars
AP News: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
B.Z.: Climate adhesives stick again! Huge traffic jam on A100
B.Z.: Update: climate glue blockages
Badische Zeitung: Orange sign
Berliner Kurier: Will the Brandenburg Gate ever be clean again?
Berliner Morgenpost: Berlin city highway: Last generation blocked with cars
Berliner Morgenpost: New last generation blockades with vehicles
Berliner Zeitung: Christian Lindner compares Last Generation with AfD
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks A100 in Berlin: activists cling to car
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: “Wow, what are we actually doing? Are we just sowing hatred?”
Berliner Zeitung: Top of the Christmas tree at the Brandenburg Gate sawn off: verdict against Last Generation passed Air conditioning adhesive slows down two ambulances Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate will be significantly more expensive!
Boeddhistisch Dagbla: The Last Generation is based on Extinction Rebellion FDP leader Lindner compares climate glue with the AfD
City View: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
CityNews: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
Der Westen: Last generation: Shock in Berlin – cleaning the Brandenburg Gate even more expensive!
Deutsche Tageszeitung: Last Generation Blocks Traffic On A100 In Berlin With Cars
Deutschlandfunk: Last generation blocks traffic on A100 in Berlin with cars
Deutschlandfunk: “Dammed up” Matthias Thönnissen about the ZDF dramedy on “Last Generation”
Extinction Rebellion Amsterdam: The Last Generation is based on Extinction Rebellion in the A12 blockade on September 30, 2023
Extinction Rebellion Amsterdam: German Last Generation joins Extinction Rebellion in the A12 blockade on Saturday, September 30, 2023 FDP leader Lindner compares climate glue with the AfD
Focus: Federal Minister Lindner draws a comparison: “They want another country, the AfD – just like the climate gluers”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Please don't laugh out loud under any circumstances
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Sticky glory without liability
Frankfurter Rundschau: 313.000 euros to the “Last Generation”? Police have to pay back climate fines
Frankfurter Rundschau: Lindner attacks climate glue - and compares the activists with the AfD
Göttinger Tageblatt: Between Oxford and the dock: “Last generation” thought leader on her new book
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks “last generation” air conditioning adhesive
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Tens of thousands of euros illegally confiscated”: Police have to pay back the fine for climate stickers
inkl: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive FDP leader Lindner compares climate glue with the AfD
Krapuul: The Last Generation is based on Extinction Rebellion in the A12 blockade on September 30, 2023
Kreiszeitung: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Kreiszeitung: “Tens of thousands of euros illegally confiscated”: Police have to pay back the fine for climate stickers
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate will be more expensive and take longer
Kölnische Rundschau: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate will be more expensive and take longer
MADS: “My future depends on it”: ZDF series “Aufstaut” deals with climate protests
Merkur: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Merkur: “Tens of thousands of euros illegally confiscated”: Police have to pay back the fine for climate stickers
Moose Jaw Today: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
msn: Lea Bonasera's book “The time for courage is now!”
Märkische Allgemeine: Taking a rental car to the adhesive protest: “Last Generation” slows down traffic on Berlin’s highways
n-TV: Action on the Berlin Autobahn – Last generation blocks traffic with rented cars
n-TV: Christian Lindner compares “Last Generation” with the AfD
n-TV: Cleaning costs for Brandenburg Gate are increasing Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate more expensive than expected
NDR: Christmas tree sawed down – student from Wolfenbüttel sentenced
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Why FDP leader Lindner compares the “Last Generation” with the AfD
onvista: FDP leader Lindner compares climate glue with the AfD
rbb24: “Last generation” climate activists block the A100 with cars
rnd: Last generation blocks Berlin city highway with car sharing cars
rnd: Lindner compares Last Generation with the AfD
RTL News: Sawed off Christmas tree top: punishment for climate activist
RTL News: FDP leader Lindner compares climate glue with the AfD
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Why FDP leader Lindner compares the “Last Generation” with the AfD
sh:z: Berlin city highway: Last generation blocked with cars
Solinger Tageblatt: Lindner attacks climate glue - and compares the activists with the AfD
Spiegel: 400 euro fine for sawing off the top of a Christmas tree
Spiegel: Lindner compares climate activists with the AfD
St. Albert Gazette: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
St. Albert Gazette: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
Stern: Blockade of climate activists on A100 with cars
Stuttgarter Zeitung: FDP leader Lindner compares climate activists with the AfD
SWR Aktuell: Climate adhesive – criminal organization?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Sawed off Christmas tree top: punishment for climate activist
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Berlin city highway: Last generation blocked with cars
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blockade of climate activists on A100 with cars
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is becoming more expensive
t-online: Officials intervene in protests – videos are said to show police torture
t-online: Climate adhesives slow down traffic on the highway – traffic jams
t-online: Lindner compares “Last Generation” with AfD
t-online: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate will cost a six-figure sum
t-online: This is how the left-wing scene wants to disrupt October 3rd in Hamburg
t-online: Traffic slowed down: rental car company blocks climate adhesive
Tag24: “Climate glue and Afd” in one pot: Fdp boss Lindner provokes with comparison
Tag24: “Last Generation” Sticks On A100 And Cars: Holland Is Next!
Tag24: Bitter results after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate: Damage reaches six figures
Tag24: Christmas tree top sawn off: climate gluer (23) has to pay
Tagesschau: “Last generation” climate activists block the A100 with cars
Tagesspiegel: Berlin court sentences climate activist to a fine of 400 euros
Tagesspiegel: Distance from the last generation: Students reject activism in science
Tagesspiegel: Finance Minister Lindner compares “Last Generation” with the AfD
Tagesspiegel: Police break up blockades – car sharing provider wants to make activists pay
Teller Report: Christian Lindner compares climate glue with the AfD
Teller Report: Christian Lindner compares the last generation with the AfD
The Canadian Press: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
The Limited Times: Lindner goes after climate glue – and compares the activists with the AfD “Tens of thousands of euros illegally confiscated”: Police have to pay back the fine for climate stickers
WAZ: Berlin city highway: Last generation blocked with cars
WAZ: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate takes longer and becomes more expensive
Welt: FDP leader Lindner compares climate glue with the AfD
Welt: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate takes longer and becomes more expensive
Welt: Anyone suffering from climate anxiety should see a therapist
Westfalenpost: Berlin city highway: Last generation blocked with cars
WorldNews: Cleanup of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate after climate protest to be longer and more expensive
yahoo!nachrichten: Last generation blocks traffic on A100 in Berlin with cars
Zeit Heute: “Last generation” slows down traffic on A100 | Traffic jams in Berlin
Zeit Online: Blockade of climate activists on A100 with cars
Zeit Online: Brandenburg Gate will probably be scaffolded for weeks after the paint attack
Zeit Online: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is becoming more expensive
Форпост Севастополь: In the Federal Republic of Germany we have a long time for cleaning in Brandenburg rot
mdr: Between prison and basic security: This is how an activist of the “last generation” lives
ARD Audiothek: Creation Theology – How the Protestant Church is dealing with the climate crisis
B.Z.: Berlin spares the climate glue far too often No police fees for “climate glue” for the time being (No. 40/2023)
Berliner Abendblatt: Another blockade of climate demonstrators in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation and attack on the Brandenburg Gate: Academy of Arts must protest! First the paint flies, then the climate adhesive
Blick: Drivers take out their anger on climate stickers Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Focus: Protest break plannedLast generation withdraws from Berlin – wants to become active internationally
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Mysterious causality: Anyone who considers the damage to property of the “last generation” to be legitimate is questioning the democratic discourse.
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Frankfurter Rundschau: While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks climate activists of the “last generation”.
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to climate activists
Hersfelder Zeitung: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Kreis-Anzeiger: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Kreiszeitung: While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks “last generation” air conditioning adhesive
Kreiszeitung: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Legal Tribune online: Climate stickers do not have to pay for police use
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Where climate activists have to pay for police operations - and where they don't
Merkur: Climate adhesive comparison enrages Oktoberfest fans: “But they cry when they have to wait in the car for 30 minutes”
Merkur: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
MRN-News: Mannheim – “Climate glue” came from Baden-Württemberg and Hesse
msn: Last generation: After the marathon in Berlin – will further major events be disrupted?
Märkische Allgemeine: Court: Police are not allowed to demand fees after road blockades
Märkische Allgemeine: Climate protests in Berlin: The last generation is planning these actions
NDR: “Last Generation”: High fines demanded for climate activists
NDR: Monument defaced: 500 euro fine for “Last Generation” activist
Neue Westfälische: Where climate activists have to pay for police operations - and where they don't
Offenbach-Post: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
rosenheim24: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
RP Online: “The climate gluers are making a strategic mistake”
RTL News: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
SauerlandKurier: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
SCRIPTA MOMENT: Protesta degli Eco-Attivisti in Germania: Imbrattata la Porta di Brandeburgo
sky news: Angry motorist pepper sprays climate activists in the face
Stern: At a sticking demonstration: a policewoman pours oil over the heads of climate activists
t-online: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is so expensive and time-consuming
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: High fines demanded for climate activists
taz blogs: The middle has long been green. That's why everyone is trying to push the Greens out of it While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks “last generation” air conditioning adhesive “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Welt: Adorno knew why one should distrust the “Last Generation.”
Welt: Climate activists secure German borders
Welt: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Welt: “No tolerance when some presume to have a higher moral right”
Welt: “It is unreasonable that taxpayers have to pay for such forms of protest”
Wetterauer Zeitung: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
WirtschaftsWoche: Climate glue or glue thugs: whose side are you on?
Wochenblatt-Reporter: Climate adhesives come from Baden-Württemberg and Hesse
WorldNews: Last generation and attack on the Brandenburg Gate: Academy of Arts must protest!
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last Generation: The Rational Radical
VICE: Interview: What it's like to go to prison for the Last Generation
20 Brandenburg Gate sprayed - now the paint won't come off
24RHEIN: After climate glue campaigns in Berlin: What does that mean for the Cologne Marathon?
Aargauer Zeitung: Drivers completely freak out during the “Last Generation” campaign
Antenne Düsseldorf: Climate demonstrators don't have to pay for police action
B.Z.: Paint still sticks to the Brandenburg Gate
B.Z.: Climate stickers blocked traffic again in the morning
B.Z.: Climate adhesives stick again
B.Z.: Climate sticklers brag about false acquittal
B.Z.: Climate adhesive fails: They fail again and again
B.Z.: Police are not allowed to charge air conditioning stickers a fee
B.Z.: Rage judgment! Police operations do not have to pay for climate stickers
Berliner Kurier: Climate stickers go abroad: are they based in Berlin?
Berliner Kurier: I'm sorry, what? Police operations no longer have to pay for climate stickers!
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate: That's why cleaning is so complicated
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin: Climate activists accuse police of torture
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Berliner Morgenpost: Why the police are not allowed to charge for climate adhesive
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin court: Police have to pay back climate adhesive fine
Berliner Zeitung: Paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate: What happens next?
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Berliner Zeitung: Landmarks in danger? Which Berlin monuments the last generation could have in their sights
Berliner Zeitung: We media are assistants of the last generation: stop paying attention! The wrong signal Police are not allowed to charge fees for adhesive blockages Are climate adhesives criminal?
Brussels signal: 'Lose the moral superiority complex', German Greens minister tells climate activists
DenD: Last generation: met 100 activists at climate protest A12
Der Westen: Last generation: After the marathon in Berlin – will further major events be disrupted?
Deutschlandfunk: For the time being, the police are not allowed to charge climate demonstrators for removing themselves from the street Hammer verdict: Police have to pay back 313.000 euros to climate chaos! Berlin climate stickers get their fine refunded
Frankfurter Allgemeine: There is no need to pay for climate adhesives
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Police are not allowed to charge climate protesters a fee
Frankfurter Rundschau: While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks climate activists of the “last generation”.
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to climate activists
General Anzeiger: “Carry it away once? 241 euros please.” Why climate adhesives no longer have to pay a fine
Haarlems Dagblad: Last generation: met 100 activists at climate protest A12
Hamburger Morgenpost: MOPO talk on the “Last Generation”: “We won’t talk until you come to your senses”
Hamburger Morgenpost: Police fee for “climate glue”? Court has decided
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Kreiszeitung: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
L’essentiel: Orange paint on the Brandenburg Gate is no longer coming off
Leidsch Dagblad: Last generation: met 100 activists at climate protest A12
Merkur: Police are not allowed to charge fees after road blockades
Merkur: “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
msn: Last generation after the attack on the Brandenburg Gate: other Berlin monuments in sight?
msn: Because of scenes like these – police have to pay back money to 1300 climate stickers
n-TV: Climate activists are staying in Berlin for free for the time being
n-TV: Climate adhesives win against the police in court
nederlands dagblad: Last generation: met 100 activists at climate protest A12
Neue Westfälische: Climate demonstrators do not have to pay for police operations
Nordkurier: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Nürnberger Blatt: Berlin climate stickers get their fine refunded ⋆ Nürnberger Blatt
ProSieben: Fee for replacement illegal: court decides in favor of “climate adhesive”
Radio Pilatus: Drivers completely freak out during the “Last Generation” campaign
rbb24: Berlin police are not allowed to charge climate activists for the time being
rnd: Berlin court overturns police fee for climate activists: This is the situation in other federal states
rnd: Police are not allowed to charge climate protesters a fee
rnd: Last generation: the rowdy child who just wants to disrupt
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Schweriner Volkszeitung: “Carry it away once? 241 euros please.” Why climate adhesives no longer have to pay a fine
sh:z: “Carry it away once? 241 euros please.” Why climate adhesives no longer have to pay a fine
Spiegel: Police are not allowed to charge a fee to climate demonstrators who are stuck
Stern: For the time being, Berlin police are not allowed to charge any fees for carrying away climate stickers
Stern: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate demonstrators do not have to pay for police operations
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate adhesives do not have to pay a fee
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police are not allowed to charge fees after road blockades
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The color of the “Last Generation” no longer comes off the Brandenburg Gate. Not that bad, really.
Südwest Presse: Climate activists of the last generation and co are threatened with these penalties.
t-online: “Last Generation” accuses Berlin police of torture
t-online: Court: Climate stickers do not have to pay for police operations
t-online: Climate glue want tens of thousands of euros back from the police
t-online: Serious allegations: recordings are said to show police torture
t-online: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is so expensive and time-consuming
t-online: Fewer blockades in Berlin? Climate adhesives want to go abroad
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Lay Climate Glue Once Again, Berlin Streets Are Paralyzed
Tag24: Too harsh an approach against climate glue? Last generation accuses police of torture
Tagesschau: Berlin police are not allowed to charge climate activists for the time being
Tagesspiegel: Berlin's Interior Senator fails with a tougher course against the “Last Generation”
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” accuses Berlin police of torture methods
taz: Researchers on the “Last Generation” – “An Expression of Despair”
Teller Report: Berlin: Police are not allowed to charge a fee to climate protesters stuck to the street While child watches from the passenger seat: Driver attacks “last generation” air conditioning adhesive “I would rather buy a Porsche”: Engineer donates 100.000 euros to air conditioning glue
UDGTV: The etíope Assefa powderiza el récord mundial de maratón in Berlin
Vodafone live: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Vodafone live: Police are not allowed to charge fees after road blockades
Volksstimme: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Welt: Berlin police have to pay back fees to climate adhesive
WorldNews: “Last Generation” in Berlin: Passer-by hits climate-glue pensioner
ZDF: “Many people don’t understand the actions”
Zeit Online: Berlin police are not allowed to charge climate activists fees
Zeit Online: Last generation: road blockades and allegations of torture
Zeit Online: Police are not allowed to charge fees after road blockades
Zeit Online: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate: Waiting for test results
Zeit Online: Are novels better than climate glue?
Anadolu Agency: Protesters block traffic in German capital, demand urgent climate action
B.Z.: Climate adhesives give no peace: renewed disruptions
B.Z.: Marathon disruptors should pay a fine of 2000 euros
Berliner Abendblatt: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin: 31 arrests after marathon disruption attempts
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin: After marathon disruption – activists should pay a fine
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin: What plans the activists have now
Berliner Morgenpost: Environmental activists angry: focus only on the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate: Does the Academy of Arts show solidarity with the last generation?
Berliner Zeitung: Researcher undercover at the Last Generation: “We want to fill the prisons”
Berliner Zeitung: Historian celebrates the spray-painted Brandenburg Gate – and receives a shitstorm
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation at the Berlin Marathon: The preliminary police assessment of the climate stickers
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Driver attacks 73-year-old climate activist, child witnesses
Berliner Zeitung: Scientist couple: “We don’t want to have children until politics changes” Marathon disruptors should pay a fine of 2000 euros
bw24: Engineer from Baden-Württemberg donates 100.000 euros to “Last Generation”: “Act of Despair”
der Freitag: Courts against the “Last Generation”: Don’t keep quiet, but exercise moderation
Der Postillon: Without sticking: activists in sneakers block 42 kilometers of road in Berlin
Der Postillon: Last generation shaves polar bear to raise awareness of global warming
Deutschlandfunk: “Last Generation” is blocking streets in Berlin again
euronews (deutsch): Climate glue in Berlin continues – after 31 arrests at the marathon
Exberliner: Police crack down on Last Generation's Marathon protests
Focus: Angry driver knocks climate activist's glasses off his face
Göttinger Tageblatt: Climate activist in Göttingen accused: How long did he block the Geismartor?
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Why are you paying the last generation for glue, Mr. Denk?
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Berlin Marathon: Police stop disruptive action by the “last generation”
Invest Blick: Last generation has been blocking Berlin on a large scale since Monday morning
Jürgen Döschner (auf twitter): Politicians in Berlin worry that they may be reminded daily of their failure in #climate protection...
livedoor News: 環境団体がコースに塗料 ベルリン・マラソンで妨害行為
Merkur: Berlin Marathon: Police stop disruptive action by the “last generation”
Merkur: Climate adhesive comparison enrages Oktoberfest fans: “But they cry when they have to wait in the car for 30 minutes”
Merkur: Record sentence without parole: prison sentence for “last generation” climate gluer
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Fine for marathon disruptors: blockades planned abroad
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Märkische Allgemeine: Paint spilled: marathon disruptors have to pay a fine of 2000 euros each
Märkische Allgemeine: Last generation in Berlin: There are currently traffic jams on these streets
n-TV: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin Climate glue wanted to paralyze the Berlin Marathon – and failed
nd: Demands of the “last generation” are almost amusingly moderate
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: After disruptive action at the Berlin Marathon: This is what threatens the activists of the last generation
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: After disruptive action at the Berlin Marathon: This is what threatens the activists of the last generation
oe24: Raging driver knocks climate-adhesive glasses off his face
Radio FFH: After 31 arrests at the marathon
rbb24: Assefa runs world record – Kipchoge wins again
rbb24: Climate activists are blocking streets in Berlin again
rbb24: Climate activists should each pay a fine of 2.000 euros for disrupting the marathon
RP Online: Climate activist sues state parliament after mashed potato attack
RTL News: Attempt to interfere thwarted! Police remove climate adhesive from the path of the Berlin Marathon
Runner’s World: Climate Activists Attempted to Disrupt the Berlin Marathon Start
sh:z: After disruptive action at the Berlin Marathon: This is what threatens the activists of the last generation
sh:z: Sylt activist sentenced to fine for color attack in Hanover
Stern: Fine for marathon disruptors: blockades planned abroad
Stern: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Environmental activists angry: focus only on the last generation
Südwest Presse: Silvan Rauscher doesn't stop last generation in Berlin
t-online: Brandenburg Gate dirty: activists should pay
t-online: Marathon disruptive action: This is the punishment awaiting the climate gluers
Tag24: “Last Generation”: This is where there are blockades in Berlin today
Tag24: Attempt to interfere with the marathon: This is how expensive it will be for the climate adhesives
Tagesschau: Climate activists should each pay a fine of 2.000 euros for disrupting the marathon
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” also blocked streets in Berlin on Monday morning
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” wants to scale back climate protests in Berlin
Tagesspiegel Checkpoint: Dispute among leading members: Last marathon for the “Last Generation”?
taz: If it's going to be annoying, then right?
taz: “An expression of despair”
Thüringer Allgemeine: Gotha: Last generation topic of the future forge
TrendRadars: Protesters block traffic in German capital, demand urgent climate action Berlin Marathon: Police stop disruptive action by the “last generation”
UnoTV: With paint and bloqueando la salida, activists retrasan maratón de Berlin
VN Explorer: Last generation blocks traffic across Berlin on Monday morning
Vodafone live: Fine for marathon disruptors: blockades planned abroad
Volksstimme: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
WAZ: Environmental activists angry: focus only on the last generation
WDR: Blockades again from “Last Generation”
Welt: Adorno knew why one should distrust the “Last Generation.”
Welt: The “Last Generation” is changing its tactics
Welt: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Westfalenpost: Environmental activists angry: focus only on the last generation
WorldNews: Last generation at the Berlin Marathon: The preliminary police assessment of the climate stickers
WorldNews: Protesters block traffic in German capital, demand urgent climate action
Zeit Online: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
2 News: Germany Marathon
24 NEWS BREAKER: Environmental activists tried to block the marathon in Berlin (video)
69 News: APTOPIX Germany Berlin Marathon Protest The climate activists intend to perturb the department of the Berlin marathon, the police intervene immediately
AD HOC NEWS: As announced, climate activists from the “Last Generation” group disrupted the Berlin Marathon on Sunday.
archysport: Last generation interference attempt before the Berlin Marathon
B.Z.: 31 climate gluers arrested!
B.Z.: Climate chaos fails with color attack on Berlin Marathon
B.Z.: Climate glue disagrees over marathon protest
B.Z.: Tigist Assefa breaks women's world record at the Berlin Marathon
Berliner Kurier: Police prevent climate glue actions during the Berlin Marathon
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation – attempted interference before the start of the marathon fails in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Marathon in Berlin: Last generation spills paint – gluing operation fails
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin Marathon and the Last Generation: Why the mood is changing
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks traffic across Berlin: These streets are affected The most important information about the Berlin Marathon 2023 Climate adhesives fail with color attack Climate adhesives fail with color attack on marathon
Blick: The activists' intention to take part in the Berlin marathon
blue News: Des militants écologistes menacent de perturber la course
br24: Climate Activism Dilemma: The Churches and the Climate Glues
bw24: “This is an act of desperation”: Engineer from Freiburg donates 100.000 euros to “Last Generation”
Cameroon Magazine: The Berlin marathon requires additional manifestations for the climate to respect the course. – Cameroon Magazine
CNN-News18 (auf youtube): Berlin Marathon 2023 | Climate Activists Attempt To Disrupt Marathon | Climate Protest Berlin | N18V
Der Westen: Last generation: First the Brandenburg Gate, now the Berlin Marathon!
Deutsche Welle: Etíope bate recorde mundial feminino in maratona de Berlim
Deutschlandfunk: Police prevent climate blockade before marathon
Die Rheinpfalz: Berlin marathon record hunt unhindered by climate protests
Donald: Despite the threats and requests of the mayor, climate activists still disrupted the Berlin marathon
Express: Cologne climate gluer (41) should go to prison - now she wants to take action against it
Express: Wayne Carpendale on climate glue, angry citizens and the silent majority Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Color campaign disrupts Berlin Marathon
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Attempted interference foiled before marathon start in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why the climate adhesives contradict themselves
Frankfurter Rundschau: ZDF journalist cries because of little girl on “Last Generation” – big discussion breaks out Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
GBN: Berlin Marathon crashed by eco-mob as race plunged into chaos
General Anzeiger: World record and climate glue at the marathon
Hamburger Abendblatt: Marathon in Berlin: Last generation spills paint – gluing operation fails
Hamburger Morgenpost: The last generation's attempt to disrupt fails - world record at the Berlin Marathon
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Provocative and punishable”: Berlin’s mayor warns against climate protest at marathon
Handelsblatt: Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon
Handelsblatt: Attempted interference before the start of the marathon in Berlin failed
Hasepost: Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Berlin Marathon: Police stop disruptive action by the “last generation”
Heute – Österreich: Climate adhesives fail with protest at Berlin Marathon Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
Il Mitte: Final generation of tents for the interrompere of the Maratona di Berlino: 28 attivisti arrestati
iROZHLAS: OBRAZEM: Rozlitá barva, zmařené přilepení. Policie v Berlině zastavila klimatický protest během maratonu
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: Marathon in Berlin: Last generation spills paint – gluing operation fails
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation disrupts marathon start in Berlin – police on the scene
Kölnische Rundschau: Last generation disrupts marathon start in Berlin – police on the scene
L’essentiel: Ethiopian woman pulverizes world record
Les News 24: The activists for the climate on the tent of perturbation of the marathon in Berlin
Luxemburger Wort: Climate activists carry out color attacks at the Berlin Marathon
Luxemburger Wort: Tigst Assefa runs the Fable Marathon in Berlin
L’Équipe: The militant ecologist men took part in the marathon in Berlin
Mail Online: Moment eco zealots from 'The Last Generation' are dragged off the Berlin Marathon course by German police afte
Mail Online: Video: Moment driver loses his patience and starts dragging eco clowns out of the road after they hold up traffic in Berlin
MARCA: Various climate activists are intent on improving the stability of the marathon in Berlin
Merkur: Assefa runs the fable marathon in Berlin: Petros sets a record
Merkur: Berlin Marathon: Police stop disruptive action by the “last generation”
Merkur: Climate adhesive comparison enrages Oktoberfest fans: “But they cry when they have to wait in the car for 30 minutes”
Merkur: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Merkur: Record sentence without parole: prison sentence for “last generation” climate gluer
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Berlin Marathon: Records possible, climate protests threatened
msn: Last generation – Aggro cyclist tears climate activists to the ground
msn: Police intervene immediately - “Last Generation” wants to block the Berlin Marathon - and fails amid boos
n-TV: Disruptive action at the start of the Berlin Marathon prevented
n-TV: Attempts to disrupt the marathon: activists temporarily arrested Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
news: Climate activists attempt to disrupt Berlin Marathon
News Day FR: « The Berlin marathon is also instrumental here »
News Unrolled: Post: Ethiopian Assefa Broke A New World Record
nordbayern: Attempted interference foiled: “Last Generation” carried away by police at the Berlin Marathon
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Attempted interference foiled: “Last Generation” carried away by police at the Berlin Marathon
oe24: Fabulous world record despite climate glue
oe24: Climate adhesives fail with color attack on Berlin Marathon
oe24: Tough verdict against climate glue: These three reasons were decisive!
ORF: Assefa runs a fabulous world record
Ouest-France: Running. The marathon in Berlin was attended by the ecological militants
Pfalz Express: Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
Presse Augsburg: Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
prisma: Wayne Carpendale in an interview about climate glue, angry citizens and the silent majority
rbb24: Police and security forces prevent disruptive actions at the marathon
rbb24: Disruptive action prevented before the start of the marathon
Reuters: Climate activists attempt to disrupt Berlin Marathon
rnd: Climate activists fail with attempt to disrupt Berlin Marathon
rnd: Why are you paying the last generation for glue, Mr. Denk?
RP Online: Last generation tries to disrupt Berlin Marathon – and fails
RTL News: Marathon disruption attempt prevented – police drag climate adhesive out of the way
RTL News: Attempt to interfere thwarted! Police remove climate adhesive from the path of the Berlin Marathon
Ruhr Nachrichten: Attempt to disrupt the start of the marathon by the last generation. Police stop the action in Berlin
Runner’s World: Activistas climáticos intend to interrupt the marathon in Berlin
sky news: Climate protesters try to stop Berlin marathon but are dragged away by police
Sky News (auf youtube): Climate protesters try to stop Berlin marathon but are dragged away by police
Spiegel: Assefa with a fabulous world record for women – Kipchoge wins for the fifth time
Spiegel: Last generation pours paint on the street - protest action quickly stopped
Sport1: “Do you finally want to listen to us?”
Stern: Last generation fails with protest at the Berlin Marathon
Stern: Last Generation Protest March: Crossing occupied
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Assefa amazes with the fable marathon in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation – attempted interference before the start of the marathon fails in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police stop marathon blockade
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last Generation Protest March: Crossing occupied
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Attempted interference before the start of the marathon in Berlin failed
t-online: “Last Generation” blocks Berlin’s main intersection
t-online: “Last Generation” fails with blockade
t-online: 28 arrests after marathon protest
t-online: Berlin Marathon: “Last Generation” daubs the route
t-online: After the marathon campaign: climate adhesive back on the road – traffic jams
Tag24: Last Generation Fails to Interfere with the Start of the Marathon in Berlin
Tagesschau: Attempted interference before the start of the marathon
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” in Berlin: Police prevent further disruptions at Marathon – 31 climate activists arrested
Tagesspiegel: Eight activists storm the street – police prevent marathon disruption
Tagesspiegel: The “Last Generation” doesn’t get far in the Berlin Marathon
Tagesspiegel: Yes, where are they running?: The most beautiful pictures from the Berlin Marathon 2023
Tagesspiegel: Only at the start did things get colorful
Tagesspiegel: Attempt to disrupt the “Last Generation” stopped – police expect further action
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” cannot prevent world record
taz: Green Al-Wazir over Hesse – “Governing is worth it”
Teller Report: Protest at the Berlin Marathon: Last generation pours paint on the streets
The Limited Times: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
The Limited Times: Record fine for climate glue of the “last generation”: Activists have to go to prison – “completely unteachable”
TrendRadars: Last generation: Accused climate glue delivers tearful speech in Berlin Berlin Marathon: Police stop disruptive action by the “last generation” Climate adhesive comparison enrages Oktoberfest fans: “But they cry when they have to wait in the car for 30 minutes”
ULM TV: Last generation disrupts Berlin Marathon – Kipchoge wins race
VN Explorer: Berlin police stop Last Generation climate protest at marathon
VN Explorer: Climate adhesives fail with color attack on Berlin Marathon
Volksstimme: Last Generation Protest March: Crossing occupied
WAZ: Last generation – attempted interference before the start of the marathon fails in Berlin
WAZ: Marathon in Berlin: Last generation spills paint – gluing operation fails
Weinheimer Nachrichten: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Welt: Berlin Marathon – Attempt to disrupt the “Last Generation” failed
Welt: Climate activists tried to prevent the start of the Berlin Marathon
Welt: Attempt to disrupt the start of the marathon in Berlin failed
Welt: “And that’s why we interrupt such major events.”
Westfalenpost: Marathon in Berlin: Last generation spills paint – gluing operation fails
WION: WATCH | Climate activists attempt to disrupt Berlin marathon
yahoo (Taiwan): Climate activists attempt to disrupt Berlin Marathon
yahoo!nachrichten: Marathon in Berlin: Last generation spills paint – gluing operation fails
yahoo!news: Climate activists attempt to disrupt Berlin Marathon
ZDF: Berlin Marathon: Police stop attempt to disrupt
Zeit Online: Activism on credit
Zeit Online: In the end, all that's left is puddles of paint and anger
Zeit Online: The woman who is getting faster and faster
Zeit Online: Last Generation Protest March: Crossing occupied
Zeit Online: Last generation attempt to interfere with Berlin Marathon stopped
Zeit Online: Attempts to disrupt the marathon: activists temporarily arrested
ФОКУС: The eco-activities were tested by the maraphone animals in Berlin (Vidio)
1 & 1: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
AD HOC NEWS: In view of threatened protests by climate activists, the organizers of the Berlin Marathon are hoping for a race without disruption.
AD HOC NEWS: The Last Generation had announced that they wanted to paralyze Berlin with road blockades for their action weeks in the fall.
AD HOC NEWS: “We cannot run away from the climate catastrophe,” says the climate protection group Last Generation and announces that it will interrupt the Berlin Marathon.
ARD alpha: Climate Activism Dilemma: The Churches and the Climate Glues Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon
Augustamax: Old protests, new slogans: “Last Generation” changes tactics – WELT
B.Z.: Interfere with the marathon? Did the glue cloud your brain?
B.Z.: Climate adhesives block intersection in Schöneberg
B.Z.: Police attend climate glue brunch
B.Z.: Police: Do not intervene in the event of disruptions to the Berlin Marathon
B.Z.: Why can't the climate gluers be arrested straight away?
Berliner Morgenpost: Berlin Marathon: Traffic jams and cheers on the first day of the competition
Berliner Morgenpost: Kai Wegner appeals to climate protectors
Berliner Morgenpost: Marathon will be a race between police and climate activists
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin Marathon: This is how the police are preparing for last generation actions
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation accuses police of brutal use in Schöneberg church
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly Berlin Marathon: The route, the closures The 3 reasons for the tough verdict against Klima-Caroline Equal rights for all climate adhesives Climate chaotin with glue earring to the process Climate glue want to disrupt the Berlin Marathon Police attend climate glue brunch Why aren't climate gluers arrested straight away? Wayne Carpendale on climate glue, angry citizens and the silent majority
blue News: “Last Generation” wants to interrupt the Berlin Marathon
BNN: Climate Activism Versus High-Profile Events: A Case Study of the Berlin Marathon
br24: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt the Berlin Marathon
Clean Energy Wire: German court hands out heftiest punishment to date for climate protester, Last Generation group says
Daily Liberal: Climate activists urged not to disrupt Berlin Marathon
Der Patriot: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly
Der Patriot: Wegner: Climate activists should refrain from protests
Der Westen: ARD star Jannik Schümann: “I have no understanding for the 'Last Generation'”
Der Westen: Last generation blocks Berliner Straße - suddenly the police have to deal with the AfD
Der Westen: Last generation: Man donates assets to them – but thinks “the actions are bad”
Dialyse Leer: Wegner calls on “Last Generation” to refrain from marathon protests
DNyuz: Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon
Evangelisch leben in Köln und Region: Dialogue space: Church and last generation – “We should talk!”
Express: Climate activists want to block the Berlin Marathon
Express: Organizers call for a trouble-free Berlin Marathon
Express: Wayne Carpendale on climate glue, angry citizens and the silent majority
Eßlinger Zeitung: Wegner: Climate activists should refrain from protests CDU politician Dregger: “Climate protesters are no better than Reich citizens”
Frankenpost: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate protest announced
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Frankfurter Rundschau: ZDF journalist cries because of little girl on “Last Generation”
Hadmut Danisch: Is the Last Generation a criminal organization?
Hamburger Abendblatt: Audimax sprayed – activist back in court
Hamburger Morgenpost: Chaos on the weekend? The last generation threatens the makers of the Berlin Marathon
in Südthüringen: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt the event
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne climate activist wants to take action against the prison sentence
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Mannheimer Morgen: To the “Last Generation”
marathon4you: Climate activists announce protest actions
Marler Zeitung: Last generation announces action “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Merkur: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Merkur: Several arrests confirmed: climate stickers spray the Brandenburg Gate with paint
Merkur: Psychologist infiltrates the “Last Generation” – incarcerations have “insanely high significance”
Merkur: Record sentence without parole: prison sentence for “last generation” climate gluer
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: “Fridays for Future” speaker about actions by “Last Generation” in Halle
msn: “Last generation” in Berlin – climate activists block the road – SUV hits the gas
Märkische Allgemeine: Anger over planned marathon protest: Climate activists “no better than Reich citizens”
n-TV: Last generation announces disruption to the Berlin Marathon Berlin Marathon: Climate activists want event
Naya Nazriya: Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon – DW – 09/23/2023
NDR: Monument defaced: fine for “Last Generation” activist
Nordsee Zeitung: Climate adhesives spare the Porsche entourage on the journey to Bremerhaven
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt: Climate protest at the Berlin Marathon
One News: Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon
Presseportal: Friedrich Merz: The last generation does more harm than good to climate protection
ProSieben: “Interrupt the Berlin Marathon” – “Last Generation” threatens blockades
Radio RSG: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Radio Siegen: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
rbb: Dregger (CDU) defends ban on demonstrations at the Berlin Marathon
rbb24: Climate adhesive at the Berlin Marathon?
rbb24: Participants occupy intersection after “Last Generation” protest march
rbb24: Wegner calls on “Last Generation” to refrain from marathon protests
rnd: Berlin mayor: Climate activists should refrain from protests at the marathon
rnd: Wegner calls on the last generation to refrain from protesting at the Berlin Marathon
RP Online: Last generation wants to block Berlin Marathon
RTL News: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Ruhr Nachrichten: Last generation announces action “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Schwäbische: Pop singer Kerstin Ott: “Climate adhesives annoy me”
Spiegel: Last generation occupies intersection in Berlin
SRF: Fear of climate activists, eyes on Kipchoge
Stern: Climate activists should refrain from protesting at the marathon
Stern: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt the Berlin Marathon
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists should refrain from protesting at the marathon
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
südostschweiz: “Last Generation” wants to interrupt the Berlin Marathon
Südwest Presse: Last generation wants to disrupt event – police are preparing
t-online: “Last Generation” at the Berlin Marathon: Wegner calls for no protest
t-online: “Last Generation”: Sylt activist sentenced after color attack – threatens longer imprisonment
t-online: Berlin mayor warns activists
t-online: Wissing: “For some, the protests take on forms of terror”
Tag24: Controls in the Church: “Last Generation” Accuses Police of GDR Methods
Tag24: Wegner warns climate adhesive of blockages at marathon
Tagesschau: Wegner calls on “Last Generation” to refrain from marathon protests
Tagesspiegel: Marathon spectators should not intervene in disruptive actions themselves
Tagesspiegel: Wegner appeals to the “last generation” – police warn against vigilantism
Tagesspiegel: Wegner appeals for the Greens to distance themselves from the “last generation”
Tagesspiegel: “The Berlin Marathon is being exploited here”
Teller Report: E-fuels: First German company sues against combustion engine phase
THE ADVOCATE: Climate activists urged not to disrupt Berlin Marathon
The Courier: Climate activists urged not to disrupt Berlin Marathon
The Limited Times: Climate activists should refrain from protesting at the marathon
The Limited Times: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
The Limited Times: Record fine for climate glue of the “last generation”: Activists have to go to prison – “completely unteachable”
The Local: Berlin marathon asks climate protesters to respect race
The Senior: Climate activists urged not to disrupt Berlin Marathon
The Telegraph India: Climate activist group Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon
Thüringer Allgemeine: Thoughts about the weekend from Sömmerda: The last generation and the generations before
VN Explorer: Berlin marathon asks climate protesters to respect race
VN Explorer: Climate activists urged not to disrupt Berlin Marathon
VN Explorer: Climate protest at the marathon? Berliners would be “very angry,” warns the mayor
VN Explorer: Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon!”
Volksstimme: With video: “Fridays for Future” speaker about actions by “Last Generation” in Halle
WAZ: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
WDR: Last Generation” wants to disrupt Marathon
Welt: The “Last Generation” is changing its tactics
Welt: Climate protest at the marathon? Berliners would be “very angry,” warns the mayor
Weser Kurier: Wayne Carpendale on climate glue, angry citizens and the silent majority
WorldNews: Climate activist group Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon
WorldNews: erman Climate Activist Receives Record Prison Sentence
WorldNews: Last Generation warned against disrupting Berlin Marathon
WorldNews: Before the Berlin Marathon: Wegner appeals to the “last generation” – police warn against vigilantism
XOBEC: Activists from the last generation were involved in the Berlin marathon
ZDF: Climate activists want to disrupt the Berlin Marathon
ZDF: Wegner appeals to the “last generation”
Zeit Online: “I would rather buy a Porsche with the money”
Zeit Online: The government wants to take its time with climate protection
Zeit Online: Climate activists should refrain from protesting at the marathon
Zeit Online: Climate activists want to disrupt the marathon
Zeit Online: Last generation wants to interrupt the Berlin Marathon
Zeit Online: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Zeit Online: Politicians call on the last generation to refrain from protesting
Zeit Online: Road blockades in Berlin – police intervene quickly
Zeit Online: Wegner: Climate activists should refrain from protests
20 This climate gluer has to go to prison for eight months
Always First: German climate activist receives record prison sentence
antenne 1: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
antenne 1: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
antenne bayern: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Anwaltsregister: Climate activist sentenced to eight months in prison
B.Z.: Eight-month prison sentence for climate gluer
B.Z.: Drivers wanted to attack air conditioning adhesive - but the police were faster
B.Z.: Berlin Marathon: The route, the closures
B.Z.: Climate adhesive on the way again
B.Z.: Climate glue want to disrupt the Berlin Marathon
B.Z.: Climate stickers want to deface markings at the Berlin Marathon
B.Z.: Police ban protest actions by climate stickers during marathon
B.Z.: Wegner criticizes climate glue
B.Z.: Wegner: Vigilantism against climate glue is the wrong answer
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Badische Zeitung: Fabulous record and small disruption
Barron’s: Berlin Marathon Asks Climate Protesters To Respect Race
Berliner Kurier: Police ban climate sticker protests during Berlin Marathon
Berliner Kurier: Record fine for climate gluer! That's how long she has to go to prison
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation current: eight-month prison sentence without parole for climate activist
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation current: Blockades in Berlin – These streets are affected
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: psychologist infiltrates – devastating insights
Berliner Zeitung: Accused in several cases: Klima-Kleber gives a tearful speech
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin Marathon and climate glue: Police show a strong presence at the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Zeitung: Climate gluer in Berlin sentenced to eight months in prison – without parole
Berliner Zeitung: Running blockades: Last generation disrupts Berlin traffic on Friday morning
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation in Berlin: Cautious activists, fast police officers
bigFM: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist Drivers wanted to attack climate stickers Trial against climate activist dropped Record punishment for climate gluer
Blick: Climate gluer receives record prison sentence German climate activist receives record prison sentence
daijiworld: German climate activist receives record prison sentence
Deutschlandfunk: Climate protest – The last generation is interested in the Office for the Protection of the Constitution
Express: A climate gluer has never been punished so harshly before Last generation slows traffic in 19 locations in Berlin
Focus: In Berlin alone, around 2500 climate-adhesive cases are turning the tables in court and playing with the rule of law
Focus: Last generation calls verdict absurdBerlin court sentences climate activist to record punishment
Focus: Paint difficult to remove after “Last Generation” attack: Now special company is supposed to save Brandenburg Gate
Focus: Because of three sit-ins in BerlinKlima-Kleberin has to go to prison for eight months - without parole
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is so difficult
Frankfurter Rundschau: Berlin police defend “pain grips” against “last generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Record sentence without parole: prison sentence for “Last Generation” climate activist
Freie Presse: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Handelsblatt: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Review: This is how the Last Generation protests went in Hanover
Heute – Österreich: 8 months in prison for climate gluer – court without mercy
I3investor: German climate activist receives record prison sentence
Janta Se Rishta: जर्मन जलवायु कार्यकर्ता को रिकॉर्ड जेल की सज़ ा
Khaskhabar: जर्मन जलवायु कार्यकर्ता को रिकॉर्ड जेल की सज़ ा
Kronen Zeitung: Highest prison sentence to date for climate activist
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne climate activist sentenced to months in prison
Kölnische Rundschau: Cologne climate activist sentenced to months in prison
MENAFN: German Climate Activist Receives Record Prison Sentence
Merkur: Climate protests again in Berlin
Merkur: Climate adhesive comparison enrages Oktoberfest fans: “But they cry when they have to wait in the car for 30 minutes”
Merkur: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Merkur: Several arrests confirmed: climate stickers spray the Brandenburg Gate with paint
Merkur: ZDF journalist cries because of little girl on “Last Generation” – big discussion breaks out
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate protests again in Berlin
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
msn: “Last Generation” wants to interrupt the Berlin Marathon
msn: Last Generation climate activists vow to disrupt Berlin Marathon
msn: Last generation: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
msn: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
Mundo ao Minuto: Protesto contra combustíveis fósseis pinta maratona de Berlin de laranja
n-TV: Last generation paralyzes Berlin traffic with new tactics
n-TV: Last generation changes protest tactics
n-TV: Police ban activists from protesting during marathon Climate activist sentenced to eight months in prison Police defend pain grips against climate glue
NDR: Monument defaced? “Last Generation” activist in court
Neue Westfälische: Organizers call for a trouble-free Berlin Marathon
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Eight months in prison without parole for a supporter of the Last Generation – the highest sentence so far for a sit-in
Nordkurier: Climate protests again in Berlin
oe24: Record prison sentence for climate gluer
onvista: Last generation slows traffic in 19 locations in Berlin
OÖNachrichten: Klimakleberin has to go to prison for eight months
Radio 901: Climate protests again in Berlin – prison sentence for activist
Radio FFH: Climate adhesives turn the tables in court and play with the rule of law
Radio RSG: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Radio Siegen: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
radioeins: Last generation wants to disrupt Berlin Marathon: Is that a good idea?
rbb24: Drivers attack “Last Generation” protest march
rbb24: Berlin climate activist sentenced to eight months in prison without parole
rbb24: Berlin police ban spontaneous protests surrounding the marathon
rbb24: FDP raises allegations against Senate because of legal opinion on “Last Generation”
rbb24: What awaits Berlin on the marathon weekend
recht-aktuell: Climate activist sentenced to eight months in prison
rnd: Berlin court sentences Last Generation activist to eight months in prison
rnd: Last generation blocks Berlin rush hour traffic with walking protests
rnd: Last generation slows down Berlin – Greenpeace blocks LNG terminal construction
rnd: Police ban protest action by climate activists during Berlin Marathon
RP Online: Cologne climate activist jailed for sit-in
RTL News: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
SAMAA TV: Berlin marathon organizers urge climate activists to save race amid disruption threats
Spiegel: Climate activist sentenced to eight months in prison - without parole
Starconnectmedia: Berlin's mayor now 'really fed up' with climate activists
Stern: Climate protests again in Berlin
Stern: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Stern: Last generation in Berlin: Protest at a snail's pace
Stern: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
Stern: Police ban activists from protesting during marathon
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Are reporters allowed to show emotions?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protests again in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation in Berlin: Protest at a snail's pace
Süddeutsche Zeitung: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
t-online: “The 'Last Generation' will continue to radicalize”
t-online: Activist has to go to prison: Record sentence for climate gluer
t-online: Brandenburg Gate dirty: activists should pay
t-online: Marathon protests? Berlin climate stickers face high penalties
t-online: More than 35.000 euros: cleaning costs for the Brandenburg Gate are rising
t-online: Passerby insults “last generation” climate activists
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Air Conditioning Adhesives Sneak In Front of Cars
Tag24: Court Sentences Climate Glue to Jail
Tag24: Climate glue Zoff in Leipzig: CDU wants to intervene in basic rights in order to ban the last generation
Tagesschau: Eight months in prison without parole for climate activist
Tagesschau: Drivers attack “Last Generation” protest march
Tagesschau: Berlin police ban spontaneous protests surrounding the marathon
Tagesschau: Spontaneous protests around Marathon and on the A100 will be banned
Tagesspiegel: In their desperation, the climate gluers lose all sense of their goal
Tagesspiegel: Police prevented several actions on Friday morning
Tagesspiegel: Social psychologist on the approach of the “last generation”
Tagesspiegel: Wissing warns against radicalization of climate protests
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” still wants to disrupt the Berlin Marathon
Teller Report: Last generation: Activist sentenced to eight months in prison in Berlin
Teller Report: Paint attack on Brandenburg Gate: Knowing fears radicalization of the last generation
The Brussels Times: The mayor of Berlin has 'had enough' of climate activists
The Limited Times: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
the Sun daily: German climate activist jailed 8 months for glue protests
TIMETURK: German climate activists stage 'slow walk' protest in Berlin
TrendRadars: German climate activists stage 'slow walk' protest in Berlin Record sentence without parole: prison sentence for “last generation” climate gluer
UnserTirol24: Record prison sentence for climate gluer
Utopia: Running blockades: Last generation changes protest strategy Eight months in prison for climate gluer in Berlin
Vodafone live: Climate protests again in Berlin
Vodafone live: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Volksstimme: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
Welt: As a police officer in the “Last Generation” – is that possible?
Welt: Climate activists want to block the Berlin Marathon – “This is an announcement of criminal offenses”
Welt: Police ban unannounced protests by climate activists
Welt: Police: Prepared for disruptions to the marathon
Welt: Tire slitting with Bibi Blocksberg
Welt: “Last Generation” wants to interrupt the Berlin Marathon
WirtschaftsWoche: Last generation: “We are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”
WorldNews: “Yes, we are interrupting the Berlin Marathon”: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt a sporting event – despite the police ban
XINHUANET: German climate activist receives record prison sentence
Zeit Online: “I would rather buy a Porsche with the money”
Zeit Online: Activists obstruct traffic in Berlin with a running blockade
Zeit Online: Another blockade of running by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Zeit Online: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
Anadolu Agency: German climate activists stage 'slow walk' protest in Berlin
Augsburger Allgemeine: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate glue in prison: A criminal lawyer calls on the judiciary to show moderation
Berliner Abendblatt: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Blaulicht Report: Drivers remove air conditioning adhesive themselves and spray irritant gas! Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
CanIndia: German climate activist receives record prison sentence
Deutschlandfunk: Over 270 advertisements following climate protests
Focus: Police defend “pain grips” against climate glue: “The mildest remedy”
Frankenpost: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation protests at walking pace
Freie Presse: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Genios: CLIMATE STICKERS were thrown out of their headquarters
IDEA: Berlin: No church rooms for the “last generation”
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Most of the paint removed from the Brandenburg Gate
law blog: “Last Generation”: In the end there is prison
Legal Tribune online: Climate activist sentenced to longest prison sentence to date
msn: No more sticking? Last generation changes protest tactics
msn: Last generation smeared Brandenburg Gate - cleaning becomes very expensive
msn: Last generation in Berlin: Protest at a snail's pace
msn: Last generation: Climate activists block several streets in Berlin
msn: After the climate glue attack: cleaning the Brandenburg Gate is complicated and time-consuming
msn: Apparently record punishment for climate gluer in Berlin
msn: Record sentence without parole: prison sentence for “last generation” climate gluer
Märkische Allgemeine: Running blockades: Last generation disrupts Berlin traffic again
Neue Deister Zeitung: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
Neue Westfälische: Climate protests in Berlin again – prison sentence for activist
rbb: Jendro: “Giving in to politics would send the wrong signal”
RTL News: Last generation: Road blockades – driver sprays irritant gas
Spiegel: "I'm incredibly afraid that I'll end up in jail someday." Berlin: 8 months in prison for climate gluer
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Tagesspiegel: Police prevented several actions on Friday morning - a blockade in Berlin-Tempelhof
Tagesspiegel: Mysterious dye on the Brandenburg Gate sticks particularly strongly
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt a sporting event – despite the police ban
Then24: German climate activist sentenced to eight months in prison for road closures
Welt: Climate protests again in Berlin
Welt: Klima-Kleberin has to go to prison for eight months
Welt: More than 270 advertisements following climate protests
Welt: Member of the “Last Generation” sentenced to eight months in prison
Welt: “At some point it will be the end of the day” – lawyer defends high fine
WorldNews: Video of use on minors causes a stir: Police defend “pain grips” against climate glue: “The mildest remedy”
Zeit Online: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: cleaning takes a long time
B.Z.: Are the Berlin police taking too hard action against climate glue?
B.Z.: The police are now preventing blockages of the climate adhesives
B.Z.: Are the climate chaotics also disrupting the Berlin Marathon at the weekend?
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Berliner Kurier: Here the climate stickers blocked Berlin's streets
Berliner Morgenpost: Activists: This is the hard core of the last generation
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation flies from the airlift site
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation has a parking ban in Pankow - there is a risk of a fine
Berliner Morgenpost: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open
Berliner Morgenpost: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Berlin climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Berliner Zeitung: Attack on the Brandenburg Gate: Cleaning attempts unsuccessful, costs rise
Berliner Zeitung: Police officers support the last generation: Open letter to Olaf Scholz
Berliner Zeitung: “Painful grips” during protests of the last generation: Debate about police harshness sparked 1200 euros fine! Climate greaser Dennis sentenced Are the police taking too hard action against climate stickers? Now the climate adhesives are blocked Klima-Glue, pays for the damage to the Brandenburg Gate! The police are now preventing blockages of the climate adhesives
BuzzFeed: 7 people who pass the orange Brandenburg Gate at Pöppes
Clean Energy Wire: German society split on climate action, policymakers must find middle ground – survey
comdirect: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Der Westen: Vacation in Berlin: Can the Brandenburg Gate still be saved? Only “80 percent of the paint could be removed”
Evangelische Zeitung: No hostel for the “last generation”: that’s right!
Evangelische Zeitung: “Last Generation” is not allowed to spend the night in the Berlin parish Balance sheet of the climate chaos: 150 criminal charges, kilos of superglue confiscated Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Focus: Berlin marathon in chaos after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate? Last generation leaves protest open
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Frankfurter Rundschau: Berlin police defend “pain grips” against “last generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Policeman twists activist's hand until she cries - pedestrian intervenes and argues with police
Frankfurter Rundschau: ZDF journalist cries because of little girl on “Last Generation” – big discussion breaks out
GigaNews: Last generation: “pain grips” against climate protectors: debate about police
Hamburger Abendblatt: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open
Handelsblatt: “Painful attacks” against climate protectors: debate about the police
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Because she’s sitting here, the stupid cow”: Trouble at demonstration – police officer twists activist’s hand until she cries
in Südthüringen: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open Evangelical Church: No church spaces for the “last generation”
Kreiszeitung: “Because she’s sitting here, the stupid cow”: Trouble at demonstration – police officer twists activist’s hand until she cries
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
law blog: Have Bild and BZ broken “journalistic standards”?
Leipziger Zeitung: The city council meets: No bans on “last generation” blockades planned + video
Merkur: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Merkur: Several arrests confirmed: climate stickers spray the Brandenburg Gate with paint
Merkur: “Because she’s sitting here, the stupid cow”: Trouble at demonstration – police officer twists activist’s hand until she cries
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Märkische Allgemeine: Blockades at the Berlin Marathon? The last generation is planning these actions
n-TV: Berlin Marathon: Worry about the last generation
n-TV: Klimakleber sentenced to a fine for graffitiing the Federal Chancellery
Nachrichten Online: Last generation: “pain grips” against climate protectors: debate about police
nd: It takes more than color to stop fossil capital
nd: We'll need more than orange paint to stop fossil capital
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open
Neue Westfälische: “Painful attacks” against climate protectors: debate about the police
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: “I knew what I was getting myself into”: A supporter of the Last Generation talks about her time in preventive detention in Bavaria
Nordbayerischer Kurier: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Radio FFH: Police defend “pain grips” against climate glue: – “THE MILDEST MEDIUM”
Radio Siegen: “Painful attacks” against climate protectors: debate about the police
rbb: Chiara Malz: Policewoman in the “Last Generation”
rnd: Last generation announces permanent protests
rnd: “Why this brutal harshness?”: Debate about police operations against the last generation
RTL News: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Saarbrücker Zeitung: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Schwarzwälder Bote: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Spiegel: Last generation climate activist fined
Stern: “Painful grips” during protests: Debate about police harshness
Stern: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Stern: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: “Painful grips” at demos: Debate about tough police action
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Most of the paint removed from the Brandenburg Gate
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Partial success of the last generation against the Bavarian justice system
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Painful grips” during protests: Debate about police harshness
Süddeutsche Zeitung: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open
t-online: The theatrics of climate glue are unbearable
t-online: More than 35.000 euros: cleaning costs for the Brandenburg Gate are rising
t-online: Police carry underage activists off the street using pain grips
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Are Climate Glues Closing the Berlin Marathon?
Tagesschau: Scholz in the WDR 2 children’s interview: climate glue campaigns “crazy”
Tagesspiegel: Activists hand over 50 open letters for Olaf Scholz
Tagesspiegel: Blockades at the Berlin Marathon?: “Last Generation” leaves possible climate protests open
Tagesspiegel: Before the Berlin marathon weekend: The fear of the “last generation”
The Limited Times: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
The Limited Times: Young policeman from Baden-Württemberg was a climate activist at “Last Generation” “Because she’s sitting here, the stupid cow”: Trouble at demonstration – police officer twists activist’s hand until she cries
VN Explorer: Last generation of 50 police officers supported: Open letter to Olaf Scholz
VN Explorer: Last generation: Will the damage to the Brandenburg Gate last forever? Only “80 percent of the paint could be removed”
Vodafone live: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Vodafone live: “Painful grips” during protests: debate about police harshness
Vodafone live: “Painful attacks” against climate protectors: debate about the police
Volksstimme: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
Volksstimme: “Painful grips” during protests: Debate about police harshness
WAZ: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open
Welt: Police confiscate hundreds of tubes of glue and “activator” during raid
Welt: “Painful grips” during protests: debate about police harshness
Welt (auf youtube): LAST GENERATION: Drivers frustrated by road blockades – police warn against vigilantism
Westfalenpost: During the Berlin Marathon: Last generation leaves protest open
WirtschaftsWoche: “Painful attacks” against climate protectors: debate about the police
ZDF: Last generation vs. Brandenburg Gate
ZDF Satire (auf youtube): Last generation vs. Brandenburg Gate | Bosetti wants to talk!
Zeit Online: “Painful grips” during protests: Debate about police harshness
Zeit Online: “Painful attacks” against climate activists: debate about the police
Zeit Online: Climate activists leave the possibility of a marathon protest open
AD HOC NEWS: The climate protection group Last Generation sprayed all six pillars of the Brandenburg Gate with paint in a protest on Sunday.
AD HOC NEWS: The Last Generation is continuing its major road blockades in Berlin announced for September.
AD HOC NEWS: “Protect the Protest”: Under this motto, Amnesty International shows on an online world map how states are restricting demonstrations.
B.Z.: All climate gluers arrested were released on Monday after blockades
B.Z.: The climate gluers are planning that this week
B.Z.: Climate gluers posed as film students at lift rental companies
B.Z.: Klima-Glue, pays for the damage to the Brandenburg Gate!
B.Z.: Raid on Klima-Kleber in Reinickendorf
B.Z.: Should climate adhesives generally pay for damage?
B.Z.: Climate adhesive on the way again, but the police were quicker here!
Berliner Morgenpost: Hundreds of tubes of glue confiscated during search
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation of activists blocking Berlin streets
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin currently: activist screams - police justify their action
Berliner Morgenpost: Police increase protective measures at the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Painful attack against climate activists – what are the police allowed to do?
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation blocked the streets again on Tuesday
Berliner Zeitung: Blockades of the last generation: That is the balance sheet for Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation smeared Brandenburg Gate: That costs cleaning Air conditioning adhesive released again on Monday after blockages Air conditioning glue on the way – but the police were quicker here! Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate costs 35 euros Irritant gas attack on climate adhesive Who slept here?
BuzzFeed: 7 videos show how violent the attacks on the Last Generation are
comdirect: ROUNDUP 2: Last generation with 20 road blockages – driver sprays irritant gas
Daily Finland: Climate activists glue themselves to roads across Berlin
daum: Germany Climate Activism Protest
daum: Germany Climate Protest
DayFR Euro: Climate activists stick to the road in Berlin
Die Rheinpfalz: For example, Orange: Why the “Last Generation” fails (also) symbolically
euronews: Activists spray the Brandenburg Gate orange as global protests call for an end to fossil fuels
euronews (deutsch): Climate glue want to “paralyze Berlin for weeks”
Express: “Last Generation”: Bad defeat for begging perpetrators (44)
Frankfurter Rundschau: Policeman twists activist's hand until she cries - pedestrian intervenes and argues with police
Frankfurter Rundschau: Incident in Berlin: Pepper spray attack on “Last Generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: ZDF journalist cries because of little girl on “Last Generation” – big discussion breaks out
Hallo Augsburg: Last generation: Is the face behind the organization in Augsburg?
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' continues blockades - apartment searched
Head Topics: Berlin: Irritant gas against the last generation - drivers attack climate adhesive with pepper spray
Head Topics: Balance sheet of the climate glue: 42 blockades, 266 arrests, 500 police officers
Head Topics: Scandal in Cologne: “Last Generation”: Bad defeat for begging perpetrators (44)
Head Topics: Refugee accommodation in Berlin: No going back to gymnasiums
Head Topics: Climate glue attacks and blockades in Berlin
Head Topics: Climate protest at the Brandenburg Gate: Comparatively tame
Head Topics: Last generation in Berlin currently: Hundreds of tubes of glue confiscated during a search
Head Topics: Raid on Klima-Kleber in Reinickendorf
Head Topics: This is how the climate chaotic people were able to sully the Brandenburg Gate
Head Topics: “Last Generation” demonstrates in Berlin: 158 criminal complaints after blockades on Monday – longer detention possible for repeat offenders
Head Topics: “Last Generation” activist writes novel: “Wut” reading in Hamburg
Heilbronner Stimme: 20 Last Generation Blockades - Driver sprays irritant gas
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Suppression of climate activists: Amnesty puts Germany on the ban list for the first time
Hotair: Brandenburg Gate Spray-Painted by Climate Protestors: 'We Will Not Stop'
Intimation news (auf youtube): Climate activists spray paint Berlin's Brandenburg gate in protest.
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
LUSA: Last Generation climate activists protest in Berlin
Merkur: Attack on “Last Generation”: Driver attacks climate sticker with pepper spray
Merkur: Another road blockade by climate activists
Merkur: Several arrests confirmed: climate stickers spray the Brandenburg Gate with paint
Merkur: Suppression of climate activists: Amnesty puts Germany on the ban list for the first time
Merkur: ZDF journalist cries because of little girl on “Last Generation” – big discussion breaks out
msn: Berlin police take action against activists: house search of member of the “Last Generation”
msn: Last generation of activists blocking Berlin streets
msn: Last generation smeared Brandenburg Gate - cleaning becomes very expensive
Märkische Allgemeine: Climate activists also blocked Berlin streets on Tuesday
n-TV: Brandenburg Gate: Cleaning costs are fixed
n-TV: Police file 158 criminal charges against Last Generation
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Drivers have had enough: air conditioning stickers flee from pepper spray
News 89.4: Amnesty: Suppression of protests also in Germany
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
oe24: Pepper spray attack on climate adhesive
Pledge Times: Suppression of climate activists: Amnesty denounces Germany
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
radio Herford: Berlin | Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
Radio Köln: Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
radio Lippe: Berlin | Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
Radio RSG: Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
Radio SAW: Braunschweig. Climate adhesives continue to face high penalties
Radio SAW: Braunschweig. City remains tough on climate glue
radio vest: Amnesty: Suppression of protests in Germany too
rbb24: “Last generation” is blocking traffic again
rbb24: “Last Generation” continues blockades – apartment searched
rbb24: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate costs around 35.000 euros
rbb24: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate was more difficult than expected
Recklinghauser Zeitung: The last generation sprayed the Brandenburg Gate with paint: cleaning costs 35.000 euros
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: 60-year-old blockade defendant uses courtroom as a stage
RTL News: “Get away, you bums!” Drivers attack climate glue with pepper spray
Stern: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Stern: Another road blockade by climate activists
Stern: After last generation blockades: 158 criminal complaints
Stern: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate after the protest costs 35.000 euros
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The sticking evidence
Süddeutsche Zeitung: According to the report, Germany restricts freedom of assembly
t-online: “I'll run you over”: Driver attacks climate adhesive
t-online: Activists allow taxis carrying cancer patients through the blockade
t-online: Climate activist screams when police attack her - passer-by intervenes
t-online: Berlin police: Pain grip on activist was the right measure
t-online: Police confiscate hundreds of tubes of glue from an activist
t-online: That's how bad the damage is to the Brandenburg Gate
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Climate Adhesives Are Blocking Traffic In Berlin Again
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Police turn apartment of climate sticker upside down
Tag24: After a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate by climate activists: This is how expensive cleaning becomes
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” continues blockades – apartment searched
Tagesspiegel: 158 criminal complaints after blockades on Monday – longer detention possible for repeat offenders
taz: vicarious agent of the police
The Limited Times: Attack on “Last Generation”: Motorist attacks climate glue with pepper spray
The Limited Times: Repression of climate activists: Amnesty puts Germany on its list of bans for the first time
The Telegraph India: Climate activists spray Brandenburg Gate orange
The Times Nigeria: Climate activists block Berlin streets for second consecutive day
Thüringer Allgemeine: Painful attack against climate activists – what are the police allowed to do?
UrduPoint: Climate Activists Block Streets In Berlin, Demand Action To Phase Out Fossil Fuels
VN Explorer: Climate activists glue themselves to roads across Berlin
WAZ: Last generation: pain grip against climate activists – what are the police allowed to do?
Welt: Police confiscate hundreds of tubes of glue and “activator” during raid
Welt: Cleaning the Brandenburg Gate costs 35.000 euros
Welt: “The climate gluers don’t seem to be lacking in money”
Welt: “A kind of national sport for the small people of climate gluers”
Welt: “Soon we will no longer be able to handle this in terms of personnel”
Zeit Online: Again blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Zeit Online: Again road blockades by climate demonstrators in Berlin
Zeit Online: Hundreds of tubes of superglue confiscated
Zeit Online: After last generation blockades: 158 criminal complaints
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Activism Protest
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” founder Guttmann: “I also think roadblocks are shitty”
antenne 1: Climate activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
Asia Free Press: Climate activists block streets in Berlin, demand action to phase out fossil fuels
Berlin Story News: New climate protests in Berlin – over 20 blockades
BGLand24: Several arrests confirmed: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Borneo Bulletin: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
euronews (deutsch): Last generation protests in Berlin are upsetting motorists
Flash-Up: “Last Generation”: New climate protests in Berlin – over 20 blockades
FränkischerTag: Climate activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
FränkischerTag: Last generation with 20 road blockades in Berlin
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last Generation” activist writes novel: “Wut” reading in Hamburg
Hasepost: Berlin police are preparing for a new wave of climate protests
Head Topics: Last generation blocked in Berlin: “The climate crisis is not taking a break”
Independent (Ireland): 14 climate activists arrested for spray-painting Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate bright orange
KlimaNachrichten: BZ: The goal of climate stickers is scarier than climate change
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
MMnews: New climate protests in Berlin – over 20 blockades
msn: “Last Generation”: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate
msn: Action week in Berlin: Climate activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
Nürnberger Blatt: “Last Generation”: New climate protests in Berlin – over 20 blockades ⋆ Nürnberger Blatt
Nürnberger Blatt: Police: Almost all climate blockades in Berlin dissolved
Prague Monitor: Climate Activists Blocked Car Traffic on 20 Major Roads in Berlin
Presse Augsburg: Berlin police are preparing for a new wave of climate protests
Presse Augsburg: New climate protests in Berlin – over 20 blockades
Ruhr Nachrichten: Last generation announces new protests Already 2860 proceedings following climate protests in Berlin
Ruhr24: Several arrests confirmed: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Stern: Last generation with 20 road blockades in Berlin
t-online: Driver sprays irritant gas on climate activists – investigations
Tagesschau 24: Climate protest in Berlin: “Last Generation” blocks 321 streets
Tagesspiegel: The “Last Generation” fuels fear of climate activism
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists in Berlin are feeling anger - pepper spray was also used
The Courier Mail: Climate protesters spray paint the Brandenburg Gate
The Manila Times: Climate activists spray paint on Berlin's Brandenburg Gate Several arrests confirmed: climate stickers spray the Brandenburg Gate with paint
VN Explorer: Pepper spray attack on climate adhesive
Welt: Annoyed driver uses pepper spray against “Last Generation”.
Welt: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
yahoo!news: German climate activists spray paint Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
ZDF: “Last Generation” announces week of action
Zeit Online: Climate activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
:newstime (auf youtube): “Last Generation” DRAISES Brandenburg Gate with paint IN PROTEST
1 & 1: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
1010wcsi: German climate protesters spray paint Brandenburg Gate columns
abc News: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
ABC Nyheter: Climate activist painted Brandenburg Gate in protest
AD HOC NEWS: The climate protection group Last Generation has announced new road blockades in Berlin.
AD HOC NEWS: The climate protection group Last Generation announces new road blockades in Berlin - the police want to intervene quickly.
AD HOC NEWS: The climate protection group Last Generation wants to intensify its protest in Berlin with new weeks of action.
AFP Deutschland (auf youtube): Last generation sprays paint on Brandenburg Gate
antenne 1: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
antenne 1: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate
antenne bayern: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
AP News: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
apollo 23: Radikala organizācija apķēpājusi Brandenburgas vārtus aroranžu krāsu
Australian Community Media (auf youtube): Climate activists paint iconic Brandenburg Gate
B.Z.: Already 2860 lawsuits against climate adhesives in Berlin
Berliner Abendblatt: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Berliner Kurier: Climate adhesive, construction site madness, closures: traffic will be backed up HERE from Monday
Berliner Morgenpost: Brandenburg Gate: Video shows dramatic police operation
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation smeared Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: climate glue thrown out of headquarters
Berliner Zeitung: Week of permanent traffic jams in Berlin feared: climate glue, construction sites, demos and marathon
bigFM: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin Climate adhesive smear the Brandenburg Gate with paint
Blick: Climate activists carry out a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
Blick: Entrepreneur donates 300 euros to Last Generation Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
br24: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate
Bulgaria Posts In English: About time: Germany brings nearly 3,000 lawsuits against eco-activists
City News Halifax: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
CityNews: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Courage Lounge: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Dagbladet: Climate activist painted Brandenburg Gate in protest
DailyExpertNews: Climate activists spray paint the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Der Nordschleswiger: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
DIGITAL JOURNAL: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
DNyuz: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Du bist Halle: Last generation splatters Brandenburg Gate with paint
euronews (deutsch): “Last Generation” daubs Brandenburg Gate: 13 arrests
euronews (Italy): Clima, protesta a Berlino: vernice arancione sulla Porta di Brandeburgo “Last Generation” sprayed Brandenburg Gate
Evangelische Zeitung: “Last Generation” sprayed Brandenburg Gate “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
Focus: In Leipzig, students obliged to take part in a climate demonstration? Report sheds new light on letter to parents
FOCUS online (auf youtube): “Last Generation” daubs the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Fox News: German climate protesters spray paint Brandenburg Gate columns
France24: Activists spray paint on Berlin's Brandenburg Gate in call for climate action
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Damage the Brandenburg Gate and our free discourse”
FränkischerTag: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate
GigaNews: Last generation: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint – police investigate
Good Evening Nigeria: Climate activists paint Germany's historic gate yellow in protest against use of fossil fuels
Guernsey Press: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Gulf News: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation sprays paint on Brandenburg Gate
Hasepost: “Klima Kleber” sprayed the Brandenburg Gate with paint
Head Topics: Berlin fears a week of permanent traffic jams: climate stickers, construction sites, demos and marathons
Head Topics: Uproar at protest in Cologne: “Last Generation”: Convicted perpetrator (44) is now publicly begging for money
Head Topics: Entrepreneur Peter Denk is the major donor of climate adhesives
Hellas Posts English: Germany: 'Last Generation' Activists Paint Brandenburg Gate
Hindustan Times: Berlin's Brandenburg Gate spray-painted by climate activists: 'Won't stop'
Hindustan Times: Berlin's Brandenburg Gate spray-painted by climate activists: 'Won't stop'
Hitradio Sachsen: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
I3investor: Greta's legacy in Germany: Climate activists fight to keep the pace
il Giornale: Imbrattata the Porta di Brandeburgo to Berlino: the lightning of the last generation
ImolaOggi: Berlino, eco-vandali imbrattano the Porta di Brandeburgo
Independent (Ireland): Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
INDO&NY: Last generation: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
insider: Γερμανία: Ακτιβιστές της “Τελευταίας Γενιάς” έβαψαν την Πύλη του Βραδεμβο ύργου
KFGO: Berlin's Brandenburg Gate spray-painted by climate activists
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate
Kreiszeitung Wesermarsch: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Kölnische Rundschau: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Latest LY: Climate Activists Spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with Orange Paint
Lausitzer Rundschau: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Los Angeles Times: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Merkur: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Mountain Valley Independent: German climate protesters spray paint Brandenburg Gate columns
msn: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
msn: Activists spray the Brandenburg Gate orange as global protests call for an end to fossil fuels
msn: Brandenburg Gate Spray-Painted by Climate Protestors: 'We Will Not Stop'
msn: Climate protesters spray paint the Brandenburg Gate
msn: He criticizes the climate stickers - entrepreneur donated over 300.000 euros to “Last Generation”
msn: German climate activists spray paint Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
msn: Orange paint on Berlin's landmark - climate activists daub the Brandenburg Gate
Märkische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin – Wegner: “No understanding”
Märkische Onlinezeitung: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
n-TV: Last generation sprayed Brandenburg Gate
n-TV: Last generation colors Brandenburg Gate orange
nachrichten-heute: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Last generation sprays paint on Brandenburg Gate
New York Post: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
news: Climate protesters spray paint the Brandenburg Gate
News Deutschland: Climate protest: Last generation sprays paint on Brandenburg Gate
News Deutschland: Climate protest: Last generation blocks traffic in Berlin in 21 locations
Nordsee Zeitung: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
north shore news: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
NOS: Aanhoudingen na bekladding Brandenburg Gate by climate activists
NRK: Climate activist painted Brandenburg Gate in protest
oe24: Entrepreneur donates more than 300.000 euros to Klima-Kleber
Open: Berlino, Ultima Generazione imbratta la Porta di Brandeburgo: “Continueremo finché non ci sarà un cambio radicale” – Il video
Presse Augsburg: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
ProSieben: Another protest: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
Radio Hochstift: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Radio Bamberg: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
radio Bielefeld: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Radio EINS: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Radio Euroherz: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Radio FFH: “Last Generation” daubs Brandenburg Gate: – 13 ARRESTS
Radio FFH: Last Generation Sprays Brandenburg Gate With Color
radio Gütersloh: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
radio Herford: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
radio Lippe: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Radio Siegen: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
radio WAF: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
radio Westfalica: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Radio Zwickau: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Rai News: Berlin, attivisti del clima spruzzano vernice sulla Porta di Brandeburgo, interviene the police
rbb Abendschau: Attack on the Brandenburg Gate
repubblica: Last generation colpisce the monument symbol of Berlin: the port of Brandeburgo imbrattata with vernice spray
Reuters: Berlin's Brandenburg Gate spray-painted by climate activists
Reuters: Climate protesters spray paint the Brandenburg Gate
rnd: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
rnd: Public prosecutor confirms 2860 cases following climate protests in Berlin
RSI Radiotelevisione: Imbrattata di vernice la Porta di Brandeburgo – RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera
RTL News: Attack in Orange! Climate adhesives spray the Brandenburg Gate with paint
Sarganserländer: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
sky tg24: Berlin, attivisti del clima spruzzano vernice sulla Porta di Brandeburgo
South China Morning Post: Germany climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Spiegel: So far 2860 proceedings following climate protests in Berlin
Spiegel: Last generation sprays paint on Brandenburg Gate
St. Albert Gazette: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
StarAdvertiser: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with paint
Stern: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Stern: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint – police investigate
Stern: Wegner: No understanding of color attacks at all
SWR Aktuell: That's why Stuttgart is no longer banning sticking for the climate for the time being
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Brandenburg Gate daubed
Südwest Presse: Climate activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
t-online: “Last Generation” sprays paint on the Brandenburg Gate
t-online: Almost 3000 cases against climate activists in Berlin
t-online: Entrepreneur donates hundreds of thousands of euros to climate activists
t-online: Why students in Leipzig had to go to the climate strike demonstration
Tag24: “Last Generation” Strikes Again: Brandenburg Gate Sprayed With Paint!
Tag24: Climate protests in Berlin: 2860 cases against activists
Tagesschau: Amnesty sees freedom of assembly restricted in Germany for the first time
Tagesschau: Brandenburg Gate sprayed with orange paint
Tagesschau: Climate crisis: Last generation sprays Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Tagesschau 24: Climate crisis: Last generation sprays Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” sprays Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
taz: Disruption for Future!
Terra: Activistas do climate borrifam tinta no Portão de Brandemburgo
Tgcom24: Berlino, eco attivisti imbrattano the Porta di Brandeburgo
The Irish News: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
The Irish Times: Climate activists spray-paint Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with fiery colors
The Local: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
The News: Climate activists spray-paint Berlin's historic Brandenburg Gate
The Star: Greta's legacy in Germany: Climate activists fight to keep the pace
The Talk of Delmarva: German climate protesters spray paint Brandenburg Gate columns
The Telegraph: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate orange in fossil-fuel protest
The Times Of India: Berlin's Brandenburg Gate spray paint
Times of Malta: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate
TRT Deutsch: “Last Generation” daubs Brandenburg Gate with paint Violent incident in Berlin: pepper spray attack on “Last Generation”
U.S.News: Berlin's Brandenburg Gate Spray-Painted by Climate Activists
V: Notizie: Lightning from the last generations of Berlin: imbrattata di vernice arancione the Porta di Brandeburgo
Vakary Ekspresas: Klimato aktyvistai dažais apipurškė Berlyno Brandenburgo vartus
VN Explorer: Now they're going crazy! Climate glue has been smeared on the Brandenburg Gate
watson: Last generation: Activists spray paint on the Brandenburg Gate
WAZ: Berlin: Last generation sprays paint on Brandenburg Gate
Welt: Drivers react to blockers with irritant gas and kicks
Welt: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Welt (auf youtube): BERLIN: CLIMATE ADHESIVES OF THE “LAST GENERATION” are trying to bring the capital to a standstill
Welt (auf youtube): LAST GENERATION: Climate activists spray the Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
WirtschaftsWoche: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Wismar.FM: Police arrest 13 activists: Last generation sprayed Brandenburg Gate
WRAL News: Climate activists spray Berlin's Brandenburg Gate with orange paint
Zeit Online: Almost 3000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Zeit Online: Last generation sprays paint on Brandenburg Gate
Zeit Online: Public prosecutor's office: 2860 proceedings after climate protests
AndroidKosmos: Freiburg: Major donor supports climate glue protests
B.Z.: “Last Generation” and “Fridays for Future” in a dispute
Berliner Morgenpost: That's why Fridays for Future criticizes the last generation
Berliner Morgenpost: Fridays for Future criticizes Last Generation The major dispenser of climate adhesives Climate stickers are not allowed to distribute flyers
Das Erste: CDU Vice President Jung on “Last Generation”: “That’s the wrong path”
Das Erste: Video: CDU Vice President Jung on “Last Generation”: “That’s the wrong way”
Express: Klima-Kleber pleads: “Please don’t hurt me, just call the police!” CDU Vice President Jung on Last Generation: 'That's the wrong way'
Focus: He criticizes the climate adhesive entrepreneur donated over 300.000 euros to “Last Generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Head Topics: Fridays for Future criticizes Last Generation
Head Topics: No agreement on the climate strike in Berlin
Head Topics: Last generation: Klima-Kleber pleads: “Please don’t hurt me, just call the police!”
Head Topics: Entrepreneur donates more than 300.000 euros to Klima-Kleber
Head Topics: “Last Generation”: Entrepreneur donated over 300.000 euros – and strongly criticizes Klima-Kleber CDU Vice President Jung on Last Generation: 'That's the wrong way'
Merkur: Climate glue in the south of Munich: Report causes a stir - now environmentalists are speaking out Driver freaks out – climate sticker: “Please don’t hurt me!”
NDR: “Last Generation”: Who are the “climate gluers”? What do you want?
NDR: Comment: Climate protest must take people along and motivate them
News Deutschland: He criticizes the climate stickers - entrepreneur donated over 300.000 euros to “Last Generation” Fridays for Future large demo today on September 15.09.2023th, XNUMX: Grönemeyer rails against climate policy
Passauer Neue Presse: “Climate Glue” from Anger convicted of 22 counts of coercion
Pledge Times: FFF and Last Generation: “We need radical effectiveness”
rbb24: So far, almost 2.500 cases have been filed against climate activists in Berlin
sh:z: Climate demonstrators in Eutin understand radical actions of the “last generation”
Solinger Tageblatt: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police investigate climate adhesive after slap in the face
t-online: “We don’t need more radical forms of protest”
t-online: “Last Generation” ignores “Fridays for Future” rule
t-online: Mother follows daughter to the “Last Generation”
Tag24: Financial buffer! Last generation wants to paralyze Berlin indefinitely
Tagesschau: That's why Stuttgart is no longer banning sticking for the climate for the time being
Tagesschau: More than 2.400 cases against “Last Generation” WWF uses warning day and shares message from the “Last Generation” GdP doesn’t want talks with “last generation”
WorldNews: He criticizes the climate stickers: Entrepreneur donated over 300.000 euros to “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Betrayal of youth
ARD Audiothek: Environmental Psychology – Last Generation or Resignation? What is the climate crisis doing to our psyche?
ARTE: New forms of climate protest – does the urgency justify a new radicalism?
Berliner Zeitung: Fridays for Future criticizes Last Generation
br24: What are the results of the climate protests? Activists settle with politics “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists will likely continue daily campaign nationwide
Frankfurt Live: “Last Generation” in the town hall – VHS discusses the impact and limits of protest
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Disagreement about the form of protest, together on the street
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate protest: making it clear to board democracy!
Frankfurter Rundschau: WWF uses warning day and shares message from the “Last Generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Freie Presse: Last generation, Fridays for Future & Co. block intersection in Chemnitz
Fuldaer Zeitung: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Hersfelder Zeitung: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Karlsruhe Insider: With glue: Climate activists want to paralyze a major German city
Kleine Zeitung: After the gluing campaign in Knittelfeld, “Last Generation” has something to think about
Merkur: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Merkur: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
News Deutschland: Last Generation: But the Last Generation exaggerates...
Offenbach-Post: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
phoenix: Modern climate protection and climate protests
Pledge Times: Support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Radio FFH: “Please don’t hurt me, just call the police!”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Last generation starts “indefinite” climate strike in Berlin – alongside Fridays For Future
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
rosenheim24: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Stern: Spit on, beaten, threatened: Is violence against climate activists increasing?
SWR Aktuell: Marco is a police officer – and ex-member of the “Last Generation”
SyFeed: FFF and Last Generation: Disagreement about the form of protest, together for the climate
t-online: Entrepreneur donates hundreds of thousands of euros to climate activists
t-online: Constitutional expert: “The 'Last Generation' is right”
Tagesspiegel: This is how the “Last Generation” campaigns for the support of the police
Tagesspiegel: “Fridays for Future” demonstrates in Berlin – police speak of 12.500 participants
taz: Two paths, one goal
Welt: Are the penalties for “last generation” sticking actions appropriate?
Westdeutsche Zeitung: “Last generation” blocks railway underpass in Krefeld
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Difficult phase”: support is falling – Last Generation and Fridays for Future in crisis
Zeit Online: But the last generation exaggerates...
Abendzeitung München: Even after the IAA: Climate stickers continue to block roads in Munich Lecture – Last Generation – Magdeburg
B.Z.: 400.000 euros: financial injection for climate glue fuels protest!
B.Z.: This financial injection is a contradiction
B.Z.: Do you understand why this entrepreneur supports climate adhesives?
Berliner Morgenpost: Fridays For Future: Route, closures – This is what you need to know Complaint against climate clappers (61) Financial injection for climate glue fuels protest
Das Blog GLS Bank: Large alliance mobilizes for climate strike
Deutschlandfunk: How does good climate protest work?
Deutschlandfunk: “Last Generation” begins a new phase of protest in Berlin Extremism researcher: “Last Generation” is a criminal organization
Evangelische Zeitung: Extremism researcher: “Last Generation” is a criminal organization
Exberliner: Last Generation begins a new wave of protests in Berlin
Focus: Anger video went viral: 61-year-old slapped climate glue - now the police are investigating
Frankfurter Buchmesse: Democratic, discursive and diverse: Politics at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Frankfurter Rundschau: Luisa Neubauer: Climate protection is a democratic project
FränkischerTag: What distinguishes the climate movements from one another
Göttinger Tageblatt: Climate actions of the last generation: “You all knew it. Why didn’t you do anything?”
Göttinger Tageblatt: Climate strike and blockade actions: What Göttingen's climate activists are planning on Friday and afterwards
Göttinger Tageblatt: “I won’t let myself be intimidated”: Göttingen climate activist released after ten days in Munich prison
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Some politicians legitimize hate”: climate activist on the meaning of the protests
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' begins new protest phase in Berlin
Head Topics: 400.000 euros: financial injection for climate glue fuels protest!
Head Topics: 61-year-old slapped climate sticker - now the police are investigating
Head Topics: Cop accused of dumping oil on climate protester blocking road
Head Topics: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
Head Topics: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
Head Topics: Last generation collects more than 100.000 euros in donations in just a few hours
Head Topics: Police identify thugs at climate protest
Head Topics: Entrepreneur doubles donations for climate glue protests in Berlin
Head Topics: Before the climate strike on Friday in Berlin: “Fridays For Future” criticizes the sticking actions of the “Last Generation”
hr info: Every Friday: Which protest helps the climate?
Kreiszeitung: Fridays for Future gets support: “Last Generation” joins climate strike
Main Post: Fridays for Future, Last Generation and Co.: What actually differentiates the climate movements from each other?
Main-Echo: “Last Generation” lawsuit against demo ban in Aschaffenburg successful
Main-Echo: “Last generation”: Aschaffenburg general decree not permitted in large parts
Merkur: Climate glue in the south of Munich: Report causes a stir - now environmentalists are speaking out
Merkur: Repentant climate glue: Activist disrupts the airport, but is punished for another act
nd: From a one-person protest to a broad alliance
NDR: Ban “Last Generation”? AfD fails with application
NDR: Lower Saxony is discussing how to deal with climate activists
ProSieben: Rain of money for “Last Generation”: Enormous donations from entrepreneurs
rosenheim24: “Anti-climate glue” gives activists a big slap in the face – climate clappers come from the region
SWR Aktuell: Police officer from BW was a climate activist on “Last Generation”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block Middle Ring – hardly any traffic jams
t-online: Entrepreneur donates six-figure sum to climate adhesive
Tag24: Monetary blessing for the “Last Generation”: Major donors support climate activists
Tagesschau: “Industrial disputes are better than roadblocks”
Tagesschau: Police officer from BW was a climate activist on “Last Generation”
Tagesspiegel: “Fridays For Future” criticizes the pasting campaigns of the “Last Generation” Munich: “Last Generation” activists block the street in front of the police station in Giesing Repentant climate glue: Activist disrupts the airport, but is punished for another act
Volksstimme: Why a family from Magdeburg takes to the streets with the last generation
Welt: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
Welt: Why the climate sticker protest has no realistic chance
WorldNews: Cop accused of dumping oil on climate protester blocking road
B.Z.: Climate glue want to block Berlin again!
B.Z.: Climate adhesive demo passes through Mitte
B.Z.: Last generation blocks Invalidenstrasse without glue
Berliner Kurier: The Last Generation Protest March is over! All information here
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Last generation on the move in Berlin – police intervene!
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation collects more than 100.000 euros in just a few hours 200 climate adhesives at Schleich demo in Berlin
Frankfurter Rundschau: Luisa Neubauer: Climate protection is a democratic project
Head Topics: Five years of global climate strike: two paths, one goal
Head Topics: German police officer accused of dumping oil on radical climate protesters who blocked, glued hands to road
Head Topics: Last generation climate adhesive campaign weeks begin in Berlin
Head Topics: Is the last generation damaging climate protection? Activist argues with FDP politician about the protests
Head Topics: Start of the autumn of protests: The “Last Generation” wants to block Berlin’s streets again
Heute – Österreich: Released from prison – Klima-Shakira wants to stick again
Heute – Österreich: Crying in the cell – Anja Windl about her 14 days in prison
Kleine Zeitung: Climate activist Anja Windl after imprisonment: “I asked myself, why am I doing this?”
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart: Climate protests: Stuttgart will not extend the general order banning certain road blockades
Lübecker Nachrichten: Demo in front of the district court: First trial against the last generation in Lübeck
Merkur: Repentant climate glue
Merkur: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Fines and imprisonment - that's what a family from Magdeburg sacrifices for the last generation
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
Mountain Valley Independent: German police officer accused of dumping oil on radical climate protesters who blocked, glued hands to road
Märkische Allgemeine: Last generation wants to block again: protests start on Wednesday
n-TV: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
n-TV: Support for the climate movement is on the decline – Neubauer struggles with the last generation
New York Post: Cop accused of dumping oil on climate protester blocking road
Nordkurier: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
Ostfriesen Zeitung: “Misguided and destructive”: What Luisa Neubauer criticizes the “Last Generation” for
ProSieben: Berlin: “Last Generation” announces new road blockades
rbb24: Fridays For Future And Last Generation Together At The Climate Strike – Good For The Climate Movement?
rbb24: Last generation starts new “action weeks” in Berlin
Recht & Politik: Major Donor doubles all donations to the Last Generation for one day
rnd: Climate protection group Last Generation wants to block again in the capital
RTL News: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
Stern: Last generation with a few hundred demonstrators
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Why a Baden entrepreneur supports climate adhesive
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Why a Baden entrepreneur supports climate adhesive
SWR Aktuell: Climate protests in Stuttgart: sticking will soon no longer be expressly prohibited
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activist breaks away from the “last generation”.
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
Südwest Presse: “Their goal is to destabilize the system”
t-online: “Last Generation” takes “hundreds of thousands hostage”
t-online: Stuttgart lets ban on climate blockades expire
t-online: Entrepreneur donates tens of thousands of euros to climate adhesive
t-online: Constitutional expert: “The 'Last Generation' is right”
Tag24: “Last Generation” goes on the offensive again: Hundreds of activists at climate demonstration
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Climate Glue Blocks Again in Berlin
Tagesschau: Actions of the “Last Generation” – Blocked Reality
Tagesschau: Last generation starts new “action weeks” in Berlin
Tagesschau: In front of the Chancellery – “Last Generation” announces further blockades in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: The “Last Generation” wants to block Berlin’s streets again
Tagesspiegel: Several hundred climate activists demonstrate in Berlin
The Limited Times: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
The Limited Times: Last Generation in Berlin: Protest March and Blockade
Vodafone live: Last generation in Berlin: protest march and blockade
watson: Last generation wants to permanently paralyze Berlin: “We are running out of time”
Zeit Online: Stuttgart lets ban on climate blockades expire
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Climate protest: The ban on sticking in Stuttgart will no longer apply from September 18th
Allgemeine Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Allgemeine Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Berliner Morgenpost: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Berliner Zeitung: “Global climate strike”: Fridays for Future announces worldwide protests starting Friday
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
börsenNEWS: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
DIE LINKE. Kreisverband Mannheim: PM on the physical attack
Die Oberbadische: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Die Rheinpfalz: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend Climate terrorists: house searches in Austria too! Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
Focus: After arrest during IAAKlima-Glue about everyday life in prison: “It’s really bearable” Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
General Anzeiger: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Hamburger Abendblatt: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Handelsblatt: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
Harz Kurier: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Head Topics: Last generation announces protest: It’s about the “turning point phase”
Heilbronner Stimme: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Hellweger Anzeiger: Jule Wilberg (23) calls for a climate demo in the Unna district. Clear words about climate adhesives
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Göttingen psychologist and activist Lars Werner: “I want us to have a future” Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Luxemburger Wort: Millions of demonstrators expected at climate protests from September 15th to 17th
Main-Echo: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Merkur: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Merkur: Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
Mindener Tageblatt: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Münstersche Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Newsflash24: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Nordkurier: Millions of people expected to go on climate strike this weekend
Nordsee Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
onvista: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
proplanta: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
Radio Bamberg: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Radio Leverkusen: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
radio Lippe: Berlin/New York | Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
radio vest: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Schwäbische: Millions of people expected to go on climate strike this weekend
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
taz: It’s about the “turning point phase”
wallstreet online: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
Weser Kurier: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Wiesbadener Kurier: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
World Socialist Web Site: Supporters of the “Last Generation” climate action group held in preventive detention in Bavaria
Wormser Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
yahoo finanzen: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
yahoo!nachrichten: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Zeit Online: FDP demands legal opinion on Last Generation
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Nordkurier: “Roman, our son, is stuck there”
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog on climate protests and the IAA in Munich: IAA opponents and Mayor Reiter take stock
Abendzeitung München: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Allgäuer Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
antenne bayern: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
ARIVA.DE: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
B.Z.: “Berlin cannot become a madhouse for climate activists”
Badische Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin: FDP demands legal opinion
Berliner Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend Climate glue scarier than climate change Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
boyens-medien: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Der Patriot: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Dorstener Zeitung: Jule Wilberg (23) calls for a climate demo in the Unna district. Clear words about climate adhesives
Eßlinger Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
Focus: Munich “Last Generation” likes prison life “astonishingly”
Frankenpost: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Frankfurter Allgemeine: FDP demands legal opinion on Last Generation
Frankfurter Rundschau: Video shows how climate activists storm the orchestra – conductor reacts calmly: “I promised them”
Freie Presse: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
General Anzeiger: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Genios: The goal of climate glue is even scarier than climate change
Green Matters: Activists Are Cementing Their Hands to Runways to Protest Germany's Climate Policies
Haller Kreisblatt: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Head Topics: Climate glue on everyday life in prison: “It’s really bearable”
Head Topics: Climate protest is just now really starting: worldwide demonstrations planned from Friday
Head Topics: Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
Head Topics: Environment: Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
Head Topics: Before the premiere on Friday: Protests announced before Netrebko's appearance in Berlin
idowa: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
in Südthüringen: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
Lübecker Nachrichten: Last generation: Young Lübeck woman in court for coercion
Mannheimer Morgen: After the oil attack: Last generation demonstrates in front of Mannheim police headquarters
Merkur: It has already made headlines across the country: Student in preventative detention after climate action in Munich prison
Merkur: FDP demands legal opinion on Last Generation
Merkur: Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: FDP demands legal opinion on Last Generation
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
msn: Activists Are Cementing Their Hands to Runways to Protest Germany's Climate Policy
msn: Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this week
msn: Millions expected for climate protests: German cities affected
msn: “It’s supposed to hurt” – climate adhesives are supposed to pay for police operations
Münsterland Zeitung: Jule Wilberg (23) calls for a climate demo in the Unna district. Clear words about climate adhesives Millions of demonstrators expected at global climate protests
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Neue Presse: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Neue Westfälische: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: “We make a difference”: Last generation polishes image with absurd slogans
Nordkurier: FDP demands legal opinion on Last Generation
Obermain-Tagblatt: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
oberpfalz medien: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Passauer Neue Presse: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Radio EINS: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Radio Erzgebirge: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
radio Gütersloh: Berlin/New York | Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
radio Herford: Berlin/New York | Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
Radio Lausitz: Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
Radio Mainwelle: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Radio Nordseewelle: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
radio WAF: Berlin/New York | Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
radio Westfalica: Berlin/New York | Millions of people expected to take part in climate protests this weekend
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: “Last Generation” demonstrates in front of police headquarters
Rhein-Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
RTL News: FDP demands legal opinion on Last Generation
RTL News: Millions of demonstrators to climate protests from September 15th to 17.9th. expected
RTL News: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Trial begins: Climate activists are said to have prevented ambulances from continuing their journey with flashing lights
Schwarzwälder Bote: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
sh:z: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Stern: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Süddeutsche Zeitung: FDP demands legal opinion on Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Südwest Presse: Police are investigating two crimes against climate activists
t-online: “Berlin cannot become a madhouse for climate activists”
t-online: Climate activists in prison: Impressive letters from the Stadelheim prison
t-online: Climate adhesive smeared on private jet: That's how bad the damage is
Tagesspiegel: Berlin FDP demands Senate report on “Last Generation”
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists block motorway in The Hague again
Tagesspiegel: This is how the “Last Generation” fantasizes about the mass rush to Berlin
Telepolis: IAA Mobility and climate protests – how worlds collided in Munich
Telepolis: Nothing learned: Last generation once again makes personal data of supporters public
Tiroler Tageszeitung: Climate protest is just now really starting: worldwide demonstrations planned from Friday Despite big announcements at the IAA: Are the climate stickers now giving up?
Vodafone live: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Volksstimme: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Welt: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Zeit Online: Millions of people expected to take part in climate strike this weekend
Blaulicht Report: Police chief comments on the “oil attack” by a police officer against a last generation climate activist
EILES – der PODCAST mit Gert Kunze (auf youtube): LAST GENERATION – Is all of this really necessary?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “We never actually meet the wrong people”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
Head Topics: Mayor of Stuttgart: Last generation is doing a disservice to the climate
Head Topics: Surprising Merz confession: “I understand the climate stickers”
Merkur: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
RP Online: Drivers beat up climate activists in Mannheim – viral video
Schwäbische: “Last Generation” protests in Ulm
Stern: Mayor of Stuttgart: Last generation is doing a disservice to the climate
The Limited Times: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
Welt: Mayor of Stuttgart: Last generation is doing a disservice to the climate
World Socialist Web Site: Supporters of the “Last Generation” in Bavaria in preventive detention
ÖkoLeo: Protest actions for climate protection – what is okay?
09.09.2023 But civil resistance is not yet over
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “We never actually meet the wrong people”
24hamburg: Prominent voices for the climate: Grönemeyer and Silbermond announced at Fridays for Future
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog on the climate protests and IAA in Munich: Police draw a positive conclusion
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog on the climate protests and IAA in Munich: Symbolic squatting on Bavariastrasse
B.Z.: CDU boss admits: “I understand the climate stickers”
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: The last generation's protest march through Karlsruhe is peaceful “I understand the climate adhesives”
Der Nordschleswiger: The form of protest of the last generation is not productive
Die Nachrichten: The “Last Generation” is bringing its protest to Berlin: Curious material such as SUVs, chickens and diapers are planned
echo 24: Drivers settle with “climate stickers” – bizarre stickers on pickup trucks
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Mayor of Stuttgart: Last generation is doing a disservice to the climate
Frankfurter Rundschau: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
Heute – Österreich: Driver beats up air conditioning sticker – faces 5 years in prison
Mannheim24: Climate activists beaten off the street in Mannheim - police arrest aggro driver (29).
Mannheimer Morgen: Mannheim leftists condemn violence against the last generation
Merkur: Climate activists beaten off the street in Mannheim – police investigate drivers (29)
Merkur: Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
Merkur: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
Mittelbayerische: Green Party politician Kretschmann in an interview: “This climate glue: How does it help me?”
n-TV: Mayor of Stuttgart: Last generation is doing a disservice to the climate
Ostfriesen Zeitung: “We make a difference”: The last generation wants to improve its image with absurd slogans
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
Serbia Posts: A man brutally beat environmental activists who blocked a road in Germany
Spiegel: Climate activists spray-paint Walmart heiress' superyacht in Barcelona
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Mr. Nopper, how important is the climate to you?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Mayor of Stuttgart: Last generation is doing a disservice to the climate
t-online: “Last Generation”: Mother and sister in prison – daughter launches appeal for donations
t-online: This is behind the violence against climate activists
t-online: This is behind the increasing violence against climate activists
t-online: Professor gets loud: “Wants my children to survive”
Tagesspiegel: Data leak in the “last generation” bed exchange
The Limited Times: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
The Limited Times: Beatings attack on “Last Generation”: Motorist punches and kicks protesters in the face Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face Despite big announcements at the IAA: Are the climate stickers now giving up?
Zeit Online: Mayor of Stuttgart: Last generation is doing a disservice to the climate
Abendzeitung München: Current topic: ZDFneo shows series “Aufstaut” about climate protests
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog on the climate protests and IAA in Munich: “Not appropriate” – ÖDP criticizes the police video
Abendzeitung München: Munich police think construction workers are climate glue - a piece of clothing is to blame
B.Z.: Climate activists want to “protest permanently in Berlin”
B.Z.: The climate stickers achieve nothing with threats
Berliner Abendblatt: New blockades announced by the climate group Last Generation
Berliner Kurier: Last generation threatens Berliners: climate glue protests more violent than ever!
Berliner Morgenpost: The last generation wants to protest “permanently” in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Permanent protest from September 13th
Berliner Zeitung: “With bread and sun hat”: Last generation announces strange actions in Berlin Climate activists want to “protest permanently in Berlin”
buten un binnen: Will Bremen climate activists soon have to pay for police operations?
Civilek Info: Patience Has Run Out: Climate Activists Are Beaten On German Roads (Video)
Ddorf-aktuell: Düsseldorf Oberkassel: Last generation blocks bridge
Die Rheinpfalz: Conflicts over climate demonstrations in the southwest
Die Rheinpfalz: Strobl stands behind the police after allegations
echo 24: Oil scandal during climate blockade in Mannheim – police chief speaks of an “isolated case”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation announces indefinite protest in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: What Herbert Marcuse would have thought of Gen Z and climate stickers
Frankfurter Rundschau: Absurd scenes in Munich: Police randomly check people – because they are wearing high-visibility vests
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate activists beaten off the street in Mannheim – police investigate drivers (29)
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate protests in Munich: Police warn of increasing violence
Frankfurter Rundschau: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
Frankfurter Rundschau: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
Head Topics: Climate extremists announce permanent protests in Berlin
Head Topics: Last generation in Berlin: Permanent protest from September 13th
Head Topics: Last generation announces strange actions in Berlin: “With bread and sun hat”
Head Topics: Last generation: Strobl supports the police
Head Topics: Because of high “adhesive fees”: “Last Generation” asks for donations!
Head Topics: Angry driver attacks Klima-Kleber with kicks and punches
Head Topics: “Chickens, other animals and of course glue”: The “Last Generation” announced an intensification of the wave of protests in Berlin
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Protests of the last generation: Göttingen student in preventive detention in Munich prison
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
ka-news: Last generation: Strobl supports the police
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” publishes video of violence against activists – police investigate
Kölnische Rundschau: “Last Generation” publishes video of violence against activists – police investigate
Landtag von Baden-Württemberg: Strobl stands behind the police after allegations
Mail Online: Furious motorist throws eco protester to the side of the road, punches and kicks another before slapping a third as their group stages sit-down protest on German highway
Mannheim24: Climate activists beaten off the street in Mannheim - police arrest aggro driver (29).
Mannheim24: Climate activists doused with oil and beaten from the street - that's what Mannheim's police chief says
Mannheimer Morgen: After attack on climate activists in Mannheim: Suspect arrested
Merkur: Absurd scenes in Munich: Police randomly check people – because they are wearing high-visibility vests
Merkur: It has already made headlines across the country: Student in preventative detention after climate action in Munich prison
Merkur: Climate activists beaten off the street in Mannheim – police investigate drivers (29)
Merkur: Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
Merkur: Are attacks on activists self-defense? Lawyer explains: “It’s not completely absurd”
Münstersche Zeitung: Another demonstration of the “Last Generation” in Münster
n-TV: Drivers kick, beat and slap climate glue
nd: Attacks on Last Generation in Mannheim
Neue Presse: Road blockade: coffee poured on activist
nordbayern: Last generation blocks federal road in Bavaria – coffee is poured on activist
nordbayern: Margot Käßmann: The climate stickers only stir up aggression
Nordwest-Zeitung: Anyone who gets stuck could also be asked to pay in Bremen in the future
rbb24: “Last Generation” announces protests in Berlin – material warehouses are full to the brim
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: That's why the police's actions on Saturday were justified
rnd: Last generation blocks road in Mannheim – activists are attacked by drivers
rnd: The last generation wants to protest permanently in Berlin from September 18th
RPR1.: Strobl stands behind the police after allegations
RTL News: Last generation: Strobl supports the police
RTL News: New blockades announced by the climate group Last Generation
RTL News: Criminal law expert: Detention in Mannheim is probably legal
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Video shows: Passer-by beats members of the “Last Generation”.
sh:z: Good morning SH: Advertisement is out: What awaits activists of the “last generation” after the yacht is smeared
Stefan Raven News: Climate adhesives are massively hindered and combated by the city of Munich
Stern: New blockades announced by the climate group Last Generation
SWR Aktuell: Attack on climate activists in Mannheim: Police arrest man
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” is taking legal action against preventive detention
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Massive protests announced in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: New blockades announced by the climate group Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: When the orange safety vest becomes a red cloth
t-online: “Last Generation” blocked – band performs on the side of the road
t-online: “Last Generation”: Mother and sister in prison – daughter launches appeal for donations
t-online: Activist showered with oil: That's what the police chief says
t-online: Climate adhesive smeared on private jet: That's how bad the damage is
t-online: Police think construction workers are climate activists: check at Sendlinger Tor
t-online: Professor gets loud: “Wants my children to survive”
Tag24: He beat up climate activists: now it's the thug's turn
Tag24: Last generation plans permanent blockade in Berlin – with diapers and chickens
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” announces protests in Berlin – material warehouses are full to the brim
Tagesschau: Bremen wants to make climate activists pay for police operations
Tagesschau: BW news ticker in the morning: Climate activists obstruct ambulances, growing pressure on police?, fire in restaurant
Tagesschau: Climate protests in Bremen could soon become expensive
Tagesspiegel: The “Last Generation” announces that the wave of protests in Berlin will intensify
Tagesspiegel: Left-wing extremist confession letter surfaced: railway line between Berlin and Hamburg disrupted until Saturday
taketonews: Climate activists want to “protest permanently in Berlin”
taz: Penalty reduction for air-conditioning sprayers
taz: Time of the monsters
The Limited Times: Beatings attack on “Last Generation”: Motorist punches and kicks protesters in the face
The Limited Times: Record fine for climate glue of the “last generation”: Activists have to go to prison – “completely unteachable”
The Scottish Sun (auf youtube): Last Generation protesters punched in face & kicked by driver Absurd scenes in Munich: Police randomly check people – because they are wearing high-visibility vests It has already made headlines across the country: Student in preventative detention after climate action in Munich prison Violence against climate glue is increasing dramatically - Munich police are now reacting with a video message Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face Despite big announcements at the IAA: Are the climate stickers now giving up? “I am an anti-climate glue”: Drivers give activists a slap in the face in Munich
Vodafone live: New blockades announced by the climate group Last Generation
Vodafone live: Criminal law expert: Detention in Mannheim is probably legal
Volksstimme: New blockades announced by the climate group Last Generation
Welt: “Last Generation” changes demands – and plans an indefinite wave of protests
Weser Kurier: Do you have to pay for climate adhesives in Bremen?
Westfälische Nachrichten: Another demonstration of the “Last Generation” in Münster
Zeit Online: Last generation announces new blockades
Zeit Online: New blockades announced by the climate group Last Generation
Zeit Online: Police chief protects officers after allegations
Zeit Online: Response to allegations of police treatment of activists
GEW Bayern: Protect the climate and the rule of law
Oliver von Dobrowolski (auf twitter): Unsuitable for police service. Point.
seemoz: Constitutional lawyers support Last Generation
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog on the climate protests and IAA in Munich: Driver pours coffee on activist
Abendzeitung München: Because of the high-visibility vest: Who the police have already arrested by mistake
Badische Zeitung: Activists block the road: obstructing two ambulances
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin court cancels appointment: 64-year-old Klima-Kleber is already incarcerated in Bavaria
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Trial of climate activists after protest at Tesla
bigFM: Activists block the road: obstructing two ambulances Driver freaks out brutally Climate activists beaten – drivers brutally freak out Climate chaotics block ambulances!
Blick: Policewoman pours oil over climate gluer's head
Der Westen: Last generation with serious allegations against police – “Pretty degrading”
Die Rheinpfalz: Last generation: Driver hits and kicks activists
echo 24: Oil scandal with climate activist: Police union boss understands when officers “hat string breaks”
echo 24: “Criminal energy”: Kachelmann rails against Mannheim police after oil incident Drivers freak out – hit climate stickers in the face
Focus: Climate activists strike several times at spontaneous demonstrations in Hamburg – climate activists play cat and mouse with the police
Focus: Last generation climate activists block the road - thus hindering two ambulances
Focus: Growing dissatisfaction with climate protestsTop police officer: “I would understand if my colleagues broke their hat string”
Focus: “They should be in pain”Last generation makes serious allegations against police officer
Frankenpost: Road blockade: coffee poured on activist
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Citizens for tough action against climate activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: What to do with climate adhesives?
Frankfurter Rundschau: Attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
Frankfurter Rundschau: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
Göttinger Tageblatt: In prison for a week: climate activist from Göttingen in preventive custody in Munich
Hamburger Morgenpost: Spontaneous demonstration in the city: Last generation surprises the police
Head Topics: Escalation of violence against climate activists in Mannheim! Driver beats up air conditioning glue
Head Topics: Last generation: attack on climate adhesive? Policewoman pours oil over activists' heads
Head Topics: Last generation: Berlin court cancels appointment – climate glue is already in Bavaria
Head Topics: After blockade! Climate adhesives had to free themselves
Head Topics: Have you been searched naked? : Activists of the “Last Generation” raise allegations against police officers
Head Topics: Last Generation Podcast: Where's the depth?
Head Topics: Trial after action at Hamburg University: reduced sentence for climate sprayers
Head Topics: Spontaneous demonstration in the city: Last generation surprises the police
Head Topics: “They should be in pain”: Last generation makes serious allegations against police officer
Heidelberg24: Explosive video: Climate gluers comment on the oil incident with a Mannheim policewoman
Heilbronner Stimme: Activists block the road: obstructing two ambulances
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Protests of the last generation: Göttingen student in preventive detention in Munich prison
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
ka-news: Climate demonstration escalates: Policewoman pours oil on activist - This is what is known about the incident
ka-news: The last generation calls for a protest march in Karlsruhe
Kettner Edelmetalle: Irresponsible action: “Last generation” hinders rescue workers
KrisenKinder: Last generation: allegations against Mannheim policewoman
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” publishes video of violence against activists – police investigate
Kölnische Rundschau: “Last Generation” publishes video of violence against activists – police investigate
Main-Echo: “Last Generation” is demonstrating again in Aschaffenburg
Mannheim24: Explosive video: Climate gluers comment on the oil incident with a Mannheim policewoman
Mannheim24: Video shows: Climate activists beaten off the street in Mannheim - drivers completely freak out
meine kirchenzeitung: “Last Generation” asks for accommodation in the parish
Merkur: It has already made headlines across the country: Student in preventative detention after climate action in Munich prison
Merkur: Climate activists at the IAA: Attac hangs up critical posters - woman pours coffee on a demonstrator
Merkur: Climate glue in Munich: Moped driver pushes exhaust fumes into activists' faces
Merkur: Beating attack on “Last Generation”: Drivers punch and kick protesters in the face
Merkur: Despite big announcements at the IAA: Are the climate stickers now giving up?
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: Policewoman pours oil on climate adhesive during protest – case is being investigated
MRN-News: Mannheim – Last generation raises further allegations against police officer
Märkische Onlinezeitung: Protest by climate activists – vigil in front of the court in Fürstenwalde
NDR: Göttingen climate activist sentenced to fine
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Video shows: Passer-by beats members of the “Last Generation”.
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Police expect the IAA protests to be the focus of the weekend
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Road blockade: coffee poured on activist
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Video shows: Passer-by beats members of the “Last Generation”.
oe24: Drivers completely freak out and hit the air conditioning glue
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Erwin Huber defends “Last Generation”.
Poland Posts: Germany: climate protests. Activists want to block the streets. Berlin responds
PRO: Will a Berlin church become accommodation for the “last generation”?
rbb24: HEAT – Last Generation Close-Up – In the Courtroom (03/06)
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: “Last generation” causes traffic jams on Reutlingen’s Lederstrasse – but it doesn’t stick
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: “Last generation” causes traffic jams on Reutlingen’s Lederstrasse – but it doesn’t stick
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: “Last generation” blocks the road and hinders two ambulances
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Environment Minister considers climate glue campaigns to be “counterproductive”
rnd: Police union: Citizens demand tough action against climate activists
rosenheim24: Last generation blocks Middle Ring in Munich – activist poured coffee on him
Schwarzwälder Bote: What's wrong with the planned protest action?
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Policewoman pours oil on activists – Last generation wants to talk
sh:z: Video shows: Passer-by beats members of the “Last Generation”.
Stern: Activists block the road: obstructing two ambulances
Stern: Citizens for tough action against climate activists
Stern: Conflicts over climate demonstrations in the southwest
Stern: Criminal law expert: Detention in Mannheim is probably legal
Stern: Road blockade: coffee poured on activist
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Activists block the road - hindering two ambulances
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Naked and humiliated in police custody?
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Slaps, punches, exhaust fumes – activists do not take action against attackers
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Activists block the road - hindering two ambulances
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Naked and humiliated in police custody?
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Slaps, punches, exhaust fumes – activists do not take action against attackers
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists – Interior Ministry observes
Stuttgarter Zeitung: That's how big the detour was for the ambulance and emergency doctor
SWR Aktuell: The protest march turns into a sit-in
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists are protesting again in Stuttgart
SWR Aktuell: Opinion: Police operations against activists must be proportionate
SWR Aktuell: Police union: Citizens for tough action against climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Citizens for tough action against climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The disputes over the IAA continue - Attac posts a fake campaign, a driver pours coffee over a road blocker.
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Conflicts over climate demonstrations in the southwest
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Munich in the focus of climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Road blockade: coffee poured on activist
Südkurier: Misinformation about the climate protest: Why should climate adhesives be active in Schonach of all places?
Südwest Presse: Climate activists block the road and hinder ambulances
t-online: “Last Generation”: Mother and sister in prison – daughter launches appeal for donations
t-online: Aiwanger debate in the state parliament: Security service fears disruptive actions by climate activists
t-online: Drivers hit climate activists
t-online: Shop first, worry later
t-online: Climate activists paralyze rush hour traffic - drivers show middle fingers
t-online: Climate adhesive smeared on private jet: That's how bad the damage is
t-online: Climate glue in prison instead of going to court
t-online: Middle ring blocked: driver spills coffee on climate activist
t-online: Police hinder press work during blockade of the “Last Generation”
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocks Munich: Activist Doused With Coffee
Tag24: Brutal attack on climate activists: drivers completely freak out
Tag24: Because “Last Generation” Blocks, Ambulances Cannot Get Through
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” is demonstrating again in Stuttgart and blocking traffic
Tagesschau: Police union: Citizens for tough action against climate activists
Tagesspiegel: Activists from the “Last Generation” raise allegations against police officers
Telepolis: Preventive detention for the last generation – the “especially now” effect
The Limited Times: Beatings attack on “Last Generation”: Motorist punches and kicks protesters in the face
The Limited Times: Despite big announcements about the IAA: Are the climate stickers giving up now? Blocked roads and IAA protest: Police take a total of 29 climate activists into custody It has already made headlines across the country: Student in preventative detention after climate action in Munich prison IAA in Munich continues: Climate activists announce blockade of twelve streets – “vigil” in front of prison IAA opening: Activists suddenly disrupt Scholz's tour - Söder and Reiter shoot against climate glue Climate activists at the IAA: Attac hangs up critical posters - woman pours coffee on a demonstrator Police take stock: Several operations due to climate protests at the IAA Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video Despite big announcements at the IAA: Are the climate stickers now giving up?
Utopia: Protests of the last generation: “Understanding when colleagues break the ‘hat string’”
Vodafone live: Activists block the road: obstructing two ambulances
Volksstimme: With video: Policewoman pours oil on climate adhesive during protest – case is being investigated
Welt: “Last generation” obstructs two ambulances with a blockage
Zeit Heute: Drivers beat climate activists – this is how the demonstrators react | “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Activists block the road: obstructing two ambulances
Zeit Online: Citizens for tough action against climate activists
Zeit Online: Criminal law expert: Detention in Mannheim is probably legal
Zeit Online: Road blockade: coffee poured on activist
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Climate protest of the last generation: Ambulance disabled in Stuttgart
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Protest action in Stuttgart: traffic blocked, two ambulances disabled
Spiegel: Ex-CSU boss Huber defends last generation against his party
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog about the “Last Generation” in Munich: A total of 29 activists in custody IAA protests: 29 climate activists already behind bars
antenne 1: Policewoman pours oil on woman: Last generation wants to talk
antenne bayern: Police expect the IAA protests to be the focus of the weekend
Badische Zeitung: Ex-CSU boss Huber defends last generation against his party
Berliner Kurier: THIS Berlin parish wants to take up climate glue
bigFM: Policewoman pours oil on woman: Last generation wants to talk Climate glue make further allegations against oil police officer
br24: Slaps, insults: Is violence against climate activists increasing?
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Cracks in the red-green council majority in Braunschweig
BuzzFeed: Policewoman pours oil on climate activist – “oops!”
Chiemgau24: Activists block A94: man freaks out and “waddles” climate glue
Die Rheinpfalz: Policewoman pours oil on woman: Last generation wants to talk
Digital Daily: Baden-Württemberg (Mannheim): Video: Climate protest actions from September 02.09.2023nd, XNUMX
Digital Daily: Erwin Huber defends “Last Generation”.
echo 24: Curious sticker on pick-up: Drivers settle with “climate stickers”.
echo 24: Policewoman dumps oil on climate activists in Mannheim – Ministry of the Interior intervenes
Eßlinger Zeitung: Police complain about time theft Erwin Huber defends “Last Generation”.
Frankenpost: Police expect the IAA protests to be the focus of the weekend
Frankfurter Rundschau: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
FränkischerTag: Activists protest against preventive detention in Bamberg
General Anzeiger: Protest of the “Last Generation”: This is how much money the use of climate adhesive can cost
Globus Deutschland: Last generation: activists According to CSU boss Erwin Huber, they are not enemies of the state
Hamburger Abendblatt: Activist defends himself against punishment – and has to pay less
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate glue: Police stop activists at the Gänsemarkt
Hamburger Morgenpost: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist's head - now she faces consequences
Hasepost: Erwin Huber vehemently defends the 'Last Generation'
Head Topics: IAA in Munich continues: Climate activists announce blockade of twelve roads
Head Topics: IAA: Police expect protests to be the focus of the weekend
Head Topics: Jesuit priest risks preventive arrest for climate protest
Head Topics: Climate protests: Can activists be removed from the streets?
Head Topics: Slaps, insults: Is violence against climate activists increasing?
Head Topics: Munich police at the limit: Our fight against child porn is stalled because of climate adhesives!
Head Topics: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist's head - now she faces consequences
Head Topics: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists
Heilbronner Stimme: Policewoman pours oil on climate activist – Interior Ministry examines the case
Heute – Österreich: “Oops!” Policewoman pours climate-adhesive oil over her head
IDEA: Rooms for the “Last Generation”: Church community surveys members
idowa: Regensburg: Last generation demonstrates for imprisoned activists Climate stickers protest again in Nuremberg – man is said to have attacked activists
Ludwigshafen24: Climate adhesive with 4 actions in region: Bridge to Ludwigshafen blocked
Mannheim24: Explosive video: Climate gluers comment on the oil incident with a Mannheim policewoman
Mannheim24: Mega blockade in Mannheim: climate glue abseils from the bridge
Mannheimer Morgen: Strip search and oil attack: Many allegations against Mannheim policewoman
Merkur: Drivers are all about climate stickers: “It was definitely green!”
Merkur: Escalation in climate protest: US ranger threatens with a weapon and simply rams the blockade out of the way
Merkur: IAA in Munich continues: Climate activists announce blockade of twelve streets – “vigil” in front of prison
Merkur: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
Merkur: Start of the IAA - a review: Activists disrupt Scholz's tour, Natalie Portman promotes climate protection
msn: “Oops!” Policewoman pours climate-adhesive oil over her head
msn: Protest of the “Last Generation”: This is how much money the use of climate adhesive can cost
Märkische Allgemeine: Brandenburg an der Havel is not planning to ban climate protests
n-TV: Man slaps climate activists – police investigate
n-TV: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists Policewoman pours oil on climate adhesive at demonstration
Neue Presse: Police expect the IAA protests to be the focus of the weekend
Nordsee Zeitung: When the climate adhesives produce a jam
rnd: After allegations of pain gripping: Berlin police comment on the procedure
rosenheim24: Activists block A94: man freaks out and “waddles” climate glue
RP Online: Researchers doubt the sense of climate protests against the super-rich
RP Online: Protest of the “Last Generation”: This is how much money the use of climate adhesive can cost
RPR1.: Policewoman pours oil on woman: Last generation wants to talk
RTL News: Police complain about overtime due to protests
Saarbrücker Zeitung: The justice system in Germany treats the “last generation” too leniently
Spiegel: Policewoman pours oil over the head of a member of the Last Generation
Stern: Policewoman pours oil on woman: Last generation wants to talk
Stern: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists
Stern: Policewoman pours oil on people at demonstration
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Last generation makes serious allegations against police
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Police slow down activists in the city
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Police complain about time theft
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists – Interior Ministry observes
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation makes serious allegations against police
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Police slow down activists in the city
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Police complain about time theft
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” makes further allegations against Mannheim police officers
Sä Climate stickers want to block Straßburger Platz in Dresden
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Some sit – others start an “action rally”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Almost twice as many visitors are expected as at the last IAA
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Policewoman pours oil on woman: Last generation wants to talk
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Policewoman pours oil on people during adhesive demonstration
Süddeutsche Zeitung: How dangerous is the “Last Generation”?
t-online: “They should be in pain”: Serious allegations against a police officer
t-online: “Last Generation” in Nuremberg: Activists block again – but not for long
t-online: “Last Generation”: Mother and sister in prison – daughter launches appeal for donations
t-online: Drivers rage against “last generation” climate activists
t-online: That’s why the “Last Generation” walk was canceled
t-online: Ex-CSU boss: “The 'Last Generation' is not a criminal organization”
t-online: Motorcyclist blows exhaust fumes right into activists' faces
t-online: After the first actions: That's still coming to the IAA
t-online: Police continue to take action: so many activists are in custody
t-online: Policewoman pours oil on climate activist
Tag24: Dresden drivers have to wait again: climate adhesive back from summer break!
Tag24: Climate activists pour ash and sand in front of Tesla shop in Berlin
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” makes allegations against a police officer
Tagesschau: Further allegations from the “Last Generation” against Mannheim police
Teller Report: Sympathy for climate activists: Last Generation group, according to CSU leader Huber, no enemies of the state 60 disruptive actions, 500 crimes: Climate activists cause stress at police headquarters IAA in Munich continues: Climate activists announce blockade of twelve streets – “vigil” in front of prison IAA resistance in Munich, first actions already today – “It will definitely be disruptive” Justice Minister takes a clear stance against climate glue: “Repeat offenders are of course threatened with imprisonment” Police take stock: Several operations due to climate protests at the IAA Cigarette smoke and sheer anger: Escalation in the blockade of the “Last Generation” – activists in custody “Spinning the custody wheel of fortune”: Blockades in Munich – police drag activists off the street “I am an anti-climate glue”: Drivers give activists a slap in the face in Munich
volksfreund: Protest of the “Last Generation”: This is how much money the use of climate adhesive can cost
watson: Luisa Neubauer on the coalition’s climate policy: “Of course it shakes the thread of patience”
WAZ: Last generation: Bavaria takes around 30 activists into preventive custody
Welt: Policewoman pours oil on activists – “Last Generation” wants to talk
yahoo!nachrichten: Policewoman pours oil on people during adhesive demonstration – case is being investigated
Zeit Online: A slap in the face for climate activists: Munich police are investigating
Zeit Online: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists
Zeit Online: Policewoman pours oil on Last Generation activists
20 «Oops! The policewoman slipped the oil canister."
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog about the “Last Generation” in Munich: slap in the face for climate activists – IAA protest at the trade fair Freakout in the video: Driver slaps activists during a protest before the opening of the IAA
B.Z.: Hours of use against climate adhesive are higher than in all football games
B.Z.: Church wants to place climate glue in refugee apartments
B.Z.: Slap in the face for climate glue – Munich police are investigating
Behörden Spiegel: “Last Generation” addresses police officers HITZE – Last Generation Close-Up: new storytelling podcast
Berliner Kurier: Climate glue in Munich gets a slap in the face – THAT threatens the perpetrator
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation announces waves of blockades: Police want to act consistently
Berliner Morgenpost: Road blockade in Munich: Drivers slap climate activists An officer pours oil on the air conditioning gluer Almost 5000 criminal complaints against climate adhesives are being processed Church in Berlin wants to accommodate climate chaos Climate priest risks preventive detention Air conditioning glue would rather be annoying than work Climate adhesives prevent us from chasing child molesters Policewoman pours oil on air conditioning gluer Scandal video from Munich – slap in the face against climate chaos! Daughter begs for money for climate glue mother
Blaulicht Report: Last generation – activist begging for money
Die Rheinpfalz: Video of climate protest on Adenauer Bridge: Policewoman pours oil on the back of the activist's head
Donaukurier: “Last generation” at CSU, big crowd at AfD: Police take stock of the political Gillamoos
echo 24: Against Heilbronn's tough ruling: “Climate Adhesives” are taking legal action
echo 24: Video goes viral: Policewoman pours oil on climate adhesive in Mannheim - case is being investigated
Evangelische Zeitung: Last generation asks for accommodation in church community
Express: Road block situation escalates – driver hits climate activists in the face
Express: Is a policewoman losing her temper here? – Video shows: Air conditioning glue doused with oil Exciting video: Policewoman showers climate gluer with oil Police officer faces disciplinary action after pouring oil on air conditioning adhesive
Focus: At a protest in Mannheim: Policewoman pours oil on climate glue
Focus: “Last generation” church council wants to give refugee housing to climate stickers
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate glue attacks in the museum?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: How climate glue is reinterpreting the constitution
Frankfurter Rundschau: Mobilize against the IAA in Munich
Frankfurter Rundschau: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
Frankfurter Rundschau: “I'm an anti-climate gluer”: Driver hits activists in the face during protest
H@llAnzeiger: Another blockade by the “Last Generation”
H@llAnzeiger: Last generation blocks Dessauer Platz
Head Topics: At a protest in Mannheim: Policewoman pours oil on climate glue
Head Topics: Climate protest in the middle of Nuremberg: activists stick themselves to Rathenauplatz
Head Topics: Man beats climate activists in Munich
Head Topics: Policeman pours oil on air conditioning gluer
Head Topics: Is a policewoman losing her temper here?: Video shows: Air conditioning gluer doused with oil
Head Topics: “Last generation” at CSU, big crowd at AfD: Police take stock of the political Gillamoos
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Drivers are all about climate stickers: “It was definitely green!”
Heute – Österreich: Scooter driver blows air-conditioning adhesive cloud of exhaust fumes into his face Climate adhesives cause a blockade in Nuremberg - man is said to have attacked activists Evangelical Church: Church rooms for the “last generation”?
Kreiszeitung: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Officials in North Rhine-Westphalia should sign a letter from Klima-Kleber to Scholz
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Policewoman showers Last Generation activist with oil
L’essentiel: During a protest by the “Last Generation” group, a policewoman doused an activist’s head with oil.
Main Post: “Admire it when people get involved”: Left candidate Jakob Schmitz calls for understanding for the “last generation”
Merkur: IAA opening: Activists suddenly disrupt Scholz's tour - Söder and Reiter shoot against climate glue
Merkur: Police take stock: Several operations due to climate protests at the IAA
Merkur: Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video
Merkur: “I am an anti-climate glue”: Drivers give activists a slap in the face in Munich
Merkur: “You are the man of big words and small actions”: Activists attack Söder during his election campaign appearance
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: Last generation blocks Paracelsusstrasse in Halle – traffic jam and rear-end collision
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: How the police in Halle ruined the day for climate activists and some drivers
msn: Paint attack on the Bavarian state parliament: 55.000 euros in damage
n-TV: Police investigate after slap – driver hits climate activists in the face Driver slaps “Last Generation” activist in Munich
NDR: “Last Generation”: Activists obstruct traffic in Celle Climate protest in Munich: escalation on the streets! Driver gives climate activist a slap in the face
NonstopNews Standort Rostock (auf youtube): 31.08.23/XNUMX/XNUMX Video: Climate stickers paralyze rush hour traffic in Rostock with a protest – police operation
nordbayern: Climate protest in the middle of Nuremberg: activists stick themselves to Rathenauplatz
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Climate protest in the middle of Nuremberg: activists stick themselves to Rathenauplatz
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Last generation announces waves of blockades: Police want to act consistently
ProSieben: Munich freaks out – and hits “Last Generation” activists in the face
Radio FFH: Policewoman Pours Oil On Man
Radio SAW: Halle: Climate protest on Paracelsus Street
rbb24: This is what “Fridays for Future” and the “Last Generation” are planning
rnd: Major protests from September 13th: Climate protection activists are preparing for new protests
rnd: Climate protest: Policewoman pours oil on demonstrators
rnd: Man slaps last generation climate activist in Munich – police investigate
rosenheim24: Climate activists are disrupting the IAA in Munich - a total of almost 30 people in custody
rosenheim24: “Oops! “The canister slipped” – policewoman pours oil on air conditioning glue
RP Online: Last generation climate activist is slapped in the face in Munich
RTL News: Intentional or accident? – Policewoman pours climate glue oil over her head
RTL News: Policewoman pours oil on people at demonstration
sh:z: After the color attack on Sylt and in Berlin: donations to private jet owners
Spiegel: A slap in the face for climate activists – police are investigating
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Policewoman pours oil on climate activists
SWR Aktuell: Heilbronn: Trial against climate activists is being reopened
SWR Aktuell: Mannheim policewoman is said to have poured oil over climate activist's head
SWR News Zone: WTF?! Did a police officer pour oil on a climate activist's head?
Sä Policewoman pours oil on climate demonstrators
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “As nice as jogging is, for some stretches it’s better to take the car”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: CSU spokesman is said to have harassed journalists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation announces waves of blockades: Police want to act consistently
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police: Overshot
t-online: “Last Generation”: Mother and sister in prison – daughter launches appeal for donations
t-online: Officer pours oil on climate activists – police react
t-online: Protest in evening traffic: Climate activists block the Donnersberger Bridge
t-online: Protest in Berlin: Parish wants to use climate glue
t-online: During Söder's speech: CSU press spokesman obstructs reporters
Tag24: Slipped hand? Policewoman pours oil on air conditioning glue
Tag24: Gluing campaign in Halle: This is where the anger of drivers hits the last generation
Tag24: Climate activists attack Bavarian state parliament: 55.000 euros in damage
Tag24: Protest Escalates: Drivers Slap Climate Activists!
Tagesschau: Does police action against “climate glue” have consequences for officers?
Tagesschau: Mannheim policewoman is said to have poured oil over climate activist's head
Tagesspiegel: CSU press spokesman is said to have hindered journalists
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” changes its framing of blockades in Berlin
Telepolis: IAA Mobility: Munich under the sign of automobileism and climate protest
The Limited Times: Motorists are sticking to climate glue: “I definitely had green!”
TrendRadars: Germany records 580 offenses committed by climate activist group Last Generation Drivers are all about climate stickers: “It was definitely green!” IAA in Munich: From events to protests – the most important information about the trade fair IAA opening: Activists suddenly disrupt Scholz's tour - Söder and Reiter shoot against climate glue IAA resistance in Munich, first actions already today – “It will definitely be disruptive” More than 60 actions: Police take stock of the wave of protests by the “Last Generation” in Munich Police take stock: Several operations due to climate protests at the IAA Policewoman pours oil over climate activist – Presidium reacts to video “Spinning the custody wheel of fortune”: Blockades in Munich – police drag activists off the street “I am an anti-climate glue”: Drivers give activists a slap in the face in Munich
VN Explorer: Is a policewoman losing her temper here?: Video shows: Air conditioning gluer doused with oil
VN Explorer: “Oops, canister slipped”: Policewoman pours oil on Last Generation activist
watson: Last generation: Policewoman with underhanded action against activists
WAZ: Road blockade in Munich: Drivers slap climate activists
WDR: “Climate glue” sentenced to fines in Cologne
WDR: Protests by climate activists
Welt: Policewoman pours oil on activists during road blockade
Welt: “It’s totally stupid what you’re doing” – slap in the face for climate glue
Zeit Online: Policewoman pours oil on people at demonstration
Utopia: Meteorologist Terli: “Either we stick to the planetary boundaries or we perish”
Abendzeitung München: “Last Generation” and “Extinction Rebellion”: IAA protest at the Mittlerer Ring in Munich
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog about the “Last Generation” in Munich: Climate adhesives block on Monday afternoon
amnesty international: Germany: Preventive detention for climate activists is a clear violation of human rights
B.Z.: Climate stickers at Europaplatz have been cleared
B.Z.: Climate adhesive at the main train station
B.Z.: Police want to act “consistently and quickly” against blockages of climate adhesives
Berliner Morgenpost: Road blockades: Police announce consistent action
Berliner Zeitung: Blockades of the last generation: “There are no pain grips in the Berlin police”
Berliner Zeitung: Climate protection blockades: Police want to act consistently
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation disrupts Markus Söder's election campaign event
Berliner Zeitung: Protest march of the last generation: “So the whole population only has hatred towards you” Is the fight over the climate now escalating? Scooter driver blows air-conditioning adhesive exhaust gas into his face “Last Generation” wants to infiltrate the police
br24: Bavaria calls for a review of criminal law regarding climate activists
br24: IAA protest camp starts: blockades and demonstrations planned
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Last generation announces waves of blockades: Police want to act consistently
Braunschweiger Zeitung: “Last generation” blocks traffic in Celle
Cellesche Zeitung: Among other things, climate adhesives seal off intersections in Celle
Das Erste: Explosive from September 4th
Evangelische Zeitung: Bavaria wants to change criminal law for the last generation
Focus: Munich court locks Germany's cheekiest climate glue behind bars
Focus: At the start of the IAA, climate activists paralyze traffic in Munich
Frankenpost: Climate activists block streets in the east of Munich
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Hamburger Abendblatt: CDU Hamburg calls for up to 30 days of detention for last generation activists
Hamburger Abendblatt: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: You can't lock up problems
Head Topics: Munich: Court locks Germany's cheekiest climate activist behind bars
Head Topics: “Last Generation” protests against preventive detention: lanes blocked in front of Berlin Central Station
Heidelberg24: Protest actions in the Rhein-Neckar district – including Heidelberg: climate adhesive chiseled out of the street
Heilbronner Stimme: Protests are starting around the IAA motor show in Munich
Kreiszeitung: Drivers are all about climate stickers: “It was definitely green!”
Kreiszeitung Wesermarsch: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Ludwigshafen24: Climate adhesive with 4 actions in region: Bridge to Ludwigshafen blocked
Mannheim24: Mega blockade in Mannheim: climate glue abseils from the bridge
Merkur: Activists in Munich: Blockades hinder ambulances – five more people in custody
Merkur: Drivers are all about climate stickers: “It was definitely green!”
Merkur: Justice Minister takes a clear stance against climate glue: “Repeat offenders are of course threatened with imprisonment”
Merkur: Climate glue in Munich: Moped driver pushes exhaust fumes into activists' faces
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Mittelbayerische: Last generation announces waves of blockades: Police want to act consistently
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate protection blockades: Police want to act consistently
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: Climate adhesive demo dissolved - truck driver calls for the demonstrators to be shot
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: How the police in Halle ruined the day for climate activists and also some drivers
msn: “Last Generation” in Munich – Here, angry drivers pour water on climate adhesive
n-TV: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
n-TV: IAA opponents block traffic in Munich
NDR: “Last Generation”: Activists block streets in Celle
NDR: Activists stick themselves to the street and smear monuments
Neue Deister Zeitung: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Neue Presse: Climate activists block streets in the east of Munich
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate activists block streets in the east of Munich
Nordsee Zeitung: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Oberpfalz Echo: Ronja Künkler in Stadelheim JVA: “Last generation” in preventive detention
Passauer Neue Presse: “Last generation” at CSU, big crowd at AfD: Police take stock of the political Gillamoos
Radio Bamberg: “Last Generation” is planning a protest march in Bamberg
Radio FFH: Last generation announces waves of blockade: – POLICE WANT TO PROCEED CONSISTENTLY
Radio SAW: Halle: Climate protest at B100
rbb24: Police President Slowik wants to take tough action against “Last Generation”.
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: FDP wants to find out where the “Last Generation” activists live
rnd: There is a risk of massive protests by climate activists around the IAA
rosenheim24: Scooter driver blows exhaust gases into the face of climate stickers in Munich
RTL News: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
RTL News: Man blows climate glue cigarette smoke into his face!
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Climate protection blockades: Police want to act consistently
Schaumburger Zeitung: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
SOL.DE: Photos: Last generation demonstrated in Saarbrücken after the verdict against climate glue
Stern: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Stern: Climate activists block streets in the east of Munich
Stern: Climate protection blockades: Police want to act consistently
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Extinction Rebellion” abseils over the Middle Ring
Süddeutsche Zeitung: IAA: Attention, now the protests are really starting
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block streets in the east of Munich
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists protest against “greenwashing show”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Ambulance disabled by “last generation” blockage
t-online: “Last Generation” wants to paralyze Berlin
t-online: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt Söder’s speech and fails: that was their actual plan
t-online: Activists fail at breakfast in Gillamoos
t-online: Driver hits climate activist in the face
t-online: Driver blows exhaust gases right into activists' faces
t-online: Bottle attack including a tirade of insults: drivers go crazy
t-online: Climate adhesives block Invalidenstrasse at the main train station
t-online: Climate glue in Berlin: Police will intervene clearly
t-online: After the climate glue attack: donations for aircraft owners
t-online: Söder mocks climate activists
Tag24: Police show no mercy for climate activists Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Tagesspiegel: Two weeks before climate blockades in Berlin: Interior Senator announces consistent intervention
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” protests against preventive detention
taz: Climate fight is called Antifa
taz: Last generation sticks to Berlin
The Limited Times: Climate activists in Munich again: Currently blockades on the A8 and on the Innsbrucker Ring
The Limited Times: Motorist is heading for climate activists: “I definitely had green!” Justice Minister takes a clear stance against climate glue: “Repeat offenders are of course threatened with imprisonment” The city's tough plan against climate glue - and the blockades continue Protest action in front of the State Chancellery in Munich - huge Söder poster stretched over the building Cigarette smoke and sheer anger: Escalation in the blockade of the “Last Generation” – activists in custody
Vodafone live: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Volksstimme: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Welt: Vacation in Asia instead of a court date – now a climate adhesive has to go to prison
Welt: Isolated “Last Generation” – The battle of the climate groups begins
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Last generation announces protest march in Wuppertal today
Westfalenpost: Last generation announces waves of blockades: Police want to act consistently
Westfälische Nachrichten: “Last Generation” is blocking traffic in Münster again
wuppertaler rundschau: Demo of the “Last Generation” in Elberfeld
ZDF: Which demos have been announced for the IAA
Zeit Online: Amnesty criticizes preventive detention as a violation of human rights
Zeit Online: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Celle
Zeit Online: Climate activists block streets in the east of Munich
Zeit Online: Climate protection blockades: Police want to act consistently
ZEIT ONLINE (auf youtube): Z2X23: How do we bring movement to the climate crisis?
aeroTELEGRAPH: Who pays if a private plane is painted? Judge locks up the cheekiest climate glue
Deutschlandfunk: Ability to act – Is climate disaster communication paralyzing?
die stadtredaktion: POL-MA: Mannheim/Heidelberg: Several climate protests in Mannheim and Heidelberg
echo 24: Four climate blockades in Mannheim and Heidelberg: Fire brigade has to chisel out activists Protests expected around the IAA in Munich
Focus: Court locks Germany's cheekiest climate activist behind bars
Frankfurter Allgemeine: More climate activists in preventive detention
Frankfurter Allgemeine: A lot of protest against the IAA motor show
General Anzeiger: Climate stickers blocked the B9 in Bonn
Head Topics: Berlin facing a new wave of blockades: “A lot of input, little democracy” – the “Last Generation” system
Head Topics: Berlin: Climate activists are planning actions until Christmas
Head Topics: IAA in Munich: Climate activists are planning protests against the motor show
Head Topics: Climate chaos: Stuttgart judge sentences activists to prison
Head Topics: Climate glue arrested by police in Germany
Head Topics: 27 climate activists are now in preventative detention
Head Topics: Munich residents attack climate activists, anger erupts in the city center
Heidelberg24: Protest actions in the Rhein-Neckar district – including Heidelberg: climate adhesive chiseled out of the street
HL-live: Last generation demonstrates in Israelsdorf
idowa: IAA motor show begins: Chinese car manufacturers in the spotlight
lokalo: Restrictions on road and shipping traffic: climate adhesives block the Rhine bridge
Ludwigshafen24: Climate adhesive with 4 actions in region: Bridge to Ludwigshafen blocked
Mannheim24: Mega blockade in Mannheim: climate glue abseils from the bridge
Mannheimer Morgen: “Last Generation” blocks the Adenauer Bridge: The results the day after
Merkur: IAA in Munich: From events to protests – the most important information about the trade fair
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
msn: Climate gluer Anja Windl: “In prison without a verdict”
nd: Novel about the climate movement: Fast forward to utopia
oe24: Climate gluer Anja Windl: “In prison without a verdict”
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Major operations through “Last Generation” blockades (photo gallery/update)
Spiegel: Climate activists are planning protests against the auto show
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation”: Imprisonment, yes gladly
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blockers and car manufacturers are discussing the transport transition
t-online: Blockade in Munich: Several people tried to get rid of the activists.
t-online: After protests in Munich: numerous activists in preventive detention
Tag24: Protests around the Iaa: This is what activists are planning in Munich
Tagesspiegel: “A lot of input, little democracy” – the “Last Generation” system
Teller Report: IAA in Munich: Climate activists plan protests against auto show
Welt: Protests expected around the IAA in Munich
Wertheimer Portal: POL-MA: Mannheim – climate adhesive on the Konrad Adenauer Bridge
Amnesty Deutschland (auf twitter): Watering down laws and locking up protesters is not a solution to the #climatecrisis.
Amnesty Polizei (auf twitter): Now people are being locked up in the middle of #Germany because they want to exercise a basic democratic right.
Allgäuer Zeitung: IAA in Munich: Protests around the automobile trade fair - What to expect
Automobilwoche: These protests are expected at the IAA
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists are planning actions until Christmas
Berliner Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect The rule of law needs to step up a gear! Where the climate chaotic people want to strike now
boyens-medien: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
br24: 27 climate activists are now in preventative detention
br24: Ten more climate activists in custody after actions in Munich
Der Patriot: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Eßlinger Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Focus: Heated mood: Munich residents attack climate activists, anger erupts in the city center Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Freie Presse: “Last generation” on a recruiting tour in Zwickau – When will the first one stick on the street?
General Anzeiger: Climate adhesives block the B9 in Bonn Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Haller Kreisblatt: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Handelsblatt: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Head Topics: Drivers see climate activists and step on the gas
Head Topics: Climate adhesive on the Konrad Adenauer Bridge
Head Topics: Last generation in Dresden: SUV driver races towards climate adhesive!
Head Topics: Man clears air-conditioning adhesive from the street - then a wheelchair user appears
Head Topics: taz podcast “klima update°”: The climate news of the week
Head Topics: Ten more climate activists in custody after actions in Munich
Head Topics: Cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes – people are taking increasingly tough action against climate glue
Heidelberg24: Climate adhesive removed from B37 in Heidelberg – Neckarstaden free after blockade campaign
Heilbronner Stimme: Road blockades of the “last generation” – actions in Mannheim and Heidelberg
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Cigarette smoke and sheer anger: Escalation in the blockade of the “Last Generation” – activists in custody
idowa: VDA and IAA critics discuss mobility transition
KNews: IAA resistance in Munich, first actions already today – “It will definitely be disruptive”
KNews: Justice Minister takes a clear stance against climate glue: “Repeat offenders are of course threatened with imprisonment”
Kreiszeitung: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Main-Echo: Protests around the IAA: What to expect
Mannheim24: Climate adhesives block traffic arteries in Mannheim - Fressgasse is free again
Mannheimer Morgen: The pictures of the climate protest on the B37 in Heidelberg
Mannheimer Morgen: Several “Last Generation” road blockades in Mannheim and the region
Merkur: IAA in Munich: Numerous protests, demos and actions announced
Merkur: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
MRN-News: Mannheim – Further Last Generation protests also in Heidelberg
msn: “Protest stronghold” Munich – cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes – people are taking ever harder action against climate stickers
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Nordsee Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
NÖ Last generation: 250 people are ready to stick together
pressemeier: Climate adhesives block Speyerer Strasse in Heidelberg and other streets in the Rhein-Neckar district
Presseportal: POL-MA: Mannheim – climate adhesive on the Konrad Adenauer Bridge
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Blockades of the “Last Generation” in Heidelberg and Mannheim (Photo Gallery/Update)
Rhein-Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
rnd: Instructions for pain grips: Internal documents from the Berlin police trigger sharp criticism
Rote Fahne: “LAST GENERATION” – Immediate release of all those arrested!
Schwetzinger Zeitung: The pictures of the climate protest on the B37 in Heidelberg
sh:z: IAA resistance in Munich, first actions already today – “It will definitely be disruptive”
Spiegel: More and more climate activists in preventive detention in Bavaria
Stern: Bridge between Ludwigshafen and Mannheim blocked
Stern: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
SWR Aktuell: The beginning of a collaboration? Peace movement meets climate activists
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists cause traffic chaos on the Konrad Adenauer Bridge in Mannheim
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The nerves are on edge - but there is still discussion
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
t-online: “Climate glue” receives a prize for civil courage
t-online: Police prevent action by the “last generation”
t-online: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Tag24: Police Prevent Action of “Last Generation” Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Tagesschau: Climate activists cause traffic chaos on the Konrad Adenauer Bridge in Mannheim
Telepolis: Attacks on Last Generation Blockers: Why You Should Wait for the Police
Thüringen24: Thuringia: “Last generation” stuck on streets in Erfurt and Jena – now activists have to pay IAA resistance in Munich, first actions already today – “It will definitely be disruptive” Justice Minister takes a clear stance against climate glue: “Repeat offenders are of course threatened with imprisonment” The city's tough plan against climate glue - and the blockades continue Protest action in front of the State Chancellery in Munich - huge Söder poster stretched over the building Cigarette smoke and sheer anger: Escalation in the blockade of the “Last Generation” – activists in custody
VN Explorer: Climate and IAA protests in Munich: Nerves are on edge - there should still be discussions
Vodafone live: Bridge between Ludwigshafen and Mannheim blocked
Vodafone live: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
Welt: Bridge between Ludwigshafen and Mannheim blocked
Zeit Online: 27 climate demonstrators in Bavaria were taken into custody as a preventative measure
Zeit Online: Bridge between Ludwigshafen and Mannheim blocked
Zeit Online: Climate activists do not feel well represented by Greens
Zeit Online: The last generation in Berlin is apparently planning blockades until Christmas
Zeit Online: VDA and IAA critics discuss mobility transition
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Protests around the IAA – What to expect
kindersache: Who or what is the “Last Generation”?
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog about the “Last Generation” in Munich: New blockade, ambulances in traffic jams and even more preventive detention Is the Last Generation a criminal organization?
B.Z.: Climate stickers want to be annoying in Berlin until December!
Berliner Morgenpost: The last generation is planning blockades in Berlin until Christmas
br24: Preventive detention for activists fails due to responsibilities
Der Westen: Last generation: Police officer reacts brutally to a road blockade – “He should be fired!” Criticism of the Bavarian government
Faktastisch: “Last Generation” at Gamescom: Activists were completely ignored
Focus: Heated atmosphere - Munich residents attack climate activists, anger erupts in the city center
Frankfurter Rundschau: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
Hamburger Abendblatt: University of Hamburg sprayed – activists defend themselves against punishment
Head Topics: Drivers see climate activists and step on the gas
Head Topics: That was close! A car races towards a group of climate activists in Dresden. In the end the police even come.
Head Topics: Herrenchiemsee (Bavaria): Climate adhesives pollute well water, now it has to be disposed of at great expense!
Head Topics: Climate activists plan disruption for weeks: “Last Generation” wants to block Berlin until Christmas
Head Topics: Last generation: What penalties are there for the climate sticker protests?
Head Topics: Man clears air-conditioning adhesive from the street - then a wheelchair user appears
Head Topics: Munich residents attack climate activists, anger erupts in the city center
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
Kreiszeitung: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Leipzig climate activist has to go to prison in Munich for two weeks
MediaserviceNovotny (auf youtube): Radical climate protests have been going on in Munich for more than a week
Merkur: Activists in Munich: Blockades hinder ambulances – five more people in custody
Merkur: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars This threatens the driver who loaded activists onto the hood
Neue Westfälische: Instructions for pain grips: Internal documents from the Berlin police published
Neues Ruhrwort: Jesuit and activist Alt again involved in climate protest
news38: Braunschweig’s climate-adhesive grandma unpacks! What drives 86-year-old Jutta
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Climate adhesive in Rostock: Is the last generation going too far? Or not far enough? 😤
Nordsee Zeitung: Senator for the Interior wants to ask climate adhesives to pay in Bremerhaven and Bremen
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Acquittal for “Last Generation” after sticking action in Hamburger Kunsthalle
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Acquittal for “Last Generation” after sticking action in Hamburger Kunsthalle
Ostsee Zeitung: Fundraising campaign for truck drivers: “Citizens for Stralsund” collects 23 euros
OVB online: The rule of law and the climate stickers
rbb24: Climate demonstrators should collect warning vests and stickers from the police
RTL News: Driver sees climate sticker – and goes full throttle!
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Saarbrücken climate activist of the last generation sentenced to a fine
SOL.DE: After the verdict against Klima-Kleber: Last generation announces demo in Saarbrücken
SWR Aktuell: Stuttgart: Fine and prison for climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate climbers board flagpoles at Odeonsplatz
t-online: Renewed protests: climate activists block ambulances
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Activist Calls on Police to Cooperate
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” wants to block Berlin until Christmas
The Limited Times: Blockade on important roads: “Last generation” paralyzes Rostock
Thüringen24: Thuringia: “Last generation” stuck on streets in Erfurt and Jena – now activists have to pay
TikTok Fashion Shorts (auf youtube): Drivers see climate activists and step on the gas Activists in Munich: Blockades hinder ambulances – five more people in custody Activists in Munich: Police are back in action with more than 200 people – nine people in custody Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?” Anger against the climate stickers: What can drivers do against activists? Lawyers and police clarify
VN Explorer: Climate and IAA protests in Munich: Climate climbers board flagpoles at Odeonsplatz
wallstreet online: How the last generation wants to instrumentalize the police
Welt: Police officers from the “last generation” write an apocalyptic letter to the Chancellor
WorldNews: Climate activists plan disruption for weeks: “Last Generation” wants to block Berlin until Christmas
Zeit Online: How do we get the climate debate moving?
Göttinger Tageblatt: Strike against climate activist: The limit has been crossed here
news38: Braunschweig’s climate-adhesive grandma unpacks! What drives 86-year-old Jutta
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog about the “Last Generation” in Munich: Climate activists block Petuelring
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog on the “Last Generation” in Munich: Police launch investigations against climate activists
Abendzeitung München: To protest during the IAA: Police set up prison containers He got stuck, flew to Asia and is now in jail Investigations against climate chaos Climate-adhesives are looking for places to sleep in Berlin on the internet Allowing climate catastrophe = breach of the constitution? Demands of science on the federal government
Donaukurier: Activists throw paint-dipped balls at the state parliament
Focus: Vacation instead of trialAfter the fuss about the Bali flight – climate glue Yannick has to go to jail
Focus: Herrenchiemsee CastleClimate activists turn well water black - Environmental Agency struggles with the consequences
Focus: “I definitely had green!” – Driver sees climate activists and hits the gas
Frankenpost: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
Frankfurter Rundschau: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
FränkischerTag: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
General Anzeiger: Acquittal for “Last Generation” after sticking action in Hamburger Kunsthalle
Genios: The last generation mobilizes
Göttinger Tageblatt: Last Generation Protests in Göttingen: Police are investigating and making allegations against climate activists
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate activists block road in Rostock
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Fossil everyday life”: Climate activists paralyze rush hour traffic
Head Topics: Drivers see climate activists and step on the gas
Head Topics: Climate protesters in Germany overrun by angry motorists
Head Topics: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Head Topics: Activists again at the Munich junction - road blockade by police ended
Head Topics: Last generation and the donations: The strange law firm hopping of the climate activists
Head Topics: After the fuss about the Bali flight – climate glue Yannick has to go to jail
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Goals at the expense of the general public: Göttingen police criticize “climate glue”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” blocks intersection in Göttingen – passer-by strikes
Heute – Österreich: Detention: Klima-Shakira now hires Insta representation
idowa: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
idowa: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
jerzy wasner (auf youtube): Last generation in Munich – climate activists block Petuelring August 31.08.2023, XNUMX Part IV
Main Post: Climate glue in the city, an ideal world in the country? Not true, say conservationists like Erich Rößner (424/2023) Blockade action at Weender Tor by climate activists “Last Generation”
Merkur: Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock
Merkur: Activists again at the Munich junction - road blockade by police ended
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Mittelbayerische: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
MRN-News: Heidelberg – Climate protest had to be dissolved
msn: “I definitely had green!” – Driver sees climate activists and hits the gas German driver takes climate activists with him on the hood of his car
NDR: “Last Generation”: Climate protests in Rostock
NDR: Acquittal for climate activists of the “last generation”?
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: “Last generation”: Climate activists hinder rush hour traffic in Rostock
Neue Presse: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
New York Post: Irate drivers ram into climate protesters blocking traffic, drag them hundreds of feet down highway Police reports for Göttingen, August 31.08.2023, 424: (2023/XNUMX) Blockade action at Weender Tor by climate activists “Last Generation” Police ticker for Heidelberg, August 31.08.2023, XNUMX: Heidelberg: Climate protest had to be broken up
news38: Braunschweig is tightening the thumbscrews of the “last generation” – now there is criticism
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Climate activists hinder rush hour traffic in Rostock
Nordkurier: Climate adhesives hinder rush hour traffic - police on duty with rapeseed oil
oberpfalz medien: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Ostsee Zeitung: Activists of the last generation block streets in Rostock
Ostsee Zeitung: First road blockade of the last generation in Rostock: “We were successful”
Ostsee Zeitung: Last generation protests in Rostock: The gluing campaign in the video
Ostsee Zeitung: After the blockade in Rostock: Last generation announces further protests in the Hanseatic city
Ostsee Zeitung: OZ live ticker to read: Climate activists of the “last generation” block traffic in Rostock
Passauer Neue Presse: Action by Last Generation on Herrenchiemsee: Police are investigating property damage
Passauer Neue Presse: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Presseportal: POL-GÖ: (424/2023) Blockade action at Weender Tor by climate activists “Last Generation”
Radio Bamberg: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Radio Mainwelle: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Radio Mainwelle: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
rosenheim24: “Tennis ball hail” in Munich: Painted “climate adhesive” on the Bavarian state parliament
RTL News: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
RTL News: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
Salzburger Nachrichten: Climate activists painted the fountains in front of Herrenchiemsee Castle black
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Climate activists hinder rush hour traffic in Rostock
sh:z: “Last generation”: Climate activists hinder rush hour traffic in Rostock
Stern: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Stern: Climate activists block road in Rostock
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: CDU calls for a quick response to the action of climate activists
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activist goes to prison for two months after vacation in Asia
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activist goes to prison for two months after vacation in Asia
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The “Last Generation” is becoming more and more similar to its opponents
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The most important answers about the IAA, trouble over lost suitcases at the airport and a judge's mishap that resulted in three activists being released again. What else happened.
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block road in Rostock
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police have to release three climate activists from custody after judge's mishap
t-online: “Climate glue” receives a prize for civil courage
t-online: “Last generation” blocks intersection in Rostock
t-online: From vacation to prison: climate activist sentenced to prison
t-online: Constitutional expert: “The 'Last Generation' is right”
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocked In Göttingen: Protester Receives A Slap!
Tag24: “Last generation” blocks the road, then the police intervene
Tagesschau: Climate demonstrators should collect warning vests and stickers from the police
The Limited Times: Blockade on important roads: “Last generation” paralyzes Rostock
The Limited Times: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and faces headwinds: “How borderline debilitating are you?”
TheinsightPost: Climate protesters in Germany overrun by angry motorists
Thüringen24: Thuringia: “Last generation” stuck on streets in Erfurt and Jena – now activists have to pay
Thüringer Allgemeine: The “Last Generation” is stuck in Göttingen
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich Activists in Munich: Police are back in action with more than 200 people – nine people in custody Blockade on important roads: “Last Generation” paralyzes Rostock Road blockades in Munich again – investigations against more than 80 activists Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?” After throwing tennis balls: “Last Generation” blocks more streets - police take activists into custody Video shows heated scenes in the city: car takes two activists on the hood “Attack on our Parliament”: Activists throw tennis balls dipped in paint at the Bavarian state parliament
VN Explorer: Protests in Munich: Another traffic blockade by climate activists – backlogs in rush hour traffic
VN Explorer: Protests in Munich: Police have to release two climate activists from custody
Vodafone live: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Vodafone live: Climate activists block road in Rostock
Vodafone live: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
Wasserburger Stimme: “Last Generation” in front of Herrenchiemsee Castle
WAZ: Why it's right to take tougher action against climate adhesives
Welt: Vacation in Asia instead of a court date – now a climate adhesive has to go to prison
WorldNews: Climate protests in Munich: Activists throw paint balls at the state parliament
WorldNews: Last generation and the donations: The strange law firm hopping of the climate activists
WorldNews: Poster attack in Kunsthalle: acquittal for climate activists
Zeit Online: Investigations against climate activists – actions in Munich
Zeit Online: Climate activists block road in Rostock
ZNet: Europe's Climate Activists Face 'Repressive Tide'
HL-live: Last generation: discussion in front of the citizens
REMS-ZEITUNG: Frieder Zürcher: At 64 with the “Last Generation”
t-online: Open letter – constitutional expert: “The ‘Last Generation’ is right”
24hamburg: After the poster campaign in the Hamburger Kunsthalle: No punishment for the last generation – taxpayers have to pay
AD HOC NEWS: Society, Media – HITZE – Last Generation Close-Up / new storytelling podcast from rbb and TRZ Media
Allgäuer Zeitung: Climate activists throw paint balls at the state parliament in Munich Color attack on the Bavarian state parliament Climate Shakira in custody in Munich Judge understands climate chaos – acquittal!
br24: Advertisement threatens: Climate activists throw paint balls at the state parliament
br24: Climate activists throw paint balls at the state parliament in Munich
br24: Nine climate activists in custody in Munich
br24: Nine climate activists are in custody
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Protest against flights with private jets from Braunschweig Airport
Brussels Reporter: Europe's climate activists face 'repressive tide'
Charivari: Climate Glue In Munich: Police Take Nine People Into Custody
DayFR Euro: Frustrated motorists use their vehicles to push environmental activists off a highway
Der Westen: Last generation: Police officer reacts brutally to a road blockade – “He should be fired!” Climate activist Anja Windl in preventive detention in Germany
Express: Lecturer at the University of Cologne condemned – action for the “Last Generation” is now becoming expensive How German prisons deal with trans inmates How German prisons deal with trans inmates
Focus: University lecturer fined 9000 euros for climate action – “Last Generation” reacts immediately
Focus: Heated mood: Munich residents attack climate activists, anger erupts in the city center
Fox News: Driver drags radical climate protesters through highway after they refuse to get out of way
Frankenpost: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
FränkischerTag: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
Grüne Braunschweig: Alliance 90 / The Greens reject the extension of the general decree against the “last generation”.
Göttinger Tageblatt: Last generation protests at Weender Tor – driver hits activists in the face
Göttinger Tageblatt: Last generation: Blockade at Weender Tor
Hamburger Abendblatt: After attack on painting: climate activists acquitted
Head Topics: 'Last generation' paralyzes traffic in Munich
Head Topics: Advertisement threatens: Climate activists throw paint balls at the state parliament
Head Topics: German driver takes climate activists with him on the hood of his car
Head Topics: Imprisonment demanded: Lecturer at the University of Cologne convicted – campaign for “Last Generation” is now becoming expensive
Head Topics: Climate chaos: color attack on the Bavarian state parliament
Head Topics: Consequences for climate gluer: 'Climate Shakira' has to be in preventative detention for two weeks
Head Topics: Last generation: This is how climate activists are preparing for the “turning point of autumn” in Berlin
Head Topics: After the verdict against the university lecturer, “Last Generation” immediately continued to protest
Head Topics: Trial of the Last Generation: Blows that weren't
Head Topics: Because of repeated coercion: Klima-Shakira in custody in Munich
Head Topics: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
Kontext: Chaos here, chaos there
Kontext: Right-wing populism against free teaching
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Car drives on with two activists on the hood
Kölnische Rundschau: Car drives on with two activists on the hood
Leipziger Volkszeitung: The CDU wants to ban “last generation” road blockades in Leipzig
Leipziger Zeitung: Conditions like in Munich? The Leipzig CDU's desire for a protest ban for the last generation
Merkur: After the poster campaign in the Hamburger Kunsthalle: No punishment for the last generation – taxpayers have to pay
Merkur: “German champions in climate failure”: Activists throw tennis balls dipped in paint at the Bavarian state parliament
Mittelbayerische: Activists throw paint-dipped balls at the state parliament
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: What the last generation of Halle argued about with critical citizens
Mr-Mehra: Driver drags radical climate protesters through highway after they refuse to get out of way
n-TV: Activists acquitted after painting attack
n-TV: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
NDR: Poster protest in the Kunsthalle: acquittal for climate activists
NDR: Protest in Kunsthalle: acquittal for climate activists
NDR: Protest in Kunsthalle: acquittal for climate activists
Neue Presse: Activists throw paint-dipped balls at the state parliament
Neue Presse: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
nordbayern: Report: Bavarian climate protester in custody – recently active in Nuremberg
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Protest march: Activists of the last generation march through Rostock
Nordwest-Zeitung: Oldenburg climate activist acquitted in Hamburg court
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Report: Bavarian climate protester in custody – recently active in Nuremberg
Ostsee Zeitung: “Last Generation” moves through Rostock
Ostsee Zeitung: Climate protest in Rostock: “Last Generation” causes traffic jams in rush hour traffic
POLITICO: Europe's climate activists face 'repressive tide'
Radio Essen: The RWE headquarters in Essen was again sprayed with orange paint. There have been similar actions by climate activists in the past.
Radio Essen: Climate activists stuck to the street in Essen
radioWOCHE: rbb and TRZ Media launch storytelling podcast about the “Last Generation”
Rentacarforcash: Climate Activists Find a Way to Get Germany's Attention: Stop Traffic
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Climate activists stopped by police
rosenheim24: Chaos again in Munich: Climate Shakira and other climate glue end up in jail
sh:z: Acquittal for “Last Generation” after sticking action in Hamburger Kunsthalle
sh:z: “Last Generation” receives a prize for moral courage – what do you think about it?
Stern: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists throw paint balls at the state parliament
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists throw paint-dipped balls at the state parliament
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Attack on “Wanderer” painting: acquittal for activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
t-online: Activists put wind turbines in front of Söder's office
t-online: Acquittal for the “Last Generation”
t-online: After tennis ball attack: President of the state parliament wants to file a criminal complaint
t-online: Nine activists in custody – also “Climate Shakira”
Tag24: Color attack on the state government: “Last generation” lets “hail” balls rain down
Tag24: Ikke Hipgold and the climate catastrophe: Invitation to the last generation
Tagesschau: Poster protest in the Kunsthalle: acquittal for climate activists
taz: Punches that weren't punches
The Limited Times: “German champions in climate failure”: Activists throw tennis balls dipped in paint at Bavarian state parliament
The Washington Times: Climate protesters in Germany overrun by angry motorists
Thüringer Allgemeine: The last generation is slowing down rush hour traffic in Erfurt
tonignt NEWS: Cologne university lecturer sentenced to a hefty fine as a supporter of the “last generation” – is he now threatened with dismissal? The city's tough plan against climate glue - and the blockades continue Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?” Anger against the climate stickers: What can drivers do against activists? Lawyers and police clarify “German champions in climate failure”: Activists throw tennis balls dipped in paint at the Bavarian state parliament “Last Generation” throws colored tennis balls at the state parliament building in Munich
VN Explorer: Acquittal for the “Last Generation”
Vodafone live: Activists throw paint-dipped balls at the state parliament
Vodafone live: Attack on “Wanderer” painting: acquittal for activists
WAZ: Protest in Essen: Police collect climate adhesive from the street
WDR: Attack on Caspar David Friedrich goes unpunished
Welt: “Humanly understandable” – attack on well-known painting ends in acquittal
Westfalen-Blatt: Because of the last generation: City of Bielefeld is now changing the rules
WorldNews: Activists Glue Themselves To Roads In Germany, Demanding Climate Action 8/29
WorldNews: Last generation: Climate activists acquitted after attack on painting in Hamburg
Zeit Online: Trial of Last Generation: Wanderers above the Sea of Fire
Zeit Online: Number of climate stickers in long-term custody rises to nine
123people: “HITZE – Last Generation Close-Up” / new storytelling podcast from rbb
24hamburg: Traffic chaos caused by protest: climate activists stick themselves on the street Well-known climate gluer is now in prison Climate Shakira behind bars
Abendzeitung München: Also on Tuesday: renewed protests by the “Last Generation” in Munich
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog about the “Last Generation” in Munich: First climate glue in custody
Abendzeitung München: AZ news blog about the “Last Generation” in Munich: Munich police chief threatens climate stickers
Abendzeitung München: Climate glue in Munich: Jusos criticize the general decree Police threaten preventive arrest! Police take three climate chaotics into custody
br24: “Superlative deployment”: 4.500 police officers secure the IAA
br24: Last generation blocks important streets in Munich again
br24: Police break up blockades of the “Last Generation” in Munich
BuzzFeed: Why the last generation likes to talk to the police so much
CNN (auf youtube): Climate activists continue to interfere with the passage of cars in Germany #news #worldnews
Commentary (auf youtube): #German #climate protesters “Last Generation” a #car attempting to #drive forward #munich
Divideo Tube (auf youtube): Germany Activists Glue themselves to roads, demanding climate safety #GermanyClimateIssues #Climate
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activists paralyze traffic
Eßlinger Zeitung: City is considering ban on sticking activities “HITZE – Last Generation Close-Up” / new storytelling podcast
Focus: Activists at the gaming fair in Cologne “Last Generation” want to disrupt Gamescom – and are completely ignored
Frankenpost: Three climate activists are expected to remain in custody until September 12th
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activists are to remain in preventative detention until September 12th
Frankfurter Allgemeine: RWE headquarters sprayed with paint: fine for activists
General Anzeiger: German studies lecturer convicted of color attacks on RWE headquarters
General Anzeiger: “Last Generation” receives a prize for moral courage – and several thousand euros in prize money
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': Activists storm Gamescom and are ignored
Head Topics: During protests yesterday: Police arrest three climate chaotics
Head Topics: Is “public shaming” effective?: Researchers doubt the sense of climate protests against the super-rich
Head Topics: Climate chaos in Munich: Police threaten preventive arrest!
Head Topics: Climate Shakira Anja Windl in custody in Germany
Head Topics: Last generation close-up / new storytelling podcast from rbb
Head Topics: Munich bans climate activists from carrying superglue
Head Topics: Police threaten preventive arrest!
Head Topics: Protest actions in Munich: Drivers push climate activists ahead of them
Head Topics: Video: Fridays for Future, Extinction Rebellion, Last Generation: This is how the climate activist groups differ
Head Topics: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt Gamescom – and is completely ignored
Heute – Österreich: Climate Shakira Anja Windl in custody in Germany
infoBalkans: Climate activists target luxury Just pushed it in front of you: During the blockade in Bavaria - drivers become violent during climate protests
Kronen Zeitung: Three climate activists are expected to remain in custody until September 12th
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Car drives on with two activists on the hood
Kölnische Rundschau: Car drives on with two activists on the hood
Lübecker Nachrichten: After the color attack in Neustadt: Yacht owner wants to make last generation pay
Marktspiegel: Protest actions in Munich: Drivers push climate activists ahead of them
Merkur: Back in hotspots in Munich: activists block roads - motorway entrances are also affected
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
msn: At “Gamescom”: “Last Generation” protests – but the show just goes on
nachrichten-heute: “HEAT – Last Generation Close-Up”
NDR: Dispute over civil courage award for “Last Generation”
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: “Last Generation” receives a prize for moral courage – and several thousand euros in prize money
nordbayern: “Last Generation”: Activists storm Gamescom and are ignored
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: “Last Generation” receives a prize for moral courage – and several thousand euros in prize money
POINT OF NEWS (PON) (auf youtube): Climate activists in Germany continue to interfere with the lives of motorists and their passengers
PoliticsInsider (auf youtube): German Climate Activists Protest
Presseportal: “HITZE – Last Generation Close-Up” – new storytelling podcast
Radio Mainwelle: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
rbb24: “HITZE – Last Generation Close-Up”: new storytelling podcast
rosenheim24: Over ten aggro actions by climate adhesives in Munich – more than 200 officials required
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Video: Fridays for Future, Extinction Rebellion, Last Generation: This is how the climate activist groups differ
Spiegel: Drivers push climate activists ahead of them
Spiegel: Ikke Hipgold, what do you say to the last generation?
Stern: Three climate activists are expected to remain in custody until September 12th
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Three climate activists are expected to remain in custody until September 12th
t-online: “Climate glue” receives a prize for civil courage
t-online: “Last Generation”: activists acquitted
t-online: 4.500 police officers are supposed to protect IAA in Munich
t-online: Driver hits climate activists - and drags them along
t-online: Climate activists storm the “Gamescom” stage – poor response
t-online: Cologne philosophy lecturer in court for color attack
t-online: Protests in Munich will continue on Tuesday
Tag24: Several streets blocked: “Last Generation” continues protests in Munich!
Tag24: After blockades in Munich: preventive detention for the “last generation” until the end of the IAA
Tagesschau: Another protest: detention and a ban on glue for climate activists
The Detroit News: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
The Limited Times: Stuck into the void twice: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars at all
Thüringen24: Thuringia: “Last generation” stuck on streets in Erfurt and Jena – now activists have to pay The city's tough plan against climate glue - and the blockades continue Last generation again in Munich: truck comes to a stop shortly in front of activists Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?” Road blockades in Munich of the “last generation”: Now the police have had enough More climate stickers are to be locked away - police are setting up container prisons
Unignorierbar: Die Letzte Generation (auf youtube): Today: Color attack on RWE last generation
Unignorierbar: Die Letzte Generation (auf youtube): Today: Color change of last generation RWE II
VN Explorer: Blockade actions in Munich: “Last Generation” announces extension of climate protests
Vodafone live: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
Vodafone live: Three climate activists are supposed to be there by September 12.09th. remain in custody
WAZ: Last generation: RWE headquarters in Essen smeared – Cologne lecturer in court
Welt: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
Welt: Prosecutors accuse activists of the “Last Generation” of fisticuffs
Westdeutsche Zeitung: RWE headquarters sprayed with paint: fine for activists
Westfälischer Anzeiger: RWE headquarters sprayed with paint: climate activist fined
WorldNews: Activists glue themselves to roads in Germany, demanding climate action
WorldNews: Road blockades: Three climate activists are to remain in custody until September 12th
Zeit Online: Three climate activists are expected to remain in custody until September 12th
Zeit Online: RWE headquarters sprayed with paint: fine for activists
abc News: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
Abendzeitung München: Climate sticker protest continues: Dangerous scenes in Munich
Allgäuer Zeitung: Last generation also blocked streets in Munich on Monday
Allgäuer Zeitung: Police: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
AP News: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
B.Z.: Police are chasing climate chaotic people – because of glue!
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder Driver pushes two climate chaotics in front of him Driver drags climate adhesive with him Climate chaos is blocking Munich's streets again Air conditioning adhesive cleaned in a flash Police are chasing climate chaos
br24: “Last Generation” blocks streets in Munich again
br24: “Last Generation” blocks streets in Munich again
br24: Drivers push climate activists ahead of them during a blockade
br24: Climate activists block several streets in Munich
br24: Climate activists block streets in Munich despite ban
Braunschweiger Zeitung: “Last Generation”: Blockade in front of the Braunschweig town hall
Deutscher Bundestag: Federal police contacts with the “Last Generation” group
EarlyGame: Itches: Last generation fails with protest action at Gamescom
Express: “Last Generation” storms Gamescom in Cologne, but no one cares
Focus: Activists at the gaming fair in Cologne “Last Generation” want to disrupt Gamescom – and are completely ignored
Focus: Climate stickers block roads – drivers take activists to task
Frankenpost: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder
Frankfurter Allgemeine: What to do with climate adhesives?
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
GamingGadjets: “The Last Generation” caused a stir on the last day of Gamescom 2023
General Anzeiger: Climate activists cover buildings in Bonn with posters
Göttinger Tageblatt: Renewed climate protest: Last generation blocks Weender Tor in Göttingen
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate activists block traffic in front of Dammtor train station
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Climate glue” causes traffic jams in Hamburg’s rush hour traffic
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' in Berlin: Color campaign at the Basic Law Monument
Head Topics: Munich-Salzburg motorway blocked – climate stickers cause chaos in the morning
Head Topics: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
Head Topics: That was probably nothing! Climate adhesives do not stick
Head Topics: FC Bayern: These three focal points disturb the peace
Head Topics: Have you seen it?: “Last Generation” storms Gamescom in Cologne, but no one cares
Head Topics: Don't feel like blocking the road: drivers drag along climate adhesive
Head Topics: Climate stickers block roads – drivers take activists to task
Head Topics: Climate protest on the water: Last generation prevents boats from leaving the sea
Head Topics: Climate protest in Bavaria: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
Head Topics: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder (Havel)
Head Topics: Police are chasing climate chaotic people – because of glue!
Head Topics: Police are chasing climate chaotic people: get your glue back!
Head Topics: Protests on Monday morning in Munich: Climate chaotics are back in the city
Head Topics: Legal experts on climate protest: “We have to defend the spaces”
Head Topics: “Last Generation” wants to disrupt Gamescom – and is completely ignored
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Action by the “Last Generation” in Göttingen: Police arrest activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Heute – Österreich: Annoyed car drivers simply drive around climate activists
independent: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
KNews: Road blockades in Munich - “Last Generation” continues protests
KNews.Media: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Driver takes two climate activists on the hood
Kölnische Rundschau: Car drives on with two activists on the hood
Main Post: Again road blockades by climate activists in Munich
Merkur: Violence against activists, damage to property and blockades: The protests of the “Last Generation” in pictures
Merkur: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?”
Merkur: Video shows heated scenes in the city: car takes two activists on the hood
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Merkur: “Last Generation” sinks the Basic Law in front of a landmark in Bavaria – and turns water black
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder
msn: Munich reacts: the city's tough plan against climate glue
mü Climate glue in the rain – despite a partial ban, six streets in Munich are blocked again
NDR: “Last Generation”: Blockade action causes traffic jams in Hamburg
NEWSTRAL: Climate stickers block roads – drivers take activists on the hood: “Last Generation” in Munich
nordbayern: Climate protest in Bavaria: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
OVB online: Munich-Salzburg motorway blocked – climate stickers cause chaos in the morning
Passauer Neue Presse: Invitation to the climate adhesives
Passauer Neue Presse: Again road blockades by climate activists in Munich
ProSieben: Munich reacts: the city's tough plan against climate glue
Radio Hamburg: Blockade of Theodor-Heuss-Platz ended
regionalHeute: Last generation blocks Braunschweig's streets again
rnd: Constant rain in Bavaria continues: Warning of flooding on the Inn
rnd: Munich: Drivers push last generation activists ahead of them
rosenheim24: Munich-Salzburg motorway blocked – climate stickers cause chaos in the morning
RP Online: Researchers doubt the sense of climate protests against the super-rich
RTL News: Again road blockades by climate activists in Munich
RTL News: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder Germany: Activists glue themselves to roads in Munich, demanding climate action
sh:z: Hamburg: “Last Generation” blocks road at Dammtor train station
Soester Anzeiger: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Stern: Again road blockades by climate activists in Munich
Stern: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists paralyze traffic
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Driver takes two climate activists on the hood
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Driver takes two climate activists on the hood - KVR issues superglue ban
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Again road blockades by climate activists in Munich
Süddeutsche Zeitung: About arguing and causing a ruckus
t-online: “Climate glue” receives a prize for civil courage
t-online: Driver hits climate activists - and drags them along
t-online: Driver drives climate adhesive off the road
t-online: Drivers ram climate activists off the road
t-online: This is what the “Last Generation” says about the Gamescom appearance
t-online: In paddle boats: “Last generation” disrupts trade fair
t-online: Climate activists storm the “Gamescom” stage – poor response
t-online: Climate activists want to live in Munich again
t-online: Police want to return glue to climate activists - but they can't get it
t-online: Police want to return glue to climate activists – but there is a problem
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocks Munich: Cars Grind Activists
Tag24: Climate chaos strikes again! “Last generation” blocks traffic artery
Tagesspiegel: “Last generation” prevents yachts from sailing in Brandenburg
taz: “We have to defend the spaces”
The Limited Times: Climate targets will not be achieved: Is the German climate protection program unconstitutional?
The Limited Times: Stuck into the void twice: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars at all
The Times Of India: Climate activists target luxury yachts, jets
Thüringen24: Thuringia: “Last generation” stuck on streets in Erfurt and Jena – now activists have to pay
TrendRadars: Blockades in Berlin: How to sue the last generation of climate adhesives for damages At the “Last Generation” climate protest in Munich - driver freaks out and pushes activists away in car The city's tough plan against climate glue - and the blockades continue Several road blockades in Munich - “Last Generation” continues protests on Monday Anger against the climate stickers: What can drivers do against activists? Lawyers and police clarify
Unignorierbar: Die Letzte Generation (auf youtube): “Keep your hands away from my car!”, driver avoids blockade Last generation, cyclist blocked
VN Explorer: Have you seen it?: “Last Generation” storms Gamescom in Cologne, but no one cares
VN Explorer: Climate activists storm the “Gamescom” stage – poor response
VN Explorer: “Were not ignorable” – this is how the “Last Generation” sees the Gamescom appearance
Vodafone live: Drivers push activists ahead of them during a blockade
Volksstimme: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder
watson: Last generation: Protests in Munich escalate – drivers lose their nerve
WDBO: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
Welt: Again road blockades by climate activists in Munich
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
WGAU: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
WorldNews: Climate group: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder
WorldNews: Protest with paddle boats: “Last generation” prevents yachts in Brandenburg from leaving the sea
WorldNews: “Last generation” in Munich: Climate stickers block roads – drivers attack activists
wtop news: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
yahoo!news: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
yahoo!sport: Climate activists target jets, yachts and golf in a string of global protests against luxury
Zeit Online: Again road blockades by climate activists in Munich
Zeit Online: Last generation disrupts boat show in Werder
Abendzeitung München: The AZ on site at the climate protests: Nerves are on edge in Munich
Augustamax: Climate glue in Munich: General decree takes effect – Abendzeitung
Braunschweig Spiegel: Emergency braking or climate crash?
Deutschlandfunk: What values are worth breaking the law?
diezukunft: Manfred Theisen: “We are the last generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate goals are not being achieved: Is the German climate protection program unconstitutional?
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Lower Saxony Foundation awards Civil Courage Prize to the “Last Generation”
Head Topics: When air conditioning adhesive blocks the road, drivers pull out the spray can
Head Topics: Anja Windl: Climate Shakira is now sticking in Germany
Head Topics: Last generation turns water in the fountain in front of Herrenchiemsee black
Head Topics: Protest with paddle boats: “Last generation” prevents yachts in Brandenburg from leaving the sea
Head Topics: Yachts prevented from leaving: “Last Generation” disrupts boat fair in Werder (Havel)
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?”
Invest Blick: Comment on the award ceremony to the Last Generation: Wrong choice
Juristische Fakultät: Climate protests from the perspective of the law: Review of the panel discussion on Hanover's understanding with the 'last generation'
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activists interrupt Gamescom event with protest action
MeinNavaraCamper (auf youtube): #climateglue get a prize for moral courage.
Merkur: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?”
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Merkur: “Last generation” faces a million-dollar fine for airport blockade: Eurowings, Condor and TUI fly are examining lawsuits
Märkische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” blocks the boat show in Werder
Preußische Allgemeine: “This country has moved on from reality”
Schaumburger Zeitung: Comment on the award ceremony to the Last Generation: Wrong choice
Schaumburger Zeitung: “Last Generation” receives a prize in Hameln (with commentary)
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “We want to be a kind of fire alarm”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: That's why we're stuck on Munich's streets
t-online: In paddle boats: “Last generation” disrupts trade fair
taz: “We have to defend these spaces” The city's tough plan against climate glue - and the blockades continue New blockages of climate adhesives feared: Munich police are preparing with 200 officers – “We are prepared”
Unser Ländle4Future: And two percent saves the world
Utopia: Psychotherapist: “The debate shows the population’s bad conscience”
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
WorldNews: Billion dollar hole on the railway: Is the 49 euro ticket now financed by tax money?
MARTIN LADSTÄTTER: Respect and proportionality in the climate protest in Munich
t-online: “Climate glue” receives a prize for civil courage
20 Climate Shakira is now sticking in Germany
Abendzeitung München: Climate glue in Munich: Further actions on Friday – general decree takes effect
Bayernwelle: Last generation dyes fountains on Herrenchiemsee
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: Invitation to the climate adhesives
br24: “Last Generation”: The strategy of climate adhesives
br24: “Last Generation”: Conversation with social psychologist Maria-Christina Nimmerfroh
br24: “Last Generation”: Munich bans adhesive protests
br24: Climate protests: partial ban in Munich
Deister Weser Zeitung: “Last Generation” receives a prize in Hamelin
Der Postillon: Good news for drivers: Thanks to climate change, asphalt will soon be too hot to stick to
DNyuz: Eco activists to restart roadblocks as Germany sets to miss emissions target
Frankenpost: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Fränkische Landeszeitung: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Handelsblatt: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': New protests – Munich issues partial ban
Head Topics: The first climate activists are threatened with a fine according to the Munich general decree
Head Topics: Last generation: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Head Topics: Munich: City issues partial ban against Last Generation
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
in Südthüringen: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
klimareporter: “We have a dry spell, but we are holding on”
Merkur: Drivers attack “Last Generation” activists – and drag wheelchair users off the road
Merkur: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?”
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Merkur: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
MV online: Munich reacts to the wave of climate protests: 3000 euros fine for participation in unannounced demos
Neue Deister Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Neue Presse: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Radio Arabella: Munich reacts to the wave of climate protests: 3000 euros fine for participation in unannounced demos
Rhein-Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
rnd: Policewoman gives a lecture to colleagues – as a member of the last generation
SAT.1: Last generation: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Solbach-Freise-Stiftung für Zivilcourage: The Solbach Freise Foundation for Civil Courage
t-online: Heated atmosphere – construction workers attack activists
t-online: It's getting boring
The Limited Times: “Last generation” sinks the Basic Law in front of a landmark in Bavaria – and turns water black
The Limited Times: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and faces headwinds: “How borderline debilitating are you?”
The Telegraph: Eco activists to restart roadblocks as Germany sets to miss emissions target
Unignorierbar: Die Letzte Generation (auf youtube): “Great!” Last generation Munich
Unignorierbar: Die Letzte Generation (auf youtube): Why the last generation lets itself be carried away live
Vodafone live: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Vodafone live: More climate protests in Munich: City issues ban
Welt (auf youtube): LAST GENERATION: Graffiti on the Basic Law monument – climate activist in court
Wertheimer Portal: Climate glue: NRW FDP leader Höne calls for prison sentences for repeat offenders - “The …
Weser Kurier: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
1 & 1: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Abendzeitung München: Climate glue in Munich: New actions on Friday – heated mood in the city
Abendzeitung München: Climate stickers are causing chaos in Munich: Now the city is taking action
Abendzeitung München: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Allgäuer Zeitung: Climate activists continue disruptive actions in Munich
ARIVA.DE: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
B.Z.: Climate adhesives block again
B.Z.: Climate adhesive back on Berlin's streets
Badische Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
beck-aktuell: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs: Court wants to examine police videos
Berliner Morgenpost: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Berliner Zeitung: Blockades of the last generation: How to get your money back from the climate stickers
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: No, dear “Spiegel”, we don’t have our backs to the wall
Berliner Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
BGLand24: “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich Demo ban on emergency routes No climate protest on rescue routes Climate Shakira on tour in Bavaria
Blaulicht Report: City of Munich takes measures against climate protests: general decree issued!
br24: “Last Generation”: Munich bans adhesive protests
br24: “Last Generation”: New protests – Munich issues partial ban
br24: City of Munich issues partial ban on climate protests
Brights: New trial against “Last Generation”: Blocking as a “moral duty” “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
Deister Weser Zeitung: Comment on the award ceremony to the Last Generation: Wrong choice
Die Oberbadische: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Eßlinger Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Focus: Passer-by freaks out and insults climate activists in the worst possible way
Frankenpost: Climate activists continue disruptive actions in Munich
Frankenpost: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Frankfurter Rundschau: Literature of the Last Generation: Prose of Thought for Those Who Don't Want to See
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
FränkischerTag: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Hamburger Abendblatt: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': Again disruptive actions in Munich
Head Topics: Anja Windl at gluing campaigns: Climate Shakira on tour in Bavaria
Head Topics: Blockades in Berlin: How to sue the last generation of climate adhesives for damages
Head Topics: Climate stickers are escalating in Munich - Söder dismisses them with flippant advice
Head Topics: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Head Topics: Passer-by freaks out and insults climate activists in the worst possible way
Head Topics: City of Munich issues partial ban on climate protests
Heidelberg24: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Heute – Österreich: Break in Vienna! Climate Shakira is now sticking in Germany
idowa: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Klimanotfall: Traffic blockades throughout the entire Munich city area
Kreis-Anzeiger: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne climate activists announce demonstration against the International Automobile Exhibition
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Three days of provocation: Where the activists of the “Last Generation” come from
Main Post: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Mannheimer Morgen: Mannheim climate activist Raúl Semmler in court for road blockades
Merkur: Drivers attack “Last Generation” activists – and drag wheelchair users off the road
Merkur: Violence against activists, damage to property and blockades: The protests of the “Last Generation” in pictures
Merkur: Climate adhesive with several campaigns in Munich: City issues general decree with immediate effect
Merkur: The city's tough plan against climate glue - and the blockades continue
Merkur: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and receives headwind: “How stupid are you?”
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Merkur: “Counterproductive for climate protection”: ZUK boss distances himself from “last generation” climate adhesives
Merkur: “Last Generation” sinks the Basic Law in front of a landmark in Bavaria – and turns water black
msn: Last generation: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes Routes for emergency vehicles should be kept clear
Neue Presse: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Neue Westfälische: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
oberpfalz medien: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
OVB online: Last generation turned water in the well in front of Herrenchiemsee black - how big is the damage?
Passauer Neue Presse: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Rathaus Umschau: Climate protests: Munich issues a general decree to keep routes clear for emergency vehicles
rosenheim24: Violence against activists, damage to property and blockades: The protests of the “Last Generation” in pictures
rosenheim24: Further protests by climate activists from “Last Generation” in Munich
RTL News: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
RTL News: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Ruhr24: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Schwäbische: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Sonntagsblatt: “Last Generation”: Protest starts with road blockades in Munich
Spiegel: Munich defends itself against the last generation
Stern: Climate activists continue disruptive actions in Munich
Stern: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Stern: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Stern: More climate protests in Munich: City issues ban
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
SWR3: The nicest climate adhesive in Germany
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists continue disruptive actions in Munich
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Munich wants to criminalize unannounced sticking activities
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Süddeutsche Zeitung: More climate protests in Munich: City issues ban
Südwest Presse: How the climate activists fight for their cause – and want to convince older people
t-online: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic
t-online: Blockade of climate activists in Berlin
t-online: Climate activist gets off cheaply in court
t-online: Lamborghini driver wants to provoke climate glue - and is punished for it
t-online: It's getting boring
t-online: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
t-online: The city of Munich bans protests by general decree
t-online: Why the “Last Generation” is paralyzing Bavaria, of all places
t-online: What the “last generation” thinks of gaming and streaming
Tag24: Munich issues a ban on climate protests on rescue routes!
Tagesschau: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
taz: Blocking as a “moral duty”
The Limited Times: Luisa Neubauer organizes solar camps for children and faces headwinds: “How borderline debilitating are you?”
The Limited Times: Motorists attack “Last Generation” activists – and drag wheelchair users off the road
Thüringen24: Thuringia: “Last generation” stuck on streets in Erfurt and Jena – now activists have to pay Climate adhesive with several campaigns in Munich: City issues general decree with immediate effect Because of the climate protest and road blockades of the “last generation” - the city of Munich issues a general decree “Last generation” blocks Munich: Politicians rumble about “criminals” – police take stock “Last Generation” sinks the Basic Law in front of a landmark in Bavaria – and turns water black “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
Utopia: The last generation is stuck in Munich - the city reacts with a ban
Vodafone live: Attack on paintings: trial against climate activists
Vodafone live: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Vodafone live: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Vodafone live: More climate protests in Munich: City issues ban
Welt: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Welt: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
Welt: Prosecutors accuse activists of the “Last Generation” of fisticuffs
Welt: More climate protests in Munich: City issues ban
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
WorldNews: Blockades in Berlin: How to sue the last generation of climate adhesives for damages
WorldNews: Climate glue in Munich: New actions on Friday – heated mood in the city
WorldNews: Just in time for the state elections: climate activists want to plunge Munich into chaos in the coming weeks
Zeit Heute: “Last Generation” paralyzes Munich: New day, new blockades – but things don’t go according to plan
Zeit Online: Attack on paintings: trial against climate activists
Zeit Online: Climate activists continue disruptive actions in Munich
Zeit Online: Munich bans climate protests on rescue routes
Zeit Online: Munich: Climate protests are partially banned
24 Hours Worlds: Before the IAA: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic – 24 Hours World
a News: Last Generation protesters block Munich streets ahead of motor show
Aachener Zeitung: How the “Last Generation” wants to get police officers on their side
Abendzeitung München: “Last Generation” protests in Munich: The mood against the climate stickers was so aggressive
Abendzeitung München: Climate adhesive in Munich: Heated atmosphere in the city - angry drivers intervene themselves
AD HOC NEWS: The Last Generation wants to make Munich a “protest stronghold” before and during the IAA motor show. Bundestag or “climate RAF”? How does the “Last Generation” continue?
Allgäuer Zeitung: Bundestag or “Climate RAF”: How does the last generation carry on?
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
Berliner Abendblatt: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs suspended
Berliner Kurier: Trial against Carla Hinrichs: The beautiful climate gluer who won't let it go
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation rejects invitation to the IAA motor show: This is the reason
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation in court: trial against activist Carla Hinrichs suspended The crazy mishaps of the climate chaos in Bavaria Foot climate glue makes a fool of itself during the process
br24: “Last Generation” begins with protest actions in Munich
br24: “Last generation”: Police clear traffic blockages in Munich
br24: Actions by the Last Generation in Munich met with criticism
br24: Climate protests in Munich: Police spokesman Andreas Franken advises drivers to remain calm
br24: Climate activists cling to the Stachus in Munich
br24: Last generation – blockades in Munich are being cleared
br24: Last generation blocks roads in Munich
br24: Last generation threatens weeks of blockades in and around Munich
br24: Munich Police on “Last Generation” actions
BuzzFeed: Drivers attack “Last Generation” activists – and drag wheelchair users off the road
BuzzFeed: Expert suggests “silver bullet” for how the police deal with the last generation
Charivari: Climate protests Munich: All current traffic disruptions
Chiemgau24: Last generation turned water in the well in front of Herrenchiemsee black - how big is the damage?
Chiemgau24: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists will likely continue roadblock campaign in Munich through late August
Die Rheinpfalz: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
Diebewertung: Last generation – pros and cons Before the IAA motor show: Climate activists block streets in Munich Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
Focus: When air conditioning adhesive blocks the road, drivers pull out the spray can
Focus: Heated mood: Munich residents attack climate activists, anger erupts in the city center
Frankenpost: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Munich
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
Frankfurter Rundschau: Heated atmosphere: First “Last Generation” campaign started in Munich
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
Genios: KLIMA-KLEBER only briefly regrets his actions
Go Top News (auf youtube): Climate adhesives are currently blocking several hot spots in the city – “Climate Shakira” on Donnersberger
Go Top News (auf youtube): Last generation blocks traffic in six places in Munich
Haller Kreisblatt: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Protest stronghold” Munich: Last generation blocks traffic
Hasepost: Dobrindt calls for preventative detention measures for 'Last Generation'
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' begins with protest actions in Munich
Head Topics: 'Last generation': Police clear traffic blockages in Munich
Head Topics: 'Protest stronghold' Munich: 'Last Generation' blocks Stachus
Head Topics: 'Protest stronghold' Munich: Last generation blocks traffic
Head Topics: Actions by the Last Generation in Munich met with criticism
Head Topics: When Ms. Klima-Kleber defended herself, a passer-by immediately intervened
Head Topics: When air conditioning adhesive blocks the road, drivers pull out the spray can
Head Topics: Berlin: Klima-Kleber, freshly convicted, appears as a defense attorney
Head Topics: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Munich
Head Topics: Climate chaos threatens Berlin with “drama”
Head Topics: Climate adhesives paralyze several hot spots in the city - “Climate Shakira” at the Donnersberger Bridge
Head Topics: Climate adhesive “Fire alarm in a sleeping society” – “Climate Shakira” is now stuck in Munich
Head Topics: Munich: Climate adhesives have been blocking the Stachus since 8 a.m
Head Topics: New trial against “Last Generation”: Blocking as a “moral duty”
Head Topics: Trial against Berlin climate activist suspended: Defense wants to prove the defendant's good motives
Head Topics: ROUNDUP 2/Before the IAA motor show: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Head Topics: Before the IAA motor show: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Heidelberg24: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” sinks the Basic Law in front of a landmark in Bavaria – and turns water black
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
Kabel Eins: “Last generation”: Police clear blockages caused by climate glue in Munich
Kettner Edelmetalle: “Last Generation” is planning a massive escalation of its climate blockades
KNews: “Last Generation” blocks streets in Munich
labournet: #BlockIAA 2023 on 5th-10th September in Munich: Disempower car companies, protect the climate!
Leipziger Volkszeitung: LVZ survey on the “Last Generation” protests in Leipzig
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Blockade at Leipzig/Halle Airport: DHL agrees on settlement with activist
MarketScreener (CH): Before the IAA motor show: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Markus Söder (auf twitter): Tackle instead of sticking to it
Merkur: Activists paralyze several hot spots in Munich - further blockades are expected around Scholz's visit
Merkur: Violence against activists, damage to property and blockades: The protests of the “Last Generation” in pictures
Merkur: Court of Appeal overturns verdict against climate protester
Merkur: “Last Generation” sinks the Basic Law in front of a landmark in Bavaria – and turns water black
Mindener Tageblatt: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
Mittelbayerische: Regensburg: Police investigate attack on climate adhesive in wheelchair user
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs suspended
msn: Activists paralyze several hot spots in Munich - further blockades are expected around Scholz's visit
msn: Last Generation protesters block Munich streets ahead of motor show
msn: Protest of the “Last Generation” – adhesive blockades in Munich – drivers react annoyed
msn: “Protest stronghold” Munich: Last generation blocks traffic
n-TV: Greenpeace, Last Generation and Fridays for Future decline invitations to the information stand at the IAA
n-TV: Climate activists block streets in Munich
n-TV: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs suspended
Neue Presse: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
nordbayern: Lamborghini driver provokes “Last Generation” – now he has to pay a fine
oberpfalz medien: Climate activists block streets in Munich
onvista: ROUNDUP/Before the IAA motor show: Climate activists block streets in Munich
OVB online: Aggressive mood: “Climate Shakira” and activists partially paralyze Munich
Passauer Neue Presse: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Munich
ProSieben: “Last generation”: Climate adhesives block numerous streets in Munich
ProSieben: “Last generation”: Police clear blockages caused by climate glue in Munich
ProSieben: Yes to climate adhesive campaigns? Heated dispute over “Last Generation”
Radio EINS: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Radio Prague International: Last Generation: « For the climate, the civil resistance radicale » »
regionalHeute: Dobrindt calls for preventative detention for the “last generation”
rosenheim24: Last generation turned water in the well in front of Herrenchiemsee black - how big is the damage?
RTL News: Police must lend a hand – wherever, whenever! “Climate Shakira” is stuck in Munich
RTL News: “Are the fire alarm in a sleeping society” – “Climate Shakira” is now stuck in Munich
SAT.1: “Last generation”: Climate adhesives block numerous streets in Munich
SAT.1: “Last generation”: Police clear blockages caused by climate glue in Munich
SAT.1: Climate activists in Munich: Last generation announces protests
Solinger Tageblatt: Heated atmosphere: First “Last Generation” campaign started in Munich
Solinger Tageblatt: “Standing around with cardboard signs for too long”: “Last generation” is paralyzing traffic arteries in Munich
Stern: “Last Generation” visits the police academy: “This is not a scandal. This is science"
Stern: Agreement in the process surrounding the blockade at Leipzig Airport
Stern: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Stern: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
Stern: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs suspended
Stuttgart Journal: Climate activists blockade the city center
Sä Protest march in Dresden: “Last Generation” briefly blocks traffic
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “The world doesn’t want to be saved”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” blocks numerous streets in Munich
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Protest stronghold” Munich: Last generation blocks traffic
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Munich has long been the focus of climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs suspended
t-online: “If that happens again, I have a gun.”
t-online: Heated atmosphere – construction workers attack activists
t-online: Cars emit more Co2 in traffic jams – doesn’t that matter to you?
t-online: Berlin: Trial against climate activist Clara Hinrichs suspended
t-online: CSU boss wants preventive detention for “last generation”
t-online: The great silence of Markus Söder
t-online: The trembling all over her body gives her away
t-online: Climate activists in Munich – It's getting boring
t-online: Lamborghini driver wants to provoke climate glue - and is punished for it
t-online: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
t-online: Now: Munich police are apparently taking climate activists into custody
t-online: Why the “Last Generation” is paralyzing Bavaria, of all places
t-online: What does it look like inside the “Last Generation”?
Tag24: Climate gluer Carla Hinrichs ends up in court again, but it's a short interlude
Tag24: Last generation sticks to several streets in Munich
Tagesschau: Blockades in the city center: “Last Generation” protests in Munich
Tagesspiegel: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
Tagesspiegel: Defense wants to prove the defendant's good motives
tgesschau24: Blockades in the city center: “Last Generation” protests in Munich
The Limited Times: Protest stronghold: “Last generation” takes on Munich from today
Thüringen24: Leipzig Airport: Agreement! After the DHL blockade – is the climate activist now planting trees? Activists paralyze several hot spots in Munich - further blockades are expected around Scholz's visit Stronghold of protests: “Last Generation” blocks streets in Munich - critics call for preventative detention Wave of protests from the “Last Generation”: This is what the police advise citizens in Munich “Last Generation” blocks streets in Munich - climate activists at several protest actions in the city “Last Generation” rejects the information stand at the IAA in Munich - but there is a discussion with the VDA at the Stachus “Last Generation” sinks the Basic Law in front of a landmark in Bavaria – and turns water black “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists “We will make Munich a protest stronghold”: activists announce blockades – and give a date
Vodafone live: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
Vodafone live: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs suspended
WAZ: “Protest stronghold” Munich: Last generation blocks traffic
Welt: Legitimate climate concerns can become an ideology that goes beyond corpses
Welt: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Munich
Welt: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Welt: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
Welt: Trial against climate activist Carla Hinrichs suspended
Welt: Trial against “Last Generation” spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs suspended
Welt: “Last Generation” declares Munich a “protest stronghold”
Westfalenpost: “Protest stronghold” Munich: Last generation blocks traffic
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Heated atmosphere: First “Last Generation” campaign started in Munich
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Sunday speeches” accusation and appeal: “Climate Shakira” paralyzes traffic in Munich with activists
Wetterauer Zeitung: Heated atmosphere: First “Last Generation” campaign started in Munich
Wochenblatt: Climate activists partially paralyze Munich's traffic
WorldNews: “Last Generation” | Climate activist on protest: “I don’t really want that”
WorldNews: Heated atmosphere: First “Last Generation” campaign started in Munich
yahoo finanzen: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
Zeit Online: Group Last Generation blocks traffic in Munich
Zeit Online: Climate activists block streets in Munich
Zeit Online: Climate activists reject information stand at IAA motor show
Zeit Online: Last generation rejects information stand at the IAA
연합뉴스: Germany Climate Protest
20 Air conditioning stickers block BMW factory - its employees are on vacation
Abendzeitung München: “Last generation” blocks the BMW plant in Regensburg – now the climate stickers are coming to Munich
Abendzeitung München: IAA opponents are calling for protests against capitalism and car companies
Abendzeitung München: Climate protest of the “Last Generation” in Munich: An activist explains why she is taking part
AndroidKosmos: Regensburg (Bavaria) – Climate stickers block roads where no cars drive
B.Z.: Stupid action! Climate stickers block closed road
B.Z.: Klima-Kleber, freshly convicted, appears as a defense attorney
Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt: Farmer becomes climate activist: blocks the road with a tractor
Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt: Farmer becomes climate demonstrator: blocks the road with a tractor
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: trial against activist dropped Climate chaos threatens Berlin with “drama” Climate chaotics have already been to the police university Climate chaotics want to block Munich Climate stickers block closed road Climate glue threatens hefty penalties Lamborghini provokes climate sticker – fine!
br24: Police in Munich increase presence due to protest action
charivari: Klimakleber in custody in Regensburg until Thursday evening
Die Rheinpfalz: Worms: “Last Generation” protests in the city center for the first time
Die Sachsen: Saxony & the Last Generation: Protest marches today
Echo: Last generation blocked climate demo in Worms
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory BMW factory: Climate activists block access roads during factory holidays Color campaign at the Basic Law monument: climate activist acquitted Stephan Brandner: Climate criminals must finally feel tough
Focus: When air conditioning adhesive blocks the road, drivers pull out the spray can
Hamburger Morgenpost: She is a police officer and “Last Generation” activist: “It works for me”
Handelsblatt: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Head Topics: 'Last Generation' wants to make Munich a 'protest stronghold' from Thursday
Head Topics: When air conditioning adhesive blocks the road, drivers pull out the spray can
Head Topics: Stupid action! Climate stickers block closed road
Head Topics: Fail: Climate adhesives block the bridge – no one cares
Head Topics: Progressive or inappropriate? Police college cooperates with “Last Generation”
Head Topics: Declaration of war from September: Climate chaos threatens Berlin with “drama”
Head Topics: Air conditioning stickers block BMW factory - but it's on vacation
Head Topics: Climate glue: Using superglue on asphalt – this is how the police get their hands off the road
Head Topics: Climate protest of the 'Last Generation': Waiting for a sign
Head Topics: Last generation in Berlin: Color campaign at a monument - that's why there was an acquittal
Head Topics: Last generation of climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Head Topics: Embarrassing action in Regensburg: climate stickers block closed road
Head Topics: Police warn: Climate chaotics want to block Munich
Head Topics: Protest: Climate activists block BMW factory – during the factory holidays
Head Topics: Wave of protests from the “Last Generation”: This is what the police advise citizens in Munich
Head Topics: She is a police officer and “Last Generation” activist? “It works for me”
Head Topics: Speed limit and coal phase-out: Associations call on the federal government to correct the climate course
Head Topics: Top news compact: Activist acquitted after paint attack on monument in Berlin
Head Topics: “A downpour of rain would have washed everything away”: Climate activist is acquitted after color campaign at Berlin’s Basic Law Monument
Heilbronner Stimme: Climate activists visit the police college – criminals as speakers?
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Expert tears up penny campaign - and compares discounters with climate stickers
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Heute – Österreich: Air conditioning stickers block BMW factory - but it's on vacation
idowa: Blockade of the last generation at the BMW plant in Regensburg
idowa: Another last-generation road blockade in Regensburg
KNews: IAA in Munich: Climate activists announce protest
Kronen Zeitung: Climate activists blocked blocked access
Leipziger Volkszeitung: The blockade of the “Last Generation” on Wednesday in Leipzig in pictures.
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Police: “We now have cooking oil in stock” – Jahnallee is free again after a blockade
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Should cities support the demands of the “last generation”?
Leipziger Volkszeitung: “Last Generation” marches across the Leipzig city ring – blockade march ends third day of action in a row
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Wave of protest actions in Leipzig: What does the “Last Generation” want?
MarketScreener: IAA opponents call for protest against capitalism and car companies
Merkur: Drivers attack “Last Generation” activists – and drag wheelchair users off the road
Merkur: IAA in Munich: Climate activists announce protest – group calls for “an end to car production”
Merkur: Court of Appeal overturns verdict against climate protester
Merkur: Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars
Merkur: “Last Generation” confronts Söder on a PR tour towards the beer garden: “My future is on my conscience”
Mittelbayerische: Internal Climate Glue Paper: The Prison Cell is part of the Last Generation strategy
msn: “Last generation” blocks access to the BMW factory – during the factory holidays
Mä No joke: climate stickers block closed roads
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Last generation climate extremists appear in front of police students and re-enact a sit-in - they receive applause
Nordwest-Zeitung: “We’re not popular, but that’s not why we ran for it.”
PRO: Jesuit priest: “‘Last generation’ does a top job”
Radio Arabella: Weeks of traffic chaos are looming: Climate adhesives want to block numerous streets in Munich from Thursday
Radio Ramasuri: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Ralf Hasler (auf youtube): Last Generation: civil disobedience and the principle of responsibility
rbb24: “Last Generation” announces new blockades in September
rosenheim24: Embarrassing protest: “Climate glue” sticks on a closed road in Bavaria
SAT.1: Last generation threatens “drama” in Berlin
Schwarzwälder Bote: This is what the Schwenningen Police College says about the last generation lecture
Spiegel: Associations call on the federal government to correct the climate course
Stern: Color campaign at the Basic Law monument: activist acquitted
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Last Generation's appearance at the police college causes debate
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Mockery, applause and a bill from the police
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Does the emergency lane work during a road blockade?
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Mockery, applause and a bill from the police
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation”: 68-year-old sentenced to fine in Heidelberg
SWR Aktuell: SWTR aktuell Baden-Württemberg – broadcast at 16:00 p.m. from August 23.8.2023rd, XNUMX
Südkurier: There is a fuss about the appearance of climate activists at the police college in the Black Forest
t-online: “Last Generation” threatens Berlin with “drama”
t-online: “Last Generation” in Leipzig: Third blockade within 24 hours
t-online: Start for Munich? Activists sink the Basic Law into a black fountain
t-online: The calm before the storm? Activists are gathering their strength for Munich
t-online: IAA opponents are calling for protests against capitalism and car companies
t-online: Men drag wheelchair users off the street - and attack the camera
t-online: After the dissolution: “Last Generation” protests again on Jahnallee
t-online: What does it look like inside the “Last Generation”?
Tag24: Basic Law Sculpture Smeared: Court Frees Climate Glue
Tag24: Shortly before the protest march: Last generation blocks traffic in Leipzig again
Tag24: Last generation is already planning the next action in Leipzig today! IAA in Munich: Climate activists announce protest – group calls for “an end to car production” Twice pasted into the void: “Last Generation” blocks roads on which there are no cars “We will make Munich a protest stronghold”: activists announce blockades – and give a date
Umwelt Panorama: Acquittal in Berlin after climate activist paints attack on constitutional monument
Unternehmen-heute: Acquittal in Berlin after climate activist paints attack on constitutional monument
Vodafone live: Color campaign at the Basic Law monument: activist acquitted
Vodafone live: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
wallstreet online: Last generation BMW blocks – during the factory holidays
Welt: Calling for protest against capitalism and car companies
Welt: The “climate stickers” should not rob us of our rights!
Welt: After the acquittal, the “Last Generation” activist circulates the champagne bottle
Welt: “Last generation” blocks access to the BMW factory – during the factory holidays
WorldNews: “Last generation” in Regensburg: When climate adhesive blocks the road, drivers pull out the spray can
ZDF: “Last generation” blocks empty BMW factory
ZDF: “Last Generation”: Waiting for a sign
Zeit Online: Calling for protest against capitalism and car companies
Zeit Online: Color campaign at the Basic Law monument: activist acquitted
FragDenStaat: Here are the court orders on “Last Generation” FragDenStaat publishes court decisions
AD HOC NEWS: Before traveling to the IAA in Munich, the Last Generation activists sat down on the street again in Regensburg. During the factory holidays: climate protests in front of the BMW factory
B.Z.: Acquittal for Basic Law smearer
B.Z.: Climate chaos threatens Berlin with “drama”
Berliner Kurier: From September 13th: Climate glue want to paralyze Berlin – indefinitely!
Berliner Morgenpost: Color campaign on the Basic Law monument: This is what the court ruled
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin: Color campaign at a monument - that's why there was an acquittal
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation announces indefinite blockades in Berlin from September Acquittal for Basic Law smearer Climate chaotics block access roads This is how climate chaots don't give a damn about the adhesive ban
br24: “Last Generation”: Munich “protest stronghold” from Thursday
br24: After attack on the Basic Law monument: acquittal for activist
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Last generation: Braunschweig activist in court
charivari: Climate sticker protests announced again in Regensburg today
charivari: Climate adhesives blocked access to the BMW plant in Regensburg
charivari: Regensburg member of the Bundestag Aumer wants tougher action against activists of the last generation. Protest: Climate activists block BMW factory – during the factory holidays
Focus: Police college under criticism During a lecture to police students, climate activists play a sit-in strike - one cries
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Our civility, your populism
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last generation”: Drivers attack activists – and pull wheelchair users off the road
Freie Presse: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Handelsblatt: Climate activists block BMW factory – during the factory holidays
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': Munich 'protest stronghold' from Thursday
Head Topics: Climate activists stage a sit-in during a lecture to police students
Head Topics: Expert report is a “slap in the face for the climate killer chancellor”: Last generation wants to continue blocking traffic
Head Topics: Acquittal for Basic Law smearer
Head Topics: Court of Appeal overturns verdict against climate protester
Head Topics: Climate activist in a wheelchair is dragged off the street
Head Topics: Climate stickers advertised at the police academy
Head Topics: Last generation protest: Drivers drag wheelchair users off the road
Head Topics: She attacked the Basic Law monument: acquittal for climate chaos
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Drivers attack climate activists - and drag wheelchair users off the road
Heute – Österreich: Climate activist in a wheelchair is dragged off the street
Heute – Österreich: Climate stickers advertised at the police academy
idowa: Blockade of the last generation at the BMW plant in Regensburg dissolved
idowa: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Kreiszeitung: Drivers attack climate stickers – and drag wheelchair users off the road
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” interrupts Markus Söder’s cycling tour in Bavaria
Legal Tribune online: Climate bonding as resistance / Fewer civil proceedings / BGH for termination of craftsman's contract
Leipziger Volkszeitung: “Last Generation” protests in the southern suburbs
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Several blockades by climate activists in Leipzig - the mood is sometimes aggressive
Leipziger Zeitung: What is currently happening: Blockade of the last generation in the morning traffic in the south of Leipzig + Video
Main Post: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Merkur: Appearance of climate activists at university triggers criticism
Merkur: Drivers attack “Last Generation” activists – and drag wheelchair users off the road
Merkur: “Last Generation” confronts Söder on a PR tour towards the beer garden: “My future is on my conscience”
Mittelbayerische: Air conditioning stickers block BMW in Regensburg – but the company is currently taking a summer break
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
msn: “Last generation” blocks BMW plant in Regensburg
msn: Men drag wheelchair users off the street - and attack the camera
msn: Embarrassing protest - climate activists stick in front of the BMW factory - and it's during the holidays
n-TV: Acquittal after paint attack on constitutional monument
n-TV: Last generation blocks BMW factory – during company holidays Angry drivers drag climate activist away in a wheelchair
nd: “Ask the State” publishes court documents on the Last Generation
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
nordbayern: Climate activists of the “last generation” block the BMW factory in Regensburg
Nürnberger Nachrichten: CSU is pushing for a general decree against unannounced climate protests in Fürth
Nürnberger Nachrichten: BMW factory in Regensburg: Climate activists block access
OÖNachrichten: Climate activists blocked the BMW factory during the factory holidays
Passauer Neue Presse: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory in Regensburg
ProSieben: “Last generation” blocks BMW plant in Regensburg
rbb24: Acquittal after paint attack on Basic Law monument
rnd: Climate activists' appearance at police college sparks criticism
Ruhrbarone: NRW FDP leader Höne calls for prison sentences for climate glue
Schwäbische: Collaboration: “Last Generation” gives a lecture to police students
Spiegel: Interior Ministry defends police college appearance by climate activists
Spiegel: Climate activist acquitted after action on Basic Law monument
Stern: Court of Appeal overturns verdict against climate protester
Stern: Critical expert reports increase pressure on the government to protect the climate
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: With a hammer and chisel against road blockers
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” blocks rush hour traffic in Stuttgart
SWR Aktuell: Let “Last Generation” stick?
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists at the police college: BW Interior Ministry defends appearance
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists on a protest tour through BW by bike
Sä Last generation blocks road in Leipzig again
Sä Last generation blocks streets in Leipzig again
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last generation” blocks BMW plant in Regensburg
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block Augustusplatz in Leipzig
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Munich has long been the focus of climate activists
t-online: “Last Generation” fails with protest action
t-online: Berlin Court of Appeal overturns judgment against Klimakleberin
t-online: Basic Law monument smeared: climate gluer acquitted
t-online: Climate activists block the busiest streets in Stuttgart
t-online: Climate adhesives block intersections in Leipzig – traffic chaos
t-online: Men drag wheelchair users off the street - and attack the camera
Tag24: “Last generation” blocks access to the Regensburg BMW plant
Tag24: First the “Karli”, then the Westplatz: Last generation is paralyzing Leipzig again!
Tag24: Last Generation Strikes Again! Leipzig climate glue paralyzed the “Karli”.
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” announces new blockades in September
Tagesschau: Acquittal after paint attack on Basic Law monument
Tagesschau: Climate activists at the police college: BW Interior Ministry defends appearance
Tagesschau: Climate activists stick to the B27 in downtown Stuttgart
Tagesspiegel: Expert report is a “slap in the face for the climate killer chancellor”
Tagesspiegel: Climate activist acquitted after color campaign at Berlin's Basic Law Monument
Tagesspiegel: Last generation blocked the BMW plant in Regensburg without success
taz: Germany will tear down climate targets
Teller Report: Baden-Wuerttemberg: Ministry of the Interior defends police academy appearance of climate activists
The Limited Times: Interior Ministry defends climate activists to police
The Limited Times: Motorists attack “Last Generation” activists – and drag wheelchair users off the road
The Limited Times: Wave of protests of the last generation: This is what the police advise the citizens of Munich
Thüringen24: Thuringia: “Last generation” stuck on streets in Erfurt and Jena – now activists have to pay
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory Wave of protests from the “Last Generation”: This is what the police advise citizens in Munich “Last generation”: Drivers attack activists – two people pull wheelchair users off the road “We will make Munich a protest stronghold”: activists announce blockades – and give a date
Vodafone live: Climate activists block Augustusplatz in Leipzig
Vodafone live: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Vodafone live: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Vodafone live: Despite the ban: climate activists are blocking traffic again
watson: Last generation: Drivers drag wheelchair users off the road – activists react
Welt: Legitimate climate concerns can become an ideology that goes beyond corpses
Welt: After the acquittal, the “Last Generation” activist circulates the champagne bottle
Welt: Graffiti on the Basic Law Monument – members of the “Last Generation” in court
Welt: “There is a working group called 'Police Networking'”
Welt: “Last Generation” reenacts a sit-in in front of police students – the activist is said to have cried
Welt: “A resounding slap in the face for climate killer Chancellor Scholz,” says the “Last Generation”
Westfälische Nachrichten: “Last Generation”: Your lecture in Münster caused debate
WirtschaftsWoche: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
WorldNews: Last generation in Bavaria: Showdown in Munich - before demo in Regensburg
WorldNews: Embarrassing protest: Climate activists stick in front of the BMW factory - and it's during the holidays
WorldNews: Regensburg: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Wormser Zeitung: Climate activists are stuck in Worms
Zeit Online: Climate activists block access to the BMW factory
Zeit Online: Last generation announces new traffic blockades
Zeit Online: So fucking real
Zeit Online: Despite the ban: climate activists are blocking traffic again