
With a realistic classification: In the Last Generation Daily Topics (LG Tagesthemen) you will find the most important news about the Last Generation summarized in writing every day:

Here is the (incomplete) overview of the reporting on the Last Generation:

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Berliner Zeitung: Frankfurter Allee: Last generation announces blockade on Saturday
der Freitag: Lea Bonasera in a podcast conversation: “Please don’t call me a climate activist”
Deutschlandfunk: On hunger strike for weeks
Du bist Halle: “Last Generation” held activities in Halle (Saale) at the weekend – several lectures in the next few days
Hamburg1: Last Generation announces Disobedient Gatherings for April
Kreiszeitung: The last generation gives lectures and asks questions - but is not allowed into the Barnstorf home
news38: Braunschweig: Climate activists in court! Bohlweg-Kleber speak out – “Who are the real criminals here?”
Schwäbische: Protest march announced in Aalen: Where can we expect disruptions?
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists want to expand hunger strike

charivari: Regensburg: Climate activists stick posters on banks
Du bist Halle: “Cat and mouse” game with the police: Last generation blocked streets in Halle – complaint against grandpa who wanted to put demonstrators in a concentration camp
gong fm: Regensburg: Climate activists stick posters on banks
Hamburger Morgenpost: What's going on there? Hamburg monuments are suddenly wearing blindfolds
idowa: The last generation sticks posters on bank branches in Regensburg's old town
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks various intersections in Halle
Pfarrverband brücken-schlag: Climate – glue – church
Tag24: “Last Generation” Labeled Galeria Kaufhof In Chemnitz
Volksstimme: Last generation blocks various intersections in Halle

Du bist Halle: Last generation drops banners at the market church
Göttinger Tageblatt: Last generation Göttingen: 100 demo participants block the intersection at Geismar Tor for four hours
Karlsruhe Insider: To car dealerships: Climate activists start new scam in Karlsruhe
Mittelbayerische: With paste for climate protection: Last generation is targeting Regensburg banks
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: The last generation hangs a large banner on the Marktkirche in Halle
Spiegel: How these people determine the protest culture in Germany
Sä “Last Generation” is a poster posted by Deutsche Bank in Dresden
Tag24: Last generation covers facades of Prada and Vattenfall in Berlin with posters

AD HOC NEWS: The Last Generation wants to involve citizens in order to develop key positions for their European election campaign.
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Last generation ensures police operation at Karlsruhe car dealership
Freie Presse: Protest action in Chemnitz: Last generation sticks posters on the Galeria Kaufhof facade
FränkischerTag: Blindfolds on Bamberg monuments – that’s what’s behind it
ka-news: “Democracy needs honesty”: Last generation Karlsruhe wallpapers the facade of the Volkswagen Center
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” takes part in a protest march through Cologne
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Pastor with high-visibility vest: clergyman from Halle active in the Last Generation The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
regionalHeute: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
Spiegel: Last generation is looking for ideas
verfassungsblog: Violence through sit-ins

Deutsches Wochenblatt: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
Mannheimer Morgen: Color attack on Heidelberg University: That's why Spritzer dropped out of “Last Generation”.
MMnews: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
News & Nachrichten: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
News 64: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
rbb24: Hunger for the climate
Regio-Journal: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
report-K: Last generation in Cologne demonstrates against house searches by police
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Family father sentenced to fine
SWR Aktuell: Abseiled: Climate protest on the roof of the Tübingen regional council
SWR Aktuell: Stuttgart District Court: Judgment against Last Generation
Tagesspiegel: Activists want to further escalate their hunger strike
tixio: The last generation wants to create an election program together with citizens
TRT Deutsch: Climate activists on hunger strike again - this time in front of the Federal Chancellery

Berliner Abendblatt: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike
Berliner Zeitung: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike
Deutscher Bundestag: The Federal Election Committee allows 35 nominations for the European elections
Focus: Voices and developments for the 202434 European elections XNUMX parties on the ballot paper: Last Generation and Erdogan's party are also there
Head Topics: Hunger strike in Berlin's government district: More scientists join climate protest
InvestmentWeek: Last Generation: Democracy or Dictatorship?
klimareporter: Last generation clears next hurdle for the EU Parliament
Märkische Allgemeine: Ten days without food: Potsdam's Richard Cluse demands a climate commitment from Olaf Scholz
naturstrom_ag (auf instagram): Climate activists are not a “criminal organization”!
News Directory3: Lindner insists on debt brake – criticism from activists
NEWSTRAL: “Starve until you are honest”: This time in front of the Chancellery: Two climate activists continue their hunger strike
RP Online: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike in front of the Chancellery
Stern: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike in front of the Chancellery
SWR Aktuell: Stuttgart: Climate activist convicted of coercion
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike
t-online: Scientists for Future – “Last Generation” confronts Lindner
Tagesschau: Stuttgart: Climate activist convicted of coercion
Vodafone live: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike
Volksstimme: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike
WAZ: Activists scream in Essen – this is how Christian Lindner reacts
Welt: Climate activists disrupt Lindner's performance - he has the audience on his side
Zeit Online: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike

BYC-News: Trial begins in Mainz: Trial against supporters of the Last Generation begins - BYC-News online newspaper Mainz
Märkische Allgemeine: Because gluing does nothing for the climate: Potsdam engineer on hunger strike
Ostsee Zeitung: LNG terminal on Rügen – all the news about the project: Final approval is imminent
rnd: This time in front of the Chancellery: Two climate activists continue their hunger strike
Schwäbische: Last generation plans protest in Aalen
Stern: Hans Joachim Schellnhuber: “The situation has never been so dramatic”
Tagesspiegel: More scientists join climate protest
Welt: Two climate activists want to continue their hunger strike

Der Nordschleswiger: Climate protests: Of new paths and dead ends
The National: Germany's Last Generation activists: From climate stunts to the ballot box

msn: Last generation: Ex-climate glue between the dock and the EU election campaign
phoenix: Radical, hated, desperate - The last generation
tagesschau (auf youtube): tagesschau 20:00 p.m., February 29.03.2024, XNUMX Glue and paint? “Last Generation” wants to bring forms of protest to the EU Parliament
UNZENSURIERT: Glue and paint? “Last Generation” wants to bring forms of protest to the EU Parliament

31.03.2024 And that too: Climate chaotics admitted to the European elections
Nah am digitalen Rand: A New Last Generation Strategy “Last generation”: climate adhesive approved for European elections
NEWSTRAL: Last generation: Ex-climate glue between the dock and the EU election campaign
RTL News: Trial against climate activists drags on

Die Bundeswahlleiterin: European elections 2024: The Federal Election Committee allows 35 parties and other political associations
Focus: Voices and developments for the 202434 European elections XNUMX parties on the ballot paper: The last generation is also there
Göttinger Tageblatt: “Gather without sticking ourselves together”: How the Last Generation wants to protest in Göttingen on April 6th
Head Topics: European elections 2024 Parties: BSW & 'Last Generation' also approved
Head Topics: Trial against Last Generation lasts: criminal or not criminal?
Lüne-Blog: Last generation Lüneburg: Together against the climate catastrophe - lecture on April 5, 2024
mdr: 35 parties approved for European elections
n-TV: BSW and Last Generation are allowed to run in the European elections
Ostsee Zeitung: Last generation admitted to the European elections – Greifswalder is running for second place on the list
Ottfried e.V.: “Last Generation” on ballot paper in European elections
Radio FFH: 34 parties approved for European elections
rbb24: “Last Generation” is admitted to the European elections
RP Online: 35 parties admitted to the European elections – including the BSW and the “Last Generation”
SWR News Zone: Last generation is allowed to run in the European elections! 🗳️
Sä 34 parties are admitted to the European elections
t-online: “Last Generation”, BSW and Co.: Controversial groups approved
Tagesschau: 35 parties and associations admitted
Tagesspiegel: Also BSW, Last Generation and Dava: Federal Election Committee admits 34 parties to the European elections
Telepolis: Last generation: Ex-climate glue between the dock and the EU election campaign
Verlag Anzeigenblätter GmbH Chemnitz: Add mustard: With Simi (Last Generation) and Daniel Hirsch (Vogtland Regional Farmers' Association)
Welt: The Federal Returning Officer allows 35 parties – including BSW and Dava
Wochendämmerung: “The last generation remained remarkably peaceful” – How does protest work, Friedemann Karig?
Zeit Online: Dava, Last Generation and BSW are allowed to run for the European elections

B.Z.: Proceedings against climate radicals are dragging on
Berliner Morgenpost: Trial against climate activists drags on
Berliner Zeitung: Trial against climate activists drags on
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Trial against climate activists drags on
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate activists asked to pay - but they don't pay
Merkur: Trial against climate activists drags on
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Trial against climate activists drags on
Stern: Trial against climate activists drags on
Tag24: Last generation delivers 2000 complaints to the Neuruppin public prosecutor's office
Tagesspiegel: After a raid more than a year ago: proceedings against last generation climate activists in Brandenburg are dragging on
taz: Big post from Bavaria
taz: Last generation manipulates statistics
Vodafone live: Trial against climate activists drags on
Volksstimme: Trial against climate activists drags on
Zeit Online: Trial against climate activists drags on

Berliner Abendblatt: Trial against climate activists drags on
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament Candidate of the last generation: European Parliament 'another stage'
börsenNEWS: European Parliament 'another stage'
EU-Info.Deutschland: Candidate of the last generation: European Parliament “another stage” Candidate of the last generation: European Parliament 'another stage' “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament Candidate of the last generation: European Parliament 'another stage'
Head Topics: “This is another stage that we are taking away”: The last generation is not aiming for classic party work when it enters the European Parliament “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
MarketScreener (CH): Candidate of the last generation: European Parliament 'another stage'
MarketScreener (DE): Candidate of the last generation: European Parliament 'another stage'
Märkische Allgemeine: Supporters of the “Last Generation” flood the Neuruppin public prosecutor’s office with statements
Naanoo: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
News & Nachrichten: Last generation open to protests in the European Parliament
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
onvista: Candidate of the last generation: European Parliament 'another stage'
Regio-Journal: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
regionalHeute: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: Climate adhesive in court in Reutlingen
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: Climate adhesive in court in Reutlingen
SWR Aktuell: Climate activist acquitted after road blockade in Mainz
Südwest Presse: Trial against Last Generation in Reutlingen: That's why the verdict is pending
Tagesspiegel: Last generation remains protesting in the EU Parliament
ULM TV: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
wallstreet online: European Parliament 'another stage'
Welt: Trial against climate activists drags on

B.Z.: Brazen climate smearers blame Berlin for expensive cleaning
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Badische Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Berliner Abendblatt: Trial against climate activists initially collapsed
Berliner Kurier: Berlin trial against two climate smearers collapsed
Berliner Kurier: Two climate gluers are starving until the Chancellor changes his climate policy
Berliner Morgenpost: Activists in court: Berlin to blame for high costs
Berliner Morgenpost: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: process initially collapsed
Berliner Morgenpost: Number 1 of the “Last Generation”: What is Lina Johnsen up to?
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last generation” in the EU: A tough new place
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Cannstatter Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Die Oberbadische: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Euroculturer: “Climate Terrorism”: The Dangers of Criminalizing Climate Activism
Eßlinger Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack A tough new patch / a comment from Theresa Martus on the last generation of the EU Parliament plans
Frankenpost: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Freie Presse: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
FränkischerTag: Bamberg: New trial against climate activists
General Anzeiger: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Haller Kreisblatt: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Handelsblatt: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Hasepost: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
Head Topics: Last generation: court case after the paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate
in Südthüringen: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
kulthit RADIO: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: process initially collapsed
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
msn: Trial against climate activists initially collapsed after color attack
nachrichten-heute: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament Trial against activists after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
Neue Presse: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Neue Westfälische: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
oberpfalz medien: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Presse Augsburg: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Paint on the Brandenburg Gate – climate activists in court
Radio 901: Trial against climate activists collapsed after paint attack
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | Paint on the Brandenburg Gate – climate activists in court
Radio Köln: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Radio Leverkusen: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
radio Lippe: Berlin | Paint on the Brandenburg Gate – climate activists in court
Radio Siegen: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
radio vest: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
rbb 24: Trial for paint attack on Brandenburg Gate has begun
rbb24: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: trial against climate activists canceled for the time being
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
rnd: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: Trial against climate activists canceled for the time being
RPR1.: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
RTL News: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Schwarzwälder Bote: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
sh:z: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Spiegel: “It was not our intention for the Brandenburg Gate to be orange for so long.”
Stern: Harmful damage to property: Paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate is being tried in court
Stern: Trial of climate activists after color attack
Stern: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: process initially collapsed
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
t-online: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
t-online: Trial against climate activists canceled for the time being
Tag24: After a paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate: the trial against climate glue collapsed!
Tagesspiegel: Trial against activists of the last generation in Berlin has been canceled for the time being
Tagesspiegel: “This is another stage that we are taking”
tixio: “Last Generation” open to protest actions in the European Parliament
Vodafone live: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: process initially collapsed
Volksstimme: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Welle-Niederrhein: Trial against climate activists collapsed after paint attack
Welt: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: process initially collapsed
Welt: Last generation, anti-Semitism, right-wing extremism – more and more political crimes in Berlin
Welt: Trial of climate activists after color attack
Welt: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
WirtschaftsWoche: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
WorldNews: Last generation: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack
Zeit Online: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: process initially collapsed
Zeit Online: Trial against climate activists collapsed after color attack

26.03.2024 Climate criminals don't want to pay for police operations
buten un binnen: Trial against “Last Generation” activists in Bremen interrupted
Deutschlandfunk: Hunger strike for climate protection
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists: Threat of global warming belongs in government statement
ethik heute: Civil resistance is part of democracy
Focus: After the paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate, the trial against climate activists in Berlin has been canceled for the time being
Fö Twelve voices for the climate: How a small demonstration brought Flensburg to a standstill
GLS Bank: Climate rights are human rights
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: This is how much money the activists owe the city
radio bremen: Start of the first Bremen trial against “Last Generation” activists
rbb24: Color attack on Brandenburg Gate: trial against climate activists canceled for the time being
SAT1: Trial against activists of the “Last Generation” in Bremen interrupted

Berlin Live: BER Airport in danger: activists want to strike – “Highly dangerous”
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activist: “A hunger strike can end badly”
Berliner Zeitung: Hunger strike in Berlin's government district: Another climate activist follows suit Judges tend to turn a blind eye to climate campaigners
Bonner Umwelt Zeitung: How much impact do climate protection protests have on politics and society?
buten un binnen: Trial against activists of the “Last Generation” starts in Bremen
buten un binnen: Start of the first Bremen trial against the “Last Generation”
Erik Peter (auf twitter): Nobody really needs Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport
Ostsee Zeitung: After the climate protest in Stralsund: Six members of the last generation have to go to court
t-online: The “last generation” hardly pays the fines imposed
Tagesschau: Trial against activists of the “Last Generation” starts in Bremen
Welt: Climate activists rarely pay for police operations they cause

Focus: Climate activists want to paralyze the airport with hammer and chisel
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Klimalexikon: Who is “The Last Generation”?
n-TV: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Nordsee Zeitung: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
report-K: Last generation active at Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport
Rote Fahne: “Too old to be a radical environmental campaigner?”
RTL News: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Tag24: Steinmeier Dangerously Approached: Bodyguards Intervene With This Duo
Vodafone live: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Volksstimme: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport

All about Penelope: My Climate Activism Journey To The Founding Of Queermany
Berlin Live: BER Airport in danger: activists want to strike – “Highly dangerous” Climate chaotics chop up the runway at VW Airport Climate disasters and the like: “Last Generation” in Chemnitz
Braunschweig Spiegel: Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport closed
Braunschweiger Zeitung: “Last Generation” blocks the runway at Braunschweig Airport
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Coercion: Fine for Dresden climate gluer
Focus: Climate activists paralyze the airport with hammer and chisel
Freie Presse: “Last Generation” gives a public lecture in the Chemnitz Women’s Center
Freshtorge (auf youtube): The new protest of the last generation – Klima Kleber Clemens strikes again | Freshtorge
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation blocks airport – private jets in their sights
NDR: “Last Generation” tries to paralyze the airport
news38: Braunschweig Airport paralyzed! Police intervene quickly
seemoz: What about the real criminals?
Stern: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
SWR Aktuell: Weekly review Stuttgart: Be careful of razor blades under stickers
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Tag24: “Last Generation” Wants to Shut Down Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport!
Tagesspiegel: “I don’t want to bring a child into this world”
taz: Fighting climate change with steel pipes
Welt: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Wolfsburger Allgemeine: Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport: Last generation wants to stop flight operations
Zeit Online: Climate activists: paralyze Braunschweig-Wolfsburg airport
Zeit Online: She is supposed to shake up parliament for the last generation

B.Z.: Brandenburg Gate daubed – trial against climate radicals
Berlin Live: Last generation makes mysterious threats: what are they planning to do this time?
Berliner Zeitung: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: trial against activists Climate criminal begs for money but doesn't pay fine
Greenkama: The hatred of the “last generation”: causes and background
Radio Zwickau: Leipzig Book Fair: Climate rebels attack the Federal President
Spiegel: The sea monster in front of the sun terrace
Stern: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: trial against activists
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Disciplinary proceedings against police officer
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Disciplinary proceedings against police officer
t-online: To Ostern: “Last Generation” wants to go on the offensive
Tag24: Steinmeier Dangerously Approached: Bodyguards Intervene With This Duo

Berliner Morgenpost: There was great outrage - now the trial is about to begin
Berliner Zeitung: Climate protest in Berlin: Last generation smeared Total headquarters
DER SPIEGEL (auf youtube): Without glue for the climate: The new back and forth between the “last generation” and the police | MIRROR TV
Mannheimer Morgen: Oil incident during Last Generation protest: disciplinary proceedings against Mannheim policewoman
Radio Leipzig: Leipzig Book Fair: Climate rebels attack the Federal President
report-K: Last generation announces protests in places of destruction and injustice
Stuttgarter Zeitung: “The burden became too great”
Sä Leipzig Book Fair: Climate activists are pushing forward to Federal President Steinmeier
t-online: To Ostern: “Last Generation” wants to go on the offensive
Tag24: Last generation wants to meet the right people with protest: “Elephant is in the room”
Tagesschau: Where is the outrage?
Tagesspiegel: Trial against climate activists after paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
Unser Mitteleuropa: Last generation creates hurdle for EU election candidacy
Welt: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: trial against activists
Welt: “Perhaps we are the last generation of fishermen in the Baltic Sea”
Zeit Online: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: trial against activists

Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists: Starving again until we talk to Scholz
Crisis24: Germany: Environment activists plan to stage protests in central Berlin March 20
futurezone: Last generation: Call for “disobedient assemblies” – that’s what they’re planning now
NDR: Stralsund: Penalty order for climate protesters
Spiegel: The new back and forth between the last generation and the police
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks federal highway 235 in Senden
Tagesschau: Stralsund: Penalties issued for climate protesters
WDR: Last generation blocks federal highway 235 in Senden
WDR: Last generation: Blockade action in Senden
Westfälische Nachrichten: Calm reactions and protest against the protest
ZDF: today journal from March 19, 2024

ARD Audiothek: Last generation - Author: New strategy focuses on the grievances
ARD Audiothek: Last Generation – Do we need these protests?
Badische Zeitung: Protest researcher: “The last generation never had a strategy”
Berliner Zeitung: Against oil pipeline in Uganda: Last generation announces protest in Berlin
Deutschlandfunk: Author: New strategy focuses on the grievances
Deutschlandfunk: Author: New strategy focuses on the grievances
Focus: “Bettel-Moritz” got out of Klima-Kleber and describes how angry drivers “mentally destroyed” him
Head Topics: “Suffering and torment” caused by climate protest: Well-known activist quits
mdr: Everything for the climate: The everyday life of a full-time activist in Halle
Merkur: “Psychically broken”: Klima-Kleber no longer wants to be an activist
msn: Professor on “Last Generation”: “Demands are justified”
Märkische Onlinezeitung: Last generation demonstrated – tent camps prevented “Last Generation” dropouts: protests left them “psychologically broken”
NDR: Stralsund: Penalty order for climate protesters
Nordkurier: After truck incident: Climate protesters from Stralsund should pay
Pledge Times: Klima-Glue no longer wants to be an activist
ProSieben: Last-generation dropout: Had to quit due to psychological stress
Radio Kiepenkerl: SEND: 3-minute blockade
Spiegel: Climate experts are now completely pain free
Spiegel: Last Generation apologizes for posting after October 7th
Stern: Friedemann Karig: “I don’t want to overthrow this system. I want it to work better”
Tagesschau: 45 associations submit nominations
taz: 2023 was almost 1,5 degrees too hot
The Limited Times: “Psychically broken”: Klima-Kleber no longer wants to be an activist
WDR: Last Generation – Do we need these protests?
WDR: Last generation: Blockade action in Senden

B.Z.: Climate youth learned to hate the economy at school
Badische Zeitung: The “Last Generation” is now also working in Freiburg with blockages without superglue Climate youth learn to hate economics at school “Climate protest destroyed me psychologically”
Blick: “Luckily I pulled the emergency brake in time.”
Die Sachsen: Climate activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”
Du bist Halle: “Disobedient gathering” – blockade of the “Last Generation” in Leipzig: several people from Halle were also there
Heilbronner Stimme: Climate activists at Stuttgart Airport: This is what the meeting was like from the police's perspective
mdr: Everything for the climate: The everyday life of a full-time activist in Halle
MENAFN: Last generation activists rally across Germany against climate crisis
Mittelbayerische: Last generation blocks Regensburg intersection for three hours: This is how the protest went
msn: Nationwide protests of the last generation – without glue
n-TV: Climate activists with “disobedient assemblies”
NDR: “Last Generation”: Protests in ten cities
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Climate glue without glue: “Last Generation” demonstrates in Regensburg with new tactics
Schwäbische: Climate activists with “disobedient assemblies”
Spiegel: Last generation light
Stern: Climate activists with “disobedient assemblies”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists with “disobedient assemblies”
Tagesspiegel: Last generation does not use glue in the event of blockages
ToppNews: Just leave the climate adhesives to be forgotten
ToppNews: “Last Generation” protests with road blockades without glue
VN Explorer: Klima-Glue about leaving the “Last Generation”: “Luckily I pulled the emergency brake in time”
Vodafone live: Climate activists with “disobedient assemblies”
watson: Last generation wants to go to Brussels: “Don’t want to accuse me of not having done everything”
Welt: Police end Last Generation action on Rügen
Welt: Just leave the climate adhesives to be forgotten
yahoo!nachrichten: Last generation protests for “honesty” from politics without sticking to it
Zeit Online: Climate activists with “disobedient assemblies”

7aktuell: The last generation is starting at Stuttgart Airport with a new form of protest - chants, banners, soap bubbles - criticism was also expressed at NATO |
a News: Climate activists hold protests in German cities
Allgäuer Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Anadolu Agency: Climate activists hold protests in German cities
antenne bayern: Climate activists protest in Regensburg and Munich
Antenne Niederrhein: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
B.Z.: Climate adhesives block the Warschauer Bridge in Friedrichshain
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate activists are slowing down drivers on Durlacher Allee in Karlsruhe
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Badische Zeitung: Climate activists demonstrate on Saturday at “disobedient gatherings” – also in Freiburg
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
Berliner Kurier: VIDEO: Blockade cleared - here police officers carry members of the “Last Generation” off the bridge
Berliner Morgenpost: The last generation blocks again - now without glue
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation is back: “We do it again and again”
Berliner Morgenpost: Last Generation Calls for “Disobedient Gatherings.”
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: activists with a new blockade in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Why the last generation is a yawn
Berliner Morgenpost: What's really behind the protests without glue
Berliner Zeitung: “Disobedient protest”: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue Climate criminals COVERED at the airport
br24: Climate activists: “Disobedient gatherings”
br24: New tactic: Climate activists are also protesting in Bavaria
Braunschweig Spiegel: Mafia paragraph against climate activists?
buten un binnen: Last generation blocks intersection in Bremen
Der Patriot: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists protest with road blockades without glue
DNyuz: Last generation stages protests across Germany
Dülmener Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Express: Crossing blocked: “Last Generation” is back and is also serious in Cologne
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Eßlinger Zeitung: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Frankenpost: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Police end Last Generation action on Rügen
Freie Presse: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Freie Presse: Without glue and safety vests: “Last Generation” is holding a “disobedient meeting” in Leipzig for the first time
FränkischerTag: Climate activists protest in Regensburg and Munich
General Anzeiger: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Haller Kreisblatt: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
Hamburger Morgenpost: Last generation: Activists block roads nationwide
Handelsblatt: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Head Topics: Bremen: 'Last Generation' blocks Am Wall/Herdentor intersection
Head Topics: Climate crisis: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
Head Topics: Last generation demonstrates at Regensburg intersection: Now the police are taking action
Head Topics: The last generation is back and is getting serious in Cologne too
Head Topics: Last generation is calling for protest today: action planned at Warschauer Brücke in Berlin
Head Topics: New strategy of climate activists: Last generation light
idowa: “Disobedient Assembly” of the Last Generation in Regensburg
idowa: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
idowa: The last generation called for an honest debate in Regensburg
ka-news: Last generation blocks Durlacher Allee – The pictures from Saturday lunchtime
Karlsruhe one: “Disobedient gathering” – Last generation blocks Durlacher Allee
Kettner Edelmetalle: Critical voices on climate protests: More than just traffic disruptions?
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” blocks intersection at Cologne’s Ebertplatz
Kölnische Rundschau: “Last Generation” blocks intersection at Cologne’s Ebertplatz
Leipziger Volkszeitung: “Last generation” no longer sticks, but continues to block roads
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
mdr: Leipzig: Last generation between registered protest and road blockade
mdr Sachsenspiegel: Leipzig: “Last Generation” blocks Leuschner-Platz
meinKA: Climate activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”
Merkur: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Merkur: Climate activists cause traffic jams – Austrians have to pay a fine for driving too slowly
Merkur: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Mindener Tageblatt: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Mittelbayerische: Hairdressing services and dance performances in the middle of the intersection: Climate protest 2.0 in Regensburg
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
msn: Clashes with police: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
msn: The last generation blocks again - now without glue
msn: Germany: Climate Activists Block Major Bridge in Berlin
msn: Protests in several cities: Last Generation starts week of action
msn: “Spring of Resistance”: The last generation wants to protest in ten cities on Saturday
Märkische Allgemeine: New protests: The last generation is making a comeback with these actions
n-TV: “Germans understand selfish protests better”
n-TV: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
n-TV: Last generation blocks roads without glue
n-TV: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
NDR: “Last Generation” is planning actions
NDR: Near Sassnitz: Police end Last Generation action
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Without glue: Last generation protests with road blockades nationwide
News Directory3: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue Last generation starts wave of protests: Climate activists are demonstrating in these 10 cities today
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Nordkurier: Demo against LNG on Rügen: The last generation wanted to pitch tents
Nordsee Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Nordwest-Zeitung: “Last Generation” creates blockages this time without glue
oberpfalz medien: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Passauer Neue Presse: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Press TV: Right to protest 'at risk' in Europe, UN expert warns
Radio Hochstift: Berlin/Munich | Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
radio Bielefeld: Berlin/Munich | Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Radio FFH: Nationwide protests of the last generation – WITHOUT GLUE
Radio FFH: The Last Generation is blocking again
Radio FFH: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
radio Gütersloh: Berlin/Munich | Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
radio Herford: Berlin/Munich | Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Radio Leipzig: “Last Generation” blocks Leuschner-Platz
radio Lippe: Berlin/Munich | Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Radio Regenbogen: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Radio RST: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Radio Siegen: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
radio WAF: Berlin/Munich | Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
radio Westfalica: Berlin/Munich | Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Radio WMW: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Radio Wuppertal: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
rbb 24: Climate protest on the Warsaw Bridge
rbb24: Climate protest on the Warsaw Bridge
rbb24 Abendschau: rbb24 evening show from March 16.03.2024, XNUMX
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
rnd: Last generation occupies Berlin Bridge - demonstrations in several cities
rnd: Last generation protests with roadblocks without glue
RP Online: Climate activists are blocking roads again - but now without glue
RP Online: Last generation blocks roads nationwide – without glue
RP Online: Last Generation announces protests in Cologne for Saturday
RPR1.: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
RTL News: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
RTL News: Climate activists call for “disobedient gatherings”.
RTL News: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
RTL News: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
RTL News: Police end Last Generation action on Rügen
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
SAPO: Alemanha: Ações de “desobediência civil” do movimento ambientalista Last generation prometem caos em 10 cidades
Schwarzwälder Bote: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
Schwäbische: Climate activists from “Last Generation” use new form of protest
sh:z: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
sh:z: Without glue: Last generation protests with road blockades nationwide
Space Daily: Climate protesters under fire in Europe: UN expert
Spiegel: Last generation light
Spiegel: Last generation protests glue-free
Stern: “Time in prison bonded us” – Families on their protest for the last generation
Stern: Now there's no more sticking, now there's boredom
Stern: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Stern: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
Stern: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
Stern: Police end Last Generation action on Rügen
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation protests at Stuttgart Airport
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” demonstrates in several BW cities
SWR Aktuell: Without glue: “Last Generation” demonstrates with “disobedient assemblies”
SWR News Zone: Last Generation: “Disobedient Assemblies” In Bw
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Spring of Resistance”: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Clashes with police: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block intersection in Bremen
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
Süddeutsche Zeitung: New climate protests – without glue
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Without glue, but disobedient
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Police end Last Generation action on Rügen
Südwest Presse: Climate activists call for “disobedient gatherings”.
t-online: “Last generation” blocks intersection – drivers freak out
t-online: “Last Generation” violates the law with a new form of protest
t-online: The “Last Generation” is testing its new form of protest
t-online: Climate activists block the intersection at Ebertplatz
t-online: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Climate protectors start nationwide campaigns
Tag24: “Disobedient Gatherings”: Last Generation With Protest In Ten Cities
Tag24: Completely without sticking! “Last Generation” Protests In Munich And Regensburg
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” protests without sticking actions
Tagesschau: Without glue: “Last Generation” demonstrates with “disobedient assemblies”
Tagesspiegel: Berlin police clear unannounced demonstration
Teller Report: Climate justice in focus: Conclusions from the Ethics Council text
Teller Report: Last generation: Protest and blockades without glue in Berlin, Munich, Leipzig or on Rügen
Teller Report: [HIGHLIGHTS] Climate justice in focus: Conclusions from the Ethics Council text
Teller Report: [HIGHLIGHTS] Last generation: Protest and blockades without glue in Berlin, Munich, Leipzig or on Rügen
The Local: Climate protesters under fire in France, Germany, France and UK: UN expert Road blockades in Munich: Last generation calls for protest at Gärtnerplatz
volksfreund: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Volksstimme: Climate activists with “disobedient assemblies”
Volksstimme: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Volksstimme: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
WDR: “Last Generation” blocks Ebertplatz in Cologne
Welle-Niederrhein: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Welt: Activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”
Welt: No more glue – “Last Generation” sits on Warsaw Bridge
Welt: Climate activists protest in Regensburg and Munich
Welt: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
Welt: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
Welt: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Westfälische Nachrichten: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
WirtschaftsWoche: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Wismar.FM: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
WorldNews: Climate – Karlsruhe: Activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”
WorldNews: Climate – Sassnitz:Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminals on Rügen
WorldNews: Climate: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
WorldNews: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
WorldNews: Last generation March 2024: Roadblocks without glue
yahoo!: Climate activists block roads in Germany – this time without glue
ZDF: “Last Generation” is blocking roads again
ZDF: New climate protest of the last generation
ZDF: Roadblocks again – but without glue
Zeit Online: Activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”
Zeit Online: Climate activists block roads in several cities
Zeit Online: Climate activists block intersection in Bremen
Zeit Online: Climate activists protest in Regensburg and Munich
Zeit Online: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Zeit Online: Last generation occupies Warsaw Bridge
Zeit Online: Last generation demonstrates against LNG terminal on Rügen
Zeit Online: Police end Last Generation action on Rügen
Zeit Online: UN special rapporteur sees right to climate protest in danger
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Activists demonstrate with “disobedient assemblies”

antenne 1: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
antenne nrw: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Badische Zeitung: Climate activists call for “disobedient gatherings”. Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Freie Presse: “Last generation” no longer clings to itself and wants to get into the EU Parliament: This is how activists from Saxony tick
Heilbronner Stimme: “Last Generation” is planning a protest at Stuttgart Airport on Saturday
Heute – Österreich: No glue, but “Climate Shakira” is sitting in front of the Chancellery
Hotel Hiddenseer: Police intervene: Last generation blocks roads without glue
kulthit RADIO: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Mannheimer Morgen: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Trial course with the Last Generation in Halle: rehearsals for the next blockade
ProSieben: Protests in several cities: Last Generation starts week of action
RADIO 7: Climate activists are calling for “disobedient gatherings”.
Radio Köln: Protest of the Last Generation on Ebertplatz
Stephan Brinkmann: Climate: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
SWR Aktuell: The new last generation strategy for Rhineland-Palatinate
Tagesschau: The new last generation strategy for Rhineland-Palatinate Events in ten German cities: “Last Generation” is also planning an event in Munich’s city center
Welt: Climate activists block intersection in Bremen
Welt: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue
Welt: How do you rate the new Last Generation plans?
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists protest with blockades without glue

Baden TVSüd: Last generation announces protest in Freiburg
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: This is what the last generation and passers-by say about the banner campaign on the Karlsruhe market square
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Junge Welt: New protests of the “last generation” Carla Hinrichs privately: Protest for the climate – this is how the “Last Generation” activist ticks
Nordkurier: Last generation wants to protest again in ten cities
Rathaus Umschau: The “Last Generation” group is planning an action in the city center
Stern: Climate activists call for “disobedient gatherings”.
Stern: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Stern: Last generation: “Gluing was the right form of protest”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists call for “disobedient gatherings”.
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Volksstimme: Last generation wants to protest in ten cities
Zeit Online: Climate activists call for “disobedient gatherings”.

Abendzeitung München: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
AD HOC NEWS: Will a former “climate glue” soon be sitting in the European Parliament? The group says it is one step further in its candidacy for the June election.
Allgemeine Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Allgäuer Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Antenne Düsseldorf: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Antenne Münster: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Antenne Niederrhein: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Augsburger Allgemeine: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Badische Zeitung: Last generation can run in European elections
Badische Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: collected twice as many signatures for the European elections as necessary
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: The Last Generation group continues to rely on roadblocks
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Cannstatter Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Crisis24: Germany: Environmental activists to demonstrate in multiple cities March 16
Die Oberbadische: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Die Presse: Last generation collects enough signatures to run for EU elections
Die Rheinpfalz: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Dülmener Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Echo: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Eßlinger Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Focus: Guest commentary by Anne KönigClimate apocalypse? How the “Last Generation” continues to distort the discourse
Focus: Voices and developments for the 2024 European electionsLast generation clears hurdles for applying for the European elections
Frankenpost: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
General Anzeiger: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
gmx: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Haller Kreisblatt: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Head Topics: Last generation achieves its first successes in the European elections
Head Topics: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Hertener Allgemeine: Climate glue soon in the EU Parliament? Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
idowa: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
in Südthüringen: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
ka-news: “Demand honesty from politicians”: Last generation blocked Durlacher Allee – roadway free again
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Lampertheimer Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Main-Echo: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Merkur: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
mittelhessen: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Münstersche Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
nd: Proceedings against Last Generation affect the entire society
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Neue Presse: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Neue Westfälische: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Last generation is getting ready for the European elections
News 89.4: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
News Directory3: Climate activists overcome important hurdle for European elections
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
nordbayern: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Norddeutsche Neuste Nachrichten: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Nordkurier: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Obermain-Tagblatt: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
oberpfalz medien: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
oe24: Climate adhesives overcome hurdles for applications for the EU elections
oe24: Does “Climate Shakira” have to go to jail now?
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Passauer Neue Presse: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
ProSieben: Soon in the EU Parliament? Last generation overcomes hurdle to apply
RADIO 7: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Berg: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio EINS: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Erft: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Euskirchen: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio Gütersloh: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Köln: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Neandertal: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Regenbogen: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio RSG: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Rur: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Siegen: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio vest: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Wuppertal: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Rhein-Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
rnd: Last generation overcomes hurdle for candidacy for European elections
RP Online: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
RP Online: Charges brought against Klima-Glue after the airport action
RPR1.: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
RTL News: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Ruhr Nachrichten: Climate glue soon in the EU Parliament? Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Schwarzwälder Bote: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Schwäbische: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Spiegel: Last generation submits signatures for European election application
Stern: Radio play inventor Elfie Donnelly: “Benjamin Blümchen would be climate glue today”
Stern: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” announces climate protests in BW: These are the new plans
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Süddeutsche Zeitung: What the “Last Generation” is planning this Saturday in Munich
t-online: “Climate Shakira” wants to continue protesting despite the threat of imprisonment
t-online: “Last Generation” clears important hurdle for European elections
Tag24: Last generation reaches next goal on the way to the European Parliament
Tag24: Policeman kneels on young activist during climate protest: “Please get off my head!”
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” announces climate protests in BW: These are the new plans
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Vodafone live: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections Last generation: hurdle overcome for application for EU elections
volksfreund: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Volksstimme: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Webmirko: “The future in our hands: Last generation sets an example for European election applications”
Welle-Niederrhein: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
WirtschaftsWoche: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
yahoo!: Climate activist group Last Generation clears hurdle for EU elections
yahoo!nachrichten: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
ZDF: Environmental and climate activists in the sights
Zeit Online: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Zeit Online: Last generation collects enough signatures for application
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections

antenne 1: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
antenne bayern: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
ARD: Radical for the climate – heroes or criminals? “Last Generation” announces new activities in Freiburg
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Badische Zeitung: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections Will Climate Shakira go to jail now? Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Eco-Business: How is Europe cracking down on climate protests?
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activists gather at the airport
FAIReconomics: Prelude to the “Spring of Resistance”: The Last Generation wants to mobilize nationwide
Frankfurter Rundschau: Frankfurt climate process: The light at the end of bonding
Freie Presse: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Friedliche Lösungen: Mass actions planned across Germany
Genios: Last generation proclaims “Spring of Resistance”.
Genios: A new start for the climate protests
Ghana News Agency: Climate activist group Last Generation clears hurdle for EU elections Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
idowa: Last generation invites you to the “disobedient gathering” in Regensburg Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Karlsruhe Insider: Masche: Climate activists are planning the next wave of protests in Karlsruhe Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Kreiszeitung Wesermarsch: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
kulthit RADIO: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Mannheimer Morgen: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Merkur: Climate group last generation announces new concept
News Directory3: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Nordsee Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections Aktywiści klimatyczni never chcą się już przyklejać. Zapowiadają massowe protesty –
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Radio Gong: After the sticking actions: Klima-Shakira in front of the Munich district court
radio Gütersloh: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio Herford: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio Lippe: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio WAF: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
radio Westfalica: Berlin | Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists gather at the airport
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists gather at the airport
t-online: “Climate Shakira” in court: This is the verdict
t-online: Last generation starts “Resistance Spring” on Saturday
Telepolis: New tactics of the last generation: nice speeches instead of criticizing the system
Verbraucherschutzforum: “Last Generation” – candidacy for the European elections
Welt: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Welt: “Last Generation” collects enough signatures for the European election application
Wochenblatt Ravensburg: Last generation clears hurdle to apply for European elections
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Rail strike, public transport strike, last generation: What could threaten the Stuttgart Spring Festival

1 & 1: Blockades and bobby cars: The last generation is planning new climate protests
1 & 1: The Last Generation is becoming “more disobedient”
AD HOC NEWS: As “climate glue,” the group made a lot of noise, then things got a little quieter. Are new blockages coming now? – Last generation plans new climate protests
ARIVA.DE: ROUNDUP/Blockades and Bobby Cars: Last generation is planning new climate protests
B.Z.: Climate glue threatens with a “spring of resistance”
B.Z.: Climate adhesives announce new campaigns
Badische Zeitung: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Berliner Kurier: Climate adhesive change tactics: They now also want to block sidewalks
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation announces new blockade actions
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Bietigheimer Zeitung: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests Klima-Shakira before a criminal court for the first time ROUNDUP/Blockades and Bobby Cars: Last generation is planning new climate protests
br24: “Last Generation” announces new protests – also in Bavaria
Deutschlandfunk Nova: “Last Generation” is planning new forms of protest
Express: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Express: Because of the end of the “Last Generation” campaign: a new wave of blockades is also hitting Cologne – that’s what’s coming to us
Eßlinger Zeitung: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests Climate group last generation announces new concept New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests ROUNDUP/Blockades and Bobby Cars: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Frankfurter Allgemeine: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Freie Presse: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
FränkischerTag: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
General Anzeiger: Last generation is planning next wave of protests with blockades
General Anzeiger: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Genios: Next round for climate protest
gmx: Blockades and bobby cars: The last generation is planning new climate protests
Handelsblatt: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Heilbronner Stimme: “Disobedient gatherings” in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe: This is what the last generation is planning
Hellweger Anzeiger: Next wave of protests from the Last Generation Blockades with new tactics planned in ten cities
idowa: The last generation is planning the next wave of protests: including in Regensburg
in Südthüringen: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Kreiszeitung: New wave of protests on Saturday: The last generation is calling for a “spring of resistance” in Bremen
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last Generation announces protests in several major cities for Saturday
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Kölnische Rundschau: Last Generation announces protests in several major cities for Saturday
Kölnische Rundschau: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Main-Echo: Aschaffenburg “climate glue” rejects accusations of coercion
Main-Echo: Trial against seven “climate gluers” in Aschaffenburg, closed to the public
Marler Zeitung: Next wave of protests from the Last Generation Blockades with new tactics planned in ten cities
mdr: “Last Generation” announces a wave of protests
msn: Last generation smeared Total headquarters in Berlin – climate protest
Märkische Onlinezeitung: “Last Generation” is planning a new start – a good thing
n-TV: Last generation calls out new wave of protests New blockades: Last generation plans protests in Germany
Neue Westfälische: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Nord 24: Last generation breaks new ground: action also planned in Bremen
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Nordbayerischer Kurier: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Nürnberger Nachrichten: Gluing is over: Why the last generation rightly wants to completely reinvent itself
Nürnberger Nachrichten: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
OM Online: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
onvista: Climate group last generation announces new concept
onvista: ROUNDUP/Blockades and Bobby Cars: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Radio 901: New Blockades: Last Generation Plans New Climate Protests
Radio Erft: Cologne: Climate protest announced on the sidewalks
Radio RSG: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Radio Siegen: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Radio WMW: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Radio Wuppertal: New Blockades: Last Generation Plans New Climate Protests
radioeins: “Last Generation” announces new forms of protest
rbb24: “Last Generation” presents new plans
rnd: Last Generation announces next wave of protests in ten cities
RP Online: This is what the new plans of the last generation look like
RTL News: Climate group last generation announces new concept
RTL News: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Ruhr Nachrichten: Next wave of protests from the Last Generation Blockades with new tactics planned in ten cities
Schweriner Volkszeitung: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: “Last Generation” is planning a new start – a good thing
sh:z: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Stern: On the fast track towards insignificance
Stern: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Stern: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate gluers are planning the next wave of protests with new tactics
SWR Aktuell: After road blockades: “Last Generation” is planning new protests in BW
SWR News Zone: Roadblocks 2.0? “Last Generation” Announces New Protests A
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Südwest Presse: Last generation announces road blockades for Saturday
t-online: “Scuffles with the police” – that’s what the “Last Generation” is planning
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Climate Adhesives Want to “Write History Together” in Berlin
Tag24: “Last Generation” Climate Adhesives Announce New Concept Today
Tag24: Last Generation: This Is The New Strategy Of Climate Activists
Tagesspiegel: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Utopia: Instead of sticking: Last generation plans “disobedient gatherings” in 10 cities
Vodafone live: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Volksstimme: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Volksstimme: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
wallstreet online: The last generation is about to strike the big blow – or the last one New blockades: Last generation is planning new protests in Germany
WDR: End of the adhesive blockages: change of strategy in the last generation
Welt: “Last Generation” is planning “disobedient assemblies” in many cities and on Rügen
Weser Kurier: Last generation is planning new climate protests
yahoo!: Last Generation calls climate protest in 10 German cities on Saturday
ZDF: The “Last Generation” now wants to change that
Zeit Online: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Zeit Online: Last generation calls for “resistance spring”.
Zeit Online: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen: Climate glue disguised as farmers! Where is the political outcry?

antenne 1: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
antenne 1: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
antenne bayern: Last generation is planning new climate protests
antenne bayern: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
ARD Audiothek: “Last Generation” wants to protest “disobediently” on Saturday
ARD Audiothek: Last generation plans next wave of protests
ARIVA.DE: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Berliner Abendblatt: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate group last generation announces new concept New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Digital Daily: Thuringia (Weimar): Climate activists protest at Theaterplatz
Eulerpool: “Last Generation” announces a new wave of protests – demands for a rethink on climate policy
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Freie Presse: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Freie Presse: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests Last generation is planning new climate protests
Hamburg Journal: Radical for the climate – heroes or criminals?
Hotel Hiddenseer: Climate glue on the EU candidacy: “It would be possible for someone to bring pudding to parliament” “Much more disobedient”: Last generation is planning a new major wave of protests for this week
ka-news: The last generation is planning the next wave of protests – also in Karlsruhe New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
kulthit RADIO: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Main-Echo: “Climate glue” in court for the first time in Aschaffenburg
Mannheimer Morgen: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Mannheimer Morgen: Raúl Semmler against Heidelberg Materials: Last generation protests in trees
meinKA: New blockades: The last generation is planning the next wave of protests – also in Karlsruhe
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate group last generation announces new concept
msn: This is the new strategy of the “last generation”
msn: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
n-TV: “It would be possible for someone to bring pudding to Parliament”
Nordsee Zeitung: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Nordsee Zeitung: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Peter Nowak: Last generation in Berlin: Disobedient assembly
Pforzheimer Zeitung: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
ProSieben: This is the new strategy of the “last generation”
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Radio FFH: Last Generation Plans Next Wave of Protests
radio Gütersloh: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
radio Herford: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
radio Lippe: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Radio LOTTE: Last generation shows their dissatisfaction
radio WAF: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
radio Westfalica: Berlin | New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
rbb: “Last Generation” presents new plans
rbb: “Last Generation” wants to protest “disobediently” on Saturday
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Schweinfurter Anzeiger: Kimakleber With New Plans: Disobedient Gatherings Planned
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Should the “Last Generation” move into the European Parliament?
Stephan Brinkmann: Climate crisis: New blockades: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Stern: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Stevinho: Last generation announced “disobedient assemblies.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Südkurier: New blockades: Last generation plans next wave of protests
Tagesspiegel: “Significantly more disobedient actions” in Berlin too: The last generation is planning the next wave of protests
Verbraucherschutzforum: “Last Generation”
Volksstimme: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Welt: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Welt: Last generation is planning new climate protests
Welt: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Welt: “Last Generation” is planning “disobedient assemblies” in many cities and on Rügen
WirtschaftsWoche: New blockades: Last generation plans new climate protests
Zeit Online: Climate group last generation announces new concept
Zevener Zeitung: Last generation is planning new climate protests

Deutschlandfunk: With “Disobedient Assemblies” into a new era of protest Climate activist announces “resistance spring”.
Evangelische Zeitung: Climate activist announces “resistance spring”.
General Anzeiger: Last generation announces “Resistance Spring” – first actions next week
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Last generation announces “Resistance Spring” – also in Leipzig
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation announces “Resistance Spring” – first actions next week
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Last generation announces “Resistance Spring” – first actions next week
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Last generation announces “Resistance Spring” – first actions next week
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Another climate protest against Heidelberg Materials
wallstreet online: UN report: Suppression of climate protests “threat to democracy”
WorldNews: “We don’t need the glue anymore”: “Last Generation” announces “Resistance Spring”.

Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Carla Hinrichs announces “Resistance Spring”.
buten un binnen: Bremen climate activist calls for “resistance spring”.
Maurice Conrad (auf twitter): how quiet many politicians and journalists have suddenly become
Spiegel: Last generation
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” announces “Resistance Spring.”

Abendzeitung München: Bavaria's Interior Ministry denies explosive UN allegations: “Plucked out of thin air”
Berliner Zeitung: Starving against climate horror: activist puts a noose around his neck
buten un binnen: Bremen climate activist: “Our protest will remain disobedient”
buten un binnen: No more sticking: “Last Generation” wants to change the form of protest
Fachhochschule Dortmund: Exhibition opening “On the Street”
Heute – Österreich: Climate adhesives no longer stick to roads
ka-news: Starving for climate protection: What do FFF and the last generation actually think about it?
Meine Südstadt: “We actually don’t want to bother people.”
rnd: Court sends last generation activists behind bars for the first time
t-online: “Activists can become a governing party”
Tagesspiegel: Update Thousands at demonstrations for Women's Day
Tagesspiegel Checkpoint: Only figures for the “Last Generation”: Berlin fire brigade does not keep any statistics on disabilities caused by farmer demonstrations
TV LIstings: Radical for the climate – heroes or criminals?
VN Explorer: Climate adhesives no longer stick to roads
Wuppertal Total: Last generation warning vest campaign in Wuppertal – away from fossil fuels and towards fairness!

Brot für die Welt: Controversy over Last Generation: Who is right?
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: Angry drivers in Halle – the last generation is disrupting traffic again
Passauer Neue Presse: Coercion through climate adhesive? Start of a series of trials at the Passau District Court
Welt: “Right to a tree” – Berlin is facing a new referendum

br24: After UN reprimand: Herrmann defends action against climate activists
Genios: Did you need climate adhesive?
krautreporter: Why farmers are more successful than climate activists
Radio Erft: Cologne: Fines and social hours for “climate glue” UN defends climate glue

bpb: Climate change in the media
Der Postillon: Police officer arrives late to kneel on climate activists because he is blocked by farmers
Fö Last generation: Court drops proceedings against environmental activist
Hannover Entdecken: Farmer protests vs. climate glue
Radio Erft: Cologne: Climate stickers are in front of the district court
RTL News: Imagine if those had been climate adhesives!
Schwäbische Post: Climate activist from Zurich versus the city of Aalen: The dispute is escalating
Süddeutsche Zeitung: UN expert criticizes Bavaria's harshness against climate activists
t-online: Violence against climate activists? Federal police respond to allegations
taz: Police double standards

Berliner Morgenpost: Police officer kneels on young climate protester in front of the Chancellery
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Police officer kneels on head of young person – incident is being investigated Policeman kneels on climate teenager's head during arrest!
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Bunzinger TV (auf youtube): Today's show! New people ask at driving school about climate glue
Du bist Halle: The last generation is once again holding a protest march through Halle - this time on Wednesday from Dessauer Platz
Du bist Halle: “Dream of a livable, just and ecologically intact world”: Protest march of the last generation through Halle
Gewerkschaft der Polizei Bundesvorstand: Spokesman Jendro on criticism of police measures against the last generation at the Federal Chancellery
JustfactInfo (auf youtube): March 03.03.2024, XNUMX - Young people protest in front of the Chancellery: Last generation..
Maurice Conrad (auf twitter): ...and are now completely silent when farmers dump manure on the highway and there are seriously injured people
nd: With knee fixed on head: police violence against the last generation?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Color attack on the Chancellery
t-online: “I may not survive this”
Tag24: Policeman kneels on young activist during climate protest: “Please get off my head!”
Welt: Activists smear the facade of the Chancellery with paint

1 & 1: Last generation smeared paint on the facade of the Chancellery
Abendzeitung München: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Allgäuer Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Anadolu Agency: 'Help! Your children': Government's climate policy protested in Berlin
B.Z.: Federal police officer kneels on climate teenager's head during arrest!
Badische Zeitung: Last generation smeared paint on the facade of the Chancellery
Berliner Kurier: “Last Generation” is daubed on the Chancellery
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protester: “If we continue like this, we will die”
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate movement in transition – the plans of the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Deutschlandfunk: Last generation smeared paint on the facade of the Chancellery
Eßlinger Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Frankenpost: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
FränkischerTag: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
gmx: Last generation smeared paint on the facade of the Chancellery
Haberler: 'Help! Your Children': Government's Climate Policy Protested In Berlin
Haller Kreisblatt: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
idowa: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
in Südthüringen: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: After the gluing campaigns are over – this is what the “Last Generation” is planning in Cologne
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Merkur: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
msn: “Last Generation” – Activists smear the Chancellery, police take action: “You are hurting her, totally unnecessary!”
Märkische Allgemeine: Activists of the last generation are again daubing the Chancellery
n-TV: Last generation smeared Chancellery Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation smeared Chancellery – 16 young people arrested
News Wall: Climate protectors under pressure: repression is increasing globally
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
nordbayern: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
OM Online: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
ProSieben: Arrests: “Last Generation” smears the Federal Chancellery with paint
Qatar Tribune: Climate activists spray paint on German chancellery
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Radio 901: Last Generation Smeared Facade Of Chancellery
radio Lippe: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Radio Siegen: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Rhein-Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
rnd: "Help! Your children”: Last generation smeared the facade of the Chancellery
RTL News: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Ruhr Nachrichten: Last generation smeared Chancellery Police arrest 16 activists
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Last generation smeared Chancellery – 16 young people arrested
Schwäbische: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
sh:z: Last generation smeared Chancellery – 16 young people arrested
Starconnectmedia: Last Generation climate activists attack German chancellery
Stern: Activists smear the facade of the Chancellery with paint
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
SWR News Zone: “Help – your children”: Chancellery smeared with paint
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
t-online: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
TIMETURK: 'Help! Your children': Government's climate policy protested in Berlin
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Vodafone live: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Volksstimme: Activists smear the facade of the Chancellery with paint
Volksstimme: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Webangah: Protests by German climate activists in front of the prime minister's office
Webmirko: Revolutionary graffiti: Last generation beautifies facades with paint
Welle-Niederrhein: Last Generation Smeared Facade Of Chancellery
yahoo!: Last Generation climate activists spray paint on German chancellery
Zeit Online: Activists smear the facade of the Chancellery with paint
Zeit Online: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Zeit Online: Environmental activists block Berlin's Elsenbrücke
«Лента.Ру»: Young eco-activists painted the Scholz department with calls for help

antenne 1: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
antenne bayern: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
antenne nrw: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation smeared Chancellery: Berlin police arrest minors with handcuffs
Berliner Zeitung (auf twitter): #LastGeneration protests in front of the #Chancellery in #Berlin Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Cellesche Zeitung: Before the OLG: “Last Generation” activist complains about being taken into custody by the Celle police
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation smeared paint on the facade of the Chancellery
Freie Presse: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Genios: Climate protectors are under pressure globally
IJmuider Courant: Climate activists besmeuren kantoor German bondskanselier
Mannheimer Morgen: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
msn: Climate activists smear the Chancellery
msn: “Last Generation” – Activists smear the Chancellery, police take action: “You are hurting her, totally unnecessary!”
Nordsee Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Radio FFH: Climate activists smear the Chancellery
radio Gütersloh: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
radio Herford: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
radio WAF: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
radio Westfalica: Berlin | Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
rbb24: Climate activists smear the Federal Chancellery in Berlin
Spiegel: The youngest of the last generation are smearing the Chancellery
Stern: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
Stern: Last generation sprays paint on the Chancellery and speaks of a “cry for help”
t-online: “Last Generation” smears the Chancellery with paint
Tag24: Last generation calls for help to the Chancellery and plays dead
Tagesspiegel: Bicycle demonstration and blockade in Friedrichshain
Tagesspiegel: "Help! Your children”:Last generation smeared paint on the facade of the Chancellery
ToppNews: “Last Generation” founder builds new movement
WAZ: “Older actresses are treated worse”
Welt: Last generation smeared paint on the facade
Welt: “Last Generation” smeared on the facade of the Chancellery
Welt: “Last Generation” founder builds new movement
WirtschaftsWoche: Last generation smeared facade of Chancellery
ZDF: 03 Fire for Future – The demo disaster

der Freitag: Quo vadis climate movement? About the future of “Fridays for Future” and “Last Generation”
Deutschlandfunk: The fear of the future of the young generation
extra 3 (auf youtube): Revolt and transition jacket | extra 3 from February 29.02.2024, XNUMX
Jung & Naiv (auf youtube): Carla Hinrichs, speaker of the “Last Generation” – Young & Naive: Episode 694
taz: Repression is increasing globally
VSUM: Topic 09: Climate journalism and activism

br24: “Beer Tent Rambos”: Schafroth’s reckoning with Söder and Aiwanger
UNECE: UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders

Berliner Morgenpost: Are winter sports about to end? CSU politician makes announcement
Der Postillon: No glue found: alleged terrorist Daniela Klette released again
Focus: At “Hard but Fair” CSU minister rails against the “German, only green white vests”
Frankfurter Rundschau: In “Hard but Fair” Messner taunts against climate glue – and yet demands the same thing
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Activists no longer want to stick to themselves - the judge agrees with that mildly
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Reinhold Messner calls for different Alpine tourism – and presents his own project
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Anyone who slips will fall
t-online: “We have a way out”
taz: “There is no balance with press freedom”

Badische Zeitung: The climate protest knows no borders: activists meet on the Europa Bridge near Kehl
Berlin Live: Berlin: New climate blockades – it’s different this time
Berliner Zeitung: Climate activists block streets in Berlin and threaten to go on hunger strike
br24: Jörg Alt, rebellious Jesuit priest: calls for resistance
Bürstädter Zeitung: That’s why the “Last Generation” no longer clings to itself
Echo: That’s why the “Last Generation” no longer clings to itself
Hart aber fair: Mountains without snow: no more winter sports?
Hochheimer Zeitung: That’s why the “Last Generation” no longer clings to itself
Main-Spitze: That’s why the “Last Generation” no longer clings to itself
msn: Climate terrorists stop traffic on bridge in Strasbourg, France
Radio Erft: Cologne: Proceedings against climate glue discontinued
Rico Grimm (auf twitter): Last generation: .. for the good of all...
S Mueller-Kraenner (auf twitter): that democracy only works without violence.
Welt: “We can learn to do without in Germany”

Allgemeine Zeitung (auf youtube): No more sticking for the last generation – Gude, Rheinhessen!
Badische Zeitung: The climate protest knows no borders: activists meet on the Europa Bridge near Kehl Mountaineering legend washes off climate glue
Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace: The circulation perturbée on the Pont de l'Europe par des manifestants against the réchauffement climatique
Hot climate topics: Trial against the pilgrim
Peter Jelinek (auf twitter): “Peasant protests” – climate terrorists
Schwarzwälder Bote: Climate protest over the Rhine near Kehl
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists block intersection in Berlin-Spandau

Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Activists abseil from the European Bridge between Kehl and Strasbourg
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: The climate catastrophe knows no borders: German-French protest on the Europa Bridge
msn: Climate Change Protest Bring Traffic to a Halt on Europe Bridge in Strasbourg, France
Teller Report: Last generation collects signatures: Get off the streets! Into parliament?

Badische Zeitung: Activists abseil from bridge on border with France
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation wants to block Elsenbrücke again at the beginning of March
Du bist Halle: “Climate Glue” actions in Halle cost the fire department 5.600 euros
Pforzheimer Zeitung: Activists abseil from bridge on border with France
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger: Climate adhesives are looking for a new role
RTL News: Activists abseil from bridge on border with France
Spiegel: Get off the streets! Into parliament?
Stern: Activists abseil from bridge on border with France
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists abseil from bridge on border with France
Tag24: Last Generation: Next Climate Protest Announced in Berlin!
taz: “It’s worth dreaming big”
Zeit Online: Activists abseil from bridge on border with France

br24: Bayern 2 debates: Protest in Germany – when we love it, when we hate it
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists want to block Elsenbrücke on March 2nd

22.02.2024 Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court overturns acquittal against climate activists
Baiz.Berlin (auf youtube): Lecture “Last Generation” with initial information about the change in strategy
Berlin Woche: “Last Generation” is expected to pay around 142.000 euros for cleaning the Brandenburg Gate
Deutschlandfunk: Berlin court confirms conviction for coercion - lawsuit over paint attack on Brandenburg Gate
Legal Tribune online: No acquittal for road blockade
NDR: Rostock: Acquittal for three representatives of the “last generation”
Ostsee Zeitung: After a demonstration at the Rostock Vorpommern Bridge: Last Generation climate activists acquitted
Passauer Neue Presse: Trial after lawsuit by climate activist dismissed
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Acquittal for climate adhesive overturned
The Limited Times: Klimakleber allegedly skipped court dates to cruise on the world's largest ship with a vehicle deck Adhesive ban trial canceled – City of Munich and climate activist from the “Last Generation” reach an agreement
WAZ: Climate protest in Duisburg: How much do activists have to pay?

ak – analyse & kritik: The last generation running for the EU elections is a bad idea
ARIVA.DE: Press statement: 'Nürnberger Nachrichten' on climate protests that are changing Press statement: 'Nürnberger Nachrichten' on climate protests that are changing
Bosetti will reden! (auf youtube): Bosetti wants to talk: The best news!
börsenNEWS: 'Nürnberger Nachrichten' on climate protests that are changing
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate bonding is probably reprehensible after all Press statement: 'Nürnberger Nachrichten' on climate protests that are changing
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Ask the State” boss has to go to court
Genios: Climate gluer from Western Pomerania convicted of bodily harm
Heute – Österreich: Strong ultimatum from the climate glue – otherwise THIS will happen
MarketScreener (DE): Press statement: 'Nürnberger Nachrichten' on climate protests that are changing
Merkur: Was it coercion? Acquittal for climate activists overturned
onvista: Press statement: 'Nürnberger Nachrichten' on climate protests that are changing
Passauer Neue Presse: First negotiations at the Passau regional and district court at the beginning of March
rbb24: Berlin public prosecutor's office brings charges against “FragDenStaat” editor-in-chief
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Traffic restrictions expected: Last generation demonstrates in Rostock
Spiegel: Court acquits Last Generation activist
Stern: Climate protests reprehensible: OLG overturns acquittal for Last Generation
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: OLG decides – road blockades by climate activists coercion?
SWR Aktuell: Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court overturns acquittal for climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Where does coercion begin?
Südwest Presse: Are road blockades by climate activists coercion?
Tagesschau 24: Kerstin Anabah, SWR, on the ruling of the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court on road blockades by a climate activist
Teller Report: Karlsruhe: Court acquits activist of the last generation
Vodafone live: Road blockades by climate activists coercion? Test
Vodafone live: Was it coercion? Acquittal for climate activists overturned
wallstreet online: 'Nürnberger Nachrichten' on climate protests that are changing
Welt: Was it coercion? Acquittal for climate activists overturned
yahoo!nachrichten: Climate protests reprehensible: OLG overturns acquittal for Last Generation
Zeit Online: Are climate activists missing a Karl Marx?
Zeit Online: Journalist wants to abolish law
Zeit Online: Trial after lawsuit by climate activist dismissed
Zeit Online: Publication ban: Journalist wants to abolish law

FaggotsForFuture (auf twitter): Speaking of “climate sticking” & “you shouldn’t blackmail the state”
Heinrich Strößenreuther (auf twitter): The rule of law and the executive branch are under scrutiny – and rightly so.
ka-news: “Climate glue case”: Karlsruhe court overturns acquittal!
ka-news: Protest of the Last Generation in front of the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court on February 20.02.2024, XNUMX
Legal Tribune online: Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court overturns acquittal of climate activists
mdr: Higher regional court overturns acquittal of climate activist
Merkur: Klimakleber allegedly skipped court dates to cruise on the world's largest ship with a vehicle deck
nd: Police spokesman Martin: “We can’t save the world”
open Jur: AG Freiburg im Breisgau, judgment of November 21.11.2022, 24 - 450 Cs 18098 Js 22/XNUMX
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate bonding is probably reprehensible after all
SWR Aktuell: OLG overturns acquittal for Freiburg climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Where does coercion begin?
Zeit Online: Are climate activists missing a Karl Marx?

B.Z.: The climate movement is producing very dangerous arsonists
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists are becoming more and more radical and are carrying out attacks
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation boycotts court hearings in Berlin and speaks of unconstitutionality
Südwest Presse: Climate activists are planning the next action next Sunday
t-online: Fast-track proceedings against “Last Generation” unconstitutional

ETL-Rechtsanwälte: Do the climate activists (last generation) lack the necessary intent when it comes to the possible damage to property (in this case, which is harmful to the community)?

17.02.2024 Climate criminal skips trial for cruise!
Blick: Climate activist skips his own trial – because of a cruise!

Berliner Zeitung: Last generation penetrates the Ministry of Transport: Volker Wissing files a complaint Climate criminal skips trial for cruise!
Focus: Vacation meltdown of the “last generation” Climate activist (54) skips court date – for a cruise to Norway!
Kronen Zeitung: €50.000 for Last Generation in just 6 hours
nd: The climate movement is moving – good for democracy
Nordkurier: Greifswald climate gluer convicted of bodily harm
Ostsee Zeitung: “Last Generation” wants to block the Rostock Western Pomerania Bridge: What is planned – and why
RTL News: It's stuck out! Climate activists are paralyzing traffic with new tactics
Schwäbische: Climate activist from Aalen commits crimes – and turns himself in
Stern: “Walking equipment” instead of glue: Last generation surprises with new form of protest
Strafrecht Siegen: Resistance to enforcement officers in accordance with Section 113 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code when stuck on the road
t-online: Climate activist skips court date for cruise
t-online: Coercion – verdict against climate activist is final

Berliner Zeitung: Revision: Last generation ends up before the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Blockades of the Last Generation in Hanover: Investigations discontinued
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Unusual compromise: Judge forces last generation climate activists to clean
Münstersche Zeitung: How a climate activist thinks about the end of sticking
n-TV: Last generation blocks the road with “walkers”.
Tag24: Last generation plasters federal authority and pillories blockade minister
WAZ: Criminal trial against four climate adhesives in Bochum collapsed
Welt: Berlin court – road blockades are coercion
Weser Kurier: Bremen's CDU wants to ask for climate adhesive to pay

B.Z.: 141.575 euros! Berlin is suing Klima-Glue
Berliner Zeitung: Verdict in Berlin: Road blockades of the last generation are coercion
Deutschlandfunk: Berlin court: Road blockades are coercion
Elektrizitätswerke Schönau: Activism in the dock
Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt: Against waste at the expense of the poorest
sh:z: Hate comment against climate adhesive: Man from Pinneberg district has to pay a fine
Spiegel: Lindner against the last generation
Tagesspiegel: The first trial date for the paint attack on the Brandenburg Gate has been set
Welt: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: lawsuit against activists
Welt: Court: Road blockades by climate activists are coercion
WirtschaftsWoche: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: lawsuit against activists

amnesty international: Immediate democracy
br24: The Last Generation - from the movement to political unification
Genios: “We want to bring the voice of resistance into parliament”
hessenschau (auf youtube): Students against the right | hessenschau Climate adhesive vs. asphalt cowboys: The bitter battle for Germany's roads
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: lawsuit against activists
Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium Itzehoe: Last generation visits the SSG
Tagesspiegel: The state of Berlin files a civil lawsuit against climate activists
Tagesspiegel: Road blockades by climate activists are coercion
Welt: Color attack on the Brandenburg Gate: lawsuit against activists

Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation wants to boycott court hearings
explainity® Erklärvideo (auf youtube): Last generation simply explained
Genios: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
hessenschau: Farmers’ protests – how high is the level of acceptance?
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: “Last generation”: breaking away from the glue image
sh:z: Last generation visits Itzehoe: panel discussion at the Sophie-Scholl-Gymnasium
Stuttgarter Zeitung: The new protest begins on March 16th
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The farmer who prefers to protest with the “last generation”.
Tag24: Last generation refuses court dates: “We stand by what we do – but …”
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation”: Climate activists want to boycott court hearings in Berlin
taz: “Bring resistance to parliament”
ZDF: Berlin directly from February 11, 2024

Deutschlandfunk: Last generation in parliament? Interview with Carla Hinrichs, LG spokeswoman
GRÜNE Stadt Celle: “Last Generation” is a guest at Green Date
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Last generation” blocks ring 1 – process
Leipziger Volkszeitung: “Our resistance is always non-violent” Leipzig woman wants to go to the EU Parliament for Last Generation

1 & 1: Last generation disturbs Lindner's appearance: Minister gives objection to activists
Berliner Morgenpost: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance in Leipzig
Echo: The last generation is damaging climate protection
fehmarn 24: “Distrust of political energy”: Why Germany has a difficult relationship with protest
gmx: Last generation disturbs Lindner's appearance: Minister gives objection to activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Distrust of political energy”: Why Germany has a difficult relationship with protest
Lokalkompass Duisburg: Both Block Road – …And Reap Different Reactions
Merkur: “Distrust of political energy”: Why Germany has a difficult relationship with protest
n-TV: “Climate choir” disrupts Lindner’s speech in Leipzig
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance in Leipzig Change of strategy in the last generation
RTL News: Climate activists disrupt Lindner event - then the finance minister's collar explodes
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance in Leipzig
Schwäbische Post: “Distrust of political energy”: Why Germany has a difficult relationship with protest
sh:z: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance in Leipzig
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: “Distrust of political energy”: Why Germany has a difficult relationship with protest
Westfalenpost: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance in Leipzig

Deutschlandfunk Nova: European Parliament
mdr: Police operation after verbal attacks against finance ministers in Leipzig
nd: Last generation crosses a border – into parliament
Schnack, Land, Fluss (auf Spotify): SPECIAL: The “Last Generation” – rioters spoiled by prosperity?
Spiegel: “Bring the resistance to the European Parliament”

Apokalypse & Filterkaffee (auf Podigee): Forever Young (With Jagoda Marinić and Katrin Eigendorf) – Last Generation Wants to Go to the European Parliament
Berliner Zeitung: 50.000 euros in six hours: Who supports the Last Generation?
Berliner Zeitung: Christian Lindner takes on the last generation: “The market economy is stronger than you”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation announces nationwide protest action – Berlin affected
Berliner Zeitung: According to the report of Berliner Zeitung: CDU politician calls for a judge to be examined
bw24: Climate movement “Last Generation” announces participation in European elections Climate Glue Party: This couple is supposed to lead the “Last Generation” into the EU Parliament
Die Sachsen: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during appearance
Echo: Why the last generation wants to be in the EU Parliament
Focus: “Last Generation” disrupts Lindner’s appearance – until the finance minister gets angry
Hannoversche Allgemeine: Graffiti of the last generation: regional president called as a witness
Heidelberg24: Climate movement “Last Generation” announces participation in European elections
Hochheimer Zeitung: Why the last generation wants to be in the EU Parliament
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Photos: Last generation disturbs talk with Christian Lindner
Leipziger Volkszeitung: “Last Generation” protests at the appearance of Finance Minister Christian Lindner in Leipzig
Main Post: Farmer meets “Last Generation”: Why are road blockades okay by farmers – but not by climate activists?
mdr: “Last Generation” wants to run in the European elections – Leipzig native is being discussed as the top candidate
Merkur: Climate Glue Party: This couple is supposed to lead the “Last Generation” into the EU Parliament
Merkur: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance
mittelhessen: “Last Generation” uses women’s carnival for protest action
nd: The last generation wants to bring resistance into parliament
Nurder Koch (auf twitter): @AufstandLastGen has @c_lindner […] that's the most beautiful thing I've seen today.
Radio FFH: Foolish action of the “Last Generation”
Schwäbische: Carla Hinrich's new plans: “Finally really shake things up”
SWR Aktuell: Climate activists of the “Last Generation” dress up statues in Mainz
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate glue – from the street to the European Parliament?
Südwest Presse: Breaking free from the climate glue image: the new protest of activists
t-online: Last generation is disturbed by Lindner's speech - he counters sharply
Tag24: Last generation wants to go to parliament: first goal achieved!
Tagesspiegel: The last generation wants to take part in the European elections
Utopia: “Bring resistance to parliament”: Last generation wants to run for election
Volksstimme: Lindner verbally attacked by activists during an appearance
wallstreet online: The last generation is running in the European elections

20 Climate gluers want to run in the European elections
Antenne Münster: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
B.Z.: Climate glue want to run as a party in the European elections!
Berliner Morgenpost: What chances the last generation has in the European elections
Bietigheimer Zeitung: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament Climate criminals want to run in the European elections!
br24: Last generation climate activists want to get into the EU Parliament
Der Standard: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Eßlinger Zeitung: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Frankenpost: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Protest can achieve more in parliament
General Anzeiger: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Haller Kreisblatt: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: activist sentenced to fine in Hamburg
Handelsblatt: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament European elections 2024: Last generation wants to run for the EU Parliament – ​​DER SPIEGEL
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Kreiszeitung Wochenblatt: The climate activism of the last generation: disruptive factor or justified resistance?
Kronen Zeitung: The last generation now wants to go to the EU Parliament
Kronen Zeitung: Poslední generace chce nyní vstoupit do Evropského parliamentu
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
L’essentiel: Climate gluers want to run in the European elections
Lokalkompass Duisburg: The Last Generation
Marktspiegel: Now the climate activists want to go to the European Parliament
mdr: “Last Generation” wants to run in the European elections – a woman from Leipzig could become the top candidate
Merkur: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
n-TV: The last generation is running in the European elections
n-TV: After the gluing campaigns end: Last generation reveals plan for the summer The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
NDR: Blockade of the Elbe bridges: fine for 59-year-old climate activist
Neue Presse: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: What chances the last generation has in the European elections
Nordbayerischer Kurier: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Ostfriesen Zeitung: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Radio RSG: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Radio Siegen: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
radio vest: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Radio Wuppertal: Last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Radio Zwickau: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
rbb24: “Last Generation” wants to go to the European Parliament
Rhein-Zeitung: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
RPR1.: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
RTL News: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Schwarzwälder Bote: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Spiegel: Last generation wants to run for EU Parliament
Spiegel: Would you choose the Last Generation?
Stern: “The party system is failing”: Now the last generation wants to get into the European Parliament
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Stuttgarter Zeitung: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
SWR News Zone: Last generation wants to go to the EU Parliament: Is that even possible? 🤔
Sä “Last Generation” wants to go to the European Parliament
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The last generation wants to run in the European elections
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Südkurier: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Südwest Presse: Parliament instead of sticky protests: Last generation is running in the EU elections
t-online: “Last Generation” plans to found a party
Tag24: Last Generation Wants to Run in EU Elections: Will Climate Glue Soon Mix Up Parliaments?
Tagesschau: Blockade of the Elbe bridges: fine for 59-year-old climate activist
Tagesschau: European elections 2024: “Last Generation” wants to go to the European Parliament The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Utopia: “Voice of those willing to survive”: Last generation wants to run for election
Vodafone live: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Volksstimme: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Welt: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament
Westfälische Rundschau: What chances the last generation has in the European elections
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Climate movement “Last Generation” announces participation in European elections
xity online: “Other political association”: Last generation wants to run in European elections
Zeit Online: The last generation wants to run in the European elections
Zeit Online: The last generation wants to go to the European Parliament

B.Z.: Judge on climate chaos: “Continue to follow your conscience”
Berliner Kurier: Berlin judge sentences climate gluer to prison labor
Berliner Morgenpost: Tree cut: Why an activist gets away scot-free
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin judge to climate activist: “I wish you all the best, follow your conscience” Judge on climate chaos: Follow your conscience
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” has to accept a bitter setback – “You can’t ignore that”
Merkur: “Last Generation” has to accept a bitter setback – “You can’t ignore that”
Stern: Proceedings over sawing off the top of a Christmas tree in Berlin have been temporarily discontinued
yahoo!nachrichten: Proceedings over sawing off the top of a Christmas tree in Berlin have been temporarily discontinued

Frankfurter Allgemeine: The climate gluers have not understood modernity
Tagesspiegel: From “climate stickers” to farmers’ protests: How far can resistance go in a democracy?

Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation ends blockades: Thank you, Klimakleber!
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The climate gluers have not understood modernity
Guardian TV: German climate activists to stop gluing themselves to roads
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “We don’t need that anymore”: climate gluers are giving away their adhesive
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” has to accept a bitter setback – “You can’t ignore that”
ITTAGESSCHAU: The climate adhesives will no longer stick
Merkur: “We don’t need that anymore”: climate gluers are giving away their adhesive
Merkur: “Last Generation” has to accept a bitter setback – “You can’t ignore that”
Stevinho: The climate adhesives will no longer stick
Südkurier: It's worked out: This is finally bringing climate protection out of the sleazy corner
t-online: What farmers and bus drivers can learn from the “last generation”.
The Limited Times: “Last Generation” has to accept a bitter setback – “You can't ignore that”
The Limited Times: “We don't need that anymore”: climate gluers are giving away their adhesive “We don’t need that anymore”: climate gluers are giving away their adhesive

24auto: No more sticky blockades: “Last Generation” wants to change protest strategy
Allgäuer Zeitung: The “Last Generation” also stops gluing activities in Kempten
ARD Audiothek: What is the last generation up to now, will 2024 be the year of strikes & how harmful are vapes?
B.Z.: This is where the climate gluers give away their glue
Berliner Kurier: “Last Generation” gives away its glue on Alex: “We don’t need it anymore” This is where climate criminals give away their glue
Der Montag: This is how the last generation protects itself against being classified as a criminal organization
Focus: Change of strategySuddenly, Berlin climate activists are giving away their glue
futurezone: Climate Glue Crisis: Activist Group on the Verge of Collapse
Heute – Österreich: Germans are giving up, but there's a new wave of climate adhesive here
Klima ohne Kleber: Climate protest in court in Bochum today
Mein Berlin: New forms of protest from the last generation: Glimmer of hope for the climate movement?
msn: Last generation distributes gifts in Berlin – “We don’t need that anymore”
msn: “Last Generation” gives away its glue on Alex: “We don’t need it anymore”
Nordkurier: Climate adhesive process in Western Pomerania costs taxpayers thousands of euros
rnd: No more climate bonding
Spiegel: Climate without glue
Südwest Presse: “Blocking traffic with tractors is much worse than a sit-in”
The Limited Times: “Last Generation” has to accept a bitter setback – “You can't ignore that”
WAZ: Four climate adhesives now have to go to court in Bochum
WDR: Traffic turnaround slowed down & climate adhesive removed

ARD Audiothek: Traffic turnaround slowed down & climate adhesive removed
Friedliche Sabotage: Turning point in the climate fight: from defending against climate collapse to fighting against climate collapse
idowa: Last generation Regensburg statues put on high-visibility vests
in Südthüringen: Fine for sit-in blockade in Mainz
klimareporter: End of climate glue, EU wants new climate target, parks under climate stress
Kronen Zeitung: Climate stickers want to continue pecking at streets
Mainzer Amtsgericht verurteilt Klima-Aktivist Raúl Semmler: The devil with glue on his hands
Merkurist: Mainz district court condemns climate activist Raúl Semmler
Märkische Allgemeine: Comment on farmers' demonstration with subsidized diesel at Wittstock: equal rights for climate glue
nd: Climate activists suspected as criminals – farmers not
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Fine for sit-in blockade in Mainz
Perspektive Online: The “Last Generation” stops sticking – what happens next?
RTL News: Fine for sit-in blockade in Mainz
Stern: Fine for sit-in blockade in Mainz
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Looking for the right path
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wave of protests, just different
Tag24: Also “Last Generation” at Firewall Against Fascism at the Bundestag in Berlin
Telepolis: Pasted out: Last generation wants to demand climate protection with a new strategy
Welt: Adhesive industry demonstrates against “Last Generation”
Welt: Climate bonding must become cultural heritage

24ds: Last Generation: The End of a Misunderstanding
Augustamax: “Last Generation”: That’s why the activists are changing their strategy – WELT
br24: Climate activist Johnsen: Traffic blockades even without sticking
Deutschlandfunk Nova: Why the “last generation” no longer wants to stick
Genios: Hands free
Genios: The wrong path of the climate adhesive
JustfactInfo (auf youtube): Loss of activists endangers last generation...
JustfactInfo (auf youtube): Revolution in the adhesive market: Last generation takes off
sonnenseite: “Last Generation” – The era of gluing is over

24auto: No more sticky blockades: “Last Generation” wants to change protest strategy
aviation direct: Hamburg Airport asks for climate adhesive to pay
Berliner Zeitung: The Last Generation: No more climate adhesives, but still maximally disobedient Yacht greasers face five years in prison Press statement: 'Frankfurter Rundschau' on climate protests of the last generation
Brisystem: Climate stickers no longer stick... activists have announced... no more sticking them to roads... no more blocking traffic
börsenNEWS: 'Frankfurter Rundschau' on climate protests of the last generation
Cartoon Movement: The Last Generation In Germany
Courrier international: The section of the Dernière Generation renonce aux blocages des autoroutes What’s next for the “Last Generation”?
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: After coercion and property damage: charges against climate activist in Dresden
EURACTIV Italia: The climate change of “Ultima Generazione” was immediately triggered by the protests
Falter: Germany's “last generation” is giving up sticking. Austria continues
Falter: Last generation: Germany no longer sticks – Austria continues – FALTER.morgen #748 Press statement: 'Frankfurter Rundschau' on climate protests of the last generation Is this the beginning of the end for climate adhesives?
Genios: Last generation no longer sticks
global°: “Last Generation” complains about the lack of popularity
Greentech.LIVE: Last generation no longer wants to be stuck on roads
Heute – Österreich: “Last Generation” continues to stick on Vienna’s streets
Karlsruhe Insider: No more sticking: climate activists announce huge changes
Kettner Edelmetalle: Change of strategy for the “Last Generation”: withdrawal from roadblocks
kindersache: “Last generation” will no longer stick to roads
Kleine Zeitung: German climate activists give up gluing – and in Austria?
Kleine Zeitung: The late discovery of climate adhesives
klimareporter: The era of gluing is over
Lübecker Nachrichten: After a paint attack on a yacht in Neustadt: charges against Last Generation
Marktspiegel: Road blockades should be a thing of the past – THAT is now planned!
mdr: Dresden public prosecutor's office brings charges against climate activist
Merkur: “Last Generation” has to accept a bitter setback – “You can’t ignore that”
msn: “Last Generation”: That’s why the activists are changing their strategy
msn: The end of “climate living”: The “Last Generation” and its strategy for 2024
NÖ In Lower Austria, the “last generation” wants to continue to stick to it
Osthessen News: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
ProSieben: New wave of protests? This is what the last generation is now planning instead of gluing
Spiegel: Nobody needs a tame last generation
Stern: Goodbye adhesive blockages: “The last generation can hardly expect a big increase in sympathy”
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: “I can achieve more in freedom than in prison”
Stuttgarter Zeitung: “I can achieve more in freedom than in prison”
Sä Dresden: “Climate gluer” charged with coercion and damage to property
Sä Dresden climate protest group plans another road blockade
t-online: The end of the hysteria
t-online: Now the “Last Generation” speaks
Tag24: Dresden climate gluer (21) is now on trial
Tagesspiegel: The end of climate clinging: “You can’t hope for too much from the new form of protest”
trend magazin: The end of “climate living”: The “Last Generation” and its strategy for 2024
untergrundblättle: Last generation presents strategy for 2024
wallstreet online: 'Frankfurter Rundschau' on climate protests of the last generation
WDR: Last generation no longer wants to stick
Welt: Climate bonding must become cultural heritage
Welt: “There aren’t enough people coming” – “Last Generation” complains about the lack of attendance “Last Generation”: That’s why the activists are changing their strategy
WorldNews: The Last Generation: No more climate adhesives, but still maximally disobedient
yahoo!actualités: The section of the Dernière Generation renonce aux blocages des autoroutes
Zeit Online: The end of a misunderstanding
Zeit Online: Uhu and out

24auto: No more sticky blockades: “Last Generation” wants to change protest strategy Activists announce new strategy: Has it now been “pasted out”? Last generation calls for “disobedient gatherings” at airports German climate activists to stop gluing themselves to roads
Baden TVSüd: Last generation no longer wants to carry out road blockades
Berliner Morgenpost: Last Generation: Willing to risk “mass arrests.”
Berliner Morgenpost: Protest without sticking: Good news for climate protection
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation” wants to avoid gluing
Berliner Zeitung: The climate gluers are giving up, but this is not the end of the last generation Interior Minister warns “last generation”
BNN: German Climate Activists Evolve Protest Tactics: From Blockades to 'Disobedient Assemblies'
BuzzFeed: That's why the last generation is no longer stuck
Cedarnews: German climate activists to stop gluing themselves to roads
Clean Energy Wire: Germany's Last Generation climate activists announce strategy change, ditch roadblock protests
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists plan demonstration on Tauentzienstrasse, Berlin, Feb. 3
Czechia Posts: Climate activists stop sticking to the road
Der Standard: Last generation wants to end sticking campaigns in Germany, but not in Austria
Der Westen: “Last generation” gives way – motorists’ association satisfied: “Cult-like” Last generation wants to end sticking campaigns in Germany, but not in Austria
Die Presse: Hardly anyone will shed a tear after climate bonding
Die Presse: The last generation no longer wants to stick to itself
Die Rheinpfalz: Editorial on the “Last Generation”: Remain unignorable!
euronews: Direct confrontation and larger gatherings: How German climate activism is set to evolve Berliner Morgenpost: Good for climate protection / Editorial by Thorsten Knuf about the new forms of action of the last generation
Focus: Old strategy team dismissed “Disobedient assemblies”: climate activists explain who they want to attack now
Frankfurter Allgemeine: What the last generation is planning now
Frankfurter Rundschau: That's why the last generation is no longer stuck
Frankfurter Rundschau: The last generation wants to avoid sticking in the future
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last Generation”: Saving the climate without gluing
Grenchner Tagblatt: Taped out: The last generation is changing its strategy - but its Swiss counterpart will continue to stick to the streets
Heute – Österreich: Climate adhesives are now changing their tactics
inkl: Climate Activists Shift Tactics, Abandon Gluing Roads in Germany
Journal Frankfurt: Last generation no longer sticks
Kleine Zeitung: “The confrontational tactic of sticking has exhausted itself”
Kronen Zeitung: Domestic climate activists want to “stick”.
Kronen Zeitung: Last generation discontinues gluing operations
Merkur: Climate adhesives put an end to it: the tipping point has been passed
Merkur: Climate glue no longer wants to stick: activist reveals what that means for Munich
n-TV: Last generation suffers from loss of activists
n-TV: The last generation no longer wants to stick together in the future
n-TV: Watching Last Generation could help Swiss climate activists want to continue sticking to the streets
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: “Last Generation” wants to avoid gluing
Neue Westfälische: Stop getting upset about sticking – get upset about climate change
NEWSTRAL: Farmers' Protests: Why Last Generation and Farmers Don't Protest Together “Last generation”: No more sticking – that’s what you’re planning to do now
niezalezna: Niemieccy ecoaktywiści rezygnują z przyklejania się do asfaltu
nordbayern: Last generation will forego gluing in the future “but it will remain unignorable”
Nürnberger Nachrichten: The climate stickers have damaged their goal - it's good that they want to protest differently
oe24: Climate adhesives no longer want to stick
Oltner Tagblatt: Taped out: The last generation is changing its strategy - but its Swiss counterpart will continue to stick to the streets
OM Online: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
ProSieben: Last generation no longer wants to stick: That's what the activists are planning now
Radio FFH: No more gluing in the future
Ratgeber25: “Last Generation” no longer wants to stick – and reveals a new strategy for 2024
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: The last generation no longer wants to stick to the streets
rnd: The End of Glue: What Can the New Last Generation Protest Look Like?
rnd: “We never took to the streets with the aim of making ourselves popular”
rnd: Don't worry about sticking anymore - get upset about climate change
SAT.1 NRW: Climate adhesives no longer want to stick
Sparneuwagen: Last generation ends roadblocks
Spiegel: Stick well!
Spiegel: Will you stick to the politicians' tables, Mr. Werner?
Stern: Last Generation Activist: “I’m relieved we’re no longer stuck together”
Stern: From a crisis of meaning to a change of heart: When the climate glue resorts to solvents
Stern: Why last generation and farmers don't protest together
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation wants to grow instead of sticking
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation changes its strategy – a good thing! Swiss climate activists plan to keep gluing themselves to roads
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” gives up sticking – “Protest form has exhausted itself”
SWR Aktuell: BW news ticker in the morning: “Last Generation” puts an end to road blockades, warning strikes at university hospitals, farmers’ demonstration in Stuttgart
SWR Aktuell: Last generation finishes gluing operations
SWR Aktuell: “Last Generation” does not use any adhesive actions
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” wants to avoid gluing
Süddeutsche Zeitung: At the end of gluing
Süddeutsche Zeitung: It has stuck out
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Glue and let it stick
Südwest Presse: Last generation with a new strategy – without gluing
t-online: “Last Generation” wants direct confrontation
t-online: Police make a clear statement to climate activists
Tagblatt: Taped out: The last generation is changing its strategy - but its Swiss counterpart will continue to stick to the streets
Tagesschau: BW news ticker in the morning: “Last Generation” puts an end to road blockades, warning strikes at university hospitals, farmers’ demonstration in Stuttgart
Tiroler Tageszeitung: The last generation wants to continue to “stick” in Austria: Road blockades are only over in Germany Climate glue no longer wants to stick: activist reveals new plans for Munich
UnserTirol24: Climate extremists no longer want to stick to their guns
Utopia: Last generation stops sticking – “but it will remain unignorable”
watson: Last generation no longer sticks: these are their motives Swiss climate activists want to continue sticking to the streets Change of strategy: “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to the streets
WAZ: “Last Generation” abandons roadblocks
WAZ: Protest without sticking: Good news for climate protection
WDR: Strike in public transport & clinics I Last generation gives up sticking I KaDeWe insolvent I 0630
Westfalenpost: Protest without sticking: Good news for climate protection
Westfälische Rundschau: Protest without sticking: Good news for climate protection Niemcy: Aktywiści klimatyczni zmieniają strategyę; never będą już przyklejać się do ulic
WorldNews: Farmers' Protests: Why Last Generation and Farmers Don't Protest Together
yahoo!nachrichten: Comment: The climate glue no longer sticks - what farmers can learn from the last generation
Zeit Online: Finally it's back to business
Zeit Online: The last generation is also changing its strategy due to a lack of popularity

   amnesty international: “Protest Can Be Uncomfortable”

1 & 1: Last generation: Climate activists will refrain from blocking roads in the future
abc News: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
Abendzeitung München: “We will remain unignorable”: Last generation announces surprising change in strategy
AD HOC NEWS: The activist group “Last Generation” no longer wants to stick themselves on streets in protest.
AD HOC NEWS: The dts news agency in Halle (Saale) is currently spreading the following lightning news from Berlin: “Last Generation” announces the end of the adhesive blockades.
Antenne Münster: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
AP News: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
B.Z.: Why the climate adhesives no longer want to stick
Badische Zeitung: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Badische Zeitung: The last generation wants to do without adhesive blockages - but remain unignorable
Berliner Tageszeitung: Last Generation Announces End of Road Blockades – New Strategy Planned
Berliner Zeitung: “Chapter ended”: Last generation no longer wants to block roads
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns Why the climate adhesives no longer want to stick
br24: “Last Generation” announces the end of the adhesive protests
br24: “Last Generation” announces the end of the gluing campaigns
City News Halifax: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
CityNews: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
Der Patriot: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Die Oberbadische: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Die Rheinpfalz: Last generation announces end of road blockades – new strategy planned
Digital Daily: “Last Generation” announces the end of the adhesive blockades
Digital Daily: “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to itself
Dorstener Zeitung: “Last Generation” ends sticking campaigns. Climate activists want to protest differently in the future
Du bist Halle: Pasted out: “Last Generation” with new forms of action – “disobedient events” planned
Express: “Last Generation” wants direct confrontation – no more sticking and blocking: a surprising turnaround
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to itself Urgent +++ “Last Generation” announces the end of the adhesive blockades
Focus: Activists announce “Last Generation” no longer wants to stick – and reveal new strategy for 2024
Frankenpost: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why apocalypse is well received, but nothing helps
Frankfurter Rundschau: Radical change of strategy: The “Last Generation” will change the way they protest in the future
frankfurtflyer: Climate adhesive from Sylt soon in court: “Last generation” faces high costs “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to itself Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Haller Kreisblatt: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Halterner Zeitung: “Last Generation” ends sticking campaigns. Climate activists want to protest differently in the future
Hasepost: Activist group “Last Generation” changes form of protest and demands
Hellweger Anzeiger: “Last Generation” ends sticking campaigns. Climate activists want to protest differently in the future
Hertener Allgemeine: “Last Generation” ends sticking campaigns. Climate activists want to protest differently in the future
Heute – Österreich: Climate adhesives are now completely unexpectedly changing strategy “Last Generation” announces the end of the adhesive blockades
independent: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
Junge Welt: Last generation wants to do without gluing The “last generation” – and then?
Kleine Zeitung: “Last Generation” announces new protest strategy for 2024
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation relies on new protest strategy for 2024
Kölnische Rundschau: Last generation relies on new protest strategy for 2024
L’essentiel: The last generation no longer wants to stick to itself
Marler Zeitung: “Last Generation” ends sticking campaigns. Climate activists want to protest differently in the future
Merkur: Gatherings instead of roadblocks: “Last Generation” wants to forego sticking campaigns
msn: Climate Activists in Germany to Abandon Gluing Themselves to Streets, Employ New Tactics
msn: Last generation announces: “Chapter of sticking and roadblocks ends”
Märkische Allgemeine: No more sticking: last generation announces end to road blockades
Märkische Allgemeine: Strike on public transport ++ Last generation no longer wants to stick ++ Princess Kate back home
n-TV: Last generation ends adhesive blockages
n-TV: Last generation no longer wants to stick to roads Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
News 89.4: Climate protection group wants to avoid adhesive actions
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Nordwest-Zeitung: “Last Generation” wants to avoid gluing
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt: Climate adhesives no longer want to stick
Presse Augsburg: “Last Generation” announces the end of the adhesive blockades
Presse Augsburg: “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to itself
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Radio 901: Climate protection group wants to avoid adhesive actions
radio Bielefeld: Berlin | Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Radio FFH: “Chapter Of Gluing And Road Blocking Ends
radio Lippe: Berlin | Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Radio Siegen: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
radio WAF: Berlin | Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
radio Westfalica: Berlin | Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Radio WMW: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
rbb24: “Last Generation” moves away from sticking campaigns
regionalHeute: “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to itself
regionalHeute: Last generation announces change of strategy
RP Online: “From now on we will protest in a different form”
RTL News: That's it with the climate stickers: activists now want something different
RTL News: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Ruhr Nachrichten: “Last Generation” ends sticking campaigns. Climate activists want to protest differently in the future
Salzburger Nachrichten: The climate protection group Last Generation wants to avoid sticking campaigns in the future
Schwäbische: Last generation no longer wants to stick
sh:z: Why the last generation wants to forego gluing
Spiegel: Climate adhesives no longer want to stick
SRN News: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
Stern: No more sticking: Last generation wants to stop roadblocks
Stern: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Stimberg Zeitung: “Last Generation” ends sticking campaigns. Climate activists want to protest differently in the future
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Last generation announces end to road blockades
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation announces end to road blockades
SWR News Zone: Last generation no longer sticks! These are the reasons
SWR News Zone: Last generation: No more sticking! ⛔
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Activists of the “last generation” no longer want to stick to themselves
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Tag24: Climate Glue Never Wants to Stick Again: Last Generation Plans Completely New Strategy
Tagesschau: No more sticking campaigns: “Last Generation” climate group with a new strategy
Tagesschau: Climate protest in Berlin: “Last Generation” moves away from sticking actions
Tagesschau: Climate activists no longer want to stick
Tagesschau 24: No more sticking campaigns: “Last Generation” climate group with a new strategy
Tagesspiegel: Last generation announces end to road blockades and sticking campaigns in Berlin
The Morning Sun: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
The Province: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
The Washington Post: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
tixio: “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to itself
ULM TV: “Last generation” no longer wants to stick to itself
Vodafone live: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Volksstimme: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
WAZ: Last generation no longer wants to “stick” – new strategy
WDBO: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
WeLiveInDE: We're still sticking to the city: Last generation
Welle-Niederrhein: Climate protection group wants to avoid adhesive actions
Welt: “Last Generation” announces the end of the road blockades
Westfalenpost: Last generation no longer wants to “stick” – new strategy
Westfälische Nachrichten: Court sentences climate activists after blockades on Warendorfer Strasse
Westfälische Rundschau: Last generation no longer wants to “stick” – new strategy
Winnipeg Free Press: Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics
ZDF: “The chapter of gluing ends”
Zeit Online: Climate protection group wants to forgo sticking campaigns
Zeit Online: Last generation doesn't want to block roads anymore

Die Tagespost: Pope Benedict and the true “last generation”
Hotel Hiddenseer: Climate activists and hostage-taking: Hamburg Airport is demanding millions in damages
Vodafone live: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers

27.01.2024 550000 euros fine demanded for climate chaos
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers
Hamburger Abendblatt: Hamburg Airport demands huge sums from Last Generation
KRO: How far should protest go?
Mittelbayerische: Criminalized climate stickers: When the apartment is searched for property damage
n-TV: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers
n-TV: Hamburg Airport is demanding millions in damages
NDR: Hamburg Airport demands compensation from climate activists
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: This is how much damages Hamburg Airport is demanding from climate activists and hostage takers
Offenbach-Post: From Last Generation to Aiwanger: Cabaret artist Florian Schroeder with an all-round punch
RTL News: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers
sh:z: This is how much damages Hamburg Airport is demanding from climate activists and hostage takers
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers
t-online: Airport demands compensation from climate activists and hostage takers
Tag24: Airport charges climate activists and hostage takers six-figure sums
Vodafone live: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers
Welt: Hamburg Airport is demanding high compensation from climate adhesives
Welt: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers
Zeit Online: Airport: Compensation for damages from climate activists and hostage takers

24ds: Climate, crises, super glue: Jakob Augstein speaks with activist Lea Bonasera
Berliner Zeitung: Instead of a mass blockade in Berlin: the last generation takes part in a demonstration against the right
der Freitag: Revolution or catastrophe – How do we save the climate? Jakob Augstein asks Lea Bonasera
Hamburger Abendblatt: Young criminals punished too leniently? CDU demands explanation
NDR: Color attack in Göttingen: activists sentenced to fine

agrarwelt: The last generation wants to storm the CDU/CSU stage – Merz stays cool
General Anzeiger: No consensus about gluing
idowa: Police prevent blockade action by the “Last Generation” in Regensburg
IN-direkt: Climate glue against farmers' protests
Merkur: “Every tree binds more CO₂”: Merz shoots against last-generation disruptors
Mittelbayerische: Regensburg: Last generation protest caused traffic disruptions
n-TV: Last generation crashes Merz performance
rnd: Climate activists disrupt Merz's appearance at Green Week
RP Online: “Hypocritical positions on climate policy” – climate activists disrupt Merz’s appearance
t-online: “Last generation”: Merz counters action
Tagesspiegel: “Gender and climate glue, these are not my topics”
top agrar online: The last generation wants to storm the CDU/CSU stage – Merz stays cool
WAZ: Climate activists disrupt Merz's appearance at Green Week
Welt: Video shows: Last generation disrupts Merz's performance - this is how the CDU leader reacts
Welt: “Last Generation” disrupts Merz’s appearance at Green Week

1 & 1: Is the last generation over?
agrar aktuell: Two years of climate glue: Is the last generation at the end?
B.Z.: Banner embarrassment for climate chaots at Merz's appearance
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activists disrupt Merz's appearance at Green Week
Berliner Kurier: “Last Generation” disrupts Friedrich Merz’s speech at Green Week
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation disrupts Merz's appearance at Green Week: This is how the CDU leader reacts (video) Banner embarrassment for climate criminals at Merz appearance
Deutschlandfunk: Civil Disobedience: How the Last Generation Approaches Church Congregations
Genios: Climate adhesives are firmly in place
Genios: Two years of “climate glue” – last generation in the dormant phase?
Leipziger Volkszeitung: “Last Generation” announces protest march in Leipzig on Wednesday
Main-Echo: Two years of “climate glue”: For a while, the environmental activists were making a lot of noise – things have now become much quieter – in the long run?
Merkur: First Dobrindt, now Lindner: ÖDP district councilor denounces finance minister – “agitation against the last generation”
msn: Actions by the “Last Generation” in Berlin – thousands of legal proceedings
msn: Actions by climate activists: More than 3700 cases against “Last Generation” at the Berlin public prosecutor’s office
msn: Two years of “climate glue”: Is the last generation at the end?
n-TV: Last generation bothers Merz with “shouting”
NDR: Climate activist in court for being stuck on the street
proplanta: Two years of climate glue: Is the last generation at the end?
ProSieben: Hardly any action left: Is the last generation at the end?
rnd: Climate activists disrupt Merz's appearance at Green Week - CDU boss calls them "screamers"
RP Online: Two years of “climate glue” – is the last generation over?
RTL News: Friedrich Merz insults climate glue
RTL News: Green Week in Berlin: Merz insults climate glue!
Stern: Two years of “climate glue”: Is the last generation now over?
Stern: Two years Last generation on the streets: Is the gluing over soon, Ms. Johnsen?
Stuttgarter Zeitung: The “Last Generation” achieved nothing
t-online: Climate adhesives disrupt Merz's appearance at Green Week
Tag24: “Last Generation” Interferes with Speech by CDU Boss Merz: Activist Pushed Off the Stage
Tagesspiegel: Is the last generation over?
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” disrupts Friedrich Merz’s appearance – banned from the house
Zeit Online: Climate activists disrupt Merz's appearance at Green Week

B.Z.: More than 3700 lawsuits for climate chaos in Berlin
Badische Zeitung: The “Last Generation” achieved nothing with their adhesive protest
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft: Disturb in American
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Proceedings discontinued after collision: No punishment for van drivers
MUCBOOK: A handful of courage: On the way to the IAA with a climate activist
nd: Two years of blockades: things are getting quiet for the last generation
NDR: Appeal process for the blockade of the Elbe bridges started
NDR: Trial against climate gluer in Oldenburg starts accompanied by actions
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: The “Last Generation” achieved nothing
Tagesspiegel: More than 3700 cases against “Last Generation” at the Berlin public prosecutor’s office
Utopia: Two years of “climate glue”: Is the last generation at the end?
Welt: Actions by the “Last Generation” in Berlin – thousands of legal proceedings

   Leipziger Zeitung: Marcel Fratzscher: Climate protest is much more important than the farmers' tractor protest Sylt: After the scandal in the summer - now it's time to tackle climate stickers!
VN Explorer: To support protest against the right: “Last Generation” cancels mass blockade in Berlin
wmn: Gluing for climate protection: This is how much money they collect per month

Hamburger Morgenpost: Last generation: Activist does not want to accept a fine

20.01.2024 Sylter Orange chaotics come to court
Frankfurter Rundschau: Frankfurt Regional Court: Climate adhesive, the next
Hamburger Morgenpost: Color attacks on Sylt have repercussions for “Last Generation”
Kieler Nachrichten: Climate glue in the sights of the judiciary
Kurier: Kempten: Climate glue in court
NDR: “Last generation”: Flensburg public prosecutor files charges
rnd: Color attacks on Sylt: members of the Last Generation accused
Spiegel: Flensburg public prosecutor's office is investigating Last Generation
Tag24: “We’re fed up!”: Last generation joins farmers’ protest
Tagesspiegel: The public prosecutor's office is charging ten activists from the “Last Generation” group
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” calls off mass blockade in Berlin

Ansage!: Farmers or climate glue: Who is the “last generation”? Last generation a criminal organization?
Augsburger Allgemeine: Posters for “Last Generation”: Police temporarily arrest two people
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Last generation smeared campus buildings – now the university and activists are commenting on it
Kieler Nachrichten: “Last Generation” as a criminal organization? “Supporters also make themselves punishable”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Accusations against members of the Last Generation
Zeit Online: Accusations against members of the Last Generation

Abendzeitung München: Cheering and anger: Why more people show solidarity with the farmers' protests than with the “Last Generation”.
Berliner Morgenpost: That's why Berlin is suing the Last Generation activists
Der Postillon: Lindner tries to get farmers on his side by strangling the unemployed
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Climate blockade at the Blue Wonder: Kleber condemned
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Last generation smeared campus buildings – now the university and activists are commenting on it
Genios: Climate adhesive from the Blue Wonder in court
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation blocks roads near the university
mdr: How the police deal with protests is becoming an issue in the state parliament
msn: Frankfurt Regional Court: Climate adhesive, the next
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Dear climate activists, please take a winter break
Nordkurier: Radical climate activist escapes punishment
radioeins: “The time for courage is now!” by Lea Bonasera
SWR Aktuell: Climate activist of the “Last Generation” in court in Mainz
Tagesschau: Climate activist of the “Last Generation” in court in Mainz
taz: Encouragement for farmers & the last generation – what professionals
Volksverpetzer: Analysis: Lindner plays the right-wing populist keyboard
wuppertaler rundschau: Survey: Understanding of the “Last Generation”?

Badische Zeitung: New strategy of the last generation in Freiburg – farmers’ protest week ends – ice wine harvest in Baden
Freie Presse: Organic farmer from Vogtland after protests: “Farmers and climate glue are on the same side in the end”
Gymnasium Münsingen: Seminar paper about the “Last Generation”
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Outrage after Lindner's speech at farmers' protests - Neubauer: "pathetic"
Kölnische Rundschau: Outrage after Lindner's speech at farmers' protests - Neubauer: "pathetic"
Leipziger Zeitung: Commentary on a speech: Christian Lindner and the farmers
loobloo tv: Better climate glue instead of farmers: Agricultural engineer on the arrogance of politicians against farmers
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Green Party politician hit during climate blockade in Halle: Criticism of Sebastian Striegel
sh:z: Dear climate activists, please take a winter break
The Canary: Three more scientists convicted in Germany over their part in climate crisis protests
UnserTirol24: Green MP hit by car during climate sticker blockade

Frankfurter Neue Presse: Last generation smeared campus buildings – now the university and activists are commenting on it
Frankfurter Rundschau: Roadblocks: Sticking as a bee
FränkischerTag: Bamberg: Are farmers allowed to do more than “climate glue”?
Hertener Allgemeine: Road blockade of the last generation escalates, car rams journalists and Green Party politicians Theologian: Climate activists deserve credit
mdr: “Last generation”: Judge warns those blocking the Elbe bridge in Dresden
mdr: A politician was hit by a car during a climate blockade
mdr: Green Party politician hit at climate demonstration in Halle: State Security investigates
mdr: Halle: State parliament member hit by car during climate protests
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: Green politician Striegel hit by car during climate blockade in Halle
Nurder Koch (auf twitter): Incredible! Also in the #tagesthemen – @c_lindner – continues to agitate against climate activists and those receiving civil benefit.
Offenbach-Post: Last generation smeared campus buildings – now the university and activists are commenting on it
Sä Dresden: Climate glue condemned after blocking the Blue Wonder
t-online: Green Party politician and press representative hit by car
taz: Small blockade – big climate issues
taz: New network against the right
watson: Farmer speaks about the need for farmer demonstrations: “Receiving little understanding”
Weltwoche: Better climate glue than farmers: Agricultural engineer on the arrogance of politicians towards farmers
Zevener Zeitung: Stuck: That's why a Zevener is protesting with the Last Generation

Die Rheinpfalz: Kinda flat: Why we now have to be more sensitive when dealing with climate adhesives
Du bist Halle: Last generation sticks to Paracelsusstrasse – state parliament member hit
Focus: During climate glue blockade: Driver hits Green Party politician in Halle and runs away
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Color attack at the Goethe University in Frankfurt
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation smeared university buildings
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Last generation attacks Westend campus: University building smeared with paint
Hildesheimer Allgemeine Zeitung: Uncompromising climate protests: private jet smeared, Berlin fir tree cut down, road blocked in Hildesheim - verdict against 23-year-old long-term activist
Merkur: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation hypothermia in Halle: car hits two people - glue can hardly be removed
msn: “Knowledge is responsibility”: Last generation daubs buildings on Westend campus with paint
Spiegel: Drivers want to avoid the blockade - and hit members of the state parliament
Spiegel: "Get lost! Get out!” – Farmers boo Lindner
Tag24: Protest of the last generation in Halle: Green politician hit by car!
Volksstimme: Last generation hypothermia in Halle: car hits two people - glue can hardly be removed
Volksstimme: With video: Last generation hypothermic in Halle: car hits people - road clear

rosenheim24: A lot of support for demos: “It’s now about a lot more” and “Every German is affected”
Tagesschau: Farmer blockades: police behavior becomes an issue in the state parliament – ​​dozens of reports
taz: The anger of the farmers

Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: Attack on yacht – cost shock for Pinneberg owner
Leipziger Volkszeitung: FFF Leipzig and agricultural collectives call for agricultural change: demonstration in pictures
mdr: Sympathy for protest by farmers versus frustration about climate protest
Merkur: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
Tag24: “Last Generation” Is Now Blocking Pedestrians In Dresden
Tag24: Climate activists destroy yacht from “Banana Willi”: Nobody can repair the damage

   t-online: Climate activist: “We are far more peaceful”

Allgäuer Zeitung: Do the police differentiate between farmers and climate activists?
ARD Audiothek: Farmers, railway workers, climate glue – how does protest work?
Badische Zeitung: Are farmers allowed to block the roads, but not climate glue?
Der Westen: Last generation now copies farmers’ protests: “We have a tractor”
DIW Berlin: Better to protest for climate protection
Dr. Christian Lübbers (auf twitter): how selfless the efforts of climate activists are.
Dr. Mark Benecke: The Last Generation In Prison (Part 7): Moritz
Echo: “Last generation” is now protesting with cardboard tractors
Frankfurter Rundschau: Lawyer explains: That's why farmers are allowed to block traffic and the "Last Generation" isn't
General Anzeiger: Politicians apply double standards to the farmers' demonstrations
Genios: Judge spares climate gluer
Heidelberg24: Last generation blocked Heidelberg rush hour traffic - Bergheimer Straße closed
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Why are farmers actually allowed to block traffic and the “last generation” not?
Kronen Zeitung: Last generation protests with children's tractors
mdr: “Last Generation”: Case against 25-year-old climate activist discontinued
Merkur: Lawyer explains: For two reasons, “Last Generation” has more trouble with the police than the blockade farmers
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Comment on the climate glue trial in Halle: Such demonstrators are not terrorists
mittelhessen: “Last generation” is now protesting with cardboard tractors
Ostthüringer Zeitung: What distinguishes farmers' protests from climate activists, Mr. Bauch?
Spiegel: Are farmers allowed to do what others are not allowed to do?
SWR Aktuell: Farmers, railway workers, climate glue – how does protest work?
SWR Aktuell: Ethical limits of protest
SWR Aktuell: Climate stickers and farmers disrupt traffic: When is protest legitimate?
Sä Saxony's Interior Minister praises cooperation in farmers' protests
t-online: Farmers' protest: Berlin is facing major traffic chaos
t-online: The Germans understand these road blockades
taz: A deal under time pressure
Welt: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
wuppertaler rundschau: “Last Generation” protest on the Wuppertal B7
Zeit Heute: Climate activist comments on farmer protests and “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Better to protest for climate protection

   Merkur: Climate glue from Dorfen: “We are being criminalized”

Bayreuther Tagblatt: Last generation blocks roads with (toy) tractors - a swipe at farmers' protests
Berliner Kurier: Climate adhesives block roads with mini tractors
Berliner Morgenpost: Renewed climate blockades related to farmers' protests
BremenNews: Climate adhesives block traffic in Bremen-Mitte
Der Westen: Last generation now copies farmers’ protests: “We have a tractor”
Du bist Halle: After action 11 months ago: Halle district court stops proceedings against “climate gluer” against a fine of 500 euros – judge: legitimate concern
Focus: Trial in HamburgKlimakleber drives everyone crazy with his appearance in court
Frankfurter Rundschau: Lawyer explains: That's why farmers are allowed to block traffic and the "Last Generation" isn't
Heidelberg24: Last generation blocked Heidelberg rush hour traffic - Bergheimer Straße closed
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Why are farmers actually allowed to block traffic and the “last generation” not?
L’essentiel: Climate activists protest with tractors
Legal Tribune online: That is why Berlin could classify the “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Merkur: Lawyer explains: For two reasons, “Last Generation” has more trouble with the police than the blockade farmers
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: “Concerns are entirely justified”: Judge stops the first climate adhesive trial in Halle
n-TV: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
ProSieben: Berlin: Last generation blocks roads and calls on farmers
ProSieben: Climate or farmers' protest? Last generation blocks with mini tractor
RTL News: Like the farmers: Climate adhesives rely on tractors out of frustration
RTL News: Like the farmers? Air conditioning adhesives now also block tractors
Stern: Glue or tractors: Who is allowed to paralyze traffic?
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate protest with cardboard tractors
t-online: Police end bizarre protest in front of RWE headquarters
Tag24: “Last Generation” With New Blockade Plans: Here Dresdeners Need Longer Tonight!
Weser Kurier: “Last Generation” blocked Bremen intersection with toy tractors

Abendzeitung München: Last generation: Climate activists block Stachus in Munich
agrarheute: Climate activists and farmers: what are the differences?
B.Z.: The embarrassing tractor envy of climate criminals
B.Z.: GDL strike, farmers' demonstration and now also climate glue
Baden TVSüd: Another road blockade in Freiburg
Badische Zeitung: The last generation is stuck on the Leopoldring in Freiburg
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
Berliner Kurier: Unbelievable: Berlin drivers spend so many hours stuck in traffic jams!
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
Berliner Zeitung: “We also have tractors”: Last generation blocks Berlin traffic again (video) The embarrassing tractor envy of the climate gluers “Last Generation” blocks Dresden’s southern suburbs with tractor signs
bonnesvacances: Munich News: Last generation: Climate activists block Stachus in Munich
br24: Climate activists with mini tractors get stuck in Passau
br24: Climate activists protest with mini tractors
buten un binnen: Climate activists stuck themselves in the city of Bremen - streets are open again
BuzzFeed: Boomers hate this trick: Last generation turns heads in tractors
der Freitag: Peasant protests and the last generation: “Here we are again at coercion”
Der Westen: Is the last generation now taking farmers as a role model? “You can be excited!”
Deutschlandfunk: Protest researcher: Overwhelmingly positive view of traffic blockades “Last generation” was used to roll the wheels and use the tractor!
Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten: Climate adhesives are steered off the street
Du bist Halle: “We have a tractor”: Climate demonstrators of the “Last Generation” crept through Halle (Saale).
Focus: Trial in HamburgIn court, “climate glue” drives the judge crazy with gender demands
Focus: “There was a lot of irritation” Climate-adhesives complain to court about unknown solvent
Frankfurter Rundschau: Lawyer explains: That's why farmers are allowed to block traffic and the "Last Generation" isn't
Frankfurter Rundschau: “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers Legality distinguishes farmer blockades from climate blockades
H@llAnzeiger: “Last Generation” demonstrated in Halle on Wednesday
Hallo München: “Last generation” climate stickers stop traffic at the Stachus in Munich – police solve the blockade
Harz Kurier: Tractor blockages vs. climate adhesive: Is there a difference?
Heidelberg24: “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Why are farmers actually allowed to block traffic and the “last generation” not?
HL-live: Last generation: statues with high-visibility vests
in Südthüringen: Thuringian farmers are not climate gluers
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Last generation shows solidarity with farmers – joint demonstration planned
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Blockade on Jahnallee
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Protest with tractors: “Last Generation” blocks 45 minutes of Jahnallee in Leipzig
Leipziger Zeitung: Reference to farmers' protest: “Last Generation” blocks Jahnallee with toy tractor + video
Merkur: Farmer blockades inspire climate glue: “Register twenty meetings at once”
Merkur: Climate stickers block Stachus: Traffic briefly paralyzed due to road blockade in Munich
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: With video: Last generation demonstrates in Halle: Hochstraße closed on Wednesday afternoon
msn: Climate or farmers' protest? Last generation blocks with mini tractor
msn: Climate stickers block Stachus: Traffic briefly paralyzed due to road blockade in Munich
msn: Is the last generation now taking farmers as a role model? “You can be excited!”
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation blocks traffic in Berlin - and refers to farmers' protests
NEWSTRAL: With a toy tractor on the street: “Last Generation” blocks the main street in Leipzig in both directions – protest ended
Nietzsche (auf twitter): Freak, who doesn't at least have to smile. – Chapeau, – @UprisingLastGen
Nordkurier: Radical climate protectors – almost 1200 crimes committed by “Last Generation”
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt: Last generation shows solidarity with farmers
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Farmers' Protests: The Last Generation of Farmers
Radio Leipzig: “Last Generation” blocks Jahnallee in Leipzig
rbb24: “There is a risk that the state will lose more and more authority”
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Last generation blocks road with mini tractor (photo gallery)
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Last generation demo in Heidelberg
rnd: Sitting on a toy tractor: Last generation blocks main street in Leipzig
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Farmers' Protests: The Last Generation of Farmers
Schweriner Volkszeitung: Last generation blocks traffic in Berlin - and refers to farmers' protests
Schwäbische Post: “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers
Schwäbischs Tageblatt: Farmers: Last generation demonstrates – farmers convoy changes route
sh:z: Farmers' Protests: The Last Generation of Farmers
sh:z: Last generation blocks traffic in Berlin - and refers to farmers' protests
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists block with cardboard tractors
Sä After farmers' protests: “Last Generation” blocks intersection in Dresden
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Listen, we have tractors”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
Südwest Presse: Because of activists: tractor convoy in Tübingen is redirected
t-online: “Last generation” blocks with mini tractor
t-online: Farmer's wife pushes police officers in front of her with a tractor
t-online: Climate activists are now also protesting with tractors
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocks Fritz-Löffler-Strasse With “Tractors”
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocks Jahnallee And Mimics Farmers’ Protests: “We Have A Tractor!”
Tag24: Last generation with a new protest strategy: “We have tractors, we can do that!”
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists stick to Insbrucker Platz in Berlin Climate stickers block Stachus: Traffic briefly paralyzed due to road blockade in Munich “Last generation” climate stickers stop traffic at the Stachus in Munich – police solve the blockade “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers
Vodafone live: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
Volksstimme: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests
Welt: Bobby car instead of glue – How the “Last Generation” tries to tap into farmers’ sympathy
Welt: GDL strike, farmers' protests, climate glue - how parts of Germany are being paralyzed
Werra-Rundschau: “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers
Weser Kurier: “Last Generation” has blocked another street in the city of Bremen
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Last generation activists block B7 in Wuppertal
wochentlich: “Last generation” blocks with mini tractor
Zeit Heute: “Last generation” blocks with mini tractor
Zeit Online: Climate activists block traffic: reference to farmers' protests

1 & 1: That's why the population has more understanding for farmers than for road glue
Allgemeine Zeitung: Good farmers, bad climate glue? The differences between the protests
BADEN ONLINE: “Climate glue” comparison: Farmers are angry with Oberkirch’s Mayor Bühler
Berliner Kurier: The farmers are not climate gluers! Climate blockers sat on farmers' protests
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Road blocked in Wolfsburg: trial against three climate stickers
Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Lawyer explains: That's why farmers are allowed to block traffic and the "Last Generation" isn't
Frankfurter Rundschau: “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers
General Anzeiger: Fines for Bonn residents after the “Last Generation” protest
idowa: Regensburg climate activist sentenced to prison Comparison with “climate adhesives” – the Upper Franconian farmers’ president is bursting
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Kölner Strasse blocked – “climate gluer” complains to court about solvents
Main Post: “I would advise climate stickers the same thing”: How CSU man Vogel explains his legal tips for protesting farmers
Merkur: Farmer blockades inspire climate glue: “Register twenty meetings at once”
Merkur: “Farmers are not climate gluers”: Demo on Odeonsplatz ended – Green MP booed
msn: “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers Now climate activists are mingling with the protesting farmers
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Does the tractor beat the superglue?
SWR Aktuell: Farmers and “Last Generation”: Why politics in BW reacts differently to this
Südwest Presse: “Last Generation” Reutlingen criticizes double standards in politics
Tagesschau: Farmers and “Last Generation”: Why politics in BW reacts differently to this
The Limited Times: Farmers' blockades inspire climate glue: “Register twenty meetings at once”
Voice of Europe: Climate activists unilaterally join farmers' protests in Dresden, but diverge on demands
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “We understand the frustration”: The last generation shows solidarity with the farmers

Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Deutscher Bundestag: Crimes committed by the “Last Generation” group
Du bist Halle: Last generation blocked the elevated highway for a protest march on Wednesday afternoon
Focus: Social researcher analyzes why the population supports the farmers more than the climate activists
Focus: Texts about last generationAnti-blockade article from farmers' magazine is torn up on the Internet
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Whoever paralyzes democracy
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation in Hamburg: “We are the fire alarm against the climate catastrophe”
Hamburger Morgenpost: With gendering and constant provocation: “Climate Glue” really gets on Richter’s nerves
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Why are farmers actually allowed to block traffic and the “last generation” not? Farmer protests versus climate glue: What if the headlines were like this?
Main Post: Würzburg criminal lawyer: Farmers should not “demonstrate” themselves out of society like “climate glue”
Merkur: Farmers and the last generation – why the protest is assessed so differently
Merkur: Farmer blockades inspire climate glue: “Register twenty meetings at once”
Merkur: Why are farmers actually allowed to block traffic and the “last generation” not?
msn: Protests and double standards: crying with Habeck, remaining silent towards the farmers
Märkische Allgemeine: Criticism of farmers' protests: FDP politician Teuteberg draws parallels to the “Last Generation”
NDR: “Last Generation”: 41-year-old in court for road blocking
ProSieben: Legitimate for the farmers, but not for the last generation: Dobrindt supports the tractor protest
RP Online: The art of successful protest
Sä What the farmers’ protests and the “Last Generation” have in common
Süddeutsche Zeitung: That's not a necessity
t-online: “Worse than the last generation”
Telepolis: Protests and double standards: crying with Habeck, remaining silent towards the farmers Why are farmers actually allowed to block traffic and “last generation” climate adhesives are not?
watson: Tractor instead of glue? Why farmers are no better than the last generation
WAZ: Attack on climate adhesive in Bottrop: photo search planned
Welt: Constitutional lawyer explains what distinguishes tractor blockades from climate glue campaigns
Wolfsburger Allgemeine: Wolfsburg climate adhesive in court – objection to punishment orders

B.Z.: Climate radicals demonstrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Berliner Morgenpost: Court departments for lightning trials in Berlin dissolved
Berliner Zeitung: Blockades: If climate activists are allowed to protest, farmers have at least the same right
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation protests with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Der Westen: Farmer protests enforced with radical methods? “What the last generation learns from it”
Deutschlandfunk: “Not expedient” - Tiergarten District Court closes two departments for accelerated proceedings
Du bist Halle: Demo day on Wednesday: Farmers paralyze the highways, the last generation paralyzes the city center of Halle
Merkur: Farmers, train drivers, the last generation and the right: A country in turmoil
Stern: Climate activists demonstrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists demonstrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate
t-online: “Farmers’ protest will cut us off from the outside world”
t-online: Police take a swipe at “Last Generation” protest
Tag24: Last generation with sandbags in front of the Brandenburg Gate: “We do it ourselves”
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” demonstrates in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Vodafone live: Climate activists demonstrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Volksstimme: Climate activists demonstrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate
Welt: “Last Generation” is now a brand
Zeit Online: Climate activists demonstrate in front of the Brandenburg Gate

Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Der Westen: Farmer protests enforced with radical methods? “What the last generation learns from it”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Speaker of the Last Generation sentenced to prison - she cried in court
regionalHeute: Berlin's fast-track proceedings against climate activists are having little effect
SWR Aktuell: Farmers or climate activists: Why blockades are not immediately well received
Unternehmen-heute: Berlin's fast-track proceedings against climate activists are having little effect
Welt: Why Berlin's judiciary is failing with “quick trials” against climate stickers
wochentlich: Fast-track proceedings against climate adhesives in Berlin are about to end
ZDF: Expert: There is no “one” farmer protest

B.Z.: Slowik: “We have to stop financial flows of the last generation”
Berliner Zeitung: The last generation in hibernation: what is the movement planning in 2024? Stop financial flows for climate criminals “Angry farmers behave like climate glue”
Der Postillon: Police: “We were powerless against the farmers because they didn’t hold on”
Deutschlandfunk: Farmer protests: A lot of anger, little recognition
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The last generation of the peasantry
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Freight forwarders are angry, but: “We are not climate gluers”
Nord 24: As bad as the “climate glue”: horror at protests against Habeck
regionalHeute: After the Habeck blockade: treat farmers and climate glue equally
sh:z: Farmers and the “Last Generation”: Politicians and society apply double standards
sh:z: Why society tolerates farmers' protests but not climate activists
Stephan Anpalagan (auf twitter): If that had been the last generation on the shore...
taz: Get rid of the pitchfork
WAZ: Police fees: Are farmers in North Rhine-Westphalia threatened with climate sticker penalties?
Welt (auf youtube): POLICE: “What awaits us next week is something completely different!” Angry farmers stop Habeck ferry!
WirtschaftsWoche: Farmers' protest escalates: There has to be a bit of clannishness now

AD HOC NEWS: Last year, the police were deployed significantly more often due to Last Generation protests and blockades.
Aussiedlerbote: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Aussiedlerbote: Berlin records 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Aussiedlerbote: Police: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in 2023
Aussiedlerbote: SPD: Treat protesting farmers like climate activists
B.Z.: Climate stickers often slow down Berlin traffic
Berliner Abendblatt: Police: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in 2023
Berliner Kurier: Balance sheet for 2023: Climate adhesive cost the Berlin police 320.000 working hours
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: There were so many disruptive actions in Berlin
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Police: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in 2023
bigFM: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists This is how climate criminals make big profits
bildungsklick: Act before the climate changes
br24: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Deutschlandfunk: Court confirms suspended sentence for “Last Generation” spokeswoman for sit-in blockade
Eßlinger Zeitung: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Focus: SPD in Bavaria wants the police to treat farmers in the same way as climate glue
Frankenpost: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Convinced I did the right thing”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Speaker of the Last Generation sentenced to prison - she cried in court
hessenschau: “Last Generation” activist sentenced to suspended sentence
hessenschau: A dialogue that isn't one - and a final warning
in Südthüringen: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
katapult-mv: Peasant protests against Last Generation
Kosmo: Court hearing: spokeswoman for Klimakleber has to go behind bars
Merkur: Germany's CO2 emissions are falling: The “last generation” can be happy, but they don't
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Police: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in 2023
msn: Balance sheet for 2023: Climate adhesive cost the Berlin police 320.000 working hours
msn: Last generation: Hinrichs sentenced to suspended sentence
n-TV: Berlin records 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Neue Presse: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Nordkurier: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt: Last generation could rejoice, but they don't
Obermain-Tagblatt: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
ProSieben: Last-generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
Radio Hochstift: Berlin | Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Radio Köln: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Radio Regenbogen: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Radio RSG: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Radio Siegen: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
rbb24: Berlin police record a significant increase in climate blockades
RP Online: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
RP Online: “We don’t want to become climate glue 2.0”
RTL News: Police: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in 2023
Rundfunkforum: The Last Generation: Permissible or even necessary protest or criminal organization?
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Police: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in 2023
Spiegel: Police register 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in Berlin
Stern: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
t-online: Climate activist condemned: “I did the right thing”
t-online: Do protesting farmers also want to block highways?
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Police Take Stock of Climate Radicals
Tag24: Spd: Police Must Treat Protesting Farmers Like “Last Generation”
Tagesschau: Annual balance 2023: Berlin police record significant increase in climate blockades
Tagesspiegel: 550 protests and blockades in the last two years
Telepolis: Climate activism in court: acquittals have so far been the exception SPD on the farmers' demonstration in Munich: Treating demonstrating farmers like climate activists - CSU counters
watson: Last generation: Carla Hinrichs convicted – rightly? Decision divides
WAZ: CSU wants stricter punishments for climate activists and Israel agitation
Welt: Berlin police count 550 climate disruptive actions in 2023
Welt: “Last Generation” speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
WirtschaftsWoche: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Zeit Online: Berlin police counted around 2023 actions by climate activists in 550
Zeit Online: Berlin police count 550 disruptive actions by climate activists
Zeit Online: Police: 550 disruptive actions by climate activists in 2023
Zeit Online: SPD: Treating protesting farmers like climate activists

   Eimsbüttler Nachrichten: Last generation – (no) future

Aussiedlerbote: Last Generation spoke sentenced to probation
Aussiedlerbote: Sentenced to probation for pasting campaign in Frankfurt: Last Generation sentenced to probation
Aussiedlerbote: Spokeswoman for the Last Generation receives suspended sentence
B.Z.: This is the climate criminals' New Year's plan
B.Z.: Speaker of the “Last Generation” condemned
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
Berliner Zeitung: Large demonstration in Berlin: Will Cem Özdemir face the anger of the farmers again?
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Climate activist Carla Hinrichs sentenced – tears in court This is the climate criminals' New Year's plan Climate criminals in prison! Speaker of the Last Generation condemned
Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Echo: Verdict passed: last-generation speaker in court
Focus: Paper for the closed meeting - CSU wants to get climate glue into jail faster
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Speaker of the Last Generation sentenced to probation
Frankfurter Rundschau: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Frankfurter Rundschau: District Court: Last Generation Activist Remains Convicted
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
hessenschau: “Last Generation” activist sentenced to suspended sentence
idowa: CSU: Stricter punishments for climate activists and Israel agitation
Main-Spitze: Verdict passed: last-generation speaker in court
Merkur: CSU wants tough penalties for climate glue: resolution paper shows details
mittelhessen: Verdict passed: last-generation speaker in court
n-TV: Blockade: Speaker of the Last Generation in court
n-TV: CSU calls for prison sentences for climate glue
n-TV: Speaker of the Last Generation receives a suspended sentence
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation: Speaker Carla Hinrichs receives suspended sentence
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
regionalHeute: CSU wants significantly tougher punishments for “climate disasters”
rnd: Last-generation activist Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – tears in court
RTL News: Blockade: Speaker of the Last Generation in court
sh:z: Last generation: Speaker Carla Hinrichs receives suspended sentence
Spiegel: Speaker of the Last Generation sentenced to probation
Stern: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blockade: Speaker of the Last Generation in court
Süddeutsche Zeitung: CSU: Stricter punishments for climate activists and Israel agitation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
t-online: CSU calls for harsher punishments for climate activists
Tag24: Verdict: “Last Generation” climate activist narrowly escapes jail
Tagesschau: Suspended sentence for speaker of the “Last Generation”
Tagesspiegel: Last Generation spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs convicted
Teller Report: Carla Hinrichs: Spokesperson for the Last Generation sentenced to suspended sentence Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: Spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs sentenced to probation
Vodafone live: Blockade: Speaker of the Last Generation in court
Vodafone live: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
Zeit Online: CSU calls for harsher punishments for climate activists and Israel agitation
Zeit Online: Last generation speaker sentenced to suspended sentence

Der Westen: Farmers as bad as last generation? “Where’s the outcry?”
Hersfelder Zeitung: 7 political changes we want for 2024
Jung & Naiv (auf youtube): Maja Göpel on the power of the rich, systemic change & the “Delta of Doom” (from minute 28:30)
Main Post: Odeon, sit-in, Edeka strike: These 10 articles were most read in Würzburg in 2023

gmx: Blocking, sticking, smearing: The last generation 2023
mdr: Climate protectors and climate Shakira
Merkur: Investigation mishap in climate adhesives – authorities have to release 725.000 euros
Merkur: “Merry Crisis”: Climate Shakira gets a strange Christmas present
Mittelbayerische: Between blockages, color and process: The battle of climate adhesives
Spiegel: “Such an operation can have serious consequences for those affected.”
taz blogs: Tractors instead of glue
The Limited Times: “Merry Crisis”: Climate Shakira gets a curious Christmas present