
Fulda resistance group

From Training

Please register in advance at the email address provided.



We have a plan of civil resistance. Just come by and listen to a lecture!

21.02.202519:30LübeckHouse of Cultures, Parade 12, 23552 LübeckHendrik[email protected]

Disobedient gatherings

Come to the streets with us – we must communicate the urgency of the crisis. Even if you would like to express your solidarity or get to know us, we look forward to your participation. Bring your friends, families and colleagues with you!


Court dates

The following court dates are scheduled:

Program Time of dayLocationStreetjudgeAccusedInfoFile number
14.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Fri)08:30AG NurembergFürther Straße 110, Room 126 1st floorRn AG PilartzKirchentag blockade405 Cs 404 Js 54519/24
14.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Fri)08:30AG NurembergFürther Straße 110, Room 126 1st floorAndrea R.Blockade of the Church Congress405 Cs 404 Js 54519/24
17.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Mon)09:30LG FreiburgSalzstraße 17, Saal Tagungssaal I, EG6/23 7 NBs 450 Js 18115/22
17.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Mon)13:45AG NurembergFürther Straße 110, Room 50Maike G.road blockade summer 2363 Cs 401 Js 56717/24 jug
17.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Mon)13:45AG NurembergFürther Straße 110, Room 50Maya W.road blockade summer 2363 Cs 401 Js 56717/24 jug
18.02.25 (Tue)09:00AG Tiergarten BerlinKirchstraße 6, Hall 3105Katharina N.326 Ds 1015/24 237 Js 2502/24
18.02.25 (Tue)09:00AG Tiergarten BerlinKirchstraße 6, Hall 3105Lio G.(248 Cs) 237 Js 160/23 (57/23)
18.02.25 (Tue)09:30LG Berlin BerlinWilsnacker Str. 4, Room A729Appeal(248 Cs) 237 Js 160/23 (57/23)
18.02.25 (Tue)11:15AG AschaffenburgErthalstr. 3, Hall Meeting Room 62, Ground floorRn AG GrohmannJulian BClimate Show meeting management
18.02.25 (Tue)11:15AG AschaffenburgErthalstr. 3, Hall Meeting Room 62, Ground floorRn AG GrohmannJulian BClimate Show meeting management
21.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Fri)09:15AG Tiergarten BerlinKirchstraße 6, Hall K3007 (3rd floor)Julia B.306 Cs 1100/24 235 Js 3595/24
21.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Fri)10:15AG Tiergarten BerlinKirchstraße 6, Hall K3007 (3rd floor)Julia B.
24.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Mon)09:00AG MunichNymphenburger Straße 16, Room A124 1st floorRegina S.Harmful damage to property, proceedings against hail protest in the Munich state parliament1033 Ds 501 Js 640/23 jug
24.02.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Mon)10:45Freiburg District CourtHolzmarkt 2, Meeting Room 18, 1st floorMax G
25.02.25 (Tue)09:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Maya W.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, disruption of public services (Last Generation Airport Action on 08.12.2022), joint trial of all accused activists304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)09:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Kevin HTrespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, disruption of public services (Last Generation Airport Action on 08.12.2022), joint trial of all accused activists304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)09:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Jens V.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, disruption of public services (Last Generation Airport Action on 08.12.2022), joint trial of all accused activists304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)09:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Michael W.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, disruption of public services (Last Generation Airport Action on 08.12.2022), joint trial of all accused activists304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)09:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Judith B.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, disruption of public services (Last Generation Airport Action on 08.12.2022), joint trial of all accused activists304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)09:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Malte N.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, disruption of public services (Last Generation Airport Action on 08.12.2022), joint trial of all accused activists304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)09:45Erding AG3Ronja K.aiding and abetting the airport blockade307 Cs 300 Js 18986/24
25.02.25 (Tue)13:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Michael W.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, continuation of proceedings for disruption of public services (airport)304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)13:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Judith B.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, continuation of proceedings for disruption of public services (airport)304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)13:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Malte N.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, continuation of proceedings for disruption of public services (airport)304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)13:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Maya W.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, continuation of proceedings for disruption of public services (airport)304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)13:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Kevin HTrespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, continuation of proceedings for disruption of public services (airport)304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
25.02.25 (Tue)13:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Room E.0.14Jens V.Trespassing, disruption of public services, § 11 LuftSiG, continuation of proceedings for disruption of public services (airport)304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
26.02.25 (Wed)11:15AG BraunschweigAt Martinikirche 8, Hall E 07NSZ 17 Cs 701 Js 62614/23 (98/23)
26.02.25 (Wed)11:15AG BraunschweigAt Martinikirche 8, Hall E 07Angela Ruth M.312 Cs 188/23 - 278 Js 243/23
27.02.25 (Thu)09:00LG Göttingennor unbekanntNZS 17 NBs 300 Js 19770/23
27.02.25 (Thu)09:00LG Nürnberg-Fürth14415 Nbs 402 Js 64911/22
03.03.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Mon)10:30AG BraunschweigAn der Martinikirche 8, Hall E07Judge Langkopf"Concrete Hand Blockade" from August 10.08.23, XNUMXNZS 11 Cs 703 Js 72439/23 (229/23)
04.03.25 (Tue)09:00Erding AGConference Room 1, Ground Floor, Room E.0.14Judith B.2nd day of the trial, disruption of public services (Last Generation Airport Action on December 08.12.2022, XNUMX), joint trial with all accused activists304 Ds 300 Js 39302/22 jug
06.03.25 (Thu)09:00AG MunichNymphenburger Straße 16, Hall A 117811 Ds 113 Js 112381/24
06.03.25 (Thu)09:00AG MunichNymphenburger Straße 16, Hall A 117811 Ds 113 Js 112381/24
06.03.25 (Thu)09:00AG MunichNymphenburger Straße 16, Hall A 117811 Ds 113 Js 112381/24
06.03.25 (Thu)09:00LG Göttingensee noticeNZS 17 NBs 300 Js 15456/23 (24/25)
06.03.25 (Thu)09:00AG MunichNymphenburger Straße 16, Hall A 117811 Ds 113 Js 112381/24
07.03.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Fri)09:15AG Tiergarten BerlinKirchstraße 6, room K2115, 2nd floor
07.03.25/XNUMX/XNUMX (Fri)12:00LG Berlin BerlinWilsnacker Str. 4, Meeting Room C103decision to reject the objection570 NBs 114/24 252 Js 1313/24
13.03.25 (Thu)11:00AG Tiergarten BerlinTurmstrasse 91, Hall B 235Myrna B.appeal against fine
13.03.25 (Thu)12:00AG Tiergarten BerlinKirchstraße 6, room K3002resistance against law enforcement officers361 Cs 1078/24, 265 Js 1095/24

Contact the resistance group

PlaceCONTACTcoordinatesWho retrieves emails?
Aachen[email protected]6.0838868,50.7753455
Aalen[email protected]10.096841,48.836566
Ahlen[email protected]7.8844626,51.7612228
Aschaffenburg[email protected]9.1428865,49.9737438Julian
augsburg[email protected]10.89870, 48.36680
Mountains of trees-currently without email address-7.36556,51.96028
Bamberg[email protected]10.8936045,49.8856391
Bargteheide-currently without email address-10.26181,53.72797
Bayreuth[email protected]11.5739546,49.9327258
Berlin[email protected]13.38886,52.51704
Bielefeld[email protected]8.4764336,52.0083441
Bochum[email protected]7.2162363,51.4818445
Bonn[email protected]7.10066, 50.73585
Bottrop[email protected]6.9224868,51.5246734
Brandenburg an der havel[email protected]12.56463, 52.40956
Braunschweig[email protected]10.52361, 52.26466
Bremen[email protected]8.80716,53.07582Konstantin, Rolf, Thomas
Rooms[email protected]10.0197624,52.6330148Phillipp
Chemnitz[email protected]12.9254,50.8302Juliane
Coesfeld-Bauberge[email protected]7.1675831,51.9382944Gerlinde
Darmstadt[email protected]8.67363,49.88519Michael
Dortmund[email protected]7.46528,51.51423
Dresden[email protected]13.73814,51.04933Christian B., Niko
Düsseldorf[email protected]6.77631,51.22540
Duisburg[email protected]6.7623293,51.4344079
Erfurt[email protected]11.028741, 50.992934Other
Gain[email protected]11.005086,49.5911253
Esslingen[email protected]9.2948546,48.7291629
Essen[email protected]7.0152181,51.4586778
Flensburg[email protected]9.43499913362,54.785508128Lars
Frankfurt am Main[email protected]8.68209, 50.11064
Freiburg[email protected]7.84940,47.99609Tobias M
Pour[email protected]8.6775793,50.5839135Nelson
Göttingen[email protected]9.93518, 51.53283
Greifswald[email protected]13.38152, 54.09579
Halle[email protected]11.97055,51.48250Frank, Christian
Hamburg[email protected]10.00065, 53.55034Leah +49 1796157337
Hamm-currently without email address-7.8208900, 51.6803300
Hanover[email protected]9.73855, 52.37448
Heidelberg[email protected]8.69472,49.40936
Heilbronn[email protected]9.211222, 49.142949
Ingolstadt[email protected]11.4229998,48.7629662
Jena[email protected]11.5892372,50.927054Karla
Karlsruhe[email protected]8.40342,49.00687
Kassel[email protected]9.49241, 51.31545
Kempten[email protected]10.31688,47.72671
Kiel[email protected]10.13489,54.32133
Kleve-currently without email address-6.12954,51.786726
Koblenz[email protected]7.5889959,50.3569429
Cologne[email protected]6.95997, 50.93836
Konstanz[email protected]9.17573464625,47.67450414918
Krefeld[email protected]6.5853417,51.3387609
Leipzig[email protected]12.37473,51.34063
Leverkusen-currently without email address-6.9843200, 51.0303000
Lippstadt[email protected]8.3406481,51.6712278
Ludwigsburg[email protected]9.2249206,48.9029894
Lübeck[email protected]10.68729,53.86893
Lüneburg[email protected]10.54452,53.21459
Magdeburg[email protected]11.63996, 52.13159
Mainz[email protected]8.247702,49.993146
Mannheim[email protected]8.46731, 49.48929
Marburg[email protected]8.765552,50.807195
Moenchengladbach[email protected]6.4428041,51.1804572
Munich[email protected]11.57538,48.13711
Münster[email protected]7.6262026,51.9615884Chiara
Nuremberg[email protected]11.07730,49.45387
Oldenburg[email protected]8.21460,53.13898Eika, Ronja, Robbie
Paderborn[email protected]8.7512457,51.7173241
Passau[email protected]13.46097, 48.57482
Potsdam[email protected]13.05914,52.40093
Regensburg[email protected]12.09749,49.01953
Reutlingen[email protected]9.1151944,48.4955791Percy
Rosenheim[email protected]12.1216029,47.8509475Mario ([email protected])
Rostock[email protected]12.12861,54.09244
Saarbrücken[email protected]6.990799,49.239079
Schwerin[email protected]11.41480,53.62883Michaela
win-currently without email address-8.02272, 50.87498
Soest-currently without email address-8.1061900, 51.5755800
Speyer-currently without email address-8.4365079,49.3171893
Stralsund[email protected]13.077823,54.308755
Stuttgart[email protected]9.18001,48.77845Moritz, Benni, Mischa
Sort-currently without email address-6.6371433,49.749992
Tübingen[email protected]9.057675,48.521741
Ulm[email protected]9.9424448,48.387589
Weimar[email protected]11.3235439,50.9794934Nelic
Wismar[email protected]11.4634829,53.8919585
Würzburg[email protected]9.93297,49.79245Leony
Wuppertal[email protected]7.147099,51.256907Xenia