
Here is the (incomplete) overview of the reporting on the Last Generation:

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24auto: Drivers become violent against climate adhesive: “Ouch, ouch, I stick!”
24hamburg: House search and with one foot in prison: This is what is known about Klima-Kleber spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs
24hamburg: Looking at the supermarket shelf, a customer jokes: “Oh, Rewe is just openly left-wing radical.”
a News: Climate activists see surge in support following German raids
abc News: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz brands protest group's tactics 'nutty'
Abendzeitung München: Last generation back online with new website
AD HOC NEWS: Sticking to streets, paint attacks and even sabotage of oil facilities: the last generation is causing a lot of attention with its actions.
AD HOC NEWS: What happens when people who are committed to climate protection are not supported by the state and instead feel abandoned?
Allgäuer Zeitung: The Last Generation is back online with a new website
ARD: rbb24 special – climate protest escalates
ARIVA.DE: Press statement: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on climate protest / rule of law
Augustamax: Snail-paced demo in the zoo: Last generation protests against raid
B.Z.: Berlin's Justice Senator: Last generation acted “absolutely irresponsible”
B.Z.: Nationwide raid on “last generation” climate adhesives
B.Z.: Kühnert sees climate adhesive “on the wrong track”
B.Z.: Wegner: Berliners annoyed by climate blockades
B.Z.: Anyone who donates money to climate adhesives could soon be punished
Bangkok Post: German police stage raids against climate activists
BBC News: Germany, where car is king but protesters won't let you drive
Berliner Abendblatt: Last generation back online with new website
Berliner Kurier: Trouble about the last generation: How criminal was Gandhi actually?
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Justice Senator embarrasses herself on TV
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue in Berlin today: Serious allegations – protest march in Mitte
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation complains about being treated like “felons”
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation back online with new website
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Nationwide raid on activists – that is well known
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: After the raid – climate activist talks about the search
Berliner Morgenpost: Last Generation supporters protest in Berlin
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Berlin's Senator for Justice finds ongoing climate protests intolerable
Berliner Zeitung: Kai Wegner and the climate stickers: Dragged off the street, locked up and punished
Berliner Zeitung: Kevin Kühnert sees the last generation “on the wrong track”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation back online with new website
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Interview with Berlin Justice Senator Felor Badenberg goes viral
Berliner Zeitung: Merz about Last Generation: “They are criminals and not conversation partners”
Berliner Zeitung: Snail-paced demo in the zoo: Last generation protests against raid
Berliner Zeitung: Penalty for holes in the streets: Berlin's first district wants to ask climate glue to pay
Bernd Riexinger ☮︎ (auf twitter): wrong Welt: today a nationwide raid against the “Last Generation Climate chaot begs for donations Air conditioning glue from the car roof is the idiot from the Elphi Is the climate also dividing your family? Anyone who donates money could soon be punished Anyone who donates money could soon be punished Press statement: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on climate protest / rule of law
Borneo Bulletin: German police in nationwide raids against climate activists
br24: “Last Generation”: Criticism after the website was seized
br24: After a dispute with “Last Generation”: More climate protection in the cathedral
BUND KV Bergstraße (auf twitter): “pure prejudice” from #LastGeneration
BUND (auf twitter): Instead of criminalizing climate protests, strengthen the #climate protection law now
CapeTalk: Police in Germany raided homes thought to belong to 'climate extremists'
Carsccoops: German Police Raid 15 Sites, Seize Assets Of Climate Activists Group That Glues Hands To Roads
China Daily: German police conduct major raid on climate activists
China Daily: German police conduct major raid on climate activists
christoph bals (auf twitter): Criminalizing climate protests in the face of the government's repeated violations of the law is simply not possible.
ClientEarth – Anwälte der Erde (auf twitter): State inaction in the face of the impending climate catastrophe
Columbus Telegram: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz brands protest group's tactics 'nutty'
Daily Caller: German Police Conduct Raises Against Last Generation Climate Activists For Alleged Criminal Activity
daily sun: Germany gets tough with climate activists
Das Erste: Video: Raphael Thelen, “Last Generation” activist: “We don’t do this for fun”
DAWN: Germany gets tough with climate activists
de24Live: Last generation back online with new website
Democracy Now!: German Police Stage Nationwide Raids Against “Last Generation” Climate Action Group
Der Westen: Last generation: Nationwide raid – seven activists accused
Der Westen: Last generation: Justice Senator criticized after raid – “Gurbation” Last Generation Raid: Are Climate Adhesives a “Criminal Organization”?
Deutsche Wirtschaftsnachrichten: Raids against Last Generation throughout Germany
Deutschlandfunk: Police raids in seven federal states
Deutschlandfunk: Social psychologist: Strictly hierarchically organized and specifically funded
Devdiscourse: German police conduct searches in investigation of climate activists
Devdiscourse: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'
Die Presse: The last generation
Digital Daily: Berlin's Senator for Justice finds ongoing climate protests intolerable
DW News (auf youtube): Why the climate activists are now under criminal investigation
Earth.Org: Germany Cracks Down on 'Last Generation' Climate Activists in Nationwide Raids
echo 24: Raid against the Last Generation: Is the ban on climate activists now coming?
echo 24: “Last generation” supposedly “stronger than ever” after raid – new website online
FBC: German police search 15 locations over Last Generation climate protests Press statement: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on climate protest / rule of law Berlin's Senator for Justice finds ongoing climate protests intolerable Gysi considers searches at “Last Generation” to be unclear Commentary from “nd.DerTag” on the raids against the Last Generation Heat transition and climate glue: the debate is derailed
FINK.HAMBURG: Comment: Dirt is thrown until it sticks
Focus: “Serious threat to public safety” What is stated in the search warrant against the “Last Generation”.
Focus: Radical activists in financial distress After the raid, the climate gluers reveal that their nerves are on edge
Frankenpost: Last generation back online with new website
Frankenpost: Prosecutor: Last generation not extremist
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Badenberg: Last generation acts “irresponsibly”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Beuth: Climate adhesives are criminals
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The man behind the raid
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Faeser defends raid against Last Generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Is the Last Generation a criminal organization?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Criminal – what else?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation: SPD politician believes raids are excessive
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last-generation raid: Researcher warns of radicalization
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Does the “Last Generation” continue after the raid?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: After the raid on Last Generation: Demonstration in Leipzig
Frankfurter Allgemeine: After the raid, the last generation demonstrates in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last Generation protest march after raid
Frankfurter Allgemeine: How does the last generation finance itself?
Frankfurter Rundschau: Activist Carla Hinrichs: “Suddenly a police officer stands in front of your bed and points a gun at you”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Last generation in focus: Climate activist Carla Hinrichs sentenced again
Frankfurter Rundschau: After the raid against “Last Generation”, the police embarrassed themselves on Twitter
Frankfurter Rundschau: Raid against the Last Generation: Is the ban on climate activists now coming?
Frankfurter Rundschau: Raid against “Last Generation”: Targeted escalation
Frankfurter Rundschau: Website offline, communication channels cut off: This is how hard the raid hits the “last generation”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “We only know from the FBI” – lawyer dismayed after raid on “Last Generation”.
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last generation” supposedly “stronger than ever” after raid – new website online
FränkischerTag: Last generation back online with new website
Fuldaer Zeitung: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Ganz Hamburg: Is climate activism white and privileged?
Geelong Advertiser: Germany gets tough with climate activists
Genios: Are climate adhesives criminal?
GigaNews: Raid against the “Last Generation”: protest elves in outlaw outfits – SPIEGEL editorial
Greenpeace e.V. (auf twitter): People who campaign for more climate protection must not be criminalized
Gulf News: German police in nationwide raids against climate activists
Haller Kreisblatt: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid Last generation: searches also in the north
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: searches also in the north
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last Generation supporters protest in Berlin
Hamburger Morgenpost: Raids against the “Last Generation” – excessive and helpless
Handelsblatt: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
Herald Sun: Raids in Germany against climate activists
hessenschau: Raid at Last Generation: Club premises in Gersfeld searched
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: House search and with one foot in prison: This is what is known about Klima-Kleber spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Looking at the supermarket shelf, a customer jokes: “Oh, Rewe is just openly left-wing radical.”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Plans leaked: Climate activists apparently planning a campaign against the “super rich”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Raid against the Last Generation: Is the ban on climate activists now coming?
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Raid against climate protectors – last generation continues
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last generation” supposedly “stronger than ever” after raid – new website online
Heute – Österreich: “Oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” – Last generation fools police
Heute – Österreich: Climate chaotics drove in cars, police kept the doors closed
Heute nachrichten: Criminal organization? Why the German judiciary is tackling climate glue more harshly
idowa: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
in Südthüringen: Raid against climate protectors – last generation continues
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: Last generation: “We are not afraid of a trial”
Junge Welt: Sniffing glue
Kreiszeitung: Bremen climate gluer Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – three years probation
Kreiszeitung: Looking at the supermarket shelf, a customer jokes: “Oh, Rewe is just openly left-wing radical.”
Kreiszeitung: Last generation rows back after Chaos-PK: “We definitely wouldn’t do it like that again”
Kreiszeitung: “Aren’t we allowed to ask questions?” – Chaos at the “Last Generation” raid PK
Kronen Zeitung: Last generation: Germans called on to protest
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: The Last Generation is online again with a new website after the raid
Kölnische Rundschau: The Last Generation is online again with a new website after the raid
La Prensa Latina: Police raids across Germany target 'Last Generation' climate activists
Latest LY: German Police Swoop on Last Generation Climate Activists
Latest LY: Germany Cracks Down on Climate Activists After Scholz Calls Protest Group 'nutty'
Legal Tribune online: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
Legal Tribune online: Last Generation Raids
Leipziger Volkszeitung: Demonstration in Leipzig: 300 people show solidarity with “Last Generation”
linke_klima (auf instagram): Full solidarity with the activists of the @lastgeneration
Lübecker Nachrichten: Raid on climate activists: This is how the mayor of Nehms reacts
Lübecker Nachrichten: “Last Generation”: Investigators search activists’ house in Nehms
Macau Business: Germany gets tough with climate activists
mdr: The police searched the buildings of the climate protection group Last Generation
mdr: After the raid on Last Generation – demonstrations in Leipzig and Dresden
MENAFN: German Police Conduct Major Raid On Climate Activists
Merkur: Bavaria is taking action: the constitutional state is finally defending itself against blackmail by climate activists
Merkur: House search and with one foot in prison: This is what is known about Klima-Kleber spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs
Merkur: Climate activists are planning a campaign against the “super rich” – protests are likely to increase in Bavaria
Merkur: Last generation: new website launched
Merkur: Last-generation raid: Researcher warns of radicalization
Merkur: After the raid against “Last Generation”: demo and protest march announced in Bavaria
Merkur: Police call “Last Generation” a “criminal organization” during raid – and are now backing down
Merkur: Raid against the Last Generation: Is the ban on climate activists now coming?
Merkur: Raid against climate protectors – last generation continues
Merkur: Scholz rails against climate glue: actions of the last generation are “completely crazy”
Merkur: Website offline, communication channels cut off: This is how hard the raid hits the “last generation”
Merkur: “Aren’t we allowed to ask questions?” – Chaos at the “Last Generation” raid PK
Merkur: “We only know from the FBI” – lawyer dismayed after raid on “Last Generation”.
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation back online with new website
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: SPD politician believes raids are excessive
MLDP: Solidarity with the “last generation” against their criminalization!
msn: “Last Generation” back online with a new website
msn: Simple method, big effect: air conditioning glue annoys police officers with finger tricks
msn: German Police Raid Climate Activist Pads
msn: Germany: Last Generation plan further protests after raids
msn: Scholz rails against climate glue: actions of the last generation are “completely crazy”
msn: Solidarity for the “last generation”? “Now especially!”
Märkische Allgemeine: Last generation in Berlin: protest march on Wednesday evening
n-TV: This is what the raids against Last Generation are all about
n-TV: Is the Last Generation a “criminal organization”?
n-TV: Last generation calls raid “completely crazy”
n-TV: How the last generation uses donations
n-TV: Wissing welcomes investigations against Last Generation
NDR: “Last Generation”: Raid also in Hamburg
NDR: Raid against “last generation” climate activists
Neue Richtervereinigung e.V.: The presumption of innocence also applies in Bavaria
Neue Westfälische: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: This raid was long overdue: anyone who shows solidarity with the Last Generation is showing solidarity with lawbreakers
News & Nachrichten: Berlin's Senator for Justice finds ongoing climate protests intolerable
News Deutschland: Last generation back online with new website Aimée van Baalen privately: That's why the "Last Generation" activist is taking to the streets Nationwide raid on the “Last Generation”: Climate activists celebrate support through protest marches Carla Hinrichs private: Protest for the climate! This is how the “Last Generation” activist ticks Carla Hinrichs: “Whining that appeals to the public!” Climate activist really threatened with a weapon?
newslichter: Solidarity: Peaceful climate protest is not criminal!
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Prosecutor: Last generation not extremist
north shore news: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz brands protest group's tactics 'nutty'
Nuova Europa: Germania: perquisizioni per 7 attivisti di Last Generation
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt: Climate adhesives continue
oe24: Major raid on climate stickers in Germany – 170 officers were deployed
Offenbach-Post: Böhmermann on the raid against the “Last Generation”: “What Germany can do when it comes to fucking cars”
Offenbach-Post: Raid against the Last Generation: Is the ban on climate activists now coming?
Offenbach-Post: “Last generation” supposedly “stronger than ever” after raid – new website online
Online nachrichten: Criminal organization? Why the German judiciary is tackling climate glue more harshly
Pars Today: German police carry out nationwide raids against climate activists
Pledge Times: Raid in Germany against Next Generation climate activists, announcing new protests
Poland Posts: A great police manhunt for members of the Last Generation organization. Germany at war with climate activists
Presseportal: Commentary from “nd.DerTag” on the raids against the Last Generation
Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf (auf twitter): disproportionate criminalization of young people who rightly fear for their future
Project Matilda News: German police in nationwide raids against climate activists
ProSieben: Raid on “Last Generation”: Researcher warns of radicalization
Radio Euroherz: Last generation back online with new website
Radio Mainwelle: Last generation back online with new website
rbb: Kühnemann-Grunow (SPD): Overshot the target with the raid
rbb24: “The question is certainly whether the sticking will wear out over time”
rbb24: Berlin SPD criticizes raid against “Last Generation”
rbb24: Climate protests escalate
rbb24: Who is actually overdoing it here?
rfi: German police stage nationwide raids against climate activists
rfi: Germany gets tough with climate activists
Riverine Herald: Last Generation urges protest march after Germany raids
rnd: Kevin Kühnert draws a devastating conclusion for the last generation
rnd: Last generation feels “stronger than ever” after raid
rnd: Last generation: Green legal expert Limburg criticizes searches and investigations
rnd: After the raid: The last generation is online again – with a new website
rnd: Raid on apparently uninvolved people: no contact with the Last Generation and still in the focus of the investigators?
rnd: “Political criminal law in its purest form”: Lawyers’ association criticizes investigations against Last Generation
RP Online: This is the scene of radical climate activists in North Rhine-Westphalia
RTL News: Last generation back online with new website
RTL News: Last generation: SPD politician believes raids are excessive
RTL News: Merz about the last generation: “They are criminals and not conversation partners”
RTÉ: German police search 15 locations over protests by climate activists Germany: Last Generation climate activists stage 'slow march' in Berlin after nationwide raids on members Copied from page -slow-march-in-berlin-after-nationwide-raids-on-members Germany: Last Generation climate activists stage 'slow march' in Berlin after nationwide raids on members Скопировано со страницы -slow-march-in-berlin-after-nationwide-raids-on-members
Schwäbische: Last generation: Häfler local group condemns nationwide raids
SendStory: German police in nationwide raids against climate activists
SendStory: Germany's climate protests: Activism or crime?
Soester Anzeiger: Raid against the Last Generation: Is the ban on climate activists now coming?
Solinger Tageblatt: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Spiegel: 1. With atomic cannons on sparrows
Spiegel: The constitutional state is unpacking the crowbar
Spiegel: The justice system is entirely with him
Spiegel: Extremism researchers warn of negative consequences of the raids
Spiegel: Munich Attorney General's Office changes warning about "Last Generation"
Spiegel: Anticipatory state radicalism
Stern: Washing up triggers a major operation: investigations
Stern: Authorities confiscate “Last Generation” homepage, warn of “criminal organization” – and are now rowing back
Stern: Berlin's Justice Senator: Last generation acted “absolutely irresponsible”
Stern: Nationwide raid intensifies conflict over last generation climate activists
Stern: CDU parliamentary group leader: Action against the last generation is correct
Stern: FDP Federal Vice President Vogel: Last generation makes citizens angry
Stern: Criminal organization or not? German politicians argue about the “last generation”
Stern: Last generation complains about being treated like “felons”
Stern: Last generation back online with new website
Stern: Last generation: searches also in the north
Stern: Last generation: SPD politician believes raids are excessive
Stern: Last-generation raid: Researcher warns of radicalization
Stern: After the raid on Last Generation: Demonstration in Leipzig
Stern: Last Generation protest march after raid
Stern: Raids against Last Generation in seven countries
Stern: Expressions of solidarity for the last generation in court
Stern: Spokesperson for the “Last Generation” Aimée van Baalen: “The searches scare us”
Stern: From “excessive” to “state duty”: This is how the press sees the raid against climate activists
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
Stuttgarter Zeitung: When climate protest becomes criminal
Sweden Posts English: Large German raid against the climate activists of the last generation
SWR Aktuell: Raid against the “Last Generation”: Who is exaggerating here?
Sä “Last Generation” back online with a new website
Sä Raid on the climate adhesives in Dresden - Christian Bläul's apartment searched
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” announces further protests
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Badenberg: Last generation acts “irresponsibly”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Bavarian terror investigators initiate raid against “Last Generation”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Demonstrations against raid on Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last-generation raid: Researcher warns of radicalization
Süddeutsche Zeitung: After the raid on Last Generation: Demonstration in Leipzig
Süddeutsche Zeitung: After the raid, the last generation demonstrates in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Raid against climate protectors – last generation continues
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Crackdown on Last Generation in seven countries
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Raids against Last Generation in seven countries
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Around 600 people demonstrate in Munich for the “Last Generation”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Serious allegations against “Last Generation”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: SPD politician: Climate activists want provocation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Among thugs and thieves
Süddeutsche Zeitung: What happens next with the investigation against the “Last Generation”?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: What happens after the raid?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: How criminal is the “Last Generation”?
Südwest Presse: Is the Last Generation a criminal organization?
t-online: “Don’t think that Ms. Hinrichs has a Kalashnikov in her bed.”
t-online: “Last Generation” announces further protests
t-online: “Last Generation”: Excitement surrounding the interview with the Senator for Justice
t-online: Authorities admit mistakes in raid against “Last Generation”.
t-online: Tough state reaction benefits the “last generation”
t-online: Climate activist: 15-year-old “traumatized” after raid on children’s room
t-online: Climate stickers march through Berlin with hundreds of activists after a raid
t-online: Man attacks activists – arrested
t-online: After the raid: Climate activists announce protest march on Marienplatz
t-online: NRW Interior Minister Reul: “This glue is an imposition”
t-online: Police operation against the “last generation” – more and more inconsistencies
t-online: Police officers are said to have stormed Carla Hinrichs' apartment with guns drawn
t-online: SPD politician: “Raid was provoked”
t-online: Flood of donations for the climate adhesives
t-online: What is known about the raids on climate activists
Tag24: “Last Generation” Licks Wounds: New Formation After Raid?
Tag24: Loud support for the last generation: “Protecting the climate is not a crime”
Tag24: After Raid: Last Generation Back Online With New Website
Tag24: After raids on “Last Generation” members: demo call in Leipzig!
Tag24: Raid on “Last Generation”: Demonstrations planned in Munich and Augsburg UPDATE Researcher warns of radicalization of climate glue
Tagesschau: “An excessive decision”
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: BW activists outraged by raids
Tagesschau: Berlin SPD criticizes raid against “Last Generation”
Tagesschau: Criminal organization? Questions for Felor Badenberg, Senator for Justice Berlin
Tagesschau: Raid on climate activists
Tagesschau: What the “Last Generation” raid means
Tagesschau: Who is actually overdoing it here?
Tagesspiegel: Berlin’s Justice Senator calls blockade actions “irritating” and “irresponsible”
Tagesspiegel: A weak state wants to show strength
Tagesspiegel: For Merz, the climate activists of the “last generation” are criminals
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists see “wave of support” after raid
Tagesspiegel: Criminal organization? It depends
Tagesspiegel: Protest in front of the Potsdam Justice Center
Tagesspiegel: Wegner wants to take “very consistent” action against protest actions
taz: Bayern poaches last generation
taz: “It’s about the stigma of the ‘criminal’”
Telepolis: “Last Generation”: The presumption of innocence still applies
Telepolis: Raids against the “Last Generation”: This refers to the solidarity environment
teleSUR: Major Raid on Last Generation Members by German Police
The Global Herald: German police conduct raids to investigate climate activists
The Indian Express: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz brands protest group's tactics 'nutty'
The Limited Times: Last generation rows back after chaos PK: “There is no way we would do it again”
The National: German authorities raid 15 properties in probe into climate activist group
The Perspective: Germany's 'Last Generation': a successful campaign against climate change?
The Star: Climate activists targeted in raids across Germany
The Washington Post: Germany conducts raids against climate activists, alleging criminality
The World: Police target climate activists across Germany
Thüringer Allgemeine: Last Generation: Nationwide Raid on Activists
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Last generation: “We are not afraid of a trial”
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
TIMETURK: German police launch nationwide raids targeting climate activists
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: Last generation back online with new website
TrendRadars: Germany conducts raids against climate activists, alleging criminality After the raid against “Last Generation”: demo and protest march announced in Bavaria Raid against the Last Generation: Is the ban on climate activists now coming? Website offline, communication channels cut off: This is how hard the raid hits the “last generation” “Last generation” supposedly “stronger than ever” after raid – new website online
Ulrich Schneider (auf twitter): I don't even recognize my Federal Republic.
UNB: German police conduct searches in investigation of climate activists
VN Explorer: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz brands protest group's tactics 'nutty'
VN Explorer: House search and with one foot in prison: This is what is known about Klima-Kleber spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs
Vodafone live: Kühnert sees the last generation “on the wrong track”
Vodafone live: Last generation back online with new website
Vodafone live: Last generation: SPD politician believes raids are excessive
Volksstimme: Searches at “Last Generation” in Magdeburg: activists “horrified and outraged”
Volksstimme: Ideology instead of substance
Volksstimme: Last generation back online with new website
Volksstimme: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
W&V: Sixt: Retaliation for the “climate glue”
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
wallstreet online: 'Nürnberger Zeitung' on climate protest / rule of law
WAZ: Last Generation raid in seven federal states
WDR: Is the “Last Generation” criminal?
WDR: Local time Münsterland | May 23.05.2023, 50 | Climate activists over XNUMX from Nottuln
WDR: Raid against climate activists: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
WDR aktuell (auf youtube): Raid against Last Generation: Criminal organization among the activists?
Welt: In the end there is still a broken Opel
Welt: Last generation back online with new website
Welt: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
Welt: They are treated as what they are – organized criminals
Welt: Solidarity for the “last generation”? “Now especially!”
Welt: What we know about the “Last Generation”.
Welt: “Last generation” according to the SPD general secretary “on the wrong track”
Welt: “Last Generation” simply continues their protests
Welt: “Clearly aims to eliminate the constitutional order”
Westfalenpost: Klimakleber Jörg Alt: By car to the lecture in Eslohe
WinFuture: Last generation: Police shut down website – surveillance according to §129
WION: Germany gets tough with climate activists
WION: Germany: Police carry out nationwide raids against climate activists
WirtschaftsWoche: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
WirtschaftsWoche: Get upset about the climate stickers, get upset about climate change!
WorldNews: German police conduct raids on climate activists as impatience mounts
WorldNews: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz brands protest group's tactics 'nutty'
WorldNews: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'
WorldNews: Germany gets tough with climate activists
WorldNews: Germany: Last Generation climate activists stage 'slow march' in Berlin after nationwide raids on members
XINHUANET: German police conduct major raid on climate activists
yahoo news (IUK): Germany gets tough with climate activists
Yahoo Singapur: Germany gets tough with climate activists
yahoo!finance: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz brands protest group's tactics 'nutty'
Yid Info: Germany Cracks Down On Climate Activists
ZDF: “Last Generation” announces protest marches
ZDF: “Last Generation” wants to expand protests
ZDF: “Last Generation”: In the sights of the justice system
ZDF: “Last Generation”: Maximum attention
ZDF: Activists (un)justly targeted?
ZDF: Discussion about “climate glue” – is the public prosecutor’s office exaggerating?
ZDF: Where is “Last Generation” being investigated?
Zeit Online: “Whether the Last Generation is a criminal organization is the subject of investigations.”
Zeit Online: Like they were a drug cartel
Zeit Online: Stop! Stop everything immediately!
Zeit Online: Badenberg: Last generation acts “irresponsibly”
Zeit Online: Nationwide raids against last generation
Zeit Online: CDU parliamentary group leader: Action against the last generation is correct
Zeit Online: The country is turning to the right
Zeit Online: FDP Federal Vice President Vogel: Last generation makes citizens angry
Zeit Online: No violence creates counter-violence
Zeit Online: Last generation complains about being treated like “felons”
Zeit Online: Last generation back online with new website
Zeit Online: Last generation: searches also in the north
Zeit Online: Last generation: Are “stronger than ever” after the raid
Zeit Online: Last generation: SPD politician believes raids are excessive
Zeit Online: Last-generation raid: Researcher warns of radicalization
Zeit Online: After the raid on Last Generation: Demonstration in Leipzig
Zeit Online: After the raid, the last generation demonstrates in Berlin
Zeit Online: Raid against climate protectors – last generation continues
Zeit Online: Crackdown on Last Generation in seven countries
Zeit Online: Expressions of solidarity for the last generation in court
Zeit Online: SPD politician: Climate activists want provocation
Zeit Online: Prosecutor: Last generation not extremist
Zeit Online: About violent fantasies and police tactics

   The Washington Post: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'

20 1,4 million euros in donations used for crimes – raid on climate stickers
24auto: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
24hamburg: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
a News: Raids across Germany target climate activists
Aargauer Zeitung: Action against climate glue: major raid on the “Last Generation”
abc News: German police conduct raids on climate activists as impatience mounts
Abendzeitung München: “That scares me very much”: “Last Generation” shocked by police raid
Al Jazeera: German police conduct raids to investigate climate activists
Augsburger Allgemeine: The Attorney General's Office is investigating “Last Generation” spokeswoman Hinrichs as the main suspect
B.Z.: Carla Hinrichs was still in bed when the police arrived
B.Z.: Protests have been pretty weird before
BBC News: German climate activists raided for forming 'criminal group'
Berliner Kurier: Legal situation: Are annoyed drivers allowed to pull climate stickers off the road?
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation in Berlin today: climate glue revenge after Scholz criticism – closure on the A100
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation calls on all Germans to protest
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: raids “completely crazy”
Berliner Sonntagsblatt: Nationwide raid on “Last Generation”
Berliner Zeitung: Embarrassing mistake during raid: Police hastily classify last generation as “criminal”.
Berliner Zeitung: Self-diagnosis: Why I feel so sympathetic to the climate stickers
Bloomberg: German Climate Activists Targeted in Nationwide Raids
BNN: German police raid the homes of environmental activists
Boston Herald: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'
Business Insider: Nationwide raid against climate activists “Last Generation”
BuzzFeed: Bavaria declares Last Generation a criminal organization – and rows back
Cartoon Movement: Raid Against The Last Generation
City News Halifax: German police conduct raids on climate activists as impatience mounts
Click On Detroit: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'
CNN: German police conduct nationwide raids against climate activists
Corriere del Ticino: Germania – Perquisizioni in several countries for Attivisti di Last Generation
Das Erste: Video: Nationwide raid against the “Last Generation”
Der Westen: Last generation: After a nationwide raid – now the activists are speaking out
Devdiscourse: German police search 15 locations over Last Generation climate protests
Die Oberbadische: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
DNyuz: German police swoop on Last Generation climate activists
doxa: In Germany, the silos tested 15 square meters of active load generation
echo 24: Nationwide raid against “Last Generation”: 7 members in the investigators’ sights
euronews: German police raid climate activists' properties in investigation into financing
Evening Standard: German police carry out nationwide raids targeting last generation climate activists
Exberliner: Nationwide police raids against Last Generation
Express & Star: German authorities raid 15 properties in probe into climate activist group
Focus: Searches at “Last Generation” Chaos at Press Conference! Climate stickers don't let journalists ask questions
Focus: Deployed in seven federal states. Nationwide raid against “Last Generation” – 15 objects searched
Focus: Internal paper reveals “Last Generation” plans ominous campaign against “super rich”
Focus: They use copper. With a new trick, climate adhesive extends the blockages by hours
France24: German police carry out nationwide raids against last generation climate activists
France24: Germany gets tough with climate activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Faeser defends raid against Last Generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation: searches also in the north
Frankfurter Rundschau: In the “Last Generation” recruiting seminar: How climate activists recruit young people
Frankfurter Rundschau: Plans leaked: Climate activists apparently planning a campaign against the “super rich”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Raid against “Last Generation”: House search of Carla Hinrichs – spokeswoman for the main accused
Frankfurter Rundschau: Video shows: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Aren’t we allowed to ask questions?” – Chaos at the “Last Generation” raid PK
Fuldaer Zeitung: Amnesty International criticizes raid against “Last Generation” – “serious interference with fundamental rights”
gmx: Nationwide raid against the “Last Generation” Last generation tricks Bavarian LKA
Guardian: German police stage nationwide raids against climate activists
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate protection: Why the mood in Germany is changing
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: “We are not afraid of a trial”
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: Raids in Hamburg and other countries
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: Raids are “completely crazy”
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: When an association is considered criminal
Hamburger Abendblatt: Raid on climate activists: Hamburg office searched
Head Topics: Echo of the raid against the last generation: “When is the raid on Lindner coming?”
Hereford Times: German authorities raid 15 properties in probe into climate activist group
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Strong criticism after the website was blocked: Police now even call “Last Generation” a “criminal organization”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Man dies during climate strike: “Last Generation” admits mistakes
Heute – Österreich: 1,4 million euros – huge raid against climate glue
Insider Paper: German police in nationwide raids against climate activists
Latest LY: German Police Swoop on Last Generation Climate Activists
Le Monde: German police carry out raids targeting seven climate activists
Legal Tribune online: Raids on “Last Generation” and homepage shut down
Local 10: The policy in German has redadas against climate activists
MarketBeat: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'
mdr: Nationwide searches at “Last Generation”
Merkur: Climate activists are planning a campaign against the “super rich” – protests are likely to increase in Bavaria
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Searches at the Last Generation group – raid also in Saxony-Anhalt
msn: Nasty shower for air conditioning glue: Video shows the action of an angry driver
n-TV: Nationwide raid against Last Generation
Nashik Corporation: Climate Adhesive Copper Trick – Tips For An Energy-Efficient Home TV star is now a climate gluer and has to go to court
NBC News: German police conduct raids on climate activists as impatience mounts
NDR: “Last Generation”: Searches also in Hamburg
NDR: “Last Generation”: Praise and criticism after a nationwide raid
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Last generation: “We are not afraid of a trial”
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Nationwide raid on the Last Generation – climate extremists are calling for protest marches
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Raid against the Last Generation: What does the group want?
north shore news: German police conduct raids on climate activists as impatience mounts
Nuova Europa: German police in nationwide raids against climate activists
Pledge Times: Last generation: Nationwide raid of a total of 15 objects
POLITICO: German police raid climate activists' homes
Presse Augsburg: Berlin's Senator for Justice finds ongoing climate protests intolerable
rbb: Protest researcher: Last generation successfully puts the issue on the agenda
rbb24: Nationwide raid against “Last Generation”
regionalHeute: Berlin's Senator for Justice finds ongoing climate protests intolerable
Reuters: German police search 15 locations over Last Generation climate protests
rnd: The last generation criticizes heavily: “Do we have to experience a drought in Germany first?”
RP Online: Nationwide raid against Last Generation
RTL News: Nationwide searches at Last Generation group
RTL News: Again blockades by climate activists in Berlin
RTL News: Last generation “stunned” by Scholz’s criticism
RTL Radio: The Morning Crew Climate Glue Check
Spiegel: Nationwide raid against the “Last Generation”
Spiegel: This is what the activists of the “Last Generation” say after the raids
Spiegel: “In my view, the offense of a criminal organization has been fulfilled.”
Spiegel: “Last Generation” condemns raids – and announces new protests
Stern: Nationwide raid against Last Generation – 15 properties searched
Stern: Nationwide raids against climate activists: investigators search 15 apartments
Stern: Greens criticize blockades by climate activists
Stern: Climate protection group Last Generation wants to continue protests even after the raid
Stern: After searches: “Last Generation” announces further protests
Stern: Raid on the “Last Generation”: What’s behind it
SWR Aktuell: Ex-federal judge: “Last Generation” can be seen as a criminal organization
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: searches also in the north
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Raid on members of the “Last Generation”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
t-online: “Crazy”: The Chancellor says what everyone is thinking
t-online: Activists are targeting the next federal state
t-online: Nationwide raid against “Last Generation”
t-online: Tough state reaction benefits the “last generation”
Tag24: Last generation: Tisch-Kleber shoots against the SPD's “anti-social policies”.
Tag24: After the raid on the “Last Generation”: Chaotic press conference and blocked homepage
Tag24: Raid on “Last Generation” in Dresden: Christian Bläul’s apartment searched UPDATE Nationwide raid on climate activists of the “Last Generation” – also in the north
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” calls for protests
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: Searches also in Hamburg
Tagesschau: “Last generation”: According to the LKA, searches in seven federal states
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: Praise and criticism after a nationwide raid
Tagesschau: Nationwide raid against “Last Generation”
Tagesschau: A criminal organization?
Tagesspiegel: “The 15 house searches hit all supporters hard”
Teller Report: Germany: Raids on 'Last Generation' environmental activists
Terra Daily: German police in nationwide raids against climate activists
The Gazette: Last generation activists protest in Berlin
The Globe and Mail: German police search 15 locations over Last Generation climate protests
The Irish News: German authorities raid 15 properties in probe into climate activist group
The Limited Times: In the recruitment seminar of the “Last Generation”: How the climate activists recruit young people
The Limited Times: Searches at Last Generation in seven federal states
The Local: German police carry out nationwide raids against climate activists
The Peoples Gazette: German police raid Last Generation climate activists' properties for criminal activities
Tribe live: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'
TRT Deutsch: Big raid against “Last Generation” Strong criticism after the website was blocked: Police now even call “Last Generation” a “criminal organization” Climate activists are planning a campaign against the “super rich” – protests are likely to increase in Bavaria Video shows cold shower for climate glue: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists
U.S.News: German Police Search 15 Locations Over Last Generation Climate Protests
Umwelt Panorama: Climate protection group Last Generation wants to continue protests even after the raid
Vancouver Is Awesome: German police conduct raids on climate activists as impatience mounts
volksfreund: Raids against Last Generation in seven countries
Volksstimme: Searches at the Last Generation group – raid also in Saxony-Anhalt
WAZ: Last generation calls on all Germans to protest
Welt: Live chat with Alexander Dinger and Lennart Pfahler
Welt: What we know about the “Last Generation” – live chat with Alexander Dinger and Lennart Pfahler
Welt: “The rule of law cannot be fooled” – Interior Minister Faeser defends raids
Westfalenpost: Last generation calls on all Germans to protest
Westfalenpost: Last Generation: Nationwide Raid on Activists
WKZO: German police search 15 locations over Last Generation climate protests
World’s News Now: Echo of the raid on the last generation: “When will the raid on Lindner come?”
yahoo news (IUK): Germany gets tough with climate activists
yahoo!nachrichten: Last generation: “We are not afraid of a trial”
yahoo!news: Germany cracks down on climate activists after Scholz calls protest group 'nutty'
ZDF: “The measures are justified”
ZDF: “Last Generation” – criminal organization?
ZDF: Nationwide raid against “Last Generation”
ZDF: Raids on “Last Generation”
ZDF: Where is “Last Generation” developing?
Zeit Online: “Climate is the most important issue”
Zeit Online: “We must now continue to resist”
Zeit Online: Nationwide searches at Last Generation group
Zeit Online: Demonstrations against raid on Last Generation
Zeit Online: Searches at Last Generation Dresden and Magdeburg
Zeit Online: Last generation to the searches
Zeit Online: Last generation: search of spokeswoman Hinrichs
Zeit Online: Raids against Last Generation in seven countries
Zofinger Tagblatt: Action against climate glue: major raid on the “Last Generation”

   rnd: Fundamental rights report: Criticism of how German authorities deal with climate activists
   Teller Report: “Last Generation” defends itself against criticism from Olaf Scholz: “Mr. Scholz, how dare you?”
   Utopia: Last generation climate activist: “I accept a prison sentence”
   WDR: Over 50 group: “Last Generation” is founded in the Coesfeld district

24auto: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
24hamburg: Video shows cold shower for climate glue: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists
69 News: German chancellor calls some climate activists' protests 'nutty'
960 The Ref: German chancellor calls some climate activists' protests 'nutty'
Abendzeitung München: Fines after sticking campaign in Alter Pinakothek
Abendzeitung München: Climate adhesive in the Pinakothek in Munich: No visible damage to Rubens painting
Allgemeine Zeitung: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters Left-wing German chancellor slams 'nutty' climate protesters blocking streets, defacing art
Artnet News: German Museums Take a New Tack to Prevent Climate Activists Attacking Their Art—Inviting Them In
Aspekte der Erderwärmung (auf youtube): Dr. Mathis Bönte: Is climate bonding a criminal offense?
B.Z.: Can you pour water on an air conditioning adhesive?
B.Z.: This is the climate glue's vacation plan
B.Z.: Here climate adhesives are once again blocking traffic in Berlin
B.Z.: Climate adhesives stick again
B.Z.: Climate glue with a chancellor mask attacks the court with a drill
Badische Zeitung: FDP calls for a “school ban” for the last generation
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: Fines for gluing Rubens paintings
Berliner Kurier: Police unions consider climate glue to be a criminal organization
Berliner Morgenpost: Fines after sticking campaign in Alter Pinakothek
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate adhesive with concrete hands in Berlin: Pankow district wants a five-figure sum from Last Generation
Berliner Morgenpost: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Berliner Morgenpost: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Where there are the most gluing activities
Berliner Tageblatt: Climate activists fined for sticking to paintings in Munich
Berliner Tageszeitung: Climate activists fined for sticking to paintings in Munich
Berliner Zeitung: Report: Last generation wants to take a summer break in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation paralyzes traffic: men drag activists off the street
br24: Glue attack on Rubens painting: climate activists convicted
BuzzFeed: 7 tweets counter Olaf Scholz's “completely crazy” statement against the last generation
Clean Energy Wire: Chancellor Scholz labels Last Generation climate activists' protests as “completely nutty”
CompuServe News: German chancellor calls some climate activists' protests 'nutty'
Der Westen: Last generation: Chancellor Scholz describes protests as “completely crazy” – activists are “stunned”
Deutsche Tageszeitung: Climate activists fined for sticking to paintings in Munich
Devdiscourse: German chancellor calls some climate activists “protests “nutty”
echo 24: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Express: Gluing action has severe consequences: activist shows his “asphalt hand”
Eßlinger Zeitung: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned” Last generation 'stunned' by Scholz's criticism of protests
Focus: Internal paper reveals “Last Generation” plans ominous campaign against “super rich”
Focus: They use copper. With a new trick, climate adhesive extends the blockages by hours
Fox News: Left-wing German chancellor slams 'nutty' climate protesters blocking streets, defacing art
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Last Generation” is “stunned” by Scholz’s criticism
Frankfurter Rundschau: Hours of work, years of probation, threatened imprisonment – ​​climate activist Carla sentenced again
Frankfurter Rundschau: Plans leaked: Climate activists apparently planning a campaign against the “super rich”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Video shows: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Stunned”: “Last Generation” shocked by criticism from Olaf Scholz
Handelsblatt: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Head Topics: Can you pour water on an air conditioning adhesive?
Head Topics: Video shows cold shower for climate glue: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Nasty shower for air conditioning glue: Video shows the action of an angry driver
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Plans leaked: Climate activists apparently planning a campaign against the “super rich”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Judge tough: climate gluer convicted again – years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment
Heute – Österreich: “Completely crazy” – Chancellor tears himself apart with climate stickers
idowa: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned” Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned” After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Kreiszeitung: Video shows cold shower for climate glue: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
Kölnische Rundschau: Scholz thinks sticking campaigns are “completely crazy”
Legal Tribune online: Climate protest as a criminal organization?
mdr: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
Merkur: Drivers kick and hit climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
Merkur: Again blockades by climate activists on Berlin streets
Merkur: “Concrete hands” want to use climate adhesives more specifically
Merkur: CSU Agriculture Day: Climate glue and the federal government get rid of fat
Merkur: Scholz rails against climate glue: actions of the last generation are “completely crazy”
Merkur: Scholz rages against climate glue: Chancellor considers actions of the last generation to be “completely crazy”
Merkur: Video shows cold shower for climate glue: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
msn: Scholz rages against climate glue: Chancellor considers actions of the last generation to be “completely crazy”
Märkische Allgemeine: Green Party leader: “We have to discuss climate protection – and not about forms of protest”
Märkische Allgemeine: Left leader Walter: “Civil disobedience is part of democracy”
n-TV: Damaged Rubens frame: climate glue fined
n-TV: Again blockades by climate activists on Berlin streets
n-TV: Fines for gluing Rubens paintings
n-TV: After criticism from Scholz, climate activists daubed SPD headquarters
n-TV: Scholz thinks climate glue is “completely crazy”
n-TV: Scholz on sticking campaigns: “I think it’s completely crazy” Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
nd: War and climate put pressure on fundamental rights
nd: With paragraph 129 against the last generation in Berlin
Neue Westfälische: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
News Max: German Chancellor Calls Some Climate Activists' Protests 'nutty'
NEWSTRAL: “I think it’s completely crazy,” says Scholz about the actions of the “Last Generation”
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
nordbayern: After a protest in Regensburg: climate activists convicted of “communal coercion”.
Nordkurier: Minister sees criticism of Last Generation confirmed
Nordkurier: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Nordkurier: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
Passauer Neue Presse: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Portugal Posts English: Olaf Scholz calls climate activists who stick to paintings in museums 'crazy' – World
RADIO 7: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Radio RST: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
rbb 24: Discussion about Last Generation
rbb24: “Last Generation” continues road blockades in Berlin
rbb24: Chancellor Scholz calls sticking campaigns “completely crazy”
rnd: According to Scholz's “crazy” statement: Last generation smeared SPD headquarters
rnd: “Mr. Scholz, how dare you?”: Last generation “stunned” by criticism
RP Online: “Completely crazy” – why the Chancellor’s word hits climate activists
RTL News: Again blockades by climate activists on Berlin streets
RTL News: Secret strategy paper from Klima-Kleber: Is there a summer break coming?
RTL News: Last generation relies on reading in museums
RTL News: Minister sees criticism of Last Generation confirmed
RTL News: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
Schnelle News (auf youtube): When Scholz talks about climate glue, he becomes unusually clear
Schwarzwälder Bote: Fines after sticking campaign in Alter Pinakothek
Schwarzwälder Bote: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
Spiegel: Scholz thinks sticking campaigns are “completely crazy”
Spiegel: “Mr. Scholz, how dare you?”
Spiegel: "I have tremendous respect for someone like Robert Habeck"
Stern: “Mr. Scholz, how dare you...?”: Last generation outraged by the Chancellor’s “crazy” criticism
Stern: Blockades and color attack by climate activists
Stern: Again blockades by climate activists on Berlin streets
Stern: Fines after sticking campaign in Alter Pinakothek
Stern: No climate stickers at the full throttle party – a Ferrari won for the first time
Stern: Last generation “stunned” by Scholz’s criticism
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists convicted of sticking to painting
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate activists convicted of sticking to painting
Stuttgarter Zeitung: “Completely crazy” – Chancellor criticizes climate glue
SWR Aktuell: Comment: “Climate protection? Missed the goal”
SWR News Zone: Olaf Scholz: “I find climate glue…”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Fines for gluing Rubens paintings
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate adhesives get away with a fine
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists “stunned” by the Chancellor’s criticism
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation “stunned” by Scholz’s criticism
Süddeutsche Zeitung: After criticism from Scholz: Climate demonstrators smear SPD headquarters
Süddeutsche Zeitung: After Scholz criticism: color attack by climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
t-online: “Crazy”: The Chancellor says what everyone is thinking
t-online: Activists are targeting the next federal state
t-online: Driver intentionally steps on activist's hand
t-online: This is the new trick of climate adhesives
t-online: Climate adhesives now trick with copper
t-online: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters in Berlin
t-online: Climate sticker violently pulled from the road by drivers
t-online: What is the “Last Generation” planning next? Internal plan report
t-online: ZDF actress is on trial as a climate activist
Tag24: Can the “Last Generation” Advertise in Schools? FDP calls for a clear ban
Tag24: Last generation and health workers block Berlin streets again
Tag24: Last generation condemns Olaf Scholz’s “crazy” statement: “How dare you?”
Tag24: Revenge of the “crazy” climate activists: Paint attack on the Berlin Spd party headquarters After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” continues road blockades in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Do the activists form a “criminal organization”?
Tagesspiegel: This is the internal summer plan of the “Last Generation”
Tagesspiegel: There may be further blockages during Tuesday
Tagesspiegel: Last generation smeared SPD party headquarters in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Video shows massive violence against climate activists in Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Complete closure of the A100 due to road damage - blockade cleared
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” counters the Chancellor’s “crazy” statement
Taiwan News: German chancellor calls some climate activists' protests 'nutty'
taz: Climate Chancellor at tipping point
The Limited Times: “It's not only going to be tight for the climate, but also for you”: Verdict in the Regensburg “climate glue” trial
The Limited Times: “Last generation” wants “social turning point” – and plans campaign against “super-rich”
The Limited Times: Climate adhesives want to use “concrete hands” in a more targeted manner
The Limited Times: Scholz rages against climate glue: Chancellor considers actions “completely crazy”
The Limited Times: Scholz rails against climate glue: Actions of the last generation are “completely crazy”
The Washington Post: German chancellor calls some climate activists' protests 'nutty'
Thüringer Allgemeine: Last generation: members, penalties, money – all information Rubens painting stuck to Alten Pinakothek during climate protest - verdict against activists in Munich Climate activists are planning a campaign against the “super rich” – protests are likely to increase in Bavaria Video shows cold shower for climate glue: Angry drivers pour liquid on activists Because of the superglue transport ban: Curious police operation on Marienplatz
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: Last generation “stunned” by Scholz’s criticism of protests
Vodafone live: Again blockades by climate activists on Berlin streets
Vodafone live: Greens criticize blockades by climate activists
Vodafone live: Last generation “stunned” by Scholz’s criticism
Vodafone live: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Vodafone live: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
Vodafone live: Dispute over rating of last generation
Vodafone live: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
Volksstimme: Last generation “stunned” by Scholz’s criticism
Volksstimme: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Volksstimme: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
watson: Last generation: Police threaten to take drastic step – climate activists unimpressed Scholz calls climate sticker campaigns “completely crazy”
WDR: Small climate glue in the traditional toy store in Aachen Scholz calls sticking campaigns “crazy” – “Last Generation” reacts in disbelief
Welt: Despite harsh criticism: blockades by climate activists again
Welt: How the “last generation” wants to bring about the “social turning point”.
Welt: We hobby pilots are not automatically environmental offenders
Welt: “I think it’s completely crazy,” says Scholz about the actions of the “Last Generation”
Welt: “Last Generation” stunned by Scholz criticism
Welt: “Last Generation” stunned by Scholz criticism – smeared SPD headquarters
Welt: “Last Generation” wants to bring about a “social turning point”.
Weser Kurier: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
Wiesbadener Kurier: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
WirtschaftsWoche: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
WirtschaftsWoche: After Scholz criticism: Climate activists smear SPD headquarters
WorldNews: Again blockades by climate activists on Berlin streets
WorldNews: Fines after sticking campaign in Alter Pinakothek
WorldNews: Climate: Scholz criticizes protest – last generation “stunned”
WorldNews: Last generation in Berlin: Blockades are most common here
WorldNews: Last generation: Fines after sticking in the Alter Pinakothek
WorldNews: Last generation: Climate activists counter Scholz's criticism and smear SPD headquarters
WorldNews: Munich: Climate activists convicted of sticking to paintings
WorldNews: After criticism from Scholz: Climate demonstrators smear SPD headquarters
WorldNews: Protest: Again blockades by climate activists on Berlin streets
WorldNews: Trials – Munich: Fines after sticking action in Alter Pinakothek
yahoo!nachrichten: Climate activists fined for sticking to paintings in Munich
yahoo!news: German chancellor calls some climate activists' protests 'nutty'
Zeit Online: Fines after sticking campaign in Alter Pinakothek
Zeit Online: Climate activists counter Scholz's criticism and smear the SPD headquarters
Zeit Online: The last generation is shocked by criticism from Olaf Scholz

   br24: “Last Generation”: Social work professionals show solidarity

24hamburg: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
24RHEIN: Cologne Museum works with climate adhesives - and the activists know how to use this to their advantage
a News: Climate activists arrested in front of German Constitutional Court
B.Z.: Climate chaot sticks himself on the roof of his car in Berlin
B.Z.: Update on the climate glue blockages
Badische Zeitung: FDP wants to protect schools from climate activist advertising
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: ++ Police: All blockages of the climate stickers cleared ++
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Activist sticks himself on car roof
Berliner Zeitung: GdP: Last generation is a criminal organization
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks streets in Berlin: drivers pour liquid on activists
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: We are not criminals, we protect the constitution Wrong Scholz taken to federal court
Das Erste: Video: The open society in crisis
Focus: Fire brigade moves in with a new trick in Berlin – the police have to request help
Focus: “Last generation” should payNow the CDU wants to hit the climate glue at its most sensitive point
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation relies on reading in museums
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Scholz calls the actions of climate activists “crazy”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “You complete idiots!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” activists
Fuldaer Zeitung: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Fuldaer Zeitung: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them Last generation relies on reading in museums
Hamburger Morgenpost: No more porridge on paintings: “Last Generation” surprises with an art campaign
Head Topics: Climate chaot sticks himself on the roof of his car in Berlin
Head Topics: Climate adhesives start the new week
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Judge tough: climate gluer convicted again – years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment
ka-news: Last generation: Did activists want to destroy the stone at the Constitutional Court?
Kreiszeitung: Bremen climate gluer Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – three years probation
Kölnische Rundschau: Last generation criminal? Berlin's Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Legal Tribune online: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Schwarzenegger understands radical climate protests Majority calls for higher penalties for climate activists
Merkur: Drivers kick and hit climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
Merkur: “Concrete hands” want to use climate adhesives more specifically
Merkur: Climate stickers want to block Marienplatz on Saturday – despite a strict ban
monopol Magazin: Last generation cooperates with exhibition venues
msn: Climate sticker is attached to rental cars - new tactic used by activists
n-TV: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
n-TV: Climate activists are blocking streets in Berlin again
NDR: Climate, bonding, prison – behind the scenes of the “Last Generation”
NDR: Reading instead of sticking: “Last Generation” cooperates with museums
NDR: Nordmagazin – Exchange: “Last Generation” in the Rostock Kunsthalle
oe24: Drivers shower air conditioning adhesive with liquid
rbb24: Berlin police dissolve all blockades of the “Last Generation”.
rnd: Climate activists block streets in Berlin – police union suggests revoking driving licenses
rnd: Police Union: Last Generation is a criminal organization
RTL News: GdP: Last generation is a criminal organization
Spiegel: Berlin's Senator for Justice is checking whether "Last Generation" is a criminal organization
Stern: Climate activists arrested before the Federal Constitutional Court
Stern: Police union GdP rates Last Generation as a criminal organization
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The climate adhesives are not a criminal organization
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Justice Senator is checking whether “Last Generation” is a criminal organization
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation relies on reading in museums
t-online: Climate adhesives now trick with copper
t-online: Climate adhesives cause traffic chaos in Berlin
t-online: Instead of mashed potatoes and glue: “Last Generation” is now reading out loud
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocks Berlin: Drivers React Aggressively Again
Tag24: Climate activist with a jackhammer: “Olaf Scholz” arrested in front of the Constitutional Court!
Tag24: Police union considers demands of “last generation” to be “hypocritical”
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” activists arrested at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe
Tagesschau: Berlin police dissolve all blockades of the “Last Generation”.
Tagesschau: Reading instead of sticking: “Last Generation” cooperates with museums
Tagesspiegel: Police union wants to revoke driver's licenses of climate activists
Tagesspiegel: “Traffic chaos” around the A100 motorway in the west – half of the blockades cleared
The Limited Times: Climate activists block streets in Berlin again
The Limited Times: Climate adhesives want to use “concrete hands” in a more targeted manner
The Limited Times: Motorists kick and punch climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!” Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate gluer Carla sentenced again Climate stickers want to block Marienplatz on Saturday – despite a strict ban
watson: Last generation: Police union threatens activists with drastic measures
Welt: Now the “last generation” is stuck to car roofs
Welt: Climate activists arrested before the Federal Constitutional Court
Welt: What we know about the “Last Generation” – live chat with Alexander Dinger and Lennart Pfahler
Welt: How the “last generation” wants to bring about the “social turning point”.
Welt: We hobby pilots are not automatically environmental offenders
Welt: “Last Generation” wants to bring about a “social turning point”.
WorldNews: “Last generation”: Climate adhesives now use a new copper trick
Zeit Online: Climate activists arrested before the Federal Constitutional Court
Zeit Online: Last generation relies on reading in museums

24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
24hamburg: Bremen climate gluer Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – three years probation
archyde: The Last Generation: Climate Activists And Their Use Of “Concrete Hands”
ARD alpha: Civil disobedience
Berlin Story News: Berlin's governor rules out negotiations with climate stickers
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Der Patriot: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Deutschlandfunk: International Museum Day – 8 museums seek dialogue with Last Generation
Deutschlandfunk: Communication instead of confrontation: Museums talk to climate activists
Deutschlandfunk: New Senator for Justice Badenberg is examining the classification of “Last Generation” as a criminal organization Berlin Senator has an investigation carried out: Last generation of criminal group? Berlin's ruler rules out negotiations with climate adhesives
Focus: Public prosecutors on site, longer detentionBerlin's mayor wants to take tougher action against climate glue
Focus: “Last generation” should payNow the CDU wants to hit the climate glue at its most sensitive point
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation relies on reading in museums
Frankfurter Rundschau: Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate activist Carla sentenced again
Frankfurter Rundschau: “You complete idiots!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” activists
Haller Kreisblatt: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
HAMBURGER KUNSTHALLE: Continuous reading: Without climate protection, there is no protection of cultural assets
Head Topics: Climate activists in Munich protest with superglue on Marienplatz
Heute – Österreich: Climate adhesives are now surprising with a completely new method
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Museum Ludwig in Cologne cooperates with the Last Generation
Main Post: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Markets Insider: Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting
Merkur: Drivers kick and hit climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
Merkur: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
NDR: Reading instead of sticking – “Last Generation” cooperates with museums
Obermain-Tagblatt: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: Berlin's ruler rules out negotiations with climate adhesives
onvista: Berlin Senator has an investigation carried out: Last generation of criminal group?
Oscar am Freitag: Berlin's Senate wants to take tough action against “Last Generation”.
Passauer Neue Presse: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Presse Augsburg: Berlin's ruler rules out negotiations with climate adhesives
Radio Zwickau: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Rhein-Zeitung: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
RTL News: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Ruhr Nachrichten: Last generation – criminal organization? Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Stern: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
SWR Aktuell: Attempt at rapprochement: Climate activists perform in the museum in Friedrichshafen
t-online: Kai Wegner wants to condemn “last generation” climate adhesives more quickly
t-online: Climate adhesives now trick with copper
Tagesschau: Berlin's Senator for Justice is examining the assessment of “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Tagesspiegel: Politics has no place in law enforcement
taz: Senate brings justice into position
The Limited Times: Climate adhesives want to use “concrete hands” in a more targeted manner
The Limited Times: Motorists kick and punch climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
turi2: turi2 on Sunday: Last Generation, FAZ, Patrick Graichen.
Vaihinger Kreiszeitung: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Vodafone live: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked

   Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists violate the superglue transport ban

24auto: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
24hamburg: “You complete idiots, dude!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” climate activists
24RHEIN: “You complete idiots!”: Drivers kick and hit “last generation” climate activists
Abendzeitung München: Climate glue announce: On Saturday with superglue on Marienplatz
Abendzeitung München: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
AD HOC NEWS: Violent attacks on climate activists in Berlin: Drivers have attacked several members of the group Last Generation, who are protesting against climate policy with road blockades. Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Allgäuer Zeitung: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
archyde: “Last Generation Climate Activists Chain Themselves In Protest…
B.Z.: First car damaged by air conditioning stickers
B.Z.: Senator for Justice has Last Generation's rating checked
B.Z.: Why are climate activists allowed to use public buildings for missionary work?
Berchtesgardener Anzeiger: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Berliner Kurier: Climate adhesives put themselves in chains
Berliner Kurier: Climate protests are escalating: violence reigns on the streets
Berliner Morgenpost: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate adhesive in Berlin today: This is how drastically car rental companies are reacting to the last generation Climate chaotics are wasting time with these lousy tricks
Cannstatter Zeitung: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Deutschlandfunk: New Senator for Justice Badenberg is examining the classification of “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Die Oberbadische: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Express: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Eßlinger Zeitung: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting
Focus: Fire brigade moves in with a new trick in Berlin – the police have to request help
Focus: “Last generation” should payNow the CDU wants to hit the climate glue at its most sensitive point
Frankenpost: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The “Last Generation” must pay compensation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The “Last Generation” must pay compensation
Frankfurter Rundschau: Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate activist Carla sentenced again
Frankfurter Rundschau: “You complete idiots!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” activists Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Freie Presse: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
German News (auf youtube): Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Hamburger Abendblatt: Last generation: members, penalties, money – all information
Handelsblatt: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': Compassion will have to wait
Head Topics: Violence against climate activists: They call it self-defense
Head Topics: Climate stickers want to block Marienplatz on Saturday – despite a strict ban
Head Topics: Climate protest not a criminal organization: absurd accusation
Head Topics: Munich: Climate activists protest against superglue ban
Head Topics: Why are climate stickers allowed to use public buildings for missionary work?
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “You complete idiots, dude!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” climate activists
in Südthüringen: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Kreiszeitung: Bremen climate gluer Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – three years probation
Kreiszeitung: “You complete idiots, dude!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” climate activists
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Mannheimer Morgen: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Merkur: Drivers kick and hit climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
Merkur: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
Merkur: Climate stickers pose problems for the police with a new scam
Merkur: “Concrete hands” want to use climate adhesives more specifically
Merkur: Climate stickers want to block Marienplatz on Saturday – despite a strict ban
msn: Cold shower for the “last generation”: man dumps bucket of water onto air conditioning glue
Märkische Allgemeine: First climate adhesive in Wittstock?
n-TV: Betrayal of the climate protectors against the climate protectors
Neue Presse: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Neue Westfälische: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
News 89.4: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Nordkurier: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
Nordkurier: How the last generation is doing now - and what it's missing
oe24: “You complete idiots!”: Drivers attack climate stickers
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Radio Bamberg: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Radio EINS: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Radio Euroherz: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Radio RSG: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Ratgeber25: Drivers violently pull climate stickers off the highway - to no avail
rbb24: Drivers kick “Last Generation” demonstrators
rbb24: Berlin's Senator for Justice is examining the assessment of “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Rote Fahne: The motion to ban “Last Generation” is directed against the entire environmental movement
RTL News: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
RTL News: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Schwarzwälder Bote: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Solinger Tageblatt: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Stern: Drivers attack climate activists in Berlin
Stern: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization?
südostschweiz: Drivers in Berlin kick activists of the last generation
t-online: Car rental companies ban climate activists
t-online: Berlin Justice Senator examines “Last Generation”
Tag24: Cold Shower For “Last Generation”: Man Tips Bucket Of Water Onto Climate Glue Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Tagesspiegel: Berlin's Senator for Justice has Last Generation's assessment checked
taz: Absurd accusation
The Kasaan Times: The Last Generation continues to rely on blackmail
The Limited Times: Climate adhesives pose problems for police with new scam
The Limited Times: Climate adhesives want “concrete hands” if “the disturbance is significantly increased as a result”
The Limited Times: Motorists kick and punch climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Vatican News: D: “Last Generation” calls for more protests in church
Vodafone live: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
Vodafone live: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them That's why car rental companies are taking action against the "last generation".
Welt: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
Welt: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Welt: “Last Generation” now wants to “use concrete hands more strategically”
Wissenschaft und Frieden: Transformation through escalation?
ZDF: “Last generation” criminal organization?
Zeit Online: “The demonstrators demand compliance with the rules”
Zeit Online: Badenberg has Last Generation's rating checked
Zeit Online: Last generation: Senator for Justice has the evaluation checked
Ö1: 1. Scientists show solidarity with “Last Generation”

20 Annoyed drivers pull air conditioning stickers off the road
24auto: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
24hamburg: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
24hamburg: Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Agenția Națională de Presă: Germania: Activiştii pentru climă au blockat traffic in mai multe points din Berlin
ARD Audiothek: Structures, finances, division of labor – insights into the “last generation”
B.Z.: Climate Glue: Blockade Update
B.Z.: Police protect climate glue from themselves
B.Z.: Who should actually pay for this climate glue madness?
B.Z.: Climate glue again
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate adhesive in Berlin today: Fire brigade arrives with heavy equipment
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation demonstrates in chains against investigations
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks traffic across Berlin: Drivers put activist in a stranglehold
Berliner Zeitung: Neuruppin: Last generation demonstrates in chains against investigations Air conditioning glue disappears under a bag Who should actually pay for this climate glue madness?
blue News: Drivers hit and kick climate stickers
concept m: Climate glue – The infantile protest damages the climate cause
Czechia Posts: A motorist in Berlin was beaten by climate activists who blocked the road Peaceful disobedience
Eßlinger Zeitung: Drivers attack climate activists in Berlin
Focus: “Last generation” should payNow the CDU wants to hit the climate glue at its most sensitive point
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Drivers hit and kick “Last Generation” activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Feller sees no infiltration by “Last Generation”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation demonstrates in chains against investigations
Frankfurter Rundschau: Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate activist Carla sentenced again
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate activists block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “You complete idiots!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” activists
Globe Echo: Drivers In Berlin Kick Activists Of The “Last Generation”
GreatGameIndia: Germany Brands Climate Protesters 'Criminal Organization'
Hamburger Morgenpost: Because of investigations: “Last Generation” puts itself in chains
Head Topics: 'Last Generation': Climate blockades throughout Berlin
Head Topics: 4.100 euros for airport occupation: last generation should pay
Head Topics: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
Head Topics: Climate activists block streets in Berlin - fire brigade has to lift some cars
Head Topics: Climate adhesives block Berlin on Father's Day: 14 locations affected
Head Topics: Police protect climate glue from themselves
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Kreiszeitung: Climate stickers pose problems for the police with a new scam
Kölnische Rundschau: Drivers in Berlin kick activists of the last generation
Merkur: Drivers kick and hit climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
Merkur: Climate stickers pose problems for the police with a new scam
Merkur: Due to investigation: Last generation demonstrates in chains
Märkische Allgemeine: Neuruppin: “Last generation” knelt in chains in front of the justice center
Märkische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” kneels in front of the Justice Center
n-TV: Drivers kick last generation activists
n-TV: Robert Habeck and the Greens discover fallibility Drivers in Berlin kick activists of the last generation
nd.aktuell (auf youtube): Fed up? This is how citizens react to “climate glue”
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Last generation: Drivers in Berlin punch and kick climate activists
nordbayern: “Go to work, you pigs”: Drivers kick and hit climate activists
rbb24: Drivers attack “Last Generation” demonstrators
rbb24: Ascension Day in Berlin
rnd: Punches and kicks: Drivers take violent action against activists in Berlin
RTL News: Feller sees no infiltration by “Last Generation”
RTL News: Last generation demonstrates in chains against investigations
Schwarzwälder Bote: Drivers attack climate activists in Berlin
Solinger Tageblatt: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Spiegel: Rebel with calculator
Spiegel: How radical protests are slowing down climate policy
Stern: Drivers in Berlin kick climate activists
Stern: Drivers kick last generation activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Drivers attack climate activists in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Drivers in Berlin kick climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Compassion will have to wait
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Feller sees no infiltration by “Last Generation”
t-online: Activists are now even stuck under cars – a crane has to come
t-online: Blockade of the “Last Generation”: Drivers kick and hit
t-online: CDU wants to ask climate glue to pay
t-online: Climate activists probably have money worries - have they imposed a hiring freeze?
t-online: Climate activists shut down the highway with trucks for hours
t-online: Climate activists want to block Marienplatz on Saturday
t-online: Traffic jam on the A100 – drivers angry: “You complete idiots, old man”
Tag24: “Last Generation” Prosecutor Delivers Himself in Chains: Still More Raids?
Tag24: Climate activists stick on Berlin's A100: kicks and punches from drivers
Tag24: Museum Day With “Last Generation”: Hygiene Museum Invites Climate Glue
Tag24: This is how climate adhesives work: Carla Hinrichs speaks plainly
Tagesschau: Drivers kick “Last Generation” activists
Tagesspiegel: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” activists
Tagesspiegel: Blockades dissolved after eight hours - drivers kick and hit activists
Tagesspiegel: “Last Generation” demonstrates in chains because of investigations
taz: They call it self defense
The Limited Times: Climate adhesives pose problems for police with new scam
The Limited Times: Motorists kick activists of the last generation Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate” Protest action in Munich: Climate activists meet on Marienplatz - with superglue in their luggage “You complete idiots, dude!”: Drivers kick and hit “Last Generation” climate activists
VN Explorer: Annoyed drivers pull air conditioning stickers off the road
Volksstimme: Drivers kick last generation activists
watson: Last generation in Berlin: A100 blockades – video shows aggressive drivers Last generation demonstrates in chains because of investigations
Welt: Drivers kick last generation activists
Welt: Last generation demonstrates in chains against investigations
Welt: Protest on the highway – drivers kick “last generation” activists
Westfälische Nachrichten: Feller sees no infiltration by “Last Generation”
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Drivers kick and hit climate activists of the “last generation” – “You complete idiots, dude!”
Zeit Online: Drivers in Berlin kick climate activists
Zeit Online: Drivers kick last generation activists
Zeit Online: Feller sees no infiltration by “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Last generation demonstrates in chains against investigations
Zeit Online: They called her Super Glue Penny
Zevener Zeitung: At the end of the day through Verden: Experience standstill even without climate adhesive

24hamburg: Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Allgäuer Zeitung: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
American Faith: Germany Suspects Climate Protester Group Is a 'Criminal Organization'
az-online: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
B.Z.: 13 blockages! Climate adhesives slow down Father's Day traffic
Berliner Kurier: Climate adhesives need 840.000 euros – now they are begging for donations!
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: +++ Climate activists stick themselves to vehicles +++ Climate glue blocks THESE 14 places
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate adhesive in Berlin today: “We need money” – appeal for donations from the “Last Generation”
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation asks for donations: “We need money!”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: 16 blockages on Father's Day, man clings to car
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars Germania: Activiştii pentru climă au blockat traffic in mai multe points din Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate activists block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Haller Kreisblatt: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Head Topics: Climate stickers want to block Father's Day traffic
Head Topics: Last generation: Blockades in Berlin today in 16 places
Head Topics: News blog about the “Last Generation”: Blockades at 15 locations in Berlin – Avus and A100 also affected
Head Topics: News blog about the “Last Generation”: Police dissolve climate blockades in Berlin – fire brigade must provide administrative assistance
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate protection: According to a new survey, older people are more willing to act sustainably than younger people
Kreiszeitung: Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Merkur: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
Merkur: Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Merkur: Curious protest: Climate activists stick to car tires - police react pragmatically
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Last generation blocks traffic at 14 locations
n-TV: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Neue Deister Zeitung: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Neue Westfälische: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Passauer Neue Presse: Jesuit priest sentenced for taking part in climate protest
Passauer Neue Presse: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Perspektive Online: “Last Generation” soon to become a criminal organization?
Radio Euroherz: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
rbb24: Climate demonstrators will also block several streets in Berlin on Ascension Day
rbb24: Senior public prosecutor does not see “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Rhein-Zeitung: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
rnd: “Turn 2000 politicians against you, but leave 80 million Germans alone”
Schaumburger Zeitung: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Schwarzwälder Bote: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Stern: Hoffmann on Last Generation: Motivation is irrelevant
Stern: Last generation blocks traffic at 14 locations
Stiri Diaspora: Germania. Haos in Berlin, după ce activiştii pentru climă au blockat traffic din mai multe puncte
Stiripesurse: Activiştii pentru climă au blockat traffic in mai multe points din Berlin
t-online: “Last Generation” worries about their reputation
t-online: “Last Generation” activists stick themselves under cars
t-online: Climate activists probably have money worries - have they imposed a hiring freeze?
Tag24: Last generation wants to paralyze holiday traffic on Father's Day
Tagesschau: Climate activists cling to drive shafts – fire brigade has to lift cars
Tagesschau: Climate demonstrators will also block several streets in Berlin on Ascension Day
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists cling to vehicles – Berlin fire brigade lifts cars off the road
Televiziunea Română: Activiştii pentru climă au blockat traffic in mai multe points din Berlin
The Limited Times: Climate stickers block Berlin on Father's Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
The Limited Times: Curious protest: Climate activists stick to car tires – police react pragmatically Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate” New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
VN Explorer: Climate stickers block Berlin on Father’s Day – “Not the slightest reason to celebrate”
Volksstimme: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Welt: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars
Zeit Online: Last generation protests: activists stick to cars

   rbb24: Senior public prosecutor does not see “Last Generation” as a criminal organization

24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
24hamburg: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
24hamburg: Climate protection: According to a new survey, older people are more willing to act sustainably than younger people
Abendzeitung München: Last generation: This is where the income from climate adhesives comes from
Abendzeitung München: Munich: Jesuit Father Jörg Alt sentenced for taking part in climate protest
AD HOC NEWS: The Berlin CDU wants to take tougher action against climate protesters.
AD HOC NEWS: In Berlin, climate activists from the “Last Generation” group blocked numerous streets again on Tuesday.
Aktiencheck: Berlin's CDU wants to take tougher action against climate protesters
Allgäuer Zeitung: 15-minute blockades in Augsburg are the alternative to the climate stickers
B.Z.: You have a piece of asphalt stuck to your hands
B.Z.: Is the Last Generation a criminal organization?
B.Z.: In the future, five days of preventive detention for climate glue
B.Z.: Woidke considers Last Generation to be a “criminal organization”
Berliner Abendblatt: Hoffmann on Last Generation: Motivation is irrelevant
Berliner Kurier: Is the Last Generation a criminal organization? Berlin public prosecutor contradicts this
Berliner Morgenpost: Berlin: Climate activists demonstrate in front of Deutsche Bank
Berliner Morgenpost: Hoffmann on Last Generation: Motivation is irrelevant
Berliner Morgenpost: Stübgen: Last generation acts like a criminal organization
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Climate activists block entrance to Deutsche Bank
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Berlin public prosecutor's office sees no suspicion of a criminal organization
BuzzFeed: Last Generation as a criminal organization could have serious consequences “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Der Westen: Last generation: Activist continues protest despite suspended sentence – “Experience radicalization” Berlin public prosecutor's office on “Last Generation”: No initial suspicion of a criminal organization
Focus: Guest article by Gabor SteingartClimate adhesives get more airtime on ARD than Macron's criticism of energy policy
Focus: Jörg Alt: Jesuit priest convicted of climate blockade – fined 10 euros
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Time is running out
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Hoffmann on Last Generation: Motivation is irrelevant
Frankfurter Rundschau: Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate activist Carla sentenced again
Frankfurter Rundschau: Curious protest from the “last generation”: climate activists stick themselves to car tires
Hamburger Morgenpost: Climate activists want to take to the streets again in Hamburg next week
Hasepost: Berlin's CDU wants to take tougher action against climate protesters
Head Topics: Berlin: Climate activists block entrance to Deutsche Bank
Head Topics: Climate activists and Jesuit priests convicted for road blocking Stachus
Head Topics: Climate glue in Berlin: Wegner wants to expand preventive detention
Head Topics: Climate adhesives are causing chaos again
Head Topics: In the future, five days of preventive detention for climate glue
Head Topics: Dear climate gluers, you have become an unimaginative group in Berlin
Head Topics: Public prosecutor's office on “Last Generation”: Not a criminal organization
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Ambulance blocked: man dies during climate strike – “Last Generation” admits mistakes
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” – Carla protests under the motto: “On the streets again after a prison sentence”
Kreiszeitung: Bremen climate gluer Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – three years probation
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: “Anyone who intentionally drives a car is a violent criminal.”
Kölnische Rundschau: Are AfD “climate glue” driving voters?
Kölnische Rundschau: “Anyone who intentionally drives a car is a violent criminal.” Last generation makes demands on the government
Merkur: Now even more dangerous? Video shows new highway mesh of climate adhesive
Merkur: Curious protest: Climate activists stick to car tires - police react pragmatically
Merkur: “Last Generation” – Carla protests under the motto: “On the streets again after a prison sentence”
msn: Curious protest: Climate activists stick to car tires - police react pragmatically
News & Nachrichten: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
news38: VW boss Oliver Blume speaks out about activists – his words are clear
nordbayern: New tactic: Climate activists stick themselves to car tires
Nordkurier: Last generation: Disagreement in legal assessment
Norway Posts: Climate activists, Berlin | Climate was in the streets of Berlin
Oberbayerisches Volksblatt: Ten euro fine for climate adhesive
Presse Augsburg: Berlin's CDU wants to take tougher action against climate protesters
Presseportal: Berlin public prosecutor's office on “Last Generation”: No initial suspicion of a criminal organization
ProSieben: “Long-term nuisance”: Senior public prosecutor does not see “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
ProSieben: “Last Generation” wants to paralyze Hamburg – and fails before it gets started
Ratgeber25: Highway blockade! Video shows risky climate glue campaign in Berlin
rbb: Senior public prosecutor: 1980 case against “Last Generation”
rbb24: Court sees initial suspicion of criminal organization among “Last Generation” activists
rbb24: Climate activists block traffic on several main roads
regionalHeute: Mayor shows clear stance: No discussions with the last generation
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
rnd: Carla Hinrichs continues to be stuck on the streets despite her suspended sentence - and is challenging the verdict
rnd: The chief public prosecutor does not see Last Generation as a criminal organization
RTL News: Hoffmann on Last Generation: Motivation is irrelevant
RTL News: Last generation: Disagreement in legal assessment
RTL News: Stübgen: Last generation acts like a criminal organization
Ruhr24: Climate protection: According to a new survey, older people are more willing to act sustainably than younger people
SauerlandKurier: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Solinger Tageblatt: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Spiegel: Jesuit Father Alt sentenced – fined ten euros
Stern: Jesuit priest sentenced for taking part in climate protest
SWR Aktuell: International Museum Day: Museums invite “Last Generation” to performances
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation no criminal organization
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation: Disagreement in legal assessment
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Ten euro fine for Jesuit priest
t-online: “Last Generation” cooperates with the Cologne Museum
t-online: Jesuit priest only has to pay a fine of ten euros for climate protest
t-online: Jürgen Becker describes drivers as “violent criminals”
t-online: Climate activists block Deutsche Bank with bobby cars
Tag24: “Climate parents” chain themselves in front of Deutsche Bank: With bobby cars against the fossil industry
Tag24: The Climate Rebels of the “Last Generation” – A Criminal Organization?
Tagesschau: Senior public prosecutor does not see “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Tagesspiegel: Berlin public prosecutors see no initial suspicion of a criminal organization
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists block the entrance to the Deutsche Bank in Berlin-Mitte
Tagesspiegel: What would prolonged detention in Berlin really bring?
taz: Not a criminal organization
Telepolis: “Last Generation”: What is legally a criminal organization?
The Limited Times: “Last generation” – Carla protests according to the motto: “After imprisonment again on the streets”
The Limited Times: Is climate glue a “criminal organization”? Court confirms initial suspicion
The Limited Times: New blockades in Berlin: climate activists glue themselves to tires
Thompson Citizen: German court convicts, fines Jesuit priest over climate protest Climate activists in Munich convicted for protesting at Stachus - Jesuit priest also prosecuted for coercion Climate activist Carla is stuck again despite being convicted - and now she may even be facing imprisonment Curious protest: Climate activists stick themselves to car tires from their own rental cars Because of a road block in Munich: District court condemns Pattex-Pater - but his verdict is a joke “Funny Patex brothers”: Mario Barth frustrated because emergency services are blocked because of climate adhesives
Ulmweltwoche: Panel discussion “Civil disobedience against the background of the advancing climate catastrophe”
Utopia: Climate activist Egli: “We would be happy if we didn’t have to stick ourselves in front of a car”
WDR: Last Generation – Church May 17.05.2023, XNUMX
Welt: Last generation: Disagreement in legal assessment
Welt: Woidke calls the “Last Generation” a “criminal organization”
Welt: “The radicalization is a result of what the state is doing against such organizations”
Welt: “It’s finally time for politicians to wake up”
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Climate protection: According to a new survey, older people are more willing to act sustainably than younger people
yahoo!news: German court convicts, fines Jesuit priest over climate protest
Zeit Online: Hoffmann on Last Generation: Motivation is irrelevant
Zeit Online: Last generation no criminal organization

   Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Cologne Museum cooperates with last generation climate activists

24auto: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Allgemeine Zeitung: Speaker of the Last Generation sticks herself again
AP News: German court convicts, fines Jesuit priest over climate protest
B.Z.: Climate adhesive on Tempelhofer Damm
B.Z.: Climate adhesives cement their hands in concrete – long traffic jams
Berlin Story News: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue in Berlin today: Massive blockades throughout the city
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: climate adhesive with new technology – the consequences are severe
Berliner Zeitung: Climate glue in Berlin: Wegner wants to expand preventive detention
Berliner Zeitung: Dear climate gluers, you have become an unimaginative group in Berlin
Braunschweig Spiegel: wrong Welt: Who is radical here?
der Freitag: A law from 1871 criminalizes the last generation - who takes part?
Digital Daily: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed “Bound by law and order”
Dr. Mark Benecke’s Official Youtube Channel (auf youtube): Heat, environment and climate update May 2023 🍃 City of St. Augustin & Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
Focus: Dashcam video shows how risky the “last generation” is to stop highway traffic
Focus: “Last generation” court sees climate adhesives as initial suspicion of a criminal organization
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activist Hinrichs sticks herself on again
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Stübgen: Last generation acts like a criminal organization
Frankfurter Rundschau: Curious protest from the “last generation”: climate activists stick themselves to car tires
Frisches Flensburg: Air conditioning adhesives are required to be paid for
Hasepost: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
Head Topics: Debate about the last generation: Who is radical here?
Head Topics: Climate protest in Munich: Jesuit priest sentenced to a lenient sentence New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed Web video: How the 'last generation' blocked the A 100
Kreiszeitung: Bremen climate gluer Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – three years probation
Kreiszeitung: Curious protest: Climate activists stick to car tires - police react pragmatically
Kölnische Rundschau: Despite being on probation, Carla Hinrichs is again involved in the blockade – prison sentence is imminent
mdr: Researchers struggle with “Last generation before the tipping points”
Merkur: Climate activist Carla is stuck again despite being convicted - and now she may even be facing imprisonment
Merkur: Curious protest: Climate activists stick to car tires - police react pragmatically
Märkische Allgemeine: Last generation on the A100 in Berlin: road blockades on Tuesday
n-TV: Jesuit priest sentenced for taking part in climate protest
n-TV: Climate activists cling to rental car tires
n-TV: Again blockades of the last generation, again long traffic jams
nachrichten-heute: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed Berlin: 17 Last Generation blockades on Monday morning
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: “Nothing done for climate protection”: Police union attacks last generation
oe24: German court over climate glue: “Criminal organization”
Oldenburger Onlinezeitung: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
PR-Video – Photographie & Video (auf youtube): “Last Generation” blocks car traffic in Heidelberg with a protest march
ProSieben: Potsdam Regional Court sees “Last Generation” as a criminal organization
Radio Gong: Würzburg: Discussion between the last generation and the city council postponed
Regio-Journal: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
regionalHeute: New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
RTL News: The dangerous new scam of climate adhesives
RTL News: Jesuit priest sentenced for taking part in climate protest
RTL News: Dealing with the last generation: “Probation sentences are not enough”
Soester Anzeiger: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
Spiegel: Climate activists block traffic in Berlin
Stern: CDU politicians are calling for tougher treatment of the last generation
Stern: Again blockades of the last generation, again long traffic jams
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wegner: Expand preventive detention to five days
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Ten euro fine for Jesuit priest
t-online: “Last Generation”: What is a criminal organization?
t-online: The regional court sees initial suspicion of a criminal organization
t-online: Splashed with manure: “Last Generation” reacts to village rockers
t-online: Police force Carla Hinrichs off the street
t-online: This is how the “last generation” influences the work of the police
t-online: This is how recklessly the climate adhesives are slowing down traffic
t-online: Video shows daring action by the “last generation” on the highway
Tag24: “Last Generation” Blocks Berlin Again: “I’ll Carry On Even If I Have to Go to Prison”
Tag24: “Last Generation” Intensifies Protest: Police Approach with Jackhammers
Tag24: Mario Barth Shoots Against The “Last Generation”: “Patex Brothers Block Emergency Forces
Tagesschau: Arnie invites you to the climate summit
Tagesspiegel: Berlin police prevent road blockades in the afternoon
Tagesspiegel: Last generation acts like criminal organization
Tagesspiegel: “We want to enable preventive detention for up to five days”
taz: GdP is not yet convinced
taz: Who is radical here?
Telewizja Polska: German court proclaims climate group 'criminal organization'
The Limited Times: New blockades in Berlin: climate activists glue themselves to tires Curious protest: Climate activists stick themselves to car tires from their own rental cars
Täglicher Anzeiger: CDU politicians are calling for tougher treatment of the last generation
wallstreet online: Please let the “Last Generation” stick
Welt: Jesuit priest sentenced for taking part in climate protest
Welt: Climate activists block traffic on several streets
Welt: Why climate activists are now sticking to cars
Winnipeg Free Press: German court convicts, fines Jesuit priest over climate protest New climate blockades in Berlin – A 100 partially closed
ZDF Satire (auf youtube): Prevent climate RAF! – Are street glue terrorists? | Urban Priol
Zeit Online: Visitors and climate activists should talk to each other
Zeit Online: Jesuit priest sentenced for taking part in climate protest
Zeit Online: Stübgen: Last generation acts like a criminal organization

20 Now they are stuck to car tires - activists are causing chaos in Berlin
24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Allgäuer Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
az-online: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
B.Z.: Has your understanding of climate adhesives changed?
B.Z.: Klima-Glue back on the road after a week's break
B.Z.: Climate glue uses a sand-glue mixture
B.Z.: Climate glue – what use is this protest to us?
B.Z.: Does climate gluer Carla Hinrichs have to go to jail now?
B.Z.: Police unscrew the air conditioning sticker and the wheel!
Berliner Kurier: Climate stickers and A115 closures want to torment Berliners on Monday
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: +++ Protest without glue +++ Police change tires with climate glue on them +++ Carla Hinrichs is threatened with imprisonment
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation” – a “criminal organization”?
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue in Berlin: Last generation with a new nerve trick - police counter casually
Berliner Morgenpost: Klimakleber: This blockade could have bad consequences for Carla Hinrichs
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: 17 blockades on Monday in Berlin, cut-off machines in use
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Court confirms initial suspicion of a criminal organization
Berliner Zeitung: Again blockades of the last generation, again long traffic jams Carla Hinrichs is stuck again!
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists continue campaign of roadblock protests in Berlin through mid-May
de24Live: Climate stickers block traffic in Berlin
Deutschlandfunk: Police: “Last Generation” blockades in 15 locations
Express: “Last generation” Now they even stick to the car tires – crazy photo
Focus: Protests at 15 locations in Berlin: Climate activist even gets stuck in a wheel during the blockade
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin
Frankfurter Rundschau: Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate activist Carla sentenced again
Hamburger Morgenpost: That’s how unpopular the “Last Generation” is – even among the Greens
Head Topics: Berlin: Climate adhesives stick to car tires
Head Topics: Sticking to car tires, stronger adhesive: The new strategy of climate activists in Berlin
Head Topics: Against “Last Generation” and “Extinction Rebellion”: Almost 2000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Head Topics: Klima-Glue back on the road after a week's break
Head Topics: Climate glue – what use is this protest to us?
Head Topics: Climate sociologist on the last generation: “For me they are heroes”
Head Topics: Last generation: Road blockades in Berlin again from Monday
Head Topics: Last generation: Several major blockades on Monday morning in Berlin
Head Topics: New climate protests – almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin so far
Head Topics: Police unscrew the air conditioning sticker and the wheel!
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Judge tough: climate gluer convicted again – years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment
Heute – Österreich: Complete chaos - air conditioning glue pecks at car tires
Kreiszeitung: Bremen climate gluer Carla Hinrichs sentenced again – three years probation
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Despite being on probation, Carla Hinrichs is again involved in the blockade – prison sentence is imminent
L’essentiel: Now they are stuck to car tires - activists are causing chaos in Berlin
mdr: Researchers struggle with “Last generation before the tipping points”
mdr: Climate activists of the “Last Generation” are blocking traffic in Beerlin again
Merkur: Climate gluer convicted again – years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment
Merkur: Curious protest: Climate activists stick to car tires - police react pragmatically
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: New climate protests: So far almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin
msn: “Last Generation” strikes again: activists stick themselves to car tires
msn: Live ticker: +++ Climate glue: The city is closed here today +++
Märkische Allgemeine: Road blockades on Monday in Berlin: The last generation is stuck here
n-TV: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin
n-TV: Climate activists stick themselves in car wheels
n-TV: Last generation paralyzes Berlin traffic in 17 locations Climate activists cling to car tires Traffic jam caused by climate glue: Last generation brings Berlin to a standstill
news38: VW boss Oliver Blume speaks out about activists – his words are clear
Nordkurier: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
oe24: Climate activist stuck to wheel of car!
onvista: So far, almost 2000 proceedings following climate protests in Berlin
Ostfriesen Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Ostfriesische Nachrichten: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Passauer Neue Presse: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
ProSieben: “Last generation”: The roads are now being blocked with these new methods
rbb24: Significant traffic disruptions throughout Berlin due to climate blockades
rbb24: Court sees initial suspicion of criminal organization among “Last Generation” activists
rbb24: Climate activist sticks to car rim
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
rnd: Last generation climate activists are stuck to rental cars
RTL News: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin
RTL News: Climate activists stick themselves to car rims!
RTL News: Air conditioning adhesives are now turning the wheel – asphalt is a thing of the past, long live the car rim!
RTL News: Speaker of the “Last Generation” condemned
RTL News: Again blockades of the last generation, again long traffic jams
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: New climate protests: So far almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin
Spiegel: Regional court confirms initial suspicion of a criminal organization in “Last Generation”
Stern: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin
Stern: New climate protests: So far almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Glued to rental cars: Last generation blocks Berlin again
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Again blockades of the last generation, again long traffic jams
t-online: Climate activists cling to car wheel
t-online: Climate stickers are back after a break in protests
t-online: Tires and air conditioning adhesive screwed off the car
Tag24: “Last Generation” Strikes Again: Activists Stick To Car Tires
Tagesschau: Court sees initial suspicion of criminal organization among “Last Generation” activists
taz: “For me they are heroes”
taz: “You can negotiate with activists, but not with extreme weather”
tekdeeps: German climate activists are being investigated as a criminal organization
TIMETURK: German climate activists block rush hour traffic in Berlin Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate gluer Carla sentenced again
Versicherungsbote: How Ökoworld founder wants to support the 'last generation'
Vodafone live: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Volksstimme: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin So far, almost 2000 proceedings following climate protests in Berlin
Welt: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin
Welt: Climate adhesives are even less popular than gendering
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Westfälischer Anzeiger: New blockades in Berlin: Climate activists cling to tires
ZDF: Carla Hinrichs is back on the streets
Zeit Online: Last generation blockades at 17 locations in Berlin
Zeit Online: Major raid on Last Generation: complaint dismissed
Zeit Online: Again blockades of the last generation, again long traffic jams

24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
AD HOC NEWS: The Last Generation group is calling for more ambition in climate protection.
B.Z.: New climate protests – almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin so far
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Badische Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Berliner Abendblatt: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Berliner Morgenpost: There are so many proceedings after climate protests in Berlin
Berliner Zeitung: The panic of the last generation: No, the global climate does not suddenly “tip”!
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Road blockades in Berlin again from Monday
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Almost 1800 proceedings due to climate protests in Berlin
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Bocholter-Borkener Volksblatt: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Cellesche Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
comdirect: Survey: Three quarters reject last generation methods
Deutschlandfunk: So far, almost 2000 proceedings following climate protests
Die Oberbadische: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin So far, almost 2000 proceedings following climate protests in Berlin
Focus: It's not just drivers who are held up in 2000 procedures! Climate adhesives make the Berlin judiciary a lot of work
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Hamburger Abendblatt: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Handelsblatt: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Head Topics: The panic of the last generation: No, the global climate does not suddenly “tip”!
Head Topics: Public prosecutors are conducting almost 2.000 cases following climate protests
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Judge tough: climate gluer convicted again – years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment
idowa: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
in Südthüringen: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Markets Insider: Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting
Merkur: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Merkur: New climate protests: So far almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
n-TV: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases against activists in Berlin
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Rebellion with side effects: “climate glue” feed AfD
Neue Presse: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Neue Westfälische: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
nordbayern: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Nordkurier: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Passauer Neue Presse: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
RADIO 7: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Radio Bamberg: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
rbb24: Public prosecutors are conducting almost 2.000 cases following climate protests
rnd: Almost 2000 proceedings after climate protests by Last Generation and Extinction Rebellion in Berlin
RTL News: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
RTL News: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
Ruhr Nachrichten: 2000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin So many verdicts have already been made
Schwarzwälder Bote: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Schwäbische: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin alone
Stern: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Stern: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
t-online: Thousands of criminal proceedings against climate glue in Berlin
Tag24: Climate rebels keep Berlin justice system on its toes: almost 2000 cases
Tagesschau: Public prosecutors are conducting almost 2.000 cases following climate protests
The Limited Times: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Thüringer Allgemeine: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Vodafone live: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
Vodafone live: New climate protests: So far almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin
Vodafone live: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Volksstimme: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Volksstimme: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
Volksstimme: New climate protests: So far almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin
Welt: 2000 proceedings after climate protests in Berlin - majority rejects last generation methods
Welt: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Welt: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin
Welt: New climate protests: So far almost 2000 proceedings in Berlin
Zeit Online: Climate protest: Almost 2000 cases in Berlin
Zeit Online: Almost 2000 cases following climate protests in Berlin

1 & 1: Survey: Large majority rejects “last generation” methods
Badische Neueste Nachrichten: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Badische Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue in Berlin: This is what Green voters think of the blockades
Bietigheimer Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods Survey: Three quarters reject last generation methods
boyens-medien: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Braunschweiger Zeitung: Compromise with police: “Last generation” is allowed to march
Börse Frankfurt: Survey: Three quarters reject last generation methods
Express: “Last Generation” climate protest in Cologne concerns the police – but this time everything is different
Eßlinger Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting
Frankenpost: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Frankfurter Rundschau: Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate activist Carla sentenced again
Freie Presse: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
FränkischerTag: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
General Anzeiger: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Handelsblatt: Survey: Three quarters reject last generation methods
Head Topics: Solidarity with the last generation: “Better to block RWE than roads”
Head Topics: “Last Generation”: Climate protest in Cologne concerns police – but this time everything is different
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Unsuitable as a role model”: Youth Welfare Office removes climate sticker from the jury list – despite years of commitment
in Südthüringen: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods Survey: Three quarters reject last generation methods
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Crimes during climate protests in North Rhine-Westphalia are increasing
Main Post: Parties for everyone! Wagenknecht, last generation and much more
Merkur: Climate gluer convicted again – years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment
Merkur: Ambulance blocked: man dies during climate strike – “Last Generation” admits mistakes
Merkur: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Neue Deister Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Neue Westfälische: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
News 89.4: Survey: Big Rejection for Last Generation Methods
NewsJet: Frustrating mass rejection activities of the last generation
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
ProSieben: Survey shows: This is how unpopular the “Last Generation” is
Radio Dresden: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
rbb24: Court dismisses climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip
Schaumburger Zeitung: Gregor Gysi speaks in an interview about Wagenknecht and the “Last Generation”
Stern: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
t-online: “Last generation”: 60 percent “completely” reject actions
Tag24: So many Germans are behind the actions of the “Last Generation”
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
TRT Deutsch: Survey: Little support for “Last Generation”
Volksstimme: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Zeit Online: Survey: Big rejection of last generation methods

24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
24hamburg: By car to the climate protest: “Last Generation” describes how they close the highways
AD HOC NEWS: The activist group Last Generation wants to use adhesive blockades to achieve greater ambition in the fight against global warming.
B.Z.: S-Bahn strike AND climate glue on Monday?
Berliner Kurier: Air conditioning glue flashes off for the time being with a lawsuit about the police pain-grip
Berliner Zeitung: In addition to the rail strike: Last Generation announces protests in Berlin for Monday
BuzzFeed: Last generation activist criticizes her punishment - hacker reprimands her
Cebu Daily News: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen execs “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
euronews: In pictures: Topless protester and cake throwing disrupt Volkswagen's annual meeting
Focus: In Hamburg, “Last Generation” wants to paralyze traffic – police prevent chaos
Focus: After a painful grip during a police operation – clap for climate glue in court
Focus: “Clap one or two away”Max Kruse’s wife is freaking out because of the “Last Generation” action
Frankfurter Rundschau: Years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment: climate activist Carla sentenced again
Hamburger Abendblatt: TV chef shows solidarity again - protest fails
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Clap away:” Dilara Kruse is freaking out about the “Last Generation”.
Head Topics: In addition to the rail strike: Last Generation announces protests in Berlin for Monday
Head Topics: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen execs
Head Topics: S-Bahn strike AND climate glue on Monday?
Heute – Österreich: “Clap away!” Player’s wife complains about climate glue
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Carla Hinrichs sentenced to prison
Kölnische Rundschau: Carla Hinrichs sentenced to prison
Legal Tribune online: “Last Generation” speaker sentenced to suspended sentence
Merkur: Andrea Kiewel washes off climate glue with juicy sayings in the “TV Garden”.
Merkur: Climate gluer convicted again – years of probation, hours of work, threatened imprisonment
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
NDR: State Parliament debates costs for police operations
NDR: State parliament argues about costs for climate protests
Nina Scheer: Speech: Call for the organization “Last Generation” to be banned
ProSieben: “Last Generation” activist defends himself against pain in court – and fails
ProSieben: “Last Generation”: Carla Hinrichs sentenced to prison
rbb24: Court dismisses climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip
report-K: Last generation starts first protest march in Cologne
rnd: Carla Hinrichs sentenced: suspended prison sentence for speaker of the Last Generation
rnd: The vast majority reject road blockades for more climate protection
Ruhr Nachrichten: Michael Breilmann in the Bundestag about the last generation “We need tougher punishments”
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Sachsen-Anhalt Online: In addition to the S-Bahn strike, new road blockades were also announced
Solinger Tageblatt: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Stadt Frankfurt Am Main: “Last Generation” in the town hall – VHS discusses the impact and limits of protest
Stern: In addition to the S-Bahn strike, new road blockades were also announced
Stern: Speaker of the “Last Generation” condemned
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Always chasing attention
t-online: This is how Germans think about the “Last Generation”
Tagesschau: Bremen climate activist sentenced to 2 months in prison on probation
Tagesschau: State parliament argues about costs for climate protests
Tagesspiegel: Berliners have to prepare for an S-Bahn strike and climate blockades
Tagesspiegel: Berlin judges keep letting multiple perpetrators go
Welt: Climate activist fails with urgent application against pain grip by police officers
Welt: Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade
Welt: Why some climate adhesives end up in prison
Welt: “Last Generation” wants to block rush hour traffic and is stopped itself
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Zeit Online: In addition to the S-Bahn strike, new road blockades were also announced

20 Painful grip by police – climate stickers flash in court
69 News: Germany Climate Protest
Allgemeine Zeitung: Last generation: Speaker Carla Hinrichs condemned
B.Z.: Extra sausage? Court slap for climate glue!
Bangkok Post: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
Berliner Abendblatt: Court dismisses protestors' lawsuit over pain grip
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Berliner Morgenpost: Klimakleberin is happy about the “very light” fine
Berliner Morgenpost: Painful grip of the police – climate adhesive fails in court
Berliner Zeitung: Debate about pain grips: Climate protester's lawsuit initially unsuccessful
Berliner Zeitung: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Braunschweiger Zeitung: “Climate glue” does not have to pay for police operations
comdirect: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip initially unsuccessful
Focus: In Hamburg “The world is going to the wall” – TV chef Ole Plogstedt supports Last Generation
Focus: After a painful grip during a police operation, the clap for air conditioning glue goes to court
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Police prevent “Last Generation” road blockade in Hamburg
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate activist Carla Hinrichs sentenced in Frankfurt Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last Generation” announces new blockade in rush hour traffic
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Police intervene in the action – including a TV chef
Head Topics: Max Kruse's wife Dilara settles accounts with climate greasers!
Head Topics: After pain grip: slap for climate glue in court
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: By car to the climate protest: “Last Generation” describes how they close the highways
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I don’t want to go to prison”: Climate activist horrified by record punishment
HOGAPAGE: TV chef Ole Plogstedt supports climate activists
idowa: “Last Generation” protests during march through Regensburg
Jiji: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
Karlsruhe Insider: Climate activists block rush-hour traffic in a big city
Kreiszeitung: By car to the climate protest: “Last Generation” describes how they close the highways
Latest LY: Activists Throw Cake Amid Protest at Volkswagen Meeting
Legal Tribune online: Pain grip cannot be checked in urgent legal protection
mdr: Researchers struggle with “Last generation before the tipping points”
Merkur: Bundestag discusses ban on the “last generation”
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Unsuitable as a role model”: Youth Welfare Office removes climate adhesive from the jury list – despite years of commitment
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
mittelhessen: Last generation: Speaker Carla Hinrichs condemned
Mühlacker Tagblatt: Climate activists block traffic
n-TV: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
n-TV: Climate activist fails in lawsuit against police officers
n-TV: TV chef Ole Plogstedt protests with Last Generation
NDR: “Last Generation”: Police prevent “slow march”
NDR: VW shareholders meeting: Climate activists clearly show their displeasure
Nordwest-Zeitung: In Lower Saxony, activists do not have to pay to remove glue
NWZonline: In Lower Saxony, activists do not have to pay to remove glue
One News: Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting – DW
Politik (auf youtube): Last generation must be banned! Stephan Brandner! May 10.05.2023, XNUMX
ProSieben: “Last Generation” wants to paralyze Hamburg – and fails
Radio Hamburg: Last Generation protest march failed
rbb24: Court dismisses climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Bundestag discusses ban on the “last generation”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “Last Generation” soon more radical? Climate Prof calls for emergency laws that will massively change the country
RTL News: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
RTL News: Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade
SAT1: Last generation: Police prevent blockade in Hamburg – TV chef among participants
Science Media Center Germany : The “Last Generation” and the debate about tipping points in the climate system
SendStory: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
Stern: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Stern: Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade
Stern: Cake throwing and naked protest at Volkswagen general meeting
Stern: Cake throwing and naked protest: activists disrupt VW shareholders meeting
Süddeutsche Zeitung: No precautionary protection for demonstrators from pain attacks
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade
Süddeutsche Zeitung: This is not how Volkswagen gets out of the crisis
t-online: “Bad things could happen”: Dilara Kruse threatens “Last Generation”
t-online: Climate activist Carla Hinrichs sentenced in Frankfurt
t-online: Is the police's grip on pain legal? Court makes decision
t-online: This is how much violence the law against “climate glue” allows
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Police Prevent Road Blockade on Miche
Tag24: Climate activists accuse VW of harassment: “Dirty company”
Tag24: Kruse's wife Dilara rails against climate glue: "Clap it away at one time or another"
Tag24: Screaming Climate Activist Fails in Court: No Risk of Repeat for “Pain Grip”
Tagesanzeiger: Flying cakes and naked protests at Volkswagen's general meeting in Berlin
Tagesschau: Court dismisses climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip
Tagesspiegel: Berlin judges keep letting multiple perpetrators go
Tagesspiegel: Berlin's administrative court rejects “Last Generation”.
The Limited Times: Bundestag discusses ban on the “last generation”
TrendRadars: Topless protester interrupts Volkswagen's annual meeting in Berlin Climate activists do not reveal their names in court: Police fear they will get away without punishment Climate stickers drive their cars to protest: This is how the “Last Generation” closes the highway
Vodafone live: No precautionary protection for demonstrators from pain attacks
Vodafone live: Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade
Volksstimme: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Welt: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Welt: Climate activist fails with urgent application against pain grip by police officers
Welt: Last generation wants to block rush hour traffic and is stopped themselves
Yahoo Singapur: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
Zeit Online: No precautionary protection for demonstrators from pain attacks
Zeit Online: Climate protester's lawsuit over pain grip unsuccessful
Zeit Online: Last generation on Michel: Police prevent blockade

2 News: Germany Climate Protest
24auto: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
69 News: Topless protester briefly disrupts VW annual meeting
Augsburger Allgemeine: Climate campers continue their series of protests on Karlstrasse
autogazette: Protests disrupt VW's general meeting in Berlin
az-online: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
az-online: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
B.Z.: Climate stickers block VW shareholders meeting
B.Z.: Naked protest by climate chaos at VW
Barron’s: Protesters Throw Cake At Volkswagen Shareholders' Meeting
Berliner Kurier: Climate activists: Last generation concrete themselves at the VW meeting in Berlin, naked people storm the meeting
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: Climate gluers are planning new protests
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last generation” in Berlin: Today there is a risk of traffic jams again
Berliner Morgenpost: Naked protest by climate activists at VW's general meeting
Berliner Zeitung: Naked protest and adhesive blockade: Last generation disrupts VW general meeting
Berliner Zeitung: Cake throwing and naked protest at Volkswagen general meeting
Business Insider: How radical should climate protection be? Here are 66 suggestions from an economist that would completely change your life and our country
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Bundestagsfraktion: Last Generation
comdirect: Wissing: Actions of the last generation unbearable and criminal Are donations to the “last generation” punishable? “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
de24Live: Cake attack and naked protest: Climate chaos escalates at VW meeting
Deutsche Welle: Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting
Deutscher Bundestag: Ban on the organization “Last Generation”
DNyuz: Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting
echo 24: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
echo 24: “Last Generation” soon more radical? Climate Prof calls for emergency laws that will massively change the country
Express: Violent scenes “Last Generation” protests in Berlin – suddenly a driver’s collar explodes Wissing: Actions of the last generation unbearable and criminal
Focus: Violent protest against corporate cake attack and climate activist cause chaos at VW meeting
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Free Your Family: Climate glue and climate chaos
Fuldaer Zeitung: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
GigaNews: Climate: Last generation at Michel: Police prevent blockade
Handelsblatt: The street protest moves into the VW general meeting
Head Topics: Berlin: Climate activist disrupts VW event with naked protest
Head Topics: Climate stickers block VW shareholders meeting
Head Topics: Climate glue: Naked protest at VW
Head Topics: Klima-Glue: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Hersfelder Zeitung: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Kiss PR: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
Kreiszeitung: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Kreiszeitung: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Wissing comes under pressure at “Maischberger” and deals it out against “Last Generation”.
MarketScreener: Germany Climate Protest
mdr: Researchers struggle with “Last generation before the tipping points”
Merkur: Andrea Kiewel washes off climate glue with juicy sayings in the “TV Garden”.
Merkur: Bundestag discusses ban on the “last generation”
Merkur: Flying cake on Wolfgang Porsche and sticking attack: Turbulent shareholder meeting at VW
Merkur: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Merkur: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Unsuitable as a role model”: Youth Welfare Office removes climate adhesive from the jury list – despite years of commitment
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Merkur: “Last Generation” soon more radical? Climate Prof calls for emergency laws that will massively change the country
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Video: Cake attack and naked protest by climate activists at VW meeting in Berlin
mk-online: Jesuit publishes book with members of the Last Generation
msn: Spray air conditioning glue on a private plane - security staff sprays back
msn: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
NDR: “Last generation”: Police prevent blockade at Michel
News Deutschland: Climate protest: Volker Wissing doesn't see Last Generation any closer after meeting
News Deutschland: Climate campers continue their series of protests on Karlstrasse
news38: VW: Climbing protest slows down traffic in Wolfsburg! “It’s a lot of fun to pull the horn”
Offenbach-Post: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
One News: Activists throw cake amid protest at Volkswagen meeting
OVB online: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
ProSieben: Wissing on “Last Generation”: “I didn’t understand these young people”
ProSieben: Wissing on “Last Generation”: Consider it “unbearable and criminal”
Publik-Forum: A heart for climate adhesives
Radio Euroherz: Action on the Bamberger Reiter: Archdiocese of Bamberg does not display the last generation
radio Q: In Conversation With The Last Generation
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
rnd: Cake throwing at the VW general meeting was supposed to hit the chairman of the supervisory board, Porsche
Ruhr24: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
SauerlandKurier: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
SauerlandKurier: “Last Generation” soon more radical? Climate Prof calls for emergency laws that will massively change the country
SendStory: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
Soester Anzeiger: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Solinger Tageblatt: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Stern: Blockades by climate activists before the VW general meeting
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Politically motivated crimes at an all-time high
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: This is how much climate activists pay for police operations
SWR Aktuell: “Last generation” hinders rush hour traffic in Stuttgart
Sä Politically motivated crimes at an all-time high: Faeser criticizes the AfD
t-online: “Last Generation” blocks VW shareholders meeting
t-online: “Last Generation” protests on B14 in Stuttgart
t-online: Nude protest and cake throwing at VW meeting
t-online: This is how much violence the law against “climate glue” allows
Tag24: “Last Generation” Starts Running Protest In Dresden: Traffic Affected
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Climate Glue Blocks Access to Volkswagen Assembly
Tag24: Naked protest at VW! Climate Gluer Pulls Blank
Tagesschau: “Last generation” hinders rush hour traffic in Stuttgart
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: Police prevent “slow march”
Tagesschau: “Last generation”: Police prevent blockade at Michel
Tagesschau: Last generation blocks B14 with protest march
Tagesspiegel: Volkswagen general meeting in Berlin disrupted – several climate activists “cast in concrete”
taz: Spongy hazard analysis
The Australian: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
The Limited Times: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
The Limited Times: Bundestag discusses ban on the “last generation”
The Limited Times: VIDEO. Germany: Volkswagen boss targeted by cake throwing in the middle of a conference
The Local: Berlin protesters throw cake and go topless at Volkswagen meeting
The Oxford Student: 10 days of controversial climate crisis protests in Berlin Climate stickers drive their cars to protest: This is how the “Last Generation” closes the highway Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
ultraviolett stories (auf youtube): Last generation: Kira (26) sticks herself to the street
VN Explorer: Protesters throw cake at Volkswagen shareholders' meeting
watson: Berlin: Climate activist disrupts VW event with naked protest
WAZ: Faeser: No understanding of the actions of the last generation
Welt: SUV drivers become fair game - this is how the successors of the climate stickers sabotage
Welt: Cake throwing and naked protest – activists disrupt VW general meeting
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
yahoo!news: Topless protester briefly disrupts VW annual meeting
Zeit Online: Blockades by climate activists before the VW general meeting
Zeit Online: Chair circle for the climate

   Ökodorf Sieben Linden: Seven Linden trees for climate activism

B.Z.: Outstretched hand with pain grip
B.Z.: Chancellery smeared – climate extremist convicted
Berliner Morgenpost: Faeser: No understanding of the actions of the last generation
Berliner Zeitung: According to the last generation's color campaign: How safe is the capital's BER airport?
Christliches Forum: Advisory center criticizes the “last generation’s” demand for a social council
Express: Violent scenes “Last Generation” protests in Berlin – suddenly a driver’s collar explodes
Focus: Guest article by Rainer Zitelmann – Climate activists want the council and I have an idea where that will lead us
Focus: Media attentionNew data shows how climate stickers steal the show from Fridays activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: 73 percent more crimes committed by climate activists
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Fuldaer Zeitung: In new music video: Band “Dorfrocker” sprays “climate glue” with manure – last generation reacts
Head Topics: The “last generation” wants the social council – I know where that leads
Head Topics: Lawsuit against climate glue: Berlin union wants compensation from activists
Head Topics: Klima-Glue: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Head Topics: Last generation: This is what the activists are planning for this week
Head Topics: After sticking actions: Last generation speaks to the Berlin police
Head Topics: Regensburg: 'Climate Glue' is not allowed to become a lay judge
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: For the second time: Climate activists smear the Basic Law monument with blood-red paint
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Unsuitable as a role model”: Youth Welfare Office removes climate sticker from the jury list – despite years of commitment
Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung: Faeser: No understanding of the actions of the last generation
Klasse gegen Klasse: Fighting out of fear: The last generation is stuck, but the climate crisis continues
Kölnische Rundschau: Politically motivated crimes at an all-time high – Faeser criticizes the AfD
Merkur: Spray air conditioning glue on a private plane - security staff sprays back
Merkur: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Merkur: Are donations to the “last generation” punishable?
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Unsuitable as a role model”: Youth Welfare Office removes climate adhesive from the jury list – despite years of commitment
Moring Express: Germany registers a record of politically motivated crimes and warnings that the extreme right is the main threat
ProSieben: “Last Generation” isn’t sticking around this week – abandonment isn’t the reason
ProSieben: “Last Generation”: That’s why there are no blockades this week
rbb24: Has the road blockade been exhausted?
Ruhr24: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Solinger Tageblatt: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Stern: Controversial lawyer about climate activists: “The perpetrators are taking completely uninvolved people hostage”
Stuttgarter Zeitung: This is how much climate activists pay for police operations
Süddeutsche Zeitung: It's already five past twelve
t-online: “Last Generation” is coming to Hamburg with a new form of protest
t-online: Now they don't want to stick to each other anymore - at least for now
t-online: Splashed with manure: “Last Generation” reacts to village rockers
t-online: This is how the Basic Law protects “climate glue”
Tagesschau: Has the road blockade been exhausted?
The Limited Times: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin Andrea Kiewel makes fun of climate glue with a saying in the “TV Garden”. Climate stickers drive their cars to protest: This is how the “Last Generation” closes the highway
watson: Last generation: No blockades for a week ++ Beijing uninvites Lindner Faeser has no understanding of the actions of the “last generation”

24hamburg: For the second time: Climate activists smear the Basic Law monument with blood-red paint
Abendzeitung München: Hannes Jaenicke: “I should have taken a rope long ago” Last Generation Lecture
B.Z.: Climate adhesives are not planning any actions this week
B.Z.: “Last Generation”: Secret conversations with the Berlin police
Berliner Kurier: Klima-Glue: Catch members with coffee and cake!
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last generation”: This news will please drivers
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Provoke at all costs
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation attack at BER: Now the aircraft owners are speaking
Berliner Zeitung: Lawsuit against climate glue: Berlin union wants compensation from activists
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: This is what the activists are planning for this week
Berliner Zeitung: We from the last generation are breaking laws, Olaf Scholz is breaking the constitution Angry drivers pull climate stickers off the road Air conditioning adhesives are bare Climate radicals attack the Basic Law monument again Eco-company wants to pay fines for climate glue “Last Generation” – secret conversation with the police
BILD (auf youtube): “Last Generation” – the climate glue: “You have to die a death” | BILD mini documentary
business on: Ökoworld founder Alfred Platow corrects statements in support of the “last generation”
Der Westen: Markus Lanz shocked by opinion on climate adhesives – “I find it difficult to take them seriously”
Deutschlandfunk: Basic Law monument was defaced again – Bas: “Incredible! “
Focus: Runs climate camp and was in court This man is behind the “Last Generation” climate stickers
Focus: Air conditioning glue is sprayed with paint on private planes - security turns the tables
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why climate activists want a ban on private aircraft taking off
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
Frankfurter Rundschau: “There is no plan against climate collapse”: The last generation paints the Basic Law monument again
Head Topics: Last generation attack at BER: Now the aircraft owners are speaking
Head Topics: Berlin police flash off climate stickers
Head Topics: How did the climate extremists get their hands on the private jet?
Head Topics: We from the last generation are breaking laws, Olaf Scholz is breaking the constitution
Hirnstupser (auf youtube): Demanding a company council is not enough - procedures are good, but no compensation for demands
Kreiszeitung: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Merkur: Spray air conditioning glue on a private plane - security staff sprays back
Merkur: For the second time: Climate activists smear the Basic Law monument with blood-red paint
Merkur: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
msn: Police sound the alarm: “These are numbers that have to be alarming”
n-TV: Last generation smeared Basic Law monument
NDR: “Last Generation” announces further protest action
Radio Dreyeckland: Last generation protest in Freiburg on May 05.05.2023th, XNUMX
Radio Salü: Last generation smeared Basic Law monument
Ruhr24: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Ruhr24: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
Soester Anzeiger: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Solinger Tageblatt: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Climate glue” is not allowed to be a jury member
t-online: Violence against the police: frightening figures – union sounds the alarm
t-online: Climate activists announce glue break
t-online: Climate glue smear fake blood on constitutional artwork
Tag24: No climate glue in Berlin this week? The Plan The “Last Generation” For the second time: Climate activists smear the Basic Law monument with blood-red paint
untergrundblättle: Berlin: Private jets sprayed with paint
VierNull: A heart for climate glue - The Ökoworld founder's bad week Climate protesters: What glue do they use and how do you get it off?
Zeit Online: The five problems with a climate society council
УТРИНСКИ ПЕЧАТ: Climate activists again damaged the monument to the German constitution in Berlin

24hamburg: By car to the climate protest: “Last Generation” describes how they close the highways
B.Z.: Roadway broken because of air conditioning adhesive!
B.Z.: Klima-Glue on Invalidenstrasse
B.Z.: Police have to cut climate adhesive from the road - the road is broken!
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Young people also block car traffic in Berlin on Saturday
Blaulicht Report: Last generation smear private jet at BER airport
Cellesche Zeitung: BER: Climate activists spray paint on planes
DJ Ben Obioma (auf youtube): Climate stickers block streets in Berlin and cause traffic chaos
echo 24: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Express: Violent scenes “Last Generation” protests in Berlin – suddenly a driver’s collar explodes Insanity: Climate adhesives have already collected €12,5 million in fines!
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activists block traffic at the main train station
Frankfurter Rundschau: After massive hostility: Ökoworld does not want to pay fines for the “last generation”.
Guardian TV: Climate group hails 'productive' meeting with minister
Head Topics: Debate about the last generation: climate bonding for everyone
Head Topics: Air conditioning adhesives are annoying even on weekends
Head Topics: Last generation: Young people block car traffic in Berlin
Head Topics: Police have to cut climate adhesive from the road - the road is broken!
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I don’t want to go to prison”: Climate activist horrified by record punishment
Karlsruhe Insider: New trick: mother and son stick themselves together on the street
Kreiszeitung: By car to the climate protest: “Last Generation” describes how they close the highways
Lilishote (auf youtube): Reaction: Last generation: Is this already terrorism?
lokalo: Rhineland-Palatinate hardly charges Klimakleber for any costs for gluing activities
Merkur: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
msn: Last generation attack at BER: Now the aircraft owners are speaking
msn: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
msn: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
msn: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
Offenbach-Post: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
rbb Abendschau: This is how the owner of the damaged aircraft stands for the “Last Generation” campaign
rbb24: “Last Generation” blocks Invalidenstrasse at Berlin Central Station
rbb24: Airplane owner reports
rbb24: This is how the owner of the damaged aircraft stands for the “Last Generation” campaign
RTL News: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
Spiegel: The vast majority of Germans reject protests by the “last generation”.
Stern: Climate activists block traffic at the main train station
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists block traffic at the main train station
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Climate rebels block the street in front of Berlin Central Station
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” blocks Invalidenstrasse at Berlin Central Station
taz: Climate bonding for everyone
TrendRadars: Last generation: Police flex climate adhesive from the asphalt, Wissing talks to activists Climate stickers drive their cars to protest: This is how the “Last Generation” closes the highway
Unser Ländle4Future: They are very sweet – Berlin blockades of the last generation:
Volksstimme: Climate activists block traffic at the main train station
Welt25: The Adviser | About the Last Generation’s “Bee Swarm Campaign”: Is this supposed to be a joke?
yahoo!nachrichten: Emergency laws, bans, allocation of gasoline and food – these radical climate demands are discussed by the “Last Generation”
Zeit Online: Climate activists block traffic at the main train station
Zeit Online: Hardly any costs were charged to climate activists

1 & 1: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
20 “They shake hands with criminals” – philosopher about Köppel and Maurer
24hamburg: In new music video: Band “Dorfrocker” sprays “climate glue” with manure – last generation reacts
Abendzeitung München: “Village rockers” are once again attacking climate activists – this time with manure
B.Z.: Climate chaos disrupts rush hour traffic
B.Z.: Air conditioning glue sprays paint on private jet at BER
B.Z.: Climate adhesives block again!
B.Z.: Climate protests at BER airport
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin Greens: Kai Wegner should speak to climate activists
Berliner Zeitung: BER Airport: Last generation sprays paint on private jets
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation paralyzes Berlin traffic and criticizes willingness to use violence
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Holes on the roads could still be expensive
Blick: The company boss doesn't take over the climate glue fines
BuzzFeed: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
Die Presse: Climate glue: Handcuffs clicked seven times more often in 2023 than in the entire previous year
eXXpressTV (auf youtube): Eco-friendly company rows back: it won't pay the climate glue fines after all
Focus: “Really bad” eco-company wanted to pay all the climate glue penalties – and is now backing out
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Greens: Wegner should meet with the climate activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activists spray paint on private planes
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
gmx: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: In new music video: Band “Dorfrocker” sprays “climate glue” with manure – last generation reacts
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
idowa: “Dorfrocker” publish manure video against climate glue
Kronen Zeitung: “Warning color”: Last generation sprays private jet
Kölnische Rundschau: The company doesn't want to pay all the penalties of the “last generation”.
mdr: Golden Rider damaged: Two men charged after climate protest in Dresden
Merkur: Then a squatter, now a company boss: That's why he pays the fines for the climate stickers
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: By car to the climate protest: “Last Generation” describes how they close the highways
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
msn: After massive hostility: the company doesn't want to pay the “last generation” fines after all
msn: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
msn: “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
Märkische Allgemeine: Berlin: The protests of the “Last Generation” this week
Märkische Allgemeine: Last generation sprays paint on private jet at BER airport
n-TV: Greens: Wegner should meet with the climate activists
Nordkurier: Greens: Wegner should meet with the climate activists
Nordkurier: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
OVB online: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
ProSieben: Climate adhesive campaigns in the news ticker
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
rnd: Berlin Greens call on Wegner to meet with climate activists
RTL News: Greens: Wegner should meet with the climate activists
SauerlandKurier: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Solinger Tageblatt: Mother and son stuck together on the highway: “Do we want to survive?”
Spiegel: “Last Generation” activists spray paint on small planes
Spiegel: How Fridays for Future is being left behind by the “last generation”.
Stern: BER: Climate activists spray paint on planes
Stern: FDP criticizes Lemke's push for a speed limit as “brazen”
Stern: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
Süddeutsche Zeitung: BER: Climate activists spray paint on planes
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
t-online: The man who wanted to dig into his pocket for “climate glue”.
t-online: The company does not pay the “last generation” fines after all
t-online: The Greens demand: Wegner should meet “Last Generation”.
t-online: Spray climate adhesive on the plane - employee sprays back
Tag24: Activists of the “last generation” sit on the street with fear and music
Tag24: Charges against climate activists: They are said to have damaged the Golden Rider!
Tag24: Last Generation Sprayed Airplane On Berm With Paint, Air Traffic Not Affected
Tagesschau: Climate activists smear paint on small aircraft on the BER site
Tagesspiegel: Process for gluing Rubens paintings started
Tagesspiegel: Judge sends three climate activists into preventive custody
Teller Report: In Germany, the Protestant Church supports the actions of “Last Generation” activists
Thomson Reuters: Climate activists Berlin daub private plane with paint In new music video: Band “Dorfrocker” sprays “climate glue” with manure – last generation reacts “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
Vodafone live: BER: Climate activists spray paint on planes
Vodafone live: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected To top it all off, there is no consideration for climate glue Climate protest of the “Last Generation” at Berlin Airport
Volksstimme: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
watson: Last generation: Climate activists are causing a stir at BER airport
Welt25: A stock corporation will not take on the “last generation” penalties after all
WirtschaftsWoche: Why a fund provider wanted to pay the climate sticker penalties – and rowed back
Zeit Online: BER: Climate activists spray paint on planes
Zeit Online: Climate activists block traffic in several places

Abendzeitung München: Preventive detention for climate glue: not worthy of a constitutional state
Augsburger Allgemeine: BER: Climate activists spray paint on planes
Aviation Pros: German Climate Activists Spray-Paint Private Jets at Berlin Airport
Berliner Abendblatt: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: Update! LKA investigates after climate adhesive campaign at BER
Berliner Zeitung: Massive blockades: Last generation stuck throughout the city - A100, buses and trams affected
br24: Gluing campaign on Rubens painting: Climate activists admit mistakes
BuzzFeed: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Cellesche Zeitung: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Das Investment: Alfred Platow on climate stickers: “My statements were not appropriate” ÖKOWORLD founder Alfred Platow: Statement and correction to the report supporting the last generation
Focus: In Lower Franconia, party band provokes climate activists with manure video, now reaction follows
Frankfurter Rundschau: Why Ökoworld doesn't want to pay climate activists' punishments Climate protest of the “Last Generation” at Berlin Airport
msn: In new music video: Band “Dorfrocker” sprays “climate glue” with manure – last generation reacts
msn: Climate protest of the “Last Generation” at Berlin Airport
msn: Video shows horrified climate stickers: cars simply drive past the blockade
msn: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
msn: “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
Radio FFH: Private planes spray climate adhesive with paint
rbb24: Climate protests on the A100 from a bird's eye view
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
rnd: Ökoworld is not paying fines for climate adhesives after all
SauerlandKurier: “Last generation” – companies don’t pay fines after hostilities
Solinger Tageblatt: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Super Spanisch: Who finances the last generation?
t-online: “Last Generation” damages Golden Rider – Two activists charged
t-online: Splashed with manure: “Last Generation” reacts to village rockers
t-online: Police have to evacuate climate activist from the street
Tagesspiegel: Berlin Greens call on Kai Wegner to meet with “Last Generation”.
Vegpool: But no support for the “last generation”: Ökoworld AG is backing down.
VN Explorer: Climate protest of the “Last Generation” at Berlin Airport
WAZ: Strike against “Last Generation”: Company no longer wants to pay fines
Welt: Climate protest at BER: Air traffic not affected
Welt: Climate activists cut up the fence at BER and spray paint on private jets
Welt: Pay penalty costs for the “last generation”? That would have serious consequences
WirtschaftsWoche: Why a fund provider wanted to pay the climate sticker penalties – and rowed back

   OXI: »I have absolute respect for the activists of “Last Generation””

24hamburg: Report: “Last Generation” announces new protest actions in Hamburg
24hamburg: Klima-Kleberin allegedly had herself sterilized – activist in court in tears
24hamburg: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
abc News: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over climate protest
Abendzeitung München: Glued to a Rubens painting in Munich: trial against climate activists
ARTnews: Munich Court Hears Arguments, Climate Activists on Trial for Damaging Frame in Germany
B.Z.: Angry drivers pull climate stickers off the road
B.Z.: Berlin's solution to climate glue: simply put a barrier around it...
B.Z.: Now the climate chaotic people are also sticking with sand and resin
B.Z.: Climate sticker on the A100
B.Z.: Turn in the middle! Climate adhesive shown after the fountain campaign
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Who pays the climate sticker penalties
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation climate activists block A100
Berliner Zeitung: Massive blockades: Last generation stuck throughout the city - A100, buses and trams affected Federal government upgrades climate adhesive
br24: Jesuit priest in court over road blocking
br24: Gluing campaign on Rubens painting: Climate activists admit mistakes
BuzzFeed: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
Cash.: Ökoworld founder Alfred Platow: Statement and correction to the message supporting the “Last Generation” from May 2nd
CityNews: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over climate protest “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
CT Insider: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over climate protest
Deutscher Bundestag: Ban on the organization “Last Generation”
echo 24: An end to climate protests? Convicted activist leaves the “Last Generation”.
echo 24: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Express: Violent scenes “Last Generation” protests in Berlin – suddenly a driver’s collar explodes
Frankenpost: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Last generation climate activists block A100
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate activist from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months: “I will continue to resist”
Frankfurter Rundschau: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Frankfurter Rundschau: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate activist speaks out
Hamburger Morgenpost: Penalties for “Last Generation”? German entrepreneur: I'll take it over!
Handelsblatt: OTS: ÖKOWORLD AG / ÖKOWORLD founder Alfred Platow: Statement and correction...
Head Topics: Exciting clip – climate adhesives block rescue in Vienna
Head Topics: Financial help for the last generation: Ökoworld is backing down
Head Topics: Climate glue! Bus and tram delays throughout Berlin – BZ – The Voice of Berlin
Head Topics: Climate glue date with the liberal minister – a fatal signal
Head Topics: News blog about the “Last Generation”: Climate activists block the A100 and several streets in Berlin
Heidenheimer Zeitung: The last generation is demanding what the government should have implemented long ago
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Then a squatter, now a company boss: That's why Ökoworld is paying the fines for the climate stickers
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate activist from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months: “I will continue to resist”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Klima-Kleberin allegedly had herself sterilized – activist in court in tears
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
idowa: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?
in Südthüringen: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property? The last generation reacts to the manure video – and makes an offer to village rockers
Kreiszeitung: Klima-Kleberin allegedly had herself sterilized – activist in court in tears
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?
Merkur: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
Merkur: Then a squatter, now a company boss: That's why he pays the fines for the climate stickers
Merkur: Engineers instead of street protests? Mercedes boss makes air conditioning stickers suggestion
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Out of conviction”: Company wants to pay fines for “last generation” adhesive actions
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Small climate protection demon from the last generation on the “Alex”
msn: Violent scenes: “Last Generation” protests in Berlin – suddenly a driver’s collar bursts
msn: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
msn: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Märkische Allgemeine: Traffic jam in Berlin: “Last generation” blockades on the A100 ended
n-TV: Last generation climate activists block A100
nachrichten-heute: ÖKOWORLD founder Alfred Platow: Statement and correction to the report of support for the last generation from May 2nd
News Max: Priest, Scientist on Trial in Germany over Climate Protest
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Last generation: Climate stickers do not pay fines themselves - fatal consequences for drivers
OXI: How radical would it have to be?
Presseportal: ÖKOWORLD founder Alfred Platow: Statement and correction to the report of support for the last generation from May 2nd
ProSieben: Stock exchange company pays all “Last Generation” penalties
rbb24: Climate demonstrators block the A100 and 15 other roads
rbb24: Wissing refuses further conversation with “Last Generation”.
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
RP Online: Police have so far removed almost 200 radical climate activists from the asphalt
RTL News: The Minister and the Last Generation
Ruhr24: “Out of conviction”: Company wants to pay fines for “last generation” adhesive actions
Schwarzwälder Bote: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?
Schwarzwälder Bote: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Sparneuwagen: News from the “Last Generation”: Good conversations and debate about “Ökoworld”
SR2 Kulturradio: “Jesus would have stuck himself to the street” – resistance as a Christian duty?
Stern: Small climate protection demo from the last generation at the “Alex”
Stern: Process of gluing on frames of Rubens paintings
Stern: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “I want the people who are protesting to be heard”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Three climate activists in court after sticking a Rubens painting
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Small climate protection demo from the last generation at the “Alex”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?
t-online: “Last Generation” announces actions in Hamburg again
t-online: The company does not pay the “last generation” fines after all
t-online: Mega traffic jam on the A100 – drivers tear climate adhesive off the road
t-online: Company pays all “Last Generation” fines
Tag24: Stock exchange company wants to pay all the penalties of the “last generation”.
Tag24: Interior Ministry shares shocking results: So many climate glues have had to be solved so far
Tag24: Road blockades in Berlin: “Last Generation” stuck on the A81 with an 100-year-old
Tagesschau: Climate demonstrators block the A100 and 15 other roads
Tagesspiegel: Activists announce a gluing break for Berlin
Tagesspiegel: Berlin district files a complaint for damage to property German climate activists pledge new wave of blockades Climate gluer allegedly had herself sterilized: “I’m desperate” Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Unser Ländle4Future: Climate glue: History will prove the “radicals” right
Vatican News: D: Trial begins against Jesuit and climate activists
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
wallstreet online: ÖKOWORLD AG / ÖKOWORLD founder Alfred Platow: Statement and correction...
Welt: The Minister and the Last Generation
Welt: The company doesn't want to pay for crimes committed by climate activists
Welt: Last generation climate activists block A100
Welt: Two hours in a traffic jam – it's pure obstruction
Westfälische Rundschau: Last generation: Climate stickers do not pay fines themselves - fatal consequences for drivers
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – Drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
WirtschaftsWoche: Why a fund provider wants to take on the penalties of climate stickers
Zeit Online: 184 climate activists removed from NRW streets
Zeit Online: Last generation climate activists block A100
Zeit Online: Process of gluing on frames of Rubens paintings
Zeit Online: Process: Was gluing the Rubens painting causing damage to property?

   Spiegel: Company pays “last generation” fines
   t-online: Police officer demands understanding for climate activists

2 News: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over climate protest
24hamburg: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Abendzeitung München: Trial in Munich: Climate gluer cries in court
AD HOC NEWS: CDU General Secretary Mario Czaja has no understanding of the meeting between Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) and representatives of the “last generation”.
AD HOC NEWS: The activist group “Last Generation” and Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) expressed satisfaction after a joint meeting. Lecture by the Last Generation Düsseldorf
Allgäuer Zeitung: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
AP News: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over climate protest
archyde: Habeck Thinks Actions Of The Last Generation Are “Politically Wrong” – Germany Climate group hails 'productive' meeting with minister
B.Z.: The federal government has clearly upgraded the climate stickers
B.Z.: Climate sticker with protest march through Berlin
B.Z.: Climate adhesive demo in Friedrichshain
Badische Zeitung: Wissing meets “climate glue”
Berliner Abendblatt: Small climate protection demon from the last generation on the “Alex”
Berliner Abendblatt: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Berliner Kurier: Climate glue sticks to the minister for two hours - and back on the street from Wednesday
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Climate activists start protest march
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: Why the activists don’t pay the fines themselves
Berliner Morgenpost: The last generation speaks to Wissing – and wants to continue demonstrating
Berliner Morgenpost: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Berliner Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation paralyzes traffic at Alexanderplatz
Berliner Zeitung: Habeck considers the actions of the last generation to be “politically wrong”
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Wissing rejects further meetings with climate activists
Berliner Zeitung: Company wants to pay all last generation fines
BuzzFeed: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
BürgerBegehren Klimaschutz: Two years of Citizens' Climate Assembly and what we can learn from it
Bürgerredaktion: The climate activists vs. Federal Transport Minister “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Der Standard: Berlin is struggling to deal with climate adhesives Habeck considers the actions of the last generation to be “politically wrong”
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists call meetings with Wissing “productive,” protests continue
Dr. Mark Benecke: Environmental activists in prison (part 5): Jesuit Dr. Jörg Alt
echo 24: An end to climate protests? Convicted activist leaves the “Last Generation”.
echo 24: Convicted climate gluer continues to protest: “Sparked my determination”
echo 24: Wissing meets “climate glue”: Is the climate change coming now?
Eßlinger Zeitung: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Focus: Comment by Ulrich Reitz climate adhesive date with the liberal minister – a fatal signal
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The Minister and the Last Generation
Frankfurter Allgemeine: The desperate thought leader Lea Bonasera
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Talking, yes, but still protesting
Frankfurter Allgemeine: When the rule of law sells itself
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Frankfurter Rundschau: Climate activist from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months: “I will continue to resist”
Frankfurter Rundschau: “Productive conversation”: Wissing and “Last Generation” get closer Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Hamburger Morgenpost: Process: “Last Generation” activist interviews police officers about the climate crisis
Handelsblatt: Transport Minister Wissing speaks with “Last Generation” activists
Head Topics: News blog about the “Last Generation”: Climate activists are once again marching through Berlin
Head Topics: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over disruptive climate protest
Heilbronner Stimme: Psychologist on “Last Generation”: “They want to be unique”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate activist from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months: “I will continue to resist”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Heute nachrichten: Habeck considers the actions of the climate glue to be “politically wrong”
Kontext: Better dead than too late
Kreiszeitung: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Latest LY: German Minister to Meet with Climate Activist Group
Main Post: Last generation praises meeting with Wissing - but wants to continue protesting
mdr: Kemfert praises Wissing for meeting “Last Generation”
Merkur: No new conversation between Wissing and Last Generation
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Merkur: “Last Generation” reveals financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Merkur: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
msn: Klima-Kleberin allegedly had herself sterilized – activist in court in tears
Märkische Allgemeine: Traffic jam in Berlin: “Last Generation” demonstrates at Alex
n-TV: Small climate protection demon from the last generation on the “Alex”
n-TV: Wissing gives activists twice the time
n-TV: Wissing doesn't want to meet the last generation again
NDR: “Last Generation” is planning new protests in Hamburg
NDR: Onay: Conversations with the “last generation” are important
NDR: Transport Minister Wissing meets representatives of “Last Generation”
Neue Rhein/Neue Ruhr Zeitung: Last generation: After talking to Wissing – that’s what the activists want now
Neue Westfälische: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Neue Zürcher Zeitung: Volker Wissing's meeting with the Last Generation was only a success for the extremists
News in Germany: Last generation at Wissing: talk and protest
Nordkurier: Small climate protection demon from the last generation on the “Alex”
Nordsee Zeitung: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Ostthüringer Zeitung: “Last Generation”: Why the activists don’t pay the fines themselves
Ostthüringer Zeitung: Last generation: After talking to Wissing – that’s what the activists want now
Passauer Neue Presse: Political scientist: Comparison between Last Generation and RAF “wrong and scandalous”
POLITICO: Germany's top Green Slams radical climate protesters
Radio Salü: “Last Generation” and Wissing exchange ideas
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
rnd: The company wants to pay all of the climate sticker penalties
RP Online: The power of citizens' councils
RTL News: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Ruhr Nachrichten: Transport Minister Wissing meets “Last Generation” Nevertheless, further protests are planned Germany: 'It is a good first step' – Climate activists express optimism after meeting with Transport Minister in Berlin
Soester Anzeiger: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Solinger Tageblatt: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Spiegel: Habeck considers the actions of the “Last Generation” to be “politically wrong”
Spiegel: And the priest had to stay outside
Stern: The Minister and the Last Generation
Stern: Habeck: actions of the last generation “politically wrong”
Stern: Small climate protection demon from the last generation on the “Alex”
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Wissing meets “climate glue”
SWR Aktuell: Wissing in conversation with representatives of the “last generation”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “More reason instead of frustration”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The Minister and the Last Generation
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
t-online: Last Generation Actions Are “Politically Wrong”
t-online: Police officer calls for more understanding for “last generation”
t-online: Company pays all “Last Generation” fines
t-online: Video of screaming activists: MDR admits mistakes
Tag24: Robert Habeck Criticizes the Actions of the “Last Generation” as “Politically Wrong”
Tagesschau: “Last Generation” is planning new protests in Hamburg
Tagesschau: Road blockade charges – activist and Jesuit priest
Tagesschau: Transport Minister Wissing meets “climate glue”: V. Kleber on the talks in Berlin
Tagesschau: Wissing refuses further conversation with “Last Generation”.
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists are marching through Berlin again
taz: Just talk
The Ghana Report: German Minister To Meet With Climate Activist Group
The Washington Post: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over climate protest
Thüringer Allgemeine: Last generation: After talking to Wissing – that’s what the activists want now
Thüringer Allgemeine: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation Climate gluer allegedly had herself sterilized: “I’m desperate” “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
Unternehmen-heute: Preventive bans on gluing remain ineffective
Utopia: Wissing meeting: Last generation wants to continue protesting – Habeck finds actions “politically wrong”
Vodafone live: Small climate protection demon from the last generation on the “Alex”
volksfreund: The minister and the last generation: Wissing meets “climate glue”
Volksstimme: The Minister and the Last Generation
Welt: Where the “last generation” is right – our parliament has a participation problem
Weser Kurier: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation
Westfalenpost: “Last Generation”: Why the activists don’t pay the fines themselves
Winnipeg Free Press: Priest, scientist on trial in Germany over climate protest
WorldNews: Climate group hails 'productive' meeting with minister
Zeit Online: Habeck: actions of the last generation “politically wrong”
Zeit Online: Small climate protection demon from the last generation on the “Alex”
Zeit Online: Last generation meets Transport Minister Volker Wissing
Zeit Online: Wissing: No new appointment agreed with Last Generation

24hamburg: Klima-Kleberin allegedly had herself sterilized – activist in court in tears
AD HOC NEWS: The Last Generation meets with Transport Minister Wissing. Lecture – Last Generation – Potsdam
archyde: “Last Generation Climate Activists Cause Commuter Traffic Chaos In Berlin”
ARD Audiothek: Nida-Rümelin on “Last Generation”: Where are the limits? German minister to meet with climate activist group
B.Z.: Climate chaos blocked the A100 – person stuck to rental car!
B.Z.: Climate chaotics praise meetings with Wissing - and continue to protest
B.Z.: Update climate sticker on the A100
B.Z.: More climate-glue blockages
B.Z.: Wissing is not convinced by the climate glue arguments
Berliner Kurier: The climate gluers' chaos plan: THIS is what they're planning to do in Berlin from Tuesday
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: Climate adhesives meet Wissing – what to expect
Berliner Morgenpost: After meeting with Wissing: Climate adhesives have their next goal
Berliner Zeitung: Block, upset, clear: the climate adhesives are here to stay
Berliner Zeitung: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation blocks traffic all over Berlin today: Police flex activists out of asphalt
Blick: “Police are allowed to use force against climate adhesives”
br24: Wissing meets “Last Generation”: “No negotiations”
Business Insider: The protests by climate activists are ineffective and unrealistic
business on: Hildener Ökoworld AG covers penalty fees for climate adhesives
börsenNEWS: OTS: ÖKOWORLD AG / ÖKOWORLD covers demonstrably paid fines for...
Crisis24: Germany: Climate activists continue campaign of roadblock protests in Berlin, through early May
Der Westen: Formula 1: Worries are growing! Is F1 threatened with glue chaos in Europe?
Der Westen: Last generation: Activists continue to block traffic in Berlin - driver pushes elderly woman onto the street
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists call meetings with Wissing “productive,” protests continue
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists want to continue protesting after meeting with Wissing
Deutschlandfunk: “I’m not convinced by the arguments of the ‘Last Generation’”
Die Oberbadische: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Eifel-Mosel Zeitung: Wissing meets with the climate group Last Generation
Evangelische Zeitung: Last generation blocks traffic in Berlin again
Express: Climate CrisisWissing meets with climate group Last Generation
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
FactNews (auf youtube): [Latest]German minister to meet with climate activist group “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council” ÖKOWORLD covers demonstrably paid fines for climate adhesives
Focus: Federal minister wants exchangeWissing meets climate glue: “I have zero tolerance for criminals”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Talking, yes, but still protesting
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Road blockades again before meeting Wissing
Frankfurter Allgemeine: When the rule of law sells itself
Frankfurter Rundschau: “There are more and more of them”: an activist from the “Last Generation” attributes this to new forms of protest
Freie Presse: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
FränkischerTag: Wissing meets “climate glue”
gmx: Wissing remains silent after meetings with “Last Generation” activists Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Last Generation” smeared on Audimax: activist defends himself against punishment
Handelsblatt: “Pleased with the willingness to engage in dialogue” – climate activists from the “Last Generation” want to meet Wissing again
Hasepost: “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council”
Head Topics: Activists talk to Wissing: Two worlds meet
Head Topics: The Last Generation and Volker Wissing: A Sticky Discourse
Head Topics: Climate protest of the “Last Generation”: What really threatens democracy?
Head Topics: Last generation meets Wissing: Just talk
Head Topics: Last generation and Volker Wissing: What the conversation means for the protests
Head Topics: Last generation: Police flex climate adhesive from the asphalt, Wissing talks to activists
Head Topics: News blog about the “Last Generation”: Climate activists block streets in Berlin before meeting with Federal Transport Minister Wissing
Head Topics: “Last Generation”: “People act as if we wanted to proclaim a Soviet Republic”
Heilbronner Stimme: From high school graduate to climate glue
Hellweger Anzeiger: Transport Minister Wissing meets “Last Generation” Nevertheless, further protests are planned
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate activist from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months: “I will continue to resist”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Klima-Kleberin allegedly had herself sterilized – activist in court in tears
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Video shows horrified climate stickers: cars simply drive past the blockade
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I don’t want to go to prison”: Climate activist horrified by record punishment
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident Church and “Last Generation”: Theologian criticizes “irrelevant” statements
Karlsruhe Insider: Green light: State violence against climate activists is clear
Kieke Ma Film Berlin 2.0 (auf youtube): Kreuzberg Funeral March #lastgeneration Berlin on April 29.04.2023th, XNUMX
Kreisbote: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Kreiszeitung: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Kölnische Rundschau: Last generation praises meeting with Wissing – and announces further actions
Lippische Landes-Zeitung: Wissing meets “climate glue”
Luxemburger Wort: Federal Transport Minister takes time for climate activists
MarketScreener (CH): ÖKOWORLD covers demonstrably paid fines for climate adhesives
MarketScreener (DE): ÖKOWORLD AG / ÖKOWORLD covers demonstrably paid fines for...
mdr: Last generation praises meeting with Wissing - and continues to protest
Merkur: The Minister and the Last Generation
Merkur: Klima-Kleberin has to be imprisoned for months and is “stunned” after the verdict
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Last generation blocks Berlin streets again before talking to Wissing
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: Wissing meets “climate glue”
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Merkur: “Last Generation” reveals financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Merkur: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
MMnews: “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council”
msn: Wave of climate protests in Berlin: Last generation praises meeting with Wissing - and announces further actions
msn: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
msn: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Märkische Allgemeine: Blockades in Berlin: “Last Generation” encases hands in concrete
Märkische Allgemeine: Protests in Berlin: Climate stickers block several streets on Tuesday
n-TV: Activist expects “humanly good conversation” with Wissing
n-TV: Last generation praises “very good conversation on a human level”
n-TV: Last generation names conditions for ending blockade
Naanoo: “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council”
nd: Last generation: exchange without rapprochement
NDR: “Last Generation”: Climate activist has to pay a fine of 600 euros
NDR: Nida-Rümelin on “Last Generation”: Where are the limits?
Neue Presse: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Neue Westfälische: Wissing meets with the climate group Last Generation
Nordkurier: The Minister and the Last Generation
onvista: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Ostsee Zeitung: Greifswald Cultural Festival: FDP excluded – “Last Generation” welcome
Presse Augsburg: Wissing and “Last Generation” satisfied with meeting
Presse Augsburg: “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council”
ProSieben: “Last generation” happy after Wissing meeting – they don’t want to stop the protests
Radio Zwickau: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
radioeins: Climate activists meet Federal Transport Minister Wissing (FDP)
rbb24: Court rejects preventive adhesive ban for climate activist
rbb24: Climate activists are blocking streets in Berlin again
regionalHeute: “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council”
report-K: “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council”
RiffReporter: Climate column: The last generation is paralyzing Berlin - right?
rnd: Last generation: Talks with Wissing are “first step”
rnd: Wissing defends meeting with climate group Last Generation: “Zero tolerance for criminals”
RTL News: Wissing meets with the climate group Last Generation
Ruhr Nachrichten: Transport Minister Wissing meets “Last Generation” Nevertheless, further protests are planned
Solinger Tageblatt: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Spiegel: 2. Wissing and the climate glue: Cuddling instead of prison?
Spiegel: This is what the “Last Generation” says after their meeting with Transport Minister Wissing
Spiegel: Are you stuck in the Ministry of Transport today?
Spiegel: What really threatens democracy?
Spiegel: Wissing meets the “last generation” – and has “zero tolerance for criminals”
Spiegel: "People act as if we wanted to proclaim a Soviet Republic"
Stern: “Last Generation” meets Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing
Stern: Last generation describes meeting with Wissing as “constructive and productive”
Stern: Last generation meets Volker Wissing - and demands a meeting with Chancellor Scholz
Stern: Last generation draws positive conclusions from Berlin blockades
Stern: Wissing meets “climate glue”
Stern: Wissing meets with the climate group Last Generation
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: This is what climate adhesives can learn from Volker Wissing
Stuttgarter Nachrichten: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Last Generation” meets Federal Transport Minister Wissing
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The Minister and the Last Generation – Wissing meets “climate glue”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wissing meets “climate glue”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wissing meets with “Last Generation”
t-online: “In the best case scenario, it can prevent senseless violence.”
t-online: No time for good climate protection
t-online: Glue too tight – activist cut from street with flex
t-online: Climate activists block A100 – traffic jam
t-online: Climate activists praise meetings with Wissing – and continue to protest
t-online: Police finally fail in court against “Last Generation”
Tag24: “Wild bees and bumblebees”: This is how the “last generation” is organized in Saxony
Tag24: Last generation praises meeting with Wissing, but will continue to stick to the streets
Tag24: This is how long the “last generation” wants to paralyze Berlin with these protest actions
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: Climate activist has to pay a fine of 600 euros
Tagesschau: Climate activists are blocking streets in Berlin again
Tagesschau: Praise for meetings – but the protests continue
Tagesschau: Meeting the enemy image
Tagesschau: Victoria Kleber, ARD Berlin, at the meeting between climate activists and Transport Minister Wissing
Tagesspiegel: Police are also breaking up the last climate blockades
Telepolis: Last generation and federal government: “Mr. Dr. Wissing” and the “criminals”
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Last generation: Climate adhesives meet Wissing – what to expect
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Last generation: After talking to Wissing – that’s what the activists want now
tixio: “Last Generation” insists on “Social Council” Klima-Kleberin allegedly had herself sterilized – activist in court in tears Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
Vodafone live: Road blockades again before meeting Wissing
wallstreet online: Climate protest is becoming expensive - federal states sometimes let climate activists pay for their efforts themselves
watson: Last generation in Berlin: Driver is said to have attacked an elderly woman
watson: Last generation meets Volker Wissing: What the conversation means for the protests
WAZ: The last generation speaks to Wissing – and wants to continue demonstrating
WAZ: Last generation: After talking to Wissing – that’s what the activists want now
Welt: Climate activist sues against adhesive ban – with success
Welt: Volker Wissing meets the “Last Generation”
Welt: Road blockades again before meeting Wissing
Welt: Wissing meets with the climate group Last Generation
Welt: “Last Generation” praises the meeting with Minister Wissing – and threatens further protests
Welt: “Last Generation” praises the meeting with Wissing, but continues to protest
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Westfalenpost: Last generation: Climate adhesives meet Wissing – what to expect
Wochenblatt: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
yahoo finanzen: The protests by climate activists are ineffective and unrealistic
ZDF: “Good” talks, but no end to the protests
ZDF: Wasn't there anything other than gluing?
ZDF: Transport Minister meets climate glue
ZDF: Transport Minister meets “Last Generation”
ZDF: Wissing: “Zero tolerance for criminals”
Zeit Online: The Minister and the Last Generation
Zeit Online: The last generation is still far too moderate
Zeit Online: Climate activists praise meeting with Wissing
Zeit Online: Last generation praises meeting with Volker Wissing
Zeit Online: Road blockades again before meeting Wissing
Zeit Online: Wissing criticizes the “little sensible suggestions” of the last generation
ČT24: Ekologičtí activisté in Německu chtějí rychlejší konec fosilních paliv, plánují blokovat in Berlin

Business Insider: Adhesive climate activists want to draw attention to the traffic madness. But they cannot offer sensible alternatives either.
BuzzFeed: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
CGTN: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
Daily Times: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
de24Live: Plain text from the police chief: Police are allowed to inflict pain on climate stickers
Deutschlandfunk: After the announcement that Berlin would be paralyzed - Police President Slowik sees the blockade of the “Last Generation” increasingly fizzling out
echo 24: An end to climate protests? Convicted activist leaves the “Last Generation”.
echo 24: “Climate Glue” is fighting against the harsh verdict - he faces eight months in prison
Express: Police chief warns climate glue: It will hurt
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Something sticks
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Head Topics: 'Hurts' - Klima-Glue complains, only receives malice
Head Topics: Police are allowed to use force against climate stickers
Head Topics: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Heidelberg24: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate gluer from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months – “I am stunned”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Video shows horrified climate stickers: cars simply drive past the blockade
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I don’t want to go to prison”: Climate activist horrified by record punishment
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Must be punished”: German climate activist has to go to prison for several years
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Invest Blick: Climate adhesive: What can I do as a driver?
ITTAGESSCHAU: The protests by climate activists are ineffective and unrealistic
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Merkur: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Merkur: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
msn: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed “Lead to pain”: Police defend violence against climate glue
New Delhi Times: Germany's Climate Activists Find Sanctuary in Churches
oe24: Police are allowed to inflict pain on climate stickers
regionalHeute: Klima-Glue: Who actually pays for the stakes?
Ruhr24: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Soester Anzeiger: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Solinger Tageblatt: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Stuttgarter Zeitung: Climate adhesive counterproductive
taz: Already over 35.000!
Telepolis: Last Generation: The Fairy Tale of Nonviolence
The Limited Times: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​passers-by insult the last generation of climate activists in Berlin Video shows climate gluer with a face distorted in pain - now the police are taking a stand “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
VN Explorer: Last generation: What does the sheer hatred against climate activists represent? Climate column: Flying on vacation by plane – can I still do that?
WorldNews: Germany's Climate Activists Find Sanctuary in Churches
yahoo finanzen: The protests by climate activists are ineffective and unrealistic
yahoo!nachrichten: The protests by climate activists are ineffective and unrealistic

   Stern: With God's blessing and scientific solidarity: The last generation will not leave Berlin in peace

20 Climate stickers denounce police brutality – there is malice online
24hamburg: Video shows climate gluer with a face distorted in pain - now the police are taking a stand
24hamburg: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
69 News: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
a News: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
AD HOC NEWS: Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) understands the activists of the “last generation”, but criticizes their forms of protest.
Berliner Kurier: Live ticker: Where the climate stickers are blocking the city on Sunday
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last generation” climate stickers also block on Sunday
Berliner Morgenpost: Berlin's police chief: The last generation "costs us an incredible amount of energy"
Berliner Morgenpost: Church open to climate talks with the “last generation”
Berliner Tageblatt: Germany'S Climate Activists Find Sanctuary In Churches
Berliner Tageszeitung: Germany'S Climate Activists Find Sanctuary In Churches
Berliner Zeitung: Last generation: Berlin's police chief wants to lock up climate glue for five days
Deutschlandfunk: Climate activists turn water in fountains in Berlin black and block streets
Deutschlandfunk: After the announcement that Berlin would be paralyzed - Police President Slowik sees the blockade of the “Last Generation” increasingly fizzling out
echo 24: An end to climate protests? Convicted activist leaves the “Last Generation”.
echo 24: Training in Heilbronn – the most active members of the “Last Generation” practice gluing
echo 24: Convicted climate gluer continues to protest: “Sparked my determination”
echo 24: “Climate Glue” is fighting against the harsh verdict - he faces eight months in prison Germany: Viral climate protest video prompts debate on police brutality Fire brigade union criticizes “Last Generation” Habeck shows understanding for “last generation”
Focus: Plain text from the Mercedes bossKlima-Kleber should rather apply as engineers
Focus: Hours of lectures, no verdictAfter sterilization confession, climate glue turns court case into a farce
Focus: Economics Minister talks about climate policyHabeck about climate glue: “Admire the young people for their courage”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Habeck shows understanding for “last generation”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Climate activist in the other camp
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “Do we have to wait so long for it to come to a dramatic end?”
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Church president sees last generation “in the tradition of Jesus”
gmx: The green hardship: Why Habeck and his party are having a hard time
Guardian TV: Germany: Climate activists glue themselves to Berlin streets
Hamburger Morgenpost: Habeck shows understanding for “climate glue” – but he accuses them of this
Head Topics: Escalations in climate protests in Berlin: How a traffic researcher explains aggression during blockades
Head Topics: Habeck about climate adhesive: “Admire the young people for their courage”
Head Topics: Climate activists and burnout: How psychologically stressful protest can be
Head Topics: Climate chaos is turning the fountain of Neptune black
Head Topics: Climate glue in Berlin: Video shows activists with faces distorted in pain - police take a stand
Head Topics: Climate adhesive: Habeck shows understanding for the “last generation”
Head Topics: Last generation: Berlin's police chief wants to lock up climate glue for five days
Head Topics: News blog about the last generation: Activists stick to the street at the main train station
Head Topics: News blog about the Last Generation: Activists come together in the Hasenheide
Head Topics: “Last Generation” openly shows financial reports: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate gluer from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months – “I am stunned”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Video shows horrified climate stickers: cars simply drive past the blockade
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Video shows climate gluer with a face distorted in pain - now the police are taking a stand
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I don’t want to go to prison”: Climate activist horrified by record punishment
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Heute – Österreich: “It hurts” – Klima-Glue complains and only receives malice
Heute – Österreich: Passerby tried to light air conditioning glue on fire
Hindustan Times: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
inkl: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
Kiss PR: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
klimareporter: Nonsense with “H₂-ready”, peaceful climate stickers and the FDP squaring the circle
Kreiszeitung: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Main Post: Road blockades for the climate: How should the constitutional state deal with the activists and can I defend myself if necessary?
Merdeka Center: Germany'S Climate Activists Find Sanctuary In Churches
Merkur: Klima-Kleberin has to be imprisoned for months and is “stunned” after the verdict
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Video shows climate gluer with a face distorted in pain - now the police are taking a stand
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
Merkur: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Märkische Allgemeine: Protest researcher doubts whether the last generation will hold out
n-TV: Climate demonstrators: Neptune fountain colored black
Neue Westfälische: Police chief: State violence against blockers is possible
New Delhi Times: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
nordbayern: Financial report: “Last Generation” received almost 2022 euros in donations in 900.000
nordbayern: President says: Police are allowed to hurt climate stickers – “handles that lead to pain”
One News: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
Radio FFH: Church Open To Climate Talks With The “Last Generation”
Radio FFH: Climate Protesters Dye Neptune Fountain Black
rbb24: Berlin police chief calls for extension of custody to five days
regionalHeute: Fire brigade union criticizes “Last Generation”
regionalHeute: Habeck shows understanding for “last generation”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
rfi: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
rnd: The last generation paints the Neptune fountain at Alexanderplatz black
rnd: Berlin's police chief defends physical coercion of police officers against climate stickers
Ruhr24: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Solinger Tageblatt: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Spiegel: Berlin's police chief gives blockers responsibility for possible pain
Spiegel: What Springer, Schäffler, Spahn and Wagenknecht have in common
Stern: Police chief: State violence against blockers is possible
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Climate demonstrators: Neptune fountain colored black
Südkurier: Last generation announced: There will be road blockades again on Lake Constance
t-online: Climate activists block again and paint fountains
t-online: Climate activists block the street at the main train station for hours
t-online: Police chief wants to keep climate activists in custody longer
T13: The activists of the climate took refuge in the churches of Alemania
Tag24: Berlin Landmark Submerged in Black Water: “Last Generation” Protests Against “Deadly Petroleum”
The Limited Times: “Awesome action” – drivers don't let the air-conditioning adhesive blockage stop them
The Limited Times: “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed
The Limited Times: Video shows: Climate sticker stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
The Local: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
Traunsteiner Tagblatt: Police chief: State violence against blockers is possible Video shows climate gluer with a face distorted in pain - now the police are taking a stand “Last Generation” publishes financial report: This is how the climate stickers are financed “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
UrduPoint: Germany's Climate Activists Find Sanctuary In Churches
VOA: Germany's Climate Activists Find Sanctuary in Churches
Vodafone live: Climate demonstrators: Neptune fountain colored black
Vodafone live: Police chief: State violence against blockers is possible
WAZ: Church open to climate talks with the “last generation”
Welt: Berlin police chief defends “measures of immediate coercion”
Westfälische Nachrichten: Lewe sets conditions for climate adhesives Fire brigade union criticizes “Last Generation” Habeck shows understanding for “last generation”
WorldNews: Germany's climate activists find sanctuary in churches
ZDF: Olaf Scholz – the climate disaster chancellor?
Zeit Online: Police chief: State violence against blockers is possible
Zeit Online: Talking instead of sticking

1 & 1: 500 police officers deployed against climate activists
24auto: Climate stickers disrupt Formula E races in Berlin: “You’ve gone completely crazy”
24auto: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
24hamburg: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
24RHEIN: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
arte (auf youtube): Climate activists' uprising | ARTE Re:
B.Z.: Update: Further climate adhesive blockages resolved
Berliner Tageszeitung: Climate Adhesives Are Ready To Accept The Death Of People!
br24: The “climate glue” and the church
BuzzFeed: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
CTVNews: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
echo 24: “I can understand the anger”: “Last Generation” climate activist speaks about the hatred of drivers
Focus: Comment from Hugo Müller-Vogg: Habeck's sentence about climate glue reveals dangerous Green calculations Habeck shows understanding for “last generation”
Gießener Allgemeine: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
gmx: How “Last Generation” and “Fridays for Future” relate to each other
GreenockTelegraph: German capital sees 10th day of provocative climate protests
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
Los Angeles Times: Berlin sees 10th consecutive day of provocative climate protests
Merkur: Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene
Merkur: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
msn: Dobrindt fights against “Last Generation”: “We have to be careful that no climate RAF arises”
msn: Klima-Glue disgusted and stunned: “Was spat on with chewing gum”
msn: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
msn: “It makes no sense”: Climate activists stick themselves to a coach – the driver reacts in disbelief
msn: “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
msn: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
nd: Last generation in Berlin: repression, hatred and solidarity
PBS NewsHour: Climate activists stage over a week of road blockages in Berlin
Presse Augsburg: Fire brigade union criticizes “Last Generation”
Presse Augsburg: Habeck shows understanding for “last generation”
SauerlandKurier: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
taff (auf youtube): Climate adhesives cause standstills on Berlin streets
Tagesspiegel: Activists stick to Invalidenstrasse in Berlin
taz: Where does the hate come from?
taz: “Disrupt” or “Organize”?
The Morning Sun: German capital sees 10th day of provocative climate protests
Welt: Berlin police chief for five days of detention for climate activists
Welt: The whisperer of the radical climate movement
Wetterauer Zeitung: “I can understand the anger”: “Last Generation” climate activist speaks about the hatred of drivers
yahoo news (IUK): German climate activists stage 10th day of controversial protests in Berlin

2 News: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
2 News: Germany Climate Protests
24hamburg: Violent attack on member of the “Last Generation”: passer-by tries to set climate activist on fire
24hamburg: Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene
24hamburg: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
abc News: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
abc News: Manhunt continues for suspect in 'execution-style' shooting that killed 5 family members in Texas
Airdrie Today: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Allgäuer Zeitung: MPs find last generation complacent
AM879 The Answer: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
AndroidKosmos: The situation in Berlin is escalating! Passer-by wanted to set fire to air conditioning glue – police intervened!
AP News: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Autoextrem: Can you remove climate adhesive from the street yourself? Is unauthorized removal allowed or not?
az-online: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
az-online: “I can understand the anger”: “Last Generation” climate activist speaks about the hatred of drivers
B.Z.: During a blockade in Berlin – climate sticker hit and spat on by a driver?
B.Z.: Climate stickers play cat and mouse with the police
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue in Berlin today: “Last generation” – drivers spit climate glue on people Climate activist fights against the super rich
Borneo Bulletin: German capital sees 10th day of provocative climate protests
br24: The “climate glue” and the church
BuzzFeed: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
BuzzFeed: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
City News Halifax: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
CT Insider: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Deutschlandfunk: Again blockades by climate activists
echo 24: Police report violent attack: passer-by tries to light “climate glue” on fire
echo 24: An end to climate protests? Convicted activist leaves the “Last Generation”.
echo 24: Convicted climate gluer continues to protest: “Sparked my determination”
echo 24: “Climate Glue” is fighting against the harsh verdict - he faces eight months in prison
euronews: German climate activists stage 10th day of controversial protests in Berlin
Evangelische Zeitung: Church dealing with the “Last Generation” Greens in the Düsseldorf state parliament criticize “Last Generation”
Focus: TV column “Maybrit Illner” Climate activist Illner has no solutions, but a cheap argument
Focus: Anger against activists escalates. Passer-by tries to set climate glue on fire - police prevent arson attack
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Bundestag rejects harsher punishments for climate activists
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Who is talking about the climate RAF here?
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “You can’t save the climate with fear and terror”
Genios: “The goal of the climate protests is undisputed!”
Gießener Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Gnewswire: Climate Activists Block Key Roads in Berlin for 10th Day
Great British Life: German capital sees 10th day of provocative climate protests
Göttinger Tageblatt: Carrying away fee for climate activists? That's what the Göttingen council factions say
Hamburger Abendblatt: University of Hamburg smeared: activist defends himself against fine
Hamburger Abendblatt: “Last Generation” in Hamburg: No penalty discount in court
Head Topics: German capital sees 10th day of provocative climate protests
Head Topics: Climate glue in Berlin: Massive traffic jam again
Head Topics: Climate adhesive debate at illner: Then violence decides
Head Topics: Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene
Head Topics: News blog about the last generation: Today traffic blockades throughout the city
Head Topics: Passer-by tries to set climate glue on fire - police prevent attack at the last second
Head Topics: Podcast “Bundestalk”: Who benefits from the last generation?
Head Topics: Reactions to Last Generation: Where does the hate come from?
Hersfelder Zeitung: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I am stunned”: “Last Generation” climate gluer has to be in prison for months
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “I don’t want to go to prison”: Climate activist horrified by record punishment
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Hospodářské noviny: Activist popatlali Berlin lepidlem. Nikomu se to nelíbí, ale svého dosáhli, míní tamní politolog
Kreiszeitung: Climate gluer from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months – activist: “I am stunned”
Kreiszeitung: Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene
Kreiszeitung: After prison verdict: Climate activist reacts horrified to record sentence
Kreiszeitung: Police report violent attack: passerby tries to set climate activist on fire
Kreiszeitung: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Latest LY: World News | Berlin Sees 10th Day of Road Blockades by Climate Activists
Loonie Politics: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Luxemburger Wort: Milan Peschel: “I have total sympathy for climate adhesives”
Macau Business: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
mdr: MDR series “exactly” on the topic: “Inside Last Generation: Motivation, Financing, Strategy”
Merkur: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
Merkur: Dobrindt fights against “Last Generation”: “We have to be careful that no climate RAF arises”
Merkur: Klima-Kleberin has to be imprisoned for months and is “stunned” after the verdict
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Police report violent attack: passerby tries to set climate activist on fire
Merkur: Protests by the “Last Generation” in Berlin continue: What will Friday bring?
Merkur: “I can understand the anger”: “Last Generation” climate activist speaks about the hatred of drivers
Merkur: “It makes no sense”: Climate activists stick themselves to a coach – the driver reacts in disbelief
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Merkur: “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest
Merkur: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Merkurist: Last generation: Are citizens just a “means to an end”?
Mittelbayerische: What air conditioning glue and oil heater buyers have in common
Moose Jaw Today: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Märkische Allgemeine: Berlin: Police also clear the latest blockades of the “Last Generation” on the A 100
n-TV: 500 police officers deployed against blockades by activists
n-TV: With oil and spatula: 500 police officers are active against the last generation in Berlin
nd: Generations of Protest: The Environmental Movement Past and Present
News Max: Berlin Sees 10th Day of Road Blockades by Climate Activists Carla Hinrichs very privately: This is how the “Last Generation” activist finances her life Carla Rochel private: Stopped studying for “Last Generation”! So she became an activist
Nordbayerischer Kurier: MPs find last generation complacent
Offenbach-Post: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Offenbach-Post: “I can understand the anger”: “Last Generation” climate activist speaks about the hatred of drivers
Presseportal: MDR series “exactly” on the topic: “Inside Last Generation: Motivation, Financing, Strategy”
ProSieben: “Last generation”: head of the police union calls for tough action
ProSieben: Protests of the “Last Generation”: This is what climate activists are demanding
Radio FFH: 500 police officers deployed against climate activists
rbb24: Gluing for the climate
regionalHeute: Greens in the Düsseldorf state parliament criticize “Last Generation”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Climate stickers disrupt Formula E races in Berlin: “You’ve gone completely crazy”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
report-K: Greens in the Düsseldorf state parliament criticize “Last Generation”
rnd: 500 officers in Berlin deployed against the last generation
Rocky Mountain Outlook: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
rosenheim24: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
Saarbrücker Zeitung: Berlin: Last generation road blockades against commuters
SauerlandKurier: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
Soester Anzeiger: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
Soester Anzeiger: “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them
Solinger Tageblatt: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
St. Albert Gazette: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Stern: “The tone is of course getting rougher” – Another climate protest in Berlin
Stern: 500 police officers deployed against blockades by activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “The tone is of course getting rougher” – Another climate protest in Berlin
Süddeutsche Zeitung: 500 police officers on duty
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Berlin: 500 police officers deployed against climate activists
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Up to 15.000 participants in “revolutionary demonstration”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Blockades of climate activists: Hundreds of criminal proceedings
Süddeutsche Zeitung: The new APO
t-online: “I beg you”: Illner loses patience with climate activist Rochel
t-online: Eight advertisements after the “Last Generation” campaign in Formula E races
t-online: Driver spits on and hits climate activists
t-online: Passerby tries to set climate activists on fire
Tag24: Last Generation Blocks Again in Berlin: “Blocking Failed!”
Tag24: Vigilantism Against “Last Generation”: Activists Thrown Away and Almost Set on Fire
Tag24: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Tagesschau: “Last Generation”: Does gluing help with climate protection?
Tagesschau: Last generation: Does bonding help with climate protection? I Close
Tagesschau: Police again break up several blockades of climate activists
Tagesspiegel: Person hit and spat on during blockade – police advise calm
Tagesspiegel: Person hit and spat on during blockade – police advise: keep calm
Tagesspiegel: Does the “Last Generation” warn emergency services about blockages?
Taiwan News: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
The Irish News: German capital sees 10th day of provocative climate protests
The National: German climate activists bring 10th day of gridlock to Berlin
Toronto Star: German capital sees 10th day of provocative climate protests Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning Violent attack on member of the “Last Generation”: passer-by tries to set climate activist on fire Climate gluer has to be imprisoned for months – activist: “I’m stunned” Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene “Awesome action” – drivers won’t let the climate sticker blockage stop them “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location “There are more and more”: “Last Generation” activist blames new form of protest “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
U.S.News: Berlin Sees 10th Day of Road Blockades by Climate Activists
Utopia: Protest researcher about the last generation: Where are the ethical boundaries?
Vancouver Is Awesome: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Volksstimme: 500 police officers deployed against blockades by activists
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: Climate stickers disrupt Formula E races in Berlin: “You’ve gone completely crazy”
WAZ: Green NRW parliamentary group leaders criticize “Last Generation”
WDR: “Last Generation”: Does gluing help with climate protection?
WDR: Last generation: Does bonding help with climate protection? I Close
Welt: Fridays for Future did it better than the “Last Generation”
Welt: “The leadership of the 'Last Generation' is in contact with Roger Hallam”
Welt: “They coerce the middle of society – every day”
Wertheimer Forum: MDR series “exactly” on the topic: “Inside Last Generation: Motivation, …
Weser Kurier: MPs find last generation complacent
Western Wheel: Berlin sees 10th day of road blockades by climate activists
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Actions by the “Last Generation” continue: several roadblocks in Berlin in the morning
ZDF: “No one of us does this for fun.”
ZDF: Activist: Protest is currently the only way
Zeit Online: "I'm so desperate that I'm sticking myself again"
Zeit Online: 500 police officers deployed against blockades by activists

   Frankfurter Allgemeine: Why citizens' councils are a good idea
   gmx: Climate column: Why it is worth looking at the content of the “Last Generation”.
   Ostsee Zeitung: “My heart belongs to them”: Greifswalder Michael Succow praises activists of the “Last Generation”

15 Minute News: German police call for crackdown on growing climate protests
20 Man loses his nerve and attacks climate gluer - arrested
24hamburg: Violent attack on member of the “Last Generation”: passer-by tries to set climate activist on fire
24hamburg: Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene
24hamburg: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
24RHEIN: Climate gluer from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months – activist: “I am stunned” Lecture – Last Generation – Lübeck
Anadolu Agency: German climate activists disrupt traffic in central Berlin
archyde: “Climate Adhesive Jobs: Find Your Place In The Last Generation'S Blockade Movement In Berlin”
B.Z.: Several climate-adhesive blockages have already been resolved
B.Z.: Targeted road blockades by climate activists against commuters
B.Z.: Climate glue is looking for full-time prison coordinators!
B.Z.: Police arrest passer-by who tries to put away climate glue
B.Z.: Update: Police clear more climate glue blockades
B.Z.: Climate glue alarm again in Berlin! Traffic jam on A100
Berliner Morgenpost: Amthor against the last generation: demands “much too lukewarm”
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue: The Union alone claps for harsher punishments
BGLand24: “Last Generation” makes allegations against the police: Protesters are allegedly illegally detained
Bietigheimer Zeitung: MPs find last generation complacent
br24: Tougher penalties for climate activists – traffic light against Union proposal
BuzzClips.News: Berli: first ever prison sentence for climate activist Habeck as “Satan with the heat pump”: Lanz grills the FDP man with a laugh – “Was it in there?!”
Das Erste: Video: Carla Hinrichs and Philipp Amthor about the climate protests
Der Wahlberliner: News about the “Last Generation”: Actions in Berlin
Der Westen: Last generation paralyzes Berlin: Shock video! Aggro driver drags woman by hair across road
Der Westen: “Last Generation”: Activist unpacks – “My friends were beaten up”
Deutsche Welle: Germany: Viral video prompts debate on police brutality
Deutschlandfunk: More road blockades by climate activists
echo 24: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
echo 24: Training in Heilbronn – the most active members of the “Last Generation” practice gluing
echo 24: Convicted climate gluer continues to protest: “Sparked my determination”
Evangelische Kirche: Church synod between reforms, last generation and queer people
Explore Our World (auf youtube): Climate activists superglue themselves to German roads
Express: “Maischberger” Philipp Amthor takes aim at the activist: “It’s on you!” Next prison sentence for climate glue: four months in prison for museum chaotin
Eßlinger Zeitung: MPs find last generation complacent
Eßlinger Zeitung: Climate activist has to go to prison for four months
Focus: BerlinKlima-Kleberin sentenced to four months in prison without parole
Focus: Commentary shock confession shows that climate glue will not save our world
Focus: Police protect activistsA scene in Berlin shows how climate stickers distort facts
Focus: “Last Generation” in BerlinAfter blockades, rescuers make an important appeal for climate glue
Focus: “Last Generation” actions in the capitalClimate stickers accuse the police of threatening violence: “Until I bleed from every hole”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: “I would rather do something else”
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Targeted last-generation blockades against commuters
Frankfurter Allgemeine: After sticking on a painting: prison sentence for climate activist
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Climate gluer from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months – activist: “I am stunned”
Frankfurter Neue Presse: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Friedliche Sabotage: The city shutdown is a success. Now: #WeAllAreTheLastGeneration
Gießener Allgemeine: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Gießener Anzeiger: Habeck as “Satan with the heat pump”: Lanz grills the FDP man with a laugh – “Was it in there?!”
Guardian: German police call for crackdown on growing climate protests
Hamburger Morgenpost: Climate protest against electric cars: two injured, eight reports
Head Topics: The End of the Last Generation – Climate Society Council (1)
Head Topics: Climate Glue: These jobs are available at the Last Generation
Head Topics: Climate gluer attacked: attacker arrested in Berlin
Head Topics: News blog about the last generation: Activists paralyze traffic on the A100 - traffic jam
Head Topics: News blog about the “Last Generation”: Climate activists are active again in many places in Berlin
Head Topics: Climate glue alarm again in Berlin! Traffic jam on the A100
Head Topics: “Last Generation” in Berlin: Passerby tries to set climate activist on fire
Heidelberg24: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
hessenschau: Fines for climate activists after road blockades
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Harsh verdict against climate activist: Kleberin from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: After prison verdict: Climate activist horrified by record sentence
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Heute – Österreich: Climate stickers are now announcing weeks of protests
Kreisbote: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Kreisbote: “Last Generation” makes allegations against the police: Protesters are allegedly illegally detained
Kreiszeitung: After prison verdict: Climate activist reacts horrified to record sentence
Kreiszeitung: Police report violent attack: passerby tries to set climate activist on fire
Kreiszeitung: “Last Generation” blocked several streets again - police were called in that morning
Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote: MPs find last generation complacent
Legal Tribune online: Prison sentence for last generation activist
Merkur: Harsh verdict against climate activist: Kleberin from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months
Merkur: Climate stickers start the next wave of protests in the morning - police intervene
Merkur: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene
Merkur: Police report violent attack: passerby tries to set climate activist on fire
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Merkur: “Last Generation” blocked several streets again - police were called in that morning
Merkur: “Was spat on with chewing gum”: “Last Generation” climate glue speaks after disgusting incident
Mindener Tageblatt: Because of the sticking campaign: prison without parole for climate activist
msn: Activist roars in pain - “Last Generation” complains about police behavior: “What are you doing?”
msn: Climate glue endangers Yes to the climate law: “You can’t do more harm to the environment”
Märkische Allgemeine: Blockades on Thursday: Climate stickers caused traffic chaos in Berlin
Märkische Allgemeine: Blockades on Thursday: Last Generation protest march in Berlin Mitte
Märkische Allgemeine: Traffic jam in Berlin: Climate stickers block several streets - current blockades
Münstersche Zeitung: Mayor on climate stickers: CDU criticizes sharply
n-TV: Discussion about climate protest – “The demands are rather lukewarm”
n-TV: Targeted last-generation blockades against commuters Berlin: Cars simply drive past climate stickers German climate adhesives are advertising 35 jobs
NDR: Citizens argue about “last generation” in schools
Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung: MPs find last generation complacent
Neue Presse: Because of the sticking campaign: prison without parole for climate activist
New York Post: Climate protesters try to bring Berlin traffic to a halt Current news about Last Generation Carla Hinrichs very privately: This is how the climate activist finances her life Carla Rochel private: Stopped studying for “Last Generation”! This is what you need to know about the activist
Nordkurier: Amthor attacks climate gluer Hinrichs on a TV talk show
Offenbach-Post: “Last Generation” blocked several streets again - police were called in that morning
OMG Bulletin: Berlin is crippled by climate protests of the last generation
Ostthüringer Zeitung: MPs find last generation complacent
OVB online: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Peiner Allgemeine: Survey: What is your opinion on the actions of the climate adhesives?
Presseportal: Elstner at “maischberger”: Would have been part of “Last Generation” earlier
ProSieben: “Last generation”: These are the compelling demands
ProSieben: “Last Generation”: Did they use rental cars for the Berlin blockade?
ProSieben: “Last Generation”: When these demands are met, the actions stop
ProSieben: Inside Last Generation
ProSieben: As in Bavaria: tougher action against the “last generation” is required
Qatar Tribune: German climate activist who glued himself to artwork gets jail
RADIO 7: MPs find last generation complacent
Radio EINS: MPs find last generation complacent
Radio FFH: “I’d rather do something else”
Radio Salü: Union wants tougher penalties for climate glue
Radio Zwickau: MPs find last generation complacent
rbb24: The Last Generation: Report from Berlin
regionalHeute: CDU: Sharp criticism of Amsel44 activists – fear of radicalization
Remix News & Views (auf youtube): Climate Activist Uses New Glue Technique to Block Traffic
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Rhein-Zeitung: MPs find last generation complacent
rnd: Amthor criticizes activist: “You want a kind of eco-climate socialism”
rosenheim24: “Medical emergency” – rescuers are stuck in a traffic jam: The climate glue’s bold ambulance lie
RP Online: Prison without parole for climate activist
RTL News: Man attacks climate gluer - passers-by intervene
Ruhr24: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Ruhr24: “Last Generation” blocked several streets again - police were called in that morning Germany: Hundreds join climate protest as 'Last Generation' vows to bring Berlin to 'standstill'
Soester Anzeiger: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Soester Anzeiger: “Last Generation” makes allegations against the police: Protesters are allegedly illegally detained
Sonntagsblatt: Four months in prison for “Last Generation” activist from Bavaria
Stern: MPs find last generation complacent
Stern: Targeted last-generation blockades against commuters
Stern: Last generation: Activist receives four months in prison without parole for sticking in a gallery
Süddeutsche Zeitung: “Anyone who doesn’t cry is an idiot”
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Targeted last-generation blockades against commuters
t-online: Activists block A100 again – traffic jam
t-online: Activists are expelled from the government district
t-online: Activist Hinrichs shows nerves: “I can’t believe it anymore”
t-online: Were police officers threatening climate activists? LKA is investigating
t-online: Passerby tries to set climate activists on fire
Tag24: “Last Generation” continues to paralyze Berlin with sticking campaigns
Tag24: MPs find last generation complacent
Tag24: Next climate activist in court: Solidarity protest for “Last Generation” at Fritz-Foerster-Platz!
Tagesschau: Citizens argue about “last generation” in schools
Tagesschau: Discussion about the “last generation” in the citizenry
Tagesschau: Man attacks climate activists with a lighter
Tagesspiegel: MPs sharply criticize last generation
Tagesspiegel: What punishments should the protesters expect?
Tagesspiegel: Passer-by wants to set fire to activist in Berlin-Neukölln
Taipei Times: German climate activists undeterred by jail time
taketonews: German climate activist who glued himself to artwork must go to jail
Telepolis: Four months in prison for climate activist
Teller Report: Climate: the actions of the German movement “Last Generation” do not pass with Berliners
The Limited Times: “It's pointless”: climate activists stick to the coach – the driver reacts in shock
The Limited Times: “This is how we last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
The Limited Times: Climate gluer has to be in prison for months and is “stunned” after the verdict
The Limited Times: Climate strike in Berlin: “Last Generation” announces next protest
The Limited Times: Harsh verdict against climate activist: Kleberin of the “last generation” must be in prison for months
The National: Germany rejects five-year jail terms for climate protesters
Thüringische Landeszeitung: Because of the sticking campaign: prison without parole for climate activist
TIMETURK: German climate activists disrupt traffic in central Berlin Harsh verdict against climate activist: Kleberin from the “Last Generation” has to be in prison for months Violent attack on member of the “Last Generation”: passer-by tries to set climate activist on fire Man in sweatpants pounces on climate glue - pedestrians and police intervene “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
Usere EKHN: Church synod between reforms, last generation and queer people
VN Explorer: Man loses his nerve and attacks climate gluer - arrested
Vodafone live: Targeted last-generation blockades against commuters
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: 17 tweets for drivers who have too much PACKAGE due to the “last generation”.
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: Climate stickers disrupt Formula E races in Berlin: “You’ve gone completely crazy”
watson: “Until I bleed from every hole”: The last generation makes violent accusations against the police
watson: Last generation and the coalition agreement: What the expansion of preventive detention means
WAZ: “Maischberger”: Amthor against the last generation – fierce war of words
Welt: Glued to a painting frame – court sends climate activist to prison
Welt: Bundestag argues about harsher punishments for “road blockers and museum rioters”
Welt: “I don’t know what else I should be looking for in a discussion group like this,” says Hinrichs
Westdeutsche Zeitung: MPs find last generation complacent
Westfalenpost: Harsher penalties for the last generation: That's why the Union stands alone
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Climate gluer has to be imprisoned for months – activist: “I’m stunned”
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
Wolfsburger Allgemeine: Survey: What is your opinion on the actions of the climate adhesives?
Zeit Online: MPs find last generation complacent
Zeit Online: Targeted last-generation blockades against commuters

20 Climate glue want to paralyze Berlin again - police are arming themselves
24auto: Driver pulls climate sticker from the road: “You’re pissing on the wrong people”
24hamburg: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
24RHEIN: Climate strike in Berlin: “Last generation” back on the streets – drivers react aggressively
24RHEIN: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
a News: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
AD HOC NEWS: The Last Generation climate group is again increasingly active in Berlin.
Anadolu Agency: Activists block streets in German capital demanding climate action
AQUA: “Generation Last” – which directs the eco-activists, combines and at-il en Allemagne
az-online: Driver pulls climate sticker from the road: “You’re pissing on the wrong people”
az-online: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
az-online: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
B.Z.: Eight advertisements after the campaign of climate adhesives in Formula E races
B.Z.: The climate stickers use this tactic to stop traffic
B.Z.: First prison sentence for climate chaos in Berlin!
B.Z.: Wendt: It's no coincidence that climate activists chose Berlin to protest
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last generation” in Berlin: Ambulances blocked – this is how clearly the fire brigade reacts
Berliner Morgenpost: “Last Generation”: The resistance is growing so violently
Berliner Morgenpost: Road blockades in Berlin again: 700 police officers on duty
Berliner Morgenpost: Basic child security: Bremen's SPD mayor takes on Lindner
Berliner Morgenpost: Climate glue in Berlin today: “Last Generation” starts protest march
Berliner Morgenpost: Last generation: police union for tough action
Berliner Morgenpost: Truck driver: Can't get off work on time because of air conditioning stickers
BGLand24: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation” Fines for climate glue
Borneo Bulletin: Climate warriors or common criminals?
br24: Greens distance themselves from the “last generation”
br24: Police union: take tougher action against the last generation
Bürgerredaktion: Some thoughts on the actions of the “last generation”
Chiemgau24: Climate protests of the “Last Generation” in Berlin: it should really start on Monday
CNA: Climate activists block Berlin roads again Climate strike in Berlin: Police on alert - 540 emergency services secure the city Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Der Patriot: Last generation: police union for tough action
Der Westen: Last generation paralyzes Berlin: Shock video! Aggro driver drags woman by hair across road
Der Westen: Markus Lanz shocked by opinion on climate adhesives – “I find it difficult to take them seriously”
Die Oberbadische: Lemke: Blockade actions do not help climate protection in the long term
DIGITAL JOURNAL: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
DNyuz: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
Dorstener Zeitung: The mayor gives the climate stickers a thumbs up. Your protest is elitist and affects the wrong people
echo 24: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
echo 24: Training in Heilbronn – the most active members of the “Last Generation” practice gluing
echo 24: Are climate activists becoming more criminal? Significantly more crimes than in the previous year
echo 24: “Climate Glue” is fighting against the harsh verdict - he faces eight months in prison
euro topics: Controversy over street blockades by climate activists Let it stick: Drivers simply avoid climate chaotic people across the meadow
Focus: Ban on performances planned “Last Generation” advertises horror scenario in schools: “Everyone dies out”
Focus: BerlinKlima-Kleberin sentenced to four months in prison without parole
Focus: Commentary shock confession shows that climate glue will not save our world
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Fines for sit-ins
Frankfurter Allgemeine: Police union boss calls for tough action against “last generation”
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Climate protests of the “Last Generation” in Berlin: it should really start on Monday
Frankfurter Neue Presse: Climate strike in Berlin: “Last generation” back on the streets – drivers react aggressively FDP parliamentary group leader rails against climate glue at Lanz: “It’s more about self-expression than about climate change”
Fuldaer Zeitung: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
General Anzeiger: Lemke: Blockade actions do not help climate protection in the long term
Gießener Anzeiger: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation” Last generation: police union for tough action
Hamburger Morgenpost: “Everyone dies out”: anger over the “climate glue” advertising offensive in Hamburg’s schools
Head Topics: Eight advertisements after the campaign of climate adhesives in Formula E races
Head Topics: Drivers pull air conditioning glue off the road – by their hair
Head Topics: Greens criticize 'last generation' climate protests
Head Topics: Climate protest every day: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Head Topics: It's no coincidence that climate activists chose Berlin to protest
Head Topics: The police and judiciary simply won't lock up the climate stickers
Head Topics: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Heidelberg24: Climate protests of the “Last Generation” in Berlin: it should really start on Monday
Heidelberg24: Climate strike in Berlin: Hundreds of emergency services on site – “Last Generation” announces the next protest
hessenschau: Fines for climate activists after road blockades
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: After prison verdict: Climate activist horrified by record sentence
Hessische / Niedersächsische Allgemeine: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Heute – Österreich: Berlin police are preparing to combat climate glue
Heute – Österreich: Schumacher rages about climate stickers in Formula E
Hochheimer Zeitung: Lemke: Blockade actions do not help climate protection in the long term
idowa: Last generation: police union for tough action
idowa: Because of the sticking campaign: prison without parole for climate activist
Independent (Ireland): Climate protesters attempt to stop traffic in Berlin
Info Climate protesters try to bring Berlin traffic to a halt
insalzach24: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
Jamaica Observer: Climate protesters try to bring Berlin traffic to a halt
ka-news: After action at the E-Prix: eight advertisements against climate activists
Khaleej Times: Germany: Climate protesters try to bring Berlin traffic to a halt
Kiss PR: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
Kreisbote: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Kreiszeitung: 200 climate activists gather in church - protest march starts
Kreiszeitung: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Kreiszeitung: Man in leather jacket drags climate activists off the street by their hair
Kreiszeitung: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger: Climate activist sentenced to prison without parole
Kölnische Rundschau: Climate activist sentenced to prison without parole
mdr: Public prosecutor's office charges member of “Last Generation” with coercion
mdr: Why a climate protector is for civil disobedience – as long as it remains non-violent
Merkur: Harsh verdict against climate activist: Kleberin from the “Last Generation” has to spend months in prison
Merkur: Climate stickers block Berlin: Activists speak of “grievances” – allegations of violence against the police
Merkur: Climate adhesive in Berlin: Many ambulances in traffic jams - video fuels debate about the lack of an emergency lane
Merkur: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Merkur: Video shows: Climate stickers stunned – cars simply drive past the blockade
Merkur: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Merkur: “It makes no sense”: Climate activists stick themselves to a coach – the driver reacts in disbelief
Merkur: “Criminals remain criminals”: ​​Passers-by insult climate activists of the last generation in Berlin
Motorsport-Magazin: Berlin climate sticker at Formula E: Complaint for bodily harm
msn: 200 climate activists gather in church - protest march starts
msn: Harsh verdict against climate activist: Kleberin from the “Last Generation” has to spend months in prison
msn: Climate adhesive in Berlin: Many ambulances in traffic jams - video fuels debate about the lack of an emergency lane
Märkische Allgemeine: Berlin: Are climate stickers causing traffic jams again today? More “protest marches” planned
Märkische Allgemeine: Berlin: Are climate stickers causing traffic jams again today? “Protest march” planned
n-TV: Climate activist sentenced to prison in Berlin
n-TV: Trial against three climate activists begins Climate activists stick themselves in front of the border crossing
Neue Westfälische: Last generation: police union for tough action
News Briefs in English: Police union chief in favor of crackdown on the last generation
Nordbayerischer Kurier: Last generation: police union for tough action
nordbayern: Last generation: police union for tough action
nordbayern: Protests escalate to extremes: drivers pull climate activists off the road by their hair
oe24: Incredible: Climate glue can be sterilized because of climate change
One News: Germany: Viral climate protest video prompts debate on police brutality
One News: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
OVB online: Hammer verdict without parole! This climate gluer (24) from Bavaria has to go behind bars
OVB online: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
ProSieben: “Last Generation”: Only if these demands are met will the protests end
ProSieben: As in Bavaria: tougher action against the “last generation” is required
Radio FFH: Fines For Two Climate Adhesives
ran: Formula E: Last generation paralyzes races in Berlin with climate protest
rbb: DPolG calls for longer preventive detention for climate activists
rbb24: Climate activist in Berlin sentenced to four months in prison without parole
regionalHeute: After the Last Generation Road Blockade: Victims Wanted
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Climate stickers disrupt Formula E races in Berlin: “You’ve gone completely crazy”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal”
Remscheider General-Anzeiger: Climate strike in Berlin: “Last generation” back on the streets – drivers react aggressively
report-K: Council committee addresses the topic of “Last Generation”
Rhein-Zeitung: Lemke: Blockade actions do not help climate protection in the long term
RTL News: Climate protests: discrepancy in information from the police and judiciary
RTL News: Traffic jams caused by climate protests – more than 30 blockades in Berlin
RTL News: Angry drivers use air conditioning glue to trick them!
RTL Today: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
Ruhr Nachrichten: The mayor gives the climate stickers a thumbs up. Your protest is elitist and affects the wrong people
Ruhr24: Climate strike in Berlin: Police on alert - 540 emergency services secure the city
SauerlandKurier: Climate stickers disrupt Formula E races in Berlin: “You’ve gone completely crazy”
SauerlandKurier: Climate strike in Berlin: Police on alert - 540 emergency services secure the city
SauerlandKurier: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
SendStory: Climate activists block Berlin roads again
SendStory: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
Soester Anzeiger: Climate protests of the “Last Generation” in Berlin: it should really start on Monday
Soester Anzeiger: Climate strike in Berlin: “Last Generation” announces next protest
Soester Anzeiger: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Soester Anzeiger: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Solinger Tageblatt: Driver pulls climate sticker from the road: “You’re pissing on the wrong people”
Solinger Tageblatt: Habeck as “Satan with the heat pump”: Lanz grills the FDP man with a laugh – “Was it in there?!”
Solinger Tageblatt: Climate protests of the “Last Generation” in Berlin: it should really start on Monday
Solinger Tageblatt: Climate strike in Berlin: “Last generation” back on the streets – drivers react aggressively
Solinger Tageblatt: Leather jacket wearer drags climate activists off the street by their braids
Solinger Tageblatt: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Spiegel: Would the finance minister have gotten an internship with him?
Spiegel: Police union boss calls for tough action against “Last Generation”
Spiegel: “Lack of insight” and “potential for danger”
SRF: Rescue for Yann Sommer and tips for climate glue
Stern: Action at Formula E races: Eight complaints against activists
Stern: Last generation: police union for tough action
Stern: Trial against three climate activists begins
SWR Aktuell: FDP interior expert Kuhle: Actions of the last generation are leading to an escalation of the climate protection debate
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Imprisonment for painting gluer
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Because of the sticking campaign: prison without parole for climate activist
t-online: “Last Generation”: Climate activist goes to prison
t-online: 19-year-old charged after traffic blockade in Dresden
t-online: Eight advertisements after the “Last Generation” campaign in Formula E races
t-online: Bavaria's Office for the Protection of the Constitution mentions climate glue
t-online: Media report: Police annoyed by justice
t-online: Why the police and the judiciary are arguing about 49 climate activists
Tag24: “Last Generation”: Climate Adhesive Received Ads Due to Action in Formula E Races
Tag24: Stuck on Painting: Climate Activist Must Go to Jail!
Tag24: Wendt wants to send Klima-Kleber to jail longer: “Berlin is no coincidence for major protests”
Tagesschau: Fines for climate activists after road blockades in Frankfurt
Tagesschau: Public prosecutor's office charges member of “Last Generation” with coercion
Tagesspiegel: Climate activists plan to stick together again on Thursday
Tagesspiegel: Protest march by climate activists through Berlin has begun
Tagesspiegel: “It’s no coincidence that they chose Berlin”
taz: The new government in Berlin – those who stand in the way
tekdeeps: “Last Generation” – who leads the eco-activists, how many there are in Germany
The Korea Times: Climate activists stop Berlin traffic to pressure government
The Limited Times: “This is how we last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
The Limited Times: Harsh verdict against climate activist: Kleberin of the “last generation” must be in prison for months
The Limited Times: In Berlin, the hot spring of radical ecologists
The Local: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
The Times Of India: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate ..
TIMETURK: Climate activists block major street in central Berlin 200 climate activists gather in church - protest march starts Habeck as “Satan with the heat pump”: Lanz grills the FDP man with a laugh – “Was it in there?!” Climate protests of the “Last Generation” in Berlin: it should really start on Monday Climate protests in Berlin are met with criticism: “That doesn’t help the goal” Climate strike in Berlin: “Last generation” back on the streets – drivers react aggressively “Across Botany”: Climate glue campaign goes wrong – because of the most unfavorable protest location
UrduPoint: Around 200 Eco-Activists Detained In Berlin For Trying To Block Road Traffic – Authorities
UrduPoint: Climate Activists Glue Themselves To Roads, Stop Berlin Traffic
VN Explorer: Climate protesters accidentally invade electric car race instead of Formula 1
VN Explorer: Climate adhesives block the border bridge to Switzerland and cause traffic jam chaos
VN Explorer: Climate stickers continue: Drivers cause bizarre scenes to avoid activists
Volksstimme: Action at Formula E races: Eight complaints against activists
Volksstimme: Lemke: Blockade actions do not help climate protection in the long term
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: Driver pulls climate sticker from the road: “You’re pissing on the wrong people”
Waldeckische Landeszeitung: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Welt: Glued to a painting frame – court sends climate activist to prison
Welt: Do the activists have a right to be carried away?
Welt: Superglue, sand and a dispute between the Berlin police and the judiciary
Welt: How dangerously “environmental activists” slowed down traffic in Berlin
Welt: “30 days in custody” – police union boss calls for tough action against “Last Generation”
Welt: “I don’t know what else I should be looking for in a discussion group like this,” says Hinrichs
Westdeutsche Zeitung: Because of the sticking campaign: prison without parole for climate activist
Westfälischer Anzeiger: Habeck as “Satan with the heat pump”: Lanz grills the FDP man with a laugh – “Was it in there?!”
Westfälischer Anzeiger: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
Wetterauer Zeitung: Climate strike in Berlin: Police on alert - 540 emergency services secure the city
WorldNews: Protests escalate to extremes: drivers pull climate activists off the road by their hair
WorldNews: Undeterred by jail, Germany's climate activists ramp up protests
yahoo!nachrichten: Because of the sticking campaign: prison without parole for climate activist
ZDF: That's why Duerr criticizes the Last Generation
ZDF: Little green reciprocation for the climate adhesives
Zeit Online: “This is completely unacceptable”
Zeit Online: Action at Formula E races: Eight complaints against activists
Zeit Online: AfD also wants to make climate activists pay
Zeit Online: Berlin court sentences climate activist to four months in prison
Zeit Online: Is that going too far?
Zeit Online: Fines for climate activists after road blockades
Zeit Online: Last generation: police union for tough action
Zeit Online: Police union boss for tough action against last generation

   Westfälische Nachrichten: Fridays for Future: Solidarity with the “Last Generation”

20 Woman undergoes sterilization for fear of climate change
24auto: Climate stickers disrupt Formula E races in Berlin: “You’ve gone completely crazy”
24hamburg: “The rich can no longer afford us”: climate stickers spray paint on luxury stores
24RHEIN: Climate strike in Berlin: Police are probably “reaching their limits” and release protesters after hours
Aachener Zeitung: Cat and mouse for the climate? Activists block in Berlin
Aargauer Zeitung: “We hate you to death”: The “Last Generation” hardly arouses any understanding for their concerns in Berlin
AD HOC NEWS: Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has sharply criticized the increased blockades by the “Last Generation” group in Berlin.
AD HOC NEWS: The climate group Last Generation has been increasingly active again in Berlin for days.
Allgemeine Zeitung: Christian and activist: priest part of the last generation
AmsterdamFOX: Painted attack from environmental activists on luxury brands like Gucci, Rolex and Prada
Anadolu Agency: Climate activists block major street in central Berlin
AP News: Police use drill to free superglued activist in Berlin
ARD Morgenmagazin: Briefly transfigured: climate glue
Auto Bild: Climate adhesive campaigns and the consequences: This is what drivers can do
Auto Bild: Racing experts criticize climate glue
az-online: “This way we can last a long time”: This is the Berlin plan of the “Last Generation”
B.Z.: Balance sheet of climate-glue blockages
B.Z.: The climate stickers endanger public peace in Berlin
B.Z.: Here, drivers leave the climate blockers on the left
B.Z.: Climate chaos with a bold ambulance lie
B.Z.: Glue climate glue in Schöneberg
B.Z.: The police and judiciary simply won't lock up the climate stickers
B.Z.: This is ho