Summary press conference:

Social turning point in autumn: away from fossil fuels – towards fairness

Rolf Meyer, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Froitzheim, Chiara Malz, Carla Hinrichs and Lina Johnsen
in front of the Federal Chancellery

Berlin, June 08.09.2023, 11, 30:XNUMX a.m – Today the press conference on the upcoming, permanent Last Generation protests took place in Berlin.

On Wednesday, September 13.9th from 11 a.m. the last generation invites you into the Reformation Church in Moabit a, from where around 13 pm a protest march starts through Berlin. Explained about this Carla Hinrichs: “There are two interesting utensils in the luggage and used, stay tuned. Nobody has to use them, but anyone who wants to use them particularly intensively is required to wear a suit and tie.”

Here you will find a summary of the most important points from the press conference.

At the press conference, the supporters of the Last Generations were represented by:

  • Rolf Meyer (56), qualified physicist
  • Prof. Dr. Nicholas Froitzheim (65), geologist
  • Chiara Malt (32), expectant mother, active in a number of climate projects as a volunteer
  • Carla Hinrichs (26), speaker of the Last Generation

Protest can only be ended politically 

First summarized Rolf Meyer the current situation in Bavaria, where responsibility for the prevailing conflict is being transferred to the police and judiciary. He emphasized: “The conflict is a political conflict and politicians must take responsibility.”

Necessary exit from coal, oil and gas by 2030 – Scholz, be honest

Afterwards clarified Prof. Dr. Nicholas Froitzheimhow dramatic the situation we find ourselves in is.
“We no longer live on the earth we knew.” 

He also explained how we got into this situation and what course we must now take:
“Our politicians consistently refuse to recognize physical reality. For scientists like me, this denial of reality was and is despairing. With every ton of CO2 we emit, the likelihood of the climate system collapsing increases. We have to get out of fossil fuels as an emergency – i.e. get out of oil, gas and coal. 2045 is far too late. 2030 is a realistic, socially possible time horizon.”

Finally he emphasized very clearly: "Olaf Scholz knows that we need a comprehensive change, but he doesn't dare to speak this uncomfortable truth, to say unpopular things. Olaf Scholz says he has everything under control. A life-threatening lie is being told to the population here."

Then he added: “We will end the protest when the government initiates the necessary political change that will fairly make Germany fossil-free by 2030.”

The last generation before the tipping points – that’s all of us.

“No status, no likes, no money, no uniform protects me from dying of thirst and feeds my family.”
Chiara Malt reported on their personal motivation and on the bridges that the last generation is building with their networking work in all areas of society. There is networking with churches, in the arts and culture, in healthcare, in agriculture, in the climate justice movement, in politics, with celebrities, and yes, even with the police.

Protests in Berlin from September 13.09th

Finally led Carla Hinrichs the necessary change and explained how the last generation wants to initiate it.
“We are on a direct course towards climate hell, whether the government or a social council puts the brakes on us is not what it should be about. One thing is clear: we have to end this course. That means: A fossil-free Germany by 2030.”

"We will not leave Berlin until there is a political change: away from fossil fuels and towards fairness! Nobody will be able to ignore the fact that we are now setting out to get the city moving, here on the government's doorstep.
We take to the streets together. We protest with doctors and farmers, with nurses and representatives of the church, with artists and cultural workers and scientists. Our protest will be direct, loud and diverse.”

She also presented an inventory list of the material warehouses “bulging”: roses, poles for a hurdle race, oil, masks, bicycles, an armchair, ropes, overalls of course, diapers, banknotes, Styrofoam, chickens and other animals, hay, fire extinguishers, eggs, tomatoes, black color, orange color, red color, white paint, tools, tons of edible food, agricultural equipment, cars, including SUVs, horns, hazardous waste, moving boxes, 6000 sun hats - and of course a lot of glue.

Responsibility in the climate crisis

Following the speeches, a short question and answer session began, in which questions were primarily raised about social acceptance of the form of protest and further details about the protest. Interrupted after a few minutes Prof. Dr. Froitzheim the group and frustratedly clarified once again what it was actually about. The enormous danger we are in, the unparalleled urgency and the responsibility this brings for all of us.

Last appealed speaker Lina Johnsen, who moderated the press conference, to the press representatives present: “Their job, their duty, is to bring that reality, that honesty into the discourse and not let the government get away with dishonesty, otherwise democratic discourse won’t work.”