Road blockade: Trial against last generation climate activist continues

Dresden. On Wednesday, the 01.11.2023, the court case is being held by Pia Osman continued by the “Last Generation” in Dresden. On March 15.03.2023, 60, she and 15 other climate activists blocked car traffic at the Freiberger Straße stop. 1.200 people sat on the road and some of them stuck to it. The public prosecutor's office accuses Pia Osman of coercion and is demanding a fine of XNUMX euros.

Pia Osman, 27, about the campaign in Dresden: “In Dresden, the city council decided in January 2020 that climate protection should have the highest priority. The individual points of the decision have either been implemented with a long delay or have not been implemented at all, including the creation of a new climate protection concept as the most important point. What happens globally shows up locally. Agreements are simply not kept. Our protest was directed against this.”

In July 2023, Osman was acquitted in Leipzig for a road blockade. She also expects an acquittal from the Dresden District Court: “I hope that the judge not only deals with traffic jam lengths, but also takes into account the fundamental right to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and Article 20a of the Basic Law. This means that the state is also responsible for protecting the natural foundations of life for future generations. I hope the judge really gets to grips with what the climate crisis is about – the survival of billions of people.”

Even in the event of a conviction, Pia Osman's decision is clear: “I will continue to protest because what awaits us collectively is much worse than any punishment. Our protest is a fire alarm. In order for it to be effective, it has to be disruptive.”

We warmly invite you to report on this process:

01.11.23/13/00, 6:1.14 p.m., Roßbachstraße XNUMX, room NXNUMX

Press release on the start of the trial on 18.10.23/XNUMX/XNUMX:

There will also be a start on November 16st, 45 at 01.11.2023:XNUMX p.m. on Schlossplatz Protest march with Last generation Dresden.

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Photos from the day of action, March 15.03.2023, XNUMX

Videos from the day of action, March 15.03.2023, XNUMX – Speech by Lars Ritter