Orange handprints on streets of Berlin

– Encourage voters to tell the truth to Mr. Scholz –

Hand of a Last Generation supporter stuck to the asphalt this morning. 
(c) Last generation, additional images . 

Berlin, June 30.10.2023, 09, 00:XNUMX a.m - After around 1400 people followed the call of the Last Generation and other climate justice groups to occupy the Street of June 17th over the weekend, numerous supporters of the Last Generation are again gathering today at Berlin traffic junctions and blocking them peacefully. Their banners call for a turnaround that offers our society a way out of the worsening climate catastrophe: “Away from fossil fuels and towards fairness".

Some of the protesters left orange handprints on the road today, which they applied to the black asphalt with bright spray paint. 

Rolf Meyer (56), spokesman for the Last Generation, is sitting on Frankfurter Allee this morning. The physicist and father of two children makes it clear:

"Olaf Scholz likes to adorn himself with the values ​​of social democracy, such as respect, equal opportunities and justice. Respect also includes expecting voters to tell the truth. But when it comes to the climate crisis, Scholz is completely absent. He tells people like a mantra that he has everything under control, while his own scientists and experts prove the opposite again and again."

He further emphasizes: “We have trusted for long enough that the federal government somehow has the situation under control. Now is the moment when we must step out of the research laboratories, lecture halls, offices and workshops into the streets and demand our rights."