“Olaf is lying”

– Protest at the Federal Chancellery –

70 supporters* of the Last Generation confront Olaf Scholz in front of the Chancellery today with his climate lie (c) Last Generation, more pictures . 

Berlin, June 31.10.2023, 11, 15:XNUMX a.m – Since this morning, a clearly visible message has been emblazoned on the facade of the Federal Chancellery. Over 70 female read people have the words “ in orange color.Olaf is lying” painted many times on the white facade and on the floor in front of it. Many of them are now standing in front of the lettering and holding up posters. “Olaf is lying" and "Climate & Environment“Lying Chancellor” can be read on it.

Marion Fabian (73), spokesperson for the Last Generation, explains the words she just wrote to the Chancellery: “Scholz claims that the government's measures against the climate catastrophe are sufficient. This is a life-threatening lie!"

Also Carla Rochel (21) takes part in today's protest. She adds: “Olaf Scholz wants us to believe that he has the situation under control and would steer us towards a secure future. In doing so, he steers the population without protection into an unprecedented catastrophe. And he knows that. We are making this visible to everyone today and will no longer let him get away with it."

The Chancellor's dishonesty became particularly obvious in August of this year when he publicly contradicted his own Council of Experts. [1]
The council confirmed that the government had a complete lack of an overall concept for reducing emissions. The goal set by the federal government is inadequate from the outset and even this goal is not being met. The government used incorrect assumptions and figures, leaving a huge gap between the claimed and actual savings. However, in direct response, Olaf Scholz claimed that he was convinced that they were doing exactly what was necessary.

Marion Fabian concludes from this behavior: “Scholz shirks his responsibility to honestly communicate what is necessary. He just doesn't dare to tell the uncomfortable and shocking truth. That's why he prefers to look away again, deceives himself and especially us citizens into believing that he has everything under control and even contradicts his own council of experts. Honesty is the basis of a functioning democracy! The Chancellor's lies endanger our coexistence and ultimately our entire survival as humanity - we can no longer accept that."

The necessary socially just transition away from the use of fossil raw materials can only succeed if the corresponding measures are based on reality and not on wishful thinking. The Last Generation protest continues to remind the government of this fact.

[1] Scholz lets expert council criticism of the climate law roll off – ZDFheute