The last generation joins the firewall against fascism in front of the Bundestag

Supporters of the last generation are taking to the streets today against fascism. (c) Last generation High resolution photos here.

Berlin, October 03.02.2023, 11, 15:XNUMX a.m – The last generation is taking part in today’s “Hand-in-Hand” day of action. The demonstrators started with a rally at Potsdamer Platz at 11 a.m. and joined the Hand-in-Hand campaign at the Bundestag at 13 p.m.

On their banners were the sayings: “Climate catastrophe fuels fascism" and "Climate catastrophe = breeding ground for fascism“. In doing so, they point out the close connection between the fight against fascism in Germany and the fight to preserve our social basis of life.

Simon Lachner, spokesman for Last Generation, explains: “In view of the threats posed by fascism and the climate crisis, our government is relying on deportations and exclusion of refugees, has no plan on how to stop global warming and is exacerbating social inequalities with its budget policies. As the last generation, we are convinced that only solidarity and fair solutions can preserve our democratic society."

The Last Generation had originally mobilized for a mass occupation in Berlin today, but decided to cancel this in favor of taking part in the “Hand-in-Hand” alliance campaign.

Lachner takes a stand: “The fascist forces want to destroy everything we hold dear as democrats. They want to deport people, abolish press freedom, and undermine democracy. And it is especially the fascists who want to irretrievably destroy the livelihoods of billions of people and are pushing the fossil fuel business as usual in the midst of the beginning of climate collapse.  

It is also foreseeable that with the destruction of our livelihoods and the associated collapse of the economy, the danger that fascist forces will manage to seize power is increasing. 

That's why we, as the last generation, oppose both peacefully and resolutely, because it's about our basic democratic order and the lives of millions of people!"