“A new chapter in the resistance will begin”
Dear press representatives,
The Last Generation press conference will start in a few hours:
- Monday, January 11.03.2024, 10 at 00:XNUMX p.m
- In front of Bellevue Palace (in Berlin)
- Participation via Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/83740332023
(no password needed)
Carla Hinrichs
Rolf Meyer (graduate physicist and speaker of the last generation)
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Froitzheim (geologist and supporter of the last generation)
Farmer Eberhardräder
and Laura (student)
will talk about the new Last Generation demand and planned protests in the coming weeks and months.
There will be an opportunity to ask questions afterwards. We will answer the questions on site first and then the questions asked via Zoom.