Locking up peaceful protesters does not solve political conflicts
Blockade of the last generation in Munich opposite the Giesing police station
on September 14.09.2023, XNUMX – (c) Last generation
Munich, September 14.09.2023th, 09, 00:XNUMX p.m – Supporters of the last generation have just blocked the exit from Chiemgaustraße onto Tegernseer Landstraße in Munich – opposite the Giesing police station. Among them are people who were released from preventative detention in the Stadelheim JVA just the day before yesterday. They want to send a clear message: Locking up peaceful protesters does not solve the political conflict. If politicians want the protests to end, they must fulfill their duty and preserve the natural basis of life.
Kai-Arne Springorum (51), father of four, energy efficiency consultant and hydrogeologist, is one of those who was recently released from Stadelheim. He explains: "My knowledge of the fact that drinking water will soon be so scarce in Germany that there will be water use conflicts drives me to do this. Especially as a father and despite all possible consequences, I simply have to do everything in my power to avert this suffering." [1]
This is possible if the government dares to turn things around now. Because the climate crisis creates a physical necessity: we must phase out fossil energies – oil, gas and coal – by 2030.
[1] www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/klima-wasser-knappheit-deutschland-100.html
Blockade of the last generation in Munich opposite the Giesing police station
on September 14.09.2023, XNUMX – (c) Last generation