– Neuruppin public prosecutor’s office charges last generation –
In March, Mirjam Herrmann and Henning Jeschke handed over 2000 statements from companies, organizations and individuals who spoke out against charges to the Neuruppin public prosecutor's office.
(c) Last generation
Brandenburg, May 21.05.2024, 16, 20:XNUMX p.m – As announced in a press release just sent out by the Brandenburg public prosecutor’s office, the Neuruppin public prosecutor’s office is making good on its threats and is charging five Last Generation supporters with the accusation of “forming a criminal organization”. While the Saarlanders are carrying buckets of mud out of their cellars and a misanthropic shift to the right is becoming apparent in the European elections Mirjam Herrmann, Henning Jeschke, Jakob Beyer, Edmund Schultz and Luke Popp for their peaceful protest for a safe world and against Germany's irresponsible policies.
The People Against Oil Alliance calls on German civil society to join forces Gathering at Washington Square with a view of the government district tomorrow, May 22.05nd. at 16 o'clock, .
Henning Jeschke, part of the Last Generation and the accused, said shortly after the indictment was published:
“My blood froze in my veins when my lawyer just informed me about the charges. The charges had been pending since December 2022, and we were left in the dark for months. Thousands of people have turned themselves in and taken a stand against the charges before the public prosecutor's office. What a devastating signal to all people who are peacefully involved in this crisis of humanity to drag us to court as a criminal organization.”
Auch Mirjam Herrmann, also accused by the Neuruppin public prosecutor, said: “What the hell: Scientists are sounding the alarm in panic, our self-proclaimed climate chancellor only laughs at those whose existence was destroyed by the extreme rain in Saarland. And now I'm supposed to be the criminal because I protested peacefully. Because holding up colorful signs on the side of the road when our lives are at stake isn't fucking enough. I'm just damn afraid of politics and the judiciary, who are currently joining forces to defend the deadly fossil fuel business with all their might."
To mark the indictment, the People Against Oil Alliance is calling for a meeting tomorrow, May 22.05nd, at Washington Platz with a view of the government district at 16 p.m. The defendants, legal experts, as well as speakers and members of various organizations will speak there and be available for interviews.
On the website peopleagainstoil.org you can find out more about the investigation.
Below you will find the Press release from the defendants' lawyers. You have received the indictment and classify the prosecution's actions from a legal perspective:
The defense attorneys for the “Last Generation” defendants were sent the indictment today at the same time as the press release about the filing of an indictment on suspicion of forming a criminal organization. Even before the defense attorneys were even able to read the indictment or even discuss it with their clients, there was already a report on the indictment. The defense sharply criticizes the prosecution with this accusation.
Attorney Thomas Koll makes it clear: neither constitutionally nor simply legally is the “Last Generation” a criminal organization, as the legislature meant it.
“The attempt is being made here to criminalize and thereby silence the messenger of the scientifically based message, namely that there are only a few years left in the climate catastrophe to become climate neutral if people still want to live on earth in the future.”said Attorney Andrea Groß-Bölting as a first reaction.
“The politically responsible people are breaking the law when international agreements on climate protection and the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on climate protection are ignored.”, added Attorney Johannes Hehnen. His colleague, Anna Magdalena Busl, added: “It will be a long process. We are in the right and we will fight for that right.”
The defense attorneys question why violent farmers' protests with tractors and injured people are treated differently than the peaceful protests of their clients. “Our job as criminal defense lawyers is to prevent the hasty and politically demanded resort to criminal sanctions. We will do that here with conviction and joy.”, close Attorney Nils Spörkel and attorney Ralph Monneck.
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