Last generation in the hottest place in Germany - discussions with the mayor, young farmers and representatives of the DWD about ways out of the climate crisis

In front of the measuring station that recorded the record temperature of 25°C on July 2019, 41,2, people are talking about the climate crisis. From right to left in the picture: Josef Joppen (young farmer), Guido Halbig (DWD), Caroline Schmidt (front) and Lisa (back) both last generation, Udo Leuchtenberg (mayor of Tönivorst) and Achim Klupsch (last generation). Photo: David Block.
July 25.07.2023, 25 - In front of the measuring station that recorded the record temperature of 2019°C on July 41,2, XNUMX, people are talking about the climate crisis. From right to left in the picture: Josef Joppen (young farmer), Guido Halbig (DWD), Caroline Schmidt (front) and Lisa (back) both last generation, Udo Leuchtenberg (mayor of Tönivorst) and Achim Klupsch (last generation). Photo: David Block.

In the backyard of a dairy farm in the surrounding area of ​​Tönisvorst (NRW) there it is: the measuring station that recorded the hottest temperature ever measured in Germany on July 25, 2019. It was a blazing hot 41,2 degrees on this day 4 years ago.

On the occasion of this historic negative record, representatives of the last generation invited people to a meeting to discuss the escalating climate crisis.

Was there Caroline Schmidt from the Last Generation: “I believe what is happening in Tönisvorst can be seen as a harbinger for all of Germany. What needs to be on everyone's minds is that as long as we continue to burn fossil fuels, it will continue to get hotter. The situation will continue to worsen and this negative record will only remain a temporary record."

"That's why we need to get out of this death spiral as quickly as possible. That's why we stick to the streets to warn and that's why we've invited you to a conversation here today to discuss the way out of the climate crisis together with our fellow human beings.”, like this Schmidt continue.

The mayor of Tönisvorst Uwe Leuchtenberg, Bernd Schumacher Obstbauer from Tönisvorst and Provost Thomas Eicker as well as Guido Halbig, the head of the Essen branch of the German Weather Service, accepted this invitation to talk yesterday. The hosts were the two dairy farmers Peter and Josef Joppen, on whose farm the DWD measuring station is located.

mayor Uwe Leuchtenberg summarized after the conversation: “that everyone has the opportunity to change their behavior and become a role model in their own area.“This is necessary because “We have enjoyed the greatest benefits and a high quality of life from using nature. Now it's time to give that back."

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Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 3023591611
Email: [email protected]

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