Sylt, June 06.06.2023th, 10, 00:XNUMX a.m – Last Generation supporters have just marked a private jet at Sylt Airport with orange warning paint. They addressed Chancellor Olaf Scholz directly from the airport grounds with a speech.
Bolt cutters were used to cut through the airport fence at two different points. The protesters then ran straight to the parked private jets with prepared fire extinguishers to use bright colors to demonstrate the damaging effects of private flights on the climate. Banners were unfurled on the wings: "Your luxury = our drought" and "Your luxury = our crop failures".
+++ Private jet on Sylt marked with warning color +++
— Last Generation (@uprisingLastGen) June 6, 2023
With this protest at Sylt Airport we are addressing ours directly @Chancellor.
Who do you do politics for, Mr. Scholz?
With the peaceful protest at Sylt Airport, the last generation takes Olaf Scholz at his word, who said in an interview with ZEITthat the demands of the last generation were too vague and that it was a matter of getting things done.
To do this takes Theodor Schnarr, Speaker of the Last Generation Position: “Mr. Scholz's approach consists, on the one hand, of ever-increasing delays in climate protection and, on the other hand, of a plan that the Federal Constitutional Court described as inadequate. To date, the Scholz government has not presented a concrete plan on how its own climate goals should be met. "
In the speech from the airfield it was addressed to Chancellor Scholz: “One thing is clear: the owners of private jets, limousines and superyachts will not leave them behind voluntarily. In order to reduce these emissions, regulations and laws will be needed. Laws of the kind that have made our social market economy strong.
you Mr. Scholz is the Chancellor of the SPD. They campaigned with justice. It is the central value of social democracy. However, when a few excessively destroy the planet and everyone else suffers - where is the justice?? "
We say: Mr. Scholz, get specific, finally get involved and take care of climate justice! If they shy away from conflict with the wealthy, then they will take seriously our demand for a social climate council that can develop socially just and democratic solutions, which is why current government policy fails.
The speech to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in full:
“Dear Olaf Scholz,
As you will know, millionaires and billionaires contribute disproportionately to the decline of our livelihoods. A four-hour private flight emits as much CO2 as the average person produces in a year.
The emissions that billionaires are responsible for solely through their own consumption with private jets, super yachts and luxury villas, are a thousand times the global per capita emissions.
And while two thirds of Germans have already reduced their CO2 emissions in the past decades, The super-rich have increased their emissions.
And you, Mr. Scholz, allow that. That's surprising. You are the Chancellor of the SPD. They campaigned with justice. It is the central value of social democracy. However, when a few excessively destroy the planet and everyone else suffers - where is the justice?
One thing is clear: the owners of private jets, limousines and superyachts will not leave them behind voluntarily. In order to reduce these emissions, regulations and laws will be needed. Laws of the kind that have made our social market economy strong.
It is also clear that the super-rich not only have a lot of money, but also a lot of power through their contacts and lobbyists. For decades they have been able to expand their influence in order to secure their wealth.
Maybe you, Mr. Scholz, are afraid of the confrontation with the billionaires. In this case, we would like you to convene a company council. A loosely drawn assembly of citizens that discusses climate protection measures. The legitimacy of this council is so great that even the most difficult decisions are possible.
In this way we can protect our livelihoods. Socially fair.
If you managed to implement this, avoid unnecessary emissions and secure our future, you would go down in the history books as climate chancellor.
If that doesn't work, our civilization collapses, and there may soon be no one left to write down stories.
You have the choice."
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Carla Hinrichs
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