Tree felled in front of the Federal Chancellery - The government is sawing the branch on which we are sitting

February 21.02.2023, XNUMX - Supporters of the last generation with a felled tree in front of the Federal Chancellery | Photo: (c) Tenzin Heatherbell
February 21.02.2023, XNUMX - Supporters of the last generation with a felled tree in front of the Federal Chancellery
Photo: (c) Tenzin Heatherbell

Berlin, June 23.02.2023, 09, 30:XNUMX a.m – Forests are one of the most important parts of our human livelihood, but the traffic light government continues to drive their destruction. Whether through direct clearing for new highways and gravel pits or through further escalation of the climate catastrophe and the associated ever larger forest fires and widespread forest dieback. Supporters of the last generation before the tipping points have today dragged this destruction into the light and brought it where it can be seen by everyone: in front of the Federal Chancellery in Berlin. 

There, in the center of power in Germany, they felled a tree with a hand saw today. The dead stump in front of the Chancellor's front door now stands as a memorial for what has actually been obvious for a long time, but still happens every day as a matter of course: "The federal government is actively promoting the destruction of our livelihoods. She saws on the branch on which we all sit."

Photo: (c) Jonas Gehring
Photo: (c) Jonas Gehring

Aimee van Baalen, speaker of the Last Generation, said: “In 2022 we experienced the largest forest fires in Germany's history. Forest dieback caused by global warming is spreading and the Harz Mountains have already been completely destroyed. If things continue like this, our remaining, once healthy and vibrant forests will suffer the same fate."

Aimee van Baalen | Photo: (c) Stefan Müller
Aimee van Baalen
Photo: (c) Stefan Müller

"Nevertheless, Finance Minister Lindner wants to continue building new highways and not only have entire forests cleared, but he is also adding fuel to the fire in which our forests are burning more and more often. Even after a year like 2022, there is no indication that he or the others responsible are prepared to put a stop to this destructive course.”, like this van Baalen continue.

Last year there were 4300 hectares more than 6000 football fields and forests burned down. This makes it a record year – more than five times worse than the long-term average year. Even more worrying: the last record, which 2022 significantly surpassed, was only from 2019. 

Photo: (c) Tenzin Heatherbell
Photo: (c) Tenzin Heatherbell

The Harz, with its swathes of dead trees, may be the most impressive German example of forest dieback caused by global warming - it is a forest that has already passed its tipping point - but the entire German forest is threatened. According to DLR, in the short period of four years (2018-2022). 5% of German forests have been lost.

The international situation is even more dramatic. The Amazon rainforest, also known as the lungs of the earth, has already been destroyed to around 17% and is therefore razor-sharp before its tipping point, which is assumed to be 20%-25% destruction. If this tipping point is exceeded, the forest can no longer be saved, will die without our intervention and will largely become savanna. This is one of those dreaded tipping points that could trigger a whole cascade of tipping points, which threatens the survival of human civilization.

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Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 3023591611
Email: [email protected]

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