Berlin, Munich, December 08.12.2022th, 9, 45:XNUMX – Air traffic came to a standstill at two of Germany’s largest airports today. Supporters of the last generation stuck themselves on the tarmac at Munich Airport. At the same time, several protesters found their way onto the Berlin BER airport grounds. In doing so, you are directly opposing an important, heavily government-subsidized contributor to the climate catastrophe. The local police were informed shortly before entering the airport premises.
speaker Aimee van Baalen expresses himself decisively: “In a burning world there is no longer any neutrality. We can no longer watch in silence as a few empires drive the world into the abyss and devastate our common livelihood on the backs of everyone. We are always ready for constructive discussions, as was the case yesterday with the Bavarian Interior Minister. But what we need in the face of impending climate hell are actions and not just empty words.”
Air transport is the means of transport for the richest 10% of the world's population and at the same time the ultimate climate killer. It's not just the billions of tons of CO2 that are caused by aircraft every year: the climate-damaging effects of further aviation emissions and Fine dust in the atmosphere increases the damage caused threefold! At the same time, the state subsidies for the aviation industry in Germany solely by waiving kerosene and VAT every year to more than twelve billion euros. The cost of a permanent 9-euro ticket that enables mobility for all people would be significantly lower. Lack of understanding, indignation and resistance are the only justified responses to this deadly and socially unjust policy.
The 59 year old Michael Winters had already been in preventive detention in Bavaria for weeks for his peaceful resistance and today he still went onto the Munich runway. He calls on his fellow human beings to take a stand: “How do you decide? Will you stand by in silence while the government steers us into a deadly hot period or will you join us in the streets? Now, more urgently than ever, we finally need the first simple and socially just measures: a 9-euro ticket that enables mobility for everyone, and a speed limit of 100 km/h on motorways.”
As long as the government blocks even the most basic security measures, the resolve of the Last Generation will not waver. There are also peaceful road blockades in several places in Berlin today. There are also four people from the last generation in prison in Bavaria who were taken into preventative detention without a trial. Two of them until January 5.1.2023th, XNUMX.
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Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 3023591611
Email: [email protected]
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