We follow the imprisoned scientists to Munich. The resistance is just beginning

We hereby declare very clearly: We are expanding our peaceful resistance to Munich in the coming days and will continue it for months.

October 31.10.2022, XNUMX - Supporters of the last generation are back on the streets and signal that the resistance is just beginning.
October 31.10.2022, XNUMX - Supporters of the last generation are back on the streets and signal that the resistance is just beginning.

Scientists from Scientist Rebellion from all over Europe have been protesting in Munich over the past few days, urgently warning about the deadly danger of climate catastrophe; desperate because their findings were not heard for decades. Twelve of them, who were arrested on Saturday during a climate protest in a BMW showroom, will remain in preventive detention in the Stadelheim correctional facility until November 4th in accordance with the Bavarian Police Duties Act - until the start of the upcoming COP27 climate conference.

We won't accept that. We cannot accept this if we want to survive. No, we follow the 12 courageous scientists and join the civil resistance like they did in Munich.

October 31.10.2022, XNUMX - Show of solidarity with the scientists from Scientist Rebellion at the road blockade in front of the Berlin main station.

"I am aware that, according to the Bavarian police law, I have to take preventive measures 30 or even 60 days could be locked up. That doesn't stop me from resisting until the first security measures against climate collapse are taken", says Elena T. (Last generation), who also goes to Bavaria.
“Because Bavaria symbolizes Germany’s climate failure and Germany in turn represents the failure of the entire industrialized world.”

Scientist Rebellion is co-located with Debt4Climate, EndFossil: Occupy! and the last generation in a coalition – Unite Against Climate Failure.
Hugo Raguet, scientist and father from France – currently locked up – at a road blockade in Munich: “It's going to be starvation and was everywhere, including here in Bavaria. I know it, I document it. It's really important that you get that this is true. It's really important that you take a step away from your daily life."

For weeks we appealed for honesty, to speak plainly.
And over weeks of peaceful resistance in Berlin, the federal government continued to fail to implement the simplest security measures.
There is no longer any doubt: the government has no control over this! She fails completely! And thus leads us to destruction.

November 02nd from 19 p.m. (ZOOM)


In the past she has ignored us, then insulted us and cursed us. We were shouted at, hugged and beaten in the streets. But we have come to stay. For the love of life and the confidence that we can create a better world for everyone.

Even today we sit on the streets and sign bridges of Berlin. Two people hold up an empty lab coat at the road blockade at the main train station - a symbol of the imprisoned researchers.
The streets of this country are the place of our peaceful rebellion, the place of our choice. And even if we end up in prison for it, then the cell is the place of our destiny.

And whether we succeed or fail, there is no world in which we do not try, as is our inalienable right and moral duty.
Because in the face of the abyss, there is no future without courage.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 3023591611
E-mail: [email protected]

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