Interruptions in afternoon traffic – Reach your destination with 9 euros! – Conference of Transport Ministers watched with excitement

Berlin, October 13.10.2022, 16, 05:XNUMX a.m – There are also traffic disruptions in Berlin this afternoon. Once again, Last Generation supporters peacefully blocked several motorway exits. The activists are calling on the government to respond to the climate emergency in a socially just manner.

October 13.10.2022th, 70 - زن، زندگی، آزادی (Woman, Life Freedom) is written on the sign of Abo (XNUMX) in solidarity with the women in Iran.

Aimee van Baalen (23), Last Generation speaker explains why people have gathered on the streets today: “It is absurd how the federal government's failed climate and social policy is wantonly blocking the life chances of all people. Even though we are the last generation still capable of acting, the government is not implementing even the simplest social security measures! You have to ask yourself whether she still has the situation under control. That’s why we’re joining the call for affordable public transport for everyone!”

Aimee van Baalen | Photo: (c) Stefan Müller
Aimee van Baalen (23)

Jens Klein-Bösing (42) is a carpenter and works in open child and youth work. He adds: “We would all benefit from a 9 euro ticket. Switching to public transport will become more attractive and affordable for many people. People are becoming more mobile, cities are becoming greener and safer. At the same time, this would be a small but important first step towards the planned and urgently needed climate neutrality. We're all in the same boat! Let’s show the youth how to keep it on course, not how to capsize it.”

The 9 euro ticket turned out to be a complete success in its short duration: Around 1,8 million tons of CO2 were saved in three months alone. Added to this was the high level of support from the population. Reintroducing the ticket would be a simple step towards a livable future, both socially and for the climate. Also the renowned climate scientist Friederike Otto emphasized in an interview: “Every tenth of a degree, every bit of emission really makes a difference".

The supporters of the last generation are therefore looking forward to the transport ministers' conference that is currently taking place. Will the federal and state governments seize the opportunity and continue the success story of the 9 euro ticket? It is clear that the proposals that have been put into play, which are 5 times to 10 times more expensive, would exclude millions of people in Germany. as speakers from the Greens and the Left emphasized. Fatal, because we need public transport that is affordable for everyone in Germany in order to address the climate emergency and at the same time strengthen social trust in one another.

As a temporary solution, committed people have launched a community project - the 9 euro fund. Anyone who pays 9 euros a month here and otherwise travels without a ticket can pay any fines they may incur from the fund.

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Carla Hinrichs
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