Citizens on Berlin's main traffic arteries - call for free travel

Berlin, October 14.10.2022th, 8, XNUMX:XNUMX a.m – Instead of making buses and trains affordable for everyone in Germany, the Conference of Transport Ministers decided yesterday to further delay this measure, which is absolutely necessary in the climate emergency. That's why the people of the last generation are once again sitting on Berlin's main traffic arteries today to make their call for “€9 for everyone” unmistakable. They receive support from BUND representatives who stand behind them with their green banners. Tomorrow, many supporters across the country will be traveling on public transport without a ticket, but instead with banners and signs, and are calling on everyone in Germany to do the same. 
Citizens on Berlin's main traffic arteries - call for free travel
What if the government doesn't have this under control?
Over the past two days, the federal and state transport ministers have been negotiating the continuation of the €9 ticket. At the end of this agreement it is now clear that there should be a ticket for €49, provided the federal government agrees to invest more money in regional public transport.
A speaker of the last generation, Jacob Beyer (28), explains why this result allows additional valuable time to pass that we no longer have in the event of a climate emergency: 
"Let's be clear: the way things are going right now, there may no longer be a German society in a few decades. Pension funds, health insurance, even the rule of law and democracy will be lost."
Jacob Beyer
Jacob Beyer (28)

"In the transport sector, the best security measure against this terrible danger is attractive public transport. But instead of making this available to everyone for €9 a month, the federal government wants to increase this price fivefold. How come? Why is she ignoring this unique opportunity for improvement while all of our lives hang on a knife's edge?”, like this Bayer continue.

Even if many people may not be aware of it: there is Millions of people in Germany who were able to afford mobility again for the first time with the 9 euro ticket. These would be excluded from a much more expensive regulation. With the skyrocketing prices for fossil fuels, this group is also growing larger by the day.

That's why the citizens of the last generation are calling on all their fellow human beings to come tomorrow, Saturday, October 15.10th. traveling on public transport without a ticket. For a Germany in which your wallet doesn't determine whether you can visit your grandmother, while at the same time taking the first safety measures for a green, vibrant world.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Telephone (NEW!): +49 3023591611
Email: [email protected]

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