Statement: Federal government comments on North Sea oil

Two people in high-visibility vests block the street. They hold a banner that says "North Sea oil? Nope!" in the hands.
July 11.07.2022, XNUMX - Citizens block against new oil drilling in the North Sea

Looking at the scientific facts about the impending climate catastrophe, it should be clear to every child that such drilling is absolute fossil madness. New oil drilling would massively fuel the fire that urgently needs to be put out.

Now, in mid-July 2022, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate finally publicly explains to NDR upon request: “The federal government is neither preparing new oil drilling nor is it examining the extent to which these would be possible. […]“

We are very much in favor of the federal government moving away from this fatal step and not wanting to push ahead with new oil drilling in the short term. This is a small step in recognizing the climate emergency. It shows us clearly that our resistance on the streets is effective and has an impact.

But the federal government further explains: “Permits […] are […] the responsibility of the states. The state mining authorities must then […] decide on such applications.” and thereby shifts some of their responsibility to reject the destruction of our livelihoods onto the states. In future projects that deviate from the federal government's course and the coalition agreement, they may allow oil drilling through the back door.

A federal government that realizes that this legislative period will decide the fate of humanity would change the political course towards survival. Recognize the emergency for what it is and massively redirect it. The motto must be not just to save money instead of drilling, but to introduce a speed limit now and build mobility for citizens with free public transport.

The climate emergency situation is already spiraling further out of control: The atmosphere's self-cleaning of the highly climate-warming methane is failing, Over 1000 people died from heat in Europe last week, Italy, France, Greece and Croatia burned, Research was published according to which asylum seekers were thrown into the sea in handcuffs at Europe's border, The Office for Civil Protection warned of uninhabitable areas in Germany.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Telephone (NEW!): +49 3023591611
Email: [email protected]

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