Dressed elegantly and in black - nationwide blockades under the sign of Scholz's Nazi comparison

Stuttgart, Leipzig, Regensburg, Passau, June 07.06.2022th, XNUMX – The peaceful citizens of the last generation interrupted the flow of traffic again this morning with nationwide road blockades. They are against the expansion of fossil energies and especially against new oil drilling in the North Sea. In keeping with Chancellor Olaf Scholz's recent, controversial statements surrounding his alleged Nazi comparison, those blocking today dressed in elegant black under their high-visibility vests.

4 people stand on the street with banners. They stand in a line with their backs to the viewer. They wear black clothes under their high-visibility vests. There are cars opposite you.
June 07.06.2022th, XNUMX - Road blockade in Leipzig in elegant black

The environmental technology engineer is also protesting today, elegantly, in black and wearing a high-visibility vest Wolfgang Metzeler kick. When asked about his motives he states: “I am shocked. As a father but also as a citizen of a country with a cruel past, I see my civic duty as acting in the climate emergency to protect our lives and the rule of law! We're running out of time. Climate collapse and the government's planned further expansion of the deadly fossil infrastructure are leading us to violence, autocracy and hunger."

Wolfgang Metzeler kick
Wolfgang Metzeler kick

And further: "We still have a chance: Through peaceful civil resistance, we will convince Olaf Scholz's government to choose our lives and democracy - a world that I can leave to my children and grandchildren. That's why we call on our fellow citizens to listen to our lectures and come with us on the streets."

Scholz had caused an uproar a few days earlier by losing his temper at the Katholikentag in Stuttgart (May 27.5.2022, XNUMX) in response to Moritz Riedacher from the Last Generation disrupting the event. He presumably compared peaceful protests for climate protection with the time of National Socialism:

"These black-clad productions at different events by the same people remind me of a time long ago - and thank God!” When asked by the dpa a few days later, the Chancellor reiterated his controversial statements: “I think that people dressed in black who are at events are behaving in a way that is not right for democracy."

On the social network Twitter, Scholz's statement led to numerous shows of solidarity with climate activists. Users announced that they would now wear black out of criticism of the Chancellor's statements and posted pictures of Scholz in black clothing.

From June 18.06th, the citizens' movement plans to relocate its peaceful protest back to the federal capital. They announced this to the federal government last Friday open letter

5 people sit on the street with banners. You sit with your back to the viewer. They wear black clothes under their high-visibility vests. There are cars opposite you.
June 07.06.2022th, XNUMX - Road blockade in Passau in elegant black

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]

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