During Habeck's visit to Schwedt - Russian oil turned off

Schwedt, May 9, 2022, 19:30 p.m – On the occasion of Economics and Climate Minister Habeck's visit to the PCK refinery in Schwedt, people of the last generation peacefully turned off the Druschba and PCK oil pipelines again early this evening. The Last Generation calls on Robert Habeck to make a declaration of life and to rule out the construction of new fossil fuel infrastructure, especially further oil drilling in the North Sea.

Edmund Schultz shuts down the PCK pipeline in Schwedt

β€œWe call on the Green Minister Habeck: No new oil drilling in the North Sea! Every further oil drilling and every construction of new fossil infrastructure kills people. This fossil madness is destroying our climate and is murdering us!”said Edmund Schultz, 58, project manager, who carried out peaceful civil resistance today. 

Edmund Schultz (58)

He continued: β€œHere at the refinery in Schwedt it is particularly clear: our dependence on oil, gas and coal has led us to the current crisis with delivery bottlenecks and skyrocketing heating and fuel prices. Because of them, we are held hostage by dictators and pay for their weapons - just like in Ukraine right now. New oil drilling and gas imports from Qatar are only increasing our fossil dependence and funding new wars.”

Solar and wind energy as well as finally a real heat transition are our key to peace and freedom, with them we become independent of dictators and supply bottlenecks.

Wolfgang Metzeler kick
Wolfgang Metzeler kick

Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, a technical environmental protection engineer who peacefully shut down the Druzhba oil pipeline today, then made a desperate appeal to his fellow human beings:

β€œLet us all act as if our survival as humanity depends on it – because it does. We know from our history that civil resistance can bring about good change when more and more people join. We only have a few years left to leave the path of fossil fuel destruction. How will you answer your children when they later ask you what you did during those crucial years?”

When the transport of Russian oil via the Druzhba ('Friendship') and PCK pipelines was peacefully stopped, the four citizens symbolically laid down sunflowers as the national symbol of Ukraine. They then attached themselves to the emergency shut-off valves with a chain.

Miriam Meyer after peacefully turning off the PCK pipeline at the Glantzhof pumping station.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]

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