Hamburg, November 30.05.22rd, 12, 15:XNUMX p.m | On Monday afternoon, students and alumni of the University of Hamburg, together with the group “Last Generation”, occupied the university’s auditorium for an indefinite period of time to demand a public statement from university president Hauke Heekeren that increased oil drilling in the North Sea in view of the climate emergency protection of the lives of the population are incompatible. The occupation was initiated at 12:00 p.m. in order to give a lecture on the role of universities in civil resistance in the university's largest lecture hall instead of the regular 12:15 event.

The aim of the occupation is, as in open letter to Heekeren described that the university president made a “declaration of life” addressed to Robert Habeck. He should publicly declare that Habeck's consideration of increasing drilling for oil in the North Sea is incompatible with protecting the lives of the population. The Last Generation has been campaigning for such a declaration of life by Economics and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck for several weeks by blocking major roads and oil pipelines.

“According to its website, the University of Hamburg sees itself as 'a mediator between science and practice'. In the midst of this emergency, that we are facing the irretrievable collapse of our livelihoods and that we have all the knowledge to avert it, but Robert Habeck is considering intensifying oil drilling in the North Sea, I expect a public statement from my university. This behavior is incompatible with protecting the lives of the population.”, Jana Mestmäcker (30), psychologist, alumna of the university and signatory of the open letter.

“There are only a few years left to set the course for a future worth living. Unfortunately, this also means that once the bachelor's degree is finished, it will be too late. We invite all students at the University of Hamburg to come to the Audimax and find out about the danger of climate catastrophe and civil resistance. For what right do we have to let these years pass, even though it will mean indescribable human suffering?”, Jacob Bilal Hatem, sociology student at the University of Hamburg and signatory of the open letter.
Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]
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