Great solidarity with prisoners – economist Niko Paech justifies uprising

Frankfurt, December 17.04.2022st, XNUMX – 28 committed citizens have been locked up in individual cells since Thursday because they are committed to preserving democracy and the future of all of us.

Photo: Pilgrim

The outrage over the locking up of committed citizens over Easter is enormous. Hundreds of letters have been written in solidarity with people who are using their freedom to fight against the irreparable destruction that fossil fuels are wreaking on the world. The police sometimes did not pass on these letters of solidarity.

The Attorney Mathis Bönte finds the district court's reaction excessive:

“I have the impression that the police and the district court lock people up primarily as a deterrent. That has little to do with the rule of law.”

Niko Paech, leading post-growth economist, yesterday defended the actions of the Last Generation and expressed solidarity:

“The last generation only takes a social majority at their word, which continually demands climate protection and sustainable development, but acts contrary to its own statements. An exposure of this mixture of loss of reality and culture-shaping hypocrisy is historically unavoidable.

If nothing else works, an uprising by those who refuse to participate in the destruction process and act in a confrontational manner is the last chance for a survival program.

That’s why I declare my solidarity with the Last Generation.”

The citizens of the last generation announced further actions against the expansion of fossil infrastructure. Because “As long as the government deliberately fuels the climate catastrophe, people must resist peacefully.”

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
E-mail: [email protected]

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