Hesse, April 28.04.2022, XNUMX - In today's Interior Committee of the Hessian State Parliament, the FDP parliamentary group submitted an urgent report request on the protest actions of the Last Generation. In it, she demands a “stop” and “consistent punishment” of peaceful protests and even brings the Office for the Protection of the Constitution into play. She doesn't say a word about the reasons for these protests and her own responsibility for the justified fear of a large part of the population about a devastating climate emergency. The FDP party leader, Christian Lindner, recently even campaigned for expanded oil drilling in the North Sea.
"In view of the impending climate collapse, this elephant in the room must be clearly identified: The FDP and the Hessian Interior Committee, like the Bundestag recently, are wasting time on suppressing citizens who insist on their human rights and those of their children discuss. Time that we do not have in the closing window of time in which we can still guide humanity onto a safe path!", says Carla Hinrichs.
"The FDP must recognize that the climate collapse will cost billions of people their lives and that any further expansion of fossil infrastructure, which only fuels the collapse, is not compatible with the constitution. But instead she thinks that the mothers, engineers and grandfathers of the last generation are a case for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution", says Leah Bonasera, 25, doctoral student from Berlin.
"Real free democrats do not simply stand idly by while this huge crime is being pushed forward. Every truly free democrat must now sit in peaceful resistance on highways and peacefully turn off pipelines as long as Mr. Lindner seriously considers drilling for oil and gas in our beautiful North Sea", says Henning Jeschke, 22, who held a public conversation with Olaf Scholz about the climate emergency last November after weeks of hunger strike.
Citizens of the last generation recently turned off pipelines across Germany after they became aware of massive, repeated highway blockages in recent months. They have announced further peaceful resistance for the future.
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Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]
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