In the coming weeks there will be unprecedented levels of peaceful disruption in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. They all have the goal of bringing a halt to the deadly continuation of climate and environmental destruction. This international uprising will include sustained blockades of roads and infrastructure, hunger strikes and other determined but peaceful forms of protest.
All around the world, citizens are making personal sacrifices to resist their governments driving climate and environmental collapse and the destruction that comes with it. After global average temperatures rose by 1,2 degrees Celsius and in light of Putin's latest fossil fuel war against Ukraine, ordinary people are standing up against famine, mass displacement and social collapse. These multicultural, cross-generational and cross-class groups will go as far as it takes to achieve their goal without violence. Mass arrests are expected.
What is special about this campaign?
Each group has a specific political demand that has strong popular support and is enforceable. Even governments have acknowledged these demands, at least verbally. In the Canadian province of British Columbia, for example, “Save Old Growth” is calling for a stop to the clearing of old-growth forests – a demand that more than 80% of Canadians support.
The campaign will last several weeks. Volunteers are always welcome.
Save Old Growth (Canada)
Last generation Germany / uprising of the last generation
Last Renovation France / Dernière Rénovation
Last Generation Italy / Ultima Generation
Declare Emergency (US)
Renovate Switzerland
Extinction Rebellion Norway
Andrew George from Fireproof Australia:
“Sydney is expected to be evacuated in the next few decades, Australia will become uninhabitable over time. The Australians are burning and drowning. We are trapped and suffocating from the smoke. We must be able to protect ourselves. We demand seaplanes to fight the fires. We beg that schools and nursing homes be equipped with air filters. We beg that our burned and washed away homes be rebuilt. We are fighting for our survival as we are hit by firestorms and catastrophic floods. We know we have no choice, even if we end up in prison or worse. Fireproof Australia is a desperate response to climate collapse. We will overcome tyrannical negligence.”
Megan Bell from Save Old Growth in Canada:
“We have to get them to stop doing this. I don't want more people to die and lose their homes. I don't want to do this, but I know I have to. We are in the middle of a climate crisis and we must act”.
Carla Hinrichs from the Last Generation in Germany:
“Money for fossil fuels means money for the murders in Ukraine. It means investing in war, hunger and the death of us all. It means an investment in the death of my family. The government must stop all funding, support and construction of fossil fuel infrastructure worldwide. We have to stop this fossil fuel madness, now. It is our duty.”
Augustina Dieguez from “Ultima Generazione- Assemblea ORA!” in Italy:
“I am 25 years old. I don't want to be on the streets every day. I don't want to have to go so far as to get arrested. But despite the climate and ecological emergency, all attempts to persuade governments to adopt a lifestyle compatible with our survival have failed. Traditional forms of protest are not enough to bring about change. Now we must insist on this change through non-violent civil disobedience, because time is up. No strong man, no Superman will come to our aid. We need a stronger democracy to make the decisions that will save us.”
Vebjørn Bjelland Berg, 26, from Extinction Rebellion Norway:
“The Norwegian state is choosing to search for new fossil fuels at a time when international institutions say we urgently need to phase out fossil fuels. This action by the Norwegian state guarantees us a temperature increase of more than two degrees. This is a form of violence. It condemns the global south, the most vulnerable people on earth, to ecological catastrophe in the name of profit. It endangers the lives and well-being of everyone I know and love. The Norwegian state does not have my permission to do this. That’s why I’m going to stand up against it.”
Cécile Bessire from Renovate Switzerland:
“I am 27 years old and used to be a speech therapist. A few months ago I gave up my job to join the civil resistance. The world's best scientists are warning us that what we do in the next two to three years will determine the future of humanity. If we continue as we are, my country and the people I love will be assured of war, famine and violence. I can't accept that. I and other people are simply demanding that the current law be enforced and that our government protects Swiss citizens from climate collapse.”
Linda Edwards from Declare Emergency in the United States:
“I live in Rochester, New York. I am a mother and retired college professor. I went to Washington DC and sat on the streets for three days to call on President Biden to declare a climate emergency. And I will come again and again until he does. I believe that peaceful rebellion is the only thing that will work. I will not stand idly by while the future of all life on Earth needs my help. The time to act is now!”
Campaign demands by country
The government must immediately rebuild the homes of flood and bushfire survivors - leaving no one behind.
The Federal Government must provide a self-sustaining, Australian-based and Australian-owned aerial firefighting fleet to protect us from extended periods of fire and the risk of large-scale fires.
The state and federal governments are doing their duty of care to protect us from toxic bushfire smoke. Starting with the young and vulnerable, by ensuring that all schools, aged care and disability facilities have effective air conditioning and air filters.
Pass a law to immediately end the active clearing of virgin forests in the province of British Columbia.
Our dilemma demand for this campaign will be that the current government commit to implementing 4 home insulation measures proposed by our Citizen's Convention for Climate (CCC).
We demand from the government: Stop funding and expanding all new infrastructure for fossil coal, fossil oil and gas.
1. A public conversation with the ministers on the climate and environmental crisis.
2. The government establishes a national citizens' assembly to enforce binding decisions on the climate and environmental crisis.
The first demand is that the Norwegian government does not issue any new licenses to explore for oil in Norwegian waters.
The second, more far-reaching demand is that the Norwegian government must present a plan that ensures a fair transition for workers in the oil sector to other fields of work.
The Federal Council promises to create a national plan within 4 months that will allow the cantons to renovate the 2040 million apartments that need emergency insulation by 1. This will dramatically reduce CO2 emissions, cut energy bills in half and end the country's dependence on oil states.
This plan will ensure that:
1) by 2023, renovation subsidies will be increased fivefold to 1 billion per year, with a program to protect tenants from rising rents.
2) 2025 additional workers will be trained for the construction industry by 50.000.
United States:
Joe Biden must declare a climate emergency and ban the development of new fossil fuels.
Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]