Last generation announces blockades: Stop the fossil madness!

The Last Generation announces massive road blockades in Berlin on Friday, March 100th to mark the 18th day of the new federal government. After citizens massively blocked highways and most recently ports and airports for five weeks starting at the end of January, large numbers of them will be occupying the streets of Berlin this Friday. They demand: Stop financing and expanding new infrastructure for fossil oil, coal and fossil gas.

Last generation announces blockades with hundreds - Stop the fossil fuel madness!
The highway blockades began on January 24th. Now we're coming back with more people!
Lea Bonasera | Photo: (c) Marlene Charlotte Limburg
Leah Bonasera (24)
Photo: (c) Marlene Charlotte Limburg

“The government will be in office on Friday 24. For a hundred days it has failed to take measures to ensure our survival and to prevent the collapse of our climate and the collapse of our society. The government is failing us! With its fossil carry-on, it sends us hurtling into droughts, famines, flight and war. She has to stop this fossil madness now!” says Lea Bonasera (XNUMX), who has already been blocking in Berlin for several weeks and was in public conversation with Scholz in November.

Carla Hinrichs
Carla Hinrichs (25)

“After 100 days in office of the new government, Germany is taking stock. The frightening and painful record that our government, like those before it, appears unable to protect our Constitution. Not even the simplest, logical and Demands borne by citizens, like the appreciation of our food, she complies. While this is happening Time frame of 2 to 3 years“The area in which we can still act is closing rapidly,” says Carla Hinrichs (25), a law student from Bremen.

Lars Werner
Lars Werner (30)

“I can't stand by and let the government use the precious ones 2 to 3 years let it pass and send us hurtling into the abyss. On Friday I will peacefully but resolutely take my pain and anger to the streets of Berlin with a hundred people. Together with more and more people in civil resistance, we are calling on the government: Do your job!” says Lars Werner (30), clinical psychologist from Göttingen.

The Last Generation is calling for a solidarity day of resistance on the 100th day of the new federal government on March 18th in Berlin. Blockades are planned throughout the day, in which many people will take part. They make it clear that citizens are watching the government and resistance is growing with further government failure.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]