Statement from Essen-Retten to Cem Özdemir

Federal Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir today spoke out about the call for a food-saving law.

Cem Ozdemir
Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir. Photo: © Felix Burchardt for ZEIT ONLINE

Our answer

We believe we must face the reality of our situation. Climate collapse is happening all around us. We face economic chaos and the collapse of law and order within a few years. We will lose our income, pensions and savings and leave our children a terrible legacy. You'll be right to be angry. Around the world, thousands of millions of people will starve or be slaughtered in wars as society collapses.

In the face of impending starvation catastrophes caused by the climate emergency, no good food should be thrown away! It doesn't help us much when Özdemir once again emphasizes that “the fight against food waste” is important. That's great. But these are empty words. We need an immediate Food Saving Act now to reduce food waste. Voluntariness doesn't get us anywhere. Voluntariness has been around forever. Nevertheless, the supermarket bins are full of good food – According to WWF, 14% of food in stores is thrown away.

The country's citizens want change and have decided on measures in the Citizens' Assembly. The law is on the table.

Ernst, who is celebrating his 72nd birthday today, is the grandfather of 8 grandchildren and was just in custody for 2 days. He says:
"We must come together or we will die together.
The country is waiting to see what Olaf Scholz has to say.
If we promise to take the right steps, we'll get off the road
. "

The approach of the food rescuers is and has always been to enable emergency vehicles with flashing lights, including ambulances and fire engines, to pass through roadblocks.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]


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