Hamburg, February 21.2.2022, 7: Since this morning at 30:2030 a.m., citizens have been blocking several main arteries in the port of Hamburg. This is currently causing massive disruptions to the movement of goods on ships and on land. They continue to demand that the federal government pass a food-saving law and implement the resolutions of the Citizens' Climate Assembly by XNUMX.
Blocking against flood disasters and the demise of the Hanseatic city

On Wednesday, February 16.2.2022, XNUMX, the Last Generation once again called on those responsible in the federal government in an open letter to take a stand on the resolutions of the democratic Citizens' Climate Assembly by Sunday evening and to announce a schedule by which a food-saving campaign would take place. Law should be introduced into the Bundestag. There was no reaction.
“Hamburg is the scene of destruction. Its harbor shows the deadly industrial Keep it up, while the effects of the climate crisis will soon no longer be overlooked here. The government must educate the residents: life as we know it today will no longer exist here at the end of this century! Storms and floods show us today how increasing extreme weather events will destroy our city,” says Carla Hinrichs, 25, press spokeswoman for Last Generation, as she blocks the harbor.
The citizens used rapeseed oil on the roadway of the Köhlbrand Bridge to intensify the disturbance after the police had previously been informed. They spilled 60 liters of rapeseed oil on the already closed road. Meanwhile, the Köhlbrand Bridge is blocked in both directions. There is a massive disruption to the deadly everyday life that cannot be ignored.

Carla Rochel, 20, a psychology student and involved in the blockades, says: “Our government must now immediately take the necessary measures, listen to the socially supported plan of the Citizens' Climate Assembly and save our food and lives. 80% of the population supports the decisions of the Citizens' Climate Assembly, and the Germans want to prevent food waste – what is the government waiting for?”

“Any disruption to the disasters we face in the future is nothing compared to the disruption we will experience from floods, hurricanes, droughts and wildfires. I am engaging in civil resistance to demand my right to life. History has shown: When injustice becomes right, resistance becomes a duty!” says Jana Mestmäcker, 29, lecturer in psychology.
We need honesty and responsibility now
In a current survey by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a majority of experts assume that we expect a world of 3°C or even hotter by the end of the century. Four out of five respondents predict “catastrophic impacts from climate change” in their lifetime.
The population deserves education! A 3 degrees hotter world means at least a fifth fewer crops worldwide due to heatwaves, floods and storms. Skyrocketing food prices are inevitable. There will be catastrophic reductions in bees and other insects, desertification and water shortages. In important Growing areas simply become too hot for human life.
Mr Scholz, dear Federal Government:
You can still give in and put an end to the disruption. Choose the safety and well-being of the people living here and the entire world population. Take the necessary steps to avert untold suffering for our children!
Blockades also in Freiburg and Stuttgart
Freiburg/Stuttgart, February 21.2.2022, 8: Since this morning at 15:XNUMX a.m., citizens have been blocking traffic arteries in Freiburg and Stuttgart again. There is another blockade in the port of Hamburg.
After three locations were blocked at the port of Hamburg this morning, one location in Hamburg and two locations in Stuttgart and Freiburg are now being added.
Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]

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