Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart 12:40: The Last Generation has once again significantly expanded its Save Food - Save Lives campaign today and, as of this morning, in addition to Berlin (6 locations) also in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and most recently in Munich Motorways and central federal highways blocked. We were alone this morning 50 people arrested.
“Yes, we allow ourselves to be carried away, we allow ourselves to be arrested, we subject ourselves to the wrath of drivers, because that is nothing compared to the climate hell that awaits us! What does it matter if our society collapses because of the climate catastrophe that brings droughts, food shortages and hunger?” says Ernst Hörmann, 72, former mechanical engineer, “If the government's measure is to lock me up because I draw attention to it, then that's what they should do. “I will do everything non-violently possible to protect my 8 grandchildren.”
“We don’t want to be here today! But we can Don't put our children on that deadly school bus! We only have 2 to 3 years leftto avert the deadly catastrophe. Now the government is called upon,” says Carla Hinrichs, a law student from Bremen and press spokeswoman.
Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]

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