36 hours in a solitary cell and then out on the street? – Environment Minister Lemke believes this is legitimate

Berlin 10.02.2022 – The police are cracking down more and more harshly on disruptions to the “Saving Food – Saving Lives” initiative. So far, people taking part have been sitting in individual cells for up to 36 hours. Barely free, they once again disrupt traffic on Germany's busiest highway - to draw attention to the climate emergency and food waste. Environment Minister Lemke defends people's civil resistance and sees politicians as having a duty to act in order to meet the Paris climate goals.

Food rescuers are taken into police custody
Food rescuers are taken into police custody.

Although the people taking part in disruptive actions are threatened with violence from angry drivers, court proceedings and possible prison sentences, they are determined to carry on.

Ernst (72)

"Why do I continue? Because I love our democracy. Because I am committed to human dignity and the preservation of civilization for all people.”, explains the 72-year-old mechanical engineer Ernst Hörmann about his civic engagement.

He explains the urgency of acting with a quote from Prof. Schellnhuber, one of the most renowned climate scientists in the world and long-time chief advisor to Angela Merkel: “I [Prof. Schellnhuber] tell you that we push our children into a global school bus that has a 98% probability of fatal accident."

Carla Rochel
Carla (19)

"The climate science is clear“, 19-year-old politics student Carla Rochel also explains her decision to continue despite 36 hours in a solitary cell: “We must act now. If we don't, we will knowingly plunge the world into chaos. We knowingly exposed the young generation – my generation – to hunger catastrophes of unprecedented proportions. Wars over food. Wars over water. I can't let that happen.

The group “Essen Saving – Saving Lives” announced that it would continue to disrupt traffic until the government took serious steps towards a comprehensive agricultural turnaround and passed an immediate “Food Saving Law”. According to the initiative, these are the first necessary steps to contain the climate crisis and ensure food security for future generations. Around 80% of the population supports these demands and the reduction of food waste was also stated in the coalition agreement. So far, according to the committed people, it has only been nice words from politicians. Olaf Scholz continues to remain silent and allows huge amounts of good food to be thrown away every day, while those in need stand in ever-longer queues at the food banks.
Until the government finally acts, further disruption will likely occur.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
E-mail: [email protected]


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