The Last Generation group wants to block highways in the Federal Republic from next week. Despite words of approval, the federal government has not passed a food-saving law. So it is time to “increase the pressure” for future food security.
Before motorway blockades are scheduled to follow next week, citizens once again pointed out the absurdity of food waste in “container” campaigns in Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Ravensburg. They picked up food from supermarket trash containers and gave it away to the public. Activities are planned in other cities for the weekend.

“Every year in Germany Approximately 10 million tons of food go into the garbage bin completely unnecessarily produced. This causes around 22 million tonnes of CO2.” clarifies Carla Hinrichs, press spokeswoman for the Last Generation. “We demand a food-saving law like in France that stops this waste in order to prevent a hunger catastrophe in Germany.”
In addition, the last generation is also committed to the implementation of the Demands of the “Citizens’ Climate Assembly” in the area of agriculture a. In 2021, he called for, among other things, an agricultural turnaround by 2030 from the German federal government.
Raúl Semmler from Heidelberg, who was present at the container campaigns, said: “There are more and more people in Germany who cannot eat adequately because they can no longer afford enough food. At the same time, we use it so wastefully in our society. It doesn’t surprise me at all that so many people go hungry when even saving food is a criminal offense.”
However, it has become clear to the people of the last generation that previous forms of protest against food waste, such as containers, are not sufficient, says Carla Hinrichs. Since the group made its demands to the new federal government two months ago, not even a government declaration on a food-saving law has been formulated.
“Although only us three to four years remain to save millions of lives, the government has still not recognized the seriousness of the situation. The issue of food waste does not seem to receive the attention it needs through the container campaigns alone. Since Olaf Scholz and the traffic light coalition have let our ultimatum pass without doing anything, we see ourselves forced to fulfill our duty as citizens.” says Henning Jeschke from the 'Uprising', who went on hunger strike in 2021.
The Last Generation Food-Save-Live-Save campaign will make its announcements come true and massively block highways in Germany starting next week. The blockades will be ended immediately at any time if the German federal government finally tackles the Food Saving Act.
Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: 01577 3247074
Email: [email protected]

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