Renewed motorway blockades from Essen to save lives in Berlin

Berlin - Once again this Wednesday morning, at 8:00 a.m., a good 20 people from Essen Retten - Leben Retten disrupted rush hour traffic by blocking highways in two different locations to demand, among other things, an Essen Saving Act from the federal government. The participating citizens had previously publicly stated that they wanted to continue their resistance non-violently and resolutely until politicians addressed the food crisis due to the climate emergency.

Citizens were stuck on the A114.

Two days ago, on Monday, the same people in Berlin blocked the same two highways until around two dozen people were finally taken into custody. Numerous media representatives were on site and it was reported in many print and some television media, among others on the evening news of the ARTE station.

Renate Künast commented on the motorway blockades of the last generation on Monday with the words “talking is better than blocking”. although she had previously turned down an offer from the Last Generation to talk to her. The Last Generation had already asked her for an interview on December 13, 2021, but the Künast office only said “unfortunately not possible at the moment”. Lea Bonasera, who sent the email, was critical: “Seriously? We need honest politics to address the climate emergency. Finally do your job,” says Lea Bonasera.

December 13.12.2021th, XNUMX - Email to Renate KĂĽnast

Sonja Manderbach, who is also sitting on the street, said: “In the words of the recently deceased, modern wisdom bearer Thich Nhat Hanh (on January 22.1.2022nd, XNUMX): 'My actions are my only true possession. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions.'”

An immediate restructuring towards regenerative agriculture is also required.
Citizens are certainly not alone with their concerns. Numerous public figures expressed solidarity with the demands, which are also not new: “All of our demands come from the Citizens' Climate Assembly. Last summer, 160 representative citizens decided on measures to deal with the impending ecological collapse,” explains spokeswoman Carla Hinrichs. “The results are aimed at the necessary system change and According to Forsa, the majority of them are accepted in society. They show that the population has been wanting to set off for a long time – now the government just has to set sail!”

Spokespersons from Essen Retten – Leben Saving announced that they would continue the actions until the federal government took serious steps to introduce a food saving law.

UPDATE on the highway blockades in Essen Saving – Saving Lives in Berlin

Berlin - Members of the group “Save Food - Save Lives”, who were already peacefully blocking motorway exits on Monday, have given even more emphasis to their determination in today's wave of protests and partially stuck their hands to the street.

Citizens stuck on the highway (Photo: A103)
Citizens stuck on the A103 & A114 (Photo: A103)

The police first had to remove the hands of the people stuck to the street before evacuation, which was sometimes done with scalpels. Three people were taken to hospital. Special police units, a fire truck and an emergency ambulance were on site today. Those involved remain determined to continue the actions.

Around 10 people from today's blockade actions were arrested and are currently in the LKA headquarters at Tempelhofer Damm 12 in Berlin; further arrests are expected. In addition, expulsions were issued until Thursday night.

With their actions, people are saying “Stop!”, drawing attention to the political failure of climate collapse and the associated hunger catastrophe, and are calling for a food-saving law as the first concrete step. They refer with urgency to statements from scientists such as Sir David King, former scientific advisor to the British government, who said in 2021 that the fate of humanity would be decided in the next three to four years.  

Sonja Manderbach, one of the participants, responded to the accusation of “coercion in road traffic/serious interference with road traffic”: “I hate breaking rules. But the federal government is breaking much more important rules than we are: it is depriving young people and future generations of the basic right to feed themselves!”

The “Save Food – Save Lives” group refers to the Citizens’ Assembly, which in 2020/21, under the guidance of experts, developed measures for an agricultural transition suitable for grandchildren by 2030. The legal text of the Essen Saving Act developed by German Zero is available and only needs to be voted on in parliament. Such a law has existed in France since 2016.

Press Contact
Carla Hinrichs
Phone: +49 641 201099549
Email: [email protected]


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