After the end of December Jesuit Father Jörg Alt with a container campaign had attracted nationwide attention, similar solidarity actions with the Uprising of the Last Generation will take place again nationwide this Saturday.
For example, in Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden, Leipzig, Bremen, Mannheim/Heidelberg and Passau, people are planning to publicly give away saved food. Many of the groups, like Jörg Alt, “contain” the food at local supermarkets beforehand.
“The federal government should definitely implement the food-saving law demanded by the last generation”says Melanie Guttmann, who takes part in the campaign in Hamburg. “Our handling of food is totally irresponsible: even saving discarded food is a criminal offense”.
She is referring to the fact that in Germany, taking garbage with you is also considered theft. Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food, also strongly criticized this a few days ago and advocated it Taking action against food waste pronounced.
Find numerous other politicians, including many members of parliament, have had exchanges with Jörg Alt or him on social media in recent weeks Demands of the Last Generation solidarity. “We have asked many of them in the past few days whether they would join the containers on Saturday and put their money where their mouth is,” explains Carla Hinrichs, press spokeswoman for Last Generation. We will report on commitments as soon as the answers are available.